177 resultados para duplicate elimination
In a worldwide collaborative effort, 19,630 Y-chromosomes were sampled from 129 different populations in 51 countries. These chromosomes were typed for 23 short-tandem repeat (STR) loci (DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, GATAH4, DYS481, DYS533, DYS549, DYS570, DYS576, and DYS643) and using the PowerPlex Y23 System (PPY23, Promega Corporation, Madison, WI). Locus-specific allelic spectra of these markers were determined and a consistently high level of allelic diversity was observed. A considerable number of null, duplicate and off-ladder alleles were revealed. Standard single-locus and haplotype-based parameters were calculated and compared between subsets of Y-STR markers established for forensic casework. The PPY23 marker set provides substantially stronger discriminatory power than other available kits but at the same time reveals the same general patterns of population structure as other marker sets. A strong correlation was observed between the number of Y-STRs included in a marker set and some of the forensic parameters under study. Interestingly a weak but consistent trend toward smaller genetic distances resulting from larger numbers of markers became apparent.
The current literature on the role of interleukin (IL)-2 in memory CD8(+) T-cell differentiation indicates a significant contribution of IL-2 during primary and also secondary expansion of CD8(+) T cells. IL-2 seems to be responsible for optimal expansion and generation of effector functions following primary antigenic challenge. As the magnitude of T-cell expansion determines the numbers of memory CD8(+) T cells surviving after pathogen elimination, these events influence memory cell generation. Moreover, during the contraction phase of an immune response where most antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells disappear by apoptosis, IL-2 signals are able to rescue CD8(+) T cells from cell death and provide a durable increase in memory CD8(+) T-cell counts. At the memory stage, CD8(+) T-cell frequencies can be boosted by administration of exogenous IL-2. Significantly, only CD8(+) T cells that have received IL-2 signals during initial priming are able to mediate efficient secondary expansion following renewed antigenic challenge. Thus, IL-2 signals during different phases of an immune response are key in optimizing CD8(+) T-cell functions, thereby affecting both primary and secondary responses of these T cells.
T-cell receptor affinity for self-antigen has an important role in establishing self-tolerance. Three transgenic mouse strains expressing antigens of variable affinity for the OVA transgenic-I T-cell receptor were generated to address how TCR affinity affects the efficiency of negative selection, the ability to prime an autoimmune response, and the elimination of the relevant target cell. Mice expressing antigens with an affinity just above the negative selection threshold exhibited the highest risk of developing experimental autoimmune diabetes. The data demonstrate that close to the affinity threshold for negative selection, sufficient numbers of self-reactive T cells escape deletion and create an increased risk for the development of autoimmunity.
During my PhD, my aim was to provide new tools to increase our capacity to analyse gene expression patterns, and to study on a large-scale basis the evolution of gene expression in animals. Gene expression patterns (when and where a gene is expressed) are a key feature in understanding gene function, notably in development. It appears clear now that the evolution of developmental processes and of phenotypes is shaped both by evolution at the coding sequence level, and at the gene expression level.Studying gene expression evolution in animals, with complex expression patterns over tissues and developmental time, is still challenging. No tools are available to routinely compare expression patterns between different species, with precision, and on a large-scale basis. Studies on gene expression evolution are therefore performed only on small genes datasets, or using imprecise descriptions of expression patterns.The aim of my PhD was thus to develop and use novel bioinformatics resources, to study the evolution of gene expression. To this end, I developed the database Bgee (Base for Gene Expression Evolution). The approach of Bgee is to transform heterogeneous expression data (ESTs, microarrays, and in-situ hybridizations) into present/absent calls, and to annotate them to standard representations of anatomy and development of different species (anatomical ontologies). An extensive mapping between anatomies of species is then developed based on hypothesis of homology. These precise annotations to anatomies, and this extensive mapping between species, are the major assets of Bgee, and have required the involvement of many co-workers over the years. My main personal contribution is the development and the management of both the Bgee database and the web-application.Bgee is now on its ninth release, and includes an important gene expression dataset for 5 species (human, mouse, drosophila, zebrafish, Xenopus), with the most data from mouse, human and zebrafish. Using these three species, I have conducted an analysis of gene expression evolution after duplication in vertebrates.Gene duplication is thought to be a major source of novelty in evolution, and to participate to speciation. It has been suggested that the evolution of gene expression patterns might participate in the retention of duplicate genes. I performed a large-scale comparison of expression patterns of hundreds of duplicated genes to their singleton ortholog in an outgroup, including both small and large-scale duplicates, in three vertebrate species (human, mouse and zebrafish), and using highly accurate descriptions of expression patterns. My results showed unexpectedly high rates of de novo acquisition of expression domains after duplication (neofunctionalization), at least as high or higher than rates of partitioning of expression domains (subfunctionalization). I found differences in the evolution of expression of small- and large-scale duplicates, with small-scale duplicates more prone to neofunctionalization. Duplicates with neofunctionalization seemed to evolve under more relaxed selective pressure on the coding sequence. Finally, even with abundant and precise expression data, the majority fate I recovered was neither neo- nor subfunctionalization of expression domains, suggesting a major role for other mechanisms in duplicate gene retention.
The T cell response to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alloantigens occurs via two main pathways. The direct pathway involves the recognition of intact allogeneic MHC:peptide complexes on donor cells and provokes uniquely high frequencies of responsive T cells. The indirect response results from alloantigens being processed like any other protein antigen and presented as peptide by autologous antigen-presenting cells. The frequencies of T cells with indirect allospecificity are orders of magnitude lower and comparable to other peptide-specific responses. In this study, we explored the contributions of naïve and memory CD4(+) T cells to these two pathways. Using an adoptive transfer and skin transplantation model we found that naive and memory CD4(+) T cells, both naturally occurring and induced by sensitization with multiple third-party alloantigens, contributed equally to graft rejection when only the direct pathway was operative. In contrast, the indirect response was predominantly mediated by the naïve subset. Elimination of regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells enabled memory cells to reject grafts through the indirect pathway, but at a much slower tempo than for naïve cells. These findings have implications for better targeting of immunosuppression to inhibit immediate and later forms of alloimmunity.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In a mixed-ploidy population, strong frequency-dependent mating will lead to the elimination of the less common cytotype, unless prezygotic barriers enhance assortative mating. However, such barriers favouring cytotype coexistence have only rarely been explored. Here, an assessment is made of the mechanisms involved in formation of mixed-ploidy populations and coexistence of diploid plants and their closely related allotetraploid derivates from the Centaurea stoebe complex (Asteraceae). METHODS: An investigation was made of microspatial and microhabitat distribution, life-history and fitness traits, flowering phenology, genetic relatedness of cytotypes and intercytotype gene flow (cpDNA and microsatellites) in six mixed-ploidy populations in Central Europe. KEY RESULTS: Diploids and tetraploids were genetically differentiated, thus corroborating the secondary origin of contact zones. The cytotypes were spatially segregated at all sites studied, with tetraploids colonizing preferentially drier and open microhabitats created by human-induced disturbances. Conversely, they were rare in more natural microsites and microsites with denser vegetation despite their superior persistence ability (polycarpic life cycle). The seed set of tetraploid plants was strongly influenced by their frequency in mixed-ploidy populations. Triploid hybrids originated from bidirectional hybridizations were extremely rare and almost completely sterile, indicating a strong postzygotic barrier between cytotypes. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that tetraploids are later immigrants into already established diploid populations and that anthropogenic activities creating open niches favouring propagule introductions were the major factor shaping the non-random distribution and habitat segregation of cytotypes at fine spatial scale. Establishment and spread of tetraploids was further facilitated by their superior persistence through the perennial life cycle. The results highlight the importance of non-adaptive spatio-temporal processes in explaining microhabitat and microspatial segregation of cytotypes.
RESUME Depuis les années 1980, les stéroïdes androgéniques anabolisants (SAA) sont restés les produits dopants les plus utilisés par les sportifs. Les propriétés principales attribuées à ces substances sont une augmentation de la masse et de la force musculaire ainsi qu'une agressivité supérieure pouvant s'avérer bénéfique lors des entraînements ou des compétitions. En plus de cette "tradition" liée à la consommation des SAA, une autre problématique est apparue dans le monde antidopage suite à la fulgurante expansion de l'utilisation des compléments alimentaires par les athlètes professionnels et amateurs. Dès la fin des années 1990, une recrudescence de cas positifs de dopage aux SAA a été attribuée à la contamination des compléments alimentaires par des composés anabolisants tels que la testostérone ou la nandrolone ou par des prohormones se situant en amont dans le métabolisme de certains SAA et conduisant à la présence, dans les urines, de traces de substances interdites par l'Agence Mondiale Antidopage (AMA). Afin de mettre en garde les autorités antidopage ainsi que les athlètes quant aux problèmes liés aux compléments alimentaires, le Laboratoire Suisse d'Analyse du Dopage (LAD) a décidé d'étudier de manière plus précise la composition d'une centaine de produits accessibles en Suisse par l'intermédiaire d'internet. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence un taux de non conformité des produits avoisinant les 20%, avec une contamination plus importante des produits contenant des hormones ou des prohormones. La consommation de doses journalières recommandées des produits contaminés a mené à la détection dans les urines de la présence de substances interdites par l'AMA. Ces résultats confirment ainsi que l'usage de compléments alimentaires peut s'avérer dangereuse dans le cadre de contrôles antidopage et que les effets sur l'état physique et mental des athlètes peuvent dépasser les effets désirés et être dramatiques pour la poursuite d'une carrière sportive. D'autre part, cela démontre que l'alimentation peut mener à la présence urinaire de substances proscrites telles que les métabolites de la nandrolone, la 19-norandrostéreone (19-NA) et la 19-norétiocholanolone (19-NE). Afin de démontrer un effet potentiel de l'exercice physique sur l'excrétion urinaire des métabolites de la nandrolone, une première étude clinique a été réalisée avec 34 volontaires. Deux doses orales de nandrolone marquée avec deux atomes de C13 ont été administrées aux sujets. Les urines ont été récoltées durant les 5 jours suivant les prises orales (études d'excrétion) ainsi qu'avant et après les 8 séances d'entraînements du protocole. Les analyses des études d'excrétion ont permis d'établir une variabilité intra- et inter-individuelle du métabolisme et de la pharmacocinétique de la 19-NA et de la 19-NE. En dépit de la rapide élimination urinaire des métabolites de la nandrolone C13, les analyses des échantillons prélevés avant et après les différents efforts n'ont pas révélé une influence nette de l'exercice physique sur les concentrations urinaires de la 19-NA et 19-NE. Une seconde étude clinique a été effectuée, avec la participation de 30 volontaires. Il s'agissait de déterminer si la consommation de multiples doses orales d'un décanoate de testostérone, de 19-norandrostenedione (un précurseur de la nandrolone) ou de placebo durant un mois, pouvait avoir des effets bénéfiques sur la récupération et la performance physique. En parallèle, les sujets étaient soumis à un entrainement d'endurance intense et individualisé. Divers paramètres physiologiques ont été étudiés dans le sérum et les urines afin de mettre en évidence une meilleure récupération de l'organisme. Aucun de ses paramètres n'a permis de conclure que la consommation orale de SAA est favorable pour optimaliser les capacités de récupération des athlètes. De plus, les performances physiques ont été évaluées avant et après l'entraînement et le traitement. Aucune différence significative n'a été démontrée entre les trois groupes de volontaires. L'état psychologique des volontaires a été évalué à l'aide de questionnaires (short Profile of Mood State, sPOMS) remplis à trois reprises au cours du protocole. De manière générale, l'évolution observée est une augmentation de la fatigue avec une diminution de la vigueur. Des analyses statistiques ont révélé que des prises orales de testostérone, et dans une moindre mesure de 19-norandrostenedione, ont une légère influence sur cette évolution générale en diminuant les effets de l'entrainement sur le profil psychologique. Les urines récoltées durant le protocole ont été analysées par GC/C/IRMS et GCMS afin de détecter les variations des concentrations des hormones liées au métabolisme de la testostérone. Les résultats ont démontré une variabilité interindividuelle du métabolisme de la testostérone qui implique que les critères de positivité imposés par l'AMA ne sont pas forcément valables pour tous les individus. La détection de la 19-NA et de la 19-NE, issus du métabolisme in vivo de la 19norandrostenedione, a confirmé les résultats obtenus sur la pharmacocinétique et le métabolisme de la nandrolone C13 obtenus lors de la première étude clinique. Ce travail a permis de clarifier certains points en lien avec l'abus de la nandrolone dans le sport et notamment par rapport à la consommation de compléments alimentaires. Les deux études cliniques n'ont pas véritablement apporté les réponses souhaitées aux hypothèses de départ. Cependant certains aspects intéressants en relation avec le métabolisme des SAA ont été découverts et pourront peut-être permettre à la lutte antidopage d'évoluer vers une meilleure efficacité. SUMMARY Since 1980's, anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are still the most used doping agents in sports. The main properties attributed to these substances are an increase of muscle mass and strength and also a higher aggressiveness that could be beneficial during trainings and competitions. In addition to this "tradition" linked to the AAS intake, another problematics has raised in the antidoping field. Indeed, nutritional supplements have been more and more used by professional and amateur athletes. Since the end of the 1990's, an outburst of positive doping cases with AAS has been attributed to nutritional supplements contaminations with anabolic compounds like testosterone or nandrolone or with prohormones located above in the metabolism of some AAS and prompting urinary traces of forbidden compounds by the World Antidoping Agency (WADA). In order to inform the antidoping authorities and the athletes about the problems linked to the nutritional supplements, the Swiss Laboratory for Doping Analyses (LAD) decided to investigate more precisely the composition of about hundred products accessible in Switzerland through different web sites. This study showed that about 20% of the products were not conformed to the composition announced by the manufacturers. The oral intake of daily recommended doses of the contaminated products revealed the presence in urines of forbidden substances by the WADA. Hence, these results confirm that the use of nutritional supplements can lead to adverse analytical findings in antidoping controls and that the effects on athletes' physical and mental state could be different from the ones desired and could be dramatic for the continuation of an athlete's career. Moreover, this demonstrates that the diet can lead to the presence in urines of proscribed substances like nandrolone metabolites, i.e. 19-norandrosterone (19-NA) and 19-noretiocholanolone (19-NE). To put forward a potential effect of physical exercise on urinary nandrolone metabolites excretion rate, a first clinical study was done with 34 volunteers. Two oral doses of nandrolone labelled with two C13 atoms were administered to the subjects. The urines were collected during the 5 days following the treatment (excretion studies) and before and after the 8 exercise sessions of the protocol. The analyses of excretion studies revealed an intra- and inter-individual variability of the metabolism and the pharmacokinetics of 19-NA and 19-NE. In spite of the rapid urinary elimination of the nandrolone C13 metabolites, the analyses of the urine samples gathered before and after efforts did not show a clear influence of physical exercise on the urinary 19-NA and 19-NE concentrations. A second clinical study was done with the participation of 30 volunteers. The main aim was to determine if multiple oral doses of testosterone undecanoate, 19-norandrostenedione (a nandrolone precursor) or placebo during one month, could have beneficial effects on recovery and physical performance. Meanwhile, the individuals had to follow an intense and personalized endurance training program. Several physiological parameters were investigated in serum and urines in order to demonstrate a better organism's recovery. None of these parameters lead to the conclusion that oral intake of AAS is useful to optimise the recovery capacities of athletes. In addition, physical performances were evaluated before and after the training and treatment month. No significant difference was shown between the three volunteers groups. The psychological state of the volunteers was assessed through questionnaires (short Profile of Mood State, sP4MS) filled three times during the protocol. The global evolution is an increase of fatigue with an decrease of vigour. Statistical analyses revealed that the oral intake of testosterone, and to a lesser extent of 19= norandrostenedione, have a small influence on this general evolution in decreasing the effect of training on the psychological profile. The urines collected during the protocol were analysed by GC/C/IRMS and GCMS to detect concentrations variations of hormones related to the testosterone metabolism. The results revealed an interindividual variability of testosterone metabolism which implies that the guidance concerning endogenous steroids prescribed by the WADA are not uniformly valid for all individuals. Detection of 19-NA and 19-NE, coming from the in vivo metabolism of 19norandrostenedione, confirmed the results previously obtained on the pharamcokinetics and metabolism of the nandrolone C13 in the first clinical study. This work allowed to clarify some aspects linked to nandrolone abuse in sports and noteworthy related to nutritional supplements intake. The two clinical studies did not really bring plain answers to the basal hypotheses but some interesting aspects in relation with AAS metabolism were put forth and would perhaps allow an evolution of a more effective fight against doping.
The combination of fluconazole (FLC) and cyclosporine (CY) is fungicidal in FLC-susceptible C. albicans (O. Marchetti, P. Moreillon, M. P. Glauser, J. Bille, and D. Sanglard, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 44:2373-2381, 2000). The mechanism of this synergism is unknown. CY has several cellular targets including multidrug efflux transporters. The hypothesis that CY might inhibit FLC efflux was investigated by comparing the effect of FLC-CY in FLC-susceptible parent CAF2-1 (FLC MIC, 0.25 mg/liter) and in FLC-hypersusceptible mutant DSY1024 (FLC MIC, 0.03 mg/liter), in which the CDR1, CDR2, CaMDR1, and FLU1 transporter genes have been selectively deleted. We postulated that a loss of the fungicidal effect of FLC-CY in DSY1024 would confirm the roles of these efflux pumps. Time-kill curve studies showed a more potent fungistatic effect of FLC (P = 0.05 at 48 h with an inoculum of 10(3) CFU/ml) and a more rapid fungicidal effect of FLC-CY (P = 0.05 at 24 h with an inoculum of 10(3) CFU/ml) in the FLC-hypersusceptible mutant compared to those in the parent. Rats with experimental endocarditis were treated for 2 or 5 days with high-dose FLC, high-dose CY, or both drugs combined. FLC monotherapy for 5 days was more effective against the hypersusceptible mutant than against the parent. However, the addition of CY to FLC still conferred a therapeutic advantage in animals infected with mutant DSY1024, as indicated by better survival (P = 0.04 versus the results obtained with FLC) and sterilization of valves and kidneys after a very short (2-day) treatment (P = 0.009 and 0.002, respectively, versus the results obtained with FLC). Both in vitro and in vivo experiments consistently showed that the deletion of the four membrane transporters in DSY1024 did not result in loss of the fungicidal effect of FLC-CY. Yet, the accelerated killing in the mutant suggested a "dual-hit" mechanism involving FLC hypersusceptibility due to the efflux pump elimination and fungicidal activity conferred by CY. Thus, inhibition of multidrug efflux transporters encoded by CDR1, CDR2, CaMDR1, and FLU1 genes is not responsible for the fungicidal synergism of FLC-CY. Other cellular targets must be considered.
How have changes in communications technology affected the way that misinformation spreads through a population and persists? To what extent do differences in the architecture of social networks affect the spread of misinformation, relative to the rates and rules by which individuals transmit or eliminate different pieces of information (cultural traits)? Here, we use analytical models and individual-based simulations to study how a 'cultural load' of misinformation can be maintained in a population under a balance between social transmission and selective elimination of cultural traits with low intrinsic value. While considerable research has explored how network architecture affects percolation processes, we find that the relative rates at which individuals transmit or eliminate traits can have much more profound impacts on the cultural load than differences in network architecture. In particular, the cultural load is insensitive to correlations between an individual's network degree and rate of elimination when these quantities vary among individuals. Taken together, these results suggest that changes in communications technology may have influenced cultural evolution more strongly through changes in the amount of information flow, rather than the details of who is connected to whom.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Infection with Helicobacter induces a T helper type 1 response in mice and humans. Mice can be cured or protected from infection with Helicobacter by mucosal immunization with recombinant H. pylori urease B subunit (rUreB). This study characterizes the immune response of infected mice immunized with rUreB. METHODS: BALB/c mice were infected with H. felis. Two weeks later, they were orally immunized four times with rUreB and cholera toxin (CT) at weekly intervals. Controls were only infected or sham-immunized with CT. Animals were killed at various times after immunization. Splenic CD4(+) cells were obtained and cultured in vitro with rUreB to evaluate antigen-specific proliferation and induction of interferon gamma and interleukin 4 secretion. RESULTS: All rUreB-immunized mice (n = 8) were cured from infection 3 weeks after the fourth immunization. Immunization induced a proliferative response of splenic CD4(+) cells, a progressive decrease in interferon gamma secretion, and a concomitant increase in interleukin 4 secretion after each immunization. A simultaneous increase in rUreB specific serum immunoglobulin G1 levels was observed in infected/immunized mice. CONCLUSIONS: In BALB/c mice, therapeutic mucosal immunization with rUreB induces progressively a Th2 CD4(+) T cell response resulting in the elimination of the pathogen.
Pharmacokinetic variability in drug levels represent for some drugs a major determinant of treatment success, since sub-therapeutic concentrations might lead to toxic reactions, treatment discontinuation or inefficacy. This is true for most antiretroviral drugs, which exhibit high inter-patient variability in their pharmacokinetics that has been partially explained by some genetic and non-genetic factors. The population pharmacokinetic approach represents a very useful tool for the description of the dose-concentration relationship, the quantification of variability in the target population of patients and the identification of influencing factors. It can thus be used to make predictions and dosage adjustment optimization based on Bayesian therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). This approach has been used to characterize the pharmacokinetics of nevirapine (NVP) in 137 HIV-positive patients followed within the frame of a TDM program. Among tested covariates, body weight, co-administration of a cytochrome (CYP) 3A4 inducer or boosted atazanavir as well as elevated aspartate transaminases showed an effect on NVP elimination. In addition, genetic polymorphism in the CYP2B6 was associated with reduced NVP clearance. Altogether, these factors could explain 26% in NVP variability. Model-based simulations were used to compare the adequacy of different dosage regimens in relation to the therapeutic target associated with treatment efficacy. In conclusion, the population approach is very useful to characterize the pharmacokinetic profile of drugs in a population of interest. The quantification and the identification of the sources of variability is a rational approach to making optimal dosage decision for certain drugs administered chronically.
Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a minor and specific metabolite of ethanol. It is incorporated into growing hair, allowing a retrospective detection of alcohol consumption. However, the suitability of quantitative EtG measurements in hair to determine the quantity of alcohol consumed has not clearly been demonstrated yet. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of ethanol dose and hair pigmentation on the incorporation of EtG into rat hair. Ethanol and EtG kinetics in blood were investigated after a single administration of ethanol. Eighteen rats were divided into four groups receiving 0 (control group), 1, 2, or 3g ethanol/kg body weight. Ethanol was administered on 4 consecutive days per week for 3 weeks by intragastric route. Twenty-eight days after the initial ethanol administration, newly grown hair was shaved. Pigmented and nonpigmented hair were analyzed separately by gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Blood samples were collected within 12h after the ethanol administration. EtG and ethanol blood levels were measured by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry and headspace gas chromatography-flame ionization detector, respectively. No statistically significant difference was observed in EtG concentrations between pigmented and nonpigmented hair (Spearman's rho=0.95). Thus, EtG incorporation into rat hair was not affected by hair pigmentation. Higher doses of ethanol resulted in greater blood ethanol area under the curve of concentration versus time (AUC) and in greater blood EtG AUC. A positive correlation was found between blood ethanol AUC and blood EtG AUC (Spearman's rho=0.84). Increased ethanol administration was associated with an increased EtG concentration in hair. Blood ethanol AUC was correlated with EtG concentration in hair (Pearson's r=0.89). EtG concentration in rat hair appeared to reflect the EtG concentration in blood. Ethanol was metabolized at a median rate of 0.22 g/kg/h, and the median elimination half-life of EtG was 1.21 h. This study supports that the bloodstream is likely to display a major role in the hair EtG incorporation.
THESIS SUMMARY : Metastasis is a multistep process involving tumour cell-autonomous features, the host tissue stroma of the primary tumour, the blood or lymphatic system as well as a receptive target organ. Most studies on factors influencing metastasis have concentrated on the characteristics of the disseminating tumour cell and on early steps of metastasis including invasion and angiogenesis. Although these steps are necessary for tumour cells to disseminate, it is the challenges encountered in the later steps of metastasis -survival while in the circulation and engraftment and outgrowth in the target organ -that account for the inefficiency of circulating tumour cells in establishing secondary lesions. Full understanding of the metastatic process therefore requires elucidation of the mechanisms that regulate these late steps, and in particular that determine what makes any given tissue permissive for metastatic tumour growth. To address this issue, we assessed the mechanisms whereby a physiological situation -pregnancy -can alter host permissiveness toward metastasis. We show that pregnant NOD/SCID mice -injected intravenously with tumour cells -develop more metastases than their non-pregnant counterparts irrespective of the tumour cell type. There was no direct effect of pregnancy-related circulating factors on tumour cell proliferation, and subcutaneous tumour growth does not vary between pregnant and nonpregnant animals. However, decreased elimination of tumour cells from the lung microvasculature was observed in pregnant mice, prompting us to assess whether pregnancy-related adaptations in innate immunity could account for this differential clearing. We found that natural killer (NK) cell fractions are decreased in blood and spleen of pregnant mice and that NK cell cytotoxicity is impaired, as reported previously. The use of NK-deficient mice or tumour cell lines resistant to NK killing abrogates the difference in metastasis load between pregnant and virgin mice. CD11 b+ Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) have previously been shown to accumulate in tumour-bearing mice and to down-modulate NK activity. Accordingly, we show an increase in MDSC in pregnant mouse blood, spleen, lungs and liver. Depletion of MDSC prior to tumour cell injection decreased metastasis load in pregnant NOD/SCID mice but had no effect on virgin mice. Similarly, adoptive transfer of MDSC extracted from pregnant mice into virgin mice lead to increased metastasis take. In parallel, we investigated whether the lung and liver microenvironments are modified during pregnancy thereby providing a more "permissive soil" for the establishment of metastases. A comparative analysis of microarray data of pregnant mouse lungs and liver with "premetastatic niche" gene expression profiles of these organs shows that similar mechanisms could mediate an increase in lung and liver metastasis in pregnant mice and in mice harbouring an aggressive primary tumour. Several commonly up-regulated genes point towards the recruitment of myeloid cells, consistent with the accumulation of MDSC observed in pregnant mice. MDSC have never been evoked in the context of pregnancy before. Although the role of MDSC in pregnancy requires further investigation we suggest that MDSC accumulation constitutes an important and hitherto unrecognised common denominator of maternal immune tolerance and cancer immune escape. RESUME DE THESE : La métastatisation est un processus en plusieurs étapes qui implique des compétences particulières chez les cellules tumorales, le stroma de la tumeur primaire, les vaisseaux sanguins ou lymphatiques ainsi qu'un organe cible' réceptif. Jusqu'alors, la recherche s'est principalement intéressée aux facteurs qui influencent les étapes précoces de la métastatisation donc aux caractéristiques de la cellule métastatique, et aux processus tels que l'invasion et l'angiogenèse, tandis que peu d'études traitent des étapes tardives tel que la survie dans la circulation sanguine et l'établissement d'une lésion dans l'organe cible. En particulier, l'élucidation des facteurs qui déterminent la permissivité d'un tissu à la greffe de cellules disséminantes est indispensable à la compréhension de ce processus complexe qu'est la métastatisation. Nous proposons ici un modèle de souris récapitulant les étapes tardives de la métastatisation dans un contexte d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide, et nous évaluons les mécanismes impliqués. Les souris gestantes développent plus de métastases après l'injection intraveineuse de cellules tumorales, indépendamment du type de tumeur d'origine. Les taux élevés d'hormones et de facteurs de croissance chez la souris gravide n'inflúencent pas la prolifération des cellules tumorales et fa croissance de tumeurs sous-cutanées n'est pas non plus accélérée par la gestation. En revanche, une fois injectées, les cellules tumorales sont éliminées ` moins rapidement des vaisseaux pulmonaires chez la souris gravide que chez les contrôles. Cette observation est compatible avec un effet de la gestation sur l'immunité innée et nous avons mis en évidence une diminution des proportions de cellules NK (natural killer) dans le sang et la rate en particulier, ainsi qu'une cytotoxicité moindre envers des cellules tumorales. En utilisant des souris déficientes en cellules NK ou en injectant des cellules résistantes à l'attaqué par des cellules NK, la différence entre souris gestantes et non-gestantes disparaît. Il a été démontré chez des souris porteuses de tumeurs, que l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives de la lignée myélo-monocytaire (ou MDSC pour myeloid-derived suppressor tells) pouvait être responsable d'une inhibition de l'activité de cellules NK. Des nombres augmentés de ces cellules, caractérisées par les marqueurs de surface CD11b et Gr-1, ont été trouvés dans le sang, la rate, les poumons et le foie de souris gravides. Leur rôle dans la métastatisation est démontré par le fait que leur dépletion diminue le nombre de lésions secondaires chez la souris gestante, tandis que leur transfert dans des souris non-gestantes augmente le taux de métastases. L'utilisation de puces à ADN sur les foies et poumons de souris gravides a permis de mettre en évidence des différences d'expression génique proches de celles observées dans l'établissement de niches pré-métastatiques. Ceci suggère que des mécanismes similaires pourraient être responsables d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide et chez la souris porteuse d'une tumeur primaire agressive, telle que, en particulier, l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives dans les organes cibles. C'est la première fois que l'accumulation de MDSC est évoquée chez la souris gravide et nous proposons ici que celles-ci jouent un rôle dans la tolérance immunitaire envers le foetus et sont responsables de l'échappement de cellules tumorales injectées à la surveillance immunitaire par des cellules NK.
Valganciclovir and ganciclovir are widely used for the prevention of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in solid organ transplant recipients, with a major impact on patients' morbidity and mortality. Oral valganciclovir, the ester prodrug of ganciclovir, has been developed to enhance the oral bioavailability of ganciclovir. It crosses the gastrointestinal barrier through peptide transporters and is then hydrolysed into ganciclovir. This review aims to describe the current knowledge of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of this agent, and to address the issue of therapeutic drug monitoring. Based on currently available literature, ganciclovir pharmacokinetics in adult solid organ transplant recipients receiving oral valganciclovir are characterized by bioavailability of 66 +/- 10% (mean +/- SD), a maximum plasma concentration of 3.1 +/- 0.8 mg/L after a dose of 450 mg and of 6.6 +/- 1.9 mg/L after a dose of 900 mg, a time to reach the maximum plasma concentration of 3.0 +/- 1.0 hours, area under the plasma concentration-time curve values of 29.1 +/- 5.3 mg.h/L and 51.9 +/- 18.3 mg.h/L (after 450 mg and 900 mg, respectively), apparent clearance of 12.4 +/- 3.8 L/h, an elimination half-life of 5.3 +/- 1.5 hours and an apparent terminal volume of distribution of 101 +/- 36 L. The apparent clearance is highly correlated with renal function, hence the dosage needs to be adjusted in proportion to the glomerular filtration rate. Unexplained interpatient variability is limited (18% in apparent clearance and 28% in the apparent central volume of distribution). There is no indication of erratic or limited absorption in given subgroups of patients; however, this may be of concern in patients with severe malabsorption. The in vitro pharmacodynamics of ganciclovir reveal a mean concentration producing 50% inhibition (IC(50)) among CMV clinical strains of 0.7 mg/L (range 0.2-1.9 mg/L). Systemic exposure of ganciclovir appears to be moderately correlated with clinical antiviral activity and haematotoxicity during CMV prophylaxis in high-risk transplant recipients. Low ganciclovir plasma concentrations have been associated with treatment failure and high concentrations with haematotoxicity and neurotoxicity, but no formal therapeutic or toxic ranges have been validated. The pharmacokinetic parameters of ganciclovir after valganciclovir administration (bioavailability, apparent clearance and volume of distribution) are fairly predictable in adult transplant patients, with little interpatient variability beyond the effect of renal function and bodyweight. Thus ganciclovir exposure can probably be controlled with sufficient accuracy by thorough valganciclovir dosage adjustment according to patient characteristics. In addition, the therapeutic margin of ganciclovir is loosely defined. The usefulness of systematic therapeutic drug monitoring in adult transplant patients therefore appears questionable; however, studies are still needed to extend knowledge to particular subgroups of patients or dosage regimens.
Exploitation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi may be an important approach for development of reduced-input agriculture. We discuss the use of linear models to analyze variation in mycorrhiza response among diverse plant varieties in order to assess the value of mycorrhizas. Our approach allows elimination of variation linked to differences in plant performance in the absence of mycorrhizas and the selection of plant lines that might harbor genetic variation of use to improve the mycorrhizal symbiosis in agriculture. We illustrate our approach by applying it to previously published and to novel data. We suggest that in dealing with a relative trait such as mycorrhiza effect, the choice of measure used to quantify the trait greatly affects interpretation. In the plant populations under consideration, we find evidence for a greater potential to increase mycorrhiza benefit than previously suggested.