16 resultados para Asia Pacific Studies

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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The fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX(®)) has been developed for the identification of individuals with high risk of fracture in whom treatment to prevent fractures would be appropriate. FRAX models are not yet available for all countries or ethnicities, but surrogate models can be used within regions with similar fracture risk. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) are nonprofit multidisciplinary international professional organizations. Their visions are to advance the awareness, education, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis. In November 2010, the IOF/ISCD FRAX initiative was held in Bucharest, bringing together international experts to review and create evidence-based official positions guiding clinicians for the practical use of FRAX. A consensus meeting of the Asia-Pacific (AP) Panel of the ISCD recently reviewed the most current Official Positions of the Joint Official Positions of ISCD and IOF on FRAX in view of the different population characteristics and health standards in the AP regions. The reviewed position statements included not only the key spectrum of positions but also unique concerns in AP regions.


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BACKGROUND: Data for trends in glycaemia and diabetes prevalence are needed to understand the effects of diet and lifestyle within populations, assess the performance of interventions, and plan health services. No consistent and comparable global analysis of trends has been done. We estimated trends and their uncertainties in mean fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and diabetes prevalence for adults aged 25 years and older in 199 countries and territories. METHODS: We obtained data from health examination surveys and epidemiological studies (370 country-years and 2·7 million participants). We converted systematically between different glycaemic metrics. For each sex, we used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate mean FPG and its uncertainty by age, country, and year, accounting for whether a study was nationally, subnationally, or community representative. FINDINGS: In 2008, global age-standardised mean FPG was 5·50 mmol/L (95% uncertainty interval 5·37-5·63) for men and 5·42 mmol/L (5·29-5·54) for women, having risen by 0·07 mmol/L and 0·09 mmol/L per decade, respectively. Age-standardised adult diabetes prevalence was 9·8% (8·6-11·2) in men and 9·2% (8·0-10·5) in women in 2008, up from 8·3% (6·5-10·4) and 7·5% (5·8-9·6) in 1980. The number of people with diabetes increased from 153 (127-182) million in 1980, to 347 (314-382) million in 2008. We recorded almost no change in mean FPG in east and southeast Asia and central and eastern Europe. Oceania had the largest rise, and the highest mean FPG (6·09 mmol/L, 5·73-6·49 for men; 6·08 mmol/L, 5·72-6·46 for women) and diabetes prevalence (15·5%, 11·6-20·1 for men; and 15·9%, 12·1-20·5 for women) in 2008. Mean FPG and diabetes prevalence in 2008 were also high in south Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and central Asia, north Africa, and the Middle East. Mean FPG in 2008 was lowest in sub-Saharan Africa, east and southeast Asia, and high-income Asia-Pacific. In high-income subregions, western Europe had the smallest rise, 0·07 mmol/L per decade for men and 0·03 mmol/L per decade for women; North America had the largest rise, 0·18 mmol/L per decade for men and 0·14 mmol/L per decade for women. INTERPRETATION: Glycaemia and diabetes are rising globally, driven both by population growth and ageing and by increasing age-specific prevalences. Effective preventive interventions are needed, and health systems should prepare to detect and manage diabetes and its sequelae. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and WHO.


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RésuméCette thèse traite d'un domaine d'application de l'écologie industrielle, les symbioses industrielles, comme stratégie d'amélioration de la consommation des ressources matérielles et énergétiques et de la gestion des déchets par les activités économiques. Les symbioses industrielles cherchent à créer de nouvelles collaborations directement entre les acteurs économiques d'un territoire dans le but d'échanger de l'information, des matières premières et des déchets, et d'intensifier les mutualisations de services et d'infrastructures possibles entre entreprises voisines. Ces quatre types de collaboration sont représentés schématiquement dans la figure ci-dessous.Dans ce travail, la détection et la mise en oeuvre de symbioses industrielles sont abordées sous plusieurs angles. Les recherches réalisées concernent le développement de procédures de mise en oeuvre s'adressant aux collectivités publiques, aux institutions académiques et aux bureaux de conseil dans le domaine de l'environnement. Les objectifs des procédures sont de créer une dynamique de collaboration et de confiance entre les acteurs économiques et l'administration publique d'un territoire afin de détecter des symbioses industrielles potentielles. Ces procédures requièrent la gestion de grandes quantités d'informations relatives aux flux de matière et d'énergie.Un travail de terrain, réalisé sur les territoires du canton de Genève et de Lausanne Région et utilisé comme études de cas, a permis de mettre en évidence un grand nombre de symbioses industrielles qui existent déjà en Suisse romande. Plusieurs dizaines d'exemples ont été identifiés principalement dans lesdomaines de la gestion de l'eau, de l'énergie, des produits chimiques et des matériaux de construction. La législation suisse autoriserait cependant la concrétisation de nombreuses autres opportunités. Dans cette recherche, celles-ci sont évaluées techniquement, légalement, économiquement et environnementalement. La création d'un référentiel d'évaluation des opportunités permet de déterminer quelles sont les symbioses industrielles techniquement réalisables et pertinentes dans le contexte suisse et dans quels cas celles-ci représenteraient une réelle plus-value par rapport à l'utilisation actuelle de la ressource et aux filières existantes de collecte et de valorisation des déchets.Finalement, un logiciel, SymbioGIS, destiné à soutenir la détection et l'évaluation de symbioses industrielles potentielles a été développé. Il s'agit d'une interface web accessible pour de nombreux utilisateurs, couplée à une interface de systèmes d'information géographique. En plus de la détection de symbioses industrielles, plusieurs fonctionnalités sont proposées pour faciliter la prise en compte des flux de matière et d'énergie dans les problématiques liées à l'aménagement du territoire et au positionnement des activités économiques.En conclusion, cette recherche met en évidence la nécessité de rapprocher les institutions publiques en charge de la protection de l'environnement, de la promotion économique et de l'aménagement du territoire pour favoriser l'essor des symbioses industrielles comme stratégie pour la gestion des ressources matérielles et énergétiques. Elle propose des pistes pour intensifier les collaborations entre ces domaines et accélérer le partage des connaissances liées aux flux de matière et d'énergie et à leur cheminement au sein des activités économiques afin de rendre le système industriel existant en Suisse romande viable à long terme. Parallèlement, elle étudie les possibilités de transposer ces considérations et les procédures et outils développés dans le contexte économique et social de la région Asie-Pacifique, où se trouvent aujourd'hui de nombreuses activités de production.SummaryIndustrial symbioses: A new strategy for improving how economic activities use material and energy resourcesThis thesis focuses on one application of industrial ecology, industrial symbioses, as a strategy for improving how economic activities consume material and energy resources. Industrial symbioses seek to create new collaborations among economic players with the goal of exchanging information, raw materials, and waste directly among area businesses, and to step up the potential pooling of services and infrastructure among neighboring companies.The identification and implementation of industrial symbioses are studied from several angles. The research first examines the development of implementation procedures for government bodies, academic institutions, and environmental consulting services. The purpose of the procedures is to create a dynamic of collaboration and trust between the economic players and the public officials in a region in order to identify potential industrial symbioses. The procedures necessitate managing large amounts of information about material and energy flows.Fieldwork conducted in the canton of Geneva and the Lausanne region, and used as case studies for the research, highlights a great number of industrial symbioses that already exist in French-speaking Switzerland. Several dozen examples are identified, primarily in the areas of water management, energy, chemical products, and building materials; however, Swiss law would permit many others. The research evaluates these opportunities from a technical, legal, economic, and environmental standpoint. By developing an assessment framework it is possible to determine which industrial symbioses are technically feasible and pertinent in Switzerland, and under what circumstances they would represent real added value compared to the current use of the resource and to existing systems for collecting and reusing waste.Lastly, SymbioGIS software was developed to help identify and assess potential industrial symbioses. The program's Web-based interface can be accessed by multiple users and is coupled with an interface that provides geographic information. In addition to identifying industrial symbioses, several program functionalities make it easier to consider material and energy flows with regard to local development issues and siting economic activities.In conclusion, the research highlights the need to bring together public institutions charged with protecting the environment, promoting economic activity, and overseeing development in order to foster the expansion of industrial symbioses as a strategy for managing material and energy resources. It proposes solutions for stepping up collaboration among these players and accelerating the sharing of knowledge about material and energy flows and their paths within economic activities with the goal of making theexisting industrial system in French-speaking Switzerland viable long-term. Also examined were thepossibilities of transposing these considerations and the study's findings about Switzerland to the economic and social context of the Asia-Pacific region, where much production is now located.


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Aims: To investigate the long-term efficacy and safety of denosumab (DMAb) for the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in an open-label extension to the 3-year FREEDOM study.1Methods: All women who completed the FREEDOM study were eligible to enter a long-term open-label extension (up to 10 years). After providing informed consent, participants received 6-monthly subcutaneous injections of DMAb (60 mg). Here we report data from the first year of followup. For women randomized to DMAb in the FREEDOM study ('long-term group'), this represents up to 48 months of DMAb exposure (eight 6-monthly injections). For those randomized to placebo ('de novo group') the data are from up to 12 months of exposure (two injections). All participants continued to take calcium (1 g) and vitamin D (≥400 IU) supplements daily. Changes in bone mineral density (BMD) and bone turnover markers (BTM) are reported for subjects enrolled in the extension. No formal statistical testing was planned for this interim report. P-values are descriptive.Results: Overall, 4,550 eligible women (70.2%) who completed the FREEDOM study entered the open-label extension study (long-term, n=2,343; de novo, n=2,207). During the first year of the extension, lumbar spine (LS) BMD in the long-term group further increased by 2.0% (12.1% increase vs. FREEDOM baseline at 48 months), and total hip (TH) BMD further increased by 0.8% (6.5% increase at 48 months) (p<0.0001 for both BMD gains during year 4; Fig. 1). During the first year of the extension, LS and TH BMD increased by 5.4% and 3.0%, respectively in the de novo group (both p<0.0001). After DMAb initiation, serum C-telopeptide (CTX) in the de novo group decreased rapidly and similarly to the long-term group (Fig. 2). Reductions in BTMs continue to attenuate at the end of the dosing interval as previously reported. Adverse event (AE) rates were similar (70.4% of women in the longterm group and 67.9% in the de novo group). Serious Aes were also similar (9.8% and 11.2% of women, respectively). During year 4, osteoporotic nonvertebral fractures were reported in 31 women in the long-term group and 51 in the denovo group.Fig. 1. Percentage change in BMD with denosumab for4 years (long-term) or 1 year (de novo)Fig. 2. Percentage change in sCTX over timeConclusions: These interim results suggest that continuation of DMAb treatment through 48 months is associated with further significant increases in spine and hip BMD with sustained reduction of bone turnover. The de-novo treatment group results confirm the first year active treatment findings previously reported1.Acknowledgements: Amgen Inc. sponsored this study. Figure ©2010, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, used by permission, all rights reserved. Disclosure of Interest: H. Bone Grant/Research Support from: Amgen, Eli Lilly, Merck, Nordic Bioscience, Novartis, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Consultant/Speaker's bureau/ Advisory activities with: Amgen, Merck, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Zelos, S. Papapoulos Consultant/Speaker's bureau/ Advisory activities with: Amgen, Merck, Novartis, Lilly, Procter and Gamble, GSK, M.-L. Brandi Grant/Research Support from: MSD, GSK, Nycomed, NPS, Amgen, J. Brown Grant/Research Support from: Abbott, Amgen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Roche, Consultant/ Speaker's bureau/Advisory activities with: Abbott, Amgen, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Merck, Warner Chilcott,, R. Chapurlat Grant/Research Support from: Servier, Sanofi-Aventis, Warner-Chilcott, Novartis, Merck, Consultant/Speaker's bureau/Advisory activities with: Servier, Novartis, Amgen, E. Czerwinski: None Declared, N. Daizadeh Employee of: Amgen Inc., Stock ownership or royalties of: Amgen Inc., A. Grauer Employee of: Amgen Inc., Stock ownership or royalties of: Amgen Inc., C. Haller Employee of: Amgen Inc., Stock ownership or royalties of: Amgen Inc., M.-A. Krieg: None Declared, C. Libanati Employee of: Amgen Inc., Stock ownership or royalties of: Amgen Inc., Z. Man Grant/Research Support from: Amgen, D. Mellström: None Declared, S. Radominski Grant/Research Support from: Amgen, Pfizer, Roche, BMS, J.-Y. Reginster Grant/Research Support from: Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Rottapharm, Teva, Lilly, Novartis, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Amgen, Servier, Consultant/Speaker's bureau/ Advisory activities with: Servier, Novartis, Negma, Lilly,Wyeth, Amgen, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Merckle, Nycomed, NPS, Theramex, UCB, Merck, Sharpe & Dohme, Rottapharm, IBSA, Genvrier, Teijin, Teva, Ebewee Pharma, Zodiac, Analis, Theramex, Novo-Nordisk, H. Resch: None Declared, J. A. Román Grant/Research Support from: Roche, Pharma, C. Roux Grant/Research Support from: Amgen, MSD, Novartis, Servier, Roche, Consultant/ Speaker's bureau/Advisory activities with: Amgen, MSD, Novartis, Servier, Roche, S. Cummings Grant/ Research Support from: Amgen, Lilly, Consultant/Speaker's bureau/Advisory activities with: Amgen, Lilly, Novartis, Merck


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Geographic differences in frequency and azole resistance among Candida glabrata may impact empiric antifungal therapy choice. We examined geographic variation in isolation and azole susceptibility of C. glabrata. We examined 23 305 clinical isolates of C. glabrata during ARTEMIS DISK global surveillance. Susceptibility testing to fluconazole and voriconazole was assessed by disk diffusion, and the results were grouped by geographic location: North America (NA) (2470 isolates), Latin America (LA) (2039), Europe (EU) (12 439), Africa and the Middle East (AME) (728), and Asia-Pacific (AP) (5629). Overall, C. glabrata accounted for 11.6% of 201 653 isolates of Candida and varied as a proportion of all Candida isolated from 7.4% in LA to 21.1% in NA. Decreased susceptibility (S) to fluconazole was observed in all geographic regions and ranged from 62.8% in AME to 76.7% in LA. Variation in fluconazole susceptibility was observed within each region: AP (range, 50-100% S), AME (48-86.9%), EU (44.8-88%), LA (43-92%), and NA (74.5-91.6%). Voriconazole was more active than fluconazole (range, 82.3-84.2% S) with similar regional variation. Among 22 sentinel sites participating in ARTEMIS from 2001 through 2007 (84 140 total isolates, 8163 C. glabrata), the frequency of C. glabrata isolation increased in 14 sites and the frequency of fluconazole resistance (R) increased in 11 sites over the 7-year period of study. The sites with the highest cumulative rates of fluconazole R were in Poland (22% R), the Czech Republic (27% R), Venezuela (27% R), and Greece (33% R). C. glabrata was most often isolated from blood, normally sterile body fluids and urine. There is substantial geographic and institutional variation in both frequency of isolation and azole resistance among C. glabrata. Prompt species identification and fluconazole susceptibility testing are necessary to optimize therapy for invasive candidiasis.


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Development of new infant formulas aims to replicate the benefits of breast milk. One benefit of breast milk over infant formulas is greater gastrointestinal comfort. We compared indicators of gastrointestinal comfort in infants fed a whey-predominant formula containing long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, galacto-oligo-saccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides, and infants fed a control casein-predominant formula without additional ingredients. The single-centre, prospective, double-blind, controlled trial randomly assigned healthy, full-term infants (n=144) to receive exclusively either experimental or control formula from 30 days to 4 months of age. A group of exclusively breast-fed infants served as reference (n=80). At 1, 2, 3, and 4 months, infants' growth parameters were measured and their health assessed. Parents recorded frequency and physical characteristics of infants' stool, frequency of regurgitation, vomiting, crying and colic. At 2-months, gastric emptying (ultrasound) and intestinal transit time (H2 breath test) were measured, and stool samples collected for bacterial analysis. Compared to the control (n=69), fewer of the experimental group (n=67) had hard stools (0.7 vs 7.5%, p<0.001) and more had soft stools (90.8 vs 82.3%, p<0.05). Also compared to the control, the experimental group's stool microbiota composition (mean % bifidobacteria: 78.1 (experimental, n=17), 63.7 (control, n=16), 74.3 (breast-fed, n=20), gastric transit times (59.6 (experimental, n=53), 61.4 (control, n=62), 55.9 (breast-fed, n=67) minutes) and intestinal transit times (data not shown) were closer to that of the breast-fed group. Growth parameter values were similar for all groups. The data suggest that, in infants, the prebiotic-containing whey-based formula provides superior gastrointestinal comfort than a control formula.


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We have reported that ingesting a meal immediately after exercise increased skeletal muscle accretion and less adipose tissue accumulation in rats employed in a 10 week resistance exercise program. We hypothesized that a possible increase in the resting metabolic rate (RMR) as a result of the larger skeletal muscle mass might be responsible for the less adipose deposition. Therefore, the effect of the timing of a protein supplement after resistance exercise on body composition and the RMR was investigated in 17 slightly overweight men. The subjects participated in a 12-week weight reduction program consisting of mild energy restriction (17% energy intake reduction) and a light resistance exercise using a pair of dumbbells (3-5 kg). The subjects were assigned to two groups. Group S ingested a protein supplement (10 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate, 3.3 g fat and one-third of recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals) immediately after exercise. Group C did not ingest the supplement. Daily intake of both energy and protein was equal between the two groups and the protein intake met the RDA. After 12 weeks, the bodyweight, skinfold thickness, girth of waist and hip and percentage bodyfat significantly decreased in the both groups, however, no significant differences were observed between the groups. The fat-free mass significantly decreased in C, whereas its decrease in S was not significant. The RMR and post-meal total energy output significantly increased in S, while these variables did not change in C. In addition, the urinary nitrogen excretion tended to increase in C but not in S. These results suggest that the RMR increase observed in S might be associated with an increase in body protein synthesis.


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Peatlands play a crucial role in Indonesia's economic development, and in its stated goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Improved peatland management - including a national moratorium on the granting of any new conversion licenses - forms a cornerstone of Indonesia's climate change mitigation commitment. At the same time, rapid expansion of the plantation sector is driving wide-scale drainage and conversion of peat swamp ecosystems. The province of Riau, in central Sumatra, finds itself at the crossroads of these conflicting agendas. This essay presents a case study of three islands on Riau's east coast affected by industrial timber plantation concessions. It examines the divergent experiences, perceptions and responses of communities on the islands. A mix of dramatic protests, localised everyday actions and constructive dialogue has succeeded in delaying or perhaps halting one of the concessions, while negotiations and contestation with the other two continue. With the support of regional and national non-governmental organisations and local government, communities are pursuing alternative development strategies, including the cultivation of sago, which requires no peat drainage. While a powerful political economy of state and corporate actors shapes the contours of socio-environmental change, local social movements can alter trajectories of change, promoting incremental improvements and alternative pathways.


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OBJECTIVES To compare subjective memory deficit (SMD) in older adults with and without dementia or depression across multiple centers in low- and middle-income countries (LAMICs). DESIGN Secondary analysis of data from 23 case control studies. SETTING Twenty-three centers in India, Southeast Asia (including China), Latin America and the Caribbean, Nigeria, and Russia. PARTICIPANTS Two thousand six hundred ninety-two community-dwelling people aged 60 and older in one of three groups: people with dementia, people with depression, and controls free of dementia and depression. MEASUREMENTS SMD was derived from the Geriatric Mental State examination. RESULTS Median SMD frequency was lowest in participants without dementia (26.2%) and higher in those with depression (50.0%) and dementia (66.7%). Frequency of SMD varied between centers. Depression and dementia were consistently associated with SMD. Older age and hypochondriasis were associated with SMD only in subjects without dementia. In those with dementia, SMD was associated with better cognitive function, whereas the reverse was the case in controls. CONCLUSION Associations with SMD may differ between subjects with and without dementia living in LAMICs.


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Les reconstructions palinspastiques fournissent le cadre idéal à de nombreuses études géologiques, géographiques, océanographique ou climatiques. En tant qu?historiens de la terre, les "reconstructeurs" essayent d?en déchiffrer le passé. Depuis qu?ils savent que les continents bougent, les géologues essayent de retracer leur évolution à travers les âges. Si l?idée originale de Wegener était révolutionnaire au début du siècle passé, nous savons depuis le début des années « soixante » que les continents ne "dérivent" pas sans but au milieu des océans mais sont inclus dans un sur-ensemble associant croûte « continentale » et « océanique »: les plaques tectoniques. Malheureusement, pour des raisons historiques aussi bien que techniques, cette idée ne reçoit toujours pas l'écho suffisant parmi la communauté des reconstructeurs. Néanmoins, nous sommes intimement convaincus qu?en appliquant certaines méthodes et certains principes il est possible d?échapper à l?approche "Wégenerienne" traditionnelle pour enfin tendre vers la tectonique des plaques. Le but principal du présent travail est d?exposer, avec tous les détails nécessaires, nos outils et méthodes. Partant des données paléomagnétiques et paléogéographiques classiquement utilisées pour les reconstructions, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthodologie replaçant les plaques tectoniques et leur cinématique au coeur du problème. En utilisant des assemblages continentaux (aussi appelés "assemblées clés") comme des points d?ancrage répartis sur toute la durée de notre étude (allant de l?Eocène jusqu?au Cambrien), nous développons des scénarios géodynamiques permettant de passer de l?une à l?autre en allant du passé vers le présent. Entre deux étapes, les plaques lithosphériques sont peu à peu reconstruites en additionnant/ supprimant les matériels océaniques (symbolisés par des isochrones synthétiques) aux continents. Excepté lors des collisions, les plaques sont bougées comme des entités propres et rigides. A travers les âges, les seuls éléments évoluant sont les limites de plaques. Elles sont préservées aux cours du temps et suivent une évolution géodynamique consistante tout en formant toujours un réseau interconnecté à travers l?espace. Cette approche appelée "limites de plaques dynamiques" intègre de multiples facteurs parmi lesquels la flottabilité des plaques, les taux d'accrétions aux rides, les courbes de subsidence, les données stratigraphiques et paléobiogéographiques aussi bien que les évènements tectoniques et magmatiques majeurs. Cette méthode offre ainsi un bon contrôle sur la cinématique des plaques et fournit de sévères contraintes au modèle. Cette approche "multi-source" nécessite une organisation et une gestion des données efficaces. Avant le début de cette étude, les masses de données nécessaires était devenues un obstacle difficilement surmontable. Les SIG (Systèmes d?Information Géographiques) et les géo-databases sont des outils informatiques spécialement dédiés à la gestion, au stockage et à l?analyse des données spatialement référencées et de leurs attributs. Grâce au développement dans ArcGIS de la base de données PaleoDyn nous avons pu convertir cette masse de données discontinues en informations géodynamiques précieuses et facilement accessibles pour la création des reconstructions. Dans le même temps, grâce à des outils spécialement développés, nous avons, tout à la fois, facilité le travail de reconstruction (tâches automatisées) et amélioré le modèle en développant fortement le contrôle cinématique par la création de modèles de vitesses des plaques. Sur la base des 340 terranes nouvellement définis, nous avons ainsi développé un set de 35 reconstructions auxquelles est toujours associé un modèle de vitesse. Grâce à cet ensemble de données unique, nous pouvons maintenant aborder des problématiques majeurs de la géologie moderne telles que l?étude des variations du niveau marin et des changements climatiques. Nous avons commencé par aborder un autre problème majeur (et non définitivement élucidé!) de la tectonique moderne: les mécanismes contrôlant les mouvements des plaques. Nous avons pu observer que, tout au long de l?histoire de la terre, les pôles de rotation des plaques (décrivant les mouvements des plaques à la surface de la terre) tendent à se répartir le long d'une bande allant du Pacifique Nord au Nord de l'Amérique du Sud, l'Atlantique Central, l'Afrique du Nord, l'Asie Centrale jusqu'au Japon. Fondamentalement, cette répartition signifie que les plaques ont tendance à fuir ce plan médian. En l'absence d'un biais méthodologique que nous n'aurions pas identifié, nous avons interprété ce phénomène comme reflétant l'influence séculaire de la Lune sur le mouvement des plaques. La Lune sur le mouvement des plaques. Le domaine océanique est la clé de voute de notre modèle. Nous avons attaché un intérêt tout particulier à le reconstruire avec beaucoup de détails. Dans ce modèle, la croûte océanique est préservée d?une reconstruction à l?autre. Le matériel crustal y est symbolisé sous la forme d?isochrones synthétiques dont nous connaissons les âges. Nous avons également reconstruit les marges (actives ou passives), les rides médio-océaniques et les subductions intra-océaniques. En utilisant ce set de données très détaillé, nous avons pu développer des modèles bathymétriques 3-D unique offrant une précision bien supérieure aux précédents.<br/><br/>Palinspastic reconstructions offer an ideal framework for geological, geographical, oceanographic and climatology studies. As historians of the Earth, "reconstructers" try to decipher the past. Since they know that continents are moving, geologists a trying to retrieve the continents distributions through ages. If Wegener?s view of continent motions was revolutionary at the beginning of the 20th century, we know, since the Early 1960?s that continents are not drifting without goal in the oceanic realm but are included in a larger set including, all at once, the oceanic and the continental crust: the tectonic plates. Unfortunately, mainly due to technical and historical issues, this idea seems not to receive a sufficient echo among our particularly concerned community. However, we are intimately convinced that, by applying specific methods and principles we can escape the traditional "Wegenerian" point of view to, at last, reach real plate tectonics. This is the main aim of this study to defend this point of view by exposing, with all necessary details, our methods and tools. Starting with the paleomagnetic and paleogeographic data classically used in reconstruction studies, we developed a modern methodology placing the plates and their kinematics at the centre of the issue. Using assemblies of continents (referred as "key assemblies") as anchors distributed all along the scope of our study (ranging from Eocene time to Cambrian time) we develop geodynamic scenarios leading from one to the next, from the past to the present. In between, lithospheric plates are progressively reconstructed by adding/removing oceanic material (symbolized by synthetic isochrones) to major continents. Except during collisions, plates are moved as single rigid entities. The only evolving elements are the plate boundaries which are preserved and follow a consistent geodynamical evolution through time and form an interconnected network through space. This "dynamic plate boundaries" approach integrates plate buoyancy factors, oceans spreading rates, subsidence patterns, stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic data, as well as major tectonic and magmatic events. It offers a good control on plate kinematics and provides severe constraints for the model. This multi-sources approach requires an efficient data management. Prior to this study, the critical mass of necessary data became a sorely surmountable obstacle. GIS and geodatabases are modern informatics tools of specifically devoted to store, analyze and manage data and associated attributes spatially referenced on the Earth. By developing the PaleoDyn database in ArcGIS software we converted the mass of scattered data offered by the geological records into valuable geodynamical information easily accessible for reconstructions creation. In the same time, by programming specific tools we, all at once, facilitated the reconstruction work (tasks automation) and enhanced the model (by highly increasing the kinematic control of plate motions thanks to plate velocity models). Based on the 340 terranes properly defined, we developed a revised set of 35 reconstructions associated to their own velocity models. Using this unique dataset we are now able to tackle major issues of the geology (such as the global sea-level variations and climate changes). We started by studying one of the major unsolved issues of the modern plate tectonics: the driving mechanism of plate motions. We observed that, all along the Earth?s history, plates rotation poles (describing plate motions across the Earth?s surface) tend to follow a slight linear distribution along a band going from the Northern Pacific through Northern South-America, Central Atlantic, Northern Africa, Central Asia up to Japan. Basically, it sighifies that plates tend to escape this median plan. In the absence of a non-identified methodological bias, we interpreted it as the potential secular influence ot the Moon on plate motions. The oceanic realms are the cornerstone of our model and we attached a particular interest to reconstruct them with many details. In this model, the oceanic crust is preserved from one reconstruction to the next. The crustal material is symbolised by the synthetic isochrons from which we know the ages. We also reconstruct the margins (active or passive), ridges and intra-oceanic subductions. Using this detailed oceanic dataset, we developed unique 3-D bathymetric models offering a better precision than all the previously existing ones.


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^Raduolarians constitute a good tool for contributing to the biostratigraphy of accreted terranes and in deep-sea sediment sequences. The use of radiolarians is also proven to be valuable as a palaeoceanographic indicator. The present study evaluates radiolarians in three different geological settings, in order to better constrain the age of the sites and to try to understand their palaeoenvironmental situation at different periods, particularly in the Caribbean-Central America area. On the Jarabacoa Block, in Central Dominican Republic, a hundred meters of siliceous mudstones (Pedro Brand section in the Tireo Group) was dated as Turonian- Coniancian in age using radiolarians. A 40Ar-39Ar whole rock age of 75.1±1.1 Ma (Campanian), obtained in a basalt dyke crosscutting the radiolarian bearing rocks, a consistent minimum age for the pelagic-hemipelagic Pedro Brand section. The Jarabacoa Block is considered as the most complete outcrop section of Pacific ocean crust overlain by a first Aptian-Albian phase of Caribbean Large Igneous Province-type activity (CLIP), followed by the development of a Cenomanian-Santonian intraoceanic arc, which is in turn overlain by a late Campanian-Maastrichtian CLIP-phase. The Tireo Group records an episode of pelagic to hemi-pelagic and intermediate to acidic arc-derived sedimentation, previous to the youngest magmatic phase of the CLIP. Thus, the section of Pedro Brand has been interpreted in this study as being part of the intraoceanic arc. In northern Venezuela, a greenish radiolarite section from Siquisique Ophiolite (basalts, gabbros and some associated cherts) in Guaparo Creek has been studied. In previous studies, the Ophiolite unit (Petacas Creek section) has been dated as Bajocian-Bathonian, based on ammonites present in interpillow sediments from basalt blocks. New dating of the present study concluded in an Aptian?-Albian-Cenomanian age for the Guaparo creek section (middle Cretaceous), based on radiolarian assemblage associated to basalts-gabbros rocks of the unit. Previous plagioclase 40Ar-39Ar ages from the Siquisuique Ophiolite may be slightly younger (94-90 Ma.) and may, therefore, represent younger dykes that intruded onto a well-developed sheeted dyke complex of the Siquisique. The geochemistry of these rocks and the palaeotectonic reconstruction of the Caribbean area during this period suggest that these rocks were derived from a mid-ocean ridge with an influence of deep mantle plume. The Siquisique Ophiolite most probably represents a fragment of the proto-Caribbean basin. The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 344 drilled a transect across the convergent margin off Costa Rica. Two sites of this expedition were chosen for radiolarian biostratigraphy and palaeoceanographic studies. Both sites (U1381C and U1414A) are located in the incoming Cocos plate, in the eastern Equatorial Pacific. The succession of U1381C yields a Middle Miocene to Pleistocene age, and presents an important hiatus of approximately 10 Ma. The core of U1414A exposes a continuous sequence that deposited during Late Miocene to Pleistocene (radiolarian zones RN6-RN16). The ages were assigned based on radiolarians and correlated with nannofossil zonation and tephra 40Ar-39Ar datation. With those results, and considering the northward movement of the Cocos plate motion (about 7 cm/year), deduction is made that the sites U1381C and U1414A were initially deposited during the Miocene, several hundreds of kilometres from the current location, slightly south of the Equator. This suggests that the faunas of these sites have been subjected to different currents, first influenced by the cold tongue of the South Equatorial Current and followed by the warm Equatorial Countercurrent. At last, coastal upwelling influenced faunas of the Pleistocene. -- Les radiolaires sont considérés comme un outil utile à la biostratigraphie des terrains accrétés et des sédiments profonds. Leur utilité est aussi prouvée comme étant remarquable au niveau des reconstructions paléocéanographiques. La présente étude évalue l'importance et la présence des radiolaires de trois localités géologiquement différentes d'Amérique Centrale-Caraïbes, dans le but d'améliorer les model d'âges et de mieux comprendre la situation paléoenvironnementale à travers le temps. Dans le Bloque de Jarabacoa, au centre de la République Dominicaine, une section de cent mètres (section de Pedro Brand, Groupe de Tireo) a été datée comme faisant partie du Turonien-Santonien, en utilisant les radiolaires. Une datation 40Ar-39Ar sur roche totale de 75±1.1 Ma (Campanien) a été obtenu pour vin dyke traversant les sédiments riches en radiolaires, en cohérence avec l'âge minimum accordé à la section de Pedro Brand. Aux Caraïbes, le Bloque de Jarabacoa est considéré comme l'affleurement le plus complet présentant une succession de croûte océanique d'origine Pacifique recouverte d'une première phase d'activité volcanique de type CLIP (Caribbean Large Igneous Province) d'âge Aptien- Albien, de dépôts d'arc volcanique intra-océanique d'âge Cénomanien-Santonien, puis d'une seconde phase de type CLIP d'âge Campanien-Maastrichtien. Le Groupe de Tireo enregistre un épisode de dépôt pélagiques-hémipélagiques et d'arc volcanique, antérieur à la plus jeune phase de type CLIP. Cette étude place donc la formation de la section de Pedro Brand au moment du développement de l'arc intra-océanique. A Guaparo Creek (nord du Vénézuela), une section de radiolarite verdâtre faisant partie des ophiolites de Siquisique (basaltes, gabbros, cherts) a été étudiée. Dans des études précédentes, sur la localité de Petacas Creek, l'unité ophiolitique a été daté d'âge Bajocien- Bathonien (Jurassique) sur la base d'ammonites trouvées dans des sédiments intercalés entre des laves en coussins. Les nouvelles datations de notre étude, basées sur des assemblages à radiolaires de l'unité à basaltes-gabbros, donnent un âge Aptien?-Albien-Cénomanien (Crétacé moyen). Les âges de l'Ophiolite de Siquisique, précédement calculés par la méthode sur plagioclases, pourraient être légèrement plus jeune (94-90 Ma) et donc représenter des intrusions plus récentes de dykes dans le complexe filonien déjà bien dévelopé. La géochimie de ces roches magmatiques, ainsi que les reconstructions paléotectoniques de la zone Caraïbes durant cette période, suggèrent que ces formations sont dérivées d'une ride médio-océanique associée à l'influence d'un panache mantellique. L'ophiolite de Siquisique représente très probablement un fragment du bassin de proto¬Caraïbe. L'expédition 344 du programme IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) a eu lieu dans l'optique de forer et dresser une coupe de la marge convergente au large du Costa Rica. Deux sites de cette expédition ont été choisis pour les besoins des études de biostratigraphie et de reconstruction paléocéanographique. Ces deux sites (U1381C et U1414A) sont situés sur la plaque subductante de Cocos, dans la zone Pacifique est-équatoriale. La carotte U1381C expose une séquence s'étalant du Miocène moyen au Pléistocène, et présente un important hiatus d'environ 10 Ma. La carotte U1414A expose une séquence continue s'étalant du Miocène tardif au Pléistocène (zone à radiolaires RN6-RN16). Les âges ont été assignés sur la base des radiolaires et corrélés avec les zones à nanofossiles et les datations 40Ar-39Ar sur téphras. Avec ces résultats, et en considérant le mouvement nord de la plaque de Cocos (environ 7 cm/an), déduction est faite que les deux sites étaient initialement situés, au cours du Miocène, à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres de leur location actuelle, au sud de l'équateur. Cela suggère que les faunes de ces sites ont été sujettes à différents courants; premièrement influencées par la langue froide du SEC (South Equatorial Current), puis par les eaux chaudes du ECC (Equatorial Countercurrent). Pour terminer, les remontées d'eau côtières ont influencées les faunes Pléistocène.