9 resultados para Bellotti, Felice
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Fortunato Bartolomeo De Felice (1723-1789) fut le maître d'oeuvre de l'Encyclopédie d'Yverdon (1770-1780), une refonte complète et originale de l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert. Inséré dans un vaste réseau scientifique et commercial, De Felice était en relation épistolaire avec de nombreux savants et libraires de l'Europe des Lumières. Restée presque entièrement inédite jusqu'à sa récente publication sous forme électronique, la correspondance de De Felice constitue une véritable mine d'informations : ces lettres apportent un éclairage précieux sur l'encyclopédisme, le marché du livre et la circulation des savoirs à la fin de l'Ancien Régime. La présente étude se propose de montrer en quoi cette riche correspondance documente de manière renouvelée la question des transferts culturels au XVIIIe siècle : à la lumière de cette source exceptionnelle, De Felice apparaît en effet comme un intermédiaire culturel de premier plan.
Until recently, the hard X-ray, phase-sensitive imaging technique called grating interferometry was thought to provide information only in real space. However, by utilizing an alternative approach to data analysis we demonstrated that the angular resolved ultra-small angle X-ray scattering distribution can be retrieved from experimental data. Thus, reciprocal space information is accessible by grating interferometry in addition to real space. Naturally, the quality of the retrieved data strongly depends on the performance of the employed analysis procedure, which involves deconvolution of periodic and noisy data in this context. The aim of this article is to compare several deconvolution algorithms to retrieve the ultra-small angle X-ray scattering distribution in grating interferometry. We quantitatively compare the performance of three deconvolution procedures (i.e., Wiener, iterative Wiener and Lucy-Richardson) in case of realistically modeled, noisy and periodic input data. The simulations showed that the algorithm of Lucy-Richardson is the more reliable and more efficient as a function of the characteristics of the signals in the given context. The availability of a reliable data analysis procedure is essential for future developments in grating interferometry.
X-ray imaging with grating interferometry has previously been regarded as a technique providing information only in direct space. It delivers absorption, phase, and dark-field contrast, which can be viewed as parameters of the underlying but unresolved scattering distribution. Here, we present a method that provides the ultrasmall-angle x-ray scattering distribution and, thus, allows simultaneous access to direct and reciprocal space information.