378 resultados para Receptors, Natural Killer Cell
The mechanism by which the immune system produces effector and memory T cells is largely unclear. To allow a large-scale assessment of the development of single naive T cells into different subsets, we have developed a technology that introduces unique genetic tags (barcodes) into naive T cells. By comparing the barcodes present in antigen-specific effector and memory T cell populations in systemic and local infection models, at different anatomical sites, and for TCR-pMHC interactions of different avidities, we demonstrate that under all conditions tested, individual naive T cells yield both effector and memory CD8+ T cell progeny. This indicates that effector and memory fate decisions are not determined by the nature of the priming antigen-presenting cell or the time of T cell priming. Instead, for both low and high avidity T cells, individual naive T cells have multiple fates and can differentiate into effector and memory T cell subsets.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from subjects never exposed to Leishmania were stimulated with Leishmania guyanensis. We demonstrated that L. guyanensis-stimulated CD8(+) T cells produced interferon (IFN)- gamma and preferentially expressed the V beta 14 T cell receptor (TCR) gene family. In addition, these cells expressed cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and CCR4 surface molecules, suggesting that they could migrate to the skin. Results obtained from the lesions of patients with localized cutaneous leishmaniaisis (LCL) showed that V beta 14 TCR expression was increased in most lesions (63.5%) and that expression of only a small number of V beta gene families (V beta 1, V beta 6, V beta 9, V beta 14, and V beta 24) was increased. The presence of V beta 14 T cells in tissue confirmed the migration of these cells to the lesion site. Thus, we propose the following sequence of events during infection with L. guyanensis. After initial exposure to L. guyanensis, CD8(+) T cells preferentially expressing the V beta 14 TCR and secreting IFN- gamma develop and circulate in the periphery. During the infection, these cells migrate to the skin at the site of the parasitic infection. The role of these V beta 14 CD8(+) T cells in resistance to infection remains to be determined conclusively.
We used stepwise photochemical cross-linking for specifically assembling soluble and covalent complexes made of a T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) and a class I molecule of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) bound to an antigenic peptide. For that purpose, we have produced in myeloma cells a single-chain Fv construct of a TCR specific for a photoreactive H-2Kd-peptide complex. Photochemical cross-linking of this TCR single-chain Fv with a soluble form of the photoreactive H-2Kd-peptide ligand resulted in the formation of a ternary covalent complex. We have characterized the soluble ternary complex and showed that it reacted with antibodies specific for epitopes located either on the native TCR or on the Kd molecules. By preventing the fast dissociation kinetics observed with most T cell receptors, this approach provides a means of preparing soluble TCR-peptide-MHC complexes on large-scale levels.
Using a direct binding assay based on photoaffinity labeling, we studied the interaction of T cell receptor (TCR) with a Kd-bound photoreactive peptide derivative on living cells. The Kd-restricted Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide 253-260 (YIPSAEKI) was reacted NH2-terminally with biotin and at the TCR contact residue Lys259 with photoreactive iodo, 4-azido salicylic acid (IASA) to make biotin-YIPSAEK(IASA)I. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones derived from mice immunized with this derivative recognized this conjugate, but not a related one lacking the IASA group nor the parental PbCS peptide. The clones were Kd restricted. Recognition experiments with variant conjugates, lacking substituents from IASA, revealed a diverse fine specificity pattern and indicated that this group interacted directly with the TCR. The TCR of four clones could be photoaffinity labeled by biotin-YIPSAEK(125IASA)I. This labeling was dependent on the conjugates binding to the Kd molecule and was selective for the TCR alpha (2 clones) or beta chain (1 clone), or was common for both chains (1 clone). TCR sequence analysis showed a preferential usage of J alpha TA28 containing alpha chains that were paired with V beta 1 expressing beta chains. The TCR that were photoaffinity labeled at the alpha chain expressed these J alpha and V beta segments. The tryptophan encoded by the J alpha TA28 segment is rarely found in other J alpha segments. Moreover, we show that the IASA group interacts preferentially with tryptophan in aqueous solution. We thus propose that for these CTL clones, labeling of the alpha chain occurs via the J alpha-encoded tryptophan residue.
The interaction of the T cell antigen receptor with a photoreactive antigenic peptide derivative bound covalently to the H-2Kd (Kd) molecule was studied by photoaffinity labeling on cloned, CD8 positive cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The Kd-restricted Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide 253-260 (YIPS-AEKI) was conjugated with iodo-4-azidosalicylic acid at the N terminus and with 4-azidobenzoic acid at the T cell receptor residue Lys-259. Cell-associated or soluble Kd molecules were photoaffinity-labeled with the peptide derivative by selective photoactivation of the N-terminal photoreactive group. Incubation of cell-associated or soluble covalent Kd-peptide derivative complexes (ligands) with cytotoxic T lymphocytes that recognized this peptide derivative and activation of the orthogonal photoreactive group resulted in specific photoaffinity labeling of the T cell receptor. The labeling was inhibitable by an anti-Kd antibody and was absent on Kd-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes of different specificity. The binding of the soluble ligand reached a maximum after 2-4 min at 37 degrees C, after 30 min at 18 degrees C, and after 3 h at 4 degrees C. In contrast, binding of the cell-associated ligand reached a transient maxima after 50 and 110 min at 37 and 18 degrees C, respectively. The degree of binding at 37 degrees C was approximately 30% lower than that at 18 degrees C. No binding took place at 4 degrees C. Inhibition studies with antibodies and drugs indicated that the binding of the cell-associated, but not the soluble ligand, was highly dependent on T cell-target cell conjugate formation, whereas the binding of the soluble ligand was greatly dependent on CD8.
Cell death is achieved by two fundamentally different mechanisms: apoptosis and necrosis. Apoptosis is dependent on caspase activation, whereas the caspase-independent necrotic signaling pathway remains largely uncharacterized. We show here that Fas kills activated primary T cells efficiently in the absence of active caspases, which results in necrotic morphological changes and late mitochondrial damage but no cytochrome c release. This Fas ligand-induced caspase-independent death is absent in T cells that are deficient in either Fas-associated death domain (FADD) or receptor-interacting protein (RIP). RIP is also required for necrotic death induced by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). In contrast to its role in nuclear factor kappa B activation, RIP requires its own kinase activity for death signaling. Thus, Fas, TRAIL and TNF receptors can initiate cell death by two alternative pathways, one relying on caspase-8 and the other dependent on the kinase RIP.
Cancer progression is dependent, in part, on interactions between tumor cells and the host microenvironment. During pregnancy, physiological changes occur that include inflammation and reduced immunity, both of which can promote tumor growth. Accordingly, tumors are observed to be more aggressive and to have greater proclivity toward metastasis during pregnancy. In this work, myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC), a population of heterogeneous and pluripotent cells that can down-regulate immune responses during pathological conditions, were studied in the context of mouse and human gestation. The gene expression profile of mouse MDSC has been shown to differ in pregnant and virgin mice, and the profile in pregnant animals bears similarity to that of MDSC associated with the tumor microenvironment. Common induced genes include Fibronectin1 and Olfactomedin4, which are known to be involved in extracellular matrix remodeling and tissue permissiveness to tumor cells implantation. Our observations suggest that mouse MDSC may represent a shared regulatory mechanism of tissue permissiveness that occurs during the physiological state of gestation and tumor growth. Pregnancy-associated changes in immunosuppressive myeloid cell activity have also been studied in humans. We show that CD33+ myeloid cells isolated from PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) of pregnant women are more strongly immunosuppressive on T cells than CD33+ cells removed from non-pregnant subjects. During murine gestation, decreased natural killer (NK) cell activity is responsible, at least in part, for the increase in experimental metastasis. However, although peripheral blood NK cell numbers and cytotoxicity were slightly reduced in pregnant women, neither appeared to be regulated by CD33+ cells. Nevertheless, based on its observed suppression of T cell responses, the CD33+ PBMC subset appears to be an appropriate myeloid cell population to study in order to elucidate mechanisms of immune regulation that occur during human pregnancy. Our findings regarding the immunosuppressive function of CD33+cells and the role of NK cells during human pregnancy are consistent with the notion that changes in the function of the immune system participate in the constitution of a permissive soil for tumour progression.
The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse is a model for the study of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Recently transgenic NOD mice have been derived (NOD-E) that express the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II I-E molecule. NOD-E do not become diabetic and show negligible pancreatic insulitis. The possibility pertained that NOD-E mice are protected from disease by a process of T-cell deletion or anergy. This paper describes our attempts to discover whether this was so, by comparing NOD and NOD-E mouse T-cell receptor V beta usage. Splenocytes and lymph node cells were therefore tested for their ability to proliferate in response to monoclonal anti-V beta antibodies. We were unable to show any consistent differences between NOD and NOD-E responses to the panel of antibodies used. Previously proposed V beta were shown to be unlikely candidates for deletion or anergy. T cells present at low frequency (V beta 5+) in both NOD and NOD-E mice were shown to be as capable of expansion in response to antigenic stimulation as were more frequently expressed V beta. Our data therefore do not support deletion or anergy as mechanisms which could account for the observed disease protection in NOD-E mice.
It is well established that T cell-deficient nude and SCID mice can be reconstituted by i.v. injection of small numbers of purified peripheral CD4+ T cells; however, the requirements for expansion of the transferred T cells in such systems are not clear. We show here that blood and lymphoid organs of MHC class II-deficient mice (which selectively lack mature CD4+ T cells) cannot be reconstituted by transfer of purified splenic CD4+ T cells, whereas TCRalpha-deficient mice (which lack both CD4+ and CD8+ mature T cells) are readily reconstituted. The failure of CD4+ T cell reconstitution in MHC class II-deficient mice was not due to the presence of CD8+ T cells, since similar results were obtained in TCRalpha-MHC class II double-deficient mice. Consistent with most previous studies CD4+ T cells in reconstituted TCRalpha-deficient mice had a diverse TCR Vbeta repertoire and were predominantly of an activated/memory (CD44high) phenotype. Collectively our data demonstrate that the expansion of peripheral CD4+ T cells in a T cell-deficient host is dependent upon interactions of the TCR with MHC class II.
Presented here is a cell-suspension model for positive selection using thymocytes from alphabeta-TCR (H-2Db-restricted) transgenic mice specific to the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) on a nonselecting MHC background (H-2d or TAP-1 -/-), cocultured with freshly isolated adult thymus stromal cells of the selecting MHC type. The thymic stromal cells alone induced positive selection of functional CD4- CD8+ cells whose kinetics and efficiency were enhanced by nominal peptide. Fibroblasts expressing the selecting MHC alone did not induce positive selection; however, together with nonselecting stroma and nominal peptide, there was inefficient positive. These results suggest multiple signaling in positive selection with selection events able to occur on multiple-cell types. The ease with which this model can be manipulated should greatly facilitate the resolution of the mechanisms of positive selection in normal and pathological states.
T cells belong to two mutually exclusive lineages expressing either alpha beta or gamma delta T-cell receptors (TCR). Although alpha beta and gamma delta cells are known to share a common precursor the role of TCR rearrangement and specificity in the lineage commitment process is controversial. Instructive lineage commitment models endow the alpha beta or gamma delta TCR with a deterministic role in lineage choice, whereas separate lineage models invoke TCR-independent lineage commitment followed by TCR-dependent selection and maturation of alpha beta and gamma delta cells. Here we review the published data pertaining to the role of the TCR in alpha beta/gamma delta lineage commitment and provide some additional information obtained from recent intracellular TCR staining studies. We conclude that a variant of the separate lineage model is best able to accommodate all of the available experimental results.
T cells belong to two distinct lineages expressing either alpha beta or gamma delta TCR. During alpha beta T cell development, it is clearly established that productive rearrangement at the TCR beta locus in immature precursor cells leads to the expression of a pre-TCR complex. Signaling through the pre-TCR results in the selective proliferation and maturation of TCR beta+ cells, a process that is known as beta-selection. However, the potential role of beta-selection during gamma delta T cell development is controversial. Whereas PCR-RFLP and sequencing techniques have provided evidence for a bias toward in-frame VDJ beta rearrangements in gamma delta cells (consistent with beta-selection), gamma delta cells apparently develop normally in mice that are unable to assemble a pre-TCR complex due to a deficiency in TCR beta or pT alpha genes. In this report, we have directly addressed the physiologic significance of beta-selection during gamma delta cell development in normal mice by quantitating intracellular TCR beta protein in gamma delta cells and correlating its presence with cell cycle status. Our results indicate that beta-selection plays a significant (although limited) role in gamma delta cell development by selectively amplifying a minor subset of gamma delta precursor cells with productively rearranged TCR beta genes.
The TNF ligand family member BAFF (B cell activating factor belonging to the TNF family, also called Blys, TALL-1, zTNF-4, or THANK) is an important survival factor for B cells [corrected]. In this study, we show that BAFF is able to regulate T cell activation. rBAFF induced responses (thymidine incorporation and cytokine secretion) of T cells, suboptimally stimulated through their TCR. BAFF activity was observed on naive, as well as on effector/memory T cells (both CD4+ and CD8+ subsets), indicating that BAFF has a wide function on T cell responses. Analysis of the signal transduced by BAFF into T cells shows that BAFF has no obvious effect on T cell survival upon activation, but is able to deliver a complete costimulation signal into T cells. Indeed, BAFF is sufficient to induce IL-2 secretion and T cell division, when added to an anti-TCR stimulation. This highlights some differences in the BAFF signaling pathway in T and B cells. In conclusion, our results indicate that BAFF may play a role in the development of T cell responses, in addition to its role in B cell homeostasis.
Fungal pathogens are a frequent cause of opportunistic infections. They live as commensals in healthy individuals but can cause disease when the immune status of the host is altered. T lymphocytes play a critical role in pathogen control. However, specific Ags determining the activation and function of antifungal T cells remain largely unknown. By using an immunoproteomic approach, we have identified for the first time, to our knowledge, a natural T cell epitope from Candida albicans. Isolation and sequencing of MHC class II-bound ligands from infected dendritic cells revealed a peptide that was recognized by a major population of all Candida-specific Th cells isolated from infected mice. Importantly, human Th cells also responded to stimulation with the peptide in an HLA-dependent manner but without restriction to any particular HLA class II allele. Immunization of mice with the peptide resulted in a population of epitope-specific Th cells that reacted not only with C. albicans but also with other clinically highly relevant species of Candida including the distantly related Candida glabrata. The extent of the reaction to different Candida species correlated with their degree of phylogenetic relationship to C. albicans. Finally, we show that the newly identified peptide acts as an efficient vaccine when used in combination with an adjuvant inducing IL-17A secretion from peptide-specific T cells. Immunized mice were protected from fatal candidiasis. Together, these results uncover a new immune determinant of the host response against Candida ssp. that could be exploited for the development of antifungal vaccines and immunotherapies.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review major findings on the T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire diversity in response to several viral infections based on conventional methods of PCR, cloning and sequencing and to discuss their limitations in light of the recent methodological advances in deep sequencing.¦RECENT FINDINGS: Direct sequencing of TCR expressed by Ag-specific T cells isolated ex vivo has revealed that the TCR repertoire is not as restricted as previously estimated. Furthermore, analyses performed independently of the T-cell clonal hierarchy have brought to light an unexpected diversity. The choice of methods is critical to characterize the complexity of the repertoire. Recent advances in deep sequencing have uncovered the diversity of the TCR repertoire and shown that the size of the repertoire in naive and Ag-experienced memory T cells is three-fold to 15-fold larger than formerly estimated. Interestingly, the TCR complementary determining region 3 sequences are not randomly selected and a certain degree of shared TCR repertoire has been observed between different individuals.¦SUMMARY: Deep sequencing is a major methodological advance allowing more accurate molecular characterization of the TCR repertoire. In the near future, such technologies will further contribute to delineate the complexity of pathogen-specific T-cell response and help defining correlates of a protective immunity.