26 resultados para Camps vectorials

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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BACKGROUND: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a leading cause of chronic morbidity and mortality in muscular dystrophy (MD) patients. Current pharmacological treatments are not yet able to counteract chronic myocardial wastage, thus novel therapies are being intensely explored. MicroRNAs have been implicated as fine regulators of cardiomyopathic progression. Previously, miR-669a downregulation has been linked to the severe DCM progression displayed by Sgcb-null dystrophic mice. However, the impact of long-term overexpression of miR-669a on muscle structure and functionality of the dystrophic heart is yet unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Here, we demonstrate that intraventricular delivery of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors induces long-term (18 months) miR-669a overexpression and improves survival of Sgcb-null mice. Treated hearts display significant decrease in hypertrophic remodeling, fibrosis, and cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Moreover, miR-669a treatment increases sarcomere organization, reduces ventricular atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) levels, and ameliorates gene/miRNA profile of DCM markers. Furthermore, long-term miR-669a overexpression significantly reduces adverse remodeling and enhances systolic fractional shortening of the left ventricle in treated dystrophic mice, without significant detrimental consequences on skeletal muscle wastage. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide the first evidence of long-term beneficial impact of AAV-mediated miRNA therapy in a transgenic model of severe, chronic MD-associated DCM.


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This paper presents a semisupervised support vector machine (SVM) that integrates the information of both labeled and unlabeled pixels efficiently. Method's performance is illustrated in the relevant problem of very high resolution image classification of urban areas. The SVM is trained with the linear combination of two kernels: a base kernel working only with labeled examples is deformed by a likelihood kernel encoding similarities between labeled and unlabeled examples. Results obtained on very high resolution (VHR) multispectral and hyperspectral images show the relevance of the method in the context of urban image classification. Also, its simplicity and the few parameters involved make the method versatile and workable by unexperienced users.


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In the recent years, kernel methods have revealed very powerful tools in many application domains in general and in remote sensing image classification in particular. The special characteristics of remote sensing images (high dimension, few labeled samples and different noise sources) are efficiently dealt with kernel machines. In this paper, we propose the use of structured output learning to improve remote sensing image classification based on kernels. Structured output learning is concerned with the design of machine learning algorithms that not only implement input-output mapping, but also take into account the relations between output labels, thus generalizing unstructured kernel methods. We analyze the framework and introduce it to the remote sensing community. Output similarity is here encoded into SVM classifiers by modifying the model loss function and the kernel function either independently or jointly. Experiments on a very high resolution (VHR) image classification problem shows promising results and opens a wide field of research with structured output kernel methods.


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L'année 2003 est l'année du Bicentenaire, mais aussi celle de l'entrée en vigueur d'une nouvelle Constitution vaudoise. Après quatre ans de travaux, l'Assemblée constituante a accouché d'une charte appelée à régir la vie politique du canton pendant plusieurs décennies. Les débats ont cependant fait peu de place à l'histoire des idées politiques, qui ont modelé l'action des gouvernants, et à l'histoire constitutionnelle, dans laquelle ont été façonnées à un degré ou à un autre les grandes questions du temps présent. Il existe certes un grand nombre d'études qui abordent ces thématiques. Une foule de questions n'ont cependant pas encore été explorées et, surtout, les tentatives de montrer les liens presque organiques entre l'histoire des constitutions et l'histoire des idées sont rares. Il était donc intéressant de regrouper sous un toit commun des études abordant ces deux aspects de notre histoire. Aucun examen exhaustif n'était bien sûr possible. Il s'agit d'éclairages qui montreront combien certains débats constitutionnels ont baigné dans des ambiances intellectuelles particulières, arrimées à des événements ou à des courants de pensée qui ne pouvaient laisser les Vaudois indifférents. L'ouvrage est subdivisé en trois parties : - droits politiques et institutions ; - justice et finances publiques ; - histoire des idées politiques. L'histoire du canton de Vaud issu de l'Acte de Médiation est riche de débats politiques d'une haute tenue, où se croisent les influences les plus variées. C'est à une découverte de certaines d'entre elles qu'invite le présent ouvrage ; une manière d'entrer dans les soubassements historiques de la nouvelle Constitution vaudoise. L'ouvrage rassemble dix-neuf contributions, qui mettent toutes en évidence le profond enracinement intellectuel des débats ayant entouré la naissance des diverses constitutions vaudoises. Les auteurs de ces textes sont juristes, politologues ou historiens, au seuil de leur carrière ou dotés d'une riche expérience professionnelle, rattachés aux différents camps qui segmentent la vie politique. Le livre se nourrit de ces multiples vocations, de ces multiples sensibilités, et montre que l'histoire ne peut être soumise à un angle de vue unique. Il est agrémenté de vingt-cinq illustrations environ, dont plusieurs sont tirées de journaux satiriques vaudois du XIXe et du XXe siècle.


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Background: Pharmacists, mainly militiamen, are incorporated in the Swiss Armed Forces, for instance in hospital battalions to supply drugs and medical devices, as well as to coordinate hygiene service. Presently, their duties are only very globally defined. Aims: The objective of this survey was to investigate the tasks that were actually assumed by the military pharmacy of the 2nd Hospital Battalion. Methods: Two types of commitments, offering military and civilian interest's convergence, were considered between 2005 and 2011: (1) army camps for the disabled and (2) operations and supports provided to two nursing homes. While relieving the civil caregiver usually involved with disabled or elderly people, such missions offer indeed the possibility to the army medical service to train its care and logistical processes with real patients, even in the absence of any sanitary crisis or war in the country. Results: Two basis activities have been assumed: (1) centralized supply of drugs and medical devices and (2) coordination of hygiene monitoring and disinfection operations. New tasks were also performed: (3) support to the management of ward-based pharmacies, (4) pillboxes preparation, (5) medication review and (6) selective participation in clinical rounds. The last two were integrated in an interdisciplinary education process. Conclusions: Results shows that, apart from traditional duties, new clinical-oriented activities have been evenly developed and assumed by militia pharmacists. They call thus for a possible renewed definition of the tasks of military hospital pharmacists and of their related military education. A wider study in all hospital battalions is yet mandatory.


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In this paper, we present and apply a semisupervised support vector machine based on cluster kernels for the problem of very high resolution image classification. In the proposed setting, a base kernel working with labeled samples only is deformed by a likelihood kernel encoding similarities between unlabeled examples. The resulting kernel is used to train a standard support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Experiments carried out on very high resolution (VHR) multispectral and hyperspectral images using very few labeled examples show the relevancy of the method in the context of urban image classification. Its simplicity and the small number of parameters involved make it versatile and workable by unexperimented users.


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Peut-on débattre sur cet arrière-plan topique universel que sont les Droits de l'Homme ? Si tout le monde est d'accord avec ces principes, est-il encore possible d'assister à d'irrémédiables coupures argumentatives entre deux camps pratiquant le dialogue de sourds (Angenot 2008) ? L'analyse d'un corpus tout à fait particulier qui représente toute une production textuelle servant aux citoyens suisses pour se forger une opinion avant un référendum tend à montrer que oui. Ce corpus journalistique et politique se fonde sur un cas assez aigu de débat autour de la liberté d'expression. Ces textes commentent un projet émanant de citoyens suisses qui visait à interdire à l'exécutif fédéral de se prononcer sur un sujet de vote pendant la campagne précédant la votation, le but étant de ne pas influencer par leur autorité le choix des citoyens. Restreindre ainsi la liberté d'expression au profit supposé d'une liberté de choix et de discernement conduit à une bataille entre deux camps. La rhétorique éristique qui en résulte confirme l'hypothèse du dialogue de sourds en se fondant sur une stigmatisation du camp adverse, un combat autour de définitions clés et un désaccord sur le relevé des problèmes. Moins que des arguments, les adversaires se renvoient des questions de frontières, de lexique et de légitimité.


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We present a novel filtering method for multispectral satellite image classification. The proposed method learns a set of spatial filters that maximize class separability of binary support vector machine (SVM) through a gradient descent approach. Regularization issues are discussed in detail and a Frobenius-norm regularization is proposed to efficiently exclude uninformative filters coefficients. Experiments carried out on multiclass one-against-all classification and target detection show the capabilities of the learned spatial filters.


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The analysis of multi-modal and multi-sensor images is nowadays of paramount importance for Earth Observation (EO) applications. There exist a variety of methods that aim at fusing the different sources of information to obtain a compact representation of such datasets. However, for change detection existing methods are often unable to deal with heterogeneous image sources and very few consider possible nonlinearities in the data. Additionally, the availability of labeled information is very limited in change detection applications. For these reasons, we present the use of a semi-supervised kernel-based feature extraction technique. It incorporates a manifold regularization accounting for the geometric distribution and jointly addressing the small sample problem. An exhaustive example using Landsat 5 data illustrates the potential of the method for multi-sensor change detection.


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