159 resultados para improving competitive ability
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection is known to have two main outcomes: latent infection (LTBI) where the pathogen is in a dormant form or active tuberculosis disease (TB), which is, most of the time, highly transmissible. Over one-third of the world's population asymptomatically harbours a latent form of Mtb with a 10% risk of disease reactivation. Efficient vaccine strategies remain unknown and the existing BCG vaccine is believed to protect against only some forms of TB (extra-pulmonary TB in children). Moreover, timely identification of TB remains complex with the actual diagnosis based on clinical observations associated to low efficient tests. Furthermore, current therapies are expensive, heavy and long for patients, and present lesser and lesser efficiency against new drug-resistant strains of Mtb. It is thus important to develop our knowledge on host -Mtb relationship to propose new vaccines, diagnosis tools and medications for the future. This thesis aims at improving our understanding of human immunology in the field of TB. All along this work, the same algorithm has been used and points towards the discovery of new correlates of protection through the comparison of T-cell immune responses in patients with LTBI or TB. We performed a comprehensive analysis of T-cell immune responses to Mtb using polychromatic flow cytometiy to study the functional profile of Μ/ό-specific CD4 Τ cells. We observed a polyfunctional profile in LTBI where CD4 Τ cells mainly co-produced IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-2. In contrast, in TB, Mtó-specific CD4 Τ cells were mostly single TNF-a positive. Thus, analysis of the cytokine profiles was a strong immunological measure discriminating TB and LTBI. We next analyzed Thl7 cells. Mtò-specific Thl7 cells lacked immediate {i.e. ex vivo) IL-17A effector function in both LTBI and TB individuals. Moreover, they were also absent in bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs). Interestingly, we noticed that Mtb- specific Thl7 cells from LTBI but not from TB subjects acquired the ability to produce IL- 17A following Mtb-specific T-cell expansion. We finally performed a comprehensive characterization of Mfè-specific CD8 Τ cells that were detected in most (60%) TB patients and few (15%) LTBI subjects. We observed differences in the phenotype, the cytotoxicity and the proliferative capacities but not in the cytokine profile of Mtò-specific CD8 Τ cells between LTBI and TB. We concluded that the activity of Mtb infection (i.e. latent versus active) and the clinical presentation were associated to distinct profiles of Mtó-specific CD8 T-cell responses. To conclude, a multiparametric analysis including both CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses to Mtb lead to the development of a significantly improved diagnostic test discriminating between LTBI and TB. All together, these results provide new insights into the interaction between Mtb and the host immune response and expand upon our prior knowledge of tuberculosis. - L'infection par Mycobacterium tuberculosis peut résulter en une infection tuberculeuse latente et asymptomatique ou encore en une forme active et la plupart du temps contagieuse, la tuberculose. Un tiers de la population mondiale serait infectée de manière chronique avec 10 % de risques de développer la maladie durant la vie. Il n'existe actuellement aucun vaccin efficace, le BCG ne conférant qu'une protection partielle contre certaines formes extrapulmonaires de la maladie chez l'enfant. D'autre part, il n'existe pas de méthode diagnostique fiable et rapide, celle-ci se basant dans un premier temps sur l'analyse de la situation clinique des patients. Enfin, les thérapies actuelles sont couteuses et contraignantes pour les patients et tendent à ne plus être efficaces contre les souches émergentes de mycobactérie multi-résistantes. Aussi, il est important de bien comprendre la relation hôte-pathogène de manière à pouvoir proposer de nouveaux outils vaccinaux, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. Ce manuscrit s'inscrit dans cette direction et vise à améliorer nos connaissances de la réponse immunitaire humaine dans le cadre de la tuberculose. Nous avons suivi un algorithme similaire tout au long des études proposées en comparant les réponses immunes des patients latents à celles des patients actifs, et ce, dans le but de mettre en évidence de potentiels corrélats de protection. Nous avons réalisé par cytométrie en flux une analyse du profil fonctionnel des cellules lymphocytaires CD4 dans la réponse au pathogène. Dans le cas de la tuberculose active, les cellules CD4 sécrètent majoritairement du TNF-α quand, au contraire, elles sécrètent à la fois du TNF-α, de l'IFN-γ et de l'IL-2 (poly-fonctionnalité) dans l'infection latente. Cette observation nous a permis de proposer un nouveau test diagnostique de la maladie active. Nous avons aussi étudié les cellules CD4 Thl7, impliquées dans la réponse immunitaire cellulaire contre les pathogènes extracellulaires et les champignons. Nous avons souligné une variation dans la production d'IL-17 entre infection latente et tuberculose active qui pourrait être impliquée dans la protection de l'individu contre le pathogène. D'autre part, ce manuscrit propose une caractérisation des cellules Τ CD8 dites cytotoxiques dans la tuberculose. Des divergences dans la fréquence des réponses observées, le phénotype mais aussi les capacités prolifératives et cytotoxiques ont pu être mises en évidence entre latence et tuberculose active. Ces observations soulignent le rôle important de ce groupe cellulaire dans l'évolution de la maladie et permettent de proposer une amélioration de l'outil diagnostic précédemment proposé et se basant à la fois sur le profil fonctionnel des cellules Τ CD4 ainsi que sur la présence potentielle d'une réponse CD8 spécifique au pathogène. Ces diverses études réalisées sur les cellules Τ humaines répondant spécifiquement à Mtb nous permettent de faire un pas supplémentaire dans la compréhension de notre réponse immunitaire face à ce pathogène particulièrement dangereux qui continue à l'heure actuelle à tuer chaque année des millions de personnes. - La tuberculose (TB) résulte d'une infection bactérienne par Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) et existe sous deux formes majeures: une forme latente, lorsque la bactérie est en phase de dormance ainsi qu'une forme active durant laquelle la bactérie se divise activement, entraînant les symptômes de la maladie. La personne infectée devient alors contagieuse dans la plupart des cas. Aujourd'hui des études épidémiologiques assument que plus d'un tiers de la population mondiale serait infectée par la forme latente de la bactérie et que 10% des cas réactiveront donnant lieu à diverses présentations de la maladie. Il n'existe actuellement aucun vaccin réellement efficace chez l'adulte. D'autre part, les traitements antibiotiques utilisés sont très lourds pour les patients et les cliniciens doivent faire face à l'émergence de nouvelles souches bactériennes multi-résistantes non affectées par les thérapies existantes. Les autorités sanitaires sont, d'autre part, confrontées à l'absence d'un outil diagnostique rapide, fiable et efficace. En effet, la méthode de référence reste la culture microbiologique du pathogène qui prend généralement plusieurs semaines, pendant lesquelles le patient pourra contaminer d'autres personnes. En résumé, la lutte contre la tuberculose doit passer par l'élaboration d'un vaccin efficace, de nouvelles thérapies, mais aussi par la mise en place de nouveaux tests diagnostics plus rapides afin d'éviter la dissémination de la maladie. Aussi, la relation hôte-bactérie qui n'est actuellement que peu comprise doit être investiguée. Ce travail de thèse a pour but d'étudier la réponse immunitaire chez l'homme infecté par Mtb et vise plus particulièrement l'étude d'une population clé de cellules immunitaires: les lymphocytes T. L'étude des cellules Τ CD4 nous a permis dans un premier temps de proposer un nouveau test diagnostic de la maladie active. Nous avons aussi analysé plus en détail une population spécifique des cellules Τ CD4 (les cellules Thl7), nous permettant d'associer leur fonction avec un possible état physiologique de protection contre le pathogène. En second lieu nous avons réalisé une caractérisation des cellules Τ CD8, à la fois chez les personnes avec des infections latentes et chez les personnes malades. Nous avons mis en évidence des différences fonctionnelles chez les deux groupes de patients, nous permettant ainsi une meilleure compréhension de l'immunité contre Mtb. Enfin, nous avons combiné les différents profils immunologiques obtenus pour développer un test diagnostic plus performant et sensible que celui proposé antérieurement. Ces diverses études réalisées sur les cellules Τ humaines nous permettent de faire un pas supplémentaire dans la compréhension de la réponse immunitaire face à ce pathogène particulièrement dangereux qui continue à tuer chaque année des millions de personnes.
Even though laboratory evolution experiments have demonstrated genetic variation for learning ability, we know little about the underlying genetic architecture and genetic relationships with other ecologically relevant traits. With a full diallel cross among twelve inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster originating from a natural population (0.75 < F < 0.93), we investigated the genetic architecture of olfactory learning ability and compared it to that for another behavioral trait (unconditional preference for odors), as well as three traits quantifying the ability to deal with environmental challenges: egg-to-adult survival and developmental rate on a low-quality food, and resistance to a bacterial pathogen. Substantial additive genetic variation was detected for each trait, highlighting their potential to evolve. Genetic effects contributed more than nongenetic parental effects to variation in traits measured at the adult stage: learning, odorant perception, and resistance to infection. In contrast, the two traits quantifying larval tolerance to low-quality food were more strongly affected by parental effects. We found no evidence for genetic correlations between traits, suggesting that these traits could evolve at least to some degree independently of one another. Finally, inbreeding adversely affected all traits.
PURPOSE: At high magnetic field strengths (B0 ≥ 3 T), the shorter radiofrequency wavelength produces an inhomogeneous distribution of the transmit magnetic field. This can lead to variable contrast across the brain which is particularly pronounced in T2 -weighted imaging that requires multiple radiofrequency pulses. To obtain T2 -weighted images with uniform contrast throughout the whole brain at 7 T, short (2-3 ms) 3D tailored radiofrequency pulses (kT -points) were integrated into a 3D variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence. METHODS: The excitation and refocusing "hard" pulses of a variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence were replaced with kT -point pulses. Spatially resolved extended phase graph simulations and in vivo acquisitions at 7 T, utilizing both single channel and parallel-transmit systems, were used to test different kT -point configurations. RESULTS: Simulations indicated that an extended optimized k-space trajectory ensured a more homogeneous signal throughout images. In vivo experiments showed that high quality T2 -weighted brain images with uniform signal and contrast were obtained at 7 T by using the proposed methodology. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates that T2 -weighted images devoid of artifacts resulting from B1 (+) inhomogeneity can be obtained at high field through the optimization of extended kT -point pulses. Magn Reson Med 71:1478-1488, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Background: Visual analog scales (VAS) are used to assess readiness to changeconstructs, which are often considered critical for change.Objective: We studied whether 3 constructs -readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence inability to change- predict risk status 6 months later in 20 year-old men with either orboth of two behaviors: risky drinking and smoking. Methods: 577 participants in abrief intervention randomized trial were assessed at baseline and 6 months later onalcohol and tobacco consumption and with three 1-10 VAS (readiness, importance,confidence) for each behavior. For each behavior, we used one regression model foreach constructs. Models controlled for receipt of a brief intervention and used thelowest level (1-4) in each construct as the reference group (vs medium (5-7) and high(8-10) levels).Results: Among the 475 risky drinkers, mean (SD) readiness, importance and confidence to change drinking were 4.0 (3.1), 2.8 (2.2) and 7.2 (3.0).Readiness was not associated with being alcohol-risk free 6 months later (OR 1.3[0.7; 2.2] and 1.4 [0.8; 2.6] for medium and high readiness). High importance andhigh confidence were associated with being risk free (OR 0.9 [0.5; 1.8] and 2.9 [1.2;7.5] for medium and high importance; 2.1 [1.0;4.8] and 2.8 [1.5;5.6] for medium andhigh confidence). Among the 320 smokers, mean readiness, importance andconfidence to change smoking were 4.6 (2.6), 5.3 (2.6) and 5.9 (2.6). Neitherreadiness nor importance were associated with being smoking free (OR 2.1 [0.9; 4.7]and 2.1 [0.8; 5.8] for medium and high readiness; 1.4 [0.6; 3.4] and 2.1 [0.8; 5.4] formedium and high importance). High confidence was associated with being smokingfree (OR 2.2 [0.8;6.6] and 3.4 [1.2;9.8] for medium and high confidence).Conclusions: For drinking and smoking, high confidence in ability to change wasassociated -with similar magnitude- with a favorable outcome. This points to thevalue of confidence as an important predictor of successful change.
Although gene by environment interactions may play a key role in the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms, little is known about the ecological factors involved in these interactions. We investigated whether food supply and parasites can mediate covariation between the degree of adult pheomelanin-based coloration, a heritable trait, and offspring body mass in the tawny owl (Strix aluco). We swapped clutches between nests to allocate genotypes randomly among environments. Three weeks after hatching, we challenged the immune system of 80 unrelated nestlings with either a phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or a lipopolysaccharide, surrogates of alternative parasites, and then fed them ad lib. or food-restricted them during the following 6 days in the laboratory. Whatever the immune challenge, nestlings fed ad lib. converted food more efficiently into body mass when their biological mother was dark pheomelanic. In contrast, food-restricted nestlings challenged with PHA lost less body mass when their biological mother was pale pheomelanic. Nestling tawny owls born from differently melanic mothers thus show differing reaction norms relative to food availability and parasitism. This suggests that dark and pale pheomelanic owls reflect alternative adaptations to food availability and parasites, factors known to vary in space and time.
It is unclear how physical attributes influence tennis-specific performance in teenage players. The aims of this study were (a) to examine the relationships between speed, explosive power, leg stiffness, and muscular strength of upper and lower limbs; and (b) to determine to what extent these physical qualities relate to tournament play performance in a group of competitive teenage tennis players. A total of 12 male players aged 13.6 +/- 1.4 years performed a series of physical tests: a 5-m, 10-m, and 20-m sprint; squat jump (SJ); countermovement jump (CMJ); drop jump (DJ); multi-rebound jumps; maximum voluntary contraction of isometric grip strength; and plantar flexor of the dominant and nondominant side. Speed (r = 0.69, 0.63, and 0.74 for 5-, 10-, and 20-m sprints, respectively), vertical power abilities (r = -0.71, -0.80 and -0.66 for SJ, CMJ, and DJ, respectively), and maximal strength in the dominant side (r = -0.67 and -0.73 for handgrip and plantar flexor, respectively) were significantly correlated with tennis performance. However, strength in the nondominant side (r = -0.29 and -0.42 for handgrip and plantar flexor) and leg stiffness (r = -0.15) were not correlated with the performance ranking of the players. It seems that physical attributes have a strong influence on tennis performance in this age group and that an important asymmetry is already observed. By monitoring regularly such physical abilities during puberty, the conditioning coach can modify a program to compensate for the imbalances. This would in turn minimize the risks of injuries during this critical period.
Breast cancer is a public health issue in numerous countries. Multidisciplinary collaboration is required for patient care, research, and also education of future physicians. This paper uses Kern's framework for curriculum design to demonstrate how a breast diseases module for undergraduate medical students created in 1993 evolved over 15 years. The main outcomes of program refinements were better integrated course content, the development of electronic course documents, and implementation of computer-aided small group learning. A main future challenge is to further develop efficient instructional strategies in line with well-defined learning needs for undergraduate students.
Memory is essential to adjust behaviour according to past experience. In societies where animals interact on numerous occasions, memory of previous social interactions may help optimise investment in competition. How long information about the resource holding potential and motivation to compete of conspecifics is retained depends on how fast the value of this information fades, but also on the cost and benefit of retaining information. Information retention has never been investigated in the context of interactions prevailing within the family and more specifically sibling competition. In the absence of parents, barn owl (Tyto alba) nestlings vocally compete for priority of access to the next indivisible food item brought by a parent. The finding that owlets eavesdrop on vocal interactions between siblings to adjust investment in vocalization once competing with them suggests that they memorize siblings' vocal interactions. Playback experiments showed that owlets take into account the past siblings' vocal performance that signals hunger for at least 15 min, but only if the performance was witnessed during a sufficiently long period of time (30 min). Moreover, using natural vocal exchanges in another set of individuals, we showed that sibling signalling was no more taken into account after a few minutes. This suggests that young barn owls need to continuously display their motivation to trigger siblings' withdrawal from the current competition. Repeating a vocal display may ensure its honesty. Studying the extent to which individuals retain past information is important to understand how individuals adjust their competitive investment over resources.
Peptides that interfere with the natural resistance of cancer cells to genotoxin-induced apoptosis may improve the efficacy of anticancer regimens. We have previously reported that a cell-permeable RasGAP-derived peptide (TAT-RasGAP(317-326)) specifically sensitizes tumor cells to genotoxin-induced apoptosis in vitro. Here, we examined the in vivo stability of a protease-resistant D-form of the peptide, RI.TAT-RasGAP(317-326), and its effect on tumor growth in nude mice bearing subcutaneous human colon cancer HCT116 xenograft tumors. After intraperitoneal injection, RI.TAT-RasGAP(317-326) persisted in the blood of nude mice for more than 1 hour and was detectable in various tissues and subcutaneous tumors. Tumor-bearing mice treated daily for 7 days with RI.TAT-RasGAP(317-326) (1.65 mg/kg body weight) and cisplatin (0.5 mg/kg body weight) or doxorubicin (0.25 mg/kg body weight) displayed reduced tumor growth compared with those treated with either genotoxin alone (n = 5-7 mice per group; P = .004 and P = .005, respectively; repeated measures analysis of variance [ANOVA, two-sided]). This ability of the RI.TAT-RasGAP(317-326) peptide to enhance the tumor growth inhibitory effect of cisplatin was still observed at peptide doses that were at least 150-fold lower than the dose lethal to 50% of mice. These findings provide the proof of principle that RI.TAT-RasGAP(317-326) may be useful for improving the efficacy of chemotherapy in patients.
OBJECTIVE: Body composition measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is believed to be superior to crude measures such as BMI or waist circumference (WC) to assess health risks associated with adiposity in adults. We compared the ability of BMI, WC, waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), percentage body fat from skinfold thickness, and measures of total and central fat assessed by DXA to identify children with elevated blood pressure (BP). STUDY DESIGN: The QUALITY Study follows 630 Caucasian families (father, mother, and child originally aged 8-10 years). BP, height, weight, WC, and skinfold thickness were measured according to standardized protocols. Elevated BP was defined as systolic or diastolic BP at least 90th age, sex, and height-specific percentile. Total and central fat were determined with DXA. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) statistic was computed from logistic models that adjusted for age, sex, height, Tanner stage, and physical activity. RESULTS: All adiposity indicators were highly correlated. WC and WHtR did not show superior ability over BMI to identify children with elevated SBP (P = 0.421 and 0.473). Measures of total and central fat from DXA did not show an improved ability over BMI or WC to identify children with elevated SBP (P = 0.325-0.662). CONCLUSION: Results support the use of BMI in clinical and public health settings, at least in this age group. As all indicators had a limited ability to identify children with elevated BP, results also support measurement of BP in all children of this age independent of a weight status.
Aim A debate exists as to whether present-day diversity gradients are governed by current environmental conditions or by changes in environmental conditions through time. Recent studies have shown that latitudinal richness gradients might be partially caused by incomplete post-glacial recolonization of high-latitude regions; this leads to the prediction that less mobile taxa should have steeper gradients than more mobile taxa. The aim of this study is to test this prediction. Location Europe. Methods We first assessed whether spatial turnover in species composition is a good surrogate for dispersal ability by measuring the proportion of wingless species in 19 European beetle clades and relating this value to spatial turnover (beta sim) of the clade. We then linearly regressed beta sim values of 21 taxa against the slope of their respective diversity gradients. Results A strong relationship exists between the proportion of wingless species and beta sim, and beta sim was found to be a good predictor of latitudinal richness gradients. Main conclusions Results are consistent with the prediction that poor dispersers have steeper richness gradients than good dispersers, supporting the view that current beetle diversity gradients in Europe are affected by post-glacial dispersal lags.
We propose a new approach and related indicators for globally distributed software support and development based on a 3-year process improvement project in a globally distributed engineering company. The company develops, delivers and supports a complex software system with tailored hardware components and unique end-customer installations. By applying the domain knowledge from operations management on lead time reduction and its multiple benefits to process performance, the workflows of globally distributed software development and multitier support processes were measured and monitored throughout the company. The results show that the global end-to-end process visibility and centrally managed reporting at all levels of the organization catalyzed a change process toward significantly better performance. Due to the new performance indicators based on lead times and their variation with fixed control procedures, the case company was able to report faster bug-fixing cycle times, improved response times and generally better customer satisfaction in its global operations. In all, lead times to implement new features and to respond to customer issues and requests were reduced by 50%.