350 resultados para Semi-formation


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Escherichia coli adapts its lifestyle to the variations of environmental growth conditions, swapping between swimming motility or biofilm formation. The stationary-phase sigma factor RpoS is an important regulator of this switch, since it stimulates adhesion and represses flagellar biosynthesis. By measuring the dynamics of gene expression, we show that RpoS inhibits the transcription of the flagellar sigma factor, FliA, in exponential growth phase. RpoS also partially controls the expression of CsgD and CpxR, two transcription factors important for bacterial adhesion. We demonstrate that these two regulators repress the transcription of fliA, flgM, and tar and that this regulation is dependent on the growth medium. CsgD binds to the flgM and fliA promoters around their -10 promoter element, strongly suggesting direct repression. We show that CsgD and CpxR also affect the expression of other known modulators of cell motility. We propose an updated structure of the regulatory network controlling the choice between adhesion and motility.


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The distribution of the fibronectin-rich extracellular matrix (ECM) in the chick embryo during formation of the blastula has been evaluated semiquantitatively using an electron microscopical immunogold staining technique. During the first 10 h of postlaying development, fibronectin was found in both embryonic area pellucida and extra-embryonic area opaca of the blastoderm. In the area pellucida, the fibronectin was (1) associated with the basal lamina of the epiblast, (2) present between epiblastic and hypoblastic cells and (3) occasionally internalized in hypoblastic cells. Along the embryonic axis, a transient and high density of ECM was associated with the front of the anteriorly and rapidly expanding hypoblast. Very high density of fibronectin was observed in the marginal zone of the area pellucida, where the epiblastic and deeper cell layers show contacts and intense re-arrangements. In the area opaca, fibronectin was at first found only sporadically between contacting cells, but its density increased steadily and markedly during the first day of development. These rapid and significant changes in the regional distribution of fibronectin-rich ECM are discussed with respect to the early morphogenesis of the chick embryo.


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Various compositions of synthetic calcium phosphates (CaP) have been proposed and their use has considerably increased over the past decades. Besides differences in physico-chemical properties, resorption and osseointegration, artificial CaP bone graft might differ in their resistance against biofilm formation. We investigated standardised cylinders of 5 different CaP bone grafts (cyclOS, chronOS (both β-TCP (tricalcium phosphate)), dicalcium phosphate (DCP), calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA) and α-TCP). Various physico-chemical characterisations e.g., geometrical density, porosity, and specific surface area were investigated. Biofilm formation was carried out in tryptic soy broth (TSB) and human serum (SE) using Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29213) and S. epidermidis RP62A (ATCC 35984). The amount of biofilm was analysed by an established protocol using sonication and microcalorimetry. Physico-chemical characterisation showed marked differences concerning macro- and micropore size, specific surface area and porosity accessible to bacteria between the 5 scaffolds. Biofilm formation was found on all scaffolds and was comparable for α-TCP, chronOS, CDHA and DCP at corresponding time points when the scaffolds were incubated with the same germ and/or growth media, but much lower for cyclOS. This is peculiar because cyclOS had an intermediate porosity, mean pore size, specific surface area, and porosity accessible to bacteria. Our results suggest that biofilm formation is not influenced by a single physico-chemical parameter alone but is a multi-step process influenced by several factors in parallel. Transfer from in vitro data to clinical situations is difficult; thus, advocating the use of cyclOS scaffolds over the four other CaP bone grafts in clinical situations with a high risk of infection cannot be clearly supported based on our data.


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Transplantation of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CM) for cardiac regeneration is hampered by the formation of fibrotic tissue around the grafts, preventing electrophysiological coupling. Investigating this process, we found that: (1) beating hESC-CM in vitro are embedded in collagens, laminin and fibronectin, which they bind via appropriate integrins; (2) after transplantation into the mouse heart, hESC-CM continue to secrete collagen IV, XVIII and fibronectin; (3) integrin expression on hESC-CM largely matches the matrix type they encounter or secrete in vivo; (4) co-transplantation of hESC-derived endothelial cells and/or cardiac progenitors with hESC-CM results in the formation of functional capillaries; and (5) transplanted hESC-CM survive and mature in vivo for at least 24 weeks. These results form the basis of future developments aiming to reduce the adverse fibrotic reaction that currently complicates cell-based therapies for cardiac disease, and to provide an additional clue towards successful engraftment of cardiomyocytes by co-transplanting endothelial cells.


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This paper proposes an analysis of training courses and their connection to other biographical lines, by highlighting their evolution according to social origin and gender. The variable of having received a diploma does not fully explain the longitudinal characteristics of the courses: the social inequalities prove to be also inequalities from the point of view of the followed itinerary. The range of available trajectories as well as the possibility of deviating in order to fulfil a custom trajectory depends on the social characteristics. The training course is connected to other biographical lines, in particular the family and the profession.


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Les Suisses sont toujours plus nombreux à se distancer de la religion. Dans sa grande majorité, la population suisse entretient un rapport distant à la religion chrétienne et à la spiritualité. Elle estime cependant que les deux Eglises nationales jouent un rôle important auprès des personnes socialement défavorisée.Telle est la conclusion d'une étude menée dans le cadre du Programme national de recherche « Collectivités religieuses, Etat et société » (PNR 58).En quoi les habitants de Suisse croient-ils ? Jörg Stolz, Judith Könemann, Mallory Schneuwly-Purdie, Thomas Englberger et Michael Krueggeler, sociologues des religions, concluent que la grande majorité de la population helvétique affiche un rapport non pas indifférent ou négatif, mais distant à la religion et à la spiritualité. En d'autres termes, la plupart des habitants de notre pays ne croient pas en rien. Cette population de distants, identifiée ici pour la première fois par une recherche sociologique, va probablement continuer à augmenter à l'avenir, estiment les chercheurs.Toujours plus de personnes sans confession. Selon cette enquête représentative, au cours des dernières années, la part de chrétiens a continué à diminuer au sein de la population : 31% des habitants de Suisse sont catholiques, 32% protestants et 12% adeptes de religions non chrétiennes. C'est du côté des personnes sans confession que la mutation est la plus importante : ceux-ci constituent déjà près de 25% de la population. Mais le fait qu'un individu soit d'une confession donnée ou sans confession ne renseigne pas sur ses pratiques et ses représentations religieuses. Les sans confessions peuvent par exemple croire en Dieu ou pratiquer une spiritualité alternative.Les chercheurs distinguent quatre types de religiosité au sein de la population suisse : les distants (64%), les institutionnels (17%), les laïcs (10%) et les alternatifs (9%). Ces dernières décennies, le groupe formé par les institutionnels a fortement diminué. La proportion d'alternatifs n'a guère évolué, alors que les distants et les laïcs sont aujourd'hui plus nombreux.Les distants ne croient pas en rien. Les distants, qui constituent le groupe le plus important, ne croient pas en rien. Ils disposent de représentations religieuses et spirituelles, mais ces dernières ne jouent pas un rôle important dans leur vie et ils ne les activent que dans des situations exceptionnelles. La plupart d'entre eux sont membres de l'Eglise catholique ou protestante et s'acquittent d'impôts ecclésiastiques, mais leur appartenance confessionnelle ne leur apparaît pas importante. Ils se montrent également distants par rapport aux formes alternatives de religiosité, ainsi que vis-à-vis des personnes hostiles à la religion. Les institutionnels sont membres des deux Eglises nationales ou des Eglises évangéliques libres. Ils entretiennent une foi vivace en un Dieu unique, personnel et transcendant. Les alternatifs cultivent quant à eux des croyances holistiques et ésotériques, pratiquent l'astrologie, des techniques curatives de respiration et de mouvement, ainsi que d'autres rituels.Les laïcs, enfin, sont des personnes auxquelles toutes les formes de religiosité inspirent de l'indifférence, voire un refus. Les hommes plus hostiles à la religion que les femmes. Il est frappant de constater qu'au sein des personnes sans confession, ce ne sont pas les laïcs qui dominent (ils représentent seulement 20%), mais surtout les distants (68%). Les institutionnels affichent un niveau plutôt bas de formation, les distants et les laïcs un niveau moyen, et les alternatifs un haut niveau. Par ailleurs, on rencontre plus souvent des alternatifs chez les femmes (11%) que chez les hommes (4%). A l'inverse, les hommes présentent un taux plus élevé de laïcs (15%) que les femmes (5%).La Suisse est-elle un pays chrétien ?Indépendamment du type de religiosité, une nette majorité de la population considère que les Eglises jouent un rôle important pour les personnes socialement défavorisées. En revanche, ils leur attribuent une moindre importance pour ce qui les concerne personnellement. Les institutionnels sont fermement convaincus que la Suisse est marquée par la chrétienté. A l'inverse, les trois autres groupes - soit la majeure partie de la population - se montrent réservés sur cette question.Les chercheurs ont mené ce sondage représentatif en Suisse romande, alémanique et italienne auprès de 1'229 femmes et hommes. Le sondage a été complété par 73 entretiens semi standardisés et n'a pas pris en compte des adhérents d'autres religions.


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Bisphosphonates are known for their strong inhibitory effect on bone resorption. Their influence on bone formation however is less clear. In this study we investigated the spatio-temporal effect of locally delivered Zoledronate on peri-implant bone formation and resorption in an ovariectomized rat femoral model. A cross-linked hyaluronic acid hydrogel was loaded with the drug and applied bilaterally in predrilled holes before inserting polymer screws. Static and dynamic bone parameters were analyzed based on in vivo microCT scans performed first weekly and then biweekly. The results showed that the locally released Zoledronate boosted bone formation rate up to 100% during the first 17 days after implantation and reduced the bone resorption rate up to 1000% later on. This shift in bone remodeling resulted in an increase in bone volume fraction (BV/TV) by 300% close to the screw and 100% further away. The double effect on bone formation and resorption indicates a great potential of Zoledronate-loaded hydrogel for enhancement of peri-implant bone volume which is directly linked to improved implant fixation.


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Polarized epithelia are fundamental to multicellular life. In animal epithelia, conserved junctional complexes establish membrane diffusion barriers, cellular adherence and sealing of the extracellular space. Plant cellular barriers are of independent evolutionary origin. The root endodermis strongly resembles a polarized epithelium and functions in nutrient uptake and stress resistance. Its defining features are the Casparian strips, belts of specialized cell wall material that generate an extracellular diffusion barrier. The mechanisms localizing Casparian strips are unknown. Here we identify and characterize a family of transmembrane proteins of previously unknown function. These 'CASPs' (Casparian strip membrane domain proteins) specifically mark a membrane domain that predicts the formation of Casparian strips. CASP1 displays numerous features required for a constituent of a plant junctional complex: it forms complexes with other CASPs; it becomes immobile upon localization; and it sediments like a large polymer. CASP double mutants display disorganized Casparian strips, demonstrating a role for CASPs in structuring and localizing this cell wall modification. To our knowledge, CASPs are the first molecular factors that are shown to establish a plasma membrane and extracellular diffusion barrier in plants, and represent a novel way of epithelial barrier formation in eukaryotes.


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A successful bone tissue engineering strategy entails producing bone-scaffold constructs with adequate mechanical properties. Apart from the mechanical properties of the scaffold itself, the forming bone inside the scaffold also adds to the strength of the construct. In this study, we investigated the role of in vivo cyclic loading on mechanical properties of a bone scaffold. We implanted PLA/β-TCP scaffolds in the distal femur of six rats, applied external cyclic loading on the right leg, and kept the left leg as a control. We monitored bone formation at 7 time points over 35 weeks using time-lapsed micro-computed tomography (CT) imaging. The images were then used to construct micro-finite element models of bone-scaffold constructs, with which we estimated the stiffness for each sample at all time points. We found that loading increased the stiffness by 60% at 35 weeks. The increase of stiffness was correlated to an increase in bone volume fraction of 18% in the loaded scaffold compared to control scaffold. These changes in volume fraction and related stiffness in the bone scaffold are regulated by two independent processes, bone formation and bone resorption. Using time-lapsed micro-CT imaging and a newly-developed longitudinal image registration technique, we observed that mechanical stimulation increases the bone formation rate during 4-10 weeks, and decreases the bone resorption rate during 9-18 weeks post-operatively. For the first time, we report that in vivo cyclic loading increases mechanical properties of the scaffold by increasing the bone formation rate and decreasing the bone resorption rate.


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In societies with strong multigenerational links, economic uncertainty results in choosing to stay with one child, sometimes in association with postponement of first births (i.e. Italy) and sometimes in early childbearing (i.e. Bulgaria). The interaction between intergenerational family practices in lowest-low fertility contexts is likely to play a role on differences timing to parenthood. In this paper, we focus on the phenomenon of women who have one child in their early twenties in Bulgaria and do not intend to have a second child. We argue that the key to this process is the persistence of extended multigenerational households in the Bulgarian context and their effect on young couples' fertility decision making. We use semi-structured interview data from the project Fertility Choices in Central and Eastern Europe and ethnographic fieldnotes. The interviews were collected from a sample of 22 couples resident in Sofia and representing different permutations of educational level, marital status and number of children (0 or 1). The four-year ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in both rural and urban Bulgaria between 1997 and 2009. Results suggest that as long as the economic situation remains dire, and young Bulgarians hopes for the future remain cynical, multigenerational households represent the accepted practice of entering into parenthood for young families.