133 resultados para Core promoter

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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CcrM is a DNA methyltransferase that methylates the adenine in GANTC motifs in the chromo-some of the bacterial model Caulobacter crescentus. The loss of the CcrM homolog is lethal in C. crescentus and in several other species of Alphaproteobacteria. In this research, we used different experimental and bioinformatic approaches to determine why CcrM is so critical to the physiology of C. crescentus. We first showed that CcrM is a resident orphan DNA methyltransferase in non-Rickettsiales Alphaproteobacteria and that its gene is strictly conserved in this clade (with only one ex¬ception among the genomes sequenced so far). In C. crescentus, cells depleted in CcrM in rich medium quickly lose viability and present an elongated phenotype characteristic of an im¬pairment in cell division. Using minimal medium instead of rich medium as selective and main¬tenance substrate, we could generate a AccrM mutant that presents a viability comparable to the wild type strain and only mild morphological defects. On the basis of a transcriptomic ap¬proach, we determined that several genes essential for cell division were downregulated in the AccrM strain in minimal medium. We offered decisive arguments to support that the efficient transcription of two of these genes, ftsZ and mipZ, coding respectively for the Z-ring forming GTPase FtsZ and an inhibitor of FtsZ polymerization needed for the correct positioning of the Z- ring at mid-cell, requires the methylation of an adenine in a conserved GANTC motif located in their core promoter region. We propose a model, according to which the genome of C. crescentus encodes a transcriptional activator that requires a methylated adenine in a GANTC context to bind to DNA and suggest that this transcriptional regulator might be the global cell-cycle regulator GcrA. In addition, combining a classic genetic approach and in vitro evolution experiments, we showed that the mortality and cell division defects of the AccrM strain in rich medium are mainly due to limiting intracellular levels of the FtsZ protein. We also studied the dynamics of GANTC methylation in C. crescentus using the SMRT technol¬ogy developed by Pacific Biosciences. Our findings support the commonly accepted model, accord¬ing to which the methylation state of GANTC motifs varies during the cell cycle of C. crescentus: before the initiation of DNA replication, the GANTC motifs are fully-methylated (methylated on both strands); when the DNA gets replicated, the GANTC motifs become hemi-methylated (methyl¬ated on one strand only) and this occurs at different times during replication for different loci along the chromosome depending on their position relative to the origin of replication; the GANTC mo¬tifs are only remethylated after DNA replication has finished as a consequence of the massive and short-lived expression of CcrM in predivisional cells. About 30 GANTC motifs in the C. crescentus chromosome were found to be undermethylated in most of the bacterial population; these might be protected from CcrM activity by DNA binding proteins and some of them could be involved in methylation-based bistable transcriptional switches. - CcrM est une ADN méthyltransférase qui méthyle les adénines dans le contexte GANTC dans le génome de la bactérie modèle Caulobacter crescentus. La perte de l'homologue de CcrM chez C. crescentus et chez plusieurs autres espèces d'Alphaproteobactéries est létale. Dans le courant de cette recherche, nous tentons de déterminer pourquoi la protéine CcrM est cruciale pour la survie de C. crescentus. Nous démontrons d'abord que CcrM est une adénine méthyltransférase orpheline résidente, dont le gène fait partie du génome minimal partagé par les Alphaprotéobactéries non-Rickettsiales (à une exception près). Lorsqu'une souche de C. crescentus est privée de CcrM, sa viabilité décroît rapi¬dement et ses cellules présentent une morphologie allongée qui suggère que la division cellulaire est inhibée. Nous sommes parvenus à créer une souche AccrM en utilisant un milieu minimum, au lieu du milieu riche classiquement employé, comme milieu de sélection et de maintenance pour la souche. Lorsque nous avons étudié le transcriptome de cette souche de C. crescentus privée de CcrM, nous avons pu constater que plusieurs gènes essentiels pour le bon déroulement de la division cellulaire bactérienne étaient réprimés. En particulier, l'expression adéquate des gènes ftsZ et mipZ - qui codent, respectivement, pour FtsZ, la protéine qui constitue, au milieu de la cellule, un anneau protéique qui initie le processus de division et pour MipZ, un inhibiteur de la polymérisation de FtsZ qui est indispensable pour le bon positionnement de l'anneau FtsZ - est dépendante de la présence d'une adénine méthylée dans un motif GANTC conservé situé dans leur région promotrice. Nous présentons un modèle selon lequel le génome de C. crescentus code pour un facteur de transcription qui exige la présence d'une adénine méthylée dans un contexte GANTC pour s'attacher à l'ADN et nous suggérons qu'il pourrait s'agir du régulateur global du cycle cellulaire GcrA. En outre, nous montrons, en combinant la génétique classique et une approche basée sur l'évolution expérimentale, que la mortalité et l'inhibition de la division cellulaire caractéristiques de la souche àccrMeη milieu riche sont dues à des niveaux excessivement bas de protéine FtsZ. Nous avons aussi étudié la dynamique de la méthylation du chromosome de C. crescentus sur la base de la technologie SMRT développée par Pacific Biosciences. Nous confirmons le modèle communément accepté, qui affirme que l'état de méthylation des motifs GANTC change durant le cycle cellulaire de C. crescentus: les motifs GANTC sont complètement méthylés (méthylés sur les deux brins) avant de début de la réplication de l'ADN; ils deviennent hémi-méthylés (méthylés sur un brin seulement) une fois répliqués, ce qui arrive à différents moments durant la réplication pour différents sites le long du chromosome en fonction de leur position par rapport à l'origine de répli-cation; finalement, les motifs GANTC sont reméthylés après la fin de la réplication du chromosome lorsque la protéine CcrM est massivement, mais très transitoirement, produite. Par ailleurs, nous identifions dans le chromosome de C. crescentus environ 30 motifs GANTC qui restent en perma-nence non-méthylés dans une grande partie de la population bactérienne; ces motifs sont probable-ment protégés de l'action de CcrM par des protéines qui s'attachent à l'ADN et certains d'entre eux pourraient être impliqués dans des mécanismes de régulation générant une transcription bistable.


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BACKGROUND: Survival outcomes for patients with glioblastoma remain poor, particularly for patients with unmethylated O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter. This phase II, randomized, open-label, multicenter trial investigated the efficacy and safety of 2 dose regimens of the selective integrin inhibitor cilengitide combined with standard chemoradiotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma and an unmethylated MGMT promoter. METHODS: Overall, 265 patients were randomized (1:1:1) to standard cilengitide (2000 mg 2×/wk; n = 88), intensive cilengitide (2000 mg 5×/wk during wk 1-6, thereafter 2×/wk; n = 88), or a control arm (chemoradiotherapy alone; n = 89). Cilengitide was administered intravenously in combination with daily temozolomide (TMZ) and concomitant radiotherapy (RT; wk 1-6), followed by TMZ maintenance therapy (TMZ/RT→TMZ). The primary endpoint was overall survival; secondary endpoints included progression-free survival, pharmacokinetics, and safety and tolerability. RESULTS: Median overall survival was 16.3 months in the standard cilengitide arm (hazard ratio [HR], 0.686; 95% CI: 0.484, 0.972; P = .032) and 14.5 months in the intensive cilengitide arm (HR, 0.858; 95% CI: 0.612, 1.204; P = .3771) versus 13.4 months in the control arm. Median progression-free survival assessed per independent review committee was 5.6 months (HR, 0.822; 95% CI: 0.595, 1.134) and 5.9 months (HR, 0.794; 95% CI: 0.575, 1.096) in the standard and intensive cilengitide arms, respectively, versus 4.1 months in the control arm. Cilengitide was well tolerated. CONCLUSIONS: Standard and intensive cilengitide dose regimens were well tolerated in combination with TMZ/RT→TMZ. Inconsistent overall survival and progression-free survival outcomes and a limited sample size did not allow firm conclusions regarding clinical efficacy in this exploratory phase II study.


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We describe the transcriptional potentiation in estrogen responsive transcription extracts of the Xenopus vitellogenin B1 gene promoter through the formation of a positioned nucleosome. Nuclease digestion and hydroxyl radical cleavage indicate that strong, DNA sequence-directed positioning of a nucleosome occurs between -300 and -140 relative to the start site of transcription. Deletion of this DNA sequence abolishes the potentiation of transcription due to nucleosome assembly. The wrapping of DNA around the histone core of the nucleosome positioned between -300 and -140 creates a static loop in which distal estrogen receptor binding sites are brought close to proximal promoter elements. This might facilitate interactions between the trans-acting factors themselves and/or RNA polymerase. Such a nucleosome provides an example of how chromatin structure might have a positive effect on the transcription process.


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Expression of the SS18/SYT-SSX fusion protein is believed to underlie the pathogenesis of synovial sarcoma (SS). Recent evidence suggests that deregulation of the Wnt pathway may play an important role in SS but the mechanisms whereby SS18-SSX might affect Wnt signaling remain to be elucidated. Here, we show that SS18/SSX tightly regulates the elevated expression of the key Wnt target AXIN2 in primary SS. SS18-SSX is shown to interact with TCF/LEF, TLE and HDAC but not β-catenin in vivo and to induce Wnt target gene expression by forming a complex containing promoter-bound TCF/LEF and HDAC but lacking β-catenin. Our observations provide a tumor-specific mechanistic basis for Wnt target gene induction in SS that can occur in the absence of Wnt ligand stimulation.


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In liver, the glyoxylate cycle contributes to two metabolic functions, urea and glucose synthesis. One of the key enzymes in this pathway is glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase (GRHPR) whose dysfunction in human causes primary hyperoxaluria type 2, a disease resulting in oxalate accumulation and formation of kidney stones. In this study, we provide evidence for a transcriptional regulation by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) of the mouse GRHPR gene in liver. Mice fed with a PPARalpha ligand or in which PPARalpha activity is enhanced by fasting increase their GRHPR gene expression via a peroxisome proliferator response element located in the promoter region of the gene. Consistent with these observations, mice deficient in PPARalpha present higher plasma levels of oxalate in comparison with their wild type counterparts. As expected, the administration of a PPARalpha ligand (Wy-14,643) reduces the plasma oxalate levels. Surprisingly, this effect is also observed in null mice, suggesting a PPARalpha-independent action of the compound. Despite a high degree of similarity between the transcribed region of the human and mouse GRHPR gene, the human promoter has been dramatically reorganized, which has resulted in a loss of PPARalpha regulation. Overall, these data indicate a species-specific regulation by PPARalpha of GRHPR, a key gene of the glyoxylate cycle.


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BACKGROUND: Vitamin D is an important immune modulator and preliminary data indicated an association between vitamin D deficiency and sustained virologic response (SVR) rates in patients with chronic hepatitis C. We therefore performed a comprehensive analysis on the impact of vitamin D serum levels and of genetic polymorphisms within the vitamin D cascade on chronic hepatitis C and its treatment. METHODS: Vitamin D serum levels, genetic polymorphisms within the vitamin D receptor and the 1α- hydroxylase were determined in a cohort of 468 HCV genotype 1, 2 and 3 infected patients who were treated with interferon-alfa based regimens. RESULTS: Chronic hepatitis C was associated with a high incidence of severe vitamin D deficiency compared to controls (25(OH)D3<10 ng/mL in 25% versus 12%, p<0.00001), which was in part reversible after HCV eradication. 25(OH)D3 deficiency correlated with SVR in HCV genotype 2 and 3 patients (63% and 83% SVR for patients with and without severe vitamin D deficiency, respectively, p<0.001). In addition, the CYPB27-1260 promoter polymorphism rs10877012 had substantial impact on 1-25- dihydroxyvitamin D serum levels and SVR rates in HCV genotype 1, 2 and 3 infected patients. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic hepatitis C virus infection is associated with vitamin D deficiency. Reduced 25- hydroxyvitamin D levels and CYPB27-1260 promoter polymorphism are associated with failure to achieve SVR in HCV genotype 1, 2, 3 infected patients.


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Neonatal diabetes mellitus can be transient or permanent. The severe form of permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus can be associated with pancreas agenesis. Normal pancreas development is controlled by a cascade of transcription factors, where insulin promoter factor 1 (IPF1) plays a crucial role. Here, we describe two novel mutations in the IPF1 gene leading to pancreas agenesis. Direct sequence analysis of exons 1 and 2 of the IPF1 gene revealed two point mutations within the homeobox in exon 2. Genetic analysis of the parents showed that each mutation was inherited from one parent. Mutations localized in helices 1 and 2, respectively, of the homeodomain, decreased the protein half-life significantly, leading to intracellular IPF1 levels of 36% and 27% of wild-type levels. Both mutant forms of IPF1 were normally translocated to the nucleus, and their DNA binding activity on different known target promoters was similar to that of the wild-type protein. However, transcriptional activity of both mutant IPF1 proteins, alone or in combination with HNF3 beta/Foxa2, Pbx1, or the heterodimer E47-beta 2 was reduced, findings accounted for by decreased IPF1 steady state levels and not by impaired protein-protein interactions. We conclude that the IPF1 level is critical for human pancreas formation.


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MHC class II (MHCII) molecules play a pivotal role in the induction and regulation of immune responses. The transcriptional coactivator class II transactivator (CIITA) controls MHCII expression. The CIITA gene is regulated by three independent promoters (pI, pIII, pIV). We have generated pIV knockout mice. These mice exhibit selective abrogation of interferon (IFN)-gamma-induced MHCII expression on a wide variety of non-bone marrow-derived cells, including endothelia, epithelia, astrocytes, and fibroblasts. Constitutive MHCII expression on cortical thymic epithelial cells, and thus positive selection of CD4(+) T cells, is also abolished. In contrast, constitutive and inducible MHCII expression is unaffected on professional antigen-presenting cells, including B cells, dendritic cells, and IFN-gamma-activated cells of the macrophage lineage. pIV(-/-) mice have thus allowed precise definition of CIITA pIV usage in vivo. Moreover, they represent a unique animal model for studying the significance and contribution of MHCII-mediated antigen presentation by nonprofessional antigen-presenting cells in health and disease.


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Lymphocytes regulate their responsiveness to IL-2 through the transcriptional control of the IL-2R alpha gene, which encodes a component of the high affinity IL-2 receptor. In the mouse IL-2R alpha gene this control is exerted via two regulatable elements, a promoter proximal region, and an IL-2-responsive enhancer (IL-2rE) 1.3 kb upstream. In vitro and in vivo functional analysis of the IL-2rE in the rodent thymic lymphoma-derived, CD4- CD8- cell line PC60 demonstrated that three separate elements, sites I, II, and III, were necessary for IL-2 responsiveness; these three sites demonstrate functional cooperation. Site III contains a consensus binding motif for members of the Ets family of transcription factors. Here we demonstrate that Elf-1, an Ets-like protein, binds to site III and participates in IL-2 responsiveness. In vitro site III forms a complex with a protein constitutively present in nuclear extracts from PC60 cells as well as from normal CD4- CD8- thymocytes. We have identified this molecule as Elf-1 according to a number of criteria. The complex possesses an identical electrophoretic mobility to that formed by recombinant Elf-1 protein and is super-shifted by anti-Elf-1 antibodies. Biotinylated IL-2rE probes precipitate Elf-1 from PC60 extracts provided site III is intact and both recombinant and PC60-derived proteins bind with the same relative affinities to different mutants of site III. In addition, by introducing mutations into the core of the site III Ets-like motif and comparing the corresponding effects on the in vitro binding of Elf-1 and the in vivo IL-2rE activity, we provide strong evidence that Elf-1 is directly involved in IL-2 responsiveness. The nature of the functional cooperativity observed between Elf-1 and the factors binding sites I and II remains unresolved; experiments presented here however suggest that this effect may not require direct interactions between the proteins binding these three elements.


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Background: The transcription factor IRF4 is involved in several T-cell-dependent chronic inflammatory diseases. To elucidate the mechanisms for pathological cytokine production in colitis, we addressed the role of the IRF transcription factors in human inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and experimental colitis.Methods: IRF levels and cytokine production in IBD patients were studied as well as the effects of IRF4 deficiency in experimental colitis.Results: In contrast to IRF1, IRF5, and IRF8, IRF4 expression in IBD was augmented in the presence of active inflammation. Furthermore, IRF4 levels significantly correlated with IL-6 and IL-17 mRNA expression and to a lesser extent with IL-22 mRNA expression in IBD. To further explore the role of IRF4 under in vivo conditions, we studied IRF4-deficient and wildtype mice in experimental colitis. In contrast to DSS colitis, IRF4 deficiency was protective in T-cell-dependent transfer colitis associated with reduced ROR alpha/gamma t levels and impaired IL-6, IL-17a, and IL-22 production, suggesting that IRF4 acts as a master regulator of mucosal Th17 cell differentiation. Subsequent mechanistic studies using database analysis, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays identified a novel IRF4 binding site in the IL-17 gene promoter. Overexpression of IRF4 using retroviral infection induced IL-17 production and IL-17 together with IL-6 induced ROR gamma t expression.Conclusions: IRF4 can directly bind to the IL-17 promotor and induces mucosal ROR gamma t levels and IL-17 gene expression thereby controlling Th17-dependent colitis. Targeting of this molecular mechanism may lead to novel therapeutic approaches in human IBD.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked genetic disease caused by the absence of functional dystrophin. Pharmacological upregulation of utrophin, the autosomal homologue of dystrophin, offers a potential therapeutic approach to treat Duchenne patients. Full-length utrophin mRNA is transcribed from two alternative promoters, called A and B. In contrast to the utrophin promoter A, little is known about the factors regulating the activity of the utrophin promoter B. Computer analysis of this second promoter revealed the presence of several conserved binding motives for Ets-transcription factors. Using electrotransfer of cDNA into mouse muscles, we demonstrate that a genetically modified beta-subunit of the Ets-transcription factor GA-binding protein potently activates a utrophin promoter B reporter construct in innervated muscle fibers in vivo. These results make the GA-binding protein and the signaling cascade regulating its activity in muscle cells, potential targets for the pharmacological modulation of utrophin expression in Duchenne patients.


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The Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) is an annotated non-redundant collection of eukaryotic POL II promoters for which the transcription start site has been determined experimentally. Access to promoter sequences is provided by pointers to positions in nucleotide sequence entries. The annotation part of an entry includes a description of the initiation site mapping data, exhaustive cross-references to the EMBL nucleotide sequence database, SWISS-PROT, TRANSFAC and other databases, as well as bibliographic references. EPD is structured in a way that facilitates dynamic extraction of biologically meaningful promoter subsets for comparative sequence analysis. WWW-based interfaces have been developed that enable the user to view EPD entries in different formats, to select and extract promoter sequences according to a variety of criteria, and to navigate to related databases exploiting different cross-references. The EPD web site also features yearly updated base frequency matrices for major eukaryotic promoter elements. EPD can be accessed at http://www.epd.isb-sib.ch


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Low efficiency of transfection is often the limiting factor for acquiring conclusive data in reporter assays. It is especially difficult to efficiently transfect and characterize promoters in primary human cells. To overcome this problem we have developed a system in which reporter gene expression is quantified by flow cytometry. In this system, green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter constructs are co-transfected with a reference plasmid that codes for the mouse cell surface antigen Thy-1.1 and serves to determine transfection efficiency. Comparison of mean GFP expression of the total transfected cell population with the activity of an analogous luciferase reporter showed that the sensitivity of the two reporter systems is similar. However, because GFP expression can be analyzed at the single-cell level and in the same cells the expression of the reference plasmid can be monitored by two-color fluorescence, the GFP reporter system is in fact more sensitive, particularly in cells which can only be transfected with a low efficiency.


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MHC class II (MHCII) molecules play a pivotal role in the induction and regulation of immune responses. The transcriptional coactivator class II transactivator (CIITA) controls MHCII expression. The CIITA gene is regulated by three independent promoters (pI, pIII, pIV). We have generated pIV knockout mice. These mice exhibit selective abrogation of interferon (IFN)-gamma-induced MHCII expression on a wide variety of non-bone marrow-derived cells, including endothelia, epithelia, astrocytes, and fibroblasts. Constitutive MHCII expression on cortical thymic epithelial cells, and thus positive selection of CD4(+) T cells, is also abolished. In contrast, constitutive and inducible MHCII expression is unaffected on professional antigen-presenting cells, including B cells, dendritic cells, and IFN-gamma-activated cells of the macrophage lineage. pIV(-/-) mice have thus allowed precise definition of CIITA pIV usage in vivo. Moreover, they represent a unique animal model for studying the significance and contribution of MHCII-mediated antigen presentation by nonprofessional antigen-presenting cells in health and disease.