274 resultados para Memory Tests
Contribution of visual and nonvisual mechanisms to spatial behavior of rats in the Morris water maze was studied with a computerized infrared tracking system, which switched off the room lights when the subject entered the inner circular area of the pool with an escape platform. Naive rats trained under light-dark conditions (L-D) found the escape platform more slowly than rats trained in permanent light (L). After group members were swapped, the L-pretrained rats found under L-D conditions the same target faster and eventually approached latencies attained during L navigation. Performance of L-D-trained rats deteriorated in permanent darkness (D) but improved with continued D training. Thus L-D navigation improves gradually by procedural learning (extrapolation of the start-target azimuth into the zero-visibility zone) but remains impaired by lack of immediate visual feedback rather than by absence of the snapshot memory of the target view.
For weeks after primary immunization with thymus-dependent antigens the responding lymph nodes contain effector CD4 T cells in T zones and germinal centers as well as recirculating memory T cells. Conversely, remote nodes, not exposed to antigen, only receive recirculating memory cells. We assessed whether lymph nodes with follicular effector CD4 T cells in addition to recirculating memory CD4 T cells mount a more rapid secondary response than nodes that only contain recirculating memory cells. Also, the extent to which T cell frequency governs accelerated CD4 T cell recall responses was tested. For this, secondary antibody responses to a superantigen, where the frequency of responding T cells is not increased at the time of challenge, were compared with those to conventional protein antigens. With both types of antigens similar accelerated responses were elicited in the node draining the site of primary immunization and in the contralateral node, not previously exposed to antigen. Thus recirculating memory cells are fully capable of mounting accelerated secondary responses, without the assistance of CD4 effector T cells, and accelerated memory responses are not solely dependent on higher T cell frequencies. Accelerated memory CD4 T cell responses were also seen in B cell-deficient mice.
Fish acute toxicity tests play an important role in environmental risk assessment and hazard classification because they allow for first estimates of the relative toxicity of various chemicals in various species. However, such tests need to be carefully interpreted. Here we shortly summarize the main issues which are linked to the genetics and the condition of the test animals, the standardized test situations, the uncertainty about whether a given test species can be seen as representative to a given fish fauna, the often missing knowledge about possible interaction effects, especially with micropathogens, and statistical problems like small sample sizes and, in some cases, pseudoreplication. We suggest that multi-factorial embryo tests on ecologically relevant species solve many of these issues, and we shortly explain how such tests could be done to avoid the weaker points of fish acute toxicity tests.
Introduction : Depuis 2005, le « Test FIFA » est utilisé chez les arbitres de football, comme critère de sélection pour monter dans les échelons de l'arbitrage et chaque arbitre base son entraînement dans cet objectif. Ce test a été développé grâce aux nombreux travaux scientifiques, ayant utilisé l'analyse vidéo, afin de quantifier les activités de match des arbitres et analyser leur performance en cours de match. Objectifs : Le but de ce travail a été d'évaluer la performance de l'arbitre, lors d'un match de football, au moyen d'un accéléromètre en raison de sa facilité d'utilisation et en particulier d'évaluer si au cours du match, il existe une éventuelle diminution de la capacité de performance engendrée par la fatigue. Enfin, à la lumière des résultats, nous avons pu discuter du bien fondé du «test par intervalle proposé par la FIFA» comme moyen d'estimation de la capacité physique d'un arbitre. Méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective basée sur une analyse descriptive. Les données ont été récoltées dans des stades de football suisses ≥1ère Ligue, du 01.12.2011 au 01.12.2012. Le groupe étudié était composé de 5 arbitres de football de sexe masculin, dont deux officiant en 1ère Ligue et faisant partie des talents de l'Association Cantonale Vaudoise de Football (ACVF) et trois en Super League et Challenge League. Les 5 arbitres ont été équipés d'un iPhone 3GS®, muni d'une application, capable d'enregistrer les déplacements sur le terrain (arrêt, marche et course). Le traitement des données a été effectué par un programme Matlab®, élaboré par le Laboratoire des Mesures d'Analyse du Mouvement (LMAM) de l'EPFL, tout comme l'application en question. Pour ce travail ont été considérées les phases et les fréquences d'arrêt, de marche et de course tout au long de l'évolution de la partie. Résultats : Durant les 90 minutes du match, la répartition se fait de la manière suivante : 13,74% du temps total où l'accéléromètre ne mesure aucune activité, 33,70% concernent une activité de course alors que le reste, 52,48% est de la marche. Avec l'avancement dans le match, il est constaté une augmentation des phases d'arrêt et une diminution du temps de course. Une intensité d'effort plus importante est observée lors des 15 premières minutes du match (environ 41,7% de course), alors qu'en fin de la partie, il y a une alternance de marche et de course avec des efforts de plus en plus brefs. La détermination de la médiane de durée des différents efforts a montré qu'un épisode de marche ou de course étaient de 5-6 secondes. De plus, les épisodes de marche ou de course étaient rarement >20 secondes. Discussion : Les résultats montrent que l'accéléromètre est un système de mesure facile d'utilisation, permettant un gain de temps dans l'analyse des données pour évaluer la performance sportive. Les principaux résultats de cette étude, ont mis en évidence une diminution de l'intensité des activités physiques de l'arbitre avec l'avancement du match, résultant soit de sa propre fatigue, soit de celle des joueurs dictant le rythme du jeu. Cette diminution se traduit par des déplacements de plus en plus brefs au fil du temps. La mesure de médiane du temps de course et de marche (5-6 sec) correspond à une activité aérobie pour la marche et anaérobie alactique pour la course. Par conséquent, le « test par intervalle » de la FIFA actuel ne nous semble pas adéquat en raison de sa filière énergétique de type anaérobique lactique. Conclusion : Cette étude pilote apporte un nouveau type d'instrumentation efficace et simple, jamais employé auparavant dans l'analyse des activités de match des arbitres de football. Il permet d'explorer des mouvements avec précision au fil du match et apporte un nouvel aspect sur la quantification de performance des arbitres non exploré jusqu'ici. Après analyse de l'ensemble des paramètres, il semble que le test FIFA ne soit pas adapté à la performance exigée par l'arbitrage.
Using head-mounted eye tracker material, we assessed spatial recognition abilities (e.g., reaction to object permutation, removal or replacement with a new object) in participants with intellectual disabilities. The "Intellectual Disabilities (ID)" group (n=40) obtained a score totalling a 93.7% success rate, whereas the "Normal Control" group (n=40) scored 55.6% and took longer to fix their attention on the displaced object. The participants with an intellectual disability thus had a more accurate perception of spatial changes than controls. Interestingly, the ID participants were more reactive to object displacement than to removal of the object. In the specific test of novelty detection, however, the scores were similar, the two groups approaching 100% detection. Analysis of the strategies expressed by the ID group revealed that they engaged in more systematic object checking and were more sensitive than the control group to changes in the structure of the environment. Indeed, during the familiarisation phase, the "ID" group explored the collection of objects more slowly, and fixed their gaze for a longer time upon a significantly lower number of fixation points during visual sweeping.
1. SUMMARY Based on functional and homing properties, two subsets of memory T lymphocytes have been defined both in humans and in mice. Central memory T cells (TCM cells) express the lymph node homing receptors CD62L and CCR7, have poor effector function and proliferate efficiently upon antigenic stimulation. Effector memory T cells (TEM cells) do not express CCR7, are mostly CD62L negative and therefore are excluded from lymph nodes, but are able to migrate to sites of inflammation where they exert immediate effector function by producing inflammatory cytokines and cytotoxic mediators. In the present work we have addressed two questions that emerged since the definition of TCM and TEM cells. Firstly, what are the priming conditions for generation of TCM and TEM and, secondly, what is the migratory capacity of TCM and TEM cells in inflammatory conditions. By using naive TCR-transgenic OT-I CD8+ T cells and OT-II CD4+ T cells and ovalbumin pulsed-mature dendritic cells (DCs) we set up an in vitro system in which the strength of T cell stimulation is controlled by varying the ratio of T cells and DCs and the duration of DC-T cell interaction. Using this system we found that precursors of TCM and TEM cells are generated at different strength of stimulation and that T cells capable of persisting in vivo in the absence of antigen and of mounting recall responses is optimally induced by intermediate stimulatory strength. In addition, we found that lymph nodes draining sites of mature DC or adjuvant inoculation recruit CD8+ CD62L- CCR7- effector and TEM cells. CD8+ T cell recruitment in reactive lymph nodes requires CXCR3 expression on T cells and occurs through high endothelial venules (HEVs) in concert with HEV lurninal expression of the CXCR3 ligand CXCL9. In reactive lymph nodes, recruited T cells establish stable interactions with and kill antigen-bearing DCs, limiting the ability of these DCs to activate CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Taken togther these data define conditions for the generation of TCM and TEM cells and define an inflammatory pathway of effector T cell migration in lymph nodes. The inducible recruitment of blood-borne effector and TEM CD8+ cells to lymph nodes may represent a mechanism for terminating primary and limiting secondary immune responses.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Cognitive impairment occurs during multiple sclerosis (MS) and contributes to the burden of the disease, but its effect in the initial phase of MS still needs to be better understood. METHODS: We prospectively studied 127 early MS patients presenting with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) or definite MS, a mean disease duration of 2.6 years, and with minor disability (mean Expanded Disability Status Scale score 1.8). Patients were tested for long-term memory, executive functions, attention, fatigue, mood disorders, functional handicap and quality of life (QoL). Twenty-one CIS patients were excluded from study as the diagnosis of MS could not be confirmed. RESULTS: Over the 106 MS patients analysed, 31 (29.3%) were cognitively impaired (23.6% for memory, 10.4% for attention and 5.7% for executive functions). Cognitive deficits were already present in CIS patients in whom the diagnosis was not yet confirmed (20%). Impaired cognition was associated with anxiety (p = 0.05), depression(p = 0.004), fatigue (p = 0.03), handicap (p <0.001) and a lower QoL (p <0.001). After adjustment for QoL, handicap, depression, anxiety and fatigue were no longer associated with the presence of cognitive deficits. CONCLUSIONS: In this well-defined early MS group one third of the patients already exhibited cognitive deficits, which were usually apparent in an effortful learning situation and were generally mild. Mood disorders, fatigue, handicap and decreased QoL were all associated with the occurrence of cognitive deficits. QoL itself appeared to take all the other factors into account. Our results confirm the existence of an interplay between cognitive, affective and functional changes and fatigue in early MS.
With the trend in molecular epidemiology towards both genome-wide association studies and complex modelling, the need for large sample sizes to detect small effects and to allow for the estimation of many parameters within a model continues to increase. Unfortunately, most methods of association analysis have been restricted to either a family-based or a case-control design, resulting in the lack of synthesis of data from multiple studies. Transmission disequilibrium-type methods for detecting linkage disequilibrium from family data were developed as an effective way of preventing the detection of association due to population stratification. Because these methods condition on parental genotype, however, they have precluded the joint analysis of family and case-control data, although methods for case-control data may not protect against population stratification and do not allow for familial correlations. We present here an extension of a family-based association analysis method for continuous traits that will simultaneously test for, and if necessary control for, population stratification. We further extend this method to analyse binary traits (and therefore family and case-control data together) and accurately to estimate genetic effects in the population, even when using an ascertained family sample. Finally, we present the power of this binary extension for both family-only and joint family and case-control data, and demonstrate the accuracy of the association parameter and variance components in an ascertained family sample.
Glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP, is a major intermediate filament protein of glial cells and major cytoskeletal structure in astrocytes. The entorhinal cortex has a key role in memory function and is one of the first brain areas to reveal hallmark structures of Alzheimer's disease and therefore provides an ideal tissue to investigate incipient neurodegenerative changes. Here we have analyzed age- and disease-related occurrence and composition of GFAP in the human entorhinal cortex by using one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western blots and immunocytochemistry combined with confocal microscopy. A novel monoclonal antibody, GF-02, was characterized that mainly reacted with intact GFAP molecules and indicated that more acidic and soluble GFAP forms were also more susceptible to degradation. GFAP and vimentin increased with aging and in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Two-dimensional electrophoresis and Western blots revealed a complex GFAP pattern, both in aging and AD with different modification and degradation forms. Immunohistochemistry indicated that reactive astrocytes mainly accumulated in relation to neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques in deeper entorhinal cortex layers. GFAP may be used as an additional but not exclusive diagnostic tool in the evaluation of neurodegenerative diseases because its levels change with age and respond to senile plaque and tangle formation.
Cyst-based ecotoxicological tests are simple and low-cost methods for assessing acute toxicity. Nevertheless, only a few comparative studies on their sensitivity are known. In the present study, the suitability of the use of two freshwater Anostracan species, Streptocephalus rubricaudatus and S. texanus, was assessed. The impact of 16 priority pollutants (4 heavy metals, 11 organic, and 1 organometallic compounds) on these two species, as well as on Artemia salina (Artoxkit M), Daphnia magna (International Organization for Standardization 6341), and S. proboscideus (Streptoxkit F) was assessed. For indicative comparison, bioassays using Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotoxkit F) and Photobacterium phosphoreum (Microtox) were also performed. For heavy metals (K2Cr2O7, Cd2+, Zn2+, Cu2+), the sensitivity of the two studied Streptocephalus species was slightly higher than that of D. magna. It was significantly more elevated than for the marine A. salina. For organic and organometallic micropollutants [phenol, 3,5-dichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol (PCP), hydroquinone, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate, sodium dodecyl sulfate, tributylphosphate, dimethylphthalate, atrazine, lindane, malathion, tributyltin chloride (TBT-Cl)], the sensitivity of the 4 anostracan species was of the same order of magnitude as that of D. magna. Artemia salina was slightly less sensitive to some organic compounds (PCP, hydroquinone, TBT-Cl). The sensitivity of S. rubricaudatus to organic solvents was low. On the other hand, this anostracan was quite sensitive to NaCl. Thus, its use is restricted to freshwater samples. The evaluation of global practicability of these two tests confirms that cyst-based freshwater anostracans may be used to perform low-cost tests at a sensitivity comparable to that of D. magna (24 h immobilization test).