45 resultados para Access to information
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Access to information legislations are now present in over 50 countries world-wide. Lagging behind some of its own Cantons, the Swiss Federal government was until recently one of the few hold outs in Europe. But, in December 2004, the Confederation voted the 'Loi sur la Transparence de l'administration' or Law on Transparency (LTrans) a Law that came into effect in July 2006. This paper presents an overview of the new Law and underlines the main institutional challenges to its introduction in Switzerland.
This thesis examines how oversight bodies, as part of an ATI policy, contribute to the achievement of the policy's objectives. The aim of the thesis is to see how oversight bodies and the work they do affects the implementation of their respective ATI policies and thereby contributes to the objectives of those policies using a comparative case study approach. The thesis investigates how federal/central government level information commissioners in four jurisdictions - Germany, India, Scotland, and Switzerland - enforce their respective ATI policies, which tasks they carry out in addition to their enforcement duties, the challenges they face in their work and the ways they overcome these. Qualitative data were gathered from primary and secondary documents as well as in 37 semi-structured interviews with staff of the commissioners' offices, administrative officials whose job entails complying with ATI, people who have made ATI requests and appealed to their respective oversight body, and external experts who have studied ATI implementation in their particular jurisdiction. The thesis finds that while the aspect of an oversight body's formal independence that has the greatest impact on its work is resource control and that although the powers granted by law set the framework for ensuring that the administration is properly complying with the policy, the commissioner's leadership style - a component of informal independence - has more influence than formal attributes of independence in setting out how resources are obtained and used as well as how staff set priorities and utilize the powers they are granted by law. The conclusion, therefore, is that an ATI oversight body's ability to contribute to the achievement of the policy's objectives is a function of three main factors: a. commissioner's leadership style; b. adequacy of resources and degree of control the organization has over them; c. powers and the exercise of discretion in using them. In effect, the thesis argues that it is difficult to pinpoint the value of the formal powers set out for the oversight body in the ATI law, and that their decisions on whether and how to use them are more important than the presumed strength of the powers. It also claims that the choices made by the commissioners and their staff regarding priorities and use of powers are determined to a large extent by the adequacy of resources and the degree of control the organization has over those resources. In turn, how the head of the organization leads and manages the oversight body is crucial to both the adequacy of the organization's resources and the decisions made about the use of powers. Together, these three factors have a significant impact on the body's effectiveness in contributing to ATI objectives.
Transparency is now seen as a key tool of democratic governance. The European Union's commitment to transparency is now at the centre of a crucial debate between the Commission and the Parliament on the future of citizen's right of access to information. This article presents the main characteristics of the current regime and questions the pertinence of the proposed changes in light of the international drive at modernising access to information laws and the attempt at identifying the ̳proper limits of transparency'. The questions raised range from the identification of what can be accessed to the definition of exemption and the protection of competing interests.
High throughput genome (HTG) and expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences are currently the most abundant nucleotide sequence classes in the public database. The large volume, high degree of fragmentation and lack of gene structure annotations prevent efficient and effective searches of HTG and EST data for protein sequence homologies by standard search methods. Here, we briefly describe three newly developed resources that should make discovery of interesting genes in these sequence classes easier in the future, especially to biologists not having access to a powerful local bioinformatics environment. trEST and trGEN are regularly regenerated databases of hypothetical protein sequences predicted from EST and HTG sequences, respectively. Hits is a web-based data retrieval and analysis system providing access to precomputed matches between protein sequences (including sequences from trEST and trGEN) and patterns and profiles from Prosite and Pfam. The three resources can be accessed via the Hits home page (http://hits. isb-sib.ch).
Non-urgent cases represent 30-40% of all ED consults; they contribute to overcrowding of emergency departments (ED), which could be reduced if they were denied emergency care. However, no triage instrument has demonstrated a high enough degree of accuracy to safely rule out serious medical conditions: patients suffering from life-threatening emergencies have been inappropriately denied care. Insurance companies have instituted financial penalties to discourage the use of ED as a source of non-urgent care, but this practice mainly restricts access for the underprivileged. More recent data suggest that in fact most patients consult for appropriate urgent reasons, or have no alternate access to urgent care. The safe reduction of overcrowding requires a reform of the healthcare system based on patients' needs rather than access barriers.
Mauvais accès aux soins ou accès aux mauvais soins.. [Bad access of nurses, or access to bad nurses]
Améliorer la coordination des soins est un des points cardinaux de la politique Vieillissement et Santé du canton de Vaud. Ceci se traduit notamment par une volonté d'optimiser l'accès des personnes âgées à l'information médico-sociale. Un des projets qui en découle consiste à mettre en place un guichet intégré, soit un système centralisé, qui permettrait d'être renseigné·e ou orienté·e sur les prestations existantes efficacement et correctement, quelle que soit l'entité à laquelle on s'adresse. C'est dans ce contexte que le Centre d'Observation et d'Analyse du Vieillissement (COAV) a réalisé en 2013 une enquête sur l'accès à l'information médico-sociale auprès des personnes de 65 ans et plus non-institutionnalisées du canton. Ses résultats montrent que : ? Les besoins en prestations médico-sociales sont potentiellement importants car ces dernières sont susceptibles d'intéresser directement, du fait de difficultés fonctionnelles, un peu plus d'un tiers des personnes non institutionnalisées de plus de 65 ans, et indirectement 17 % des personnes du même âge qui sont aussi des aidant·e·s. Les femmes et les personnes bénéficiant de prestations complémentaires à l'assurance vieillesse (PC), étant plus fragiles, sont particulièrement concernées. ? Si cette population a potentiellement d'importants besoins en prestations médico-sociales, les portes d'accès à l'information sur ces prestations restent dans leur ensemble encore mal connues, même si l'on observe de grandes variations selon le type de services en question (selon les prestations, 27% à 57% des personnes interrogées ont déclaré ne pas savoir où s'adresser pour trouver de l'information à leur sujet). ? Les femmes, les personnes recevant des PC, ainsi que les personnes vulnérables et dépendantes sont proportionnellement plus actives dans la recherche d'information. ? Bien que les personnes ayant récemment eu l'occasion de rechercher de l'information sur certaines prestations médico-sociales semblent mieux connaître le système, 7% d'entre elles ont qualifié cette information de plutôt indisponible, 21% d'incomplète, 33% de dispersée et 15% de contradictoire. ? Deux tiers des personnes âgées pensent que l'information médico-sociale devrait être plus accessible sur l'existence de prestations, leur coût et les possibilités d'aide financière pour pouvoir en bénéficier. ? Parmi les personnes n'ayant pas récemment recherché d'information, les habitants de la région Nord sauraient plus souvent où s'adresser pour s'informer que ceux des autres régions. RAISONS DE SANTÉ 221 ? Etre un homme, être défavorisé financièrement (présence de PC) et, au niveau du statut fonctionnel, être vulnérable plutôt que robuste, sont des facteurs de risque d'accès limité à l'information. ? Les mêmes facteurs de risque se retrouvent en conduisant les analyses par type de prestations, excepté pour l'aide relative aux démarches administratives. L'information sur cette aide est mieux connue des personnes recevant des PC parmi celles ayant récemment recherché de l'information. ? Il n'a cependant pas été possible d'identifier un profil-type de la personne à risque face à l'accès à l'information sur la base des données socio-démographiques et fonctionnelles disponibles. ? D'autre part, cette enquête a mis en évidence le fait que le médecin traitant (désigné par 77% des individus) et le CMS (64 %), ainsi que, dans une moindre mesure, la commune (35%), sont les acteurs vers lesquelles les personnes âgées du canton se dirigeraient le plus volontiers pour trouver des informations sur diverses prestations médico-sociales. ? Cependant, au vu des variations constatées en comparant certains sous-groupes, d'autres sources ne sont pas à négliger lors de la mise en place d'un guichet intégré (telles qu'Internet, les EMS, Pro Senectute, les pharmacies, les BRIO, les hôpitaux, la garde médicale, etc.). Cette enquête montre que malgré les efforts entrepris pour faire connaître les prestations médico-sociales, une proportion non négligeable de ces services est peu connue des bénéficiaires potentiels. Ainsi, il serait intéressant de réitérer une telle étude après la mise en place du guichet intégré afin de pouvoir évaluer son impact.
BACKGROUND: Specialized pediatric cancer centers (PCCs) are thought to be essential to obtain state-of-the-art care for children and adolescents. We determined the proportion of childhood cancer patients not treated in a PCC, and described their characteristics and place of treatment. PROCEDURE: The Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry (SCCR) registers all children treated in Swiss PCCs. The regional cancer registries (covering 14/26 cantons) register all cancer patients of a region. The children of the SCCR with data from 7 regions (11 cantons) were compared, using specialized software for record linkage. All children <16 years of age at diagnosis with primary malignant tumors, diagnosed between 1990 and 2004, and living in one of these regions were included in the analysis. RESULTS: 22.1% (238/1,077) of patients recorded in regional registries were not registered in the SCCR. Of these, 15.7% (169/1,077) had never been in a PCC while 6.4% (69/1,077) had been in a PCC but were not registered in the SCCR, due to incomplete data flow. In all diagnostic groups and in all age groups, a certain proportion of children was treated outside a PCC, but this proportion was largest in children suffering from malignant bone tumors/soft tissue sarcomas and from malignant epithelial neoplasms, and in older children. The proportion of patients treated in a PCC increased over the study period (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: One in six childhood cancer patients in Switzerland was not treated in a PCC. Whether these patients have different treatment outcomes remained unclear.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of transventricular-transseptal approach (TVSA) for extrapleural transcatheter aortic valved stent implantation via a subxyphoidian access. Methods: In five porcine experiments (52.3 +/- 10.9 kg) the right ventricle was exposed via subxyphoidian access. Under the guidance of intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) and fluoroscopy, the transseptal access from right ventricle to left ventricle was created progressively by puncture and dilation with dilators (8F-26F). Valved stents built in-house from commercial tanned pericardium and self-expandable Nitinol stents were loaded into a cartridge. A delivery sheath was then introduced from the right ventricle into the left ventricle and then into the ascending aorta. The cartridge was connected and the valved stent was deployed in the aortic position. Then, the ventricular septal access was sealed with an Amplatzer septal occluder device and the right ventricular access was closed by tying prepared purse-string suture directly. Thirty minutes after the whole procedure, the animals were sacrificed for macroscopic evaluation of the position of valved stent and septal closure device. Result: Procedural success of TVSA was 100% at the first attempt. Mean procedure time was 49 +/- 4 min. Progressive dilatation of the transseptal access resulted in a measurable ventricular septal defect (VSD) after dilator sizes 18F and more. All valved stents were delivered at the target site over the native aortic valve with good acute valve function and no paravalvular leaks. During the procedure, premature beats (5/5) and supraventriclar tachycardias (5/5) were observed, but no atrial-ventricular block (0/5) occurred. Heart rate before (after) was 90 +/- 3 beats min(-1) (100 +/- 2 beats min(-1): p < 0.05), whereas blood pressure was 60 + 1 mm Hg (55 + 2 mm Hg (p < 0.05)). Total blood loss was 280 + 10 ml. The Amplatzer septal occluder devices were fully deployed and the ventricular septal accesses were sealed successfully, without detectable residual shunt. Conclusion: Trans-catheter implantation of aortic valved stent via extrapleural transventricular-transseptal access is technically feasible and has the potential for a simplified procedure under local anaesthesia. (C) 2010 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.