45 resultados para Ce3 ion

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Metabolic labeling techniques have recently become popular tools for the quantitative profiling of proteomes. Classical stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell cultures (SILAC) uses pairs of heavy/light isotopic forms of amino acids to introduce predictable mass differences in protein samples to be compared. After proteolysis, pairs of cognate precursor peptides can be correlated, and their intensities can be used for mass spectrometry-based relative protein quantification. We present an alternative SILAC approach by which two cell cultures are grown in media containing isobaric forms of amino acids, labeled either with 13C on the carbonyl (C-1) carbon or 15N on backbone nitrogen. Labeled peptides from both samples have the same nominal mass and nearly identical MS/MS spectra but generate upon fragmentation distinct immonium ions separated by 1 amu. When labeled protein samples are mixed, the intensities of these immonium ions can be used for the relative quantification of the parent proteins. We validated the labeling of cellular proteins with valine, isoleucine, and leucine with coverage of 97% of all tryptic peptides. We improved the sensitivity for the detection of the quantification ions on a pulsing instrument by using a specific fast scan event. The analysis of a protein mixture with a known heavy/light ratio showed reliable quantification. Finally the application of the technique to the analysis of two melanoma cell lines yielded quantitative data consistent with those obtained by a classical two-dimensional DIGE analysis of the same samples. Our method combines the features of the SILAC technique with the advantages of isobaric labeling schemes like iTRAQ. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of isobaric SILAC with immonium ion splitting as well as possible ways to improve it


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AbstractAcidosis is encountered during tissue inflammation and triggers pain in humans. H+-gated ion channels are expressed at high levels in sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Ion channels from two different families present the required pH sensitivity to detect the acidosis associated with peripheral inflammation: Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs) and the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channel.ASICs are members of the Degenerin/Epithelial Na+ Channel family of ion channels. Six ASIC subunits have been identified in mammals (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 and -4). ASICs form In-activated voltage-insensitive homo- or heterotrimeric Na+ channels. TRPV1 is a member of the TRP family of ion channels and forms non-selective cation channels that mediate a sustained current. TRPV1 is activated by H+, heat (T>43C), lipids, capsaicin, voltage and other stimuli. A stimulus can increase TRPV1 response to a different stimulus. For example H+ can shift the capsaicin concentration dependence of TRPV1 to lower values. ASICs and TRPV1 have been shown to be involved in inflammatory pain. Using the patch-clamp technique, we studied different aspects of the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in the physiological context of pain.In the first part of this thesis, we characterize the effect of a temperature increase from 25 to 35C on the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in transfected CHO cells and primary cultures of rat DRG sensory neurons. ASICs give rise to transient currents while TRPV1 mediates a sustained current. In addition, ASICs and TRPV1 respond to H+ with distinct pH dependences. We assess the relative contribution of ASICs and TRPV1 to H+-evoked electrical signaling in rat DRG neurons and we conclude that ASICs are the most important pH sensors in the pH range 7.4 to 6.0 at 35C in sensory neurons.ASICs and TRPV1 are expressed in the epithelium lining the lumen of the bladder (urothelium). The Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) is a painful condition associated with a dysfunction of the urothelial barrier and with inflammation. In the second part of this thesis, we show that human urothelial cells -the cell line TEU2 and primary cultures of human bladder urothelium- express functional ASICs but no functional TRPV1 channels. In addition, we show that the levels of ASIC2 and ASIC3 mRNA are increased in the urothelium of patients suffering from BPS/IC. These data suggest that ASICs are involved in the pathology of BPS/IC.Finally, we demonstrate that APETx2 inhibits the sensory neuron specific voltage-dependent Na+ channel Nav1.8. APETx2 was previously shown to inhibit homo- or heterotrimeric ASIC3- containing channels with IC5o from 0.08 to 1 μΜ. We show that APETx2 also inhibits Nav1.8 with an ICsoof 2.6 μΜ. APETx2 reduces the maximal conductance and induces a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of activation of Nav1.8. In current-clamp experiments, APETx2 reduces the number of action potentials (APs) evoked by a current ramp. Nav1.8 mediates most of the current during the AP upstroke and has been shown to be an important mediator of inflammatory pain. The fact that APETx2 inhibits two ion channels involved in inflammatory pain suggests that APETx2 or derivatives may represent novel analgesic compounds.RsumL'acidose tissulaire est observe durant l'inflammation et entraine la douleur chez l'humain. Des canaux ioniques activs par les protons (H+) sont fortement exprims dans les neurones sensoriels du systme nerveux priphrique. De ceux-ci, les Acid-Sensing Ion Channels [ASICs) et Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) prsentent une sensibilit adquate l'acidit pour servir de dtecteurs d'acidose.Les ASICs sont membres de la famille Degenerin/Epithelial Na* Channel. Six sous-units ASIC ont t identifies chez les mammifres (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 et -4). Les ASICs forment des canaux slectifs au Na\ insensibles au voltage et activs par les H+. Les canaux fonctionnels sont des homo- ou htrotrimres de sous-units ASIC. TRPV1 est un membre de la famille TRP de canaux ioniques. Les canaux TRPV1 sont activs par les H+, la chaleur (T>43), les lipides, la capsaicine, le voltage et d'autres stimulus. L'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu non-slectif. Un stimulus peut augmenter la rponse de TRPV1 un autre stimulus. Les H+ peuvent, par exemple, induire un dcalage vers des valeurs plus faibles de la courbe de dpendance la concentration de TRPV1 pour la capsaicine. Il a t dmontr que les ASICs et TRPV1 sont impliqus dans la douleur inflammatoire. En utilisant la technique du patch-clamp, nous avons tudi diffrents aspects de la fonction des ASICs et de TRPV1 dans des contextes associs la douleur.Dans la premire partie de cette thse, nous caractrisons l'effet d'une augmentation de temprature de 25 35C sur la fonction des canaux ASICs et TRPV1, dans des cellules CHO transfectes et dans des cultures primaires de neurones sensoriels (DRG) de rat. L'activation des ASICs entraine l'apparition d'un courant transitoire tandis que l'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu. De plus, les ASICs et TRPV1 possdent des dpendances au pH diffrentes. Nous valuons la contribution relative des ASICs et de TRPV1 au signalement lectrique induit par les H+ et nous concluons que les ASICs sont les senseurs d'acidit les plus importants dans les neurones sensoriels, dans le domaine de pH de 7.4 6.0, temprature corporelle.Les ASICs et TRPV1 sont exprims dans l'pithlium recouvrant l'intrieur de la vessie (l'urothlium). Le Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) est une condition mdicale douloureuse associe une dysfonction de la barrire urothliale et une inflammation. Dans la seconde partie de cette thse, nous dmontrons que des cellules urothliales (de la ligne cellulaire TEU2) et des cellules provenant de cultures primaires d'pithliums de vessies humaines expriment des canaux ASIC fonctionnels mais pas de TRPV1 fonctionnels. De plus, nous montrons que le niveau d'expression de ASIC2 et -3 est augment dans l'urothlium de la vessie de patients souffrant de BPS/IC. Ces donnes suggrent que les ASICs sont impliqus dans la pathologie BPS/IC.Pour finir, nous dmontrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe le canal spcifique aux neurones sensoriels Nav1.8, un membre de la famille des canaux sodiques dpendants du potentiel. Il a t dmontr prcdemment que la toxine APETx2 inhibe les canaux contenant une ou plusieurs sous-units ASIC3 avec un ICso entre 0.08 et 1 μΜ. Nous montrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe Nav1.8 avec un IC50 de 2.6 μΜ. La toxine APETx2 rduit la conductance maximale et induit un dcalage de la dpendance au potentiel de Nav1.8 vers des valeurs plus positives. Dans des expriences de courant impos sur des neurones sensoriels, la toxine APETx2 rduit le nombre de potentiels d'action induits par une rampe de courant. Nav1.8 est responsable de la majeure partie du courant durant la phase ascendante du potentiel d'action et a t dmontr comme tant un mdiateur important de la douleur inflammatoire. L'inhibition de deux types de canaux, impliqus dans la douleurs inflammatoire, par la toxine APETx2, suggre que cette dernire ou ses drivs reprsentent des composs analgsiques prometteurs.


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The mechanisms through which aldosterone promotes apparently opposite effects like salt reabsorption and K(+) secretion remain poorly understood. The identification, localization, and physiological analysis of ion transport systems in distal nephron have revealed an intricate network of interactions between several players, revealing the complex mechanism behind the aldosterone paradox. We review the mechanisms involved in differential regulation of ion transport that allow the fine tuning of salt and K(+) balance.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this work was to study the influence of cell differentiation on the mRNA expression of transporters and channels in Caco-2 cells and to assess Caco-2 cells as a model for carrier-mediated drug transport in the intestines. METHOD: Gene mRNA expression was measured using a custom-designed microarray chip with 750 deoxyoligonucleotide probes (70mers). Each oligomer was printed four times on poly-lysine-coated glass slides. Expression profiles were expressed as ratio values between fluorescence intensities of Cy3 and Cy5 dye-labeled cDNA derived from poly(A) + RNA samples of Caco-2 cells and total RNA of human intestines. RESULTS: Significant differences in the mRNA expression profile of transporters and channels were observed upon differentiation of Caco-2 cells from 5 days to 2 weeks in culture, including changes for MAT8, S-protein, and Nramp2. Comparing Caco-2 cells of different passage number revealed few changes in mRNAs except for GLUT3, which was down-regulated 2.4-fold within 13 passage numbers. Caco-2 cells had a similar expression profile when either cultured in flasks or on filters but differed more strongly from human small and large intestine, regardless of the differentiation state of Caco-2 cells. Expression of several genes highly transcribed in small or large intestines differed fourfold or more in Caco-2 cells. CONCLUSIONS: Although Caco-2 cells have proven a suitable model for studying carrier-mediated transport in human intestines, the expression of specific transporter and ion channel genes may differ substantially.


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Rsum grand public :Le cerveau se compose de cellules nerveuses appeles neurones et de cellules gliales dont font partie les astrocytes. Les neurones communiquent entre eux par signaux lectriques et en librant des molcules de signalisation comme le glutamate. Les astrocytes ont eux pour charge de capter le glucose depuis le sang circulant dans les vaisseaux sanguins, de le transformer et de le transmettre aux neurones pour qu'ils puissent l'utiliser comme source d'nergie. L'astrocyte peut ensuite utiliser ce glucose de deux faons diffrentes pour produire de l'nergie : la premire s'opre dans des structures appeles mitochondries qui sont capables de produire plus de trente molcules riches en nergie (ATP) partir d'une seule molcule de glucose ; la seconde possibilit appele glycolyse peut produire deux molcules d'ATP et un driv du glucose appel lactate. Une thorie couramment dbattue propose que lorsque les astrocytes capturent le glutamate libr par les neurones, ils librent en rponse du lactate qui servirait de base nergtique aux neurones. Cependant, ce mcanisme n'envisage pas une augmentation de l'activit des mitochondries des astrocytes, ce qui serait pourtant bien plus efficace pour produire de l'nergie.En utilisant la microscopie par fluorescence, nous avons pu mesurer les changements de concentrations ioniques dans les mitochondries d'astrocytes soumis une stimulation glutamatergique. Nous avons dmontr que les mitochondries des astrocytes manifestent des augmentations spontanes et transitoires de leur concentrations ioniques, dont la frquence tait diminue au cours d'une stimulation avec du glutamate. Nous avons ensuite montr que la capture de glutamate augmentait la concentration en sodium et acidifiait les mitochondries des astrocytes. En approfondissant ces mcanismes, plusieurs lments ont suggr que l'acidification induite diminuerait le potentiel de synthse d'nergie d'origine mitochondriale et la consommation d'oxygne dans les astrocytes. En rsum, l'ensemble de ces travaux suggre que la signalisation neuronale impliquant le glutamate dicte aux astrocytes de sacrifier temporairement l'efficacit de leur mtabolisme nergtique, en diminuant l'activit de leurs mitochondries, afin d'augmenter la disponibilit des ressources nergtiques utiles aux neurones.Rsum :La remarquable efficacit du cerveau compiler et propager des informations cote au corps humain 20% de son budget nergtique total. Par consquent, les mcanismes cellulaires responsables du mtabolisme nergtique crbral se sont adquatement dvelopps pour rpondre aux besoins nergtiques du cerveau. Les dernires dcouvertes en neuronergtique tendent dmontrer que le site principal de consommation d'nergie dans le cerveau est situ dans les processus astrocytaires qui entourent les synapses excitatrices. Un nombre croissant de preuves scientifiques a maintenant montr que le transport astrocytaire de glutamate est responsable d'un cot mtabolique important qui est majoritairement pris en charge par une augmentation de l'activit glycolytique. Cependant, les astrocytes possdent galement un important mtabolisme nergtique de type mitochondrial. Par consquent, la localisation spatiale des mitochondries proximit des transporteurs de glutamate suggre l'existence d'un mcanisme rgulant le mtabolisme nergtique astrocytaire, en particulier le mtabolisme mitochondrial.Afin de fournir une explication ce paradoxe nergtique, nous avons utilis des techniques d'imagerie par fluorescence pour mesurer les modifications de concentrations ioniques spontanes et voques par une stimulation glutamatergique dans des astrocytes corticaux de souris. Nous avons montr que les mitochondries d'astrocytes au repos manifestaient des changements individuels, spontans et slectifs de leur potentiel lectrique, de leur pH et de leur concentration en sodium. Nous avons trouv que le glutamate diminuait la frquence des augmentations spontanes de sodium en diminuant le niveau cellulaire d'ATP. Nous avons ensuite tudi la possibilit d'une rgulation du mtabolisme mitochondrial astrocytaire par le glutamate. Nous avons montr que le glutamate initie dans la population mitochondriale une augmentation rapide de la concentration en sodium due l'augmentation cytosolique de sodium. Nous avons galement montr que le relchement neuronal de glutamate induit une acidification mitochondriale dans les astrocytes. Nos rsultats ont indiqu que l'acidification induite par le glutamate induit une diminution de la production de radicaux libres et de la consommation d'oxygne par les astrocytes. Ces tudes ont montr que les mitochondries des astrocytes sont rgules individuellement et adaptent leur activit selon l'environnement intracellulaire. L'adaptation dynamique du mtabolisme nergtique mitochondrial opr par le glutamate permet d'augmenter la quantit d'oxygne disponible et amne au relchement de lactate, tous deux bnfiques pour les neurones.Abstract :The remarkable efficiency of the brain to compute and communicate information costs the body 20% of its total energy budget. Therefore, the cellular mechanisms responsible for brain energy metabolism developed adequately to face the energy needs. Recent advances in neuroenergetics tend to indicate that the main site of energy consumption in the brain is the astroglial process ensheating activated excitatory synapses. A large body of evidence has now shown that glutamate uptake by astrocytes surrounding synapses is responsible for a significant metabolic cost, whose metabolic response is apparently mainly glycolytic. However, astrocytes have also a significant mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. Therefore, the location of mitochondria close to glutamate transporters raises the question of the existence of mechanisms for tuning their energy metabolism, in particular their mitochondrial metabolism.To tackle these issues, we used real time imaging techniques to study mitochondrial ionic alterations occurring at resting state and during glutamatergic stimulation of mouse cortical astrocytes. We showed that mitochondria of intact resting astrocytes exhibited individual spontaneous and selective alterations of their electrical potential, pH and Na+ concentration. We found that glutamate decreased the frequency of mitochondrial Na+ transient activity by decreasing the cellular level of ATP. We then investigated a possible link between glutamatergic transmission and mitochondrial metabolism in astrocytes. We showed that glutamate triggered a rapid Na+ concentration increase in the mitochondrial population as a result of plasma-membrane Na+-dependent uptake. We then demonstrated that neuronally released glutamate also induced a mitochondrial acidification in astrocytes. Glutamate induced a pH-mediated and cytoprotective decrease of mitochondrial metabolism that diminished oxygen consumption. Taken together, these studies showed that astrocytes contain mitochondria that are individually regulated and sense the intracellular environment to modulate their own activity. The dynamic regulation of astrocyte mitochondrial energy output operated by glutamate allows increasing oxygen availability and lactate production both being beneficial for neurons.


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A clinically significant proportion of couples experience difficulty in conceiving a child. In about half of these cases male infertility is the cause and often genetic factors are involved. Despite advances in clinical diagnostics ∼50% of male infertility cases remain idiopathic. Based on this, further analysis of infertile males is required to identify new genetic factors involved in male infertility. This review focuses on cation channel of sperm (CATSPER)-related male infertility. It is based on PubMed literature searches using the keywords 'CATSPER', 'male infertility', 'male contraception', 'immunocontraception' and 'pharmacologic contraception' (publication dates from January 1979 to December 2009). Previously, contiguous gene deletions including the CATSPER2 gene implicated the sperm-specific CATSPER channel in syndromic male infertility (SMI). Recently, we identified insertion mutations of the CATSPER1 gene in families with recessively inherited nonsyndromic male infertility (NSMI). The CATSPER channel therefore represents a novel human male fertility factor. In this review we summarize the genetic and clinical data showing the role of CATSPER mutation in human forms of NSMI and SMI. In addition, we discuss clinical management and therapeutic options for these patients. Finally, we describe how the CATSPER channel could be used as a target for development of a male contraceptive.


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Glucocorticoids reduce diabetic macular edema, but the mechanisms underlying glucocorticoid effects are imperfectly elucidated. Glucocorticoids may bind to glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MR) receptors. We hypothesize that MR activation may influence retinal hydration. The effect of the MR agonist aldosterone (24 h) on ion/water channel expression (real-time PCR, Western blot, immunofluorescence) was investigated on cultured retinal Mller glial cells (RMGs, which contribute to fluid homeostasis in the retina), in Lewis rat retinal explants, and in retinas from aldosterone-injected eyes. We evidenced cell-specific expression of MR, GR, and 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II. Aldosterone significantly enhances expression of sodium and potassium channels ENaC-alpha (6.5-fold) and Kir4.1 (1.9-fold) through MR and GR occupancy, whereas aquaporin 4 (AQP4, 2.9-fold) up-regulation is MR-selective. Aldosterone intravitreous injection induces retinal swelling (24% increase compared to sham-injected eyes) and activation of RMGs. It promotes additional localization of Kir4.1 and AQP4 toward apical microvilli of RMGs. Our results highlight the mineralocorticoid-sensitivity of the neuroretina and show that aldosterone controls hydration of the healthy retina through regulation of ion/water channels expression in RMGs. These results provide a rationale for future investigations of abnormal MR signaling in the pathological retina.


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Stable isotope labels are routinely introduced into proteomes for quantification purposes. Full labeling of cells in varying biological states, followed by sample mixing, fractionation and intensive data acquisition, is used to obtain accurate large-scale quantification of total protein levels. However, biological processes often affect only a small group of proteins for a short time, resulting in changes that are difficult to detect against the total proteome background. An alternative approach could be the targeted analysis of the proteins synthesized in response to a given biological stimulus. Such proteins can be pulse-labeled with a stable isotope by metabolic incorporation of 'heavy' amino acids. In this study we investigated the specific detection and identification of labeled proteins using acquisition methods based on Precursor Ion Scans (PIS) on a triple-quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. PIS-based methods were set to detect unique immonium ions originating from labeled peptides. Different labels and methods were tested in standard mixtures to optimize performance. We showed that, in comparison with an untargeted analysis on the same instrument, the approach allowed a several-fold increase in the specificity of detection of labeled proteins over unlabeled ones. The technique was applied to the identification of proteins secreted by human cells into growth media containing bovine serum proteins, allowing the preferential detection of labeled cellular proteins over unlabeled bovine ones. However, compared with untargeted acquisitions on two different instruments, the PIS-based strategy showed some limitations in sensitivity. We discuss possible perspectives of the technique.


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SUMMARY Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are non-voltage gated sodium channels. They are activated by rapid extracellular acidification and generate an inactivating inward current. Four ASIC genes have been cloned: ASIC1, 2, 3 and 4, with variants a and b for ASIC1and AS1C2. ASICs are expressed in neurons of the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). In the CNS, ASICs have a role in learning, memory, as well as in neuronal death in ischemia. In the PNS, ASICs are involved in the perception of acid-induced pain, as well as in mechanoperception. In one part of my thesis project, we addressed the question of the mechanism of regulation of ASIC1 a by the serine protease trypsin at the molecular level. Trypsin modifies the function of ASIC1 a but not of ASIC1b. In order to identify the channel region responsible for this effect, we created chimeras between ASIC1 a and 1b. Subsequently, to identify the exact trypsin target(s), we mutated predicted trypsin sites in the region identified by the chimera. In the second part of a project, we investigated the role of ASICs at the cellular level, in neuronal signaling. Using the whole-cell patch clamp in hippocampal neuronal culture, we studied the potential involvement of ASICs in action potential (AP) generation. In the first part of the thesis work, we showed that trypsin modifies ASIC1a function: it shifts the pH activation and the steady-state inactivation curve towards more acidic values and accelerates the time course of the channel recovery from inactivation. We also showed that trypsin cleaves ASIC1a and that the functional effect and a channel cleavage correlate. In the inactivated state, channels cannot be modified by trypsin. Cleavage occurs in a channel region that is also important for inactivation of all ASICs; a part of this region is critical for the inhibition of ASIC1 a by the spider toxin Psalmotoxin1. In the second part of the thesis work, we showed that ASIC activity can modulate AP generation. ASIC activity by itself can induce trains of APs. In situations in which this activity by itself is not sufficient to induce APs, it can contribute to AP generation. During high neuronal activity, ASIC activity can block already existing trains of APs. In conclusion, depending on the activity of neuron in a particular moment, ASICs can differently modulate AP generation; they can induce, facilitate or inhibit APs. We also showed that trypsin changes the capability of ASICs to modulate AP generation by shifting the pH dependence to more acidic values, which adapts channel gating to pH conditions which may occur in pathological conditions such as ischemia. Our finding that trypsin modifies ASIC1 a function identifies a novel pharmacological tool, and proposes a mechanism of ASIC1a regulation that may have a physiological importance. The identification of the exact site of trypsin action gives insight to the molecular mechanisms of ASIC regulation. This work proposes a role in modulation of AP generation for ASICs in the CNS. RESUME Les canaux ASIC sont les canaux ioniques activs par l'acidification rapide extracellulaire. Activs, ils gnrent un courant entrant qui inactive en prsence de stimulus acide. Quatre gnes ASIC ont t clons, ASIC1, 2, 3 et 4, avec les variants a et b pour ASIC1 et 2. Les ASICs sont exprims dans les neurones du systme nerveux central (SNC) et priphrique (SNP). Dans le SNC, les ASIC ont un rle dans le mmoire, apprentissage et la mort neuronale dans t'ischmie. Dans le SNP, ils ont un rle dans la perception de la douleur et mchanosensation. Dans une partie de mon projet de thse, nous avons tudi les mcanismes de la rgulation d'ASIC1a par la srine-protase trypsine au niveau molculaire. La trypsine modifie la fonction d'ASIC1a et pas ASIC1b. Nous avons cr les chimres entre ASIC1 a et 1 b, afin d'identifier la rgion du canal responsable pour l'effet. Pour identifier le(s) site(s) exactes de l'action de la trypsine, nous avons mut les sites potentiels de la trypsine dans la rgion identifie par les chimres. Dans la deuxime partie du projet, nous avons tudi le rle des ASICs au niveau cellulaire. En utilisant la technique du patch clamp dans les cultures des neurones de l'hippocampe, nous avons tudi l'implication des ASICs dans la gnration des potentiels d'action (PA). Nous avons montr que la trypsine agit sur le canal ASIC1a ; elle dcale l'activation et steady-state inactivation vers les valeurs plus acides, et elle raccourcit le temps du recovery du canal. La trypsine coupe ASIC1a sur le rsidu K145 et l'effet fonctionnel et la coupure corrlent. Nous avons identifi la rgion du canal responsable pour l'inactivation de tous les ASICs ; une partie de cette rgion est responsable pour ['inhibition d'ASIC1 a par la Psalmotoxinel . Nous avons montr que les ASICs peuvent moduler la gnration des PAs. L'activit des ASICs peut induire les trains des PAs. Quand l'activit des ASICs n'est pas suffisante pour induire le PA, elle peut contribuer sa gnration. Pendant l'activit neuronale forte, l'activit des ASICs peut bloquer les trains des PAs qui existent dj. En conclusion, dpendant de l'activit neuronale, les ASICs peuvent moduler la gnration des PAs diffremment ; ils peuvent induire, faciliter ou inhiber les PAs. La trypsine change la capacit des ASICs de moduler les PAs. Aprs l'action de la trypsine, les ASICs peuvent moduler la gnration des PAs dans les conditions lgrement acides, suivies par les fluctuations du pH acide, qui peuvent exister dans l'ischmie. Le fait que la trypsine agit sur ASIC1a dfinit l'outil pharmacologique et propose le mcanisme de la rgulation d'ASICI a qui pourrait avoir l'importance physiologique. L'identification du site de l'action de la trypsine claircit les mcanismes molculaires de la rgulation des ASICs. Cette tude propose un rle des ASICs dans la modulation de la gnration des PAs. Rsum pour le public large Les neurones sont les cellules de systme nerveux dont la fonction est la signalisation. Comme toutes les autres cellules, les neurones ont une membrane qui spare l'intrieur du milieu extrieur. Cette membrane est impermable pour des particules charges (ions). Dans cette membrane existent les protines spcifiques, canaux , qui permettent le transport des ions d'un ct de la membrane l'autre, comme rponse aux stimuli diffrents. Ce transport des ions travers la membrane gnre un courant, qu'on peut mesurer. Ce courant est la base de la communication entre les neurones, ou, ce qu'on appelle la signalisation neuronale. Quand ce courant est suffisamment grand, il permet la gnration du potentiel d'action, qui est le message principal de communication neuronale. Les canaux ASIC (acid-sensing ion channel), que nous tudions dans le laboratoire, sont activs par les acides. Les acides sont relchs dans beaucoup de situations dans le systme nerveux. Les ASIC ont t dcouverts rcemment (en 1996), et nous ne connaissons pas encore trs bien toutes les fonctions de ces canaux. Nous savons qu'ils ont un rle dans le mmoire, apprentissage, la sensation de la douleur et l'infarctus crbral. Dans la premire partie de ce projet de thse, nous avons voulu mieux comprendre comment fonctionnent ces canaux. Pour faire a, nous avons tudi la rgulation des ASICs par une protine, trypsine, qui coupe le canal ASIC. Nous avons tudi ou exactement la trypsine coupe le canal et quels effets a produit sur la fonction du canal. Dans la deuxime partie du projet de thse, nous avons voulu mieux connatre comment le canal fonctionne au niveau de la cellule, comment il interagit avec les autres canaux et si il a un rle dans la gnration des potentiels d'action. Nous avons pu montrer que la trypsine change la fonction du canal, ce qui lui permet de fonctionner diffremment. Nous avons aussi dtermin ou exactement ta trypsine coupe le canal. Au niveau de la cellule, nous avons montr que les ASIC peuvent moduler la gnration des potentiels d'action, tant, dpendant de l'activit du neurone, soit activateurs, soit inhibiteurs. La trypsine est une molcule qui peut tre libre dans le systme nerveux pendant certaines conditions, comme l'infarctus crbral. A cause de a, les connaissances que la trypsine agit sur le anal ASIC pourraient tre important physiologiquement. La connaissance de l'endroit exacte ou la trypsine coupe le canal nous aide mieux comprendre la relation structure-fonction du canal. La modulation de la gnration des potentiels d'actions par les ASIC indique que ces canaux peuvent avoir un rle important dans la signalisation neuronale.


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+) channels that belong to the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family. ASICs are transiently activated by a rapid drop in extracellular pH. Conditions of low extracellular pH, such as ischemia and inflammation in which ASICs are thought to be active, are accompanied by increased protease activity. We show here that serine proteases modulate the function of ASIC1a and ASIC1b but not of ASIC2a and ASIC3. We show that protease exposure shifts the pH dependence of ASIC1a activation and steady-state inactivation to more acidic pH. As a consequence, protease exposure leads to a decrease in current response if ASIC1a is activated by a pH drop from pH 7.4. If, however, acidification occurs from a basal pH of approximately 7, protease-exposed ASIC1a shows higher activity than untreated ASIC1a. We provide evidence that this bi-directional regulation of ASIC1a function also occurs in neurons. Thus, we have identified a mechanism that modulates ASIC function and may allow ASIC1a to adapt its gating to situations of persistent extracellular acidification.


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BACKGROUND: The study aimed to compare the cost-effectiveness of concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme versus initial radiotherapy alone from a public health care perspective. METHODS: The economic evaluation was performed alongside a randomized, multicenter, phase 3 trial. The primary endpoint of the trial was overall survival. Costs included all direct medical costs. Economic data were collected prospectively for a subgroup of 219 patients (38%). Unit costs for drugs, procedures, laboratory and imaging, radiotherapy, and hospital costs per day were collected from the official national reimbursement lists based on 2004. For the cost-effectiveness analysis, survival was expressed as 2.5 years restricted mean estimates. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was constructed. Confidence intervals for the ICER were calculated using the Fieller method and bootstrapping. RESULTS: The difference in 2.5 years restricted mean survival between the treatment arms was 0.25 life-years and the ICER was euro37,361 per life-year gained with a 95% confidence interval (CI) ranging from euro19,544 to euro123,616. The area between the survival curves of the treatment arms suggests an increase of the overall survival gain for a longer follow-up. An extrapolation of the overall survival per treatment arm and imputation of costs for the extrapolated survival showed a substantial reduction in ICER. CONCLUSIONS: The ICER of euro37,361 per life-year gained is a conservative estimate. We concluded that despite the high TMZ acquisition costs, the costs per life-year gained are comparable to accepted first-line treatment with chemotherapy in patients with cancer.


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+)-selective channels that are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. ASICs are involved in fear and anxiety, learning, neurodegeneration after ischemic stroke, and pain sensation. The small molecule 2-guanidine-4-methylquinazoline (GMQ) was recently shown to open ASIC3 at physiological pH. We have investigated the mechanisms underlying this effect and the possibility that GMQ may alter the function of other ASICs besides ASIC3. GMQ shifts the pH dependence of activation to more acidic pH in ASIC1a and ASIC1b, whereas in ASIC3 this shift goes in the opposite direction and is accompanied by a decrease in its steepness. GMQ also induces an acidic shift of the pH dependence of inactivation of ASIC1a, -1b, -2a, and -3. As a consequence, the activation and inactivation curves of ASIC3 but not other ASICs overlap in the presence of GMQ at pH 7.4, thereby creating a window current. At concentrations >1 mm, GMQ decreases maximal peak currents by reducing the unitary current amplitude. Mutation of residue Glu-79 in the palm domain of ASIC3, previously shown to be critical for channel opening by GMQ, disrupted the GMQ effects on inactivation but not activation. This suggests that this residue is involved in the consequences of GMQ binding rather than in the binding interaction itself. This study describes the mechanisms underlying the effects of a novel class of ligands that modulate the function of all ASICs as well as activate ASIC3 at physiological pH.


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The annual meeting of the French Ion Channels Society, held on the Mediterranean coast of France, is aimed at gathering the international scientific community working on various aspects of ion channels. In this report of the 19th edition of the meeting, held in September 2008, we summarize selected symposia on aspects of the ion channel field from fundamental to clinical research. The meeting is an opportunity for leading investigators as well as young researchers to present and discuss their recent advances and future challenges in the ion channel field.