337 resultados para COLONY FORMATION

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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ABSTRACT :Azole antifungal drugs possess fungistatic activity in Candida albicans making this human pathogen tolerant to these agents. The conversion of azoles into fungicidal agents is of interest since their fungistatic properties increase the ability of C. albicans to develop drug resistance. In C. albicans, the phosphatase calcineurin (calcineurin) is essential for antifungal drug tolerance. Up to now, the only known target of calcineurin is Crzl, which is a transcription factor (TF) involved in responses to ionic stress. Thus, most of the components of the calcineurin signaling remain to be identified in C. albicans.In this work, the calcineurin pathway was investigated in order to i) characterize the role of calcineurin in the biology of C. albicans, ii) identify putative targets of calcineurin and iii) characterize the phenomenon of tolerance to antifungal drugs. Towards these aims, four different approaches were used.First, using C. albicans microarrays, an attempt was made to identify a set of calcineurindependent genes (CDGs). Since CDGs were highly dependent upon the external stimulus used to activate calcineurin (Ca2+ or terbinafine), this stimulus bias was bypassed by the construction of strains expressing a truncated autoactive form of calcineurin (Cmp1tr) in a doxycyclinedependent manner. The characterization of Cmpltr was undertaken and results showed that it mimicked awild-type activated calcineurin for all tested phenotypes (i.e. Cnbl-dependence, inhibition by FK506, phosphatase 2B activity, ability to dephosphorylate Crzl and to regulate Crz1-and calcineurin-dependent genes, role in antifungal drug tolerance and susceptibility, role in colony formation on Spider agar). Cmp1tr was therefore considered as a valid tool to study the calcineurin signaling pathway. In silico analysis of CDGs allowed the identification of i) a significant overlap between CDGs and genes regulated by the Cyrl signalíng pathway, ii) putative interactions between calcineurin activation and cell wall reorganization and phospholipid transport, iii) a putative interactión between calcineurin and the regulation of translation and iv) a putative relation between calcineurin and proteasome regulation. Further in silico analyses of the promoters of Crz1-independent CDGs were performed to identify TFs (other than Crz1) that were likely to regulate CDGs and therefore to be a direct target of calcineurin. The analyses revealed that Rpn4 and Mnl1 were TFs likely to be regulated by calcineurin.Second, in order to better characterize azole tolerance, an attempt was made to i) confirm the role of Hsp90 in fluconazole tolerance with a doxycycline-dependent Hsp90 expression system and ii) assess its calcineurin-dependence. Hsp90 was found to be significantly involved in fluconazole tolerance. However, results were not in agreement with the hypothesis that Hsp90 mediates fluconazole tolerance by the only downstream effector calcineurin. Rather Hsp90 is interacting with numerous components for fluconazole tolerance.Third, a collection of C. albicans TFs mutants were screened for loss of tolerance to terbinafine and fluconazole in order to identify TFs involved in antifungal drug tolerance. Out of the 265 TFs mutants screened, only the upc2Δ/Δ mutant showed a loss of fluconazole and terbinafine tolerance. Interestingly, no relation between Upc2 and calcineurin activity was found. These results suggested that the tolerance to antifungal drugs must not be only considered as a calcineurin-dependent phenomenon in C. albicans.Fourth, using FRCS analyses, an attempt was made to identify putative signs of programmed cell death (PCD) in calcineurin mutant cells upon loss of tolerance to terbinafine. A high proportion of cells died from both RO5-dependent (which is a sign of PCD) and ROS-independent (which is a sign of loss of homeostasis) processes in the calcineurin mutant. While these results suggest that calcineurin represses both loss of homeostasis and PCD, the role of calcineurin in PCD is still an open question.In conclusion, this work allowed i) the identification of several putative calcineurin targets, ii) the discovery of several links between calcineurin and signaling pathways and important biological processes and iii) the identification of novel components of calcineurin-independent mechanisms that participate in tolerance to antifungal drugs in C. albicans.RÉSUME :Les azoles sont des antifongiques qui présentent une activité fongistatique contre Candida albicans et rendent cette levure tolérante à ces agents. La conversion des azoles en agents fongicides est d'intérêts car leurs propriétés fongistatiques favorisent le développement de résistance aux drogues chez C. albicans. La calcineurine (calcineurin) est une phosphatase essentielle pour la tolérance aux antifongiques chez C. albicans. La seule cible connue de la calcineurin est Crz1, un facteur de transcription (FT) impliqué dans la réponse aux stress ionique. Ainsi, la plupart des constituants de la voie de signalisation de la calcineurin restent encore à être identifiés chez C. albicans.Dans ce travail de thèse, la voie de signalisation de la calcineurin a été étudiée de sorte à i) caractériser le rôle de la calcineurin dans la biologie de C. albicans, ii) identifier de nouvelles cibles de la calcineurin et iii) caractériser le phénomène de tolérance aux antifongiques. A ce propos, quatre approches ont été entreprises.Premièrement, des puces à ADN de C. albicans ont été utilisées afin d'identifier les gènes dépendants de la calcineurin (GDCs). Les GDCs étant étroitement dépendants du stimulus utilisé pour activer la calcineurin, le biais «stimulus» a été évité via la construction d'une souche exprimant une forme tronquée et autoactive de la calcineurin (Cmp1tr), en présence de doxycycline. La caractérisation de Cmp1tr a été entreprise et les résultats ont montré qu'elle mimait une calcineurin sauvage et activée pour la plupart des phénotypes testés (i.e. dépendance à Cnb1, inhibition par le FK506, activité phosphatase 2B, déphosphorylation de Crz1 et régulation de gènes dépendant de la calcineurin, rôle dans la tolérance et la susceptibilité aux antifongiques, rôle dans la formation des colonies sur milieu Spider). Cmp1tr a donc été considéré comme un outil pertinent pour l'étude de la voie de signalisation de la calcineurin. Les analyses in silico des GDCs ont permis l'identification i) d'un chevauchement entre les GDCs èt les gènes régulés par la voie de signalisation de Cyrl, ii) d'une interaction entre la calcineurin et la réorganisation de la paroi cellulaire ainsi que le transport des phospholipides, iii) d'une interaction entre calcineurin et la régulation de la traduction et iv) une relation entre la calcineurin et la régulation du protéasome. De plus, une analyse in silico des promoteurs des GDCs avec une régulation indépendante de Crz1 a permis d'identifier deux FTs qui pourraient être des cibles directes de la calcineurin, Rpn4 et Mnll.Deuxièmement, afin de caractériser la tolérance aux azoles, il a été entrepris i) de confirmer le rôle de Hsp90 dans la tolérance au fluconazole en utilisant un système d'expression dépendant de la doxycycline et ii) de caractériser sa dépendance à la calcineurin. Hsp90 a été montré impliqué dans la tolérance aux azoles. Cependant, les résultats n'ont pas corroboré une hypothèse expliquant le rôle d'Hsp90 dans la tolérance aux antifongiques par son unique. interaction avec la calcineurin. Il a été proposé que le rôle d'Hsp90 dans la tolérance aux antifongiques soit dû à ces multiples interactions avec le protéome de C. albicans plutôt que par son interaction avec un partenaire unique.Troisièmement, une collection de mutant pour des FTs de C. albicans a été criblée pour une perte de tolérance au fluconazole ou à la terbinafine, de sorte à identifier les FTs impliqués dans la tolérance aux antifongiques. Sur les 265 FTs passés au crible, seul le mutant upc2Δ/Δ a montré une perte de tolérance au fluconazole et à la terbinafine. Aucune relation n'a été trouvée entre la calcineurin et l'activité d'Upc2. Ces résultats suggèrent que la perte de tolérance aux antifongiques ne doit pas être considérée comme un phénomène exclusivement lié à la voie de signalisation de la calcineurin.Quatrièmement, en utilisant la cytométrie de flux, la présence de signes de mort cellulaire programmée (MCP) a été recherchée lors de la perte de tolérance du mutant calcineurin incubé avec de la terbinafine. Une grande proportion de cellules mortes incluant ou non une production de ROS (un signe de MCP) a été détectée dans le mutant calcineurin. Ces résultats préliminaires suggèrent que la calcineurin réprime autant la perte d'homéostasie qu'elle régule l'entrée en MCP. Cependant d'autres analyses sont nécessaires pour démontrer clairement le rôle de la calcineurin dans la régulation de la MCP.En conclusion, ce travail de thèse a permis i) l'identification de plusieurs cibles possibles de la calcineurine, ii) la découverte de plusieurs interactions entre la calcineurine et d'autres voies de signalisation et processus biologiques importants et iii) de démontrer la présence de voies indépendantes de la calcineurine impliquées dans la tolérance aux antifongiques chez C. albicans.


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CYR61 (Cysteine-rich angiogenic inducer 61) is a matricellular protein that regulates cell proliferation, adhesion, migration and cell survival through interaction with various types of integrin cell adhesion receptors. At tissue level it is implicated in the regulation of embryonic development, wound healing and angiogenesis. CYR61 has also been involved in cancer progression, however its role appears to be diverse and complex depending on the cancer type and stage. Its contribution to metastasis formation is still unclear. Previous findings reported by our laboratory demonstrated that CYR61 cooperates with avßs integrin to promote invasion and metastasis of cancers growing in a pre-irradiated microenvironment. In this work, we used an orthotopic model of breast cancer to show for the first time that silencing of CYR61 in breast cancer cells suppresses lung metastasis formation. Silencing of MDA-MB-231 reduced both local growth and lung metastasis formation of tumor cells implanted in a pre-irradiated mammary fat pad. CYR61 silencing in tumors growing in non-irradiated mammary fat pads did not impact primary tumor growth but decreased lung metastasis formation. The effect of CYR61 on spontaneous lung metastasis formation during natural cancer progression was further examined by using an experimental model of metastasis. Results from these experiments indicate that CYR61 is critically involved in promoting cancer cells entry into lung parenchyma rather than later steps of colonization. In vitro experiments showed that CYR61 promotes tumor cell spreading, migration and transendothelial migration. CYR61 also supported colony formation under anchorage-independent condition and promotes resistance to anoikis through the involvement of ß1 and ß3 integrin. These results indicate that CYR61 promotes lung metastasis of breast cancer by facilitating extravasation into lung parenchyma through enhanced motility, transendothelial migration and resistance to anoikis. - CYR61 (Cysteine-rich angiogenic inducer 61) est une protéine matricellulaire qui régule la prolifération, l'adhérence, la migration et la survie des cellules par son interaction avec différents types de récepteurs d'adhésion cellulaire de la famille des intégrine. Au niveau des tissus, CYR61 est impliquée dans la régulation du développement embryonnaire, de la cicatrisation et de l'angiogenèse. CYR61 a également été impliquée dans le cancer, mais son rôle semble être divers et complexe en fonction du type du cancer et de son stade. Son rôle dans la formation des métastases n'est pas encore clair. Des résultats antérieurs rapportés par notre laboratoire ont montré que CYR61 coopère avec l'intégrine avß5 pour favoriser l'invasion et la métastase de tumeurs se développant dans un micro-environnement pré-irradié. Dans ce travail, nous avons utilisé un modèle orthotopique de cancer du sein pour démontrer pour la première fois que l'extinction (silencing) du gène CYR61 dans le cancer du sein réduit la formation de métastases pulmonaires. L'extinction de CYR61 dans la lignée cellulaire de cancer du sein humain MDA-MB- 231 réduit à la fois la croissance local ainsi que la formation de métastases pulmonaires à partir de cellules implantés dans les coussinets adipeux mammaires pré-irradié. L'extinction de CYR61 dans des tumeurs grandissant dans les coussinets adipeux mammaires non irradiées n'a pas d'incidence sur la croissance tumorale primaire mais réduit la formation des métastases pulmonaires. Par la suite nous avons examiné l'effet de CYR61 sur la formation de métastases pulmonaires en utilisant un modèle expérimental de métastase. Les résultats de ces expériences indiquent que CYR61 est impliquée de manière cruciale dans les étapes précoces de la formation de métastases, plutôt que dans les étapes tardives de colonisation du poumon. Des expériences in vitro ont montré que CYR61 favorise l'étalement, la migration et la transmigration endothéliale des cellules tumorales. CYR61 favorise également la formation de colonies dans des conditions indépendante de l'ancrage et la résistance à l'anoïkis par l'engagement des intégrines ß1 et ß3. Ces résultats indiquent que CYR61 favorise les métastases pulmonaires du cancer du sein en facilitant l'extravasation dans le parenchyme pulmonaire grâce à la stimulation de la motilità, de la migration transmigration endothéliale et de la résistance à l'anoïkis.


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Biofilm formation is a multi-step process influenced by surface properties. We investigated early and mature biofilm of Staphylococcus aureus on 4 different biological calcium phosphate (CaP) bone grafts used for filling bone defects. We investigated standardised cylinders of fresh and fresh-frozen human bone grafts were harvested from femoral heads; processed humanand bovine bone grafts were obtained preformed. Biofilm formation was done in tryptic soy broth (TSB) using S. aureus (ATCC 29213) with static conditions. Biofilm density after 3 h (early biofilm) and 24 h (mature biofilm) was investigated by sonication and microcalorimetry. After 3 h, bacterial density was highest on fresh-frozenandfresh bone grafts. After 24 h, biofilm density was lowest on freshbone grafts (p < 0.001) compared to the other 3 materials, which did not differ quantitatively (p > 0.05). The lowest increase in bacterial density was detected on fresh bone grafts (p < 0.001). Despite normal shaped colonies, we found additional small colonies on the surface of the fresh and fresh-frozen samples by sonication. This was also apparent in microcalorimetric heat-flow curves. The four investigated CaP bone grafts showed minor structural differences in architecture but marked differences concerning serum coverage and the content of bone marrow, fibrous tissue and bone cells. These variations resulted in a decreased biofilm density on freshand fresh-frozenbone grafts after 24 h, despite an increased early biofilm formation and might also be responsible for the variations in colony morphology (small colonies). Detection of small colony variants by microcalorimetry might be a new approach to improve the understanding of biofilm formation.


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Mutations designated gtaC and gtaE that affect alpha-phosphoglucomutase activity required for interconversion of glucose 6-phosphate and alpha-glucose 1-phosphate were mapped to the Bacillus subtilis pgcA (yhxB) gene. Backcrossing of the two mutations into the 168 reference strain was accompanied by impaired alpha-phosphoglucomutase activity in the soluble cell extract fraction, altered colony and cell morphology, and resistance to phages phi29 and rho11. Altered cell morphology, reversible by additional magnesium ions, may be correlated with a deficiency in the membrane glycolipid. The deficiency in biofilm formation in gtaC and gtaE mutants may be attributed to an inability to synthesize UDP-glucose, an important intermediate in a number of cell envelope biosynthetic processes.


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Differences in physico-chemical characteristics of bone grafts to fill bone defects have been demonstrated to influence in vitro bacterial biofilm formation. Aim of the study was to investigate in vivo staphylococcal biofilm formation on different calcium phosphate bone substitutes. A foreign-body guinea-pig infection model was used. Teflon cages prefilled with β-tricalcium phosphate, calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite, or dicalcium phosphate (DCP) scaffold were implanted subcutaneously. Scaffolds were infected with 2 × 10(3) colony-forming unit of Staphylococcus aureus (two strains) or S. epidermidis and explanted after 3, 24 or 72 h of biofilm formation. Quantitative and qualitative biofilm analysis was performed by sonication followed by viable counts, and microcalorimetry, respectively. Independently of the material, S. aureus formed increasing amounts of biofilm on the surface of all scaffolds over time as determined by both methods. For S. epidermidis, the biofilm amount decreased over time, and no biofilm was detected by microcalorimetry on the DCP scaffolds after 72 h of infection. However, when using a higher S. epidermidis inoculum, increasing amounts of biofilm were formed on all scaffolds as determined by microcalorimetry. No significant variation in staphylococcal in vivo biofilm formation was observed between the different materials tested. This study highlights the importance of in vivo studies, in addition to in vitro studies, when investigating biofilm formation of bone grafts.


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BACKGROUND: The exceptionally diverse species flocks of cichlid fishes in East Africa are prime examples of parallel adaptive radiations. About 80% of East Africa's more than 1 800 endemic cichlid species, and all species of the flocks of Lakes Victoria and Malawi, belong to a particularly rapidly evolving lineage, the haplochromines. One characteristic feature of the haplochromines is their possession of egg-dummies on the males' anal fins. These egg-spots mimic real eggs and play an important role in the mating system of these maternal mouthbrooding fish. RESULTS: Here, we show that the egg-spots of haplochromines are made up of yellow pigment cells, xanthophores, and that a gene coding for a type III receptor tyrosine kinase, colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor a (csf1ra), is expressed in egg-spot tissue. Molecular evolutionary analyses reveal that the extracellular ligand-binding and receptor-interacting domain of csf1ra underwent adaptive sequence evolution in the ancestral lineage of the haplochromines, coinciding with the emergence of egg-dummies. We also find that csf1ra is expressed in the egg-dummies of a distantly related cichlid species, the ectodine cichlid Ophthalmotilapia ventralis, in which markings with similar functions evolved on the pelvic fin in convergence to those of the haplochromines. CONCLUSION: We conclude that modifications of existing signal transduction mechanisms might have evolved in the haplochromine lineage in association with the origination of anal fin egg-dummies. That positive selection has acted during the evolution of a color gene that seems to be involved in the morphogenesis of a sexually selected trait, the egg-dummies, highlights the importance of further investigations of the comparative genomic basis of the phenotypic diversification of cichlid fishes.


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Background: Bacteria form a biofilm on the surface of orthopaedic devices, causing persistent and infection. Little is known about biofilms formation on bone grafts and bone substitutes. We analyzed various representative materials regarding their propensity for biofilm formation caused by Staphylococcus aureus.Methods: As bone graft beta-tricalciumphosphate (b-TCP, CyclOsTM) and as bone substitute a tantalum metal mesh (trabecular metalTM) and PMMA (Pala-cosTM) were investigated. As test organism S. aureus (strain ATCC 29213) was used. Test materials were incubated with bacterial solution of 105 colony-forming units (cfu)/ml at 37°C for 24 h without shaking. After 24 h, the test materials were removed and washed 3 times in normal saline, followed by sonication in 50 ml Ringer solution at 40 kHz for 5 minutes. The resulting sonication fluid was plated in aliquots of 0.1 ml onto aerobe blood agar with 5% sheep blood and incubated at 37°C with 5% CO2 for 24 h. Then, bacterial counts were enumerated and expressed as cfu/ml. All experiments were performed in triplicate to calculate the mean ± standard deviation. The Wilcoxon test was used for statistical calculations.Results: The three investigated materials show a differing specific surface with b-TCB>trabecular metal>PMMA per mm2. S. aureus formed biofilm on all test materials as confirmed by quantitative culture after washing and sonication. The bacterial counts in sonication fluid (in cfu/ml) were higher in b-TCP (5.1 x 106 ± 0.6 x 106) and trabecular metal (3.7 x 106 ± 0.6 x 106) than in PMMA (3.9 x 104 ± 1.8 x 104), p<0.05.Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that about 100-times more bacteria adhere on b-TCP and trabecular metal than on PMMA, reflecting the larger surface of b-TCP and trabecuar metal compared to the one of PMMA. This in-vitro data indicates that bone grafts are susceptible to infection. Further studies are needed to evaluate efficient approaches to prevent and treat infections associated with bone grafts and substitutes, including modification of the surface or antibacterial coating.


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Potential risks of a secondary formation of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) were assessed for two cordierite-based, wall-through diesel particulate filters (DPFs) for which soot combustion was either catalyzed with an iron- or a copper-based fuel additive. A heavy duty diesel engine was used as test platform, applying the eight-stage ISO 8178/4 C1 cycle. DPF applications neither affected the engine performance, nor did they increase NO, NO2, CO, and CO2 emissions. The latter is a metric for fuel consumption. THC emissions decreased by about 40% when deploying DPFs. PCDD/F emissions, with a focus on tetra- to octachlorinated congeners, were compared under standard and worst case conditions (enhanced chlorine uptake). The iron-catalyzed DPF neither increased PCDD/F emissions, nor did it change the congener pattern, even when traces of chlorine became available. In case of copper, PCDD/F emissions increased by up to 3 orders of magnitude from 22 to 200 to 12 700 pg I-TEQ/L with fuels of &lt; 2, 14, and 110 microg/g chlorine, respectively. Mainly lower chlorinated DD/Fs were formed. Based on these substantial effects on PCDD/F emissions, the copper-catalyzed DPF system was not approved for workplace applications, whereas the iron system fulfilled all the specifications of the Swiss procedures for DPF approval (VERT).


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Several ant species vary in the number of queens per colony, yet the causes and consequences of this variation remain poorly understood. In previous experiments, we found that Formica selysi workers originating from multiple-queen (=polygyne) colonies had a lower resistance to a fungal pathogen than workers originating from single-queen (=monogyne) colonies. In contrast, group diversity improved disease resistance in experimental colonies. This discrepancy between field and experimental colonies suggested that variation in social structure in the field had antagonistic effects on worker resistance, possibly through a down-regulation of the immune system balancing the positive effect of genetic diversity. Here, we examined if workers originating from field colonies with alternative social structure differed in three major components of their immune system. We found that workers from polygyne colonies had a lower bacterial growth inhibitory activity than workers from monogyne colonies. In contrast, workers from the two types of colonies did not differ significantly in bacterial cell wall lytic activity and prophenoloxidase activity. Overall, the presence of multiple queens in a colony correlated with a slight reduction in one inducible component of the immune system of individual workers. This reduced level of immune defence might explain the lower resistance of workers originating from polygyne colonies despite the positive effect of genetic diversity. More generally, these results indicate that social changes at the group level can modulate individual immune defences.


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In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, septum formation and cytokinesis are dependent upon the initiation, though not the completion of mitosis. A number of cell cycle mutants which show phenotypes consistent with a defect in the regulation of septum formation have been isolated. A mutation in the S. pombe cdc16 gene leads to the formation of multiple septa without cytokinesis, suggesting that the normal mechanisms that limit the cell to the formation of a single septum in each cycle do not operate. Mutations in the S. pombe early septation mutants cdc7, cdc11, cdc14 and cdc15 lead to the formation of elongated, multinucleate cells, as a result of S phase and mitosis continuing in the absence of cytokinesis. This suggests that in these cells, the normal mechanisms which initiate cytokinesis are defective and that they are unable to respond to this by preventing further nuclear cycles. Genetic analysis has implied that the products of some of these genes may interact with that of the cdc16 gene. To understand how the processes of septation and cytokinesis are regulated and coordinated with mitosis we are studying the early septation mutants and cdc16. In this paper, we present the cloning and analysis of the cdc16 gene. Deletion of the gene shows that it is essential for cell proliferation: spores lacking a functional cdc16 gene germinate, complete mitosis and form multiple septa without undergoing cell cleavage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Dans l'environnement actuel fortement évolutif, les questions relatives à la formation continue sont plus que jamais essentielles. Nombre de publications les abordent toutefois uniquement sous un angle prescriptif, sans considérer le comportement réel du personnel en matière de formation continue. La recherche dont il est question dans cet article vise à mettre en évidence les stratégies que les agents publics suisses mettent en oeuvre, au sein d'organisations soumises à une managérialisation croissante, pour atteindre leurs propres objectifs de formation. Sur la base des analyses effectuées, la conclusion esquisse certains enjeux plus fondamentaux relatifs à l'avenir de la formation continue dans les services publics suisses, enjeux à notre sens largement transposables au sein d'autres pays de l'OCDE (Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques).


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The fundamental processes of membrane fission and fusion determine size and copy numbers of intracellular organelles. Although SNARE proteins and tethering complexes mediate intracellular membrane fusion, fission requires the presence of dynamin or dynamin-related proteins. Here we study these reactions in native yeast vacuoles and find that the yeast dynamin homologue Vps1 is not only an essential part of the fission machinery, but also controls membrane fusion by generating an active Qa SNARE-tethering complex pool, which is essential for trans-SNARE formation. Our findings provide new insight into the role of dynamins in membrane fusion by directly acting on SNARE proteins.