27 resultados para Affine Partitions
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Axée dans un premier temps sur le formalisme et les méthodes, cette thèse est construite sur trois concepts formalisés: une table de contingence, une matrice de dissimilarités euclidiennes et une matrice d'échange. À partir de ces derniers, plusieurs méthodes d'Analyse des données ou d'apprentissage automatique sont exprimées et développées: l'analyse factorielle des correspondances (AFC), vue comme un cas particulier du multidimensional scaling; la classification supervisée, ou non, combinée aux transformations de Schoenberg; et les indices d'autocorrélation et d'autocorrélation croisée, adaptés à des analyses multivariées et permettant de considérer diverses familles de voisinages. Ces méthodes débouchent dans un second temps sur une pratique de l'analyse exploratoire de différentes données textuelles et musicales. Pour les données textuelles, on s'intéresse à la classification automatique en types de discours de propositions énoncées, en se basant sur les catégories morphosyntaxiques (CMS) qu'elles contiennent. Bien que le lien statistique entre les CMS et les types de discours soit confirmé, les résultats de la classification obtenus avec la méthode K- means, combinée à une transformation de Schoenberg, ainsi qu'avec une variante floue de l'algorithme K-means, sont plus difficiles à interpréter. On traite aussi de la classification supervisée multi-étiquette en actes de dialogue de tours de parole, en se basant à nouveau sur les CMS qu'ils contiennent, mais aussi sur les lemmes et le sens des verbes. Les résultats obtenus par l'intermédiaire de l'analyse discriminante combinée à une transformation de Schoenberg sont prometteurs. Finalement, on examine l'autocorrélation textuelle, sous l'angle des similarités entre diverses positions d'un texte, pensé comme une séquence d'unités. En particulier, le phénomène d'alternance de la longueur des mots dans un texte est observé pour des voisinages d'empan variable. On étudie aussi les similarités en fonction de l'apparition, ou non, de certaines parties du discours, ainsi que les similarités sémantiques des diverses positions d'un texte. Concernant les données musicales, on propose une représentation d'une partition musicale sous forme d'une table de contingence. On commence par utiliser l'AFC et l'indice d'autocorrélation pour découvrir les structures existant dans chaque partition. Ensuite, on opère le même type d'approche sur les différentes voix d'une partition, grâce à l'analyse des correspondances multiples, dans une variante floue, et à l'indice d'autocorrélation croisée. Qu'il s'agisse de la partition complète ou des différentes voix qu'elle contient, des structures répétées sont effectivement détectées, à condition qu'elles ne soient pas transposées. Finalement, on propose de classer automatiquement vingt partitions de quatre compositeurs différents, chacune représentée par une table de contingence, par l'intermédiaire d'un indice mesurant la similarité de deux configurations. Les résultats ainsi obtenus permettent de regrouper avec succès la plupart des oeuvres selon leur compositeur.
A recent phase 1 trial has demonstrated that the generation of tumor-reactive T lymphocytes by transfer of specific T-cell receptor (TCR) genes into autologous lymphocytes is feasible. However, compared with results obtained by infusion of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, the response rate observed in this first TCR gene therapy trial is low. One strategy that is likely to enhance the success rate of TCR gene therapy is the use of tumor-reactive TCRs with a higher capacity for tumor cell recognition. We therefore sought to develop standardized procedures for the selection of well-expressed, high-affinity, and safe human TCRs. Here we show that TCR surface expression can be improved by modification of TCR alpha and beta sequences and that such improvement has a marked effect on the in vivo function of TCR gene-modified T cells. From a panel of human, melanoma-reactive TCRs we subsequently selected the TCR with the highest affinity. Furthermore, a generally applicable assay was used to assess the lack of alloreactivity of this TCR against a large series of common human leukocyte antigen alleles. The procedures described in this study should be of general value for the selection of well- and stably expressed, high-affinity, and safe human TCRs for subsequent clinical testing.
This work consists of three essays investigating the ability of structural macroeconomic models to price zero coupon U.S. government bonds. 1. A small scale 3 factor DSGE model implying constant term premium is able to provide reasonable a fit for the term structure only at the expense of the persistence parameters of the structural shocks. The test of the structural model against one that has constant but unrestricted prices of risk parameters shows that the exogenous prices of risk-model is only weakly preferred. We provide an MLE based variance-covariance matrix of the Metropolis Proposal Density that improves convergence speeds in MCMC chains. 2. Affine in observable macro-variables, prices of risk specification is excessively flexible and provides term-structure fit without significantly altering the structural parameters. The exogenous component of the SDF is separating the macro part of the model from the term structure and the good term structure fit has as a driving force an extremely volatile SDF and an implied average short rate that is inexplicable. We conclude that the no arbitrage restrictions do not suffice to temper the SDF, thus there is need for more restrictions. We introduce a penalty-function methodology that proves useful in showing that affine prices of risk specifications are able to reconcile stable macro-dynamics with good term structure fit and a plausible SDF. 3. The level factor is reproduced most importantly by the preference shock to which it is strongly and positively related but technology and monetary shocks, with negative loadings, are also contributing to its replication. The slope factor is only related to the monetary policy shocks and it is poorly explained. We find that there are gains in in- and out-of-sample forecast of consumption and inflation if term structure information is used in a time varying hybrid prices of risk setting. In-sample yield forecast are better in models with non-stationary shocks for the period 1982-1988. After this period, time varying market price of risk models provide better in-sample forecasts. For the period 2005-2008, out of sample forecast of consumption and inflation are better if term structure information is incorporated in the DSGE model but yields are better forecasted by a pure macro DSGE model.
PURPOSE: To introduce a new k-space traversal strategy for segmented three-dimensional echo planar imaging (3D EPI) that encodes two partitions per radiofrequency excitation, effectively reducing the number excitations used to acquire a 3D EPI dataset by half. METHODS: The strategy was evaluated in the context of functional MRI applications for: image quality compared with segmented 3D EPI, temporal signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR) (the ability to detect resting state networks compared with multislice two-dimensional (2D) EPI and segmented 3D EPI, and temporal resolution (the ability to separate cardiac- and respiration-related fluctuations from the desired blood oxygen level-dependent signal of interest). RESULTS: Whole brain images with a nominal voxel size of 2 mm isotropic could be acquired with a temporal resolution under half a second using traditional parallel imaging acceleration up to 4× in the partition-encode direction and using novel data acquisition speed-up of 2× with a 32-channel coil. With 8× data acquisition speed-up in the partition-encode direction, 3D reduced excitations (RE)-EPI produced acceptable image quality without introduction of noticeable additional artifacts. Due to increased tSNR and better characterization of physiological fluctuations, the new strategy allowed detection of more resting state networks compared with multislice 2D-EPI and segmented 3D EPI. CONCLUSION: 3D RE-EPI resulted in significant increases in temporal resolution for whole brain acquisitions and in improved physiological noise characterization compared with 2D-EPI and segmented 3D EPI. Magn Reson Med 72:786-792, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Brain deformations induced by space-occupying lesions may result in unpredictable position and shape of functionally important brain structures. The aim of this study is to propose a method for segmentation of brain structures by deformation of a segmented brain atlas in presence of a space-occupying lesion. Our approach is based on an a priori model of lesion growth (MLG) that assumes radial expansion from a seeding point and involves three steps: first, an affine registration bringing the atlas and the patient into global correspondence; then, the seeding of a synthetic tumor into the brain atlas providing a template for the lesion; finally, the deformation of the seeded atlas, combining a method derived from optical flow principles and a model of lesion growth. The method was applied on two meningiomas inducing a pure displacement of the underlying brain structures, and segmentation accuracy of ventricles and basal ganglia was assessed. Results show that the segmented structures were consistent with the patient's anatomy and that the deformation accuracy of surrounding brain structures was highly dependent on the accurate placement of the tumor seeding point. Further improvements of the method will optimize the segmentation accuracy. Visualization of brain structures provides useful information for therapeutic consideration of space-occupying lesions, including surgical, radiosurgical, and radiotherapeutic planning, in order to increase treatment efficiency and prevent neurological damage.
Gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPrs) are overexpressed on a variety of human cancers, providing the opportunity for peptide receptor targeting via radiolabeled bombesin-based peptides. As part of our ongoing investigations into the development of improved GRPr antagonists, this study aimed at verifying whether and how N-terminal modulations improve the affinity and pharmacokinetics of radiolabeled GRPr antagonists. METHODS: The potent GRPr antagonist MJ9, Pip-d-Phe-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Sta-Leu-NH2 (Pip, 4-amino-1-carboxymethyl-piperidine), was conjugated to 1,4,7-triazacyclononane, 1-glutaric acid-4,7 acetic acid (NODAGA), and 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (NOTA) and radiolabeled with (68)Ga and (64)Cu. The GRPr affinity of the corresponding metalloconjugates was determined using (125)I-Tyr(4)-BN as a radioligand. The labeling efficiency of (68)Ga(3+) was compared between NODAGA-MJ9 and NOTA-MJ9 in acetate buffer, at room temperature and at 95°C. The (68)Ga and (64)Cu conjugates were further evaluated in vivo in PC3 tumor xenografts by biodistribution and PET imaging studies. RESULTS: The half maximum inhibitory concentrations of all the metalloconjugates are in the high picomolar-low nanomolar range, and these are the most affine-radiolabeled GRPr antagonists we have studied so far in our laboratory. NODAGA-MJ9 incorporates (68)Ga(3+) nearly quantitatively (>98%) at room temperature within 10 min and at much lower peptide concentrations (1.4 × 10(-6) M) than NOTA-MJ9, for which the labeling yield was approximately 45% under the same conditions and increased to 75% at 95°C for 5 min. Biodistribution studies showed high and specific tumor uptake, with a maximum of 23.3 ± 2.0 percentage injected activity per gram of tissue (%IA/g) for (68)Ga-NOTA-MJ9 and 16.7 ± 2.0 %IA/g for (68)Ga-NODAGA-MJ9 at 1 h after injection. The acquisition of PET images with the (64)Cu-MJ9 conjugates at later time points clearly showed the efficient clearance of the accumulated activity from the background already at 4 h after injection, whereas tumor uptake still remained high. The high pancreas uptake for all radiotracers at 1 h after injection was rapidly washed out, resulting in an increased tumor-to-pancreas ratio at later time points. CONCLUSION: We have developed 2 GRPr antagonistic radioligands, which are improved in terms of binding affinity and overall biodistribution profile. Their promising in vivo pharmacokinetic performance may contribute to the improvement of the diagnostic imaging of tumors overexpressing GRPr.
Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) provides high-resolution point clouds of the topography and new TLS instruments with ranges exceeding 300 m or even 1000 m are powerful tools for characterizing and monitoring slope movements. This study focuses on the 35 million m3 Åknes rockslide in Western Norway, which is one of the most investigated and monitored rockslides in the world. The TLS point clouds are used for the structural analysis of the steep, inaccessible main scarp of the rockslide, including an assessment of the discontinuity sets and fold axes. TLS acquisitions in 2006, 2007 and 2008 provide information on 3-D displacements for the entire scanned area and are not restricted like conventional survey instruments to single measurement points. The affine transformation matrix between two TLS acquisitions precisely describes the rockslide displacements and enables their separation into translational components, such as the displacement velocity and direction, and rotational components, like toppling. This study shows the ability of TLS to obtain reliable 3-D displacement information over a large, unstable area. Finally, a possible instability model for the upper part of Åknes rockslide explains the measured translational and rotational displacements by a combination of southward planar sliding along the gneiss foliation, gravitational vertical settlement along the complex, stepped basal sliding surface and northward toppling toward the opened graben structure.
The extraordinary sensitivity of CD8+ T cells to recognize antigen impinges to a large extent on the coreceptor CD8. While several studies have shown that the CD8beta chain endows CD8 with efficient coreceptor function, the molecular basis for this is enigmatic. Here we report that cell-associated CD8alphabeta, but not CD8alphaalpha or soluble CD8alphabeta, substantially increases the avidity of T cell receptor (TCR)-ligand binding. To elucidate how the cytoplasmic and transmembrane portions of CD8beta endow CD8 with efficient coreceptor function, we examined T1.4 T cell hybridomas transfected with various CD8beta constructs. T1.4 hybridomas recognize a photoreactive Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide derivative (PbCS (4-azidobezoic acid [ABA])) in the context of H-2K(d), and permit assessment of TCR-ligand binding by TCR photoaffinity labeling. We find that the cytoplasmic portion of CD8beta, mainly due to its palmitoylation, mediates partitioning of CD8 in lipid rafts, where it efficiently associates with p56(lck). In addition, the cytoplasmic portion of CD8beta mediates constitutive association of CD8 with TCR/CD3. The resulting TCR-CD8 adducts exhibit high affinity for major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide. Importantly, because CD8alphabeta partitions in rafts, its interaction with TCR/CD3 promotes raft association of TCR/CD3. Engagement of these TCR/CD3-CD8/lck adducts by multimeric MHC-peptide induces activation of p56(lck) in rafts, which in turn phosphorylates CD3 and initiates T cell activation.
Objectives. The goal of this study is to evaluate a T2-mapping sequence by: (i) measuring the reproducibility intra- and inter-observer variability in healthy volunteers in two separate scanning session with a T2 reference phantom; (2) measuring the mean T2 relaxation times by T2-mapping in infarcted myocardium in patients with subacute MI and compare it with patient's the gold standard X-ray coronary angiography and healthy volunteers results. Background. Myocardial edema is a consequence of an inflammation of the tissue, as seen in myocardial infarct (MI). It can be visualized by cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging using the T2 relaxation time. T2-mapping is a quantitative methodology that has the potential to address the limitation of the conventional T2-weighted (T2W) imaging. Methods. The T2-mapping protocol used for all MRI scans consisted in a radial gradient echo acquisition with a lung-liver navigator for free-breathing acquisition and affine image registration. Mid-basal short axis slices were acquired.T2-maps analyses: 2 observers semi- automatically segmented the left ventricle in 6 segments accordingly to the AHA standards. 8 healthy volunteers (age: 27 ± 4 years; 62.5% male) were scanned in 2 separate sessions. 17 patients (age : 61.9 ± 13.9 years; 82.4% male) with subacute STEMI (70.6%) and NSTEMI underwent a T2-mapping scanning session. Results. In healthy volunteers, the mean inter- and intra-observer variability over the entire short axis slice (segment 1 to 6) was 0.1 ms (95% confidence interval (CI): -0.4 to 0.5, p = 0.62) and 0.2 ms (95% CI: -2.8 to 3.2, p = 0.94, respectively. T2 relaxation time measurements with and without the correction of the phantom yielded an average difference of 3.0 ± 1.1 % and 3.1 ± 2.1 % (p = 0.828), respectively. In patients, the inter-observer variability in the entire short axis slice (S1-S6), was 0.3 ms (95% CI: -1.8 to 2.4, p = 0.85). Edema location as determined through the T2-mapping and the coronary artery occlusion as determined on X-ray coronary angiography correlated in 78.6%, but only in 60% in apical infarcts. All except one of the maximal T2 values in infarct patients were greater than the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval for normal myocardium. Conclusions. The T2-mapping methodology is accurate in detecting infarcted, i.e. edematous tissue in patients with subacute infarcts. This study further demonstrated that this T2-mapping technique is reproducible and robust enough to be used on a segmental basis for edema detection without the need of a phantom to yield a T2 correction factor. This new quantitative T2-mapping technique is promising and is likely to allow for serial follow-up studies in patients to improve our knowledge on infarct pathophysiology, on infarct healing, and for the assessment of novel treatment strategies for acute infarctions.
La thématique des désaffiliations religieuses du milieu évangélique est le parent pauvre des études faites jusqu'à ce jour sur ce courant religieux. En effet, l'accent est généralement mis sur son développement en termes d'affiliation faisant alors l'impasse sur les pertes qu'il connaît pourtant. De plus, la question des désaffiliations religieuses est un angle d'approche sociologique particulièrement fécond pour étudier les groupes religieux en permettant, entre autres, de cerner plus en profondeur leur identité, les mécanismes qui favorisent leur pérennisation, mais aussi leur rapport à la société environnante. Dans ce travail, qui s'inscrit en sociologie des religions et qui puise autant dans la littérature sur les désaffiliations religieuses que dans celle des désengagements militants, l'analyse s'est focalisée sur les processus de désengagement au niveau microsociologique : quels sont les motifs qui président les désaffiliations, comment se déroulent ces dernières, quels effets ont-elles sur l'individu en termes identitaires et comment sont-elles perçues par ceux qui restent ? Ces principales questions ont permis de (re] questionner des éléments constitutifs de l'engagement évangélique : les processus de socialisation ; la structuration des liens intragroupe développés par le milieu et son rapport à l'extérieur ; son système normatif; son système de représentation du monde et la démarche religieuse qu'il valorise, qui sont autant d'aspects qui jouent un rôle dans les processus de désaffiliation. Plus précisément, ces éléments agissent en tant que mécanismes de rétention tant sociaux que psychologiques compliquant ainsi le désengagement. Cette thèse s'est construite sur dix-sept entretiens semi directifs menés auprès de personnes ayant grandi pour la plupart dans une famille évangélique et qui ont décidé, un jour, de ne plus fréquenter ce milieu religieux. Pour élargir la perspective analytique et pour permettre de comprendre et d'expliquer les processus de désaffiliation en lien avec le groupe quitté, un ensemble de septante-huit entretiens semi directifs et de mille cent questionnaires standardisés de membres d'Eglises évangéliques a été mobilisé. Partant des logiques du désengagement, cette thèse affine les connaissances actuelles sur l'évangélisme dans le contexte de la modernité, grâce à l'éclairage inédit qu'elle lui donne. Elle développe également le champ des connaissances sur les désaffiliations religieuses en lui fournissant un nouvel exemple de cas tout en lui offrant une autre façon de théoriser les sorties de groupes religieux qui valorisent un engagement de type militant. - Religious disaffiliations from the evangelical milieu have not yet been investigated. Indeed, former studies have usually focused on the development of the milieu by looking at conversions. However, it appears that the study of the disaffiliation processes may not only give results on the reasons and experiences of those disaffiliating, but also shed light on the attributes and the development of the evangelical milieu itself. The main goal of this thesis was to fill this gap in the literature. From a microsociological approach, this thesis sought to answer the following central question : Why, how and with what effects do individuals leave the evangelical milieu and how is this phenomenon perceived, interpreted and managed by the individuals who leave the evangelical community and by the members of the evangelical milieu? These questions enabled me to investigate the functioning of the evangelical milieu : its processes of socialization ; internal and external relationships ; normative system ; belief system or its religious engagement. This set of aspects can influence and complicate the processes of disaffiliation. The analysis of religious disaffiliation was based on seventeen qualitative interviews with former members of evangelical chrurches who decided, one day, not to attend an evangelical church anymore and who question more or less strongly the « system of evangelical thought ». Seventy-eight qualitative interviews with members of evangelical free churches and a representative survey with members of evangelical free churches (N = 1100] completed the analysis and inserted the individual disengagement in the « milieu's logics ». This thesis complements and enriches the literature on evangelism as well as on religious disaffiliation in general.
Antigen-specific T-cell activation implicates a redistribution of plasma membrane-bound molecules in lipid rafts, such as the coreceptors CD8 and CD4, the Src kinases Lek and Fyn, and the linker for activation of T cells (LAT), that results in the formation of signaling complexes. These molecules partition in lipid rafts because of palmitoylation of cytoplasmic, membrane proximal cysteines, which is essential for their functional integrity in T-cell activation. Here, we show that exogenous dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE), but not the related unsaturated dioleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), partitions in lipid rafts. DPPE inhibits activation of CD8(+) T lymphocytes by sensitized syngeneic antigen-presenting cells or specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) peptide tetramers, as indicated by esterase release and intracellular calcium mobilization. Cytotoxic, T lymphocyte (CTL)-target cell conjugate formation is not affected by DPPE, indicating that engagement of the T-cell receptor by its cognate ligand is intact in lipid-treated cells. In contrast to other agents known to block raft-dependent signaling, DPPE efficiently inhibits the MHC peptide-induced recruitment of palmitoylated signaling molecules to lipid rafts and CTL activation without affecting cell viability or lipid raft integrity.
We propose a method for brain atlas deformation inpresence of large space-occupying tumors, based on an apriori model of lesion growth that assumes radialexpansion of the lesion from its starting point. First,an affine registration brings the atlas and the patientinto global correspondence. Then, the seeding of asynthetic tumor into the brain atlas provides a templatefor the lesion. Finally, the seeded atlas is deformed,combining a method derived from optical flow principlesand a model of lesion growth (MLG). Results show that themethod can be applied to the automatic segmentation ofstructures and substructures in brains with grossdeformation, with important medical applications inneurosurgery, radiosurgery and radiotherapy.
We propose a method for brain atlas deformation in the presence of large space-occupying tumors, based on an a priori model of lesion growth that assumes radial expansion of the lesion from its starting point. Our approach involves three steps. First, an affine registration brings the atlas and the patient into global correspondence. Then, the seeding of a synthetic tumor into the brain atlas provides a template for the lesion. The last step is the deformation of the seeded atlas, combining a method derived from optical flow principles and a model of lesion growth. Results show that a good registration is performed and that the method can be applied to automatic segmentation of structures and substructures in brains with gross deformation, with important medical applications in neurosurgery, radiosurgery, and radiotherapy.