53 resultados para 999 Constitutional Referendum

em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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Since the early 1990s, new forms of referendum campaigns have emerged in the Swiss political arena. In this paper, we examine how referendum campaigns have transformed in Switzerland, focusing on a number of features: their intensity, duration and inclusiveness (i.e., the variety of actors involved). These features are assumed to change in the long run in response to societal changes and in the short run as a function of variations in elite support. We further argue that public knowledge of ballot issues depends on the characteristics of campaigns. To formally test our hypotheses, we draw on advertisement campaigns in six major Swiss newspapers in the four weeks preceding each ballot from 1981 to 1999 and develop a structural equation model. We indeed find that the duration of referendum campaigns has increased over time, while their inclusiveness has decreased. Most importantly, we find that pub­lic knowledge is strongly related to the characteristics of campaigns


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The mass media are assigned an important role in political campaigns on popular votes. This article asks how the press communicates political issues to citizens during referendum campaigns, and whether some minimal criteria for successful public deliberation are met. The press coverage of all 24 ballot votes on welfare state issues from 1995 to 2004 in Switzerland is examined, distinguishing seven criteria to judge how news coverage compares to idealized notions of the media's role in the democratic process: coverage intensity, time for public deliberation, balance in media coverage, source independence and inclusiveness, substantive coverage, and spatial homogeneity. The results of our quantitative analysis suggest that the press does fulfil these normative requirements to a reasonable extent and that fears about biased or deceitful media treatment of ballot issues are not well-founded. However, some potential for optimizing the coverage of referendum campaigns by the Swiss press does exist


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BACKGROUND: Clinical manifestations of giant cell arteritis (GCA) are variable. Whether signs and symptoms present in an explosive fashion or insidiously, once manifest the course is usually progressive unless treatment is initiated. METHODS: A retrospective review of patients with GCA seen in an outpatient neuro-ophthalmology clinic. RESULTS: We report four patients with biopsy-proven GCA who experienced spontaneous remission. Clinical manifestations consisted of headache and diplopia in two patients, constitutional symptoms in one patient and facial pain in another. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of this aspect of the disease in order to avoid a delay in diagnosis and treatment.


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Cette thèse est construite en quatre parties : trois annexes qui présentent six études de cas (env. 800 pages), précédées par une analyse transversale, plus synthétique (env. 150 pages), dont traite ce résumé. Chaque annexe contient une synthèse détaillée des études de cas. Cette thèse aborde la « gestion des ressources naturelles » en affirmant d'emblée que l'appellation est inappropriée, car ce ne sont pas les ressources qui sont gérées, mais leurs usages. Il s'agit donc d'identifier et d'analyser ce qui influence les comportements humains en lien avec la ressource. Cette affirmation fonde la perspective des sciences sociales sur la gestion des ressources naturelles, dans laquelle s'inscrit cette thèse. L'approche néo-institutionnaliste considère que les usages sont influencés par des institutions, qui sont elles-mêmes influencées par les usagers. Ces institutions sont des constructions humaines qui composent le contexte institutionnel dans lequel les acteurs décident de leurs usages (abattre un arbre, prélever de l'eau, etc.). Les usages des ressources ne sont donc jamais libres et il s'agit de comprendre comment ces règles du jeu influencent les pratiques. Elles sont nombreuses, interdépendantes et forment la trame sur laquelle se décident les usages. Pour saisir cette complexité, l'auteur applique le cadre d'analyse des régimes institutionnels des ressources (RIR) qui se limite à l'analyse de deux types de droits d'usages : ceux issues des règles de la propriété (titres de propriété, servitudes, etc.) et ceux issus des politiques publiques (lois, ordonnances, etc.). Le RIR permet d'identifier un « régime institutionnel », spécifique à la ressource étudiée, dont les évolutions peuvent être comparées dans le temps ou entre plusieurs lieux. Dans cette recherche, ce cadre d'analyse a été appliqué au même objet - la gestion forestière dans les zones de captage d'eau souterraine destinée au réseau public - dans trois pays : en France, en Suisse et en Indonésie. Trois années de recherche de terrain ont permis à l'auteur de s'intéresser non seulement aux règles prédéterminées (la réglementation), mais aussi aux règles effectivement activées sur le terrain (la régulation) par les acteurs rencontrés. Les études de cas montrent que les règles prévues sont inégalement activées et que les acteurs privilégient parfois la négociation directe pour résoudre leurs rivalités d'usages, à la place d'invoquer leurs droits acquis. Ce constat conduit l'auteur à proposer un élargissement de la focale du RIR, qui constitue le coeur de sa thèse. On ne s'intéresse plus seulement à ce qui « est » régulé, mais aussi à ce qui ne l'« est pas » et qui échappe à l'application classique du RIR. Ce renversement de perspective est crucial pour comprendre les usages concrets des ressources dans les régimes peu intégrés, où les pratiques s'expliquent davantage par la marge de manoeuvre laissée aux acteurs que par les règles prédéterminées. Cette relecture, testée avec succès dans cette thèse, permet d'intégrer la marge de manoeuvre à l'analyse au moyen du RIR. Elle se concrétise par l'identification des lacunes et incohérences dans les régimes institutionnels étudiés. Le champ d'application du RIR s'en trouve élargi et sa vulgarisation pour des non-spécialistes est facilitée, notamment pour les environnementalistes. La complémentarité entre les approches s'en trouve renforcée. Les résultats montrent deux choses : premièrement les acteurs disposent toujours d'une marge de manoeuvre pour négocier des régulations ponctuelles, qui sont autant d'alternatives à l'application des règles prévues. Deuxièmement, la conclusion d'accords issus de la négociation bi-/multilatérale dépend directement de la marge de manoeuvre laissée par le contexte institutionnel. Ceci explique pourquoi la négociation entre les propriétaires forestiers et les exploitants de captages s'imposent en Indonésie, est envisageable en France, mais n'aboutit pas en Suisse. Les nombreuses tentatives infructueuses de mise en oeuvre de solutions négociées, notamment sous forme de paiements pour services environnementaux (PSE), trouvent ici une explication. - This thesis (written in French) is built in four parts: three annexes that present six case studies (approx. 800 pages), preceded by a transverse, more conceptual analysis (approx. 150 pages), which this summary is about. Each annexe contains a detailed summary of the case studies. 'Natural resource management' is an inappropriate designation because it is not the resources that are managed but the uses made of them, therefore this thesis addresses the identification and analysis of the influences on human behaviour in relation to the resource. This statement roots the social sciences perspective on the management of natural resources, in which this thesis fits. A neoinstitutionalist approach considers that the uses are influenced by institutions, which are themselves influenced by users. These institutions are human constructions that form the institutional context in which the actors decide on the use of resources (felling a tree, collecting water, etc.). Thus, the uses of resources are never independent from institutional influences and it becomes necessary to understand how these rules of the game affect practices. They are numerous, interrelated and form the basis for the uses of resources. To understand this complexity, the author applies the institutional regime resource framework (IRR) which limits the analysis to two types of use rights: those resulting from the property rights (deeds, easements, etc.) and those from public policies (laws, ordinances, etc.). The IRR identifies an 'institutional regime', specific to the resource, from which developments can be compared over time or between several places. In this research, this analytical framework has been applied to the same topic - forest management in the recharging areas of groundwater piped for public supply - in three countries: France, Switzerland and Indonesia. Three years of field research allow the author to look not only at predetermined rules (rules), but also at regulations that are actually activated on the ground (rules-in-use). The case studies show that the predetermined rules are unevenly applied and that sometimes actors favour direct negotiation to resolve their rivalry of uses, instead of invoking their vested rights. From this observation the author proposes an enlargement of the IRR's scope, forming the core of his thesis. The interest covers not only what 'is' regulated, but what 'is not' and so is beyond the classical application of the IRR. This shift in perspective is crucial to understand the concrete uses of resources in poorly integrated regimes, where practices are explained by the margin of manoeuvre left to the actors rather than predetermined rules. This reinterpretation, tested successfully in this research, allows the margin of manoeuvre to be integrated in the analysis using the IRR and is made concrete by the identification of gaps and inconsistencies in the investigated institutional context. The new interpretation of the IRR in this thesis complements and enhances its classical application. In particular, its use and understanding by non-specialists, especially environmentalists, is facilitated. The results show two things: first the actors always have leeway to negotiate ad hoc regulations, which are alternatives to the application of the predefined rules. Second, the conclusion of bi/multilateral negotiated agreements depends directly on the leeway left by the institutional context. This explains why the negotiation between forest owners and operators of water catchments is needed in Indonesia, is possible in France, but does not succeed in Switzerland. This offers an explanation for many unsuccessful attempts to implement negotiated solutions, notably payments for environmental services (PES).


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Dome-shaped macula (DSM) was recently described in myopic patients as a convex protrusion of the macula within a posterior pole staphyloma. The pathogenesis of DSM and the development of associated serous foveal detachment (SFD) remain unclear. The obstruction of choroidal outflow and compressive changes of choroidal capillaries have been proposed as causative factors. In this paper, we report two cases of patients with chronic SFD associated with DSM treated with oral spironolactone. After treatment, there was a complete resolution of SFD in both patients. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of successful treatment of SFD in DSM by a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist.


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Research on individual social policy preferences has highlighted a number of socio-structural cleavages as determinants. Studies investigating public opinion on the various redistributive schemes that make up today's welfare states have shown the relevance of class-related factors such as income or education as key explanatory variables (Ferrera 1993; Taylor-Gooby 1995, 1998; and Svallfors 1997). More recent studies, however, have suggested that other factors are also likely to play a role. Among these, the most important are age, gender, and individual values (Armingeon 2006; Deitch 2004; and Roller 2000, 2002). The scenario that emerges from the existing literature is one of multiple intersecting cleavages, but it remains unclear as to what today is the relative weight and specific impact of each of these cleavages.


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Empirical literature on the analysis of the efficiency of measures for reducing persistent government deficits has mainly focused on the direct explanation of deficit. By contrast, this paper aims at modeling government revenue and expenditure within a simultaneous framework and deriving the fiscal balance (surplus or deficit) equation as the difference between the two variables. This setting enables one to not only judge how relevant the explanatory variables are in explaining the fiscal balance but also understand their impact on revenue and/or expenditure. Our empirical results, obtained by using a panel data set on Swiss Cantons for the period 1980-2002, confirm the relevance of the approach followed here, by providing unambiguous evidence of a simultaneous relationship between revenue and expenditure. They also reveal strong dynamic components in revenue, expenditure, and fiscal balance. Among the significant determinants of public fiscal balance we not only find the usual business cycle elements, but also and more importantly institutional factors such as the number of administrative units, and the ease with which people can resort to political (direct democracy) instruments, such as public initiatives and referendum.


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Introduction: Ethylglucuronide (EtG) is a direct and specific metabolite of ethanol. Its determination in hair is of increasing interest for detecting and monitoring alcohol abuse. The quantification of EtG in hair requires analytical methods showing highest sensitivity and specificity. We present a fully validated method based on gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry (GC-NCI-MS/MS). The method was validated using French Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Techniques (SFSTP) guidelines which are based on the determination of the total measurement error and accuracy profiles. Methods: Washed and powdered hair is extracted in water using an ultrasonic incubation. After purification by Oasis MAX solid phase extraction, the derivatized EtG is detected and quantified by GC-NCI-MS/MS method in the selected reaction monitoring mode. The transitions m/z 347 / 163 and m/z 347 / 119 were used for the quantification and identification of EtG. Four quality controls (QC) prepared with hair samples taken post mortem from 2 subjects with a known history of alcoholism were used. A proficiency test with 7 participating laboratories was first run to validate the EtG concentration of each QC sample. Considering the results of this test, these samples were then used as internal controls for validation of the method. Results: The mean EtG concentrations measured in the 4 QC were 259.4, 130.4, 40.8, and 8.4 pg/mg hair. Method validation has shown linearity between 8.4 and 259.4 pg/mg hair (r2 > 0.999). The lower limit of quantification was set up at 8.4 pg/mg. Repeatability and intermediate precision were found less than 13.2% for all concentrations tested. Conclusion: The method proved to be suitable for routine analysis of EtG in hair. GC-NCI-MS/MS method was then successfully applied to the analysis of EtG in hair samples collected from different alcohol consumers.


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Résumé GLUT8 est la première des nouvelles isoformes des GLUT récemment identifiés. Il est fortement exprimé dans les testicules et plus faiblement dans les blastocystes, le cerveau, particulièrement au niveau de l'hippocampe, et le coeur. En conditions basales, il est retenu dans un compartiment intracellulaire. Si on l'exprime en surface cellulaire, par la mutation du motif d'internalisation dileucine, il transporte le glucose avec une bonne affinité. Dans le but d'étudier sa fonction au niveau de l'organisme, nous avons créé un modèle de knock out conditionnel, en entourant le dernier exon du gène de GLUT8 par deux sites loxP. En croisant nos souris avec une souche de souris transgénique exprimant la cre-recombinase dans les cellules de la lignée germinale, nous avons généré un modèle de souris portant la délétion totale de GLUT8 de manière constitutionnelle. Les statistiques effectuées sur les premières naissances indiquent qu'une partie des souris knock out ne survit pas, suggérant un rôle de GLUT8 au niveau du développement embryonnaire. Les souris qui ont survécu ne présentent toutefois pas d'anomalies durant la croissance et sont fertiles. Elles ont des taux de glucose et d'insuline sanguins normaux. Au niveau cérébral, la structure de l'hippocampe n'est pas modifiée par la suppression de GLUT8, cependant, les souris GLUT8-/- présentent une prolifération cellulaire augmentée dans le gyrus denté. Cette augmentation de division cellulaire pourrait être la réponse adaptée à une éventuelle augmentation de la mort cellulaire au niveau de l'hippocampe. Elles ne semblent toutefois pas présenter de défauts cognitifs majeurs dans le bassin de Morris en conditions normales. Toutefois, en conditions de jeûne, elles tendent à une meilleure mémorisation à court terme. Les études morphologiques et histologiques au niveau cardiaque n'ont pas révélé de d'hypertrophie au niveau ventriculaire. La stimulation de la contraction à l'isoprotérénol n'a pas mis en évidence de défaut d'adaptation des coeurs GLUT8-/-. Cependant l'analyse fonctionnelle par électrocardiogramme, en conditions basales, a montré une augmentation de la durée de l'onde P, suggérant un défaut dans la dépolarisation des oreillettes. Nos résultats indiquent que GLUT8 ne joue pas un rôle prédominant dans la survie et la fonction basale des souris. Il pourrait jouer un rôle plus important dans des situations stressantes pour l'organisme, comme l'hypoglycémie ou les conditions d'ischémie qui induiraient son expression à la membrane plasmique et stimuleraient le captage du glucose. Abstract GLUT8 was the first of the recently identified isoform of the GLUT family proteins. It is strongly expressed in the testis. It is also found at a lower level in the blastocyst, in heart and in the brain. Under basal conditions, it is retained in the intracellular compartment, but when the internalization motif dileucine is mutated, GLUT8 translocates to the plasma membrane and transports glucose with a relatively high affinity. To study its function in vivo, we created a conditional knock out mouse model. To do so, we targeted the last exon of the GLUT8 gene with two loxP sites. We then crossed these mice with a transgenic model expressing the cre-recombinase in the gem' line to generate a constitutional total knock out mouse. The statistics made on the first breedings showed that some of the knock out mice do not survive, suggesting a role of GLUT8 in the embryonic development. Conversely mice who survive do not show developmental defects and they are fertile with normal glucose and insulin blood levels. In the brain, the general structure of the hippocampus is not modified by the deletion of GLUT8. However, GLUT8-/- mice show an increase in the cell proliferation in the dentate gyms. This cell proliferation could be due to an increase in the cell death in the hippocampus. When tested in the morris water maze, these mice do not show any cognitive defects in the basal conditions, but they have a tendency to learn better in fasted conditions. The morphological and histological studies made at the heart level did not show any cardiac hypertrophy in the ventricles. The stimulation with isoproterenol did not show any adaptation defects in the GLUT8-/- hearts. However, the functional analysis made in basal conditions with the electrocardiogram showed an increase in the P wave length, suggesting a defect in the atrial depolarization in the knock out mice. Overall, our results show that GLUT8 does not play an important role in the basal general functions in the mice, but might play a more important role during whole organism stress. Hypoglycaemia or ischemia, for example could stimulate the GLUT8 translocation to the plasma membrane to increase specifically glucose uptake. Résumé tout public Les différentes cellules de l'organisme possèdent des propriétés particulières, qui leur permettent de maintenir les fonctions de l'organe auquel elles appartiennent. La membrane plasmique qui les délimite sélectionne les substances qui vont pénétrer à l'intérieur de la cellule et permet ainsi de maintenir un environnement interne constant. Le glucose est une source d'énergie importante pour la cellule et doit pouvoir pénétrer à l'intérieur de la cellule. Il utilise pour cela des protéines de transport qui le feront passer de part et d'autre de la membrane. Les protéines de la famille des GLUT (pour GLUcose Transporter) possèdent cette capacité. GLUT8 est un membre de la famille des GLUT identifié récemment. Il possède la capacité de transporter le glucose quand il se présente à la surface de la cellule. Il est principalement exprimé dans les testicules, dans le coeur et le cerveau et durant le développement embryonnaire. Son rôle n'est toutefois pas encore défini. Ce travail consiste à étudier la fonction de GLUT8 au niveau de l'organisme entier. Nous avons créé un modèle de souris dans lesquelles l'expression de GLUT8 a été supprimée pour mettre en évidence son importance dans le maintien de l'intégrité des fonctions du corps. Les observations effectuées sur les souris qui n'expriment plus GLUT8 nous indiquent que leurs cellules prolifèrent plus vite au niveau de l'hippocampe. L'hippocampe est une structure située dans le cerveau qui est impliquée dans les phénomènes d'apprentissage. Les souris qui ont été testées dans des tâches d'apprentissage n'ont malgré cela pas montré une amélioration de la mémorisation. Dans le coeur, la suppression de GLUT8 semble présenter un défaut quand on mesure l'activité électrique du coeur par électrocardiogramme. Toutefois, ils fonctionnent normalement et ne présentent pas de défauts morphologiques en conditions normales. Les expériences effectuées sur les modèles de souris indiquent que GLUT8 ne jouerait pas un rôle prédominant dans le fonctionnement normal du corps. Il pourrait exercer sa fonction dans des situations plus particulières comme l'hypoglycémie, où il permettrait une meilleure capacité à transporter le glucose dans les cellules.


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Objective: to assess the between and within-device reproducibility, as well as within-day variability of body fat measurements. Methods: body fat percentage (%BF) was measured twice on seventeen female students aged between 18 and 20 with a body mass index of 21.9 22.6 kg/m2 (mean SD) using seven bipolar bioelectrical impedance devices (BF-306) according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Each student was also measured each hour between 7:00 and 22:00. Statistical analysis was conducted using a general linear model for repeated measurements. Results: the correlation between first and second measurements was very high (Pearson r between 0.985 and 1.000, p<0.001), as well as the correlation between devices (Pearson r between 0.986 and 0.999, all p<0.001). Repeated measurements analysis showed no differences were between devices (F test=0.83, p=0.59) or readings (first vs. second: F test=0.12, p=0.74). Conversely, significant differences were found between assessment periods throughout the day, measurements made in the morning being lower than those made in the afternoon. Assuming an overall daily average of 100 (based on all measurements), the values were 95.8 3.2 (mean SD) at 8:00 versus 101.3 3.0 at 20:00, corresponding to a mean change of 2.2 1.1 in %BF (F test for repeated values=6.58, p<0.001). Conclusions: the between and within-device reproducibility for measuring body fat is high, enabling the use of multiple devices in a single study. Conversely, small but significant changes in body fat measurements occur during the day, urging body fat measurements to be performed at fixed times.