244 resultados para service orientation
L'introduction au numéro thématique de L'OSP sur la Suisse décrit quelques particularités institutionnelles, politiques et socioéconomiques de ce pays, afin de situer les différentes contributions. Elle expose également les logiques retenues pour le choix des contributions.
Performance-related pay within public organizations is continuing to spread. Although it can help to strengthen an entrepreneurial spirit in civil servants, its implementation is marred by technical, financial, managerial and cultural problems. This article identifies an added problem, namely the contradiction that exists between a managerial discourse that emphasizes the team and collective performance, on the one hand, and the use of appraisal and reward tools that are above all individual, on the other. Based on an empirical survey carried out within Swiss public organizations, the analysis shows that the team is currently rarely taken into account and singles out the principal routes towards an integrated system for the management and rewarding of civil servants.
Production flow analysis (PFA) is a well-established methodology used for transforming traditional functional layout into product-oriented layout. The method uses part routings to find natural clusters of workstations forming production cells able to complete parts and components swiftly with simplified material flow. Once implemented, the scheduling system is based on period batch control aiming to establish fixed planning, production and delivery cycles for the whole production unit. PFA is traditionally applied to job-shops with functional layouts, and after reorganization within groups lead times reduce, quality improves and motivation among personnel improves. Several papers have documented this, yet no research has studied its application to service operations management. This paper aims to show that PFA can well be applied not only to job-shop and assembly operations, but also to back-office and service processes with real cases. The cases clearly show that PFA reduces non-value adding operations, introduces flow by evening out bottlenecks and diminishes process variability, all of which contribute to efficient operations management.
Au sein du département de psychiatrie du CHUV à Lausanne, les soins psychiatriques ont connu il y a dix ans une réorganisation majeure avec, d'une part, la création d'unités spécialisées par psychopathologies et d'autre part, l'implantation de l'urgence psychiatrique ambulatoire unifiée à l'hôpital général. A la veille de cette réorganisation, une analyse descriptive des patients se présentant aux portes d'entrée du système de soins psychiatriques avait été effectuée par le biais d'une étude menée par les Docteurs A. Berney et Ch. Bonsack du DP-CHUV, dans le but d'améliorer l'évaluation, la prise en charge et l'orientation des patients. Aujourd'hui, toujours dans un but d'optimisation, il semble important d'explorer les possibles changements intervenus en dix ans dans le profil des patients accédant au système d'urgences psychiatriques. Notre étude, basée sur le Health of Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS), est une étude d'observation évaluant tous les patients consécutifs, sur une période de trois semaines en 2009, se présentant au service des urgences psychiatriques ambulatoires ou qui sont admis aux urgences médicochirurgicales du CHUV et pour lesquels une évaluation psychiatrique est requise. Seuls les patients âgés de 18 à 65 ans ont été inclus. L'analyse comprend les éléments suivants: profils des patients en 2009, comparaison entre patients se présentant aux urgences psychiatriques ou médicochirurgicales, différences par sexe, comparaison entre les échantillons de 1998 et 2009, discussion des résultats et revue de la littérature. Les résultats de l'étude et la comparaison avec l'étude effectuée en 1998 valident le bien- fondé du choix fait en 1998 de réunir sur un même lieu les deux structures d'urgence, urgences médicochirurgicales et psychiatriques. Nous constatons également une baisse du taux d'hospitalisation en hôpital psychiatrique, au profit d'une prise en charge ambulatoire du patient. Parallèlement, l'investigation psychosociale et l'investigation de l'environnement du patient ont pris toujours plus d'importance.
Genetic recombination can lead to the formation of intermediates in which DNA molecules are linked by Holliday junctions. Movement of a junction along DNA, by a process known as branch migration, leads to heteroduplex formation, whereas resolution of a junction completes the recombination process. Holliday junctions can be resolved in either of two ways, yielding products in which there has, or has not, been an exchange of flanking markers. The ratio of these products is thought to be determined by the frequency with which the two isomeric forms (conformers) of the Holliday junction are cleaved. Recent studies with enzymes that process Holliday junctions in Escherichia coli, the RuvABC proteins, however, indicate that protein binding causes the junction to adopt an open square-planar configuration. Within such a structure, DNA isomerization can have little role in determining the orientation of resolution. To determine the role that junction-specific protein assembly has in determining resolution bias, a defined in vitro system was developed in which we were able to direct the assembly of the RuvABC resolvasome. We found that the bias toward resolution in one orientation or the other was determined simply by the way in which the Ruv proteins were positioned on the junction. Additionally, we provide evidence that supports current models on RuvABC action in which Holliday junction resolution occurs as the resolvasome promotes branch migration.