238 resultados para Pharmacy practice
This article aims to help potential authors of geomorphological articles to get their work published. It identifies the basic characteristics of a good manuscript in geomorphology in terms of: (a) originality and significance; and (b) rigour. It uses these characteristics to define how an author should structure a conventional' manuscript in geomorphology by successfully identifying and justifying the motivation for the research; clearly and fully explaining the methods used; and presenting and discussing the results obtained. The article considers the importance of published literature in sustaining all elements of a manuscript in geomorphology. It also presents the natural symmetry that should exist between parts of a manuscript. These practical elements regarding the form and content of a manuscript are then developed through: (a) flagging some of the common mistakes made by authors drawing upon my experience as Managing Editor of the journal Earth Surface Processes and Landforms; (b) discussing the ethical and legal issues, including plagiarism, that relate to manuscript submission; (c) exploring the review process from the perspective of an author, including guidance on how best to respond to review comments in revising a manuscript. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Scapulalgias or omalgias are a frequent complaint, with more than half of them being linked to an injury of the rotators cuff. As they often become chronic, omalgias result in higher rates of absenteeism and significant health care costs. Scapulalgias have three main causes: posttraumatic, intrinsic of the joint, or extrinsic. The extrinsic omalgias, either of neurologic, cardiovascular, pulmonary, or abdominal etiology, require swift identification, as their treatment is often an emergency. Most of the scapulalgias can be treated conservatively. Main factors of poor prognosis are old age, women gender and associated cervicalgias.
To meet the challenges related to the development of health problems taking into account the development of knowledge, several innovations in care are being implemented. Among these, advanced nursing roles and increased interprofessional collaboration are considered as important features in Switzerland. Although the international literature provides benchmarks for advanced roles, it was considered essential to contextualize these in order to promote their application value in Switzerland. Thus, from 79 statements drawn from the literature, 172 participants involved in a two-sequential phases study only kept 29 statements because they considered they were relevant, important and applicable in daily practice. However, it is important to point out that statements which have not been selected at this stage to describe advanced practice cannot be considered irrelevant permanently. Indeed, given the emergence of advanced practice in western Switzerland, it is possible that a statement judged not so relevant at this moment of the development of advanced practice, will be considered as such later on. The master's program in nursing embedded at the University of Lausanne and the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland was also examined in the light of these statements. It was concluded that all the objectives of the program are aligned with the competencies statements that were kept.
Introduction Health care professionals' perception of risk mayimpact on therapeutic management of women during pregnancy.Since the thalidomide tragedy, the use of drugs during pregnancygenerates fear. This concern might affect the estimation of the riskassociated with drug intake during pregnancy, leading to prematurediscontinuation of a required treatment, superfluous anxiety orpointless termination of a desired pregnancy. Although data regardingthe security of drugs during pregnancy are still scarce, a few specializedinformation sources exist providing reliable recommendationsfor daily practice. This study aimed at characterizing therisk perception associated with drugs during pregnancy in a sample ofSwiss health care professionals.Materials & Methods An online French and German survey was sentby email to the Swiss professional societies of Pharmacists, Gynecologists,Mid-wives and Pediatricians. The questionnaire wasconstructed to assess (a) the characteristics of the population and theopinion of the professionals regarding the medication use pattern intheir pregnant patients, (b) to evaluate the sources of information usedduring their practice and finally (c) to assess their risk perceptionassociated with drugs during pregnancy. Results were analyzed bydescriptive statistics.Results A total of 1,310 questionnaires were collected (18% responserate). Most health care professionals believe that 30-60% of theirpregnant patients are taking at least one treatment during their pregnancyand that 80% are adherent to it. A large majority think,however, that women are anxious when they must take their medication.More than 80% of health professionals commonly use theSwiss Drug Reference Book (Compendium) to assess the risk associatedwith drugs during pregnancy, despite the uniformly low levelof credibility and utility they express about this reference. Except forsome gynecologists, the majority of professionals are not aware of ordo not use specialized books. The majority of participants thinkwrongly that more than 30% of drugs are teratogenic. About 20% ofthem are not aware of the risk associated with paracetamol intakeduring pregnancy. More than 70% agree that phytotherapeutic mixturesare not safer than conventional drugs, with the exception of midwiveswho tend to overestimate the safety of such drugs. With thenotable exception of gynecologists, the risk related to drug intake wasoverall overestimated.Discussion & Conclusion Swiss professionals differ in their perceptionof the risk associated with drugs during pregnancy and tend tooverestimate it. The differences might be attributed to the level oftraining and awareness of specialized sources offering a realisticestimation of the risk. Further efforts are needed to expand thetraining and the tools for health care professionals to optimize druguse during pregnancy.
Background and objectives: Polypharmacy (PP) is a typical con-sequence of multiple chronic conditions in elderly patients. PP is commonly defined as the use of multiple concurrent drug therapies although a standard definition is not used. The aims of this study were to assess the PP rate among nursing home (NH) residents using the data of the pharmacy medication records and to investigate the threshold level of PP as predictor of drug cost, length of hospital stay and mortality rate
OBJECTIVE: To describe a method to obtain a profile of the duration and intensity (speed) of walking periods over 24 hours in women under free-living conditions. DESIGN: A new method based on accelerometry was designed for analyzing walking activity. In order to take into account inter-individual variability of acceleration, an individual calibration process was used. Different experiments were performed to highlight the variability of acceleration vs walking speed relationship, to analyze the speed prediction accuracy of the method, and to test the assessment of walking distance and duration over 24-h. SUBJECTS: Twenty-eight women were studied (mean+/-s.d.) age: 39.3+/-8.9 y; body mass: 79.7+/-11.1 kg; body height: 162.9+/-5.4 cm; and body mass index (BMI) 30.0+/-3.8 kg/m(2). RESULTS: Accelerometer output was significantly correlated with speed during treadmill walking (r=0.95, P<0.01), and short unconstrained walks (r=0.86, P<0.01), although with a large inter-individual variation of the regression parameters. By using individual calibration, it was possible to predict walking speed on a standard urban circuit (predicted vs measured r=0.93, P<0.01, s.e.e.=0.51 km/h). In the free-living experiment, women spent on average 79.9+/-36.0 (range: 31.7-168.2) min/day in displacement activities, from which discontinuous short walking activities represented about 2/3 and continuous ones 1/3. Total walking distance averaged 2.1+/-1.2 (range: 0.4-4.7) km/day. It was performed at an average speed of 5.0+/-0.5 (range: 4.1-6.0) km/h. CONCLUSION: An accelerometer measuring the anteroposterior acceleration of the body can estimate walking speed together with the pattern, intensity and duration of daily walking activity.
Shared decision-making approach to uncertain clinical situations such as cancer screening seems more appropriate than ever. Shared decision making can be defined as an interactive process where physician and patient share all the stages of the decision making process. For patients who wish to be implicated in the management of their health conditions, physicians might express difficulty to do so. Use of patient decision aids appears to improve such process of shared decision making. L'incertitude quant à l'efficacité de certains dépistages de cancers et du traitement en cas de test positif rend l'application du partage de la décision particulièrement appropriée. Le concept du partage de la décision peut être défini comme un processus interactif où le médecin et le patient partagent les étapes du processus de décision. Face aux patients qui désirent être impliqués dans les décisions concernant leur santé, les médecins peinent parfois à le faire. Or, l'utilisation d'outils d'aide à la décision est un moyen efficace de favoriser ce partage de l'information et, si souhaité par le patient, de la décision.