146 resultados para Somatic Embryos
Microsatellites are important highly polymorphic genetic markers dispersed in the human genome. Using a panel of 22 (CA)n repeat microsatellite markers mapped to recurrent breakpoint cluster regions specifically involved in leukemia, we investigated 114 adult leukemias (25 acute lymphocytic leukemia [ALL], 32 acute myeloid leukemia [AML], 36 chronic lymphocytic leukemia [CLL], and 21 chronic myeloid leukemia [CML] in chronic phase) for somatic mutations at these loci. In each patient, DNA from fresh leukemia samples was analyzed alongside normal constitutive DNA from buccal epithelium. We detected loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 81 of 114 patients (ALL 16/25, AML 25/32, CLL 30/36, CML 10/21). Deletions were most often seen in ALL at 11q23 and 19p13; in AML at 8q22 and 11q23; in CLL at 13q14.3, 11q13, and 11q23; and in CML at 3q26. Only six deletions were reported in 74 karyotypes analyzed, whereas in these same cases, 91 LOH events were detected by microsatellites. Of 26 leukemias with a normal karyotype, 16 nevertheless showed at least one LOH by microsatellite analysis. Replication errors were found in 10 of 114 patients (8.8%). Thus, microsatellite instability is rare in leukemia in contrast to many solid tumors. Our findings suggest that in adult leukemia, LOH may be an important genetic event in addition to typical chromosomal translocations. LOH may point to the existence of tumor suppressor genes involved in leukemogenesis to a degree that has hitherto been underestimated.
Peroxisome proliferators regulate the transcription of genes by activating ligand-dependent transcription factors, which, due to their structure and function, can be assigned to the superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors. Three such peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR alpha, beta, and gamma) have been cloned in Xenopus laevis. Their mRNAs are expressed differentially; xPPAR alpha and beta but not xPPAR gamma are expressed in oocytes and embryos. In the adult, expression of xPPAR alpha and beta appears to be ubiquitous, and xPPAR gamma is mainly observed in adipose tissue and kidney. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed that PPARs are nuclear proteins, and that their cytoplasmic-nuclear translocation is independent of exogenous activators. A target gene of PPARs is the gene encoding acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO), which catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids. A peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE), to which PPARs bind, has been identified within the promoter of the ACO gene. Besides the known xenobiotic activators of PPARs, such as hypolipidemic drugs, natural activators have been identified. Polyunsaturated fatty acids at physiological concentrations are efficient activators of PPARs, and 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), which is the alkyne homolog of arachidonic acid, is the most potent activator of xPPAR alpha described to date. Taken together, our data suggest that PPARs have an important role in lipid metabolism.
BACKGROUND: The vast majority of the 1.1 million Alu elements are retrotranspositionally inactive, where only a few loci referred to as 'source elements' can generate new Alu insertions. The first step in identifying the active Alu sources is to determine the loci transcribed by RNA polymerase III (pol III). Previous genome-wide analyses from normal and transformed cell lines identified multiple Alu loci occupied by pol III factors, making them candidate source elements. FINDINGS: Analysis of the data from these genome-wide studies determined that the majority of pol III-bound Alus belonged to the older subfamilies Alu S and Alu J, which varied between cell lines from 62.5% to 98.7% of the identified loci. The pol III-bound Alus were further scored for estimated retrotransposition potential (ERP) based on the absence or presence of selected sequence features associated with Alu retrotransposition capability. Our analyses indicate that most of the pol III-bound Alu loci candidates identified lack the sequence characteristics important for retrotransposition. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that Alu expression likely varies by cell type, growth conditions and transformation state. This variation could extend to where the same cell lines in different laboratories present different Alu expression patterns. The vast majority of Alu loci potentially transcribed by RNA pol III lack important sequence features for retrotransposition and the majority of potentially active Alu loci in the genome (scored high ERP) belong to young Alu subfamilies. Our observations suggest that in an in vivo scenario, the contribution of Alu activity on somatic genetic damage may significantly vary between individuals and tissues.
In the principal cell of the renal collecting duct, vasopressin regulates the expression of a gene network responsible for sodium and water reabsorption through the regulation of the water channel and the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). We have recently identified a novel vasopressin-induced transcript (VIT32) that encodes for a 142 amino acid vasopressin-induced protein (VIP32), which has no homology with any protein of known function. The Xenopus oocyte expression system revealed two functions: (i) when injected alone, VIT32 cRNA rapidly induces oocyte meiotic maturation through the activation of the maturation promoting factor, the amphibian homolog of the universal M phase trigger Cdc2/cyclin; and (ii) when co-injected with the ENaC, VIT32 cRNA selectively downregulates channel activity, but not channel cell surface expression. In the kidney principal cell, VIP32 may be involved in the downregulation of transepithelial sodium transport observed within a few hours after vasopressin treatment. VIP32 belongs to a novel gene family ubiquitously expressed in oocyte and somatic cells that may be involved in G to M transition and cell cycling.
Spermatogenesis is a temporally regulated developmental process by which the gonadotropin-responsive somatic Sertoli and Leydig cells act interdependently to direct the maturation of the germinal cells. The metabolism of Sertoli and Leydig cells is regulated by the pituitary gonadotropins FSH and LH, which, in turn, activate adenylate cyclase. Because the cAMP-second messenger pathway is activated by FSH and LH, we postulated that the cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB) plays a physiological role in Sertoli and Leydig cells, respectively. Immunocytochemical analyses of rat testicular sections show a remarkably high expression of CREB in the haploid round spermatids and, to some extent, in pachytene spermatocytes and Sertoli cells. Although most of the CREB antigen is detected in the nuclei, some CREB antigen is also present in the cytoplasm. Remarkably, the cytoplasmic CREB results from the translation of a unique alternatively spliced transcript of the CREB gene that incorporates an exon containing multiple stop codons inserted immediately up-stream of the exons encoding the DNA-binding domain of CREB. Thus, the RNA containing the alternatively spliced exon encodes a truncated transcriptional transactivator protein lacking both the DNA-binding domain and nuclear translocation signal of CREB. Most of the CREB transcripts detected in the germinal cells contain the alternatively spliced exon, suggesting a function of the exon to modulate the synthesis of CREB. In the Sertoli cells we observed a striking cyclical (12-day periodicity) increase in the levels of CREB mRNA that coincides with the splicing out of the restrictive exon containing the stop codons. Because earlier studies established that FSH-stimulated cAMP levels in Sertoli cells are also cyclical, and the CREB gene promoter contains cAMP-responsive enhancers, we suggest that the alternative RNA splicing controls a positive autoregulation of CREB gene expression mediated by cAMP.
Recent evidence supports and reinforces the concept that environmental cues may reprogramme somatic cells and change their natural fate. In the present review, we concentrate on environmental reprogramming and fate potency of different epithelial cells. These include stratified epithelia, such as the epidermis, hair follicle, cornea and oesophagus, as well as the thymic epithelium, which stands alone among simple and stratified epithelia, and has been shown recently to contain stem cells. In addition, we briefly discuss the pancreas as an example of plasticity of intrinsic progenitors and even differentiated cells. Of relevance, examples of plasticity and fate change characterize pathologies such as oesophageal metaplasia, whose possible cell origin is still debated, but has important implications as a pre-neoplastic event. Although much work remains to be done in order to unravel the full potential and plasticity of epithelial cells, exploitation of this phenomenon has already entered the clinical arena, and might provide new avenues for future cell therapy of these tissues.
Abstract en FrançaisCTCFL a d'abord été identifié comme un paralogue de la protéine ubiquitaire CTCF en raison de sa forte homologie entre leurs onze « zinc fingers », un domaine de liaison à l'ADN. Parmi ses nombreux rôles, la liaison des zinc fingers de CTCF à la région de contrôle de l'empreinte (ICR) maternelle non-méthylée Igf2/H19, contrôle l'expression empreinte (monoallélique) de H19 et IGF2 dans les cellules somatiques. La méthylation de l'ICR Igf2/H19 paternelle est nécessaire à l'expression empreinte de ces deux gènes. Bien que le mécanisme par lequel l'ICR est méthylé soit mal compris, il est connu que l'établissement de la méthylation se produit pendant le développement des cellules germinales mâles et que les ADN méthyltransférases de novo DNMT3A et DNMT3L sont essentiels. Par conséquent, CTCFL fournit un bon candidat pour un rôle dans la méthylation de l'ICR paternelle Igf2/H19 en raison de son expression restreinte à certains types de cellules où la méthylation de l'ICR a lieu (spermatogonies et spermatocytes) ainsi qu'en raison sa capacité à lier les ICR lgf2/HÎ9 dans ces cellules. Les premiers travaux expérimentaux de cette thèse portent sur le rôle possible des mutations de CTCFL chez les patients atteints du syndrome de Silver-Russell (SRS), où une diminution de la méthylation de l'ICR IGF2/H19 a été observée chez 60% d'entre eux. Admettant que CTCFL pourrait être muté chez ces patients, j'ai examiné les mutations possibles de CTCFL chez 35 d'entre eux par séquençage de l'ADN et analyse du nombre de copies d'exons. N'ayant trouvé aucune mutation chez ces patients, cela suggère que les mutations de CTCFL ne sont pas associées au SRS. Les travaux expérimentaux suivants ont porté sur les modifications post-traductionnelles de CTCFL par la protéine SU MO « small ubiquitin-like modifier » (SUMO). La modification de protéines par SU MO change les interactions avec d'autres molécules (ADN ou protéines). Comme CTCFL régule sans doute l'expression d'un certain nombre de gènes dans le cancer et que plusieurs facteurs de transcription sont régulés par SUMO, j'ai mené des expériences pour déterminer si CTCFL est sumoylé. En effet, j'ai observé que CTCFL est sumoylated in vitro et in vivo et j'ai déterminé les deux résidus d'attachement de SUMO aux lysines 181 et 645. Utilisant les mutants de CTCFL K181R et K645R ne pouvant pas être sumoylated, j'ai évalué les conséquences fonctionnelles de la modification par SUMO. Je n'ai trouvé aucun changement significatif dans la localisation subcellulaire, la demi-vie ou la liaison à l'ADN, mais ai constaté que la sumoylation module à la fois {'activation CTCFL-dépendante et la répression de l'expression génique. Il s'agit de la première modification post-traductionnelle décrite pour CTCFL et les conséquences possibles de cette modification sont discutées pour le cancer et les testicules normaux. Avec cette thèse, j'espère avoir ajouté des résultats importants à l'étude de CTCFL et donné quelques idées pour de futures recherches.AbstractJeremiah Bernier-Latmani, Institute of Pathology, University of Lausanne, CHUVCTCFL was first identified as a paralog of the ubiquitous protein CTCF because of high homology between their respective eleven zinc fingers, a DNA binding domain. Among its many roles, CTCF zinc finger-mediated binding to the unmethylated maternal Igf2/H19 imprinting control region (ICR), controls the imprinted (monoallelic) expression of Igf2 and H19 in somatic cells. Methylation of the paternal Igf2/H19 ICR is necessary for the imprinted expression of the two genes. Although the mechanism by which the ICR is methylated is incompletely understood, it is known that establishment of methylation occurs during male germ cell development and the de novo DNA methyltransferases DNMT3A and DNMT3L are essential. Therefore, CTCFL provided a good candidate to play a role in methylation of the paternal Igf2/H19 ICR because of its restricted expression to cell types where ICR methylation takes place (spermatogonia and spermatocytes) and its ability to bind the Igf2/H19 ICR in these cells. The first experimental work of this thesis investigated the possible role of CTCFL mutations in Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) patients, where it has been observed that 60% of the patients have reduced methylation of the IGF2/HÎ9 ICR. Reasoning that CTCFL could be mutated in these patients, I screened 35 patients for mutations in CTCFL by DNA sequencing and exon copy number analysis, I did not find any mutations in these patients suggesting that mutations of CTCFL are not associated with SRS. The next experimental work of my thesis focused on posttranslational modification of CTCFL by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) protein. SUMO modification of proteins changes the interactions with other molecules (DNA or protein). As CTCFL arguably regulates the expression of a number of genes in cancer and many transcription factors are regulated by SUMO, I conducted experiments to assess whether CTCFL is sumoylated. I found that CTCFL is sumoylated in vitro and in vivo and determined the two residues of SUMO attachment to be lysines 181 and 645. Using K181R, K645R mutated CTCFL- which cannot be detected to be sumoylated-1 assessed the functional consequences of SUMO modification. I found no significant changes in subcellular localization, half-life or DNA binding, but found that sumoylation modulates both CTCFL-dependent activation and repression of gene expression. This is the first posttranslational modification described for CTCFL and possible consequences of this modification are discussed in both cancer and normal testis. With this thesis, I hope I have added important findings to the study of CTCFL and provide some ideas for future research.
Cardiac morphogenesis and function are known to depend on both aerobic and anaerobic energy-producing pathways. However, the relative contribution of mitochondrial oxidation and glycogenolysis, as well as the determining factors of oxygen demand in the distinct chambers of the embryonic heart, remains to be investigated. Spontaneously beating hearts isolated from stage 11, 20, and 24HH chick embryos were maintained in vitro under controlled metabolic conditions. O(2) uptake and glycogenolytic rate were determined in atrium, ventricle, and conotruncus in the absence or presence of glucose. Oxidative capacity ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 nmol O(2)/(h.microg protein), did not depend on exogenous glucose, and was the highest in atria at stage 20HH. However, the highest reserves of oxidative capacity, assessed by mitochondrial uncoupling, were found at the youngest stage and in conotruncus, representing 75 to 130% of the control values. At stage 24HH, glycogenolysis in glucose-free medium was 0.22, 0.17, and 0.04 nmol glucose U(h.microg protein) in atrium, ventricle, and conotruncus, respectively. Mechanical loading of the ventricle increased its oxidative capacity by 62% without altering glycogenolysis or lactate production. Blockade of glycolysis by iodoacetate suppressed lactate production but modified neither O(2) nor glycogen consumption in substrate-free medium. These findings indicate that atrium is the cardiac chamber that best utilizes its oxidative and glycogenolytic capacities and that ventricular wall stretch represents an early and major determinant of the O(2) uptake. Moreover, the fact that O(2) and glycogen consumptions were not affected by inhibition of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase provides indirect evidence for an active glycerol-phosphate shuttle in the embryonic cardiomyocytes.
Cancer/testis (CT) genes are normally expressed in germ cells only, yet are reactivated and expressed in some tumors. Of the approximately 40 CT genes or gene families identified to date, 20 are on the X chromosome and are present as multigene families, many with highly conserved members. This indicates that novel CT gene families may be identified by detecting duplicated expressed genes on chromosome X. By searching for transcript clusters that map to multiple locations on the chromosome, followed by in silico analysis of their gene expression profiles, we identified five novel gene families with testis-specific expression and >98% sequence identity among family members. The expression of these genes in normal tissues and various tumor cell lines and specimens was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR, and a novel CT gene family with at least 13 copies was identified on Xq24, designated as CT47. mRNA expression of CT47 was found mainly in the testes, with weak expression in the placenta. Brain tissue was the only positive somatic tissue tested, with an estimated CT47 transcript level 0.09% of that found in testis. Among the tumor specimens tested, CT47 expression was found in approximately 15% of lung cancer and esophageal cancer specimens, but not in colorectal cancer or breast cancer. The putative CT47 protein consists of 288 amino acid residues, with a C-terminus rich in alanine and glutamic acid. The only species other than human in which a gene homologous to CT47 has been detected is the chimpanzee, with the predicted protein showing approximately 80% identity in its carboxy terminal region.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between different Internet-use intensities and adolescent mental and somatic health. METHODS: Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health, a nationally representative survey of adolescents aged 16 to 20 years in post-mandatory school. From a self-administered anonymous questionnaire, 3906 adolescent boys and 3305 girls were categorized into 4 groups according to their intensity of Internet use: heavy Internet users (HIUs; >2 hours/day), regular Internet users (RIUs; several days per week and <= 2 hours/day), occasional users (<= 1 hour/week), and non-Internet users (NIUs; no use in the previous month). Health factors examined were perceived health, depression, overweight, headaches and back pain, and insufficient sleep. RESULTS: In controlled multivariate analysis, using RIUs as a reference, HIUs of both genders were more likely to report higher depressive scores, whereas only male users were found at increased risk of overweight and female users at increased risk of insufficient sleep. Male NIUs and female NIUs and occasional users also were found at increased risk of higher depressive scores. Back-pain complaints were found predominantly among male NIUs. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides evidence of a U-shaped relationship between intensity of Internet use and poorer mental health of adolescents. In addition, HIUs were confirmed at increased risk for somatic health problems. Thus, health professionals should be on the alert when caring for adolescents who report either heavy Internet use or very little/none. Also, they should consider regular Internet use as a normative behavior without major health consequence. Pediatrics 2011;127:e330-e335
Unexpected ejaculation failure on the day of oocyte retrieval for IVF occurs once or twice a year in our Reproductive Medicine Unit, where approximately 500 oocyte retrievals are performed each year. Two clinical situations which occurred in 2001 are presented. In the first case, sperm were finally obtained by epididymal aspiration and resulted in the fertilization of five oocytes by ICSI. The transfer of two fresh embryos did not result in a pregnancy and the three supernumerary zygotes were cryopreserved. The male patient presented an anxio-depressive episode necessitating psychiatric hospitalization 1 week after the oocyte retrieval. In the second case, no sperm were obtained and the four oocytes were therefore lost. The couple went through a crisis in their relationship and tried another cycle of IVF 10 months later, after the preventive cryopreservation of a sperm sample. On the day of oocyte retrieval the patient was unable to produce a fresh sample but three zygotes were obtained through ICSI using the back-up cryopreserved sperm. Two embryos were transferred but no pregnancy ensued. The clinical decision-making processes for these two cases are described, as well as the measures employed to help prevent these unfortunate situations.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety and the efficacy of imatinib in recurrent malignant gliomas. PATIENTS: AND METHODS: This was a single-arm, phase II study. Eligible patients had recurrent glioma after prior radiotherapy with an enhancing lesion on magnetic resonance imaging. Three different histologic groups were studied: glioblastomas (GBM), pure/mixed (anaplastic) oligodendrogliomas (OD), and low-grade or anaplastic astrocytomas (A). Imatinib was started at a dose of 600 mg/d with dose escalation to 800 mg in case of no toxicity; during the trial this dose was increased to 800 mg/d with escalation to 1,000 mg/d. Trial design was one-stage Fleming; both an objective response and 6 months of progression-free survival (PFS) were considered a successful outcome to treatment. RESULTS: A total of 112 patients (51 patients with GBM, 25 patients with A, and 36 patients with OD) were enrolled. Imatinib was in general well tolerated. The median number of cycles was 2.0 (range, 1 to 43 cycles). Five patients had an objective partial response, including three patients with GBM; all had 6 months of PFS. The 6-month PFS rate was 16% (95% CI, 8.0% to 34.0%) in GBM, 4.0% (95% CI, 0.3% to 15.0%) in OD, and 9% (95% CI, 2.0% to 25.0%) in A. The exposure to imatinib was significantly lower in patients using enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs. The presence of ABCG2 point mutations were not correlated with pharmacokinetic findings. No somatic activating mutations of KIT or platelet-derived growth factor receptor-A or -B were found. CONCLUSION: In the dose range of 600 to 1,000 mg/d, single-agent imatinib is well tolerated but has limited antitumor activity in patients with recurrent gliomas.
Adiponectin is an adipokine, present in the circulation in comparatively high concentrations and different molecular weight isoforms. For the first time, the distribution of these isoforms in serum and follicular fluid (FF) and their usefulness as biological markers for infertility investigations was studied. In vitro study. University based hospital. Fifty-four women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Oocytes were retrieved, fertilized in vitro using ICSI, and the resulting embryos transferred. Serum was collected immediately prior to oocyte retrieval. Adiponectin isoforms (high molecular weight (HMW), medium and low molecular weight) were determined in serum and FF. Total adiponectin and the different isoform levels were compared with leptin and ovarian steroid concentrations. Adiponectin isoforms in serum and FF. Adiponectin isoform distribution differed between serum and FF; the HMW fraction made up half of all adiponectin in the serum but only 23.3% in the FF. Total and HMW adiponectin in both serum and FF correlated negatively with the body mass index and the concentration of leptin. No correlations were observed for total adiponectin or its isoforms with estradiol, progesterone, anti-Mullerian hormone, inhibin B, or the total follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) dose administered during the ovarian stimulation phase. This study shows for the first time that adiponectin isoform distribution varies between the serum and FF compartments in gonadotropin stimulated patients. A trend towards higher HMW adiponectin serum levels in successful ICSI cycles compared to implantation failures was observed; studies with larger patient groups are required to confirm this observation.
Normal sleep patterns and prevalence of sleep disorders in the general population are largely unknown. The aim of HypnoLaus cohort study is to record sleep and analyze sleep characteristics in a large population-based sample, which had undergone comprehensive genetic, somatic, and psychiatric investigations. Full polysomnography has already been performed in more than 1100 middle aged men and women randomly selected from Lausanne general population (goal 2000-3000 sleep recordings). Over 4000 additional subjects from the same population have filled various questionnaires on their sleep habits and complaints. These results combined with genetic, cardiovascular, metabolic, and psychiatric data provide a unique opportunity to determine the interaction between sleep, its genetic determinants and cardiovascular, psychiatric, or metabolic diseases.
Résumé La plupart des cellules issues du sang ont une durée de vie limitée. Dans les cellules somatiques humaines, y incluant les lymphocytes T, la taille des télomères diminue progressivement à chaque division cellulaire, pouvant aboutir à des instabilités chromosomiques. L'expression ectopique du gène de la transcriptase réverse de la télomérase (hTERT) dans les cellules restaure l'activité de la télomérase, et permet un rallongement de leur vie réplicative. Malgré l'absence de signes caractéristiques de transformation, nous ne savons pas encore si les cellules somatiques qui surexpriment hTERT sont physiologiquement indiscernables des cellules normales. Certaines études récentes proposent que la télomérase joue plusieurs rôles additionnels dans d'autres phénomènes biologiques tels que la réparation de l'ADN, la survie et la croissance des cellules. Dans notre étude, nous avons utilisé des clones issus de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques surexprimant la télomérase afin d'étudier les mécanismes moléculaires qui règlent leur prolifération et leur sénescence. Nous avons montré que les «jeunes » cellules T exprimant ou non hTERT révèlent des taux de croissance identiques suite à des réponses de stimulation induites par des mitogènes. De plus, aucun changement global dans leur expression des gènes n'a pu être mis en évidence. Curieusement, nous avons observé des réponses réduites dans la prolifération des cellules transduites avec la télomérase qui présentaient une élongation des télomères et une durée de vie prolongée. Ces cellules, malgré le maintien d'un niveau élevé de l'expression de gènes impliqués dans la progression du cycle cellulaire, ont également montré une expression accrue de plusieurs gènes trouvés en commun avec nos lymphocytes T vieillissants n'exprimant pas de télomérase. En particulier, les cellules ayant une durée de vie prolongée grâce à l'expression de la télomérase accumulaient également certains inhibiteurs du cycle cellulaire tels que p16Ink4a et p21Cip1, associés à l'arrêt de la croissance cellulaire. En résumé, nos résultats indiquent la présence fonctionnelle de mécanismes alternatifs pouvant contrôler la croissance réplicative de ces cellules; ils sont donc encourageants dans l'optique d'une utilisation à moindre risque de lymphocytes T «immortalisés » à des fins thérapeutiques pour traiter les tumeurs malignes ou les infections. Summary Most mature blood cells have a finite life span. In human somatic cells, including T lymphocytes, telomeres progressively shorten with each cell division eventually leading to chromosomal instability. Ectopic expression of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene in cells restores telomerase activity and results in the extension of their replicative life span. Despite lack of transformation characteristics, it is yet unknown whether somatic cells that over-express telomerase are biologically and physiologically indistinguishable from normal cells. Recent data suggest that telomerase might mediate additional functions in DNA repair, cell survival and cell growth. Using CD8+ T lymphocyte clones over-expressing telomerase we investigated the molecular mechanisms that regulate T cell proliferation and senescence. Here we show that early-passage T cell clones transduced or not with hTERT displayed identical growth rates upon mitogenic stimulation and no marked global changes in gene expression. Surprisingly, reduced proliferative responses were observed in hTERT-transduced cells with elongated telomeres and extended life span. These cells, despite maintaining high expression level of genes involved in cell cycle division and progression, also showed increased expression of several genes associated with normal aging T lymphocytes. In particular, late passage T cells over-expressing telomerase accumulated the cyclin-dependent inhibitors p16INK4a and p21CIP1 that have largely been associated with in vitro growth arrest. Whether tumor-reactive CD8+ T cells that ectopically express telomerase could now be used for adoptive transfer therapy in cancer patients remains unclear at this point. Nevertheless, our results regarding the safe and effective use of hTERT-transduced lymphocytes are encouraging, since they indicate that alternative growth arrest mechanisms such as p 16 and p21 are still functional in these cells and regulate to some extend their growth potential.