186 resultados para Osteoclast precursors
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, modified to enhance its anabolic actions (promotion of protein synthesis and muscle growth). They have numerous side effects, and are on the International Olympic Committee's list of banned substances. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry allows identification and characterisation of steroids and their metabolites in the urine but may not distinguish between pharmaceutical and natural testosterone. Indirect methods to detect doping include determination of the testosterone/epitestosterone glucuronide ratio with suitable cut-off values. Direct evidence may be obtained with a method based on the determination of the carbon isotope ratio of the urinary steroids. This paper aims to give an overview of the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids in sport and methods used in anti-doping laboratories for their detection in urine, with special emphasis on doping with testosterone. METHODS: Review of the recent literature of anabolic steroid testing, athletic use, and adverse effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids. RESULTS: Procedures used for detection of doping with endogenous steroids are outlined. The World Anti-Doping Agency provided a guide in August 2004 to ensure that laboratories can report, in a uniform way, the presence of abnormal profiles of urinary steroids resulting from the administration of testosterone or its precursors, androstenediol, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone or a testosterone metabolite, dihydrotestosterone, or a masking agent, epitestosterone. CONCLUSIONS: Technology developed for detection of testosterone in urine samples appears suitable when the substance has been administered intramuscularly. Oral administration leads to rapid pharmacokinetics, so urine samples need to be collected in the initial hours after intake. Thus there is a need to find specific biomarkers in urine or plasma to enable detection of long term oral administration of testosterone.
The disturbances of the cholesterol synthesis and metabolism described in Alzheimer's disease (AD) may be both a consequence of the neurodegenerative process and a contributor to the pathogenesis. These putative relationships and their underlying mechanisms are not well understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the cerebral and extracerebral cholesterol synthesis and metabolism, and the AD pathology as reflected by CSF markers in humans. We evaluated the relationships between the plasma and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of cholesterol, the cholesterol precursors lanosterol, lathosterol and desmosterol, and the cholesterol elimination products 24S-hydroxycholesterol and 27-hydroxycholesterol, and the CSF markers for AD pathology Aβ1-42 and p-tau181 in 86 subjects with normal cognition and in 107 AD patients. CSF desmosterol, cholesterol and 24S-hydroxycholesterol in the AD group, and CSF 24S-hydroxycholesterol in the control group correlated with the p-tau181 levels. Neither CSF nor plasma concentrations of the included compounds correlated with the CSF Aβ1-42 levels. In multivariate regression tests including age, gender, albumin ratio, number of the APOEε4 alleles, and diagnosis, p-tau181 levels independently predicted the CSF desmosterol, cholesterol and 24S-hydroxycholesterol concentrations. The associations remained significant for CSF cholesterol and 24S-hydroxycholesterol when analyses were separately performed in the AD group. The results suggest that alterations of CNS cholesterol de novo genesis and metabolism are related to neurodegeneration and in particular to the cerebral accumulation of phosphorylated tau.
Introduction: Giant cell tumour (GCT) is a benign but locally aggressive primary osteolytic bone tumour, prone to local recurrence after surgery. Denosumab is a human antibody against RANKL, an over-expressed ligand present on normal multinucleated cells, responsible for bone destruction in GCT. We report the case of a patient with an advanced GCT of the distal radius. The lesion was treated with adjuvant denosumab , followed by curettage. Clinical case: A 28 years old patient presented with a classical honeycomb osteolytic lesion in the left distal radius. Core-needle biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of GCT. Due to the proximity to the radio-carpal joint and advanced scalloping of the metaphyseal cortical bone, joint-salvage surgery was not possible. We initiated a neo-adjuvant treatment with denosumab (XGEVA), 120mg/ week for 1 month, followed by monthly injections for 6 months. During this time, a substantial bone recorticalization, without progression of the size of the tumour was noted. No local or systemic side effects were observed. We performed intra-lesional (curettage) excision and bone grafting after 6 months. Histological analysis revealed islets (10%) of viable tumour cells within fibrous tissue. Post-op evolution was eventless. Discussion: While surgery remains the treatment of choice for GCT, joint-salvage may not always be possible in case of extensive epiphyseal involvement. The presence of osteoclast-like giant cells seems to make those lesions prone to the specific anti-RANKL treatment with denosumab. Denosumab appears to slow down tumour growth and promote recorticalization of eroded bone. It might allow less aggressive surgery in selected cases.
Mononuclear phagocytes are essential for the innate response to pathogens and for the repair of injured tissue. The cells - which can be broadly divided into circulating monocytes and tissue-resident macrophages and dendritic cells - are selectively equipped to protect the host by mediating pleiotropic and tissue-specific functions. The properties of some mononuclear phagocytes, however, also contribute to the development and the progression of inflammatory diseases. Consequently, current research investigates mononuclear phagocytes into greater detail with the aim to clarify their contributions to pathophysiologic inflammation. Recent studies indicate that circulating monocytes can be divided into distinct populations, which differ in their tissue tropism and functional commitment. Also, tissue macrophages and dendritic cells have been found to adopt context-dependent phenotypes, which can range from "pro-" to "anti-" inflammatory. These findings have markedly contributed to our understanding of the functional heterogeneity of mononuclear phagocyte populations. Yet, in many cases, the factors that control the quantity and/or quality of phagocyte responses in vivo remain largely unknown. The goal of this thesis was to identify cell endogenous and cell exogenous factors that dictate the fate of mononuclear phagocyte populations. To this end we made use of the recent identification of phenotypic markers, which permit to track mononuclear cell types and their lineage precursors. A main approach consisted to define candidate regulatory factors of certain types of mononuclear phagocytes and then to manipulate the expression of these factors in mice so as to address their functions and causal contributions on mononuclear phagocyte lineages in vivo. Human patient material was further used to validate findings. First, we investigated a microRNA and a transcription factor as candidate cell endogenous co- regulators of monocyte subset responses. Second, we studied a tumor-derived hormone as a candidate exogenous factor that amplifies the production of a population of mononuclear phagocytes with tumor-promoting functions. The endogenous and exogenous factors identified in this research appear to act as effective regulators of mononuclear phagocyte responses in vivo and thus may be exploited in future therapeutic approaches to regulate disease-associated inflammation. - Les phagocytes mononucléaires sont essentiels pour la réponse innée aux pathogènes et pour la réparation des tissus lésés. Ces cellules - qui peuvent être largement divisées en deux groupes, les monocytes circulant dans le sang et les macrophages et cellules dendritiques résidant dans les tissus - sont capables de protéger l'hôte en exerçant des fonctions pléiotropiques. Cependant, les propriétés de certains phagocytes mononucléaires contribuent également au développement et à la progression des maladies inflammatoires. Par conséquent, la recherche actuelle étudie les phagocytes mononucléaires plus en détail afin de clarifier leurs contributions à l'inflammation pathophysiologique. Des études récentes indiquent que les monocytes circulants peuvent être divisés en populations distinctes, qui diffèrent dans leur tropisme tissulaire et dans leurs fonctions biologiques. En outre, les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques peuvent adopter des phénotypes dépendants de l'environnement dans lequel ils se trouvent; ces phénotypes peuvent aller du type "pro-" au type "anti-" inflammatoire. Ces récentes découvertes ont contribué à notre compréhension sur l'hétérogénéité fonctionnelle des phagocytes mononucléaires. Pourtant, dans de nombreux cas, les facteurs qui contrôlent la quantité et/ou la qualité des réponses produites par ces cellules restent encore largement inconnus. L'objectif de cette thèse a consisté à identifier de nouveaux facteurs (endogènes ou exogènes) qui contrôlent les phagocytes mononucléaires. Dans ce but, nous avons fait usage de l'identification récente de marqueurs qui permettent d'identifier différents types de phagocytes mononucléaires ainsi que des cellules (souches) dont ils sont issus. Notre approche a consisté à définir des facteurs candidats qui pourraient contrôler certains phagocytes mononucléaires, puis à manipuler l'expression de ces facteurs chez la souris de manière à tester leurs fonctions et leur contributions in vivo. Nous avons également utilisé des échantillons biologiques de patients pour vérifier nos résultats chez l'homme. Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié un microARN et un facteur de transcription pour déterminer si ces deux facteurs opèrent en tant que co-régulateurs d'un certain type de monocytes. Deuxièmement, nous avons considéré une hormone produite par certaines tumeurs afin d'examiner son rôle dans la production d'une population de macrophages qui favorisent la progression des tumeurs. Les facteurs endogènes et exogènes identifiés dans cette recherche semblent agir comme régulateurs dominants de réponses produites par certains phagocytes mononucléaires et pourraient donc être exploités dans de futures approches thérapeutiques afin de contrôler les réponses immunitaires inflammatoires associées a certaines maladies.
Site-specific proteolytic processing plays important roles in the regulation of cellular activities. The histone modification activity of the human trithorax group mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) protein and the cell cycle regulatory activity of the cell proliferation factor herpes simplex virus host cell factor 1 (HCF-1) are stimulated by cleavage of precursors that generates stable heterodimeric complexes. MLL is processed by a protease called taspase 1, whereas the precise mechanisms of HCF-1 maturation are unclear, although they are known to depend on a series of sequence repeats called HCF-1(PRO) repeats. We demonstrate here that the Drosophila homologs of MLL and HCF-1, called Trithorax and dHCF, are both cleaved by Drosophila taspase 1. Although highly related, the human and Drosophila taspase 1 proteins display cognate species specificity. Thus, human taspase 1 preferentially cleaves MLL and Drosophila taspase 1 preferentially cleaves Trithorax, consistent with coevolution of taspase 1 and MLL/Trithorax proteins. HCF proteins display even greater species-specific divergence in processing: whereas dHCF is cleaved by the Drosophila taspase 1, human and mouse HCF-1 maturation is taspase 1 independent. Instead, human and Xenopus HCF-1PRO repeats are cleaved in vitro by a human proteolytic activity with novel properties. Thus, from insects to humans, HCF proteins have conserved proteolytic maturation but evolved different mechanisms.
The major processes discussed below are protein turnover (degradation and synthesis), degradation into urea, or conversion into glucose (gluconeogenesis, Figure 1). Daily protein turnover is a dynamic process characterized by a double flux of amino acids: the amino acids released by endogenous (body) protein breakdown can be reutilized and reconverted to protein synthesis, with very little loss. Daily rates of protein turnover in humans (300 to 400 g per day) are largely in excess of the level of protein intake (50 to 80 g per day). A fast growing rate, as in premature babies or in children recovering from malnutrition, leads to a high protein turnover rate and a high protein and energy requirement. Protein metabolism (synthesis and breakdown) is an energy-requiring process, dependent upon endogenous ATP supply. The contribution made by whole-body protein turnover to the resting metabolic rate is important: it represents about 20 % in adults and more in growing children. Metabolism of proteins cannot be disconnected from that of energy since energy balance influences net protein utilization, and since protein intake has an important effect on postprandial thermogenesis - more important than that of fats or carbohydrates. The metabolic need for amino acids is essentially to maintain stores of endogenous tissue proteins within an appropriate range, allowing protein homeostasis to be maintained. Thanks to a dynamic, free amino acid pool, this demand for amino acids can be continuously supplied. The size of the free amino acid pool remains limited and is regulated within narrow limits. The supply of amino acids to cover physiological needs can be derived from 3 sources: 1. Exogenous proteins that release amino acids after digestion and absorption 2. Tissue protein breakdown during protein turnover 3. De novo synthesis, including amino acids (as well as ammonia) derived from the process of urea salvage, following hydrolysis and microflora metabolism in the hind gut. When protein intake surpasses the physiological needs of amino acids, the excess amino acids are disposed of by three major processes: 1. Increased oxidation, with terminal end products such as CO₂ and ammonia 2. Enhanced ureagenesis i. e. synthesis of urea linked to protein oxidation eliminates the nitrogen radical 3. Gluconeogenesis, i. e. de novo synthesis of glucose. Most of the amino groups of the excess amino acids are converted into urea through the urea cycle, whereas their carbon skeletons are transformed into other intermediates, mostly glucose. This is one of the mechanisms, essential for life, developed by the body to maintain blood glucose within a narrow range, (i. e. glucose homeostasis). It includes the process of gluconeogenesis, i. e. de novo synthesis of glucose from non-glycogenic precursors; in particular certain specific amino acids (for example, alanine), as well as glycerol (derived from fat breakdown) and lactate (derived from muscles). The gluconeogenetic pathway progressively takes over when the supply of glucose from exogenous or endogenous sources (glycogenolysis) becomes insufficient. This process becomes vital during periods of metabolic stress, such as starvation.
OBJECTIVE: To better assess the diagnosis of an infection in patients presenting at an emergency department with peripheral blood leukocytosis (>10 x 10(9) cells/l) on laboratory testing. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated serum procalcitonin concentration (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Patients were divided into two groups according to their final diagnosis: patients with infection and those without infection. PCT, CRP, and ESR were compared between these groups. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values, negative predictive values, receiver operating characteristic curves, and areas under the curves were calculated for each biological measurement. RESULTS: Out of 173 patients, 99 (57%) had a final diagnosis of systemic infection. If a cutoff point of 0.5 ng/ml is considered, procalcitonin concentration had a sensitivity of 0.57, a specificity of 0.85, a negative predictive value of 0.59, and a positive predictive value of 0.84 for the diagnosis of a systemic infection. Adding CRP or ESR to PCT gave no more information (p=0.84). CONCLUSIONS: Only about half of the patients attending the emergency department with leukocytosis were suffering from an infection. Determination of the procalcitonin level may be useful for these patients, particularly in the case of a value higher than 0.5 ng/ml.
A 6008 base pair fragment of the vaccinia virus DNA containing the gene for the precursor of the major core protein 4 a, which has been designated P4 a, was sequenced. A long open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein of molecular weight 102,157 started close to the position where the P4 a mRNA had been mapped. Analysis of the mRNA by S1 nuclease mapping and primer extension indicated that the 5' end defined by the former method is not the true 5' end. This suggests that the P4 a coding region is preceded by leader sequences that are not derived from the immediate vicinity of the gene, similar to what has been reported for another late vaccinia virus mRNA. The sequenced DNA contained several further ORFs on the same, or opposite DNA strand, providing further evidence for the close spacing of protein-coding sequences in the viral genome.
BACKGROUND: Cleavage of messenger RNA (mRNA) precursors is an essential step in mRNA maturation. The signal recognized by the cleavage enzyme complex has been characterized as an A rich region upstream of the cleavage site containing a motif with consensus AAUAAA, followed by a U or UG rich region downstream of the cleavage site. RESULTS: We studied these signals using exhaustive databases of cleavage sites obtained from aligning raw expressed sequence tags (EST) sequences to genomic sequences in Homo sapiens and Drosophila melanogaster. These data show that the polyadenylation signal is highly conserved in human and fly. In addition, de novo motif searches generated a refined description of the U-rich downstream sequence (DSE) element, which shows more divergence between the two species. These refined motifs are applied, within a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) framework, to predict mRNA cleavage sites. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate that the DSE is a specific motif in both human and Drosophila. These findings shed light on the sequence correlates of a highly conserved biological process, and improve in silico prediction of 3' mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation sites.
Metabolites from intestinal microbiota are key determinants of host-microbe mutualism and, consequently, the health or disease of the intestinal tract. However, whether such host-microbe crosstalk influences inflammation in peripheral tissues, such as the lung, is poorly understood. We found that dietary fermentable fiber content changed the composition of the gut and lung microbiota, in particular by altering the ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes. The gut microbiota metabolized the fiber, consequently increasing the concentration of circulating short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Mice fed a high-fiber diet had increased circulating levels of SCFAs and were protected against allergic inflammation in the lung, whereas a low-fiber diet decreased levels of SCFAs and increased allergic airway disease. Treatment of mice with the SCFA propionate led to alterations in bone marrow hematopoiesis that were characterized by enhanced generation of macrophage and dendritic cell (DC) precursors and subsequent seeding of the lungs by DCs with high phagocytic capacity but an impaired ability to promote T helper type 2 (TH2) cell effector function. The effects of propionate on allergic inflammation were dependent on G protein-coupled receptor 41 (GPR41, also called free fatty acid receptor 3 or FFAR3), but not GPR43 (also called free fatty acid receptor 2 or FFAR2). Our results show that dietary fermentable fiber and SCFAs can shape the immunological environment in the lung and influence the severity of allergic inflammation.
Circulating monocytes, as dendritic cell and macrophage precursors, exhibit several functions usually associated with antigen-presenting cells, such as phagocytosis and presence of endosomal/lysosomal degradative compartments particularly enriched in Lamp-1, MHC class II molecules, and other proteins related to antigen processing and MHC class II loading [MHC class II compartments (MIICs)]. Ultrastructural analysis of these organelles indicates that, differently from the multivesicular bodies present in dendritic cells, in monocytes the MIICs are characterized by a single perimetral membrane surrounding an electron-dense core. Analysis of their content reveals enrichment in myeloperoxidase, an enzyme classically associated with azurophilic granules in granulocytes and mast cell secretory lysosomes. Elevation in intracellular free calcium levels in monocytes induced secretion of beta-hexosaminidase, cathepsins, and myeloperoxidase in the extracellular milieu; surface up-regulation of MHC class II molecules; and appearance of lysosomal resident proteins. The Ca(2+)-regulated surface transport mechanism of MHC class II molecules observed in monocytes is different from the tubulovesicular organization of the multivesicular bodies previously reported in dendritic cells and macrophages. Hence, in monocytes, MHC class II-enriched organelles combine degradative functions typical of lysosomes and regulated secretion typical of secretory lysosomes. More important, Ca(2+)-mediated up-regulation of surface MHC class II molecules is accompanied by extracellular release of lysosomal resident enzymes.
Tissue-targeted expression is of major interest for studying the contribution of cellular subpopulations to neurodegenerative diseases. However, in vivo methods to investigate this issue are limited. Here, we report an analysis of the cell specificity of expression of fluorescent reporter genes driven by six neuronal promoters, with the ubiquitous phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (PGK) promoter used as a reference. Quantitative analysis of AcGFPnuc expression in the striatum and hippocampus of rodents showed that all lentiviral vectors (LV) exhibited a neuronal tropism; however, there was substantial diversity of transcriptional activity and cell-type specificity of expression. The promoters with the highest activity were those of the 67 kDa glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67), homeobox Dlx5/6, glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1), and preprotachykinin 1 (Tac1) genes. Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and dopaminergic receptor 1 (Drd1a) promoters showed weak activity, but the integration of an amplification system into the LV overcame this limitation. In the striatum, the expression profiles of Tac1 and Drd1a were not limited to the striatonigral pathway, whereas in the hippocampus, Drd1a and Dlx5/6 showed the expected restricted pattern of expression. Regulation of the Dlx5/6 promoter was observed in a disease condition, whereas Tac1 activity was unaffected. These vectors provide safe tools that are more selective than others available, for the administration of therapeutic molecules in the central nervous system (CNS). Nevertheless, additional characterization of regulatory elements in neuronal promoters is still required.
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) affects mortality, morbidity and cost of critical care. Reliable risk estimation might improve end-of-life decisions, resource allocation and outcome. Several scoring systems for survival prediction have been established and optimised over the last decades. Recently, new biomarkers have gained interest in the prognostic field. We assessed whether midregional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (MR-proANP) and procalcitonin (PCT) improve the predictive value of the Simplified Acute Physiologic Score (SAPS) II and Sequential Related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) in VAP. Specified end-points of a prospective multinational trial including 101 patients with VAP were analysed. Death <28 days after VAP onset was the primary end-point. MR-proANP and PCT were elevated at the onset of VAP in nonsurvivors compared with survivors (p = 0.003 and p = 0.017, respectively) and their slope of decline differed significantly (p = 0.018 and p = 0.039, respectively). Patients with the highest MR-proANP quartile at VAP onset were at increased risk for death (log rank p = 0.013). In a logistic regression model, MR-proANP was identified as the best predictor of survival. Adding MR-proANP and PCT to SAPS II and SOFA improved their predictive properties (area under the curve 0.895 and 0.880). We conclude that the combination of two biomarkers, MR-proANP and PCT, improve survival prediction of clinical severity scores in VAP.
The role of the gluco-incretin hormones GIP and GLP-1 in the control of beta cell function was studied by analyzing mice with inactivation of each of these hormone receptor genes, or both. Our results demonstrate that glucose intolerance was additively increased during oral glucose absorption when both receptors were inactivated. After intraperitoneal injections, glucose intolerance was more severe in double- as compared to single-receptor KO mice, and euglycemic clamps revealed normal insulin sensitivity, suggesting a defect in insulin secretion. When assessed in vivo or in perfused pancreas, insulin secretion showed a lack of first phase in Glp-1R(-/-) but not in Gipr(-/-) mice. In perifusion experiments, however, first-phase insulin secretion was present in both types of islets. In double-KO islets, kinetics of insulin secretion was normal, but its amplitude was reduced by about 50% because of a defect distal to plasma membrane depolarization. Thus, gluco-incretin hormones control insulin secretion (a) by an acute insulinotropic effect on beta cells after oral glucose absorption (b) through the regulation, by GLP-1, of in vivo first-phase insulin secretion, probably by an action on extra-islet glucose sensors, and (c) by preserving the function of the secretory pathway, as evidenced by a beta cell autonomous secretion defect when both receptors are inactivated.
In adult, bone remodeling is a permanent process, reaching an annual turnover of about 10% of the skeleton. Bone remodeling requires the sequential and coordinated actions of the hematopoietic origin osteoclasts, to remove bone and the mesenchymal origin osteoblasts to replace it. An increased level of bone resorption is the primary cause of age-related bone loss often resulting in osteopenia, and is the major cause of osteoporosis.¦Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which are expressed in three isotypes, PPARa, PPARp and PPARy, are ligand-activated transcription factors that control many cellular and metabolic processes, more particularly linked to lipid metabolism. In bone, previous works has shown that PPARy inhibits osteogenesis by favoring adipogenesis from common mesenchymal progenitors. In addition, the pro-osteoclastogenesis activity of PPARy results in an increased bone resorption. Accordingly, treatment with PPARy agonist such as the anti-diabetic drug TZD causes bone loss and accumulation of marrow adiposity in mice as well as in postmenopausal women. The aim of the present thesis work was to elucidate the PPARs functions in bone physiology.¦The initial characterization of the PPARP" bone phenotype mainly revealed a decreased BMD. In vitro studies exploring the potency of mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate in osteoblast showed no differences depending on the genotype. However, we could demonstrate an effect of PPARp in partially inhibiting osteoclastogenesis. These results are further sustained by a study made in collaboration with the group of Dr Kronke, which showed an impressive protection against ovariectomy-generated bone loss when the females are treated with a PPARp agonist.¦Observations in PPARy null mice are more complex. The lab has recently been able to generate mice carrying a total deletion of PPARy. Intriguingly, the exploration of the bone phenotype of these mice revealed paradoxical findings. Whereas short bones such as vertebrae exhibit an elevated BMD as expected, long bones (tibia and femur) are clearly osteoporotic. According to their activity when set in culture, osteoblast differentiation normally occurs. Indeed the phenotype can be mainly attributed to a high density of osteoclasts in the cortical bone of PPARy null mice, associated to large bone resorption areas.¦Our explorations suggest a mechanism that involves regulatory processes linking osteoclastogenesis to adipogenesis, the latter being totally absent in PPARy null mice. Indeed, the lack of adipose tissue creates a favorable niche for osteoclastogenesis since conditioned medium made from differentiated adipocyte 3T3L1 inhibited osteoclastogenesis from both PPARy-/- and WT cells. Thus, adipokines deficiency in PPARy-/- mice contributes to de- repress osteoclastogenesis. Using specific blocking antibody, we further identified adiponectin as the major player among dozens of adipokines. Using flow cytometry assay, we explored the levels at which the osteoclastic commitment was perturbed in the bone marrow of PPARy-/- mice. Intriguingly, we observe a general decrease for hematopoietic stem cell and lineage progenitors but increased proportion of osteoclast progenitor in PPARy-/- bone marrow. The general decrease of HSC in the bone marrow is however largely compensated by an important extra-medullary hematopoeisis, taking place in the liver and in the spleen.¦These specific characteristics emphasize the key role of PPARy on a cross road of osteogenesis, adipogenesis and hematopoiesis/osteoclastogenesis. They underline the complexity of the bone marrow niche, and demonstrate the inter-dependance of different cell types in defining bone homeostasis, that may be overseen when experimental design single out pure cell populations.¦Chez l'adulte, même après la fin de la croissance, le renouvellement des os se poursuit et porte sur environ 10% de l'ensemble du squelette adulte, par année. Ce renouvellement implique à la fois des mécanismes séquentiels et coordonnés des ostéoclastes d'origine hématopoïetique, qui dégradent l'os, et des ostéoblastes d'origine mésenchymale, qui permettent la régénération de l'os. La perte en densité osseuse due à l'âge entraîne un fort niveau de résorption, conduisant souvent à une ostéopénie, elle-même cause de l'ostéoporose.¦Les trois isotypes PPAR (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, PPARa, PPARp, et PPARy) sont des récepteurs nucléaires qui contrôlent de nombreux mécanismes cellulaires et métaboliques, plus particulièrement liés au métabolisme lipidique. Au niveau osseux, des travaux précédents ont montré que PPARy inhibe l'ostéoblastogenèse en favorisant la formation d'adipocytes à partir de la cellule progénitrice commune. De plus, l'activité pro- ostéoclastogénique de PPARy induit une résorption osseuse accrue. Condormément à ces observations, les patients diabétiques traités par les thiazolidinediones qui agissent sur PPARy, ont un risque accrue d'ostéoporose liée à une perte osseuse accrue et un accroissement de l'adiposité au niveau de la moelle osseuse. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de mon travail de thèse a été d'élucider le rôle des PPAR dans la physiologie osseuse, en s'appuyant sur le phénotype des souris porteuses de mutation pour PPAR.¦La caractérisation initiale des os des souris porteuses d'une délétion de ΡΡΑΕφ a principalement révélé une diminution de la densité minérale osseuse (DMO). Alors que l'ostéogenèse n'est pas significativement altérée chez ces souris, l'ostéoclastogenèse est elle augmentée, suggérant un rôle modérateur de ce processus par ΡΡΑΕΙβ. Ces résultats sont par ailleurs soutenus par une étude menée par le groupe du Dr Krônke en collaboration avec notre groupe, et qui monte une protection très importante des souris traitées par un activateur de PPARP contre l'ostéoporose provoquée par l'ovariectomie.¦Les observations concernant PPARy donnent des résultats plus complexes. Le laboratoire a en effet été capable récemment de générer des souris portant une délétion totale de PPARy. Alors que les os courts chez ces souris présentent une augmentation de la DMO, comme attendu, les os longs sont clairement ostéoporotiques. Ce phénotype corrèle avec une densité élevée d'ostéoclastes dans l'os cortical de ces os longs. Deux processus semblent contribuer à ce phénotype. En premier lieu, nous démontrons qu'un milieu conditionné provenant de cultures de cellules 3T3-L1 différenciées en adipocytes contiennent une forte activité inhibitrice d'osteoclastogenesis. L'utilisation d'anticorps neutralisant permet d'identifier l'adiponectine comme l'un des facteurs principaux de cette inhibition. Les souris PPARy étant totalement dépourvues d'adipocytes et donc de tissu adipeux, la sécrétion locale d'adiponectine dans la moelle osseuse est donc également absente, entraînant une désinhibition de l'ostéoclastogenèse. En second lieu, des analyses par FACS révèle une proportion accrue des cellules progénitrices d'ostéoclastes dans la moelle osseuse. Cela s'accompagne par une diminution globale des cellules souches hématopoïétiques, qui est cependant largement compensée par une importante hématopoëise extra-médullaire, dans le foie comme dans la rate.¦L'ensemble de notre travail montre toute l'importance de PPARy au carrefour de l'ostéogenèse, adipogenèse, et hématopoëise/osteoclastogenèse. Il souligne la complexité de la niche que représente la moelle osseuse et démontre l'inter-dépendance des différents types cellulaires définissant l'homéostasie osseuse, complexité qui peut facilement être masqué lorsque le travail expérimental se concentre sur le comportement d'un type cellulaire donné.