162 resultados para Cell Cycle Model
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
The initiation of chromosomal replication must be tightly regulated so that the genome is replicated only once per cell cycle. In most bacteria, DnaA binds to the origin of replication and initiates chromosomal replication. DnaA is a dual-function protein that also acts as an important transcription factor that regulates the expression of many genes in bacteria. Thus, understanding how this protein is regulated during the bacterial cell cycle is of major importance. The α-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus is an excellent model to study the bacterial cell cycle, mainly because it is possible to isolate synchronized cell cultures and because it initiates the replication of its chromosome once per cell cycle and at a specific time of the cell cycle. This latest feature is of special interest for the major aim of my thesis work, which focused on the temporal and spatial regulation of the activity of the essential DnaA protein in C. crescentus. In Escherichia coli, the Hda protein converts ATP-DnaA into ADP- DnaA by stimulating the ATPase activity of DnaA, to prevent over-initiation of chromosome replication. We propose that there exists a similar mechanism in C. crescentus, which is not only involved in the temporal control of chromosome replication, but also in the control of gene expression. First, we provided evidences indicating that the hydrolysis of the ATP bound to DnaA is essential for the viability of C. crescentus. Our results suggest that ATP-DnaA promotes the initiation of chromosome replication, since we found that cells over-expressing a DnaA protein with a mutated ATPase domain, DnaA(R357A), over-initiated chromosome replication, unlike cells expressing the wild-type DnaA protein at similar levels. By contrast, the DnaA(R357A) protein was less active than DnaA in promoting the transcription of three essential genes, suggesting that these may be more efficiently activated by ADP-DnaA than ATP-DnaA. We propose that the ATP-DnaA to ADP-DnaA switch down-regulates the initiation of DNA replication while activating the transcription of several essential genes involved in subsequent cell cycle events. Second, we studied the role of the HdaA protein, homologous to Hda, in promoting the ATP- DnaA to ADP-DnaA switch in C. crescentus. HdaA is essential for viability and its depletion in the cell leads to an over-replication of the chromosome, indicating that HdaA is a negative regulator of DNA replication. HdaA dynamically co-localizes with the replisome. In this work, we identified DnaN, the β-clamp of the DNA polymerase, as the replisome component that interacts directly with HdaA and that recruits HdaA to the replisome in live C. crescentus cells. We also showed that a mutant HdaA protein that cannot interact or co-localize with DnaN is not functional, indicating that HdaA is probably activated by DnaN. However, we found that another non-functional HdaA protein, mutated in the conserved Arginine finger of its AAA+ domain, was able to localize at the replisome, suggesting that the AAA+ domain of HdaA exerts its essential function after the recruitment of HdaA to the replisome. We propose that HdaA stimulates the ATPase activity of DnaA once DNA replication is ongoing, via its interaction with DnaN and the activity of the two conserved R fingers of DnaA and HdaA. Finally, we created different strains in which HdaA, DnaN or DnaA were over-produced. We observed that the over-production of HdaA seems to lead to a delay in chromosome replication, while the over-production of DnaN had an opposite effect. Our results also indicate that the over-production of DnaA may intensify the over-initiation phenotype of cells depleted for HdaA. We conclude that the dynamic interplay of HdaA and DnaN in the cell contributes to regulating the ATP-DnaA/ADP-DnaA ratio in the cell, to ensure once per cell cycle initiation of chromosomal replication in C. crescentus. Altogether, our work provided important information on the regulation of the activity of DnaA in C. crescentus. Since DnaA, HdaA and DnaN are well-conserved proteins, most of our findings are useful to understand how chromosome replication and gene expression are controlled by DnaA in many other bacterial species. - L'initiation de la réplication des chromosomes doit être précisément régulée de telle sorte que le génome ne soit répliqué qu'une seule fois par cycle cellulaire. Chez la plupart des bactéries, DnaA se lie à l'origine de réplication du chromosome et en initie sa réplication. DnaA est aussi un facteur de transcription qui régule l'expression de nombreux gènes bactériens. De ce fait, il est très important de comprendre comment DnaA est régulée au cours du cycle cellulaire bactérien. L'a-protéobactérie Caulobacter crescentus est un excellent modèle pour étudier le cycle cellulaire bactérien, essentiellement parce qu'il est aisé d'isoler des populations de cellules synchronisées à la même étape du cycle cellulaire et parce que cette bactérie n'initie la réplication de son chromosome qu'une seule fois et à un moment précis de son cycle. Cette dernière caractéristique est particulièrement pertinente pour l'objectif de mon travail doctoral, qui consistait à comprendre comment l'activité de la protéine essentielle DnaA est régulée dans l'espace et dans le temps chez C. crescentus. Chez Escherichia coli, la protéine Hda convertie DnaA-ATP en DnaA-ADP en stimulant l'activité ATPasique de DnaA, ce qui empêche la sur-initiation de la réplication du chromosome. Nous proposons qu'un mécanisme similaire existe chez C. crescentus. Il serait non seulement nécessaire au contrôle de la réplication du chromosome, mais aussi au contrôle de l'expression de certains gènes. Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis en évidence le fait que l'hydrolyse de l'ATP lié à DnaA est un processus essentiel à la viabilité de C. crescentus. Nos résultats suggèrent que DnaA-ATP initie la réplication du chromosome, comme nous avons observé que des cellules qui sur-expriment une protéine DnaA(R357A) mutée sans domaine ATPasique fonctionnel, sur-initie la réplication de leur chromosome, contrairement aux cellules qui sur-expriment la protéine DnaA sauvage à des niveaux équivalents. Au contraire, la protéine DnaA(R357A) était moins active que la protéine DnaA sauvage pour promouvoir la transcription de trois gènes essentiels, ce qui suggère que ces derniers sont peut-être plus efficacement activés par DnaA-ADP que DnaA-ATP. Nous proposons que la conversion de DnaA-ATP en DnaA-ADP réprime l'initiation de la réplication, tandis qu'elle active la transcription de plusieurs gènes impliqués dans des étapes plus tardives du cycle cellulaire. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié le rôle de la protéine HdaA, homologue à Hda, dans la conversion de DnaA-ATP en DnaA-ADP chez C. crescentus. Cette protéine est essentielle à la viabilité de C. crescentus et sa déplétion donne des cellules qui sur-initient la réplication de leur chromosome, suggérant que HdaA est un répresseur de la réplication du chromosome. HdaA co-localise de manière dynamique avec le réplisome. Lors de mon travail doctoral, nous avons démontré que DnaN, le β-clamp de l'ADN polymérase, est l'élément qui recrute HdaA au réplisome in vivo. Nous avons aussi montré qu'une protéine HdaA mutante qui ne peut pas interagir ou co-localiser avec DnaN, n'est pas fonctionnelle, ce qui suggère que HdaA est activée par DnaN. Nous avons néanmoins aussi isolé une autre protéine HdaA non fonctionnelle, dont une arginine conservée de son domaine AAA+ était mutée, mais qui pouvait toujours co-localiser avec le réplisome, ce qui suggère que le domaine AAA+ de HdaA est nécessaire après le recrutement de HdaA au réplisome. Nous proposons que HdaA stimule l'activité ATPasique de DnaA qu'une fois que la réplication a commencé, grâce à son interaction avec DnaN et aux deux arginines conservées des protéines HdaA et DnaA. Finalement, nous avons construit différentes souches sur-exprimant HdaA, DnaN ou DnaA. Nous avons observé que la sur-production de HdaA retarde la réplication du chromosome, tandis que la sur-production de DnaN a un effet opposé. Nos observations suggèrent aussi que la sur-expression de DnaA dans des cellules déplétées pour HdaA aggrave leur phénotype de sur-initiation. Nous en concluons que HdaA et DnaN collaborent étroitement et de manière dynamique pour réguler le rapport DnaA-ATP/DnaA-ADP dans la cellule, pour s'assurer que la réplication du chromosome ne soit initiée qu'une seule fois par cycle cellulaire chez C. crescentus. Globalement, notre travail a mis en évidence des informations importantes sur la régulation de l'activité de DnaA chez C. crescentus. Comme DnaA, HdaA et DnaN sont des protéines très conservées, la plupart de nos découvertes sont utiles pour mieux comprendre comment la réplication du chromosome bactérien et l'expression des gènes sont contrôlées par DnaA chez de nombreuses autres espèces bactériennes.
Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels sprouting from existing ones, occurs in several situations like wound healing, tissue remodeling, and near growing tumors. Under hypoxic conditions, tumor cells secrete growth factors, including VEGF. VEGF activates endothelial cells (ECs) in nearby vessels, leading to the migration of ECs out of the vessel and the formation of growing sprouts. A key process in angiogenesis is cellular self-organization, and previous modeling studies have identified mechanisms for producing networks and sprouts. Most theoretical studies of cellular self-organization during angiogenesis have ignored the interactions of ECs with the extra-cellular matrix (ECM), the jelly or hard materials that cells live in. Apart from providing structural support to cells, the ECM may play a key role in the coordination of cellular motility during angiogenesis. For example, by modifying the ECM, ECs can affect the motility of other ECs, long after they have left. Here, we present an explorative study of the cellular self-organization resulting from such ECM-coordinated cell migration. We show that a set of biologically-motivated, cell behavioral rules, including chemotaxis, haptotaxis, haptokinesis, and ECM-guided proliferation suffice for forming sprouts and branching vascular trees.
Genes integrated near the telomeres of budding yeast have a variegated pattern of gene repression that is mediated by the silent information regulatory proteins Sir2p, Sir3p, and Sir4p. Immunolocalization and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) reveal 6-10 perinuclear foci in which silencing proteins and subtelomeric sequences colocalize, suggesting that these are sites of Sir-mediated repression. Telomeres lacking subtelomeric repeat elements and the silent mating locus, HML, also localize to the periphery of the nucleus. Conditions that disrupt telomere proximal repression disrupt the focal staining pattern of Sir proteins, but not necessarily the localization of telomeric DNA. To monitor the telomere-associated pools of heterochromatin-binding proteins (Sir and Rap1 proteins) during mitotic cell division, we have performed immunofluorescence and telomeric FISH on populations of yeast cells synchronously traversing the cell cycle. We observe a partial release of Rap1p from telomeres in late G2/M, although telomeres appear to stay clustered during G2-phase and throughout mitosis. A partial release of Sir3p and Sir4p during mitosis also occurs. This is not observed upon HU arrest, although other types of DNA damage cause a dramatic relocalization of Sir and Rap1 proteins. The observed cell cycle dynamics were confirmed by direct epifluorescence of a GFP-Rap1p fusion. Using live GFP fluorescence we show that the diffuse mitotic distribution of GFP-Rap1p is restored to the interphase pattern of foci in early G1-phase.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta with unknown aetiology. 6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) treatment of neuronal cells is an established in vivo model for mimicking the effect of oxidative stress found in PD brains. We examined the effects of 6-OHDA treatment on human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y) and primary mesencephalic cultures. Using a reverse arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (RAP-PCR) approach we generated reproducible genetic fingerprints of differential expression levels in cell cultures treated with 6-OHDA. Of the resulting sequences, 23 showed considerable homology to known human coding sequences. The results of the RAP-PCR were validated by reverse transcription PCR, real-time PCR and, for selected genes, by Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence. In four cases, [tomoregulin-1 (TMEFF-1), collapsin response mediator protein 1 (CRMP-1), neurexin-1, and phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase (GART)], a down-regulation of mRNA and protein levels was detected. Further studies will be necessary on the physiological role of the identified proteins and their impact on pathways leading to neurodegeneration in PD.
Cells normally grow to a certain size before they enter mitosis and divide. Entry into mitosis depends on the activity of Cdk1, which is inhibited by the Wee1 kinase and activated by the Cdc25 phosphatase. However, how cells sense their size for mitotic commitment remains unknown. Here we show that an intracellular gradient of the dual-specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation regulated kinase (DYRK) Pom1, which emanates from the ends of rod-shaped Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells, serves to measure cell length and control mitotic entry. Pom1 provides positional information both for polarized growth and to inhibit cell division at cell ends. We discovered that Pom1 is also a dose-dependent G2-M inhibitor. Genetic analyses indicate that Pom1 negatively regulates Cdr1 and Cdr2, two previously described Wee1 inhibitors of the SAD kinase family. This inhibition may be direct, because in vivo and in vitro evidence suggest that Pom1 phosphorylates Cdr2. Whereas Cdr1 and Cdr2 localize to a medial cortical region, Pom1 forms concentration gradients from cell tips that overlap with Cdr1 and Cdr2 in short cells, but not in long cells. Disturbing these Pom1 gradients leads to Cdr2 phosphorylation and imposes a G2 delay. In short cells, Pom1 prevents precocious M-phase entry, suggesting that the higher medial Pom1 levels inhibit Cdr2 and promote a G2 delay. Thus, gradients of Pom1 from cell ends provide a measure of cell length to regulate M-phase entry.
SUMMARY LATS2 is a member of the Lats tumour suppressor gene family. The human LATS2 gene is located at chromosome 13q11-12, which has been shown to be a hot spot (67%) for LOH in nonsmall cell lung cancer. Both lats mosaic flies and LATS1 deficient mice spontaneously develop tumours, an observation that is explained by the function of LATS1 in suppressing tumourigenesis by negatively regulating cell proliferation by modulating Cdc2/Cyclin A activity. LATS1 also plays a critical role in maintenance of ploidy through its action on the spindle assembly checkpoint. Initial insights into the function of LATS2 reveals that the protein is involved in the G2/M transition of the cell cycle, whereby it controls the phosphorylation status of Cdc25C. The aim of the present study was to identify LATS2 interacting partners that would provide a more thorough understanding of the molecular pathways in which the protein is involved. The yeast two-hybrid system identified a number of candidate genes that interact with LATS2. Most of the interactions were confirmed biochemically by GST-pull down assays that enabled us to demonstrate that LATS2 is an integral component of the Signalosome complex. The Signalosome is thought to be required for the establishment of functional Cullin-based E3 ubiquitin ligases, the substrate-recognition elements of the ubiquitin-mediated protein proteolytic pathway. The findings that LATS2 also interacts with all of the components of the E3 enzymes allows us to postulate that LATS2 is probably involved in the regulation of this Signalosome-E3 super-complex. In addition, the discovery that LATS2 associates with multiple protein kinases localised at the cellular membrane and in various signalling cascades supports the idea that LATS2 functions as an integrator of signals which allows it to monitor the activity of these pathways and translate these signals through its action on the Signalosome. Furthermore, the observation that a kinase-dead LATS2 mutant arrests at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, demonstrates that the protein, through the action of its kinase domain, is crucial for progression through the cell cycle, an action in accordance to its proposed role as a regulator of E3 ubiquitin ligases. The findings presented herein provide evidence that LATS2 associates with the Signalosome-E3 ubiquitin ligases super-complex which governs protein stability. Any alteration of the protein would have a strong impact on pathways that modulate cell proliferation, as shown by its implication in tumourigenesis. RESUME LATS2 est un membre de la famille de gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs LATS. Le gène humain LATS2 est situé sur le chromosome 13q11-12, une région qui s'est avérée être un point sensible (67%) dans la perte d'hétérozigosité (LOH) notamment pour le cancer du poumon. Le fait que des tumeurs se développent spontanément chez les souris qui sont déficientes pour le gène LATS1 ainsi que dans des cellules mutantes pour LATS chez la Drosophile, est expliqué Par la fonction de LATS1, qui est de supprimer l'apparition de tumeurs en réprimant la prolifération cellulaire à travers sa capacité à réguler l'activité de Cdc2/Cyciine A. LATS1 joue également un rôle important au niveau du maintient de la ploïdie de la cellule, au travers de son action sur les points de contrôle de l'assemblage du fuseau mitotique. Les premières études du gène LATS2 indiquent que la protéine est, par son contrôle des réactions de phosphorylation de la Cdc25C, impliquée dans la transition 021M. Le but de cette étude était d'identifier les protéines qui interagissent avec LATS2, en vue d'obtenir une compréhension plus approfondie des mécanismes moléculaires dans lesquels LATS2 se trouve engagée. Le système de double-hybride chez la levure a permis l'identification d'un grand nombre de gènes qui interagissent avec LATS2. La plupart des interactions ont été confirmées par GST «pull clown», une technique in vitro qui a permis de démontrer que LATS2 est un composant intégral du Signalosome. Ce complexe est supposé réguler l'activité des E3 ubiquitine-rigases, les éléments responsables du recrutement des substrats qui doivent être recyclés par la voie de dégradation ubiquitine-dépendante. Les résultats obtenus indiquent également que LATS2 interagit avec tous les composants des enzymes E3, ce qui nous permet de soumettre l'idée selon laquelle la protéine LATS2 est en fait impliquée dans la régulation du complexe Signalosorne-E3. De plus, la découverte que LATS2 se trouve associée à plusieurs protéines kinases localisées au niveau de la membrane cellulaire, ainsi que dans diverses voies de transduction, confirment l'idée que LATS2 fonctionne en tant que molécule qui intègre les signaux en provenance de ces différentes voies cellulaires. De ce fait, il lui serait possible de coordonner la destruction des protéines au moyen du complexe Signalosome, permettant ainsi de réprimer l'activité des voies de signalisation. En outre, l'introduction d'une mutation dans le domaine kinase de LATS2 résulte en l'arrêt du cycle cellulaire en G2/M, ce qui montre que la protéine, au travers de son domaine kinase, est cruciale pour le bon fonctionnement du cycle cellulaire, ceci en accord avec son rôle proposé comme régulateur des E3 ubiquitine-ligases. Les résultats présentés dans ce manuscrit démontrent que la protéine LATS2 se trouve associée au complexe Signalosome-E3 qui régule la dégradation des protéines. La moindre modification de la protéine engendrerait des répercussions importantes au niveau des voies de transduction qui contrôlent fa prolifération ceilulaire, ce qui atteste du rôle déterminant que joue LAT32 dans la tumorigénèse.
Background: Alliance evolutions, i.e. ruptures and resolutions over the course of psychotherapy, have been shown to be important descriptive features in different forms of psychotherapy, and in particular in psychodynamic psychotherapy. This case study of a client presenting elements of adjustment disorder undergoing short-term dynamic psychotherapy is drawn from a systematic naturalistic study and aims at illustrating, on a session-by-session-level, the processes of alliance ruptures and resolutions, by comparing both the client's and the therapist's perspectives. Method: Two episodes of alliance evolution were more fully studied, in relation to the evolution of transference, as well as the client's defensive functioning and core conflictual theme. These concepts were measured by means of valid, reliable observer-rater methods, based on session transcripts: the Defense Mechanisms Rating Scales (DMRS) for defensive functioning and the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) for the conflicts. Alliance was measured after each session using the Helping Alliance questionnaire (HAq-II). Results: The results indicated that these episodes of alliance rupture and resolutions may be understood as key moments of the whole therapeutic process reflecting the client's main relationship stakes. Illustrations are provided based on the client's in-session processes and related to the alliance development over the course of the entire therapy.
Metacaspases (MCAs) are distant orthologues of caspases and have been proposed to play a role in programmed cell death in yeast and plants, but little is known about their function in parasitic protozoa. The MCA gene of Leishmania major (LmjMCA) is expressed in actively replicating amastigotes and procyclic promastigotes, but at a lower level in metacyclic promastigotes. LmjMCA has a punctate distribution throughout the cell in interphase cells, but becomes concentrated in the kinetoplast (mitochondrial DNA) at the time of the organelle's segregation. LmjMCA also translocates to the nucleus during mitosis, where it associates with the mitotic spindle. Overexpression of LmjMCA in promastigotes leads to a severe growth retardation and changes in ploidy, due to defects in kinetoplast segregation and nuclear division and an impairment of cytokinesis. LmjMCA null mutants could not be generated and following genetic manipulation to express LmjMCA from an episome, the only mutants that were viable were those expressing LmjMCA at physiological levels. Together these data suggest that in L. major active LmjMCA is essential for the correct segregation of the nucleus and kinetoplast, functions that could be independent of programmed cell death, and that the amount of LmjMCA is crucial. The absence of MCAs from mammals makes the enzyme a potential drug target against protozoan parasites.
Inhibition of PKB (protein kinase B) activity using a highly selective PKB inhibitor resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression only if cells were in early G1 phase at the time of addition of the inhibitor, as demonstrated by time-lapse cinematography. Addition of the inhibitor during mitosis up to 2 h after mitosis resulted in arrest of the cells in early G1 phase, as deduced from the expression of cyclins D and A and incorporation of thymidine. After 24 h of cell cycle arrest, cells expressed the cleaved caspase-3, a central mediator of apoptosis. These results demonstrate that PKB activity in early G1 phase is required to prevent the induction of apoptosis. Using antibodies, it was demonstrated that active PKB translocates to the nucleus during early G1 phase, while an even distribution of PKB was observed through cytoplasm and nucleus during the end of G1 phase.
Circadian cycles and cell cycles are two fundamental periodic processes with a period in the range of 1 day. Consequently, coupling between such cycles can lead to synchronization. Here, we estimated the mutual interactions between the two oscillators by time-lapse imaging of single mammalian NIH3T3 fibroblasts during several days. The analysis of thousands of circadian cycles in dividing cells clearly indicated that both oscillators tick in a 1:1 mode-locked state, with cell divisions occurring tightly 5 h before the peak in circadian Rev-Erbα-YFP reporter expression. In principle, such synchrony may be caused by either unidirectional or bidirectional coupling. While gating of cell division by the circadian cycle has been most studied, our data combined with stochastic modeling unambiguously show that the reverse coupling is predominant in NIH3T3 cells. Moreover, temperature, genetic, and pharmacological perturbations showed that the two interacting cellular oscillators adopt a synchronized state that is highly robust over a wide range of parameters. These findings have implications for circadian function in proliferative tissues, including epidermis, immune cells, and cancer.
Presented here is a cell-suspension model for positive selection using thymocytes from alphabeta-TCR (H-2Db-restricted) transgenic mice specific to the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) on a nonselecting MHC background (H-2d or TAP-1 -/-), cocultured with freshly isolated adult thymus stromal cells of the selecting MHC type. The thymic stromal cells alone induced positive selection of functional CD4- CD8+ cells whose kinetics and efficiency were enhanced by nominal peptide. Fibroblasts expressing the selecting MHC alone did not induce positive selection; however, together with nonselecting stroma and nominal peptide, there was inefficient positive. These results suggest multiple signaling in positive selection with selection events able to occur on multiple-cell types. The ease with which this model can be manipulated should greatly facilitate the resolution of the mechanisms of positive selection in normal and pathological states.
Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon treated with low doses (0.5 nM) of epidermal growth factor (EGF) showed a small, transient increase in DNA synthesis but no significant changes in total DNA and protein content. By contrast, treatment with high doses (13 nM) of EGF caused a marked stimulation of DNA synthesis as well as a net increase in DNA and protein content. The expression of the astrocyte-specific enzyme, glutamine synthetase, was greatly enhanced both at low and at high EGF concentrations. These results suggest that at low concentration EGF stimulates exclusively the differentiation of astrocytes, whereas at high concentration, EGF has also a mitogenic effect. Nonproliferating astrocytes in cultures treated with 0.4 microM 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl-cytosine were refractory to EGF treatment, indicating that their responsiveness to EGF is cell cycle-dependent. Binding studies using a crude membrane fraction of 5-day cultures showed a homogeneous population of EGF binding sites (Kd approximately equal to 2.6 nM). Specific EGF binding sites were found also in non-proliferating (and nonresponsive) cultures, although they showed slightly reduced affinity and binding capacity. This finding suggests that the cell cycle-dependent control of astroglial responsiveness to EGF does not occur at the receptor level. However, it was found that the specific EGF binding sites disappear with progressive cellular differentiation.
Bacteria must control the progression of their cell cycle in response to nutrient availability. This regulation can be mediated by guanosine tetra- or pentaphosphate [(p)ppGpp], which are synthesized by enzymes of the RelA/SpoT homologue (Rsh) family, particularly under starvation conditions. Here, we study the effects of (p)ppGpp on the cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus, an oligotrophic bacterium with a dimorphic life cycle. C. crescentus divides asymmetrically, producing a motile swarmer cell that cannot replicate its chromosome and a sessile stalked cell that is replication competent. The swarmer cell rapidly differentiates into a stalked cell in appropriate conditions. An artificial increase in the levels of (p)ppGpp in nonstarved C. crescentus cells was achieved by expressing a truncated relA gene from Escherichia coli, encoding a constitutively active (p)ppGpp synthetase. By combining single-cell microscopy, flow cytometry approaches, and swarming assays, we show that an increase in the intracellular concentration of (p)ppGpp is sufficient to slow down the swarmer-to-stalked cell differentiation process and to delay the initiation of chromosome replication. We also present evidence that the intracellular levels of two master regulators of the cell cycle of C. crescentus, DnaA and CtrA, are modulated in response to (p)ppGpp accumulation, even in the absence of actual starvation. CtrA proteolysis and DnaA synthesis seem indirectly inhibited by (p)ppGpp accumulation. By extending the life span of the motile nonreproductive swarmer cell and thus promoting dispersal and foraging functions over multiplication under starvation conditions, (p)ppGpp may play a central role in the ecological adaptation of C. crescentus to nutritional stresses.
On 19 January 2014 Rolf ('Roffe') Bernander passed away unexpectedly. Rolf was a dedicated scientist; his research aimed at unravelling the cell biology of the archaeal domain of life, especially cell cycle-related questions, but he also made important contributions in other areas of microbiology. Rolf had a professor position in the Molecular Evolution programme at Uppsala University, Sweden for about 8 years, and in January 2013 he became chair professor at the Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute at Stockholm University in Sweden. Rolf was an exceptional colleague and will be deeply missed by his family and friends, and the colleagues and co-workers that he leaves behind in the scientific community. He will be remembered for his endless enthusiasm for science, his analytical mind, and his quirky sense of humour.