127 resultados para chronic abdominal pain
Objectives: Osteitis pubis is a noninfectious painfulinflammatory disorder of the symphysis pubis. Etiologicfactors are numerous, the most common are: osseousextension of adductor enthesis due to sport overuse,irritation after urological and abdominal procedures, andsystemic inflammatory disorders in particular spondylarthropathies.Many cases are idiopathic. The symptomsconsist of regional chronic mechanical and sometimenocturnal pain. Diagnosis is usually confirmed by eitherbone scintigraphy or by MRI. There are no standardtreatments but conservative approaches including rest andNSAIDS are generally recommended. In 2001, a goodclinical and radiological response of three refractory caseswith 3-6 monthly perfusions of pamidronate was reported(1). Ibandronate is a much more powerful and long-lastingbisphosphonate than pamidronate, and has not yet beenreported in literature to our knowledge in this indication.Materials/Methods: We present two cases of idiopathicorigin: one woman (63 years old) and one man (36 yearsold).The symptoms were present >3 months in the firstpatient and 1 year in the second. The diagnosis wasconfirmed by MRI which showed bone edema on bothsizes of symphysis and in the second case bony erosionsadjacent to the joint were seen. Both cases failed to respondto conservative measures. Both patients received one singledirect iv Injection of 3 mg of Ibandronate.Results: The injections resulted in a rapid (within a fewdays) resolution of pain that lasted more than 6 months inboth patients. No side effects were observed. In the firstcase, an isotope bone scan performed 4 months after theinjection showed no residual uptake. The second patienthad a repeated MRI after 6 months. It demonstrated anattenuation of bone edema compared to the first MRI.Conclusions: IV Ibandronate may constitute a safe andeffective treatment option for patients with refractoryosteitis pubis.Reference: 1: Maksymowych WP, Aaron SL, Russell AS, JRheumatol 28:2754, 2001.Disclosure of Interest: None declared.
Inflammatory back pain is more than just inflammatory pain, but a set of symptoms which presence must evoke a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. However, it is insufficient by itself for a diagnosis which can only be reach as part of a diagnostic strategy searching for other clinical, biological or radiological abnormalities in order to obtain adequate diagnostic probability, while acknowledging the limitations of all these examinations.
Elevated serum phosphorus, calcium, and fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) levels are associated with cardiovascular disease in chronic renal disease. This study evaluated the effects of sucroferric oxyhydroxide (PA21), a new iron-based phosphate binder, versus lanthanum carbonate (La) and sevelamer carbonate (Se), on serum FGF23, phosphorus, calcium, and intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) concentrations, and the development of vascular calcification in adenine-induced chronic renal failure (CRF) rats. After induction of CRF, renal function was significantly impaired in all groups: uremic rats developed severe hyperphosphatemia, and serum iPTH increased significantly. All uremic rats (except controls) then received phosphate binders for 4 weeks. Hyperphosphatemia and increased serum iPTH were controlled to a similar extent in all phosphate binder-treatment groups. Only sucroferric oxyhydroxide was associated with significantly decreased FGF23. Vascular calcifications of the thoracic aorta were decreased by all three phosphate binders. Calcifications were better prevented at the superior part of the thoracic and abdominal aorta in the PA21 treated rats. In adenine-induced CRF rats, sucroferric oxyhydroxide was as effective as La and Se in controlling hyperphosphatemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and vascular calcifications. The role of FGF23 in calcification remains to be confirmed.
Pain perception has evolved as a warning mechanism to alert organisms to tissue damage and dangerous environments. In humans, however, undesirable, excessive or chronic pain is a common and major societal burden for which available medical treatments are currently suboptimal. New therapeutic options have recently been derived from studies of individuals with congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP). Here we identified 10 different homozygous mutations in PRDM12 (encoding PRDI-BF1 and RIZ homology domain-containing protein 12) in subjects with CIP from 11 families. Prdm proteins are a family of epigenetic regulators that control neural specification and neurogenesis. We determined that Prdm12 is expressed in nociceptors and their progenitors and participates in the development of sensory neurons in Xenopus embryos. Moreover, CIP-associated mutants abrogate the histone-modifying potential associated with wild-type Prdm12. Prdm12 emerges as a key factor in the orchestration of sensory neurogenesis and may hold promise as a target for new pain therapeutics.
Le syndrome de fatigue chronique (SFC) est une pathologie invalidante, moins rare qu'on ne le pense (prévalence de l'ordre de 0,3-0,9 %), qui associe un épuisement physique persistant et inexpliqué à des douleurs diffuses, des troubles du sommeil, des troubles neurocognitifs et neurovégétatifs. Sa physiopathologie est controversée, mais les pistes de recherche actuelles convergent vers une atteinte dysimmunitaire, dans laquelle le stress oxydatif et un dysfonctionnement des mitochondries semblent jouer un rôle. Il n'existe pas de médication ayant démontré une efficacité spécifique pour le traitement du SFC. La prise en charge consiste à limiter les investigations superflues et à encourager le patient vers un reconditionnement à l'effort très progressif, dans le cadre d'un counselling empathique visant à prévenir les pensées négatives. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating disorder, characterized by a severe, persistant and unexplained fatigue, which can be associated with diffuse pain, sleep difficulties, neurocognitive and neurovegetative troubles. Its prevalence has been estimated between 0.3 and 0.9%. Though its physiopathology remains controversial, evidence is growing that dysimmunity, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are involved in its pathogeny. No medication has demonstrated specifc efficacy in the CFS. The management of CFS involves limiting unnecessary investigations, promoting graded exercice therapy, and providing empathic counselling in order to prevent negative thoughts.
OBJECTIVE: Care related pain (CRP) is generally under-estimated and rarely studied in rehabilitation as well as in general medecine. Beliefs about pain influence psychological distress, adjustment to pain and physical disability. In this sense, perceptions of CRP could limit recovery. This exploratory study aims to understand patients' and caregivers' subjective perceptions and beliefs about CRP. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Questionnaires about CRP were submitted to members of the interdisciplinary team of a rehabilitation hospital and to patients with musculoskeletal complaints (cross-sectional design). Twenty patients were also individually interviewed (qualitative data). Four topics were addressed: frequency of CRP, situations and procedures causing CRP, beliefs about CRP and means used to deal with CRP. RESULTS: Seventy-five caregivers and 50 patients replied to the questionnaire. CRP is a very common experience in rehabilitation and it is recognized by both groups. Generally, the situations causing CRP reflect the specificity of rehabilitation (mobilization...) and are similarly perceived by patients and caregivers, with patients considering them as more painful. Beliefs about CRP are clearly different from those usually associated with pain. Both groups point out the utilitarian and the inevitable character of CRP. They differ on that, that patients had a more positive view about CRP. They associate it more often with progress and see it as acceptable at least until a certain limit. They are also able to perceive the richness of means used by physiotherapists to help them coping with CRP. CONCLUSION: Our data may suggest new keys to motivate patient to be active in rehabilitation for example in choosing carefully arguments or words which may fit theirs' beliefs about CRP, or in using various means to manage CRP. Promoting the use of relational competences with chronic pain patients and of a patient-centred approach may also be a concern in training caregivers.
Kidney diseases are frequent, but most of the time, they develop unnoticed. This paucity of symptoms may lead to delayed diagnosis with important consequences on their outcome. Nevertheless, specific systemic signs such as skin lesions, joint pain or electrolytes disturbances may sometimes alert the clinician and direct the diagnosis to an underlying nephropathy. A high awareness of clinicians is warranted to recognize these red flags and diagnose these diseases early, as illustrated by two clinical cases discussed in this article.