129 resultados para Norton, C. D.


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BACKGROUND: The considerable malaria decline in several countries challenges the strategy of chemoprophylaxis for travellers visiting moderate- to low-risk areas. An international consensus on the best strategy is lacking. It is essential to include travellers' opinions in the decision process. The preference of travellers regarding malaria prevention for moderate- to low-risk areas, related to their risk perception, as well as the reasons for their choices were investigated. METHODS: Prior to pre-travel consultation in the Travel Clinic, a self-administered questionnaire was given to travellers visiting moderate- to low-risk malaria areas. Four preventive options were proposed to the traveller, i.e., bite prevention only, chemoprophylaxis, stand-by emergency treatment alone, and stand-by emergency treatment with rapid diagnostic test. The information was accompanied by a risk scale for incidence of malaria, anti-malarial adverse drug reactions and other travel-related risks, inspired by Paling palettes from the Risk Communication Institute. RESULTS: A total of 391 travellers were included from December 2012 to December 2013. Fifty-nine (15%) opted for chemoprophylaxis, 116 (30%) for stand-by emergency treatment, 112 (29%) for stand-by emergency treatment with rapid diagnostic test, 100 (26%) for bite prevention only, and four (1%) for other choices. Travellers choosing chemoprophylaxis justified their choice for security reasons (42%), better preventive action (29%), higher efficacy (15%) and easiness (15%). The reasons for choosing stand-by treatment or bite prevention only were less medication consumed (29%), less adverse drug reactions (23%) and lower price (9%). Those who chose chemoprophylaxis were more likely to have used it in the past (OR = 3.0 (CI 1.7-5.44)), but were not different in terms of demographic, travel characteristics or risk behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: When travelling to moderate- to low-risk malaria areas, 85% of interviewees chose not to take chemoprophylaxis as malaria prevention, although most guidelines recommend it. They had coherent reasons for their choice. New recommendations should include shared decision-making to take into account travellers' preferences.


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The series of events leading to tertiary lymphoid organ (TLO) formation in mucosal organs following tissue damage remain unclear. Using a virus-induced model of autoantibody formation in the salivary glands of adult mice, we demonstrate that IL-22 provides a mechanistic link between mucosal infection, B-cell recruitment, and humoral autoimmunity. IL-22 receptor engagement is necessary and sufficient to promote differential expression of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13 in epithelial and fibroblastic stromal cells that, in turn, is pivotal for B-cell recruitment and organization of the TLOs. Accordingly, genetic and therapeutic blockade of IL-22 impairs and reverses TLO formation and autoantibody production. Our work highlights a critical role for IL-22 in TLO-induced pathology and provides a rationale for the use of IL-22-blocking agents in B-cell-mediated autoimmune conditions.


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Cardiac hypertrophy is a complex remodeling process of the heart induced by physiological or pathological stimuli resulting in increased cardiomyocyte size and myocardial mass. Whereas cardiac hypertrophy can be an adaptive mechanism to stressful conditions of the heart, prolonged hypertrophy can lead to heart failure which represents the primary cause of human morbidity and mortality. Among G protein-coupled receptors, the α1-adrenergic receptors (α1-ARs) play an important role in the development of cardiac hypertrophy as demonstrated by numerous studies in the past decades, both in primary cardiomyocyte cultures and genetically modified mice. The results of these studies have provided evidence of a large variety of α1-AR-induced signaling events contributing to the defining molecular and cellular features of cardiac hypertrophy. Recently, novel signaling mechanisms have been identified and new hypotheses have emerged concerning the functional role of the α1-adrenergic receptors in the heart. This review will summarize the main signaling pathways activated by the α1-AR in the heart and their functional implications in cardiac hypertrophy.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate by electromyography (EMG), the presence of complex repetitive discharges (CRDs) and decelerating bursts (DBs) in the striated external urethral sphincter during the menstrual cycle in female volunteers with no urinary symptoms and complete bladder emptying. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Healthy female volunteers aged 20-40 years, with regular menstrual cycles and no urinary symptoms were recruited. Volunteers completed a menstruation chart, urinary symptom questionnaires, pregnancy test, urine dipstick, urinary free flow and post-void ultrasound bladder scan. Exclusion criteria included current pregnancy, use of hormonal medication or contraception, body mass index of >35 kg/m(2) , incomplete voiding and a history of pelvic surgery. Eligible participants underwent an external urethral sphincter EMG, using a needle electrode in the early follicular phase and the mid-luteal phase of their menstrual cycles. Serum oestradiol and progesterone were measured at each EMG test. RESULTS: In all, 119 women enquired about the research and following screening, 18 were eligible to enter the study phase. Complete results were obtained in 15 women. In all, 30 EMG tests were undertaken in the 15 asymptomatic women. Sphincter EMG was positive for CRDs and DBs at one or both phases of the menstrual cycle in eight (53%) of the women. Three had CRDs and DBs in both early follicular and mid-luteal phases. Five had normal EMG activity in the early follicular phase and CRDs and DBs in the mid-luteal phase. No woman had abnormal EMG activity in the early follicular phase and normal activity in the luteal phase. There was no relationship between EMG activity and age, parity or serum levels of oestradiol and progesterone. CONCLUSIONS: CRDs and DB activity in the external striated urethral sphincter is present in a high proportion of asymptomatic young women. This abnormal EMG activity has been shown for the first time to change during the menstrual cycle in individual women. CRDs and DBs are more commonly found in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The importance of CRDs and DBs in the aetiology of urinary retention in young women remains uncertain. The distribution and or quantity of abnormal EMG activity in the external urethral sphincter may be important. In a woman with urinary retention the finding of CRDs and DBs by needle EMG does not automatically establish Fowler's syndrome as the explanation for the bladder dysfunction. Urethral pressure profilometry may be helpful in establishing a diagnosis. Opiate use and psychological stress should be considered in young women with urinary retention.


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BACKGROUND: Primary hyperoxaluria type 3 (PH3) is characterized by mutations in the 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase (HOGA1) gene. PH3 patients are believed to present with a less severe phenotype than those with PH1 and PH2, but the clinical characteristics of PH3 patients have yet to be defined in sufficient detail. The aim of this study was to report our experience with PH3. METHODS: Genetic analysis of HOGA1 was performed in patients with a high clinical suspicion of PH after the presence of mutations in the alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase gene had been ruled out. Clinical, biochemical and genetic data of the seven patients identified with HOGA1 mutations were subsequently retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: Among the seven patients identified with HOGA1 mutations the median onset of clinical symptoms was 1.8 (range 0.4-9.8) years. Five patients initially presented with urolithiasis, and two other patients presented with urinary tract infection. All patients experienced persistent hyperoxaluria. Seven mutations were found in HOGA1, including two previously unreported ones, c.834 + 1G > T and c.3G > A. At last follow-up, two patients had impaired renal function based on estimated glomerular filtration rates (GFRs) of 77 and 83 mL/min per 1.73 m(2), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We found that the GFR was significantly impaired in two of our seven patients with PH3 diagnosed during childhood. This finding is in contrast to the early-impaired renal function in PH1 and PH2 and appears to refute to preliminary reassuring data on renal function in PH3.


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ABSTRACT: A workshop was held at the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases with a focus on the impact of sleep and circadian disruption on energy balance and diabetes. The workshop identified a number of key principles for research in this area and a number of specific opportunities. Studies in this area would be facilitated by active collaboration between investigators in sleep/circadian research and investigators in metabolism/diabetes. There is a need to translate the elegant findings from basic research into improving the metabolic health of the American public. There is also a need for investigators studying the impact of sleep/circadian disruption in humans to move beyond measurements of insulin and glucose and conduct more in-depth phenotyping. There is also a need for the assessments of sleep and circadian rhythms as well as assessments for sleep-disordered breathing to be incorporated into all ongoing cohort studies related to diabetes risk. Studies in humans need to complement the elegant short-term laboratory-based human studies of simulated short sleep and shift work etc. with studies in subjects in the general population with these disorders. It is conceivable that chronic adaptations occur, and if so, the mechanisms by which they occur needs to be identified and understood. Particular areas of opportunity that are ready for translation are studies to address whether CPAP treatment of patients with pre-diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) prevents or delays the onset of diabetes and whether temporal restricted feeding has the same impact on obesity rates in humans as it does in mice.


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This thesis develops a comprehensive and a flexible statistical framework for the analysis and detection of space, time and space-time clusters of environmental point data. The developed clustering methods were applied in both simulated datasets and real-world environmental phenomena; however, only the cases of forest fires in Canton of Ticino (Switzerland) and in Portugal are expounded in this document. Normally, environmental phenomena can be modelled as stochastic point processes where each event, e.g. the forest fire ignition point, is characterised by its spatial location and occurrence in time. Additionally, information such as burned area, ignition causes, landuse, topographic, climatic and meteorological features, etc., can also be used to characterise the studied phenomenon. Thereby, the space-time pattern characterisa- tion represents a powerful tool to understand the distribution and behaviour of the events and their correlation with underlying processes, for instance, socio-economic, environmental and meteorological factors. Consequently, we propose a methodology based on the adaptation and application of statistical and fractal point process measures for both global (e.g. the Morisita Index, the Box-counting fractal method, the multifractal formalism and the Ripley's K-function) and local (e.g. Scan Statistics) analysis. Many measures describing the space-time distribution of environmental phenomena have been proposed in a wide variety of disciplines; nevertheless, most of these measures are of global character and do not consider complex spatial constraints, high variability and multivariate nature of the events. Therefore, we proposed an statistical framework that takes into account the complexities of the geographical space, where phenomena take place, by introducing the Validity Domain concept and carrying out clustering analyses in data with different constrained geographical spaces, hence, assessing the relative degree of clustering of the real distribution. Moreover, exclusively to the forest fire case, this research proposes two new methodologies to defining and mapping both the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) described as the interaction zone between burnable vegetation and anthropogenic infrastructures, and the prediction of fire ignition susceptibility. In this regard, the main objective of this Thesis was to carry out a basic statistical/- geospatial research with a strong application part to analyse and to describe complex phenomena as well as to overcome unsolved methodological problems in the characterisation of space-time patterns, in particular, the forest fire occurrences. Thus, this Thesis provides a response to the increasing demand for both environmental monitoring and management tools for the assessment of natural and anthropogenic hazards and risks, sustainable development, retrospective success analysis, etc. The major contributions of this work were presented at national and international conferences and published in 5 scientific journals. National and international collaborations were also established and successfully accomplished. -- Cette thèse ©veloppe une méthodologie statistique complète et flexible pour l'analyse et la ©tection des structures spatiales, temporelles et spatio-temporelles de données environnementales représentées comme de semis de points. Les méthodes ici ©veloppées ont été appliquées aux jeux de données simulées autant qu'A des phénomènes environnementaux réels; nonobstant, seulement le cas des feux forestiers dans le Canton du Tessin (la Suisse) et celui de Portugal sont expliqués dans ce document. Normalement, les phénomènes environnementaux peuvent être mo©lisés comme des processus ponctuels stochastiques ou chaque événement, par ex. les point d'ignition des feux forestiers, est ©terminé par son emplacement spatial et son occurrence dans le temps. De plus, des informations tels que la surface bru^lée, les causes d'ignition, l'utilisation du sol, les caractéristiques topographiques, climatiques et météorologiques, etc., peuvent aussi être utilisées pour caractériser le phénomène étudié. Par conséquent, la ©finition de la structure spatio-temporelle représente un outil puissant pour compren- dre la distribution du phénomène et sa corrélation avec des processus sous-jacents tels que les facteurs socio-économiques, environnementaux et météorologiques. De ce fait, nous proposons une méthodologie basée sur l'adaptation et l'application de mesures statistiques et fractales des processus ponctuels d'analyse global (par ex. l'indice de Morisita, la dimension fractale par comptage de boîtes, le formalisme multifractal et la fonction K de Ripley) et local (par ex. la statistique de scan). Des nombreuses mesures ©crivant les structures spatio-temporelles de phénomènes environnementaux peuvent être trouvées dans la littérature. Néanmoins, la plupart de ces mesures sont de caractère global et ne consi¨rent pas de contraintes spatiales com- plexes, ainsi que la haute variabilité et la nature multivariée des événements. A cet effet, la méthodologie ici proposée prend en compte les complexités de l'espace géographique ou le phénomène a lieu, à travers de l'introduction du concept de Domaine de Validité et l'application des mesures d'analyse spatiale dans des données en présentant différentes contraintes géographiques. Cela permet l'évaluation du degré relatif d'agrégation spatiale/temporelle des structures du phénomène observé. En plus, exclusif au cas de feux forestiers, cette recherche propose aussi deux nouvelles méthodologies pour la ©finition et la cartographie des zones périurbaines, ©crites comme des espaces anthropogéniques à proximité de la végétation sauvage ou de la forêt, et de la prédiction de la susceptibilité à l'ignition de feu. A cet égard, l'objectif principal de cette Thèse a été d'effectuer une recherche statistique/géospatiale avec une forte application dans des cas réels, pour analyser et ©crire des phénomènes environnementaux complexes aussi bien que surmonter des problèmes méthodologiques non résolus relatifs à la caractérisation des structures spatio-temporelles, particulièrement, celles des occurrences de feux forestières. Ainsi, cette Thèse fournit une réponse à la demande croissante de la gestion et du monitoring environnemental pour le ©ploiement d'outils d'évaluation des risques et des dangers naturels et anthro- pogéniques. Les majeures contributions de ce travail ont été présentées aux conférences nationales et internationales, et ont été aussi publiées dans 5 revues internationales avec comité de lecture. Des collaborations nationales et internationales ont été aussi établies et accomplies avec succès.