72 resultados para Asymmetric Coplanar Strip
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
The endodermis acts as a "second skin" in plant roots by providing the cellular control necessary for the selective entry of water and solutes into the vascular system. To enable such control, Casparian strips span the cell wall of adjacent endodermal cells to form a tight junction that blocks extracellular diffusion across the endodermis. This junction is composed of lignin that is polymerized by oxidative coupling of monolignols through the action of a NADPH oxidase and peroxidases. Casparian strip domain proteins (CASPs) correctly position this biosynthetic machinery by forming a protein scaffold in the plasma membrane at the site where the Casparian strip forms. Here, we show that the dirigent-domain containing protein, enhanced suberin1 (ESB1), is part of this machinery, playing an essential role in the correct formation of Casparian strips. ESB1 is localized to Casparian strips in a CASP-dependent manner, and in the absence of ESB1, disordered and defective Casparian strips are formed. In addition, loss of ESB1 disrupts the localization of the CASP1 protein at the casparian strip domain, suggesting a reciprocal requirement for both ESB1 and CASPs in forming the casparian strip domain.
Habitat destruction and fragmentation are known to strongly affect dispersal by altering the quality of the environment between populations. As a consequence, lower landscape connectivity is expected to enhance extinction risks through a decrease in gene flow and the resulting negative effects of genetic drift, accumulation of deleterious mutations and inbreeding depression. Such phenomena are particularly harmful for amphibian species, characterized by disjunct breeding habitats. The dispersal behaviour of amphibians being poorly understood, it is crucial to develop new tools, allowing us to determine the influence of landscape connectivity on the persistence of populations. In this study, we developed a new landscape genetics approach that aims at identifying land-uses affecting genetic differentiation, without a priori assumptions about associated ecological costs. We surveyed genetic variation at seven microsatellite loci for 19 Alpine newt (Mesotriton alpestris) populations in western Switzerland. Using strips of varying widths that define a dispersal corridor between pairs of populations, we were able to identify land-uses that act as dispersal barriers (i.e. urban areas) and corridors (i.e. forests). Our results suggest that habitat destruction and landscape fragmentation might in the near future affect common species such as M. alpestris. In addition, by identifying relevant landscape variables influencing population structure without unrealistic assumptions about dispersal, our method offers a simple and flexible tool of investigation as an alternative to least-cost models and other approaches.
Floral bilateral symmetry (zygomorphy) has evolved several times independently in angiosperms from radially symmetrical (actinomorphic) ancestral states. Homologs of the Antirrhinum majus Cycloidea gene (Cyc) have been shown to control floral symmetry in diverse groups in core eudicots. In the basal eudicot family Ranunculaceae, there is a single evolutionary transition from actinomorphy to zygomorphy in the stem lineage of the tribe Delphinieae. We characterized Cyc homologs in 18 genera of Ranunculaceae, including the four genera of Delphinieae, in a sampling that represents the floral morphological diversity of this tribe, and reconstructed the evolutionary history of this gene family in Ranunculaceae. Within each of the two RanaCyL (Ranunculaceae Cycloidea-like) lineages previously identified, an additional duplication possibly predating the emergence of the Delphinieae was found, resulting in up to four gene copies in zygomorphic species. Expression analyses indicate that the RanaCyL paralogs are expressed early in floral buds and that the duration of their expression varies between species and paralog class. At most one RanaCyL paralog was expressed during the late stages of floral development in the actinomorphic species studied whereas all paralogs from the zygomorphic species were expressed, composing a species-specific identity code for perianth organs. The contrasted asymmetric patterns of expression observed in the two zygomorphic species is discussed in relation to their distinct perianth architecture.
This paper investigates a simple procedure to estimate robustly the mean of an asymmetric distribution. The procedure removes the observations which are larger or smaller than certain limits and takes the arithmetic mean of the remaining observations, the limits being determined with the help of a parametric model, e.g., the Gamma, the Weibull or the Lognormal distribution. The breakdown point, the influence function, the (asymptotic) variance, and the contamination bias of this estimator are explored and compared numerically with those of competing estimates.
Polarized epithelia are fundamental to multicellular life. In animal epithelia, conserved junctional complexes establish membrane diffusion barriers, cellular adherence and sealing of the extracellular space. Plant cellular barriers are of independent evolutionary origin. The root endodermis strongly resembles a polarized epithelium and functions in nutrient uptake and stress resistance. Its defining features are the Casparian strips, belts of specialized cell wall material that generate an extracellular diffusion barrier. The mechanisms localizing Casparian strips are unknown. Here we identify and characterize a family of transmembrane proteins of previously unknown function. These 'CASPs' (Casparian strip membrane domain proteins) specifically mark a membrane domain that predicts the formation of Casparian strips. CASP1 displays numerous features required for a constituent of a plant junctional complex: it forms complexes with other CASPs; it becomes immobile upon localization; and it sediments like a large polymer. CASP double mutants display disorganized Casparian strips, demonstrating a role for CASPs in structuring and localizing this cell wall modification. To our knowledge, CASPs are the first molecular factors that are shown to establish a plasma membrane and extracellular diffusion barrier in plants, and represent a novel way of epithelial barrier formation in eukaryotes.
Secondary contact zones have the potential to shed light on the mode and rate at which reproductive isolation accumulates during allopatric speciation. We investigated the population genetics of a contact zone between two highly divergent lineages of field voles (Microtus agrestis) in the Swiss Jura mountains. To shed light on the processes underlying introgression, we used maternally, paternally, and bi-parentally inherited markers. Though the two lineages maintained a strong genetic structure, we found some hybrids and evidence of gene flow. The extent of introgression varied with the mode of inheritance, being highest for mtDNA and absent for the Y chromosome. In addition, introgression was asymmetric, occurring only from the Northern to the Southern lineage. Both patterns seem parsimoniously explained by neutral processes linked to differences in effective sizes and sex-biased dispersal rates. The lineage with lower effective population size was also the more introgressed, and the mode-of-inheritance effect correlated with the male-biased dispersal rate of microtine rodents. We cannot exclude, however, that Haldane's effect contributed to the latter, as we found a marginally significant deficit in males (the heterogametic sex) among hybrids. We propose a possible demographic scenario to account for the patterns documented, and empirical extensions to further investigate this contact zone.
Objective: Reconstruction of alar structures of the nose remains difficult. The result has to be not only functional but also aesthetic. Different solutions to reconstruct alar defects are feasible. A good result that meets the specific demands on stability, aesthetics, and stable architecture without shrinkage of the area is not easily achieved. Method: A perichondrial cutaneous graft (PCCG), a graft consisting of a perichondral layer, fatty tissue, and skin that is harvested retroauriculary, is combined with an attached cartilage strip. Case Result: A 72-year-old patient suffering from basal cell carcinoma of the ala of the nose underwent the reconstructive procedure with a good result in 1 year in terms of stability, color match, and graft take. Conclusion: First, a strip of cartilage had been included in a PCCG where tumor resection required sacrifice of more than 50% of the alar rim. The case shows that one can consider a cartilage strip-enhanced PCCG graft to reconstruct alar defects.
Résumé : Le positionnement correct du fuseau mitotique est crucial pour les divisions cellulaires asymétriques, car il gouverne le contrôle spatial de la division cellulaire et assure la ségrégation adéquate des déterminants cellulaires. Malgré leur importance, les mécanismes contrôlant le positionnement du fuseau mitotique sont encore mal compris. Chez l'embryon au stade une-cellule du nématode Caenorhabditis elegans, le fuseau mitotique est positionné de manière asymétrique durant l'anaphase grâce à l'action de générateurs de force situés au cortex cellulaire, et dont la nature était jusqu'alors indéterminée. Ces générateurs de force corticaux exercent une traction sur les microtubules astraux et sont dépendants de deux protéines Gα et de leurs protéines associées. Cette thèse traite de la nature de la machinerie responsable pour la génération des forces de tractions, ainsi que de son lien avec les protéines Gα et associées. Nous avons combiné des expériences de coupure par faisceau laser du fuseau mitotique avec le contrôle temporel de l'inactivation de gènes ou de l'exposition à des produits pharmacologiques. De cette manière, nous avons établi que la dynéine, un moteur se déplaçant vers l'extrémité négative des microtubules, ainsi que la dynamique des microtubules, sont toutes deux requises pour la génération efficace des forces de tractions. Nous avons démontré que les protéines Gα et leurs protéines associées GPR-1/2 et LIN-5 interagissent in vivo avec LIS-1, un composant du complexe de la dynéine. De plus, nous avons découvert que les protéines Gα, GPR-1/2 et LIN-5 promeuvent la présence du complexe de la dynéine au cortex cellulaire. Nos résultats suggèrent un mécanisme par lequel les protéines Gα permettent le recrutement cortical de GPR-1/2 et LIN-5, assurant ainsi la présence de la dynéine au cortex. Conjointement avec la dynamique des microtubules, ce mécanisme permet la génération des forces de tractions afin d'obtenir une division cellulaire correcte. Comme les mécanismes contrôlant le positionnement du fuseau mitotique et les divisions cellulaires asymétriques sont conservés au cours de l'évolution, nous espérons que les mécanismes élucidés par ce travail sont d'importance générale pour la génération de la diversité cellulaire durant le développement. De plus, ces mécanismes pourraient être applicables à d'autres divisions asymétriques, comme celle des cellules souches, dont le disfonctionnement peut entraîner la génération de cellules cancéreuses. Abstract : Proper spindle positioning is crucial for asymmetric cell division, because it controls spatial aspects of cell division and the correct inheritance of cell-fate determinants. However, the mechanisms governing spindle positioning remain incompletely understood. In the Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell stage embryo, the spindle becomes asymmetrically positioned during anaphase through the action of as-yet unidentified cortical force generators that pull on astral microtubules and that depend on two Gα proteins and associated proteins. This thesis addresses the nature of the force generation machinery and the link with the Gα and associated proteins. By performing spindle-severing experiments following temporally restricted gene inactivation and drug exposure, we established that microtubule dynamics and the minus-end directed motor dynein are both required for generating efficient pulling forces. We discovered that the Gα proteins and their associated proteins GPR-1/2 and LIN-5 interact in vivo with LIS-1, a component of the dynein complex. Moreover, we uncovered that LIN-5, GPR-1/2 and the Gα proteins promote the presence of the dynein complex at the cell cortex. Our findings suggest a mechanism by which the Gα proteins enable GPR-1/2 and LIN-5 recruitment to the cortex, thus ensuring the presence of cortical dynein. Together with microtubule dynamics, this allows pulling forces to be exerted and proper cell division to be achieved. Because the mechanisms of spindle positioning and asymmetric cell division are conserved across evolution, we expect the underlying mechanism uncovered here to be of broad significance for the generation of cell diversity during development. Moreover, this mechanism could be relevant for other asymmetric cell divisions, such as stem cell divisions, whose dysfunction may lead to the generation of cancer cells.
OBJECTIVE: Positive occipital sharp transient of the sleep (POSTS) are considered a normal variant of non-REM sleep EEG. We describe a small series of patients with asymmetric POSTS and ipsilateral abnormal EEG findings. METHODS: Over a period of 30 weeks, we prospectively observed five consecutive subjects with strictly unilateral POSTS associated with ispilateral electrographic abnormalities. They represent 0.4% of all EEG performed over the same time lapse (5/1130), including inpatients, outpatients and long-term monitoring. RESULTS: Four women and one boy suffering from epileptic seizures (aged 7-76 years old) had unilateral POSTS, occurring only on the right side, during light sleep. They also presented ipsilateral epileptiform abnormalities. CONCLUSION: The fact that POSTS were asymmetric and found only on the same side as the abnormalities raises the question whether these transients should still be considered physiological or could be interpreted at times as markers of underlying electrical abnormalities, pointing to an increased cortical excitability on the more active side. Although larger samples are needed to confirm our preliminary results, this case study questions the interpretation of POSTS as a uniformly normal variant.
The strength of interactions between T cell receptors and the peptide-major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) directly modulates T cell fitness, clonal expansion, and acquisition of effector properties. Here we show that asymmetric T cell division is an important mechanistic link between increased signal strength, effector differentiation, and the ability to induce tissue pathology. Recognition of pMHC above a threshold affinity drove responding T cells into asymmetric cell division. The ensuing proximal daughters underwent extensive division and differentiated into short-lived effector cells expressing the integrin VLA-4, allowing the activated T cell to infiltrate and mediate destruction of peripheral target tissues. In contrast, T cells activated by below-threshold antigens underwent symmetric division, leading to abortive clonal expansion and failure to fully differentiate into tissue-infiltrating effector cells. Antigen affinity and asymmetric division are important factors that regulate fate specification in CD8(+) T cells and predict the potential of a self-reactive T cell to mediate tissue pathology.
Human tumors often contain slowly proliferating cancer cells that resist treatment, but we do not know precisely how these cells arise. We show that rapidly proliferating cancer cells can divide asymmetrically to produce slowly proliferating "G0-like" progeny that are enriched following chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Asymmetric cancer cell division results from asymmetric suppression of AKT/PKB kinase signaling in one daughter cell during telophase of mitosis. Moreover, inhibition of AKT signaling with small-molecule drugs can induce asymmetric cancer cell division and the production of slow proliferators. Cancer cells therefore appear to continuously flux between symmetric and asymmetric division depending on the precise state of their AKT signaling network. This model may have significant implications for understanding how tumors grow, evade treatment, and recur.
Casparian strips are ring-like cell-wall modifications in the root endodermis of vascular plants. Their presence generates a paracellular barrier, analogous to animal tight junctions, that is thought to be crucial for selective nutrient uptake, exclusion of pathogens, and many other processes. Despite their importance, the chemical nature of Casparian strips has remained a matter of debate, confounding further molecular analysis. Suberin, lignin, lignin-like polymers, or both, have been claimed to make up Casparian strips. Here we show that, in Arabidopsis, suberin is produced much too late to take part in Casparian strip formation. In addition, we have generated plants devoid of any detectable suberin, which still establish functional Casparian strips. In contrast, manipulating lignin biosynthesis abrogates Casparian strip formation. Finally, monolignol feeding and lignin-specific chemical analysis indicates the presence of archetypal lignin in Casparian strips. Our findings establish the chemical nature of the primary root-diffusion barrier in Arabidopsis and enable a mechanistic dissection of the formation of Casparian strips, which are an independent way of generating tight junctions in eukaryotes.