em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
We reviewed our surgery registry, to identify predictive risk factors for operative results, and to analyse the long-term survival outcome in octogenarians operated for primary isolated aortic valve replacement (AVR). A total of 124 consecutive octogenarians underwent open AVR from January 1990 to December 2005. Combined procedures and redo surgery were excluded. Selected variables were studied as risk factors for hospital mortality and early neurological events. A follow-up (FU; mean FU time: 77 months) was obtained (90% complete), and Kaplan-Meier plots were used to determine survival rates. The mean age was 82+/-2.2 (range: 80-90 years; 63% females). Of the group, four patients (3%) required urgent procedures, 10 (8%) had a previous myocardial infarction, six (5%) had a previous coronary angioplasty and stenting, 13 patients (10%) suffered from angina and 59 (48%) were in the New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III-IV. We identified 114 (92%) degenerative stenosis, six (5%) post-rheumatic stenosis and four (3%) active endocarditis. The predicted mortality calculated by logistic European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (EuroSCORE) was 12.6+/-5.7%, and the observed hospital mortality was 5.6%. Causes of death included severe cardiac failure (four patients), multi-organ failure (two) and sepsis (one). Complications were transitory neurological events in three patients (2%), short-term haemodialysis in three (2%), atrial fibrillation in 60 (48%) and six patients were re-operated for bleeding. Atrio-ventricular block, myocardial infarction or permanent stroke was not detected. The age at surgery and the postoperative renal failure were predictors for hospital mortality (p value <0.05), whereas we did not find predictors for neurological events. The mean FU time was 77 months (6.5 years) and the mean age of surviving patients was 87+/-4 years (81-95 years). The actuarial survival estimates at 5 and 10 years were 88% and 50%, respectively. Our experience shows good short-term results after primary isolated standard AVR in patients more than 80 years of age. The FU suggests that aortic valve surgery in octogenarians guarantees satisfactory long-term survival rates and a good quality of life, free from cardiac re-operations. In the era of catheter-based aortic valve implantation, open-heart surgery for AVR remains the standard of care for healthy octogenarians.
BACKGROUND: Clinical manifestations of giant cell arteritis (GCA) are variable. Whether signs and symptoms present in an explosive fashion or insidiously, once manifest the course is usually progressive unless treatment is initiated. METHODS: A retrospective review of patients with GCA seen in an outpatient neuro-ophthalmology clinic. RESULTS: We report four patients with biopsy-proven GCA who experienced spontaneous remission. Clinical manifestations consisted of headache and diplopia in two patients, constitutional symptoms in one patient and facial pain in another. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of this aspect of the disease in order to avoid a delay in diagnosis and treatment.
Shigella, a Gram-negative invasive enteropathogenic bacterium responsible for bacillary dysentery, causes the rupture, invasion, and inflammatory destruction of the human colonic mucosa. We explored the mechanisms of protection mediated by Shigella LPS-specific secretory IgA (SIgA), the major mucosal Ab induced upon natural infection. Bacteria, SIgA, or SIgA-S. flexneri immune complexes were administered into rabbit ligated intestinal loops containing a Peyer's patch. After 8 h, localizations of bacteria, SIgA, and SIgA-S. flexneri immune complexes were examined by immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy imaging. We found that anti-Shigella LPS SIgA, mainly via immune exclusion, prevented Shigella-induced inflammation responsible for the destruction of the intestinal barrier. Besides this luminal trapping, a small proportion of SIgA-S. flexneri immune complexes were shown to enter the rabbit Peyer's patch and were internalized by dendritic cells of the subepithelial dome region. Local inflammatory status was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR using newly designed primers for rabbit pro- and anti-inflammatory mediator genes. In Peyer's patches exposed to immune complexes, limited up-regulation of the expression of proinflammatory genes, including TNF-alpha, IL-6, Cox-2, and IFN-gamma, was observed, consistent with preserved morphology. In contrast, in Peyer's patches exposed to Shigella alone, high expression of the same mediators was measured, indicating that neutralizing SIgA dampens the proinflammatory properties of Shigella. These results show that in the form of immune complexes, SIgA guarantees both immune exclusion and neutralization of translocated bacteria, thus preserving the intestinal barrier integrity by preventing bacterial-induced inflammation. These findings add to the multiple facets of the noninflammatory properties of SIgA.
This doctoral thesis proposes an International Criminal Court Specialized in Economic Crime (ICC/EC) as a solution to the main obstacles to the effectiveness of international anti-corruption conventions studied. In fact, the dispute settlement systems of the international anti-corruption Conventions do not provide sufficient guarantees of effectiveness, and offenses and crimes of corruption are not under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) derived from the Rome Statute of 2000. In a first part, this work analyzes seven international anti-corruption Conventions adopted between 1996 and 2003, respectively, by the Organization of American States (OAS), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Union (EU), the Council of Europe (CoE), the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN). In a second part, this study highlights a deficit of rationalization and optimization of offenses included in the conventions: an incomplete criminalization of legal persons for corruption, an equally insufficient criminalization for corruption of political leaders benefiting both from criminal and civil immunities, as well as the limited outcome of international asset recovery de-rived from corruption. Finally, given the previous analysis made, this thesis concludes with a pro-posal for an independent ICC/EC specific to economic crimes in order to overcome the major obstacles highlighted and which strongly affect the effectiveness of the international anti-corruption conventions. - Cet ouvrage de thèse doctorale propose, comme solution principale aux obstacles à l'effectivité des Conventions anti-corruption internationales étudiées, une Cour Pénale Internationale Spécialisée en Criminalité Economique (CPI/CE). En effet, les systèmes de règlement des différends des Conven¬tions anti-corruption internationales n'offrent pas suffisamment de gage d'effectivité et les délits et crimes de corruption transnationale ne sont pas de la compétence de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) issue du statut de Rome de 2000. Dans un premier temps, le présent ouvrage analyse sept Conventions anti-corruption internationales adoptées entre 1996 et 2003, respectivement, par l'Organisation des Etats Américains (OEA), l'Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE), l'Union européenne (UE), le Conseil de l'Europe (CoE), l'Union Africaine (UA) et l'Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU). Dans un deuxième temps, l'ouvrage met en lumière un déficit de rationalisation et d'optimisation des incriminations que contiennent les Conventions, dont notamment : une incrimination lacunaire des personnes morales pour corruption, une incrimination tout aussi insuffisante pour corruption des dirigeants politiques au bénéfice d'immunités pénale et civile et une restitu¬tion internationale des avoirs issus de la corruption à portée limitée. Finalement, c'est au vu de l'analyse effectuée que le présent ouvrage conclut avec la proposition d'une CPI/CE indépendante et spécifique aux crimes économiques afin de pallier au mieux les obstacles majeurs mis en exergue et qui nuisent fortement à l'effectivité des Conventions anti-corruption internationales.
We build a theoretical framework that allows for endogenous conflict behaviour (i.e., fighting efforts) and for endogenous natural resource exploitation (i.e., speed, ownership, and investments). While depletion is spread in a balanced Hotelling fashion during peace, the presence of conflict creates incentives for rapacious extraction, as this lowers the stakes of future contest. This voracious extraction depresses total oil revenue, especially if world oil demand is relatively elastic and the government's weapon advantage is weak. Some of these political distortions can be overcome by bribing rebels or by government investment in weapons. The shadow of conflict can also make less efficient nationalized oil extraction more attractive than private extraction, as insecure property rights create a holdup problem for the private firm and lead to a lower license fee. Furthermore, the government fights less intensely than the rebels under private exploitation, which leads to more government turnover. Without credible commitment to future fighting efforts, private oil depletion is only lucrative if the government's non-oil office rents are large and weaponry powerful, which guarantees the government a stronger grip on office and makes the holdup problem less severe.
Résumé GLUT8 est la première des nouvelles isoformes des GLUT récemment identifiés. Il est fortement exprimé dans les testicules et plus faiblement dans les blastocystes, le cerveau, particulièrement au niveau de l'hippocampe, et le coeur. En conditions basales, il est retenu dans un compartiment intracellulaire. Si on l'exprime en surface cellulaire, par la mutation du motif d'internalisation dileucine, il transporte le glucose avec une bonne affinité. Dans le but d'étudier sa fonction au niveau de l'organisme, nous avons créé un modèle de knock out conditionnel, en entourant le dernier exon du gène de GLUT8 par deux sites loxP. En croisant nos souris avec une souche de souris transgénique exprimant la cre-recombinase dans les cellules de la lignée germinale, nous avons généré un modèle de souris portant la délétion totale de GLUT8 de manière constitutionnelle. Les statistiques effectuées sur les premières naissances indiquent qu'une partie des souris knock out ne survit pas, suggérant un rôle de GLUT8 au niveau du développement embryonnaire. Les souris qui ont survécu ne présentent toutefois pas d'anomalies durant la croissance et sont fertiles. Elles ont des taux de glucose et d'insuline sanguins normaux. Au niveau cérébral, la structure de l'hippocampe n'est pas modifiée par la suppression de GLUT8, cependant, les souris GLUT8-/- présentent une prolifération cellulaire augmentée dans le gyrus denté. Cette augmentation de division cellulaire pourrait être la réponse adaptée à une éventuelle augmentation de la mort cellulaire au niveau de l'hippocampe. Elles ne semblent toutefois pas présenter de défauts cognitifs majeurs dans le bassin de Morris en conditions normales. Toutefois, en conditions de jeûne, elles tendent à une meilleure mémorisation à court terme. Les études morphologiques et histologiques au niveau cardiaque n'ont pas révélé de d'hypertrophie au niveau ventriculaire. La stimulation de la contraction à l'isoprotérénol n'a pas mis en évidence de défaut d'adaptation des coeurs GLUT8-/-. Cependant l'analyse fonctionnelle par électrocardiogramme, en conditions basales, a montré une augmentation de la durée de l'onde P, suggérant un défaut dans la dépolarisation des oreillettes. Nos résultats indiquent que GLUT8 ne joue pas un rôle prédominant dans la survie et la fonction basale des souris. Il pourrait jouer un rôle plus important dans des situations stressantes pour l'organisme, comme l'hypoglycémie ou les conditions d'ischémie qui induiraient son expression à la membrane plasmique et stimuleraient le captage du glucose. Abstract GLUT8 was the first of the recently identified isoform of the GLUT family proteins. It is strongly expressed in the testis. It is also found at a lower level in the blastocyst, in heart and in the brain. Under basal conditions, it is retained in the intracellular compartment, but when the internalization motif dileucine is mutated, GLUT8 translocates to the plasma membrane and transports glucose with a relatively high affinity. To study its function in vivo, we created a conditional knock out mouse model. To do so, we targeted the last exon of the GLUT8 gene with two loxP sites. We then crossed these mice with a transgenic model expressing the cre-recombinase in the gem' line to generate a constitutional total knock out mouse. The statistics made on the first breedings showed that some of the knock out mice do not survive, suggesting a role of GLUT8 in the embryonic development. Conversely mice who survive do not show developmental defects and they are fertile with normal glucose and insulin blood levels. In the brain, the general structure of the hippocampus is not modified by the deletion of GLUT8. However, GLUT8-/- mice show an increase in the cell proliferation in the dentate gyms. This cell proliferation could be due to an increase in the cell death in the hippocampus. When tested in the morris water maze, these mice do not show any cognitive defects in the basal conditions, but they have a tendency to learn better in fasted conditions. The morphological and histological studies made at the heart level did not show any cardiac hypertrophy in the ventricles. The stimulation with isoproterenol did not show any adaptation defects in the GLUT8-/- hearts. However, the functional analysis made in basal conditions with the electrocardiogram showed an increase in the P wave length, suggesting a defect in the atrial depolarization in the knock out mice. Overall, our results show that GLUT8 does not play an important role in the basal general functions in the mice, but might play a more important role during whole organism stress. Hypoglycaemia or ischemia, for example could stimulate the GLUT8 translocation to the plasma membrane to increase specifically glucose uptake. Résumé tout public Les différentes cellules de l'organisme possèdent des propriétés particulières, qui leur permettent de maintenir les fonctions de l'organe auquel elles appartiennent. La membrane plasmique qui les délimite sélectionne les substances qui vont pénétrer à l'intérieur de la cellule et permet ainsi de maintenir un environnement interne constant. Le glucose est une source d'énergie importante pour la cellule et doit pouvoir pénétrer à l'intérieur de la cellule. Il utilise pour cela des protéines de transport qui le feront passer de part et d'autre de la membrane. Les protéines de la famille des GLUT (pour GLUcose Transporter) possèdent cette capacité. GLUT8 est un membre de la famille des GLUT identifié récemment. Il possède la capacité de transporter le glucose quand il se présente à la surface de la cellule. Il est principalement exprimé dans les testicules, dans le coeur et le cerveau et durant le développement embryonnaire. Son rôle n'est toutefois pas encore défini. Ce travail consiste à étudier la fonction de GLUT8 au niveau de l'organisme entier. Nous avons créé un modèle de souris dans lesquelles l'expression de GLUT8 a été supprimée pour mettre en évidence son importance dans le maintien de l'intégrité des fonctions du corps. Les observations effectuées sur les souris qui n'expriment plus GLUT8 nous indiquent que leurs cellules prolifèrent plus vite au niveau de l'hippocampe. L'hippocampe est une structure située dans le cerveau qui est impliquée dans les phénomènes d'apprentissage. Les souris qui ont été testées dans des tâches d'apprentissage n'ont malgré cela pas montré une amélioration de la mémorisation. Dans le coeur, la suppression de GLUT8 semble présenter un défaut quand on mesure l'activité électrique du coeur par électrocardiogramme. Toutefois, ils fonctionnent normalement et ne présentent pas de défauts morphologiques en conditions normales. Les expériences effectuées sur les modèles de souris indiquent que GLUT8 ne jouerait pas un rôle prédominant dans le fonctionnement normal du corps. Il pourrait exercer sa fonction dans des situations plus particulières comme l'hypoglycémie, où il permettrait une meilleure capacité à transporter le glucose dans les cellules.
Discussions at the inaugural meeting of a Trans-European Pedagogic Research Group for Anatomical Sciences highlighted the fact that there exist considerable variations in the legal and ethical frameworks throughout Europe concerning body bequests for anatomical examination. Such differences appear to reflect cultural and religious variations as well as different legal and constitutional frameworks. For example, there are different views concerning the "ownership" of cadavers and concerning the need (perceived by different societies and national politicians) for legislation specifically related to anatomical dissection. Furthermore, there are different views concerning the acceptability of using unclaimed bodies that have not given informed consent. Given that in Europe there have been a series of controversial anatomical exhibitions and also a public (televised) dissection/autopsy, and given that the commercial sale or transport of anatomical material across national boundaries is strongly debated, it would seem appropriate to "harmonise" the situation (at least in the European Union). This paper summarises the legal situation in a variety of European countries and suggests examples of good practice. In particular, it recommends that all countries should adopt clear legal frameworks to regulate the acceptance of donations for medical education and research. It stresses the need for informed consent, with donors being given clear information upon which to base their decision, intentions to bequest being made by the donor before death and encourages donors to discuss their wishes to bequeath with relatives prior to death. Departments are encouraged, where they feel it appropriate, to hold Services of Thanksgiving and Commemoration for those who have donated their bodies. Finally, there needs to be legislation to regulate transport of bodies or body parts across national borders and a discouragement of any moves towards commercialisation in relation to bequests.
The circadian clock drives the rhythmic expression of a broad array of genes that orchestrate metabolism, sleep wake behavior, and the immune response. Clock genes are transcriptional regulators engaged in the generation of circadian rhythms. The cold inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRBP) guarantees high amplitude expression of clock. The cytokines TNF and TGFβ impair the expression of clock genes, namely the period genes and the proline- and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper (PAR-bZip) clock-controlled genes. Here, we show that TNF and TGFβ impair the expression of Cirbp in fibroblasts and neuronal cells. IL-1β, IL-6, IFNα, and IFNγ do not exert such effects. Depletion of Cirbp is found to increase the susceptibility of cells to the TNF-mediated inhibition of high amplitude expression of clock genes and modulates the TNF-induced cytokine response. Our findings reveal a new mechanism of cytokine-regulated expression of clock genes.
The significance of the insurance industry in the functioning of the world economy is often underestimated, with premiums reaching 7.5 % of world gross domestic product (GDP), three times as much as worldwide military expenses. Insurance services mutualise risks in such a way as they provide a form of private governance that complements or makes up for guarantees otherwise supplied by the State. This case study of international standards developed for the insurance market provides evidence that deviates from conventional accounts considering service standards as heavily dependent of national environments and industry specificities. The chapter examines the relationship between tertiarisation, internationalisation and standardisation of contemporary economies by highlighting the complementarity between institutionalist approaches of the French regulation school and international political economy scholarship shedding light on the polarisation in the possible use of standards, notwithstanding thesectoraland institutional specificities of the activities concerned.
Migrating concepts: Immigrant integration and the regulation of religious dress in France and Canada
Religion in general, and Islam in particular, has become one of the main focal points of policy-making and constitutional politics in many Western liberal states. This article proposes to examine the legal and political dynamics behind new regulations targeting individual religious practices of Muslims. Although one could presuppose that church-state relations or the understanding of secularism is the main factor accounting for either accommodation or prohibition of Muslim religious practices, I make the case that the policy frame used to conceptualize the integration of immigrants in each national context is a more significant influence on how a liberal state approaches the legal regulation of individual practices such as veiling. However, this influence must be assessed carefully since it may have different effects on the different institutional actors in charge of regulating religion, such as the Courts and the legislature. To assess these hypotheses I compare two countries, France and Canada, which are solid examples of two contrasting national policy frames for the integration of immigrants.
since 1999 data from pulmonary hypertension (PH) patients from all PH centres in Switzerland were prospectively collected. We analyse the epidemiological aspects of these data. PH was defined as a mean pulmonary artery pressure of >25 mm Hg at rest or >30 mm Hg during exercise. Patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), PH associated with lung diseases, PH due to chronic thrombotic and/or embolic disease (CTEPH), or PH due to miscellaneous disorders were registered. Data from adult patients included between January 1999 and December 2004 were analysed. 250 patients were registered (age 58 +/- 16 years, 104 (41%) males). 152 patients (61%) had PAH, 73 (29%) had CTEPH and 18 (7%) had PH associated with lung disease. Patients <50 years (32%) were more likely to have PAH than patients >50 years (76% vs. 53%, p <0.005). Twenty-four patients (10%) were lost to followup, 58 patients (26%) died and 150 (66%) survived without transplantation or thrombendarterectomy. Survivors differed from patients who died in the baseline six-minute walking distance (400 m [300-459] vs. 273 m [174-415]), the functional impairment (NYHA class III/IV 86% vs. 98%), mixed venous saturation (63% [57-68] vs. 56% [50-61]) and right atrial pressure (7 mm Hg [4-11] vs. 11 mm Hg [4-18]). PH is a disease affecting adults of all ages. The management of these patients in specialised centres guarantees a high quality of care. Analysis of the registry data could be an instrument for quality control and might help identify weak points in assessment and treatment of these patients.