85 resultados para Bipartite Folding
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Several metals and metalloids profoundly affect biological systems, but their impact on the proteome and mechanisms of toxicity are not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate that arsenite causes protein aggregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Various molecular chaperones were found to be associated with arsenite-induced aggregates indicating that this metalloid promotes protein misfolding. Using in vivo and in vitro assays, we show that proteins in the process of synthesis/folding are particularly sensitive to arsenite-induced aggregation, that arsenite interferes with protein folding by acting on unfolded polypeptides, and that arsenite directly inhibits chaperone activity. Thus, folding inhibition contributes to arsenite toxicity in two ways: by aggregate formation and by chaperone inhibition. Importantly, arsenite-induced protein aggregates can act as seeds committing other, labile proteins to misfold and aggregate. Our findings describe a novel mechanism of toxicity that may explain the suggested role of this metalloid in the etiology and pathogenesis of protein folding disorders associated with arsenic poisoning.
A new method for oxidative folding of synthetic polypeptides assembled by stepwise solid phase synthesis is introduced. Folding is obtained in excellent yields by reacting S-tert-butylthiolated polypeptides with a 100-fold molar excess of cysteine at 37 degrees C in a slightly alkaline buffer containing chaotropic salts, and in the presence of air-oxygen. This novel protocol has been applied to the folding of S-tert-butylthiolated human thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (hu-TARC) derivatives as well as to larger segments of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite proteins. Folded P. falciparum polypeptides have been used as substrates of endoproteinase Glu-C (Glu-C) and endoproteinase Asp-N (Asp-N) in an attempt to identify their disulfide connectivities. Particular practical advantages of the present method are (i) easy purification and storage of the S-protected peptide derivatives, (ii) elimination of the risk of cysteine alkylation during the acidolytic cleavage deprotection and resin cleavage steps, (iii) possibility to precisely evaluate the extent of folding and disulfide bond formation by mass spectrometry, and (iv) facile recovery of the final folded product.
We report that caveolin-1, one of the major structural protein of caveolae, interacts with TCP-1, a hetero-oligomeric chaperone complex present in all eukaryotic cells that contributes mainly to the folding of actin and tubulin. The caveolin-TCP-1 interaction entails the first 32 amino acids of the N-terminal segment of caveolin. Our data show that caveolin-1 expression is needed for the induction of TCP-1 actin folding function in response to insulin stimulation. Caveolin-1 phosphorylation at tyrosine residue 14 induces the dissociation of caveolin-1 from TCP-1 and activates actin folding. We show that the mechanism by which caveolin-1 modulates TCP-1 activity is indirect and involves the cytoskeleton linker filamin. Filamin is known to bind caveolin-1 and to function as a negative regulator of insulin-mediated signaling. Our data support the notion that the caveolin-filamin interaction contributes to restore insulin-mediated phosphorylation of caveolin, thus allowing the release of active TCP-1.
PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and histologic features of a particular form of macular epiretinal membrane. METHODS: The charts of all patients operated for macular epiretinal membrane by a single surgeon (E.H.B.) between June 2001 and January 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with macular epiretinal membrane associated with tearing and folding of the internal limiting membrane (ILM) were identified and the following parameters were recorded when available: age, gender, best-corrected visual acuity before and after vitrectomy; optical coherence tomography; pre-, intra-, and postoperative macular status; intraoperative staining by indocyanine green; histology. RESULTS: Twenty-three of 268 eyes (8.6%) with macular epiretinal membrane were associated with tearing and folding of the ILM, forming a whitish prominent band on the surface of the retina. The mean age of the patients was 68.6 years with a significant female predominance (78.3%). The vitreous was completely detached in 21 eyes. After surgical peeling, the mean visual gain was 3.2 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study lines. No recurrence was observed. CONCLUSION: Tearing and folding of the ILM was associated with macular epiretinal membranes in 8.6% of cases. The ILM was probably torn during posterior hyaloid detachment, but the pathogenesis has not been clearly elucidated. The surgeon should begin to peel the macular epiretinal membrane by grasping the folded ILM to ensure complete removal of the ILM together with the epiretinal membrane. The postoperative visual prognosis was good
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis alteration contributes to pancreatic β-cell dysfunction and death and favors the development of diabetes. In this study, we demonstrate that HDLs protect β-cells against ER stress induced by thapsigargin, cyclopiazonic acid, palmitate, insulin overexpression, and high glucose concentrations. ER stress marker induction and ER morphology disruption mediated by these stimuli were inhibited by HDLs. Using a temperature-sensitive viral glycoprotein folding mutant, we show that HDLs correct impaired protein trafficking and folding induced by thapsigargin and palmitate. The ability of HDLs to protect β-cells against ER stress was inhibited by brefeldin A, an ER to Golgi trafficking blocker. These results indicate that HDLs restore ER homeostasis in response to ER stress, which is required for their ability to promote β-cell survival. This study identifies a cellular mechanism mediating the beneficial effect of HDLs on β-cells against ER stress-inducing factors.
Cortical folding (gyrification) is determined during the first months of life, so that adverse events occurring during this period leave traces that will be identifiable at any age. As recently reviewed by Mangin and colleagues(2), several methods exist to quantify different characteristics of gyrification. For instance, sulcal morphometry can be used to measure shape descriptors such as the depth, length or indices of inter-hemispheric asymmetry(3). These geometrical properties have the advantage of being easy to interpret. However, sulcal morphometry tightly relies on the accurate identification of a given set of sulci and hence provides a fragmented description of gyrification. A more fine-grained quantification of gyrification can be achieved with curvature-based measurements, where smoothed absolute mean curvature is typically computed at thousands of points over the cortical surface(4). The curvature is however not straightforward to comprehend, as it remains unclear if there is any direct relationship between the curvedness and a biologically meaningful correlate such as cortical volume or surface. To address the diverse issues raised by the measurement of cortical folding, we previously developed an algorithm to quantify local gyrification with an exquisite spatial resolution and of simple interpretation. Our method is inspired of the Gyrification Index(5), a method originally used in comparative neuroanatomy to evaluate the cortical folding differences across species. In our implementation, which we name local Gyrification Index (lGI(1)), we measure the amount of cortex buried within the sulcal folds as compared with the amount of visible cortex in circular regions of interest. Given that the cortex grows primarily through radial expansion(6), our method was specifically designed to identify early defects of cortical development. In this article, we detail the computation of local Gyrification Index, which is now freely distributed as a part of the FreeSurfer Software (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital). FreeSurfer provides a set of automated reconstruction tools of the brain's cortical surface from structural MRI data. The cortical surface extracted in the native space of the images with sub-millimeter accuracy is then further used for the creation of an outer surface, which will serve as a basis for the lGI calculation. A circular region of interest is then delineated on the outer surface, and its corresponding region of interest on the cortical surface is identified using a matching algorithm as described in our validation study(1). This process is repeatedly iterated with largely overlapping regions of interest, resulting in cortical maps of gyrification for subsequent statistical comparisons (Fig. 1). Of note, another measurement of local gyrification with a similar inspiration was proposed by Toro and colleagues(7), where the folding index at each point is computed as the ratio of the cortical area contained in a sphere divided by the area of a disc with the same radius. The two implementations differ in that the one by Toro et al. is based on Euclidian distances and thus considers discontinuous patches of cortical area, whereas ours uses a strict geodesic algorithm and include only the continuous patch of cortical area opening at the brain surface in a circular region of interest.
When massively expressed in bacteria, recombinant proteins often tend to misfold and accumulate as soluble and insoluble nonfunctional aggregates. A general strategy to improve the native folding of recombinant proteins is to increase the cellular concentration of viscous organic compounds, termed osmolytes, or of molecular chaperones that can prevent aggregation and can actively scavenge and convert aggregates into natively refoldable species. In this study, metal affinity purification (immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography [IMAC]), confirmed by resistance to trypsin digestion, was used to distinguish soluble aggregates from soluble nativelike proteins. Salt-induced accumulation of osmolytes during induced protein synthesis significantly improved IMAC yields of folding-recalcitrant proteins. Yet, the highest yields were obtained with cells coexpressing plasmid-encoded molecular chaperones DnaK-DnaJ-GrpE, ClpB, GroEL-GroES, and IbpA/B. Addition of the membrane fluidizer heat shock-inducer benzyl alcohol (BA) to the bacterial medium resulted in similar high yields as with plasmid-mediated chaperone coexpression. Our results suggest that simple BA-mediated induction of endogenous chaperones can substitute for the more demanding approach of chaperone coexpression. Combined strategies of osmolyte-induced native folding with heat-, BA-, or plasmid-induced chaperone coexpression can be thought to optimize yields of natively folded recombinant proteins in bacteria, for research and biotechnological purposes.
Environmental and occupational exposure to heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead results in severe health hazards including prenatal and developmental defects. The deleterious effects of heavy metal ions have hitherto been attributed to their interactions with specific, particularly susceptible native proteins. Here, we report an as yet undescribed mode of heavy metal toxicity. Cd2+, Hg2+ and Pb2+ proved to inhibit very efficiently the spontaneous refolding of chemically denatured proteins by forming high-affinity multidentate complexes with thiol and other functional groups (IC(50) in the nanomolar range). With similar efficacy, the heavy metal ions inhibited the chaperone-assisted refolding of chemically denatured and heat-denatured proteins. Thus, the toxic effects of heavy metal ions may result as well from their interaction with the more readily accessible functional groups of proteins in nascent and other non-native form. The toxic scope of heavy metals seems to be substantially larger than assumed so far.
The Topological Aspects of DNA Function and Protein Folding international meeting provided an interdisciplinary forum for biological scientists, physicists and mathematicians to discuss recent developments in the application of topology to the study of DNA and protein structure. It had 111 invited participants, 48 talks and 21 posters. The present article discusses the importance of topology and introduces the articles from the meeting's speakers.
The Teggiolo zone is the sedimentary cover of the Antigorio nappe, one of the lowest tectonic units of the Penninic Central Alps. Detailed mapping, stratigraphic and structural analyses, and comparisons with less metamorphic series in several well-studied domains of the Alps, provide a new stratigraphic interpretation. The Teggiolo zone is comprised of several sedimentary cycles, separated by erosive surfaces and large stratigraphic gaps, which cover the time span from Triassic to Eocene. At Mid-Jurassic times it appears as an uplifted, partially emergent block, marking the southern limit of the main Helvetic basin (the Limiting South-Helvetic Rise LSHR). The main mass of the Teggiolo calcschists, whose base truncates the Triassic-Jurassic cycles and can erode the Antigorio basement, consists of fine-grained clastic sediments analogous to the deep-water flyschoid deposits of Late Cretaceous to Eocene age in the North-Penninic (or Valais s.l.) basins. Thus the Antigorio-Teggiolo domain occupies a crucial paleogeographic position, on the boundary between the Helvetic and Penninic realms: from Triassic to Early Cretaceous its affinity is with the Helvetic; at the end of Cretaceous it is incorporated into the North-Penninic basins. An unexpected result is the discovery of the important role played by complex formations of wildflysch type at the top of the Teggiolo zone. They contain blocks of various sizes. According to their nature, three different associations are distinguished that have specific vertical and lateral distributions. These blocks give clues to the existence of territories that have disappeared from the present-day level of observation and impose constraints on the kinematics of early folding and embryonic nappe emplacement. Tectonics produced several phases of superimposed folds and schistosities, more in the metasediments than in the gneissic basement. Older deformations that predate the amplification of the frontal hinge of the nappe generated the dominant schistosity and the km-wide Vanzèla isoclinal fold.