259 resultados para ACTIVATION PATTERNS
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Evidence from neuropsychological and activation studies (Clarke et al., 2oo0, Maeder et al., 2000) suggests that sound recognitionand localisation are processed by two anatomically and functionally distinct cortical networks. We report here on a case of a patientthat had an interruption of auditory information and we show: i) the effects of this interruption on cortical auditory processing; ii)the effect of the workload on activation pattern.A 36 year old man suffered from a small left mesencephalic haemotrhage, due to cavernous angioma; the let% inferior colliculuswas resected in the surgical approach of the vascular malformation. In the acute stage, the patient complained of auditoryhallucinations and of auditory loss in right ear, while tonal audiometry was normal. At 12 months, auditory recognition, auditorylocalisation (assessed by lTD and IID cues) and auditory motion perception were normal (Clarke et al., 2000), while verbal dichoticlistening was deficient on the right side.Sound recognition and sound localisation activation patterns were investigated with fMRI, using a passive and an activeparadigm. In normal subjects, distinct cortical networks were involved in sound recognition and localisation, both in passive andactive paradigm (Maeder et al., 2OOOa, 2000b).Passive listening of environmental and spatial stimuli as compared to rest strongly activated right auditory cortex, but failed toactivate left primary auditory cortex. The specialised networks for sound recognition and localisation could not be visual&d onthe right and only minimally on the left convexity. A very different activation pattern was obtained in the active condition wherea motor response was required. Workload not only increased the activation of the right auditory cortex, but also allowed theactivation of the left primary auditory cortex. The specialised networks for sound recognition and localisation were almostcompletely present in both hemispheres.These results show that increasing the workload can i) help to recruit cortical region in the auditory deafferented hemisphere;and ii) lead to processing auditory information within specific cortical networks.References:Clarke et al. (2000). Neuropsychologia 38: 797-807.Mae.der et al. (2OOOa), Neuroimage 11: S52.Maeder et al. (2OOOb), Neuroimage 11: S33
In recent years research explored different acupuncture stimulation techniques but interest has focused primarily on somatic acupuncture and on a limited number of acupoints. As regards ear Acupuncture (EA) there is still some criticism about the clinical specificity of auricular points/areas representing organs or structures of the body. The aim of this study was to verify through (Functional magnetic resonance imaging) fMRI the hypothesis of EA point specificity using two auricular points having different topographical locations and clinical significance. Six healthy volunteers underwent two experimental fMRI sessions: the first was dedicated to the stimulation of Thumb Auricular Acupoint (TAA) and the second to the stimulation of Brain Stem Auricular Acupoint (BSAA). The stimulation of the needle placed in the TAA of the left ear produced an increase in activation bilaterally in the parietal operculum, region of the secondary somatosensory area SII. Stimulation of the needle placed in the BSAA of the left ear showed a pattern that largely overlapped regions belonging to the pain matrix, as shown to be involved in previous somatic acupuncture studies but with local differences in the left amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, and cerebellum. The differences in activation patterns between TAA and BSAA stimulation support the specificity of the two acupoints. Moreover, the peculiarity of the regions involved in BSAA stimulation compared to those involved in the pain matrix, is in accordance with the therapeutic indications of this acupoint that include head pain, dizziness and vertigo. Our results provide preliminary evidence on the specificity of two auricular acupoints; further research is warranted by means of fMRI both in healthy volunteers and in patients carrying neurological/psychiatric syndromes.
Prismatic adaptation has been shown to induce a realignment of visuoproprioceptive representations and to involve parietocerebellar networks. We have investigated in humans how far other types of functions known to involve the parietal cortex are influenced by a brief exposure to prismatic adaptation. Normal subjects underwent an fMRI evaluation before and after a brief session of prismatic adaptation using rightward deviating prisms for one group or after an equivalent session using plain glasses for the other group. Activation patterns to three tasks were analyzed: (1) visual detection; (2) visuospatial short-term memory; and (3) verbal short-term memory. The prismatic adaptation-related changes were found bilaterally in the inferior parietal lobule when prisms, but not plain glasses, were used. This effect was driven by selective changes during the visual detection task: an increase in neural activity was induced on the left and a decrease on the right parietal side after prismatic adaptation. Comparison of activation patterns after prismatic adaptation on the visual detection task demonstrated a significant increase of the ipsilateral field representation in the left inferior parietal lobule and a significant decrease in the right inferior parietal lobule. In conclusion, a brief exposure to prismatic adaptation modulates differently left and right parietal activation during visual detection but not during short-term memory. Furthermore, the visuospatial representation within the inferior parietal lobule changes, with a decrease of the ipsilateral hemifield representation on the right and increase on the left side, suggesting thus a left hemispheric dominance.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have indicated that efficient feature search (FS) and inefficient conjunction search (CS) activate partially distinct frontoparietal cortical networks. However, it remains a matter of debate whether the differences in these networks reflect differences in the early processing during FS and CS. In addition, the relationship between the differences in the networks and spatial shifts of attention also remains unknown. We examined these issues by applying a spatio-temporal analysis method to high-resolution visual event-related potentials (ERPs) and investigated how spatio-temporal activation patterns differ for FS and CS tasks. Within the first 450 msec after stimulus onset, scalp potential distributions (ERP maps) revealed 7 different electric field configurations for each search task. Configuration changes occurred simultaneously in the two tasks, suggesting that contributing processes were not significantly delayed in one task compared to the other. Despite this high spatial and temporal correlation, two ERP maps (120-190 and 250-300 msec) differed between the FS and CS. Lateralized distributions were observed only in the ERP map at 250-300 msec for the FS. This distribution corresponds to that previously described as the N2pc component (a negativity in the time range of the N2 complex over posterior electrodes of the hemisphere contralateral to the target hemifield), which has been associated with the focusing of attention onto potential target items in the search display. Thus, our results indicate that the cortical networks involved in feature and conjunction searching partially differ as early as 120 msec after stimulus onset and that the differences between the networks employed during the early stages of FS and CS are not necessarily caused by spatial attention shifts.
Introduction: Neuroimaging of the self focused on high-level mechanisms such as language, memory or imagery of the self. Recent evidence suggests that low-level mechanisms of multisensory and sensorimotor integration may play a fundamental role in encoding self-location and the first-person perspective (Blanke and Metzinger, 2009). Neurological patients with out-of body experiences (OBE) suffer from abnormal self-location and the first-person perspective due to a damage in the temporo-parietal junction (Blanke et al., 2004). Although self-location and the first-person perspective can be studied experimentally (Lenggenhager et al., 2009), the neural underpinnings of self-location have yet to be investigated. To investigate the brain network involved in self-location and first-person perspective we used visuo-tactile multisensory conflict, magnetic resonance (MR)-compatible robotics, and fMRI in study 1, and lesion analysis in a sample of 9 patients with OBE due to focal brain damage in study 2. Methods: Twenty-two participants saw a video showing either a person's back or an empty room being stroked (visual stimuli) while the MR-compatible robotic device stroked their back (tactile stimulation). Direction and speed of the seen stroking could either correspond (synchronous) or not (asynchronous) to those of the seen stroking. Each run comprised the four conditions according to a 2x2 factorial design with Object (Body, No-Body) and Synchrony (Synchronous, Asynchronous) as main factors. Self-location was estimated using the mental ball dropping (MBD; Lenggenhager et al., 2009). After the fMRI session participants completed a 6-item adapted from the original questionnaire created by Botvinick and Cohen (1998) and based on questions and data obtained by Lenggenhager et al. (2007, 2009). They were also asked to complete a questionnaire to disclose the perspective they adopted during the illusion. Response times (RTs) for the MBD and fMRI data were analyzed with a 3-way mixed model ANOVA with the in-between factor Perspective (up, down) and the two with-in factors Object (body, no-body) and Stroking (synchronous, asynchronous). Quantitative lesion analysis was performed using MRIcron (Rorden et al., 2007). We compared the distributions of brain lesions confirmed by multimodality imaging (Knowlton, 2004) in patients with OBE with those showing complex visual hallucinations involving people or faces, but without any disturbance of self-location and first person perspective. Nine patients with OBE were investigated. The control group comprised 8 patients. Structural imaging data were available for normalization and co-registration in all the patients. Normalization of each patient's lesion into the common MNI (Montreal Neurological Institute) reference space permitted simple, voxel-wise, algebraic comparisons to be made. Results: Even if in the scanner all participants were lying on their back and were facing upwards, analysis of perspective showed that half of the participants had the impression to be looking down at the virtual human body below them, despite any cues about their body position (Down-group). The other participants had the impression to be looking up at the virtual body above them (Up-group). Analysis of Q3 ("How strong was the feeling that the body you saw was you?") indicated stronger self-identification with the virtual body during the synchronous stroking. RTs in the MBD task confirmed these subjective data (significant 3-way interaction between perspective, object and stroking). fMRI results showed eight cortical regions where the BOLD signal was significantly different during at least one of the conditions resulting from the combination of Object and Stroking, relative to baseline: right and left temporo-parietal junction, right EBA, left middle occipito-temporal gyrus, left postcentral gyrus, right medial parietal lobe, bilateral medial occipital lobe (Fig 1). The activation patterns in right and left temporo-parietal junction and right EBA reflected changes in self-location and perspective as revealed by statistical analysis that was performed on the percentage of BOLD change with respect to the baseline. Statistical lesion overlap comparison (using nonparametric voxel based lesion symptom mapping) with respect to the control group revealed the right temporo-parietal junction, centered at the angular gyrus (Talairach coordinates x = 54, y =-52, z = 26; p>0.05, FDR corrected). Conclusions: The present questionnaire and behavioural results show that - despite the noisy and constraining MR environment) our participants had predictable changes in self-location, self-identification, and first-person perspective when robotic tactile stroking was applied synchronously with the robotic visual stroking. fMRI data in healthy participants and lesion data in patients with abnormal self-location and first-person perspective jointly revealed that the temporo-parietal cortex especially in the right hemisphere encodes these conscious experiences. We argue that temporo-parietal activity reflects the experience of the conscious "I" as embodied and localized within bodily space.
Evidence from human and non-human primate studies supports a dual-pathway model of audition, with partially segregated cortical networks for sound recognition and sound localisation, referred to as the What and Where processing streams. In normal subjects, these two networks overlap partially on the supra-temporal plane, suggesting that some early-stage auditory areas are involved in processing of either auditory feature alone or of both. Using high-resolution 7-T fMRI we have investigated the influence of positional information on sound object representations by comparing activation patterns to environmental sounds lateralised to the right or left ear. While unilaterally presented sounds induced bilateral activation, small clusters in specific non-primary auditory areas were significantly more activated by contra-laterally presented stimuli. Comparison of these data with histologically identified non-primary auditory areas suggests that the coding of sound objects within early-stage auditory areas lateral and posterior to primary auditory cortex AI is modulated by the position of the sound, while that within anterior areas is not.
Alpha-band activity (8-13 Hz) is not only suppressed by sensory stimulation and movements, but also modulated by attention, working memory and mental tasks, and could be sensitive to higher motor control functions. The aim of the present study was to examine alpha oscillatory activity during the preparation of simple left or right finger movements, contrasting the external and internal mode of action selection. Three preparation conditions were examined using a precueing paradigm with S1 as the preparatory and S2 as the imperative cue: Full, laterality instructed by S1; Free, laterality freely selected and None, laterality instructed by S2. Time-frequency (TF) analysis was performed in the alpha frequency range during the S1-S2 interval, and alpha motor-related amplitude asymmetries (MRAA) were also calculated. The significant MRAA during the Full and Free conditions indicated effective external and internal motor response preparation. In the absence of specific motor preparation (None), a posterior alpha event-related desynchronization (ERD) dominated, reflecting the main engagement of attentional resources. In Full and Free motor preparation, posterior alpha ERD was accompanied by a midparietal alpha event-related synchronization (ERS), suggesting a concomitant inhibition of task-irrelevant visual activity. In both Full and Free motor preparation, analysis of alpha power according to MRAA amplitude revealed two types of functional activation patterns: (1) a motor alpha pattern, with predominantly midparietal alpha ERS and large MRAA corresponding to lateralized motor activation/visual inhibition and (2) an attentional alpha pattern, with dominating right posterior alpha ERD and small MRAA reflecting visuospatial attention. The present results suggest that alpha oscillatory patterns do not resolve the selection mode of action, but rather distinguish separate functional strategies of motor preparation.
Signaling through the Notch1 receptor is essential for the control of numerous developmental processes during embryonic life as well as in adult tissue homeostasis and disease. Since the outcome of Notch1 signaling is highly context-dependent, and its precise physiological and pathological role in many organs is unclear, it is of great interest to localize and identify the cells that receive active Notch1 signals in vivo. Here, we report the generation and characterization of a BAC-transgenic mouse line, N1-Gal4VP16, that when crossed to a Gal4-responsive reporter mouse line allowed the identification of cells undergoing active Notch1 signaling in vivo. Analysis of embryonic and adult N1-Gal4VP16 mice demonstrated that the activation pattern of the transgene coincides with previously observed activation patterns of the endogenous Notch1 receptor. Thus, this novel reporter mouse line provides a unique tool to specifically investigate the spatial and temporal aspects of Notch1 signaling in vivo. genesis 50:700-710, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Intracardiac organization indices such as atrial fibrillation (AF) cycle length (AFCL) have been used to track the efficiency of stepwise catheter ablation (step-CA) of longstanding persistent AF, however with limited success. The morphology of AF activation waves reflects the underlying activation patterns. Its temporal evolution is a local organization indicator that could be potentially used for tracking the efficiency of step-CA. We report a new method for characterizing the structure of the temporal evolution of activation wave morphology. Using recurrence plots, novel organization indices are proposed. By computing their relative evolution during the first step of ablation vs baseline, we found that these new parameters are superior to AFCL to track the effect of step-CA "en route" to AF termination.
Descriptors: cardiovascular patterns, emotion, affective pictures In this study we assessed blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in response to 13 picture series in 18 men and 19 women in order to investigate their hemodynamic responses associated with activation of the appetitive and defensive motivational systems underlying emotional experience. Skin conductance level (SCL) was also recorded. BP and SV increased with increasing self-rated arousal both for appetitive and defensive activation, whereas HR decelerated more in response to negative than positive and neutral pictures. TPR showed a general increase from baseline to picture processing but was unrelated to self-rated valence and arousal. These findings suggest that affective modulation of the cardiovascular response to affective pictures is primarily myocardial. The observed response pattern is consistent with a configuration of cardiac sympathetic-parasympathetic coactivation. The relationships between self-reported arousal, BP and SV were mainly exhibited by men suggesting that increases in the sympathetic inotropic effect to the heart with increasing self-rated arousal might be larger in men than in women. In contrast, SCL covaried positively with self-rated arousal both in men and women. This suggests that sex differences in the affective modulation of the responses to pictures may be restricted to specific cardiovascular parameters and support the contention that the sympathetic nervous system does not discharge as a whole.
In this study we assessed blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in response to 13 picture series in 37 participants in order to investigate their hemodynamic response associated with activation of the appetitive and defensive motivational systems underlying emotional experience. BP and SV, but not TPR, increased with increasing self-rated arousal, whereas HR decelerated more in response to negative than positive and neutral pictures. These findings suggest that modulation of the cardiovascular response to pictures is primarily myocardial. The observed response pattern is consistent with a configuration of cardiac sympathetic-parasympathetic coactivation. The relationships between self-rated arousal, BP, and SV were mainly exhibited by men, suggesting that increases in the sympathetic inotropic effect to the heart with self-rated arousal may be larger in men than in women.
This work compares the structural/dynamics features of the wild-type alb-adrenergic receptor (AR) with those of the D142A active mutant and the agonist-bound state. The two active receptor forms were compared in their isolated states as well as in their ability to form homodimers and to recognize the G alpha q beta 1 gamma 2 heterotrimer. The analysis of the isolated structures revealed that, although the mutation- and agonist-induced active states of the alpha 1b-AR are different, they, however, share several structural peculiarities including (a) the release of some constraining interactions found in the wild-type receptor and (b) the opening of a cytosolic crevice formed by the second and third intracellular loops and the cytosolic extensions of helices 5 and 6. Accordingly, also their tendency to form homodimers shows commonalties and differences. In fact, in both the active receptor forms, helix 6 plays a crucial role in mediating homodimerization. However, the homodimeric models result from different interhelical assemblies. On the same line of evidence, in both of the active receptor forms, the cytosolic opened crevice recognizes similar domains on the G protein. However, the docking solutions are differently populated and the receptor-G protein preorientation models suggest that the final complexes should be characterized by different interaction patterns.
Rapport de synthèse : Objectif : Les déficits cognitifs présents dans la phase aiguë d'une lésion hémisphérique focale ont tendance à être de nature plus importante et plus générale que les déficits résiduels qui persistent dans la phase chronique de récupération. Nous avons investigué, dans le cadre de ce travail, les modèles de récupération auditive et la relation qui se dessine entre les déficits et les dommages relatifs à des réseaux spécifiques, pris comme modèle cognitif des fonctions auditives. De nombreuses études humaines dans les domaines de la neuropsychologie, de la psychophysique ainsi que des études d'activation suggèrent que les processus de reconnaissance et de localisation sonores sont effectués par l'intermédiaire de réseaux distincts tant sur le plan anatomique que fonctionnel : il s'agit des zones de traitement du «What» et du «Where », qui sont toutes deux présentes dans les deux hémisphères. Des études ont démontré que des lésions hémisphériques focales gauches ou droites, centrées sur ces réseaux, sont associées dans la phase chronique de récupération à des déficits correspondant en ce qui concerne la reconnaissance et/ou la localisation sonore. Méthode : Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous avons analysé les résultats concernant les performances auditives chez 24 patients ayant subi des lésions hémisphériques focales avec déficits secondaires dans des tâches de reconnaissance, de localisation et/ou de perception du mouvement sonore lors d'un premier testing effectué en phase aiguë (9 patients), en phase subaiguë (6 patients) ou en phase chronique précoce (9 patients). La totalité de ces patients ont bénéficié d'un second testing en phase chronique. Les observations effectuées ont servi à l'élaboration de patterns de récupération auditive. Résultats : Tous les 24 patients avaient initialement un déficit dans le domaine de la localisation et/ou de la perception du mouvement sonore. Dans la phase aiguë, ce déficit survenait sans atteinte spécifique du réseau «Where » chez presque la moitié des patients ; en revanche, cette situation n'était jamais observée chez les patients testés en phase chronique précoce. Une absence de récupération avait tendance à être associée à un dommage spécifique au réseau concerné ainsi qu'à la persistance d'un déficit au-delà de la phase aiguë. Les déficits résiduels n'étaient par ailleurs pas strictement en lien avec la taille lésionnelle ou l'étendue de l'atteinte du réseau spécifique. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que des mécanismes distincts sous-tendent la récupération et la plasticité à différentes périodes temporelles post-lésionnelles.
INTRODUCTION: Persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation may lead to partial disconnection of the coronary sinus (CS). As a result, disparate activation sequences of the local CS versus contiguous left atrium (LA) may be observed during atrial tachycardia (AT). We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of this phenomenon and its impact on activation mapping. METHODS: AT occurring after persistent AF ablation were investigated in 74 consecutive patients. Partial CS disconnection during AT was suspected when double potentials with disparate activation sequences were observed on the CS catheter. Endocardial mapping facing CS bipoles was performed to differentiate LA far-field from local CS potentials. RESULTS: A total of 149 ATs were observed. Disparate LA-CS activations were apparent in 20 ATs after magnifying the recording scale (13%). The most common pattern (90%) was distal to proximal endocardial LA activation against proximal to distal CS activation, the latter involving the whole CS or its distal part. Perimitral macroreentry was more common when disparate LA-CS activations were observed (67% vs 29%; P = 0.002). Partial CS disconnection also resulted in "pseudo" mitral isthmus (MI) block during LA appendage pacing in 20% of patients as local CS activation was proximal to distal despite distal to proximal activation of the contiguous LA. CONCLUSION: Careful analysis of CS recordings during AT following persistent AF ablation often reveals disparate patterns of activation. Recognizing when endocardial LA activation occurs in the opposite direction to the more obvious local CS signals is critical to avoid misleading interpretations during mapping of AT and evaluation of MI block.
Visual attention depends on bottom-up sensory activation and top-down attentional guidance. Although aging is known to affect sensory processing, its impact on the top-down control of attention remains a matter of debate. We investigated age-related modulations of brain oscillatory activity during visual attention using a variant of the attention network test (ANT) in 20 young and 28 elderly adults. We examined the EEG oscillatory responses to warning and target signals, and explored the correlates of temporal and spatial orienting as well as conflict resolution at target presentation. Time-frequency analysis was performed between 4 and 30Hz, and the relationship between behavioral and brain oscillatory responses was analyzed. Whereas temporal cueing and conflict had similar reaction time effects in both age groups, spatial cueing was more beneficial to older than younger subjects. In the absence of cue, posterior alpha activation was drastically reduced in older adults, pointing to an age-related decline in anticipatory attention. Following both cues and targets, older adults displayed pronounced motor-related activation in the low beta frequency range at the expense of attention-related posterior alpha activation prominent in younger adults. These findings support the recruitment of alternative motor-related circuits in the elderly, in line with the dedifferentiation hypothesis. Furthermore, older adults showed reduced midparietal alpha inhibition induced by temporal orienting as well as decreased posterior alpha activation associated with both spatial orienting and conflict resolution. Altogether, the results are consistent with an overall reduction of task-related alpha activity in the elderly, and provide functional evidence that younger and older adults engage distinct brain circuits at different oscillatory frequencies during attentional functions.