12 resultados para Bernardo de Cabrera
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
BACKGROUND: The synthesis of published research in systematic reviews is essential when providing evidence to inform clinical and health policy decision-making. However, the validity of systematic reviews is threatened if journal publications represent a biased selection of all studies that have been conducted (dissemination bias). To investigate the extent of dissemination bias we conducted a systematic review that determined the proportion of studies published as peer-reviewed journal articles and investigated factors associated with full publication in cohorts of studies (i) approved by research ethics committees (RECs) or (ii) included in trial registries. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Four bibliographic databases were searched for methodological research projects (MRPs) without limitations for publication year, language or study location. The searches were supplemented by handsearching the references of included MRPs. We estimated the proportion of studies published using prediction intervals (PI) and a random effects meta-analysis. Pooled odds ratios (OR) were used to express associations between study characteristics and journal publication. Seventeen MRPs (23 publications) evaluated cohorts of studies approved by RECs; the proportion of published studies had a PI between 22% and 72% and the weighted pooled proportion when combining estimates would be 46.2% (95% CI 40.2%-52.4%, I2 = 94.4%). Twenty-two MRPs (22 publications) evaluated cohorts of studies included in trial registries; the PI of the proportion published ranged from 13% to 90% and the weighted pooled proportion would be 54.2% (95% CI 42.0%-65.9%, I2 = 98.9%). REC-approved studies with statistically significant results (compared with those without statistically significant results) were more likely to be published (pooled OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.2-3.5). Phase-III trials were also more likely to be published than phase II trials (pooled OR 2.0; 95% CI 1.6-2.5). The probability of publication within two years after study completion ranged from 7% to 30%. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial part of the studies approved by RECs or included in trial registries remains unpublished. Due to the large heterogeneity a prediction of the publication probability for a future study is very uncertain. Non-publication of research is not a random process, e.g., it is associated with the direction of study findings. Our findings suggest that the dissemination of research findings is biased.
Objective: Aim of post operative treatments after cardiac surgery is to avoid low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS). Levosimendan, a new inotrope agent, has been demonstrated in adult patient to be an effective treatment for this purpose when classical therapy is not effective. It shows a positive effect on cardiac output, with fewer adverse effects and lower mortality than with dopamine. There is very few data on its benefit in the paediatric population. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of levosimendan in cardiac children with LCOS.Methods: Retrospective analysis of 25 children hospitalised in our PICU after cardiac surgery that demonstrated LCOS not responding to classical catecholamine therapy and who received levosimendan as rescue. LCOS parameters like urine output, mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), arterio-venous differences in CO2 (AVCO2) and plasmatic lactate were compared before therapy and at 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after the beginning of the levosimendan infusion. We also analyzed the effect on the utilisation of amines (amine score), adverse events and mortality.Results: After the beginning of levosimendan infusion, urine output (3.1 vs 5.3ml/kg/h, p=0.003) and SVO2 (56 vs 64mmHg, p=0.001) increase significantly during first 72 hours and at the same time plasmatic lactate (2.6 vs 1.4 mmole/l, p<0.001), AVCO2 (11 vs 8 mmHg, p=0.002) and amine score (63 vs 39, p=0.007) decrease significantly. No side effects were noted during administration of levosimendan. In this group of patients, mortality was 0%.Conclusion: Levosimendan is an effective treatment in children after congenital heart surgery. Our study, with a greater sample of patient than other studies, confirms the improvement of cardiac output already shown in other paediatric studies.
BACKGROUND: In late-diagnosed transposition of the great arteries (TGA), the left ventricle (LV) involutes as it pumps against low resistance and needs retraining by applying a pulmonary artery band (PAB) in preparation for an arterial switch operation. We report our experience with a telemetrically adaptable band compared with classic banding. METHODS: Ten patients underwent retraining of the LV, 4 patients with an adaptable band and progressive weekly tightening of the band (group 1) and 6 patients with a traditional band (group 2). RESULTS: Mean weight and age at pulmonary band placement was 5.8 ± 2.36 kg and 11.7 ± 11.1 months for group 1 and 5.0 ± 2.3 kg and 6.4 ± 7.6 months for group 2. Time between palliation and switch procedure was 4.2 months in both groups. Group 1 showed an initial mean pulmonary gradient of 25.5 ± 4.43 mm Hg with a 5% closure of the device. The mean gradient increased with progressive closure to 63.5 ± 9.8 mm Hg at the time of the arterial switch operation. There were no reinterventions or deaths in this group. In group 2, the mean pulmonary gradient increased with growth from 49 ± 21.4 mm Hg to 68.4 ± 7.86 mm Hg at the time of the switch procedure. However, 4 of these patients required reoperations during retraining: 2 needed 1 reoperation and 2 needed 2 reoperations. Two patients died-1 after banding and 1 after the switch operation. CONCLUSIONS: Retraining of the LV by the adaptable device allows precise control of the tightening, avoids repetitive operations, and diminishes morbidity.
Objective: To establish if hyperglycaemia and cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) after congenital heart surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass in children could predict outcome in intensive care unit. Methods: retrospective cohort study including 274 children (mean age 4.6 years; range 0 - 17 years-old). CTnI and glucose values were retrieved from our database. Integrated values (area under the curve (AUC)) were calculated for evaluation of sustained hyperglycaemia and then normalised per hour (48h-Gluc/h). Maximal cTnI, fi rst glucose value (Gluc1) and 48h-Gluc/h were then correlated with duration of mechanical ventilation, ICU stay and mortality using cut-off values. Results: The mean duration of mechanical ventilation was 5.1 ± 7.2 days and ICU stay was 11.0 ± 13.3 days, 11 patients (3.9%) died. Hyperglycaemia (>6.1 mmol/l) was present in 68% of children at admission and was sustained in 85% for 48 hours. The mean value of Gluc1 (7.3 ± 2.7 vs. 11.8 ± 6.4 mmol/l, p < 0.0001), 48h-Gluc/h (7.4 ± 1.4 vs. 9.9 ± 4.6 mmol/l/h, p < 0.0001) and cTnI max (16.7 ± 21.8 vs. 59.2 ± 41.4 mcg/l, p < 0.0001) were signifi cantly lower in survivors vs. non survivors. Cut-off values and odds ratio are summarised in Table 1. Analyses for duration of mechanical ventilation and for length of stay in ICU are depicted in Table 2. Conclusions: Hyperglycaemia is frequent after cardiopulmonary bypass and sustained in the fi rst 48 hours. Admission glycaemia and cTnI max are associated with a high risk of mortality, prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation and prolonged length of stay in ICU.
A 5-year-old previously healthy boy was admitted for abdominal pain and vomiting. Physical examination showed tachypnoe (32/min), hepatomegaly and painful palpation of the upper right abdominal quadrant. Laboratory tests were normal except for elevated ammonium (202mcmol/l). Chest X-ray was performed, showing cardiomegaly and interstitial edema. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed dilated left cavities and LV hypertrophy together with a diffuse hypokinesia and LVEF of 30-40%. Diuretics and ACE-inhibitors were introduced. At that time, the differential diagnosis for the DCM included myocarditis, congenital or genetic, metabolic or autoimmune disease. The next day, the boy underwent cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) examination, showing a severe dilatation of the LV with an end-diastolic diameter of 50mm and a volume of 150ml. LVEF was 20% with diffuse LV hypokinesia (Fig. 1). No late enhancement was present after Gadolinium injection, ruling out myocarditis. Further laboratory metabolic analysis indicated severely decreased total and free carnitin levels and low renal carnitin reabsorption, corroborating the diagnosis of primary carnitin deficiency (PCD). Carnitin substitution was initiated. The clinical condition rapidly improved. No symptoms of heart failure were present anymore. A follow-up CMR performed 9 months later confirmed the recovery. LV end-diastolic volume decreased from 150ml to 66ml, LVEF increased from 20% to 55% (Fig. 2). Late enhancement was absent after Gadolinum injection (Fig. 3).Carnitin is required for the transport of fatty acids from the cytosol into mitochondria during lipid breakdown. 75% of carnitin is obtained from food, 25% is endogenously synthesized. PCD is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from impairment of a transporter activity, caused by mutation of the SLC22A5 gene. Incidence is about 1 in 40'000 newborns. Diagnosis is usually made at age 1 to 7. Three forms of PCD are described. In the form associated with cardiomyopathy, the disease is progressive and patient die from heart failure if not treated. Substitution of L-Carnitin leads to a dramatic improvement of disease course.This case underlines the crucial role of etiologic diagnostics in this reversible form of DCM. Early diagnostics and therapy are critical for the prognosis of the patient. This is furthermore an example of a role played by CMR in the diagnostic work-up of heart failure and its follow-up under therapy.
Introduction: Myocardial infarction is rare in children, if it occurs, findings are almost similar to adults. In Ouchenne muscular dystrophy (OMO), ST segment displacement associated with typical chest pain can occur. We report the case of a young boy with OMO presenting symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia. Case report: 7 year old boy, diagnosed with OMO, eoming to the emergency department with complaints of acute chest pain, dyspnoea and anxiety the night before. Clinical examination was not remarkable, with exception of findings of the OMO. ECG showed important ST-segment elevation in right precordial leads. Major increase in troponin 1 42.33 mcg/(normal, <0.04 mcg/I) was found. Echocardiography revealed slight yskinesia of postero-septal wall without decrease in ventricular function. As acute pain had happened more han 12 hours before referral and as the child was asymptomatic, he received anti-platelets therapy. The serum level of troponin 1 declined and the ECG normalised in a few days. Cardiac catheterization did not show any coronary anomaly or eardiac dysfunction. Cardiac biopsy revealed myocardial cell damaged compatible with OMO cardiomyopathy. Tc99m myocardial single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) did not show any radionuclide uptake defect. Conclusions: ln this particular context of children with OMO, the classical signs of myocardial ischemia could be misleading, standard investigation failed to demonstrate the cause of chest pain and inerease of troponin l, there was also no evidence of myocarditis. Role of late enhancement (LE) signal in eontrast-enhanced MRI in the understanding of the occurring process has to be evaluated.
Studies in adults have shown that late gadolinium enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance is a safe and noninvasive diagnostic tool which allows one to differentiate myocardial infarction from myocarditis. We believe that it may also be highly useful in the paediatric population for the same purpose.
Introduction: In adults, strict control of hyperglycemia reduces mortality and morbidity. There is controversy in medical patients and neurological patients who can suffer of neuroglucopenia. Objectives: To determine prevalence and prognostic significance of hyperglycemia among critically ill non-diabetic children. To evaluate which patients will best benefit of insulin treatment. Methods: Retrospective study using blood glucose levels (GLUC: 9015 values, 923 patients) in our PICU from 01.2003 to 12.2005. 11 Patients with DKA were excluded. Overall PICU mortality was 3.7%. Hyperglycemia was defined at 6.1 mmol/L and different cutoff values (6.1, 8.3 and 11.1 mmol/l) were analyzed for glycemia at admission (GLUC). Sustained hyperglycemia was evaluated with the area under the curve normalized per hour (48h-AUC/h) for the first 48 h. The prevalence of hypo (_3mmol/L), hyperglycemia and PICU death were analyzed. Results: Trough the use of different cutoff values (_6.1, _8.3 and _11.1 mmol/l), prevalence of hyperglycemia at admission was 31.8 %, 16.8% and 10.3%; associated mortality was 2.8%, 4.0% and 15.2% respectively, significantly correlated to cutoff values (r_0.95, p_0.05). Prevalence of hypoglycemia at admission was low (0.9% with no death). 48h-AUC(mmol/L/h) was computed in 747 children (30 deaths). Prevalence of hyperglycemic 48h-AUC values was 47.5%, 17.3% and 4.0% with a respective mortality of 3.4%, 6.3% and 20.7% (r_0.97, p_0.03). For those with high GLUC and high 48h-AUC (_ 11.1 mmol/L) mortality was high (31.5%), but it decrease dramatically to 5.5% when 48h-AUC decrease spontaneously to values _8.3 mmol/L/h. Finally, when patients with severe neurological lesions (GCS_3, n_22) where excluded, increased mortality was observed only for GLUC (n_ 86) and 48h-AUC (n_26) higher than 11.1 mmol/L. Conclusions: Hyperglycemia at admission and even more sustained hyperglycemia (AUC) are highly correlated to mortality in PICU. But children who will have benefit of insulin therapy represent only 3% of our population, much lower than for adults.