159 resultados para Spermatic cord
OBJECTIVE: Bilateral vocal cord abductor paralysis (BVCAbP) is considered a rare cause of stridor in the newborn. The goal of this work is to present a case series and to review systematically the literature on bilateral vocal cord abductor paralysis in the newborn to better characterize the current knowledge on this entity. METHODS: We performed a systematic literature review with Medline (1950-2011). The authors screened all cases of BVCAbP reported and selected those affecting newborns. RESULTS: Out of the 129 articles screened, 16 were included. A total of 69 cases could be retrieved and analyzed. Associated co-morbidities were found in 54% of the patients, most notably malformative conditions (intracranial or other), or a positive perinatal history (trauma/asphyxia, prematurity). Tracheostomy placement was required in 59% of children, and of these 44% were successfully decannulated. In terms of functional outcome full recovery or improvement were seen in 61% of patients. Major underlying co-morbidities affected negatively the functional outcome (p=.004), but not the need for tracheostomy (p=.604) or the decannulation success rate (p=.063). CONCLUSION: BVCAbP in the newborn is a serious cause of airway obstruction. It can be seen either in a context of multisystem anomalies or as an isolated finding. Newborns with major co-morbidities affecting their normal development are more likely to have poor functional outcomes and to remain tracheostomy-dependant.
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy usually results from invasion or compression of the nerve caused by diseases localized within the aortopulmonary window. This study reports the case of a 76-yr-old male with vocal cord paralysis due to lymph node involvement by silicosis. This rare entity was identified by video-mediastinoscopy, which revealed a granulomatous and fibrosed recurrent lymph node encasing the nerve. The nerve was dissected and released from scar tissues. Progressive clinical improvement was observed followed by total and durable recovery of the voice after 15 weeks follow-up.
Collective evidence indicates that motor neuron degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is non-cell-autonomous and requires the interaction with the neighboring astrocytes. Recently, we reported that a subpopulation of spinal cord astrocytes degenerates in the microenvironment of motor neurons in the hSOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS. Mechanistic studies in vitro identified a role for the excitatory amino acid glutamate in the gliodegenerative process via the activation of its inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP(3))-generating metabotropic receptor 5 (mGluR5). Since non-physiological formation of IP(3) can prompt IP(3) receptor (IP(3)R)-mediated Ca(2+) release from the intracellular stores and trigger various forms of cell death, here we investigated the intracellular Ca(2+) signaling that occurs downstream of mGluR5 in hSOD1(G93A)-expressing astrocytes. Contrary to wild-type cells, stimulation of mGluR5 causes aberrant and persistent elevations of intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations ([Ca(2+)](i)) in the absence of spontaneous oscillations. The interaction of IP(3)Rs with the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-X(L) was previously described to prevent cell death by modulating intracellular Ca(2+) signals. In mutant SOD1-expressing astrocytes, we found that the sole BH4 domain of Bcl-X(L), fused to the protein transduction domain of the HIV-1 TAT protein (TAT-BH4), is sufficient to restore sustained Ca(2+) oscillations and cell death resistance. Furthermore, chronic treatment of hSOD1(G93A) mice with the TAT-BH4 peptide reduces focal degeneration of astrocytes, slightly delays the onset of the disease and improves both motor performance and animal lifespan. Our results point at TAT-BH4 as a novel glioprotective agent with a therapeutic potential for ALS.
A wealth of literature has provided evidence that reactive tissue at the site of CNS injury is rich in chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans which may contribute to the non-permissive nature of the CNS. We have recently demonstrated using a murine model of human brachial plexus injury that the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans Neurocan and Brevican are differentially expressed by two subsets of astrocytes in the spinal cord dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) following dorsal root lesion (Beggah et al., Neuroscience 133: 749-762, 2005). However, direct evidence for a growth-inhibitory role of these proteoglycans in vivo is still lacking. We therefore performed dorsal root lesion (rhizotomy) in mice deficient in both Neurocan and Brevican. Rhizotomy in these animals resulted in no significant increase in the number of sensory fibres regenerating through the DREZ compared to genetically matched controls. Likewise, a conditioning peripheral nerve lesion prior to rhizotomy, which increases the intrinsic growth capacity of sensory neurons, enhanced growth to the same extent in transgenic and control mice, indicating that absence of these proteoglycans alone is not sufficient to further promote entry into the spinal cord. In contrast, when priming of the median nerve was performed at a clinically relevant time, i.e. 7 weeks post-rhizotomy, the growth of a subpopulation of sensory axons across the DREZ was facilitated in Neurocan/Brevican-deficient, but not in control animals. This demonstrates for the first time that (i) Neurocan and/or Brevican contribute to the non-permissive environment of the DREZ several weeks after lesion and that (ii) delayed stimulation of the growth program of sensory neurons can facilitate regeneration across the DREZ provided its growth-inhibitory properties are attenuated. Post-injury enhancement of the intrinsic growth capacity of sensory neurons combined with removal of inhibitory chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans may therefore help to restore sensory function and thus attenuate the chronic pain resulting from human brachial plexus injury.
Chiari I malformation (CM) associated with a cervico-thoracic syrinx due to supracerebellar arachnoid cyst has not been reported in the literature. We report such a case, managed by fenestration of the arachnoid cyst and foramen magnum decompression (FMD), aiming to reduce the inferiorly directed pressure on the cerebellum and eliminate the craniospinal pressure dissociation respectively. Imaging done post-operatively showed upward displacement of the cerebellar tonsils with a decompressed craniovertebral junction and disappearance of the syrinx.
Objective: To study the dosimetric properties and clinical implementation of a carotid dose sparing irradiation protocol using helical Tomotherapy in early stage laryngeal cancer.Materials and Methods: We have developed a simple treatment planning algorithm for carotid sparing. We have compared carotid and critical organ doses and planned target volume (PTV) dose with our standard laryngeal irradiation protocol. Dose constraints were the following: maximum point dose to the carotids <35 Gy, to the spinal cord <30 Gy, and PTV was covered at >95% of the prescribed dose (70 Gy in 2 Gy per fraction). A daily megavoltage CT was done to account for patient movement and anatomy modification. To date, 7 patients have been treated with this protocol in our department.Results: Our early results showed a significant reduction in the carotid dose with an average maximum dose of 35.8 Gy. The average maximum spinal cord dose was 25.8 Gy. PTV was covered without important "hot spots". Average maximum dose in the PTV was 74.1 Gy with an average absolute maximum dose of 75.2 Gy. To date, the clinical outcomes have been excellent.Conclusion: Helical Tomotherapy allows a significant decrease of carotid dose without dangerous spinal cord overdose. There was no important overdose in the PTV that can potentially increase the late complication risks. Daily control imaging brings added security especially when working with such high-dose gradients. We think further studies and longer follow-up are needed to investigate the clinical outcomes such as the local control rate and the vascular late toxicities.
Intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) has been described to be useful during central corpectomy for compressive cervical myelopathy. This study aimed at documenting the utility of IOUS in oblique cervical corpectomy (OCC). Prospective data from 24 patients undergoing OCC for cervical spondylotic myelopathy and ossified posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) were collected. Patients had a preoperative cervical spine magnetic resonance (MR) image, IOUS and a postoperative cervical CT scan. Retrospective data from 16 historical controls that underwent OCC without IOUS were analysed to compare the incidence of residual compression between the two groups. IOUS identified the vertebral artery in all cases, detected residual cord compression in six (27%) and missed compression in two cases (9%). In another two cases with OPLL, IOUS was sub-optimal due to shadowing. IOUS measurement of the corpectomy width correlated well with these measurements on the postoperative CT. The extent of cord expansion noted on IOUS after decompression showed no correlation with immediate or 6-month postoperative neurological recovery. No significant difference in residual compression was noted in the retrospective and prospective groups of the study. Craniocaudal spinal cord motion was noted after the completion of the corpectomy. IOUS is an inexpensive and simple real-time imaging modality that may be used during OCC for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. It is helpful in identifying the vertebral artery and determining the trajectory of approach, however, it has limited utility in patients with OPLL due to artifacts from residual ossification.
Background: Heavy drinking and smoking during pregnancy are known to have a negative impact on the unborn child. However, the impact of low-to-moderate alcohol consumption and binge drinking has been debated recently. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of moderate prenatal drinking and binge drinking with birthweight, being small for gestational age (SGA) at birth, preterm birth, and neonatal asphyxia. Methods: Moderate alcohol drinking, binge drinking, and several possible confounders were assessed in 1,258 pregnant women; information on neonatal health was obtained at birth. Results: Results indicate that 30.8% of the women drank at low levels (<2 glasses/wk), 7.9% drank moderately (2 to 4 glasses/wk), and 0.9% showed higher levels of drinking (≥5 glasses/wk); 4.7% reported binge drinking (defined as ≥3 glasses/occasion). 6.4% of the children were SGA (<10th percentile of birthweight adjusted for gestational age), 4.6% were preterm (<37th week of gestation), and 13.0% showed asphyxia (arterial cord pH <7.10 and/or arterial cord lactate >6.35 mmol and/or Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes). When controlling for maternal age, citizenship, occupational status, parity, smoking, use of prescription/over-the-counter drugs, illicit drug use, and child gender moderate drinking was related to lower birthweight (p < 0.01), and moderate drinking and binge drinking were associated with neonatal asphyxia at trend level (p = 0.06 and p = 0.09). Moderate drinking and binge drinking were not related to length of gestation. Conclusions: In contrast to recent reviews in the field, our results assume that moderate drinking and binge drinking are risk factors for neonatal health.
Bovine secretory IgA (SIgA), recently identified in colostrum, was shown to be homologous to human SIgA by immunologic cross-reaction. A quantitative study indicated that bovine SIgA, a minor component of colostrum, is a major immunoglobulin in most other external secretions including saliva, spermatic fluid, lacrimal, nasal and gastrointestinal secretions. SIgA was isolated from saliva. The free form of secretory component was found to be abundant in milk. A normal lactating cow produces about 1.2 g of this protein per day. Two forms of IgA were identified in serum: a normal serum IgA with no secretory antigenic determinant, and a small amount of SIgA. In vitro synthesis of SIgA by the salivary gland was studied by tissue cultures with incorporation of labeled amino acids.
To elucidate the local formation of angiotensin II (Ang II) in the neurons of sensory dorsal root ganglia (DRG), we studied the expression of angiotensinogen (Ang-N)-, renin-, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)- and cathepsin D-mRNA, and the presence of protein renin, Ang II, Substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the rat and human thoracic DRG. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) studies revealed that rat DRG expressed substantial amounts of Ang-N- and ACE mRNA, while renin mRNA as well as the protein renin were untraceable. Cathepsin D-mRNA and cathepsin D-protein were detected in the rat DRG indicating the possibility of existence of pathways alternative to renin for Ang I formation. Angiotensin peptides were successfully detected with high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay in human DRG extracts. In situ hybridization in rat DRG confirmed additionally expression of Ang-N mRNA in the cytoplasm of numerous neurons. Intracellular Ang II staining could be shown in number of neurons and their processes in both the rat and human DRG. Interestingly we observed neuronal processes with angiotensinergic synapses en passant, colocalized with synaptophysin, within the DRG. In the DRG, we also identified by qRT-PCR, expression of Ang II receptor AT(1A) and AT(2)-mRNA while AT(1B)-mRNA was not traceable. In some neurons Substance P and CGRP were found colocalized with Ang II. The intracellular localization and colocalization of Ang II with Substance P and CGRP in the DRG neurons may indicate a participation and function of Ang II in the regulation of nociception. In conclusion, these results suggest that Ang II may be produced locally in the neurons of rat and human DRG and act as a neurotransmitter.
BACKGROUND: Physiological changes associated with pregnancy may alter antiretroviral plasma concentrations and might jeopardize prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission. Lopinavir is one of the protease inhibitors more frequently prescribed during pregnancy in Europe. We described the free and total pharmacokinetics of lopinavir in HIV-infected pregnant and non-pregnant women, and evaluated whether significant alterations in its disposition and protein binding warrant systematic dosage adjustment. METHODS: Plasma samples were collected at first, second and third trimester of pregnancy, at delivery, in umbilical cord and postpartum. Lopinavir free and total plasma concentrations were measured by HPLC-MS/MS. Bayesian calculations were used to extrapolate total concentrations to trough (Cmin). RESULTS: A total of 42 HIV-positive pregnant women and 37 non-pregnant women on lopinavir/ritonavir were included in the study. Compared to postpartum and control values, total lopinavir Cmin was decreased moderately (31-39%) during pregnancy, and free Cmin minimally, showing significant alteration only at delivery (-35%). However, total and free Cmin remained in all patients above the target concentrations for wild-type virus of 1,000 ng/ml, and above the unbound IC50(WT) of 0.64-0.77 ng/ml of lopinavir, respectively. Lopinavir free fractions remained higher during pregnancy compared to postpartum and controls, and were influenced by α-1-acid-glycoprotein and albumin decrease. Free cord-to-mother ratio (0.43) was 2.7-fold higher than total cord-to-mother ratio (0.16), suggesting higher fetal exposure. CONCLUSIONS: The moderate decrease of total lopinavir concentrations during pregnancy is not associated with proportional decrease in free concentrations. Both reach a nadir at delivery, albeit not to an extent that would put treatment-naive women at risk of insufficient exposure to the free, pharmacologically active concentrations of lopinavir. No dosage adjustment is therefore needed during pregnancy as it is unlikely to further enhance treatment efficacy but could potentially increase the risk of maternal and fetal toxicity. Nonetheless, in case of viral resistance in treatment-experienced pregnant women, loss of virological control or questionable adherence, it is justified to consider lopinavir dosage adjustment based on total plasma concentration measurement.
Abstract: Myotonic dystrophy (DM1), also known as Steinert disease, is an inherited autosomal dominant disease. It is characterized by myotonia, muscular weakness and atrophy, but DM1 may have manifestations in other organs such as eyes, heart, gonads, gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, as well as brain. In 1992, it was demonstrated that this complex disease results from the expansion of CTG repeats in the 3' untranslated region of the DM protein kinase (DMPK) gene on chromosome 19. The size of the inherited expansion is critically linked to the severity of the disease and the age of onset. Although several electrophysiological and histological studies have been carried out to verify the possible involvement of peripheral nerve abnormality with DM1, the results have not been univocal. Therefore, at present the possible association between peripheral neuropatliy and DM1 remains debated. Recently, transgenic mice have been generated, that carry the human genomic DM1 region with 300 CTG repeats, and display the human DMl phenotype. The generation of these DM1 transgenic mice provides a useful tool to investigate the type and incidence of structural abnormalities in the peripheral nervous system associated with DM1 disease. By using the DM1 transgenic mice, we investigated the presence/absence of the three major peripheral neuropathies: axonal degeneration, axonal demyelination and neuronopathy. The morphological and morphometric analysis of sciatic, sural and phrenic nerves demonstrated the absence of axonal degeneration or demyelination. The morphometric analysis also ruled out any loss in the numbers of sensory or motor neurons in lumbar dorsal root ganglia and lumbar spinal cord enlargement respectively. Moreover, the éxamination of serial hind limb muscle sections from DMl mice showed a normal intramuscular axonal arborization as well as the absence of changes in the number and structure of endplates. Finally, the electrophysiological tests performed in DM1 transgenic mice showed that the compound muscle axon potentials (CMAPs) elicited in the hind limb digits in response to a stimulation of the sciatic nerve with anear-nerve electrode were similar to thosé obtained in wild type mice. On the basis of all our results, we hypothesized that 300 CTG repeats are not sufficient to induce disorder in the peripheral nervous system of this DM1 transgenic mouse model. Résumé La dystrophie myotonique (DM1), connue aussi sous le nom de maladie de Steinert, est une maladie héréditaire autosornale dominante. Elle est caractérisée par une myotonie, une faiblesse et une atrophie musculaires, mais peut aussi se manifester dans d'autres organes tels que les yeux, les voies digestive et respiratoire, ou le cerveau. En 1992, il a été montré que cette maladie complexe résultait de l'expansion d'une répétition de CTG dans une partie non traduite en 3' du gène codant pour la protéine kinase DM (DMPK), sur le chromosome 19. La taille de l'expansion héritée est étroitement liée à la sévérité et l'âge d'apparition de DM1. Bien que plusieurs études électrophysiologiques et histologiques aient été menées, pour juger d'une implication possible d'anomalies au niveau du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1, les résultats n'ont jusqu'ici pas été univoques. Aujourd'hui, la question d'une neuropathie associée avec la DM1 reste donc controversée. Des souris transgéniques ont été élaborées, qui portent la séquence DM1 du génome humain avec 300 répétitions CTG et expriment le phénotype des patients DM1: Ces souris transgéniques DMl procurent un outil précieux pour l'étude du type et de l'incidence d'éventuelles anomalies du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1. En utilisant ces souris transgéniques DM1, nous avons étudié la présence ou l'absence des trois principaux types de neuropathies périphériques: la dégénération axonale, la démyélinisation axonale et la neuronopathie. Les études morphologiques et morphométrique des nerfs sciatiques, suraux et phréniques ont montré l'absence de dégénération axonale ou de démyélinisation. L'analyse du nombre de cellules neuronales n'a pas dévoilé de diminution des nombres de neurones sensitifs dans les ganglions des racines dorsales lombaires ou de neurones moteurs dans la moëlle épinière lombaire des souris transgéniques DMl. De plus, l'examen de coupes sériées de muscle des membres postérieurs de souris DM1 a montré une arborisation axonale intramusculaire normale, de même que l'absence d'irrégularité dans le nombre ou la structure des plaques motrices. Enfin, les tests électrophysiologiques effectués sur les souris DMl ont montré que les potentiels d'action de la composante musculaire (CMAPs) évoqués dans les doigts des membres postérieurs, en réponse à une stimulation du nerf sciatique à l'aide d'une électrode paranerveuse, étaient identiques à ceux observées chez les souris sauvages. Sur la base de l'ensemble de ces résultats, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que 300 répétitions CTG ne sont pas suffisantes pour induire d'altérations dans le système nerveux périphérique du modèle de souris transgéniques DM 1.
Members of the Sox gene family of transcription factors are defined by the presence of an 80 amino acid homology domain, the High Mobility Group (HMG) box. Here we report the cloning and initial analysis of murine Sox-13 . The 984 amino acids Sox-13 protein contains a single HMG box, a leucine zipper motif and a glutamine-rich stretch. These characteristics are shared with another member of the Sox gene family, Sox-6. High level embryonic expression of Sox-13 occurs uniquely in the arterial walls of 13.5 days post coitum (dpc) mice and later. Low level expression was observed in the inner ear of 13.5 dpc mice and in a limited number of cells in the thymus of 16.5 dpc mice, from which Sox-13 was originally cloned. At 18.5 dpc, Sox-13 is expressed in the tracheal epithelium below the vocal cord and in the hair follicles. The Sox-13 protein binds to the consensus HMG box motif, AACAAAG, but does not transactivate transcription through a concatamer of this motif. Sox-13, like other members of the Sox family likely plays an important role in development.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Current tools for analgesia are often only partially successful, thus investigations of new targets for pain therapy stimulate great interest. Consequent to peripheral nerve injury, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity in cells of the dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and spinal cord is involved in triggering neuropathic pain. However, the relative contribution of distinct JNK isoforms is unclear. Using knockout mice for single isoforms, and blockade of JNK activity by a peptide inhibitor, we have used behavioral tests to analyze the contribution of JNK in the development of neuropathic pain after unilateral sciatic nerve transection. In addition, immunohistochemical labelling for the growth associated protein (GAP)-43 and Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (CGRP) in DRGs was used to relate injury related compensatory growth to altered sensory function. RESULTS: Peripheral nerve injury produced pain-related behavior on the ipsilateral hindpaw, accompanied by an increase in the percentage of GAP43-immunoreactive (IR) neurons and a decrease in the percentage of CGRP-IR neurons in the lumbar DRGs. The JNK inhibitor, D-JNKI-1, successfully modulated the effects of the sciatic nerve transection. The onset of neuropathic pain was not prevented by the deletion of a single JNK isoform, leading us to conclude that all JNK isoforms collectively contribute to maintain neuropathy. Autotomy behavior, typically induced by sciatic nerve axotomy, was absent in both the JNK1 and JNK3 knockout mice. CONCLUSIONS: JNK signaling plays an important role in regulating pain threshold: the inhibition of all of the JNK isoforms prevents the onset of neuropathic pain, while the deletion of a single splice JNK isoform mitigates established sensory abnormalities. JNK inactivation also has an effect on axonal sprouting following peripheral nerve injury.
We reviewed the records of 108 patients who had a tracheostomy performed over a 10-year period from July 1979 to April 1989. Median age at tracheostomy was 6 months (1 week-15 years). Indications for surgery were acquired subglottic stenosis (31.4%), bilateral vocal cord paralysis (22.2%), congenital airway malformations (22.2%) and tumours (11.1%). No epiglottis and no emergency situation had to be managed by tracheostomy. Operation was uneventful in all, but 8 patients (7.4%) developed a pneumothorax in the postoperative period. Twenty-one (19.5%) had severe complications during the cannulation period (tube obstruction in 11 patients with cardiorespiratory arrest in 4; dislocation of the tube in 6 patients). Fifteen patients (13.8%) had severe complications after decannulation (2 had a cardiorespiratory arrest); all 15 had to be recannulated. At the end of the study period 85 patients (78.7%) were successfully decannulated with a median period of tracheostomy of 486 days (8 days-6.6 years). The median hospital stay was 159 days (13 days-2.7 years). All patients could be discharged. Eight patients (7.4%) died but no death was related to tracheostomy. In summary the mortality rate is lower than reported in previous reviews and tracheostomy is a safe operation even in small children but cannula-related complications may lead to life-threatening events. The management of tracheostomized small children and infants in a highly staffed and monitored intensive care unit has allowed better handling of complications and has resulted in a reduction in cannula-related deaths.