170 resultados para prostatic nodular hyperplasia
Surgical extirpation is the treatment of choice for symptomatic mullerian duct remnants (prostatic utricle, PU), and several surgical approaches have been described for the treatment of this pathology. A group of 11 patients with symptomatic PU were observed and treated. Associated anomalies included proximal or penoscrotal hypospadias in all patients and cryptorchidism in 9 (81.8%). In all cases the PU needed surgical correction, as the patients had recurring symptomatology. Surgery was carried out transvesically in 10 (91%) cases and in 1 a perineal approach was used. There were no surgical complications, and at follow-up all patients showed complete resolution of the symptoms. We believe the transvesical approach, compared to other techniques, is more advantageous in the treatment of this pathology, as it permits excellent exposure, ease of surgery, good reconstruction, and good functional results with no sequelae.
The mainstay of contemporary therapies for extensive occlusive arterial disease is venous bypass graft. However, its durability is threatened by intimal hyperplasia (IH) that eventually leads to vessel occlusion and graft failure. Mechanical forces, particularly low shear stress and high wall tension, are thought to initiate and to sustain these cellular and molecular changes, but their exact contribution remains to be unraveled. To selectively evaluate the role of pressure and shear stress on the biology of IH, an ex vivo perfusion system (EVPS) was created to perfuse segments of human saphenous veins under arterial regimen (high shear stress and high pressure). Further technical innovations allowed the simultaneous perfusion of two segments from the same vein, one reinforced with an external mesh. Veins were harvested using a no-touch technique and immediately transferred to the laboratory for assembly in the EVPS. One segment of the freshly isolated vein was not perfused (control, day 0). The two others segments were perfused for up to 7 days, one being completely sheltered with a 4 mm (diameter) external mesh. The pressure, flow velocity, and pulse rate were continuously monitored and adjusted to mimic the hemodynamic conditions prevailing in the femoral artery. Upon completion of the perfusion, veins were dismounted and used for histological and molecular analysis. Under ex vivo conditions, high pressure perfusion (arterial, mean = 100 mm Hg) is sufficient to generate IH and remodeling of human veins. These alterations are reduced in the presence of an external polyester mesh.
In 2009, the American Cancer Society (ACS) Prostate Cancer Advisory Committee began the process of a complete update of recommendations for early prostate cancer detection. A series of systematic evidence reviews was conducted focusing on evidence related to the early detection of prostate cancer, test performance, harms of therapy for localized prostate cancer, and shared and informed decision making in prostate cancer screening. The results of the systematic reviews were evaluated by the ACS Prostate Cancer Advisory Committee, and deliberations about the evidence occurred at committee meetings and during conference calls. On the basis of the evidence and a consensus process, the Prostate Cancer Advisory Committee developed the guideline, and a writing committee drafted a guideline document that was circulated to the entire committee for review and revision. The document was then circulated to peer reviewers for feedback, and finally to the ACS Mission Outcomes Committee and the ACS Board of Directors for approval. The ACS recommends that asymptomatic men who have at least a 10-year life expectancy have an opportunity to make an informed decision with their health care provider about screening for prostate cancer after they receive information about the uncertainties, risks, and potential benefits associated with prostate cancer screening. Prostate cancer screening should not occur without an informed decision-making process. Men at average risk should receive this information beginning at age 50 years. Men in higher risk groups should receive this information before age 50 years. Men should either receive this information directly from their health care providers or be referred to reliable and culturally appropriate sources. Patient decision aids are helpful in preparing men to make a decision whether to be tested.
This chapter presents a series of case studies with multiple choice questions and answers that focus on the pitfalls in the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. It commences with a discourse on the diagnosis B-cell lymphomas. A subset of aggressive and high grade B-cell lymphomas that feature characteristics intermediate between those of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and Burkitt lymphoma (BL) are grouped together under the designation BCLU-DLBCL/BL. The chapter discusses the diagnosis of nodular lymphocytic predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL). It also focuses on the diagnosis of primary mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma T-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma, pediatric follicular lymphoma, and cyclin D1-negative mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).
In 2011, new tools to evaluate life expectancy are available. Controversy about PSA-based screening for prostate cancer is still going on, with new data from the US Preventive services task force. A brief behavioral treatment for insomnia can be efficient and durable. Gliptines are be useful to avoid treatment-induced hypoglycemia in diabetic patients. New Alzheimer diagnostic criteria, including biomarkers, have been published.
Lymphatic vessels transport fluid, antigens, and immune cells to the lymph nodes to orchestrate adaptive immunity and maintain peripheral tolerance. Lymphangiogenesis has been associated with inflammation, cancer metastasis, autoimmunity, tolerance and transplant rejection, and thus, targeted lymphatic ablation is a potential therapeutic strategy for treating or preventing such events. Here we define conditions that lead to specific and local closure of the lymphatic vasculature using photodynamic therapy (PDT). Lymphatic-specific PDT was performed by irradiation of the photosensitizer verteporfin that effectively accumulates within collecting lymphatic vessels after local intradermal injection. We found that anti-lymphatic PDT induced necrosis of endothelial cells and pericytes, which preceded the functional occlusion of lymphatic collectors. This was specific to lymphatic vessels at low verteporfin dose, while higher doses also affected local blood vessels. In contrast, light dose (fluence) did not affect blood vessel perfusion, but did affect regeneration time of occluded lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic vessels eventually regenerated by recanalization of blocked collectors, with a characteristic hyperplasia of peri-lymphatic smooth muscle cells. The restoration of lymphatic function occurred with minimal remodeling of non-lymphatic tissue. Thus, anti-lymphatic PDT allows control of lymphatic ablation and regeneration by alteration of light fluence and photosensitizer dose.
PURPOSE: To describe the clinical presentation of cutaneous benign mixed tumor of the eyelid and its management options. METHODS: Periocular cases of cutaneous benign mixed tumor were gathered from members of an oculoplastics specialty Internet discussion group. A total of 9 patients are described in this retrospective, interventional case series. The clinical presentation, histopathology, and management of these lesions is reviewed. RESULTS: Patients were typically asymptomatic, presenting with a slowly enlarging, nontender nodule of 2 to 8 years' duration. The lesions ranged from 4 mm to 17 mm in greatest dimension. Four of the lesions were on the eyelid margin, three in the sub-brow area of the upper eyelid, and two in the central lids. All six cases not involving the brow were fixed to the tarsus; one brow lesion was believed to be adherent to the skin. None of the lesions was associated with significant changes of the overlying epidermis, although one lesion showed overlying pigmentation. All patients underwent excisional biopsy for diagnostic or cosmetic reasons. On histopathologic examination, the tumors were biphasic, with an epithelial component exhibiting apocrine or hair follicle differentiation and a myxoid, adipocytic, chondroid, and/or fibrous stroma. The pathologic diagnoses were all consistent with cutaneous benign mixed tumor (chondroid syringoma, pleomorphic adenoma). Follow-up ranged from 2 weeks to 12 months, although several patients failed to keep scheduled follow-up appointments. No clinical recurrences were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Cutaneous benign mixed tumor may occur in the eyelid, and, although uncommon, should be included in the differential diagnosis of firm, nodular eyelid tumors. The histopathologic features are similar to those seen in this tumor type arising in other areas of the body. Preoperative consideration of this diagnostic possibility may allow the surgeon to plan for complete excision, thereby reducing the possibility of recurrence or malignant transformation.
The role of Notch signaling in growth/differentiation control of mammalian epithelial cells is still poorly defined. We show that keratinocyte-specific deletion of the Notch1 gene results in marked epidermal hyperplasia and deregulated expression of multiple differentiation markers. In differentiating primary keratinocytes in vitro endogenous Notch1 is required for induction of p21WAF1/Cip1 expression, and activated Notch1 causes growth suppression by inducing p21WAF1/Cip1 expression. Activated Notch1 also induces expression of 'early' differentiation markers, while suppressing the late markers. Induction of p21WAF1/Cip1 expression and early differentiation markers occur through two different mechanisms. The RBP-Jkappa protein binds directly to the endogenous p21 promoter and p21 expression is induced specifically by activated Notch1 through RBP-Jkappa-dependent transcription. Expression of early differentiation markers is RBP-Jkappa-independent and can be induced by both activated Notch1 and Notch2, as well as the highly conserved ankyrin repeat domain of the Notch1 cytoplasmic region. Thus, Notch signaling triggers two distinct pathways leading to keratinocyte growth arrest and differentiation.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFA) of marine origin exert multiple beneficial effects on health. Our previous study in mice showed that reduction of adiposity by LC n-3 PUFA was associated with both, a shift in adipose tissue metabolism and a decrease in tissue cellularity. The aim of this study was to further characterize the effects of LC n-3 PUFA on fat cell proliferation and differentiation in obese mice. METHODS: A model of inducible and reversible lipoatrophy (aP2-Cre-ERT2 PPARgammaL2/L2 mice) was used, in which the death of mature adipocytes could be achieved by a selective ablation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in response to i.p. injection of tamoxifen. Before the injection, obesity was induced in male mice by 8-week-feeding a corn oil-based high-fat diet (cHF) and, subsequently, mice were randomly assigned (day 0) to one of the following groups: (i) mice injected by corn-oil-vehicle only, i.e."control" mice, and fed cHF; (ii) mice injected by tamoxifen in corn oil, i.e. "mutant" mice, fed cHF; (iii) control mice fed cHF diet with 15% of dietary lipids replaced by LC n-3 PUFA concentrate (cHF+F); and (iv) mutant mice fed cHF+F. Blood and tissue samples were collected at days 14 and 42. RESULTS: Mutant mice achieved a maximum weight loss within 10 days post-injection, followed by a compensatory body weight gain, which was significantly faster in the cHF as compared with the cHF+F mutant mice. Also in control mice, body weight gain was depressed in response to dietary LC n-3 PUFA. At day 42, body weights in all groups stabilized, with no significant differences in adipocyte size between the groups, although body weight and adiposity was lower in the cHF+F as compared with the cHF mice, with a stronger effect in the mutant than in control mice. Gene expression analysis documented depression of adipocyte maturation during the reconstitution of adipose tissue in the cHF+F mutant mice. CONCLUSION: Dietary LC n-3 PUFA could reduce both hypertrophy and hyperplasia of fat cells in vivo. Results are in agreement with the involvement of fat cell turnover in control of adiposity.
Fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumors of the head and neck are numerous and may develop either in adults or in childhood. They can be benign and nonrecurring, benign but locally recurring, of low-grade of malignancy or fully malignant. The diagnosis and treatment of these lesions can be difficult. This review focuses on several (myo)fibroblastic lesions of the head and neck, including nodular fasciitis and related neoplasms, hemangiopericytoma-like tumor (glomangiopericytoma) of sinonasal passages, nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, desmoid fibromatosis, Gardner-associated fibroma, extrapleural solitary fibrous tumor, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma, and adult-type fibrosarcoma.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and protects it from water loss and mechanical damage. This barrier function is mainly provided by the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. This balance is regulated by several factors, including serine proteases, serine protease inhibitors and protease target substrates, such as receptors. Any mutations or alterations in the expression of these factors can lead to skin diseases. One of the players in this skin balance is the serine protease CAP1/Prss8, whose over-expression causes ichthyosis, hyperplasia and inflammation. This phenotype can be completely restored in the absence of PAR2 (protease-activated receptor 2) (Frateschi et al., 2011). During my thesis, I demonstrated that CAP1/Prss8 induces skin disease even if its catalytic triad is mutated. Additionally, I demonstrated an inhibitory effect of the serine protease-inhibitor nexin-1 (also called serpinE2, PN-1) on CAP1/Prss8, since nexin-1 negated the effects of both catalytically active and inactive CAP1/Prss8 over-expression. Indeed, CAP1/Prss8 and nexin-1 interact in vitro, but independent of the catalytic triad of CAP1/Prss8. These results demonstrate a novel mechanism of interaction between CAP1/Prss8 and nexin-1, and indicate that the catalytic triad of CAP1/Prss8 is dispensable for nexin-1 inhibition and PAR2 activation. These observations in vivo and in vitro could be helpful to specifically target drugs to treat ichthyoses-like skin diseases, like e.g. atopic dermatitis. - La peau est l'un des organes les plus importants du corps humain au regard de sa surface et de sa masse. Ses principales fonctions sont de nous protéger contre l'entrée de pathogènes et de former une barrière imperméable qui empêche la déshydratation. Ces fonctions sont principalement assurées par l'épiderme, la couche la plus superficielle de la peau, et garanties par plusieurs "acteurs", comme par exemple les sérine-protéases, les inhibiteurs de sérine- protéases ou les protéases cibles comme les récepteurs. Toute mutation ou altération de l'un de ces "acteurs" peut aboutir au déclanchement de maladies de la peau. Pour mieux comprendre les conséquences biologiques résultant d'une altération d'expression de CAP1/Prss8, une serine-protéase normalement exprimée au niveau de l'épiderme, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques surexprimant CAP1/Prss8 au niveau de la peau. Ces dernières présentent une peau squameuse, un épiderme hypertrophique, des processus inflammatoires et des prurits conséquents. Ces symptômes disparaissent si le gène du récepteur PAR2, qui régule l'activité des cellules de l'épiderme, est inactivé. Dans le but de vérifier si le phénotype observé chez les souris CAP1/Prss8 résulte de l'action du site catalytique de CAP1/Prss8, nous avons généré des souris CAP1/Prss8 chez lesquelles nous avons muté les trois acides aminés du site catalytique en alanine. Etonnement ces souris ont développé les mêmes problèmes de peau que les souris CAP1/Prss8, démontrant que l'effet de CAP1/Prss8, dans ce modèle animal, n'est pas lié à son site catalytique. Nous avons également montré in vivo, que la sérine-protéase nexin-1 (aussi appelée SERPINE2, PN-1) est capable d'exercer un effet inhibiteur sur CAP1/Prss8 indépendamment de l'activité du site catalytique de CAP1/Prss8. De plus, nous avons remarqué in vitro que CAP1/Prss8 et nexin-1 interagissent bien que la triade catalytique de CAP1/Prss8 soit enzymatiquement inactivée. Ces observations, in vivo et in vitro, pourraient être utilisées dans l'élaboration de médicaments contenant nexin-1, pour le traitement de pathologies de la peau telles l'ichthyose et la dermatite atopique.
In 2010, therapeutic acquisitions in urology mainly allowed optimizing the management of benign prostatic hypertrophy, overactive bladder, localized and metastatic prostate and renal cancers.
Several studies have demonstrated that mice are polymorphic for the number of renin genes, with some inbred strains harboring one gene (Ren-1(c)) and other strains containing two genes (Ren-1(d) and Ren-2). In this study, the effects of 1% salt and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)/salt were investigated in one- and two-renin gene mice, for elucidation of the role of renin in the modulation of BP, cardiac, and renal responses to salt and DOCA. The results demonstrated that, under baseline conditions, mice with two renin genes exhibited 10-fold higher plasma renin activity, 100-fold higher plasma renin concentrations, elevated BP (which was angiotensin II-dependent), and an increased cardiac weight index, compared with one-renin gene mice (all P < 0.01). The presence of two renin genes markedly increased the BP, cardiac, and renal responses to salt. The number of renin genes also modulated the responses to DOCA/salt. In one-renin gene mice, DOCA/salt induced significant renal and cardiac hypertrophy (P < 0.01) even in the absence of any increase in BP. Treatment with losartan, an angiotensin II AT(1) receptor antagonist, decreased BP in two-renin gene mice but not in one-renin gene mice. However, losartan prevented the development of cardiac hypertrophy in both groups of mice. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that renin genes are important determinants of BP and of the responses to salt and DOCA in mice. The results confirm that the Ren-2 gene, which controls renin production mainly in the submaxillary gland, is physiologically active in mice and is not subject to the usual negative feedback control. Finally, these data provide further evidence that mineralocorticoids promote cardiac hypertrophy even in the absence of BP changes. This hypertrophic process is mediated in part by the activation of angiotensin II AT(1) receptors.
Melanoma is an aggressive disease with few standard treatment options. The conventional classification system for this disease is based on histological growth patterns, with division into four subtypes: superficial spreading, lentigo maligna, nodular, and acral lentiginous. Major limitations of this classification system are absence of prognostic importance and little correlation with treatment outcomes. Recent preclinical and clinical findings support the notion that melanoma is not one malignant disorder but rather a family of distinct molecular diseases. Incorporation of genetic signatures into the conventional histopathological classification of melanoma has great implications for development of new and effective treatments. Genes of the mitogen-associated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway harbour alterations sometimes identified in people with melanoma. The mutation Val600Glu in the BRAF oncogene (designated BRAF(V600E)) has been associated with sensitivity in vitro and in vivo to agents that inhibit BRAF(V600E) or MEK (a kinase in the MAPK pathway). Melanomas arising from mucosal, acral, chronically sun-damaged surfaces sometimes have oncogenic mutations in KIT, against which several inhibitors have shown clinical efficacy. Some uveal melanomas have activating mutations in GNAQ and GNA11, rendering them potentially susceptible to MEK inhibition. These findings suggest that prospective genotyping of patients with melanoma should be used increasingly as we work to develop new and effective treatments for this disease.
The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the infiltration of tumor into the seminal vesicles and regional lymph nodes were coordinated by working group 4. There was a consensus that complete blocking of the seminal vesicles was not necessary, although sampling of the junction of the seminal vesicles and prostate was mandatory. There was consensus that sampling of the vas deferens margins was not obligatory. There was also consensus that muscular wall invasion of the extraprostatic seminal vesicle only should be regarded as seminal vesicle invasion. Categorization into types of seminal vesicle spread was agreed by consensus to be not necessary. For examination of lymph nodes, there was consensus that special techniques such as frozen sectioning were of use only in high-risk cases. There was no consensus on the optimal sampling method for pelvic lymph node dissection specimens, although there was consensus that all lymph nodes should be completely blocked as a minimum. There was also a consensus that a count of the number of lymph nodes harvested should be attempted. In view of recent evidence, there was consensus that the diameter of the largest lymph node metastasis should be measured. These consensus decisions will hopefully clarify the difficult areas of pathological assessment in radical prostatectomy evaluation and improve the concordance of research series to allow more accurate assessment of patient prognosis.