446 resultados para Seagrass evolution
BACKGROUND: We sought to investigate the relationship between infarct and dyssynchrony post- myocardial infarct (MI), in a porcine model. Mechanical dyssynchrony post-MI is associated with left ventricular (LV) remodeling and increased mortality. METHODS: Cine, gadolinium-contrast, and tagged cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) were performed pre-MI, 9 ± 2 days (early post-MI), and 33 ± 10 days (late post-MI) post-MI in 6 pigs to characterize cardiac morphology, location and extent of MI, and regional mechanics. LV mechanics were assessed by circumferential strain (eC). Electro-anatomic mapping (EAM) was performed within 24 hrs of CMR and prior to sacrifice. RESULTS: Mean infarct size was 21 ± 4% of LV volume with evidence of post-MI remodeling. Global eC significantly decreased post MI (-27 ± 1.6% vs. -18 ± 2.5% (early) and -17 ± 2.7% (late), p < 0.0001) with no significant change in peri-MI and MI segments between early and late time-points. Time to peak strain (TTP) was significantly longer in MI, compared to normal and peri-MI segments, both early (440 ± 40 ms vs. 329 ± 40 ms and 332 ± 36 ms, respectively; p = 0.0002) and late post-MI (442 ± 63 ms vs. 321 ± 40 ms and 355 ± 61 ms, respectively; p = 0.012). The standard deviation of TTP in 16 segments (SD16) significantly increased post-MI: 28 ± 7 ms to 50 ± 10 ms (early, p = 0.012) to 54 ± 19 ms (late, p = 0.004), with no change between early and late post-MI time-points (p = 0.56). TTP was not related to reduction of segmental contractility. EAM revealed late electrical activation and greatly diminished conduction velocity in the infarct (5.7 ± 2.4 cm/s), when compared to peri-infarct (18.7 ± 10.3 cm/s) and remote myocardium (39 ± 20.5 cm/s). CONCLUSIONS: Mechanical dyssynchrony occurs early after MI and is the result of delayed electrical and mechanical activation in the infarct.
Reliable information is a crucial factor influencing decision-making and, thus, fitness in all animals. A common source of information comes from inadvertent cues produced by the behavior of conspecifics. Here we use a system of experimental evolution with robots foraging in an arena containing a food source to study how communication strategies can evolve to regulate information provided by such cues. The robots could produce information by emitting blue light, which the other robots could perceive with their cameras. Over the first few generations, the robots quickly evolved to successfully locate the food, while emitting light randomly. This behavior resulted in a high intensity of light near food, which provided social information allowing other robots to more rapidly find the food. Because robots were competing for food, they were quickly selected to conceal this information. However, they never completely ceased to produce information. Detailed analyses revealed that this somewhat surprising result was due to the strength of selection on suppressing information declining concomitantly with the reduction in information content. Accordingly, a stable equilibrium with low information and considerable variation in communicative behaviors was attained by mutation selection. Because a similar coevolutionary process should be common in natural systems, this may explain why communicative strategies are so variable in many animal species.
Climate change poses a serious threat to species persistence. Effective modelling of evolutionary responses to rapid climate change is therefore essential. In this review we examine recent advances in phylogenetic comparative methods, techniques normally used to study adaptation over long periods, which allow them to be applied to the study of adaptation over shorter time scales. This increased applicability is largely due to the emergence of more flexible models of character evolution and the parallel development of molecular technologies that can be used to assess adaptive variation at loci scattered across the genome. The merging of phylogenetic and population genetic approaches to the study of adaptation has significant potential to advance our understanding of rapid responses to environmental change.
One of the important questions in biological evolution is to know if certain changes along protein coding genes have contributed to the adaptation of species. This problem is known to be biologically complex and computationally very expensive. It, therefore, requires efficient Grid or cluster solutions to overcome the computational challenge. We have developed a Grid-enabled tool (gcodeml) that relies on the PAML (codeml) package to help analyse large phylogenetic datasets on both Grids and computational clusters. Although we report on results for gcodeml, our approach is applicable and customisable to related problems in biology or other scientific domains.
We present a new approach for analyzing the turnover rates of Cretaceous radiolarians recorded in pelagic sequences of western Tethys, The analysis of major extinction-radiation events and the fluctuation of diversity are compared with major paleoceanographic events and variation of diversity in dinoflagellates, calcareous nannoplankton and ammonites. There is an extraordinary correlation between biotic changes and sea level changes, temperatures, O, C and Sr isotopes, phosphorus accumulation rates and anoxic episodes. This reveals a predominantly abiotic control on the evolution of radiolarians. The rate of turnover and the diversity through time of two major orders of radiolarians (nassellarians and spumellarians) exhibits (1) the quasi-parallelism of their diversity curves, excluding a direct competition between them, (2) greater resistance of spumellarians to extinction during the early stage of extinction intervals and (3) a stronger post-extinction recovery of nassellarians. Evolutionary rates of radiolarians can be a good means of monitoring global environmental changes and allowing us to understand more clearly the relationship between plankton evolution, climate and pale oceanographic processes.
Plants influence the behavior of and modify community composition of soil-dwelling organisms through the exudation of organic molecules. Given the chemical complexity of the soil matrix, soil-dwelling organisms have evolved the ability to detect and respond to these cues for successful foraging. A key question is how specific these responses are and how they may evolve. Here, we review and discuss the ecology and evolution of chemotaxis of soil nematodes. Soil nematodes are a group of diverse functional and taxonomic types, which may reveal a variety of responses. We predicted that nematodes of different feeding guilds use host-specific cues for chemotaxis. However, the examination of a comprehensive nematode phylogeny revealed that distantly related nematodes, and nematodes from different feeding guilds, can exploit the same signals for positive orientation. Carbon dioxide (CO(2)), which is ubiquitous in soil and indicates biological activity, is widely used as such a cue. The use of the same signals by a variety of species and species groups suggests that parts of the chemo-sensory machinery have remained highly conserved during the radiation of nematodes. However, besides CO(2), many other chemical compounds, belonging to different chemical classes, have been shown to induce chemotaxis in nematodes. Plants surrounded by a complex nematode community, including beneficial entomopathogenic nematodes, plant-parasitic nematodes, as well as microbial feeders, are thus under diffuse selection for producing specific molecules in the rhizosphere that maximize their fitness. However, it is largely unknown how selection may operate and how belowground signaling may evolve. Given the paucity of data for certain groups of nematodes, future work is needed to better understand the evolutionary mechanisms of communication between plant roots and soil biota.
Animals can often coordinate their actions to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. However, this can result in a social dilemma when uncertainty about the behavior of partners creates multiple fitness peaks. Strategies that minimize risk ("risk dominant") instead of maximizing reward ("payoff dominant") are favored in economic models when individuals learn behaviors that increase their payoffs. Specifically, such strategies are shown to be "stochastically stable" (a refinement of evolutionary stability). Here, we extend the notion of stochastic stability to biological models of continuous phenotypes at a mutation-selection-drift balance. This allows us to make a unique prediction for long-term evolution in games with multiple equilibria. We show how genetic relatedness due to limited dispersal and scaled to account for local competition can crucially affect the stochastically-stable outcome of coordination games. We find that positive relatedness (weak local competition) increases the chance the payoff dominant strategy is stochastically stable, even when it is not risk dominant. Conversely, negative relatedness (strong local competition) increases the chance that strategies evolve that are neither payoff nor risk dominant. Extending our results to large multiplayer coordination games we find that negative relatedness can create competition so extreme that the game effectively changes to a hawk-dove game and a stochastically stable polymorphism between the alternative strategies evolves. These results demonstrate the usefulness of stochastic stability in characterizing long-term evolution of continuous phenotypes: the outcomes of multiplayer games can be reduced to the generic equilibria of two-player games and the effect of spatial structure can be analyzed readily.
BACKGROUND: Membrane-bound organelles are a defining feature of eukaryotic cells, and play a central role in most of their fundamental processes. The Rab G proteins are the single largest family of proteins that participate in the traffic between organelles, with 66 Rabs encoded in the human genome. Rabs direct the organelle-specific recruitment of vesicle tethering factors, motor proteins, and regulators of membrane traffic. Each organelle or vesicle class is typically associated with one or more Rab, with the Rabs present in a particular cell reflecting that cell's complement of organelles and trafficking routes. RESULTS: Through iterative use of hidden Markov models and tree building, we classified Rabs across the eukaryotic kingdom to provide the most comprehensive view of Rab evolution obtained to date. A strikingly large repertoire of at least 20 Rabs appears to have been present in the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA), consistent with the 'complexity early' view of eukaryotic evolution. We were able to place these Rabs into six supergroups, giving a deep view into eukaryotic prehistory. CONCLUSIONS: Tracing the fate of the LECA Rabs revealed extensive losses with many extant eukaryotes having fewer Rabs, and none having the full complement. We found that other Rabs have expanded and diversified, including a large expansion at the dawn of metazoans, which could be followed to provide an account of the evolutionary history of all human Rabs. Some Rab changes could be correlated with differences in cellular organization, and the relative lack of variation in other families of membrane-traffic proteins suggests that it is the changes in Rabs that primarily underlies the variation in organelles between species and cell types.
The Hamersley province of northwest Australia is one of the world's premier iron ore regions with high-grade martite-microplaty hematite iron ore deposits mostly hosted within banded iron formation (BIF) sequences of the Brockman Iron Formations of the Hamersley Group. These high-grade iron ores contain between 60 and 68 wt percent Fe, and formed by the multistage interaction of hydrothermal fluids with the host BIF formation. The oxygen isotope compositions of magnetite and hematite from BIF, hydrothermal alteration assemblages, and high-grade iron Ore were analyzed from the Mount Tom Price, Paraburdoo, and Charmar iron ore deposits. The delta(18)O values of magnetite and hematite from hydrothermal alteration assemblages and high-grade iron ore range from -9.0 to -2.9 per mil, a depletion of 5 to 15 per mil relative to the host BIF. The delta(18)O values are spatially controlled by faults within the deposits, a response to higher fluid flux and larger influence the isotopic compositions by the hydrothermal fluids. The oxygen isotope composition of hydrothermal fluids (delta(18)O(fluid)) indicates that the decrease in the (18)O content of iron oxides was due to the interaction of both basinal brines and meteoric fluids with the original BIF. Late-stage talc-bearing ore at the Mount Tom Price deposit formed in the presence of a pulse of delta(18)O-enriched basinal brine, indicating that hydrothermal fluids may have repeatedly interacted with the BIFs during the Paleoproterozoic.
An unusual reproductive system was discovered in desert ants, in which daughter queens are produced asexually via parthenogenesis, whereas workers develop from hybrid crosses between genetically divergent lineages. The system appears to be doomed to extinction.
Objectif: Évaluer la concordance entre l'évolution de la perception des patients diabétiques type 2 et l'évolution de mesures quantifiables, dans le contexte d'un programme d'activité physique adapté. Ce programme se base sur l'accompagnement interdisciplinaire dans un concept éducatif et motivationnel (36 séances d'activité physique et 6-8 h d'atelier). Matériels et méthodes: Évaluation de la perception des patients portant sur : activité physique, condition physique, contrôle métabolique, gestion des corrections hypo/hyperglycémie, autonomisation et bien-être. Nous avons utilisé une cible d'auto-évaluation, composée d'échelles de Likert de 1 à 10 (1 = mauvais 10 = excellent). Concernant la condition physique nous avons mesuré : endurance, vitesse de marche, force, équilibre et souplesse. En fin de programme un questionnaire de satisfaction comprenant 5 items a été distribué. Résultats: Analyse des données de 40 patients, âge 59 ± 10 ans, 60 % femmes. Avant programme, 60 % des patients s'estiment insuffisants (moyenne < 5/10) face à la pratique de l'activité, la condition physique et le contrôle métabolique. Le bien-être se situe en moyenne à 5,4/10. Après programme, 75 % des patients montrent une progression dans tous les domaines (moyenne 7,4/10). Une corrélation positive apparaît entre l'amélioration de la condition physique et le bienêtre. Tous les paramètres physiques mesurés se sont aussi améliorés. L'amélioration de la condition physique perçue est corrélée avec celle de la force (p = 0,006). Le travail interdisciplinaire réalisé a été perçu positivement par 87,9 % des patients. La communication était de bonne qualité pour 78,1 % ainsi que le climat d'apprentissage (82,4 %). La majorité des patients (64,7 %) est très satisfaite du programme. Conclusion: Ce programme est prometteur, il montre l'amélioration de la perception et de la condition physique avec une concordance entre les deux. Cette amélioration laisse imaginer que les plus confiants sur leur capacité à agir puissent s'impliquer d'avantage dans la gestion quotidienne et dans la poursuite d'un projet d'activité.
Y chromosomes underlie sex determination in mammals, but their repeat-rich nature has hampered sequencing and associated evolutionary studies. Here we trace Y evolution across 15 representative mammals on the basis of high-throughput genome and transcriptome sequencing. We uncover three independent sex chromosome originations in mammals and birds (the outgroup). The original placental and marsupial (therian) Y, containing the sex-determining gene SRY, emerged in the therian ancestor approximately 180 million years ago, in parallel with the first of five monotreme Y chromosomes, carrying the probable sex-determining gene AMH. The avian W chromosome arose approximately 140 million years ago in the bird ancestor. The small Y/W gene repertoires, enriched in regulatory functions, were rapidly defined following stratification (recombination arrest) and erosion events and have remained considerably stable. Despite expression decreases in therians, Y/W genes show notable conservation of proto-sex chromosome expression patterns, although various Y genes evolved testis-specificities through differential regulatory decay. Thus, although some genes evolved novel functions through spatial/temporal expression shifts, most Y genes probably endured, at least initially, because of dosage constraints.
Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) represent one of the most successful eusocial taxa in terms of both their geographic distribution and species number. The publication of seven ant genomes within the past year was a quantum leap for socio- and ant genomics. The diversity of social organization in ants makes them excellent model organisms to study the evolution of social systems. Comparing the ant genomes with those of the honeybee, a lineage that evolved eusociality independently from ants, and solitary insects suggests that there are significant differences in key aspects of genome organization between social and solitary insects, as well as among ant species. Altogether, these seven ant genomes open exciting new research avenues and opportunities for understanding the genetic basis and regulation of social species, and adaptive complex systems in general.
Owing to its special mode of evolution and central role in the adaptive immune system, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has become the focus of diverse disciplines such as immunology, evolutionary ecology, and molecular evolution. MHC evolution has been studied extensively in diverse vertebrate lineages over the last few decades, and it has been suggested that birds differ from the established mammalian norm. Mammalian MHC genes evolve independently, and duplication history (i.e., orthology) can usually be traced back within lineages. In birds, this has been observed in only 3 pairs of closely related species. Here we report strong evidence for the persistence of orthology of MHC genes throughout an entire avian order. Phylogenetic reconstructions of MHC class II B genes in 14 species of owls trace back orthology over tens of thousands of years in exon 3. Moreover, exon 2 sequences from several species show closer relationships than sequences within species, resembling transspecies evolution typically observed in mammals. Thus, although previous studies suggested that long-term evolutionary dynamics of the avian MHC was characterized by high rates of concerted evolution, resulting in rapid masking of orthology, our results question the generality of this conclusion. The owl MHC thus opens new perspectives for a more comprehensive understanding of avian MHC evolution.