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Twenty-three adolescents with psychotic disorders, aged from 13 to 18 years, participated in a 12-week open label trial (17 adolescents completed the study) in order to examine the impact of quetiapine on clinical status and cognitive functions (encompassing processing speed, attention, short-term memory, long-term memory and executive function). An improvement in Clinical Global Impression and Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (P's ≤ 0.001) was observed. In addition, after controlling for amelioration of symptoms, a significant improvement was observed on one executive function (P = 0.044; Trail Making Part B). The remaining cognitive abilities showed stability. In addition, we observed an interaction between quetiapine doses (>300 mg/day or <300 mg/day) and time, where lower doses showed more improvement in verbal short-term memory (P = 0.048), inhibition abilities (P = 0.038) and positive symptoms (P = 0.020). The neuropsychological functioning of adolescents with psychotic disorders remained mainly stable after 12 weeks of treatment with quetiapine. However, lower doses seemed to have a better impact on two components of cognition (inhibition abilities and verbal short-term memory) and on positive symptoms.


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Cannabis use is highly prevalent among people with schizophrenia, and coupled with impaired cognition, is thought to heighten the risk of illness onset. However, while heavy cannabis use has been associated with cognitive deficits in long-term users, studies among patients with schizophrenia have been contradictory. This article consists of 2 studies. In Study I, a meta-analysis of 10 studies comprising 572 patients with established schizophrenia (with and without comorbid cannabis use) was conducted. Patients with a history of cannabis use were found to have superior neuropsychological functioning. This finding was largely driven by studies that included patients with a lifetime history of cannabis use rather than current or recent use. In Study II, we examined the neuropsychological performance of 85 patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and 43 healthy nonusing controls. Relative to controls, FEP patients with a history of cannabis use (FEP + CANN; n = 59) displayed only selective neuropsychological impairments while those without a history (FEP - CANN; n = 26) displayed generalized deficits. When directly compared, FEP + CANN patients performed better on tests of visual memory, working memory, and executive functioning. Patients with early onset cannabis use had less neuropsychological impairment than patients with later onset use. Together, these findings suggest that patients with schizophrenia or FEP with a history of cannabis use have superior neuropsychological functioning compared with nonusing patients. This association between better cognitive performance and cannabis use in schizophrenia may be driven by a subgroup of "neurocognitively less impaired" patients, who only developed psychosis after a relatively early initiation into cannabis use.


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Background and Aims: The international EEsAI study group iscurrently developing the first a ctivity index specific forEosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). None of the existing dysphagiaquestionnaires take into account the consistency of theingested food t hat considerably impacts the symptompresentation. Goal: To d evelop and evaluate an E oE-specificquestionnaire assessing dysphagia caused by foods of differentconsistencies.Methods: B ased on patient interviews and chart reviews, a nexpert panel ( EEsAI study g roup) identified internationallystandardizedfood prototypes t ypically a ssociated with EoErelateddysphagia. Food consistencies were c orrelated withEoE-related d ysphagia, t aking into account p otential f oodavoidance and f ood processing. This V isual D ysphagiaQuestionnaire (VDQ) was piloted in 20 patients and is currentlyevaluated in a cohort of 150 adult EoE patients.Results: T he following 8 food c onsistency prototypes w ereidentified: soft foods (pudding, jelly), grits, toast bread, Frenchfries, dry rice, ground meat, raw fibrous f oods (eg. apple,carrot), s olid m eat. Dysphagia was r anked o n a 4-point Likertscale (0=no difficulties; 3= severe difficulties, food will not pass).First analysis demonstrated that severity of dysphagia is relatedto the eosinophil load and presence of esophageal strictures.Conclusions: T he VDQ i s the first EoE-specific tool f orassessing dysphagia caused by i nternationally-standardizedfoods of different consistencies. This instrument also addressesfood avoidance behaviour and food processing habits. This toolperformed well in a p ilot study a nd is currently evaluated in acohort of 150 adult EoE patients.


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Background: The « reversed treatment» approach inverts the treatment sequence of¦advanced synchronous colorectal liver metastases - i.e. the liver metastasis is¦treated first, followed by resection of the primary tumor. Chemotherapy is performed¦before and after liver surgery. We recently started to use a reversed treatment¦approach in selected patients. The aim of this study is to critically assess this new¦treatment modality.¦Methods: Nine patients (7 male, 2 female, mean age 62 years) benefited from this¦new treatment between November 2008 and May 2010. The data were collected¦retrospectively.¦Results: All patients responded to the neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The median¦number of liver metastases was 6 (range 1 - 22). The median size of the largest liver¦metastases was 4.3 cm (range 2.6 - 13 cm). Three patients had portal vein¦embolization prior to liver surgery. Two patients could not complete the treatment.¦One had to undergo emergency surgery for occluding colonic tumor. The second one¦showed liver recurrence before starting the adjuvant chemotherapy. The seven¦patients who completed the treatment are still alive after a median time of 27 months¦(range 17 - 37 months). Seven of them had recurrence (1 rectal, 6 liver). The median¦disease-free survival was 9 months (range 0 - 17 months).¦Conclusion: Based on our preliminary experiences, the reversed strategy shows¦encouraging results for the treatment of advanced synchronous colorectal liver¦metastases in well selected patients. The treatment was generally well tolerated and¦long term survival seems to be prolonged.


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The first investigation of arthropods associated with carrion in Cameroon was carried out within the campus of the University of Yaounde I (Cameroon) from 17thJanuary to 3rd April 2008. Carcasses of rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769 var WISTAR) were exposed to colonization by the local fauna of arthropods. The invading organisms were collected daily during the study period. 2287 individuals of arthropod belonging to 3 classes, 16 orders, 37 families and 7 subfamilies were identified. The insects assessed were mainly Diptera, Coleoptera and Acari. This study illustrates the high diversity of the necroentomofauna in Cameroon and provides an insight approximation into the succession pattern of invading insect and a weekly estimation of the time of death.


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In a randomised trial comparing early enteral feeding by gastric and post-pyloric routes, White and colleagues have shown that gastric feeding is possible and efficient in the vast majority of critically ill patients. But the authors' conclusion that gastric is equivalent to post-pyloric is true in only the least severe patients. Given the extra workload and costs, post-pyloric is now clearly indicated in case of gastric feeding failure.


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Background: Since the rate of histologically 'negative' appendices still ranges between 15 and 20%, appendicitis in 'borderline' cases remains a challenging disease. As previously described, cell adhesion molecule expression correlates with different stages of appendicitis. Therefore, it was of interest to determine whether the 'negative' appendix correlated with the absence of E-selectin or vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). Methods: Nineteen grossly normal appendices from a series of 120 appendectomy specimens from patients with suspected appendicitis were analysed in frozen sections for the expression of E-selectin and VCAM-1. As control, 5 normal appendices were stained. Results: This study showed a coexpression of E-selectin and VCAM-1 in endothelial cells in early and recurrent appendicitis. In patients with symptoms for less than 6 h, only E-selectin was detected. Cases with fibrosis and luminal obliteration were only positive for VCAM-1. In cases of early appendicitis with symptoms of less than 6 h duration, a discordance between histological and immunohistochemical results was found. Conclusions: This report indicates that E-selectin and VCAM-1 expression could be useful parameters in the diagnosis of appendicitis in borderline cases.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this paper was to delineate the impact of gender on premorbid history, onset, and 18 month outcomes of first episode psychotic mania (FEPM) patients. METHODS: Medical file audit assessment of 118 (male = 71; female = 47) patients with FEPM aged 15 to 29 years was undertaken on clinical and functional measures. RESULTS: Males with FEPM had increased likelihood of substance use (OR = 13.41, p <.001) and forensic issues (OR = 4.71, p = .008), whereas females were more likely to have history of sexual abuse trauma (OR = 7.12, p = .001). At service entry, males were more likely to be using substances, especially cannabis (OR = 2.15, p = .047), had more severe illness (OR = 1.72, p = .037), and poorer functioning (OR = 0.96, p = .045). During treatment males were more likely to decrease substance use (OR = 5.34, p = .008) and were more likely to be living with family (OR = 4.30, p = .009). There were no gender differences in age of onset, psychopathology or functioning at discharge. CONCLUSIONS: Clinically meaningful gender differences in FEPM were driven by risk factors possibly associated with poor outcome. For males, substance use might be associated with poorer clinical presentation and functioning. In females with FEPM, the impact of sexual trauma on illness course warrants further consideration.


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Traditionally, the transcatheter aortic valve replacement is performed through a transapical, a transfemoral or a trans-subclavian approach. Recently, the transaortic approach for transcatheter aortic valve replacement through the distal part of the ascending aorta was successfully implemented in order to avoid peripheral vascular access-related complications and apical life-threatening haemorrhage. The Sapien? stent valve has great transaortic potential because it can be loaded 'upside down' in different generations of delivery systems. However, because of their health regulatory systems and despite the launch, in 2012, of the latest generation of the Ascendra? delivery system, the Ascendra+?, specifically designed for transapical and transaortic valve placements, several countries are still using the first generations of Ascendra? (Ascendra? 1 and 2). This device was specifically designed for transapical procedures, and retrograde stent-valve positioning through the stenotic aortic valve may be very challenging and risk the integrity of the aorta. We describe the manoeuvre required in order to pass the stenotic aortic valve safely in a retrograde direction using the Sapien? stent valve and the first generations of Ascendra?.


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The notion of "First Responder" (FR) refers to the system of first-aid volunteers who act to initiate the first-aid care before the classical emergency help arrives. In 2011, the French-speaking Switzerland counts 19 groups, divided up between four cantons (Fribourg, Vaud, Neuchâtel, Valais). The geographical distribution of those FR shows the stakes of these peripherical areas, with the accessibility difficulties for the emergency services, and a low demography of ambulances and doctors. The number of interventions carried out by the FR has significantly increased during the last years. The association of a quality formation, an excellent knowledge of the ground and a quick intervention has a positive impact on the survival of the patients with vital emergency or traumatic conditions.


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Pre- and postnatal corticosteroids are often used in perinatal medicine to improve pulmonary function in preterm infants. To mimic this clinical situation, newborn rats were treated systemically with dexamethasone (Dex), 0.1-0.01 mg/kg/day on days P1-P4. We hypothesized that postnatal Dex may have an impact on alveolarization by interfering with extracellular matrix proteins and cellular differentiation. Morphological alterations were observed on 3D images obtained by high-resolution synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy. Alveolarization was quantified stereologically by estimating the formation of new septa between days P4 and P60. The parenchymal expression of tenascin-C (TNC), smooth muscle actin (SMA), and elastin was measured by immunofluorescence and gene expression for TNC by qRT-PCR. After Dex treatment, the first phase of alveolarization was significantly delayed between days P6 and P10, whereas the second phase was accelerated. Elastin and SMA expressions were delayed by Dex treatment, whereas TNC expression was delayed and prolonged. A short course of neonatal steroids impairs the first phase of alveolarization, most likely by altering the TNC and elastin expression. Due to an overshooting catch-up during the second phase of alveolarization, the differences disappear when the animals reach adulthood.


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First and second branchial arch syndromes (BAS) manifest as combined tissue deficiencies and hypoplasias of the face, external ear, middle ear and maxillary and mandibular arches. They represent the second most common craniofacial malformation after cleft lip and palate. Extended knowledge of the embryology and anatomy of each branchial arch derivative is mandatory for the diagnosis and grading of different BAS lesions and in the follow-up of postoperative patients. In recent years, many new complex surgical approaches and procedures have been designed by maxillofacial surgeons to treat extensive maxillary, mandibular and external and internal ear deformations. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the role of different imaging modalities (orthopantomogram (OPG), lateral and posteroanterior cephalometric radiographs, CT and MRI) in the diagnosis of a wide spectrum of first and second BAS, including hemifacial microsomia, mandibulofacial dysostosis, branchio-oto-renal syndrome, Pierre Robin sequence and Nager acrofacial dysostosis. Additionally, we aim to emphasize the importance of the systematic use of a multimodality imaging approach to facilitate the precise grading of these syndromes, as well as the preoperative planning of different reconstructive surgical procedures and their follow-up during treatment.