266 resultados para Maternal Strategies


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Summary : Due to anthropogenic impacts and natural fluctuations, fish usually have to cope with constantly changing and often hostile environments. Whereas adult fish have various possibilities to counteract unfavourable environmental conditions, embryos have much fewer options. Besides by their developing immune system, they are protected by the egg envelopes and several immune substances provided by their mothers. In addition to this, they may also adjust their hatching timing in reaction to various risks. However, individuals may vary in their defensive potential. This variation may be either based on their genetics and/or on differential maternal investments and may be dependent on the experienced stress. Nevertheless, in fish, the impact of such parental contributions on embryo and/or juvenile viability is still poorly investigated. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the importance of paternal (i.e. genetic) and maternal (i.e. genetic + egg investment) contributions to offspring viability under different environmental conditions and at different life stages. In order to investigate this, we used gametes of various salmonids for in vitro fertilisation experiments based on full-factorial breeding designs. The individual studies are summarised in the following chapters: In the first chapter, we tested the effectiveness of the embryonic immune system in Lake whitefish (Coregonus palaea). Namely, we investigated paternal and maternal contributions to the embryos' tolerance to different kinds of pathogen exposure. Additionally, we tested whether an early sub-léthal exposure has a positive or a negative effect on an embryo's susceptibility to later pathogen exposures with the same pathogen. We found that pre-challenged embryos were more susceptible to future challenges. Moreover, pathogen susceptibility was dependent on maternal investments and/or the embryos' own genetics, depending on the challenge level. Chapter 2 summarises a similar study with brown trout (Salmo trutta). In addition to the previously described investigations, we analysed if genetic effects on offspring viability are mediated either by parental MHC genotypes or relatedness based on neutral microsatellite markers, and we tested if males signal their genetic quality either by their body size or their melanin-based skin colouration. We found that embryo survival was lower at higher stress levels and dependent on the embryos' genetics. Addirionally, parents with similar and/or, very common MHC genotypes had higher offspring viabilities. Finally, darker males produced more viable offspring. In the first two chapters we investigated the embryos' defensive potential based on their immune system, i.e. their pathogen tolerance. In chapter 3 we investigate whether hatching timing of Lake whitefìsh (C. palaea) is dependent on parental contributions and/or on pathogen pressure, and whether there are parental-environmental interactions. We found that whitefish embryos hatch earlier under increasing pathogen pressure. Moreover, hatching timing was affected by embryo genetics and/or maternally provided resources, but the magnitude of the effect was dependent on the pathogen. pressure. We also found a significant paternal-environmental interaction, indicating that the hatching efficiency of a certain sib group is dependent on the pathogen environment. Chapter 4 describes an analogous study with brown trout (S. trutta), with similar findings. In the former chapters, we only looked at offspring performance during the embryonic period, and only under semi-natural conditions. In chapter 5 we now test the performance and viability of embryonic and juvenile brown trout (S. trutta) under natural conditions. To measure embryo viability, we put them in brood boxes, buried them in the gravel of a natural river, and analysed survival after several months. To investigate juvenile survival and performance, wé reared embryos under different stress levels in the laboratory and subsequently released the resulting hatchlings in to a closed river section. Juvenile size and survival was then determined one year later. Additionally, we investigated if sires differ in their genetic quality, determined by embryo and juvenile survival as well as juvenile size, and if they signal their quality by either body size or melanin-based body darkness. We found hat juvenile size was dependent on genetic effects and on maternal investment, whereas this was neither the case for embryo nor for juvenile survival. Additionally, we found that offspring of darker males grew larger, and larger juveniles had also an increased survival. Finally, we found acarry-over effect of the early non-lethal challenge: exposing embryos to higher stress levels resulted in smaller juveniles. To evaluate the long-term performance of differently treated groups, mark-recapture studies are inevitable. For this purpose, effective mass-marking techniques are essential. In chapter 6 we tested the suitability of the fluorescent pigment spray marking method for the mass marking of European graylings (Thymallus thymallus), with very promising results. Our in vitro fertilisation studies on whitefish may reveal new insights on potential genetic benefits of mate choice, but the mating system of whitefish under natural conditions is still poorly investigated. In order to study this, we installed underwater cameras at the spawning place of a Coregonus suidteri population, recorded the whole mating period and subsequently analysed the recordings. Confirmations of previous findings as well as exciting new observations are listed and discussed in chapter 7. Dus aux impacts anthropogéniques et aux fluctuations naturelles, les poissons doivent faire face à des environnements en perpétuel changement. Ces changements font que les poissons doivent s'adapter à de nouvelles situations, souvent hostiles pour eux. Les adultes ont différentes possibilités d'échapper à un environnement peu favorable, ce n'est par contre pas le cas des embryons. Les embryons sont protégés d'une part par leur système immunitaire en développement, d'autre part, par la coquille de l'eeuf et différentes substances immunitaires fournies par leur mère. De plus, ils sont capables d'influencer leur propre date d'éclosion en réponse à différents facteurs de stress. Malgré tout, les individus varient dans leur capacité à se défendre. Cette variation peut être basé sur des facteurs génétiques et/ou sur des facteurs maternels, et est dépendante du stress subi. Néanmoins, chez les poissons, l'impact de telles contributions parentales sur la survie d'embryons et/ou juvéniles est peu étudié. L'objectif principal de cette thèse a été d'approfondir les connaissances sur l'importance de la contribution paternelle (c.a.d. génétique) et maternelle (c.a.d. génétique + investissement dans l'oeuf) sur la survie des jeunes dans différentes conditions expérimentales et stades de vie. Pour faire ces analyses, nous avons utilisé des gamètes de divers salmonidés issus de croisements 'full-factorial'. Les différentes expériences sont résumées dans les chapitres suivants: Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons testé l'efficacité du système immunitaire des embryons chez les corégones (Coregonus palea). Plus précisément nous avons étudié la contribution paternelle et maternelle à la tolérance des embryons à différents niveaux de stress pathogène. Nous avons aussi testé, si une première exposition non létale à un pathogène avait un effet positif ou négatif sur la susceptibilité d'un embryon a une deuxième exposition au même pathogène. Nous avons trouvé que des embryons qui avaient été exposés une première fois étaient plus sensibles au pathogène par la suite. Mais aussi que la sensibilité au pathogène était dépendante de l'investissement de la mère et/ou des gènes de l'embryon, dépendamment du niveau de stress. Le deuxième chapitre résume une étude similaire avec des truites (Salmo truffa). Nous avons examiné, si la survie des jeunes variait sous différentes intensités de stress, et si la variance observée était due aux gènes des parents. Nous avons aussi analysé si les effets génétiques sur la survie des juvéniles étaient dus au MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) ou au degré de parenté des parents. De plus, nous avons analysé si les mâles signalaient leur qualité génétique par la taille du corps ou par leur coloration noire, due à la mélanine. On a trouvé que la survie des embryons était plus basse quand le niveau de stress était plus haut mais que la variation restait dépendante de la génétique des embryons. De plus, les parents avec des MHC similaires et/ou communs avaient des embryons avec une meilleure survie. Par contre, des parents avec un degré de parenté plus haut produisent des embryons avec une survie plus mauvaise. Finalement nous avons montré que les mâles plus foncés ont des embryons qui survivent mieux, mais que la taille des mâles n'a pas d'influence sur la survie de ces mêmes embryons. Dans les deux premiers chapitres, nous avons étudié le potentiel de défense des embryons basé sur leur système immunitaire, c.a.d. leur tolérance aux pathogènes. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la date d'éclosion des corégones (C. palea), pour voir si elle est influencée par les parents ou par la pression des pathogènes, et si il y a une interaction entre ces deux facteurs. Nous avons trouvé que les jeunes naissent plus rapidement lorsque la pression en pathogènes augmente. La date d'éclosion est influencée par la génétique des embryons et/ou l'investissement des parents, mais c'est la magnitude des effets qui est dépendante de la pression du pathogène. Nous avons aussi trouvé une interaction entre l'effet paternel et l'environnement, ce qui indique que la rapidité d'éclosion de certains croisements est dépendante des pathogènes dans l'environnement. Le chapitre 4 décrit une étude analogue avec de truites (S. truffa), avec des résultats sitzimilaires. Dans les précédents chapitres nous nous sommes uniquement concentrés sur les performances des jeunes durant leur stade embryonnaire, et seulement dans des conditions semi naturelles. Dans le chapitre 5 nous testons la performance et la viabilité des embryons et de juvéniles de truites (S. truffa) dans des conditions naturelles. Nous avons trouvé que la taille des juvéniles était dépendante d'effets génétiques et de l'investissement maternel, mais ceci n'était ni les cas pour les survie des embryons et des juvéniles. De plus, nous avons trouvé que les jeunes des mâles plus foncés devenaient plus grands et que les grands ont un meilleur taux de survie. Finalement nous avons trouvé un 'carry-over effect' d'une première exposition non létale à un pathogène: exposer des embryons à des plus hauts niveaux de stress donnait des juvéniles plus petits. Pour évaluer la performance à long terme de groupes traités dé manières différentes, une méthode de marquage-recapture est inévitable. Pour cette raison, des techniques de marquage en masse sont nécessaires. Dans le chapitre 6, nous avons testé l'efficacité de la technique `fluorescent pigment spray marking' pour le marquage en masse de l'Ombre commun (Thymallus thymallus), avec des résultats très prometteurs. Les études de fertilisations in vitro avec les corégones nous donnent une idée du potentiel bénéfice génétique que représente la sélection d'un bon partenaire, même si le système d'accouplement des corégones en milieu naturel reste peu connu. Pour combler cette lacune, nous avons installé des caméras sous-marines autour de la frayère d'une population de corégones (C. suidteri), nous avons enregistré toute la période de reproduction et nous avons analysé les données par la suite. Ainsi, nous avons été capables de confirmer bien des résultats trouvés précédemment, mais aussi de faire de nouvelles observations. Ces résultats sont reportés dans le septième chapitre, où elles sont comparées avec des observations antérieures.


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Advances in the management of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) over the past 30 years have led to small increases in 5-year survival rates across Europe, though further improvements may require new treatment strategies. In order to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of development, future trials for new targeted agents in NSCLC should aim to recruit patients on the basis of tumour biology rather than clinical characteristics. However, identification of predictive biomarkers is required to maximise the benefits of new approaches and expedite the drug development process. Nevertheless, the NSCLC landscape is changing rapidly, and recent improvements in our understanding of the molecular biology of the disease will help in the identification of novel targeted agents as well as assisting in the development of personalised strategies for the numerous small subsets of defined NSCLC. Progress in imaging and treatment delivery is also likely to improve outcomes for patients with the disease. This article outlines recent progress in the treatment of NSCLC, identifies current challenges and describes proposals for improving the future management of the disease. It is hoped that implementation of some of these strategies will go some way to improving the outlook for patients with NSCLC.


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IMPORTANCE: The best treatment option for primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL) without signs of central nervous system lymphoma (CNSL) involvement determined on magnetic resonance imaging or in cerebrospinal fluid is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcomes of treatment regimens used for PVRL in the prevention of subsequent CNSL. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted at 17 referral ophthalmologic centers in Europe. We reviewed clinical, laboratory, and imaging data on 78 patients with PVRL who did not have CNSL on presentation between January 1, 1991, and December 31, 2012, with a focus on the incidence of CNS manifestations during the follow-up period. INTERVENTIONS: The term extensive treatment was used for various combinations of systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy, whole-brain radiotherapy, and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Therapy to prevent CNSL included ocular radiotherapy and/or ocular chemotherapy (group A, 31 patients), extensive systemic treatment (group B, 21 patients), and a combination of ocular and extensive treatment (group C, 23 patients); 3 patients did not receive treatment. A total of 40 patients received systemic chemotherapy. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Development of CNSL following the diagnosis of PVRL relative to the use or nonuse of systemic chemotherapy and other treatment regimens. RESULTS: Overall, CNSL developed in 28 of 78 patients (36%) at a median follow-up of 49 months. Specifically, CNSL developed in 10 of 31 (32%) in group A, 9 of 21 (43%) in group B, and 9 of 23 (39%) in group C. The 5-year cumulative survival rate was lower in patients with CNSL (35% [95% CI, 50% to 86%]) than in patients without CNSL (68% [95% CI, 19% to 51%]; P = .003) and was similar among all treatment groups (P = .10). Adverse systemic effects occurred in 9 of 40 (23%) patients receiving systemic chemotherapy; the most common of these effects was acute renal failure. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In the present series of patients with isolated PVRL, the use of systemic chemotherapy was not proven to prevent CNSL and was associated with more severe adverse effects compared with local treatment.


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Full-term pregnancies are associated with long-term reductions in maternal risk of breast cancer, but the biological determinants of the protection are unknown. Experimental observations suggest that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a major hormone of pregnancy, could play a role in this association. A case-control study (242 cases and 450 controls) nested within the Northern Sweden Maternity Cohort included women who had donated a blood sample during the first trimester of a first full-term pregnancy. Total hCG was determined on Immulite 2000 analyzer. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated through conditional logistic regression. Maternal breast cancer risk decreased with increasing hCG (upper tertile OR, 0.67; CI, 0.46-0.99), especially for pregnancies before age 25 (upper tertile OR, 0.41; CI, 0.21-0.80). The association diverged according to age at diagnosis: risk was reduced after age 40 (upper tertile OR, 0.60; CI, 0.39-0.91) and seemed to increase before age 40 (upper tertile OR, 1.78; CI, 0.72-4.38). Risk was reduced among those diagnosed 10 years or longer after blood draw (upper tertile OR, 0.60; CI, 0.40-0.90), but not so among those diagnosed within 10 years (upper tertile OR, 4.33; CI, 0.86-21.7). These observations suggest that the association between pregnancy hCG and subsequent maternal risk of breast cancer is modified by age at diagnosis. Although the hormone seems to be a determinant of the reduced risk around or after age 50, it might not confer protection against, or it could even increase the risk of, cancers diagnosed in the years immediately following pregnancy.


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BACKGROUND: We investigated whether the free β-human chorionic gonadotropin (free β-hCG) would provide additional information to that provided by total hCG alone and thus be useful in future epidemiological studies relating hCG to maternal breast cancer risk. MATERIALS & METHODS: Cases (n = 159) and controls (n = 286) were a subset of our previous study within the Northern Sweden Maternity Cohort on total hCG during primiparous pregnancy and breast cancer risk. RESULTS: The associations between total hCG (hazard ratio: 0.79; 95% CI: 0.49-1.27), free β-hCG (hazard ratio: 0.85; 95% CI: 0.33-2.18) and maternal risk of breast cancer were very similar in all analyses and mutual adjustment for either one had minor effects on the risk estimates. CONCLUSION: In the absence of a reliable assay on intact hCG, total hCG alone can be used in epidemiological studies investigating hCG and breast cancer risk, as free β-hCG does not appear to provide any additional information.


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This is the report of the first workshop on Incorporating In Vitro Alternative Methods for Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT) Testing into International Hazard and Risk Assessment Strategies, held in Ispra, Italy, on 19-21 April 2005. The workshop was hosted by the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) and jointly organized by ECVAM, the European Chemical Industry Council, and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. The primary aim of the workshop was to identify and catalog potential methods that could be used to assess how data from in vitro alternative methods could help to predict and identify DNT hazards. Working groups focused on two different aspects: a) details on the science available in the field of DNT, including discussions on the models available to capture the critical DNT mechanisms and processes, and b) policy and strategy aspects to assess the integration of alternative methods in a regulatory framework. This report summarizes these discussions and details the recommendations and priorities for future work.


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Preterm infants experience intense stress during the perinatal period because they endure painful and intense medical procedures. Repeated activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis during this period may have long-term effects on subsequent cortisol regulation. A premature delivery may also be intensely stressful for the parents, and they may develop symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Usable saliva samples were collected (4 times per day over 2 days, in the morning at awakening, at midday, in the afternoon, and in the evening before going to bed) to assess the diurnal cortisol regulation from 46 preterm infants when the infants were 12 months of corrected age (∼ 14 months after birth). Mothers reported their level of PTSD symptoms. The results showed an interaction between perinatal stress and maternal traumatic stress on the diurnal cortisol slope of preterm infants (R(2) = .32). This suggests that the HPA axis of preterm infants exposed to high perinatal stress may be more sensitive to subsequent environmental stress.


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Blood pressure is poorly controlled in most European countries and the control rate is even lower in high-risk patients such as patients with chronic kidney disease, diabetic patients or previous coronary heart disease. Several factors have been associated with poor control, some of which involve the characteristic of the patients themselves, such as socioeconomic factors, or unsuitable life-styles, other factors related to hypertension or to associated comorbidity, but there are also factors directly associated with antihypertensive therapy, mainly involving adherence problems, therapeutic inertia and therapeutic strategies unsuited to difficult-to-control hypertensive patients.It is common knowledge that only 30% of hypertensive patients can be controlled using monotherapy; all the rest require a combination of two or more antihypertensive drugs, and this can be a barrier to good adherence and log-term persistence in patients who also often need to use other drugs, such as antidiabetic agents, statins or antiplatelet agents. The fixed combinations of three antihypertensive agents currently available can facilitate long-term control of these patients in clinical practice. If well tolerated, a long-term therapeutic regimen that includes a diuretic, an ACE inhibitor or an angiotensin receptor blocker, and a calcium channel blocker is the recommended optimal triple therapy.


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L'utilisation efficace des systèmes géothermaux, la séquestration du CO2 pour limiter le changement climatique et la prévention de l'intrusion d'eau salée dans les aquifères costaux ne sont que quelques exemples qui démontrent notre besoin en technologies nouvelles pour suivre l'évolution des processus souterrains à partir de la surface. Un défi majeur est d'assurer la caractérisation et l'optimisation des performances de ces technologies à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles. Les méthodes électromagnétiques (EM) d'ondes planes sont sensibles à la conductivité électrique du sous-sol et, par conséquent, à la conductivité électrique des fluides saturant la roche, à la présence de fractures connectées, à la température et aux matériaux géologiques. Ces méthodes sont régies par des équations valides sur de larges gammes de fréquences, permettant détudier de manières analogues des processus allant de quelques mètres sous la surface jusqu'à plusieurs kilomètres de profondeur. Néanmoins, ces méthodes sont soumises à une perte de résolution avec la profondeur à cause des propriétés diffusives du champ électromagnétique. Pour cette raison, l'estimation des modèles du sous-sol par ces méthodes doit prendre en compte des informations a priori afin de contraindre les modèles autant que possible et de permettre la quantification des incertitudes de ces modèles de façon appropriée. Dans la présente thèse, je développe des approches permettant la caractérisation statique et dynamique du sous-sol à l'aide d'ondes EM planes. Dans une première partie, je présente une approche déterministe permettant de réaliser des inversions répétées dans le temps (time-lapse) de données d'ondes EM planes en deux dimensions. Cette stratégie est basée sur l'incorporation dans l'algorithme d'informations a priori en fonction des changements du modèle de conductivité électrique attendus. Ceci est réalisé en intégrant une régularisation stochastique et des contraintes flexibles par rapport à la gamme des changements attendus en utilisant les multiplicateurs de Lagrange. J'utilise des normes différentes de la norme l2 pour contraindre la structure du modèle et obtenir des transitions abruptes entre les régions du model qui subissent des changements dans le temps et celles qui n'en subissent pas. Aussi, j'incorpore une stratégie afin d'éliminer les erreurs systématiques de données time-lapse. Ce travail a mis en évidence l'amélioration de la caractérisation des changements temporels par rapport aux approches classiques qui réalisent des inversions indépendantes à chaque pas de temps et comparent les modèles. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, j'adopte un formalisme bayésien et je teste la possibilité de quantifier les incertitudes sur les paramètres du modèle dans l'inversion d'ondes EM planes. Pour ce faire, je présente une stratégie d'inversion probabiliste basée sur des pixels à deux dimensions pour des inversions de données d'ondes EM planes et de tomographies de résistivité électrique (ERT) séparées et jointes. Je compare les incertitudes des paramètres du modèle en considérant différents types d'information a priori sur la structure du modèle et différentes fonctions de vraisemblance pour décrire les erreurs sur les données. Les résultats indiquent que la régularisation du modèle est nécessaire lorsqu'on a à faire à un large nombre de paramètres car cela permet d'accélérer la convergence des chaînes et d'obtenir des modèles plus réalistes. Cependent, ces contraintes mènent à des incertitudes d'estimations plus faibles, ce qui implique des distributions a posteriori qui ne contiennent pas le vrai modèledans les régions ou` la méthode présente une sensibilité limitée. Cette situation peut être améliorée en combinant des méthodes d'ondes EM planes avec d'autres méthodes complémentaires telles que l'ERT. De plus, je montre que le poids de régularisation des paramètres et l'écart-type des erreurs sur les données peuvent être retrouvés par une inversion probabiliste. Finalement, j'évalue la possibilité de caractériser une distribution tridimensionnelle d'un panache de traceur salin injecté dans le sous-sol en réalisant une inversion probabiliste time-lapse tridimensionnelle d'ondes EM planes. Etant donné que les inversions probabilistes sont très coûteuses en temps de calcul lorsque l'espace des paramètres présente une grande dimension, je propose une stratégie de réduction du modèle ou` les coefficients de décomposition des moments de Legendre du panache de traceur injecté ainsi que sa position sont estimés. Pour ce faire, un modèle de résistivité de base est nécessaire. Il peut être obtenu avant l'expérience time-lapse. Un test synthétique montre que la méthodologie marche bien quand le modèle de résistivité de base est caractérisé correctement. Cette méthodologie est aussi appliquée à un test de trac¸age par injection d'une solution saline et d'acides réalisé dans un système géothermal en Australie, puis comparée à une inversion time-lapse tridimensionnelle réalisée selon une approche déterministe. L'inversion probabiliste permet de mieux contraindre le panache du traceur salin gr^ace à la grande quantité d'informations a priori incluse dans l'algorithme. Néanmoins, les changements de conductivités nécessaires pour expliquer les changements observés dans les données sont plus grands que ce qu'expliquent notre connaissance actuelle des phénomenès physiques. Ce problème peut être lié à la qualité limitée du modèle de résistivité de base utilisé, indiquant ainsi que des efforts plus grands devront être fournis dans le futur pour obtenir des modèles de base de bonne qualité avant de réaliser des expériences dynamiques. Les études décrites dans cette thèse montrent que les méthodes d'ondes EM planes sont très utiles pour caractériser et suivre les variations temporelles du sous-sol sur de larges échelles. Les présentes approches améliorent l'évaluation des modèles obtenus, autant en termes d'incorporation d'informations a priori, qu'en termes de quantification d'incertitudes a posteriori. De plus, les stratégies développées peuvent être appliquées à d'autres méthodes géophysiques, et offrent une grande flexibilité pour l'incorporation d'informations additionnelles lorsqu'elles sont disponibles. -- The efficient use of geothermal systems, the sequestration of CO2 to mitigate climate change, and the prevention of seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers are only some examples that demonstrate the need for novel technologies to monitor subsurface processes from the surface. A main challenge is to assure optimal performance of such technologies at different temporal and spatial scales. Plane-wave electromagnetic (EM) methods are sensitive to subsurface electrical conductivity and consequently to fluid conductivity, fracture connectivity, temperature, and rock mineralogy. These methods have governing equations that are the same over a large range of frequencies, thus allowing to study in an analogous manner processes on scales ranging from few meters close to the surface down to several hundreds of kilometers depth. Unfortunately, they suffer from a significant resolution loss with depth due to the diffusive nature of the electromagnetic fields. Therefore, estimations of subsurface models that use these methods should incorporate a priori information to better constrain the models, and provide appropriate measures of model uncertainty. During my thesis, I have developed approaches to improve the static and dynamic characterization of the subsurface with plane-wave EM methods. In the first part of this thesis, I present a two-dimensional deterministic approach to perform time-lapse inversion of plane-wave EM data. The strategy is based on the incorporation of prior information into the inversion algorithm regarding the expected temporal changes in electrical conductivity. This is done by incorporating a flexible stochastic regularization and constraints regarding the expected ranges of the changes by using Lagrange multipliers. I use non-l2 norms to penalize the model update in order to obtain sharp transitions between regions that experience temporal changes and regions that do not. I also incorporate a time-lapse differencing strategy to remove systematic errors in the time-lapse inversion. This work presents improvements in the characterization of temporal changes with respect to the classical approach of performing separate inversions and computing differences between the models. In the second part of this thesis, I adopt a Bayesian framework and use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations to quantify model parameter uncertainty in plane-wave EM inversion. For this purpose, I present a two-dimensional pixel-based probabilistic inversion strategy for separate and joint inversions of plane-wave EM and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data. I compare the uncertainties of the model parameters when considering different types of prior information on the model structure and different likelihood functions to describe the data errors. The results indicate that model regularization is necessary when dealing with a large number of model parameters because it helps to accelerate the convergence of the chains and leads to more realistic models. These constraints also lead to smaller uncertainty estimates, which imply posterior distributions that do not include the true underlying model in regions where the method has limited sensitivity. This situation can be improved by combining planewave EM methods with complimentary geophysical methods such as ERT. In addition, I show that an appropriate regularization weight and the standard deviation of the data errors can be retrieved by the MCMC inversion. Finally, I evaluate the possibility of characterizing the three-dimensional distribution of an injected water plume by performing three-dimensional time-lapse MCMC inversion of planewave EM data. Since MCMC inversion involves a significant computational burden in high parameter dimensions, I propose a model reduction strategy where the coefficients of a Legendre moment decomposition of the injected water plume and its location are estimated. For this purpose, a base resistivity model is needed which is obtained prior to the time-lapse experiment. A synthetic test shows that the methodology works well when the base resistivity model is correctly characterized. The methodology is also applied to an injection experiment performed in a geothermal system in Australia, and compared to a three-dimensional time-lapse inversion performed within a deterministic framework. The MCMC inversion better constrains the water plumes due to the larger amount of prior information that is included in the algorithm. The conductivity changes needed to explain the time-lapse data are much larger than what is physically possible based on present day understandings. This issue may be related to the base resistivity model used, therefore indicating that more efforts should be given to obtain high-quality base models prior to dynamic experiments. The studies described herein give clear evidence that plane-wave EM methods are useful to characterize and monitor the subsurface at a wide range of scales. The presented approaches contribute to an improved appraisal of the obtained models, both in terms of the incorporation of prior information in the algorithms and the posterior uncertainty quantification. In addition, the developed strategies can be applied to other geophysical methods, and offer great flexibility to incorporate additional information when available.


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In order to prevent allograft rejection, most current immunosuppressive drugs nonspecifically target T-cell activation, clonal expansion or differentiation into effector cells. Experimental models have shown that it is possible to exploit the central and peripheral mechanisms that normally maintain immune homeostasis and tolerance to self-antigens, in order to induce tolerance to alloantigens. Central tolerance results from intrathymic deletion of T cells with high avidity for thymically expressed antigens. Peripheral tolerance to nonself-molecules can be achieved by various mechanisms including deletion of activated/effector T cells, anergy induction and active regulation of effector T cells. In this article, we briefly discuss the pathways of allorecognition and their relevance to current immunosuppressive strategies and to the induction of transplantation tolerance (through haematopoietic mixed chimerism, depleting protocols, costimulatory blockade and regulatory T cells). We then review the prospect of clinical applicability of these protocols in solid organ transplantation.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this trial was to assess which type of warm-up has the highest effect on virtual reality (VR) laparoscopy performance. The following warm-up strategies were applied: a hands-on exercise (group 1), a cognitive exercise (group 2), and no warm-up (control, group 3). DESIGN: This is a 3-arm randomized controlled trial. SETTING: The trial was conducted at the department of surgery of the University Hospital Basel in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 94 participants, all laypersons without any surgical or VR experience, completed the study. RESULTS: A total of 96 participants were randomized, 31 to group 1, 31 to group 2, and 32 to group 3. There were 2 postrandomization exclusions. In the multivariate analysis, we found no evidence that the intervention had an effect on VR performance as represented by 6 calculated subscores of accuracy, time, and path length for (1) camera manipulation and (2) hand-eye coordination combined with 2-handed maneuvers (p = 0.795). Neither the comparison of the average of the intervention groups (groups 1 and 2) vs control (group 3) nor the pairwise comparisons revealed any significant differences in VR performance, neither multivariate nor univariate. VR performance improved with increasing performance score in the cognitive exercise warm-up (iPad 3D puzzle) for accuracy, time, and path length in the camera navigation task. CONCLUSIONS: We were unable to show an effect of the 2 tested warm-up strategies on VR performance in laypersons. We are currently designing a follow-up study including surgeons rather than laypersons with a longer warm-up exercise, which is more closely related to the final task.


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A long term study on the reproductive strategies of Formica lugubris (Formica rufa group) has revealed many new important facts. Within a supercolony the sex-ratio is strongly female biased. Some of the sexuals mate on the nest surface, whereas others fly from the nest. Those sexuals participating in flights aggregate in particular meadow sites (mating places). On these places females attract males by releasing a sex pheromone.