171 resultados para work addiction


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Drug addiction is a multi-etiological disorder to which some individuals are more vulnerable an others. Whereas converging clinical and epidemiological studies report a peak of drug use ring adolescence, many behavioral traits characterizing teenagers have been proposed to contribute to this vulnerability, including a heightened sensation-seeking, an enhanced impulsivity d a larger influence exerted by peers. By many aspects, juvenile rodents display behavioral traits at resemble those of teenagers. However, the concept of increased vulnerability to drug addiction juvenile rats remains in debate. Indeed, only a few studies directly compared juvenile and adult fdents regarding behavioral predictors of drug abuse. Moreover, some key features of drug diction have never been investigated in juvenile rats yet. For this very reason, we conducted a arge-scale behavioral comparison of adult and adolescent rats with the aim of dissecting their espective behavioral traits and vulnerabilities to drug addiction. We first have shown that juvenile rats exhibited an enhanced motor impulsivity, and a loss of control over reward seeking assessed by a persistent reward taking despite adverse consequences mild electric footshocks]. We also report that juvenile rats displayed a higher anxiety profile, ind we discuss why these behaviors might represent key underpinning mechanisms leading to an enhanced vulnerability to drug abuse. Meanwhile, we collected clear cut observations that do not support such an interpretation. In Articular, juvenile and adult rats displayed identical novelty-induced habituation and preference at are considered to represent two potent predictors of cocaine initiation and compulsive intake, "pre strikingly, juvenile rats were less attracted by cues predicting reward in a Pavlovian utoshaping task, suggesting a lower propensity for cues or context to trigger the reinstatement of a^previously extinguished reward seeking behavior. Finally, using a paradigm assessing schedule- ciuced polydipsia, juvenile and adult rats exhibited similar compulsive drinking, under control conditions and following a chronic cocaine treatment as well. Hence, these observations call for a cautious interpretation of adolescent vulnerability to drug use. In particular, we underlined that even the most compulsive young rats did not consume ärger amounts of cocaine than adults, nor exhibited larger efforts in a cue-induced relapse aradigm, despite a transient increased motivation for lever-pressing. And further, despite a higher ensitivity to the behavioral effects of cocaine, juvenile rats did not differ from adults in their ropensity to constantly prefer saccharin over cocaine in a discrete-choice procedure, even after a ?'Id chronic stress procedure. Altogether, our results shape an objective overview of the juvenile rats' behavior in relation to oth drug and non-drug rewards, suggesting a heterogeneous and task-specific profile. Despite elements potentially underlying a real risk for substance use, adolescent rats do not exhibit a ehavioral repertoire suggesting increased vulnerability for compulsive drug abuse. Our conclusions strongly encourage deeper neurobiological investigations of the developing brain, and also open a debate on a possible overestimation of juvenile rats' and teenager's risk to develop aladaptive behaviors and drug addiction. - L'addiction aux drogues est une pathologie d'origine multifactorielle, à laquelle certains individus sont plus vulnérables que d'autres. De nombreuses études cliniques et épidémiologiques suggèrent une consommation excessive de drogues pendant l'adolescence, et plusieurs explications ont été avancées pour justifier cette tendance, parmi lesquelles on note une augmentation de la recherche de sensation, une impulsivité plus marquée et une plus forte influence de l'entourage. Le rat juvénile présente de nombreuses caractéristiques développementales similaires à l'adolescence humaine. En revanche, la vulnérabilité des rats juvéniles à l'abus de drogue est encore sujette à caution. En effet, peu d'études ont directement comparé des traits de comportements pouvant refléter un accroissement du risque d'abus chez les rats juvéniles par comparaison aux rats adultes. En outre, certaines caractéristiques fondamentales de l'addiction chez l'homme n'ont pas encore été étudiées chez le rat adolescent. Ce travail de thèse s'est donc donné pour objectif de comparer le comportement de rats adultes vis-à-vis de celui de rats adolescents, afin d'évaluer dans quelle mesure ces derniers seraient plus vulnérables à l'abus de drogues. Nos résultats indiquent que les rats juvéniles présentent une augmentation des comportements impulsifs, ainsi qu'une plus grande persistance à rechercher de manière compulsive une récompense en dépit de légers chocs électriques. Les rats juvéniles présentent également un profil anxieux plus élevé, ce qui peut constituer une autre source de vulnérabilité. Cependant, certaines caractéristiques comportementales ne suggèrent pas de vulnérabilité chez les rats juvéniles. Aucune différence entre rats adultes et adolescents n'a été trouvée pour l'habituation et la préférence pour la nouveauté, deux traits prédisant l'initiation et la prise compulsive de drogue. De plus, nous avons montré que les rats adolescents attribuent moins d'intérêt à des stimuli prédisant la disponibilité d'une récompense, suggérant une vulnérabilité plus faible à la rechute induite par les stimuli associés à la prise de drogue. Une étude complémentaire des comportements compulsifs indique une absence de différence entre rats adultes et adolescents, à la fois en condition basale ou après un traitement chronique à la cocaïne. L'étude des comportements de prise de drogue ne va pas non plus dans le sens d'une vulnérabilité des rats adolescents. Bien que les rats compulsifs sélectionnés pendant la période juvénile présentent une plus grande motivation à prendre de la cocaïne, ils ne diffèrent ni dans la quantité de cocaïne consommée, ni dans la rechute induite par les stimuli environnementaux. En dépit d'une sensibilisation comportementale plus importante, les rats adolescents présentent la même préférence que les adultes face à un choix entre une drogue et une récompense alternative, suggérant une résilience à la cocaïne comparable à celle des adultes. Enfin, cette résilience pour la cocaïne n'est pas affectée par un stress chronique lors de l'adolescence. En résumé, cette étude dresse un regard objectif sur les comportements en lien avec une vulnérabilité à l'abus de drogues chez le rat juvénile, suggérant que celle-ci est hétérogène et spécifique au protocole utilisé. En dépit de certains éléments de vulnérabilité, les rats adolescents ne présentent pas d'attirance excessive pour la cocaïne, ni de prédisposition à la consommation compulsive de cette drogue. L'ensemble de ces éléments pourra constituer une base solide pour l'investigation neurobiologique du cerveau en développement, et ouvre un débat sur une possible surestimation de la vulnérabilité des rats juvéniles et de leurs homologues humains aux pathologies psychiatriques telles que l'addiction aux drogues.


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Galton (1907) first demonstrated the "wisdom of crowds" phenomenon by averaging independent estimates of unknown quantities given by many individuals. Herzog and Hertwig (2009; hereafter H&H in Psychological Science) showed that individuals' own estimates can be improved by asking them to make two estimates at separate times and averaging them. H&H claimed to observe far greater improvement in accuracy when participants received "dialectical" instructions to consider why their first estimate might be wrong before making their second estimates than when they received standard instructions. We reanalyzed H&H's data using measures of accuracy that are unrelated to the frequency of identical first and second responses and found that participants in both conditions improved their accuracy to an equal degree.


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Increasingly, patients with unhealthy alcohol and other drug use are being seen in primary care and other non-specialty addiction settings. Primary care providers are well positioned to screen, assess, and treat patients with alcohol and other drug use because this use, and substance use disorders, may contribute to a host of medical and mental health harms. We sought to identify and examine important recent advances in addiction medicine in the medical literature that have implications for the care of patients in primary care or other generalist settings. To accomplish this aim, we selected articles in the field of addiction medicine, critically appraised and summarized the manuscripts, and highlighted their implications for generalist practice. During an initial review, we identified articles through an electronic Medline search (limited to human studies and in English) using search terms for alcohol and other drugs of abuse published from January 2010 to January 2012. After this initial review, we searched for other literature in web-based or journal resources for potential articles of interest. From the list of articles identified in these initial reviews, each of the six authors independently selected articles for more intensive review and identified the ones they found to have a potential impact on generalist practice. The identified articles were then ranked by the number of authors who selected each article. Through a consensus process over 4 meetings, the authors reached agreement on the articles with implications for practice for generalist clinicians that warranted inclusion for discussion. The authors then grouped the articles into five categories: 1) screening and brief interventions in outpatient settings, 2) identification and management of substance use among inpatients, 3) medical complications of substance use, 4) use of pharmacotherapy for addiction treatment in primary care and its complications, and 5) integration of addiction treatment and medical care. The authors discuss each selected articles' merits, limitations, conclusions, and implication to advancing addiction screening, assessment, and treatment of addiction in generalist physician practice environments.


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Introduction.- The model presented in part I (19 predictors) had good predictive values for non-return to work 2 years after vocational rehabilitation for orthopaedic trauma. However, the number of predictors is high for the detection of patients at risk in a clinic. For example, the INTERMED for itself consists of 20 questions and needs 20 minutes to be filled in. For this reason, the aim of this study was to compare the predictive value of different models for the prediction of non-return to work.Patients and methods.- In this longitudinal prospective study, the cohort consisted of 2156 included inpatients with orthopaedic trauma attending a rehabilitation hospital after a work, traffic, sport or leisure related injury. Two years after discharge, 1502 patients returned a questionnaire regarding return to work. We compared the area under the receiver-operator-characteristics curve (ROC) between different models: INTERMED total score, the 4 partial INTERMED scores, the items of the most predictive partial score; with or without confounders.Results.- The ROC for the total score of the INTERMED plus the five confounders of the of the part one (qualified work, speaking French, lesion of upper extremity, education and age) was 0.72. The sole partial INTERMED score to predict return to work was the social sub score. The ROC for the five items of the latter sub score of the INTERMED was 0.69. The ROC for the five items of the social subscale of the INTERMED combined with five predictors was 0.73. This was significantly better than the use of only the five items from INTERMED alone (delta 0.034; 95% CI 0.017 to .050). The model presented in part I (INTERMED total score plus 18 predictors) was not significantly better than the five items INTERMED social score plus five confounders.Discussion.- The use of a model with ten variables (INTERMED social five items plus five confounders) has good predictive value to detect patients not returning to work after vocational rehabilitation after orthopaedic trauma. The parsimony of this model facilitates its use in a clinic for the detection of patients at risk.


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Purpose (1) To identify work related stressors that are associated with psychiatric symptoms in a Swiss sample of policemen and (2) to develop a model for identifying officers at risk for developing mental health problems. Method The study design is cross sectional. A total of 354 male police officers answered a questionnaire assessing a wide spectrum of work related stressors. Psychiatric symptoms were assessed using the "TST questionnaire" (Langner in J Health Hum Behav 4, 269-276, 1962). Logistic regression with backward procedure was used to identify a set of variables collectively associated with high scores for psychiatric symptoms. Results A total of 42 (11.9%) officers had a high score for psychiatric symptoms. Nearly all potential stressors considered were significantly associated (at P < 0.05) with a high score for psychiatric symptoms. A significant model including 6 independent variables was identified: lack of support from superior and organization OR = 3.58 (1.58-8.13), self perception of bad quality work OR = 2.99 (1.35-6.59), inadequate work schedule OR = 2.84 (1.22-6.62), high mental/intellectual demand OR = 2.56 (1.12-5.86), age (in decades) OR = 1.82 (1.21-2.73), and score for physical environment complaints OR = 1.30 (1.03-1.64). Conclusions Most of work stressors considered are associated with psychiatric symptoms. Prevention should target the most frequent stressors with high association to symptoms. Complaints of police officers about stressors should receive proper consideration by the management of public administration. Such complaints might be the expression of psychiatric caseness requiring medical assistance. Particular attention should be given to police officers complaining about many stressors identified in this study's multiple model. [Authors]


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This article offers a review of the literature on interprofessional education (EIP), a form of education which brings together members of two or more professions in a joint training. In this course, participants gain knowledge through other professionals and about them. The goal of EIP is to improve collaboration between health professionals and the quality of patient care. The EIP is booming worldwide and seems for from a mere fad. This expansion can be explained by several factors: the increasing importance attributed to the quality of care and patient safety, care changes (aging population and increasing chronic diseases) and the shortage of health professionals. The expectations of the EIP are large, while the evidence supporting its effectiveness is being built.