52 resultados para A revolution of their own
em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
BACKGROUND: We examined whether making smokers aware that they had developed peripheral atherosclerosis would improve smoking cessation. METHODS: Smokers selected from the general population were randomly allocated to undergo high-resolution B-mode ultrasonography of their carotid and femoral arteries. All smokers received quit-smoking counseling. Smokers with > or =1 atherosclerotic plaque were given two photographs of a plaque with a relevant explanation. Quit rates were assessed by telephone 6 months later. RESULTS: Seventy-nine smokers did not undergo ultrasonography (A). Among the 74 smokers submitted to ultrasonography, 20 had no plaque (B) and 54 had > or =1 plaque (C). Quit rates were, respectively, 6.3, 5.0, and 22.2% in groups A, B, and C. Quit rates were higher in smokers submitted to ultrasonography (B + C vs A; P = 0.031) and in those receiving photographs (C vs A + B; P = 0.003). Smoking cessation was independently associated with intervention C (OR = 6.2; 95% CI = 1.8-21) and a white-collar job but not with age or gender. CONCLUSIONS: Providing smokers with photographs demonstrating atherosclerosis on their own person was an effective adjunct to physician's advice to quit smoking. Since ultrasonography is used increasingly often in clinical practice for cardiovascular risk stratification, this can provide an additional opportunity and means to deter smokers from smoking.
Some populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants comprise pairs of highly differentiated lineages with queens mating at random with several males of their own and of the alternate lineage. These queens produce two types of diploid offspring, those fertilized by males of the queens' lineage which develop into new queens and those fertilized by males of the other lineage which mostly develop into functionally sterile workers. This unusual mode of genetic caste determination has been found in 26 populations and a total of four lineage pairs (F(1)-F(2), G(1)-G(2), H(1)-H(2) and J(1)-J(2)) have been described in these populations. Despite the fact that a few interlineage queens are produced, previous studies revealed that there is a complete lack of genetic introgression between lineages. Here we quantify the proportion of interlineage queens produced in each of the four lineage pairs and determine the fate of these queens. In the F(1)-F(2), G(1)-G(2) and H(1)-H(2) lineage pairs, interlineage queens were produced by a minority of colonies. These colonies exclusively produced interlineage queens and workers, suggesting that interlineage eggs can develop into queens in these three pairs of lineages in the absence of competition with pure-lineage brood. An analysis of three key stages of the colony life cycle revealed that colonies headed by interlineage queens failed to grow sufficiently to produce reproductive individuals. In laboratory comparisons, interlineage queens produced fewer viable eggs, with the effect that they raised fewer workers and lost more weight per worker produced than pure-lineage queens. In the J(1)-J(2) lineage pair, we did not find a single interlineage queen, raising the possibility that interlineage eggs have completely lost the ability to develop into queens in this lineage pair. Hence, two distinct mechanisms seem to account for the complete lack of between-lineage gene flow in the F(1)-F(2), G(1)-G(2), H(1)-H(2) and J(1)-J(2) lineage pairs.
BACKGROUND: Several studies have explored physicians' attitudes towards prevention and barriers to the delivery of preventive health interventions. However, the relative importance of these previously identified barriers, both in general terms and in the context of a number of specific preventive interventions, has not been identified. Certain barriers may only pertain to a subset of preventive interventions. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to determine the relative importance of identified barriers to preventive interventions and to explore the association between physicians' characteristics and their attitudes towards prevention. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of 496 of the 686 (72.3% response rate) generalist physicians from three Swiss cantons through a questionnaire asking physicians to rate the general importance of eight preventive health strategies and the relative importance of seven commonly cited barriers in relation to each specific preventive health strategy. RESULTS: The proportion of physicians rating each preventive intervention as being important varied from 76% for colorectal cancer screening to 100% for blood pressure control. Lack of time and lack of patient interest were generally considered to be important barriers by 41% and 44% of physicians, respectively, but the importance of these two barriers tended to be specifically higher for counselling-based interventions. Lack of training was most notably a barrier to counselling about alcohol and nutrition. Four characteristics of physicians predicted negative attitudes toward alcohol and smoking counselling: consumption of more than three alcoholic drinks per day [odds ratio (OR) = 8.4], sedentary lifestyle (OR = 3.4), lack of national certification (OR = 2.2) and lack of awareness of their own blood pressure (OR = 2.0). CONCLUSIONS: The relative importance of specific barriers varies across preventive interventions. This points to a need for tailored practice interventions targeting the specific barriers that impede a given preventive service. The negative influence of physicians' own health behaviours indicates a need for associated population-based interventions that reduce the prevalence of high-risk behaviours in the population as a whole.
Summary Division of labor between reproducers (queens) and helpers (workers) is the main characteristic of social insect societies and at the root of their ecological success. Kin selection models predict that phenotypic differences between queens and workers should result from environmental rather than from genetic differences. However, genetic effects on queen and worker differentiation were found in two populations-of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. Each of the two populations is composed of two genetically distinct lineages. Queens (which can be of either lineage) generally mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce two types of female offspring, those fertilized by males of the queens' lineage which develop into queens and those fertilized by males of the alternate lineage which develop into workers. All four lineages were further suggested to be themselves of hybrid origin between-the species P: barbatus and P. rugosus, in which queens and workers do not differ genetically. In a first set of experiments, we tested if female caste determination (the differentiation into queens and workers) in the lineages was genetically hardwired and if it was associated with costs in terms of the ability to optimally allocate resources to the production of queens and workers. To this end we first mated queens of-two lineages to a single male. Queens mated to a male of the alternate lineage successfully raised worker offspring whereas queens mated to a male of their own lineage almost always failed to produce workers. This reveals that pure-lineage individuals have lost the ability to develop into workers. Second, we analyzed offspring produced by naturally mated queens. During the stage of colony founding when only workers are produced, naturally mated queens laid a high proportion of pure-lineage eggs but the large majority of these eggs failed to develop. As a consequence, the number of offspring produced by incipient colonies decreased linearly with the proportion of pure-lineage eggs laid by queens. Moreover, queens of the lineage most commonly represented in a given population produced more pure-lineage eggs, in line with the view that they mate randomly with the two types of males and indiscriminately use their sperm. Altogether these results predict frequency-dependent founding success for pairs of lineages because queens of the more common lineage will produce more pure-lineage eggs and their colonies be less successful during the stage of colony founding. To describe the distribution of populations characterized with genetic caste determination relative to the populations with environmental caste determination we genotyped queens and workers collected during a large survey of -additional populations. Genetic caste determination associated with pairs of interbreeding lineages was frequent and widespread in the studied range and we identified four additional lineages displaying genetic caste determination. Overall, there were thus eight highly differentiated lineages with genetic caste determination. These lineages always co-occurred in the same complementary lineage pairs. Three of the four lineage pairs appeared to have a common origin, while their relationship with the forth could not be resolved. The genetic survey also revealed that, in addition to being genetically isolated from one another, all eight lineages were genetically distinct from P. rugosus and P. barbatus, even when colonies of interbreeding lineages co-occurred with colonies of either putative parent at the same site. This raised the question of the mechanisms involved in the reproductive isolation between the lineages and the parental species and between the two lineages of a lineage pair. At a site where one lineage pair co-occurred with P. rugosus, we identified two pre-zygotic mechanisms (differences in timing for mating flights between P. rugosus and the lineage pair and assortative mating) and one post-zygotic mechanism (high levels of hybrid unviablility) which in combination may largely account for the reproductive isolation between the lineages and their parental species. The mechanisms accounting for the reproductive isolation between the two lineages of a lineage pair varied across lineage pairs. In one lineage pair, inter-lineage individuals exclusively occurred in the sterile worker caste, raising the possibility that inter-lineage eggs have completely lost the ability to develop into queens in this lineage pair and that there is thus no opportunity for gene flow. In each of the three remaining lineage pairs, inter-lineage queens were produced by a minority of colonies. In these lineage pairs, colonies headed by inter-lineage queens failed to grow sufficiently to produce reproductive individuals which may account for the reproductive isolation between co-occurring lineages in three lineage pairs. In conclusion, the results of this thesis show that genetic caste determination is costly but widespread in Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. Reproductive isolation among the lineages and between the lineages and the parental species as well as frequency-dependent founding success for co-occurring lineages may contribute to the persistence of this extraordinary system. Résumé La division du travail entre individus reproducteurs (les reines) et individus non-reproducteurs (ouvrières) représente la caractéristique principale des sociétés d'insectes et est à la base de leur succès écologique. Des modèles de sélection de parentèle prédisent que les différences phénotypiques entre reines et ouvrières devraient provenir d'effets environnementaux plutôt que de différences génétiques. Malgré ce fait, des effets génétiques sur la différentiation entre reines et ouvrières ont été montrés dans deux populations de fourmis moissonneuses du genre Pogonomyrmex. Chacune des deux populations est composée de deux lignées génétiquement distinctes. Les reines de chaque lignée s'accouplent en général avec des mâles de leur propre lignée ainsi qu'avec des mâles de l'autre lignée et produisent deux types d'oeufs, ceux qui sont fécondés par les mâles de leur propre lignée qui se développent en nouvelles reines et ceux qui sont fécondés par les mâles de l'autre lignée qui se développent en ouvrières. Il a été suggéré que les lignées sont elles-mêmes des hybrides entre les deux espèces P. barbatus et P. rugosus. Dans ces deux espèces, les reines et ouvrières ne sont pas génétiquement distinctes. Dans une première série d'expériences, nous avons testé si la détermination de la caste femelle (le développement en reine ou en ouvrière) est génétiquement rigide et si elle est associée à des coûts en terme de capacité à allouer de façon optimale les ressources pour la production de reines et d'ouvrières. Pour cela nous avons accouplé des reines de deux lignées avec un seul mâle. Les reines accouplées avec un mâle de l'autre lignée ont élevé de nouvelles ouvrières avec succès alors que les reines accouplées avec un mâle de leur propre lignée ont presque toujours échoué à produire des ouvrières. Ceci montre que les individus de lignée pure ont perdu la capacité de se développer en ouvrière. Deuxièmement, nous avons analysé la descendance de reines qui se sont accouplées naturellement. Durant le stade de fondation de la colonie, où seules des ouvrières sont élevées, les reines accouplées naturellement ont pondu une grande proportion d'oeufs de lignée pure mais la majorité de ces derniers ne se sont pas développés. En conséquence, le nombre de descendants produits par des colonies fondatrices diminuait linéairement avec la proportion des oeufs de lignée pure pondus par la reine en accord avec l'hypothèse que les reines s'accouplent au hasard avec les deux types de mâles et utilisent leur sperme aléatoirement. Dans l'ensemble; ces résultats prédisent un succès de fondation fréquence-dépendant pour les deux lignées, car les reines de la lignée la plus fréquente produiront .plus d'oeufs de lignée pure et leurs colonies auront moins de succès lors de la fondation de colonies par rapport aux colonies de la lignée la moins fréquente. Pour décrire la distribution des-populations caractérisées par une détermination génétique des castes par rapport aux populations caractérisées par une détermination environnementale des castes, nous avons génotypé des reines et des ouvrières qui ont été collectées lors d'une analyse de populations supplémentaires. La détermination génétique des castes associée à des croisements entre lignées est fréquente et largement répartie dans l'aire étudiée. Nous avons identifié quatre lignées supplémentaires, ayant une détermination génétique des castes, pour un total de huit lignées. Ces huit lignées forment quatre paires de lignées et on ne trouve jamais deux lignées de paires différentes, dans une population. Trois des quatre paires de lignées s'avèrent avoir une origine commune alors que leur relation avec la quatrième paire de lignées n'a pas pu être résolue. L'analyse génétique de populations supplémentaires a également révélé qu'en plus d'être génétiquement isolées les unes des autres, les huit lignées sont génétiquement distinctes de P. rugosus et P. barbatus même si les colonies d'une paire de lignées se trouvent en sympatrie avec l'une ou l'autre des espèces parentales. Ceci relève la question des mécanismes impliqués dans l'isolation reproductive entre les lignées et les espèces parentales ainsi qu'entre les deux lignées d'une paire. En étudiant un site où une paire de lignées se trouve en sympatrie avec P. rugosus, nous avons identifié deux mécanismes pré-zygotiques (des différences dans le timing du vol nuptial entre P. rugosus et les lignées et des accouplements assortis) ainsi qu'un mécanisme post-zygotique (un niveau élevé de non-viabilité des hybrides). En combinaison, ces mécanismes peuvent largement expliquer l'isolement reproductif entre les lignées et leurs espèces parentales. Les mécanismes contribuant à l'isolement reproductif entre les deux lignées d'une paire variaient entre paires de lignées. Dans une paire, les individus de génotype inter-lignée se trouvent uniquement dans la caste stérile des ouvrières, suggérant qu'il n'y a pas d'opportunité pour avoir du flux de gènes entre les deux lignées ce cette paire. Dans chacune des trois autres paires de lignées des nouvelles reines de génotype inter-lignée sont produites par une minorité de colonies. Par contre, les colonies avec une reine mère de génotype inter-lignée ne se développent pas suffisamment pour produire des individus reproducteurs. Ceci peut donc expliquer pourquoi il n'y a pas de flux de gènes entre les deux lignées de trois paires. En conclusion, les résultats de cette thèse montrent que la détermination génétique de la caste est coûteuse mais très répandue chez les fourmis. moissonneuses du genre Pogonomyrmex. L'isolement reproductif des lignées entre elles et avec les espèces parentales, ainsi qu'un succès de fondation fréquence-dépendant contribuent à la persistance de ce système extraordinaire.
Divorce and remarriage usually imply a redefinition of family boundaries, with consequences for the production and availability of social capital. This research shows that bonding and bridging social capitals are differentially made available by families. It first hypothesizes that bridging social capital is more likely to be developed in stepfamilies, and bonding social capital in first-time families. Second, the boundaries of family configurations are expected to vary within stepfamilies and within first-time families creating a diversity of family configurations within both structures. Third, in both cases, social capital is expected to depend on the ways in which their family boundaries are set up by individuals by including or excluding ex-partners, new partner's children, siblings, and other family ties. The study is based on a sample of 300 female respondents who have at least one child of their own between 5 and 13 years, 150 from a stepfamily structure and 150 from a first-time family structure. Social capital is empirically operationalized as perceived emotional support in family networks. The results show that individuals in first-time families more often develop bonding social capital and individuals in stepfamilies bridging social capital. In both cases, however, individuals in family configurations based on close blood and conjugal ties more frequently develop bonding social capital, whereas individuals in family configurations based on in-law, stepfamily or friendship ties are more likely to develop bridging social capital.
BACKGROUND: Screening tests for subclinical cardiovascular disease, such as markers of atherosclerosis, are increasingly used in clinical prevention to identify individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Being aware of these test results might also enhance patient motivation to change unhealthy behaviors but the effectiveness of such a screening strategy has been poorly studied. METHODS: The CAROtid plaque Screening trial on Smoking cessation (CAROSS) is a randomized controlled trial in 530 regular smokers aged 40-70 years to test the hypothesis that carotid plaque screening will influence smokers' behavior with an increased rate of smoking cessation (primary outcome) and an improved control of other cardiovascular risk factors (secondary outcomes) after 1-year follow-up. All smokers will receive a brief advice for smoking cessation,and will subsequently be randomly assigned to either the intervention group (with plaques screening) or the control group (without plaque screening). Carotid ultrasound will be conducted with a standard protocol. Smokers with at least one carotid plaque will receive pictures of their own plaques with a structured explanation on the general significance of plaques. To ensure equal contact conditions, smokers not undergoing ultrasound and those without plaque will receive a relevant explanation on the risks associated with tobacco smoking. Study outcomes will be compared between smokers randomized to plaque screening and smokers not submitted to plaque screening. SUMMARY: This will be the first trial to assess the impact of carotid plaque screening on 1-year smoking cessation rates and levels of control of other cardiovascular risk factors.
Introduction: In the middle of the 90's, the discovery of endogenous ligands for cannabinoid receptors opened a new era in this research field. Amides and esters of arachidonic acid have been identified as these endogenous ligands. Arachidonoylethanolamide (anandamide or AEA) and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) seem to be the most important of these lipid messengers. In addition, virodhamine (VA), noladin ether (2-AGE), and N-arachidonoyl dopamine (NADA) have been shown to bind to CB receptors with varying affinities. During recent years, it has become more evident that the EC system is part of fundamental regulatory mechanisms in many physiological processes such as stress and anxiety responses, depression, anorexia and bulimia, schizophrenia disorders, neuroprotection, Parkinson disease, anti-proliferative effects on cancer cells, drug addiction, and atherosclerosis. Aims: This work presents the problematic of EC analysis and the input of Information Dependant Acquisition based on hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap (QqQLIT) system for the profiling of these lipid mediators. Methods: The method was developed on a LC Ultimate 3000 series (Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) coupled to a QTrap 4000 system (Applied biosystems, Concord, ON, Canada). The ECs were separated on an XTerra C18 MS column (50 × 3.0 mm i.d., 3.5 μm) with a 5 min gradient elution. For confirmatory analysis, an information-dependant acquisition experiment was performed with selected reaction monitoring (SRM) as survey scan and enhanced produced ion (EPI) as dependant scan. Results: The assay was found to be linear in the concentration range of 0.1-5 ng/mL for AEA, 0.3-5 ng/mL for VA, 2-AGE, and NADA and 1-20 ng/mL for 2-AG using 0.5 mL of plasma. Repeatability and intermediate precision were found less than 15% over the tested concentration ranges. Under non-pathophysiological conditions, only AEA and 2-AG were actually detected in plasma with concentration ranges going from 104 to 537 pg/mL and from 2160 to 3990 pg/mL respectively. We have particularly focused our scopes on the evaluation of EC level changes in biological matrices through drug addiction and atherosclerosis processes. We will present preliminary data obtained during pilot study after administration of cannabis on human patients. Conclusion: ECs have been shown to play a key role in regulation of many pathophysiological processes. Medical research in these different fields continues to growth in order to understand and to highlight the predominant role of EC in the CNS and peripheral tissues signalisation. The profiling of these lipids needs to develop rapid, highly sensitive and selective analytical methods.
The prevalence of lymphedema is clearly underestimated. Too few patients receive treatment. It requires several specifically trained participants and must be conceived in the long term given the chronic nature and the incurability of this pathology. Prevention is therefore of major importance. Successfully applied to operated women for breast cancer, other models of coverage deserve to be developed to reduce the incidence of lymphedema and its complications, particularly after oncologic, orthopedic and vascular surgery and for patients affected by venous insufficiency.
Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants expressing the three enzymes encoding the biosynthetic route to polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) are described. These plants accumulated more than 4% of their fresh weight (approximately 40% of their dry weight) in the form of PHB in leaf chloroplasts. These very high producers were obtained and identified following a novel strategy consisting of a rapid GC-MS analysis of a large number of transgenic Arabidopsis plants generated using a triple construct, thus allowing the parallel transfer of all three genes necessary for PHB synthesis in a single transformation event. The level of PHB produced was 4-fold greater than previously published values, thus demonstrating the large potential of plants to produce this renewable resource. However, the high levels of the polymer produced had severe effects on both plant development and metabolism. Stunted growth and a loss of fertility were observed in the high-producing lines. Analysis of the metabolite composition of these lines using a GC-MS method that we have newly developed showed that the accumulation of high levels of PHB was not accompanied by an appreciable change in either the composition or the amount of fatty acids. Substantial changes were, however, observed in the levels of various organic acids, amino acids, sugars and sugar alcohols.
BACKGROUND: Obesity is increasing worldwide because developing countries are adopting Western high-fat foods and sedentary lifestyles. In parallel, in many of them, hypertension is rising more rapidly, particularly with age, than in Western countries. OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between adiposity and blood pressure (BP) in a developing country with high average BP (The Seychelles, Indian Ocean, population mainly of African origin) in comparison to a developed country with low average BP (Switzerland, population mainly of Caucasian origin). DESIGN: Cross-sectional health examination surveys based on population random samples. SETTING: The main Seychelles island (Mahé) and two Swiss regions (Vaud-Fribourg and Ticino). SUBJECTS: Three thousand one hundred and sixteen adults (age range 35-64) untreated for hypertension. MEASUREMENTS: Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP, mean of two measures). METHODS: Scatterplot smoothing techniques and gender-specific linear regression models. RESULTS: On average, SBP and DBP were found to increase linearly over the whole variation range of BMI, WHR and WC. A modest, but statistically significant linear association was found between each indicator of adiposity and BP levels in separate regression models controlling for age. The regression coefficients were not significantly different between the Seychelles and the two Swiss regions, but were generally higher in women than in men. For the latter, a gain of 1.7 kg/m(2) in BMI, of 4.5 cm in WC or of 3.4% in WHR corresponded to an elevation of 1 mmHg in SBP. For women, corresponding figures were 1.25 kg/m(2), 2.5 cm and 1.8% respectively. Regression coefficients for age reflected a higher effect of this variable on both SBP and DBP in the Seychelles than in Switzerland. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest a stable linear relation of adiposity with BP, independent of age and body fat distribution, across developed and developing countries. The more rapid increase of BP with age observed in the latter countries are likely to reflect higher genetic susceptibility and/or higher cumulative exposure to another risk factor than adiposity.
Women who smoke underestimate the risks of smoking on their health, especially the impact of the anti-estrogenic and toxic effects of tobacco at the different stages of their life. The risk of female infertility related to tobacco is now well-proven, as is the risk of arterial and venous thrombotic event when tobacco is associated with oral contraception. Many foetal and maternal pathologies are linked to maternal smoking. Regarding post-menopausal women, smoking is associated with an increased osteoporotic and cardio-vascular risk. Doctors are at the first line to advise women and propose them help and assistance in their quit smoking process in a way adapted to their situation.
This study explores adolescents' perceptions of adverse consequences linked to their illegal psychoactive substance (IPS) use, as they are often thought to minimise them. From a Swiss nationally representative sample of 8740 adolescents aged 16 to 20 pursuing post-mandatory education, 2515 participants reported IPS use in the past month on a self-administered anonymous questionnaire. The percentages of participants reporting problems in four areas (individual, school, relationships and sexual) were assessed, depending on the type of IPS consumption over the last 30 days: occasional cannabis users: ≤2 times; regular cannabis users: ≥3 times; and poly-consumers: cannabis plus at least one other substance used. The percentages varied significantly across these three groups with 26.9% of occasional users, 53.8% of regular users, and 73.3% of poly-consumers reporting at least one problem. Compared to occasional cannabis users, poly-consumers were more likely to report problems in all four categories [relative risk ratio (RRR): 3.38 to 5.44], while regular cannabis users often reported only school and relationship problems [RRR: 2.43 to 3.23]. Thus, many adolescents seem to perceive the negative effects of their IPS use, with heavier consumption being associated with increasing problems. Physicians should feel confident questioning adolescents on the adverse consequences of their IPS consumption, as they are likely to be responsive on this issue.
Tumor-mobilized bone marrow-derived CD11b(+) myeloid cells promote tumor angiogenesis, but how and when these cells acquire proangiogenic properties is not fully elucidated. Here, we show that CD11b(+) myelomonocytic cells develop proangiogenic properties during their differentiation from CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitors and that placenta growth factor (PlGF) is critical in promoting this education. Cultures of human CD34(+) progenitors supplemented with conditioned medium from breast cancer cell lines or PlGF, but not from nontumorigenic breast epithelial lines, generate CD11b(+) cells capable of inducing endothelial cell sprouting in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo. An anti-Flt-1 mAb or soluble Flt-1 abolished the generation of proangiogenic activity during differentiation from progenitor cells. Moreover, inhibition of metalloproteinase activity, but not VEGF, during the endothelial sprouting assay blocked sprouting induced by these proangiogenic CD11b(+) myelomonocytes. In a mouse model of breast cancer, circulating CD11b(+) cells were proangiogenic in the sprouting assays. Silencing of PlGF in tumor cells prevented the generation of proangiogenic activity in circulating CD11b(+) cells, inhibited tumor blood flow, and slowed tumor growth. Peripheral blood of breast cancer patients at diagnosis, but not of healthy individuals, contained elevated levels of PlGF and circulating proangiogenic CD11b(+) myelomonocytes. Taken together, our results show that cancer cells can program proangiogenic activity in CD11b(+) myelomonocytes during differentiation of their progenitor cells in a PlGF-dependent manner. These findings impact breast cancer biology, detection, and treatment. Cancer Res; 71(11); 3781-91. ©2011 AACR.