145 resultados para K-CL COTRANSPORTER
In the urinary bladder of the toad Bufo marinus aldosterone (between 0.8 and 100 nM) stimulates Na+ transport [half-maximal induction concentration (K1/2) = 6.5 nM]. At low hormone concentrations (0.8-8 nM), the increase of Na+ transport between 0.75 and 2.5 h is accompanied by a fall in transepithelial resistance (R). Higher hormone concentrations (30-800 nM) induce an additional resistance-independent fraction of Na+ transport within 2.5-8 h. From 6 h on, aldosterone (between 0.2 and 20 nM) stimulates in the same tissue the biosynthesis rate of the alpha- and beta-subunits of Na+-K+-ATPase (K1/2 = 3 and 1.5 nM, respectively). New pump synthesis is thus not a prerequisite for the early mineralocorticoid response but might be linked to the late transport event. The mineralocorticoid response is usually ascribed to interaction with the higher affinity type 1 receptor. In the present study we show, however, that at least 55% of the overall Na+ transport response is linked to nuclear occupation of the lower affinity type 2 receptors [dissociation constant (Kd) = 50 nM, maximum number of binding sites (Nmax) = 315 fmol/mg protein]. Distinct aldosterone effects, such as the fall in R and the increase in Na+-K+-ATPase synthesis, are more closely related to occupation of type 1 receptors (Kd = 0.3 nM, Nmax = 23 fmol/mg protein). At maximal induction of these latter parameters, only about 20% of type 2 receptors are occupied. These results suggest that both types of aldosterone receptors are involved in the mediation of the full mineralocorticoid response: type 1 in the early and late and type 2 particularly in the late tissue response.
The main geothermal reservoir of Acqui Terme-Visone hosts Na-Cl waters, which are in chemical equilibrium at 120-130 degrees C with typical hydrothermal minerals including quartz, albite, K-feldspar, illite, chlorite (or smectite), anhydrite, calcite and an unspecified Ca-Al-silicate. In the Acqui Terme-Visone area, these geothermal waters ascend along zones of high vertical permeability and discharge at the surface almost undiluted or mixed with cold, shallow waters. To the SW of Acqui Terme, other ascending geothermal waters, either undiluted or mixed with low-salinity waters, enter relatively shallow secondary reservoirs, where they reequilibrate at 65-70 degrees C. Both chemical and isotopic data indicate that bacterial SO4 reduction affects all these waters, especially those discharged by the secondary reservoirs. Therefore, geothermal waters must get in contact with oil, acquiring the relatively oxidized organic substances needed by SO4-reducing bacteria. This oil-water interaction process deserves further investigations, for potential economic implications. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The seven members of the FXYD protein family associate with the Na(+)-K(+) pump and modulate its activity. We investigated whether conserved cysteines in FXYD proteins are susceptible to glutathionylation and whether such reactivity affects Na(+)-K(+) pump function in cardiac myocytes and Xenopus oocytes. Glutathionylation was detected by immunoblotting streptavidin precipitate from biotin-GSH loaded cells or by a GSH antibody. Incubation of myocytes with recombinant FXYD proteins resulted in competitive displacement of native FXYD1. Myocyte and Xenopus oocyte pump currents were measured with whole-cell and two-electrode voltage clamp techniques, respectively. Native FXYD1 in myocytes and FXYD1 expressed in oocytes were susceptible to glutathionylation. Mutagenesis identified the specific cysteine in the cytoplasmic terminal that was reactive. Its reactivity was dependent on flanking basic amino acids. We have reported that Na(+)-K(+) pump β(1) subunit glutathionylation induced by oxidative signals causes pump inhibition in a previous study. In the present study, we found that β(1) subunit glutathionylation and pump inhibition could be reversed by exposing myocytes to exogenous wild-type FXYD3. A cysteine-free FXYD3 derivative had no effect. Similar results were obtained with wild-type and mutant FXYD proteins expressed in oocytes. Glutathionylation of the β(1) subunit was increased in myocardium from FXYD1(-/-) mice. In conclusion, there is a dependence of Na(+)-K(+) pump regulation on reactivity of two specifically identified cysteines on separate components of the multimeric Na(+)-K(+) pump complex. By facilitating deglutathionylation of the β(1) subunit, FXYD proteins reverse oxidative inhibition of the Na(+)-K(+) pump and play a dynamic role in its regulation.
SUMMARY Regulation of sodium excretion by the kidney is a key mechanism in the long term regulation of blood pressure, and when altered it constitutes a risk factor for the appearance of arterial hypertension. Aldosterone, which secretion depends upon salt intake in the diet, is a steroid hormone that regulates sodium reabsorption in the distal part of the nephron (functional unit of the kidney) by modulating gene transcription. It has been shown that it can act synergistically with the peptidic hormone insulin through the interaction of their signalisation pathways. Our work consisted of two distinct parts: 1) the in vitro and in vivo characterisation of Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) (an aldosterone-induced gene) mechanism of action; 2) the in vitro characterisation of insulin mechanism of action and its interaction with aldosterone. GILZ mRNA, coded by the TSC22D3 gene, is strongly induced by aldosterone in the cell line of principal cells of the cortical collecting duct (CCD) mpkCCDc14, suggesting that GILZ is a mediator of aldosterone response. Co-expression of GILZ and the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel ENaC in vitro in the Xenopus oocyte expression system showed that GILZ has no direct effect on the ENaC-mediated Na+ current in basal conditions. To define the role of GILZ in the kidney and in other organs (colon, heart, skin, etc.), a conditional knock-out mouse is being produced and will allow the in vivo study of its role. Previous data showed that insulin induced a transepithelial sodium transport at supraphysiological concentrations. Insulin and the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) are able to bind to each other receptor with an affinity 50 to 100 times lower than to their cognate receptor. Our starting hypothesis was that the insulin effect observed at these supraphysiological concentrations is actually mediated by the IGF receptor type 1 (IGF-1R). In a new cell line that presents all the characteristics of the principal cells of the CCD (mCCDc11) we have shown that both insulin and IGF-1 induce a physiologically significant increase of Na+ transport through the activation of IGF-1R. Aldosterone and insulin/IGF-1 have an additive effect on Na+ transport, through the activation of the PI3-kinase (PI3-K) pathway and the phosphorylation of the serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (Sgk1) by the IGF-1R, and the induction of Sgk1 expression by aldosterone. Thus, Sgk1 integrates IGF-1/insulin and aldosterone effects. We suggest that IGF-1 is physiologically relevant in the modulation of sodium balance, while insulin can only regulate Na+ transport at supraphysiological conditions. Both hormones would bind to the IGF-1R and induce Na+ transport by activating the PI3-K PDK1/2 - Sgk1 pathway. We have shown for the first time that Sgk1 is expressed and phosphorylated in principal cells of the CCD in basal conditions, although the mechanism that maintains Sgk1 phosphorylation is not known. This new role for IGF-1 suggests that it could be a salt susceptibility gene. In effect, IGF-1 stimulates Na+ and water transport in the kidney in vivo. Moreover, 35 % of the acromegalic patients (overproduction of growth hormone and IGF-1) are hypertensives (higher proportion than in normal population), and genetic analysis suggest a link between the IGF-1 gene locus and blood pressure. RÉSUMÉ La régulation de l'excrétion rénale de sodium (Na+) joue un rôle principal dans le contrôle à long terme de la pression sanguine, et ses altérations constituent un facteur de risque de l'apparition d'une hypertension artérielle. L'aldosterone, dont la sécrétion dépend de l'apport en sel dans la diète, est une hormone stéroïdienne qui régule la réabsorption de Na+ dans la partie distale du nephron (unité fonctionnelle du rein) en contrôlant la transcription de gènes. Elle peut agir de façon synergistique avec l'hormone peptidique insuline, probablement via l'interaction de leurs voies de signalisation cellulaire. Le but de notre travail comportait deux volets: 1) caractériser in vitro et in vivo le mécanisme d'action du Glucocorticoid Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) (un gène induit par l'aldosterone); 2) caractériser in vitro le mécanisme d'action de l'insuline et son interaction avec l'aldosterone. L'ARNm de GILZ, codé par le gène TSC22D3, est induit par l'aldosterone dans la lignée cellulaire de cellules principales du tubule collecteur cortical (CCD) mpkCCDc14, suggérant que GILZ est un médiateur potentiel de la réponse à l'aldosterone. La co-expression in vitro de GILZ et du canal à Na+ sensible à l'amiloride ENaC dans le système d'expression de l'oocyte de Xénope a montré que GILZ n'a pas d'effet sur les courants sodiques véhiculées par ENaC en conditions basales. Une souris knock-out conditionnelle de GILZ est en train d'être produite et permettra l'étude in vivo de son rôle dans le rein et d'autres organes. Des expériences préliminaires ont montré que l'insuline induit un transport transépithelial de Na+ à des concentrations supraphysiologiques. L'insuline et l'insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) peuvent se lier à leurs récepteurs réciproques avec une affinité 50 à 100 fois moindre qu'à leur propre récepteur. Nous avons donc proposé que l'effet de l'insuline soit médié par le récepteur à l'IGF type 1 (IGF-1R). Dans une nouvelle lignée cellulaire qui présente toutes les caractéristiques des cellules principales du CCD (mCCDc11) nous avons montré que les deux hormones induisent une augmentation physiologiquement significative du transport du Na+ par l'activation des IGF-1 R. Aldosterone et insuline/IGF-1 ont un effet additif sur le transport de Na+, via l'activation de la voie de la PI3-kinase et la phosphorylation de la serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (Sgk1) par l'IGF-1R, dont l'expression est induite par l'aldosterone. Sgk1 intègre les effets de l'insuline et l'aldosterone. Nous proposons que l'IGF-1 joue un rôle dans la modulation physiologique de la balance sodique, tandis que l'insuline régule le transport de Na+ à des concentrations supraphysiologiques. Les deux hormones agissent en se liant à l'IGF-1R et induisent le transport de Na+ en activant la cascade de signalisation PI3-K - PDK1/2 - Sgk1. Nous avons montré pour la première fois que Sgk1 est exprimée et phosphorylée dans des conditions basales dans les cellules principales du CCD, mais le mécanisme qui maintient sa phosphorylation n'est pas connu. Ce nouveau rôle pour l'IGF-1 suggère qu'il pourrait être un gène impliqué de susceptibilité au sel. Aussi, l'IGF-1 stimule le transport rénal de Na+ in vivo. De plus, 35 % des patients atteints d'acromégalie (surproduction d'hormone de croissance et d'IGF-1) sont hypertensifs (prévalence plus élevée que la population normale), et des analyses génétiques suggèrent un lien entre le locus du gène de l'IGF-1 et la pression sanguine. RÉSUMÉ GRAND PUBLIC Nos ancêtres se sont génétiquement adaptés pendant des centaines de millénaires à un environnement pauvre en sel (chlorure de sodium) dans la savane équatoriale, où ils consommaient moins de 0,1 gramme de sel par jour. On a commencé à ajouter du sel aux aliments avec l'apparition de l'agriculture (il y a 5000 à 10000 années), et aujourd'hui une diète omnivore, qui inclut des plats préparés, contient plusieurs fois la quantité de sodium nécessaire pour notre fonction physiologique normale (environ 10 grammes par jour). Le corps garde sa concentration constante dans le sang en s'adaptant à une consommation très variable de sel. Pour ceci, il module son excrétion soit directement, soit en sécrétant des hormones régulatrices. Le rein joue un rôle principal dans cette régulation puisque l'excrétion urinaire de sel change selon la diète et peut aller d'une quantité dérisoire à plus de 36 grammes par jour. L'attention qu'on prête au sel est liée à sa relation avec l'hypertension essentielle. Ainsi, le contrôle rénal de l'excrétion de sodium et d'eau est le principal mécanisme dans la régulation de la pression sanguine, et une ingestion excessive de sel pourrait être l'un des facteurs-clé déclenchant l'apparition d'un phénotype hypertensif. L'hormone aldosterone diminue l'excrétion de sodium par le rein en modulant l'expression de gènes qui pourraient être impliqués dans la sensibilité au sel. Dans une lignée cellulaire de rein l'expression du gène TSC22D3, qui se traduit en la protéine Glucocorticoid Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ), est fortement induite par l'aldosterone. Ceci suggère que GILZ est un médiateur potentiel de l'effet de l'aldosterone, et pourrait être impliqué dans la sensibilité au sel. Pour analyser la fonction de GILZ dans le rein plusieurs approches ont été utilisées. Par exemple, une souris dans laquelle GILZ est spécifiquement inactivé dans le rein est en train d'être produite et permettra l'étude du rôle de GILZ dans l'organisme. De plus, on a montré que GILZ, en conditions basales, n'a pas d'effet direct sur la protéine transportant le sodium à travers la membrane des cellules, le canal sodique épithélial ENaC. On a aussi essayé de trouver des protéines qui interagissent directement avec GILZ utilisant une technique appelée du « double-hybride dans la levure », mais aucun candidat n'a émergé. Des études ont montré que, à de hautes concentrations, l'insuline peut aussi diminuer l'excrétion de sodium. A ces concentrations, elle peut activer son récepteur spécifique, mais aussi le récepteur d'une autre hormone, l'Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). En plus, l'infusion d'IGF-1 augmente la rétention rénale de sodium et d'eau, et des mutations du gène codant pour l'IGF-1 sont liées aux différents niveaux de pression sanguine. On a utilisé une nouvelle lignée cellulaire de rein développée dans notre laboratoire, appelée mCCDc11, pour analyser l'importance relative des deux hormones dans l'induction du transport de sodium. On a montré que les deux hormones induisent une augmentation significative du transport de sodium par l'activation de récepteurs à l'IGF-1 et non du récepteur à l'insuline. On a montré qu'à l'intérieur de la cellule leur activation induit une augmentation du transport sodique par le biais du canal ENaC en modifiant la quantité de phosphates fixés sur la protéine Serumand Glucocorticoid-induced Kinase 1 (Sgk1). On a finalement montré que l'IGF-1 et l'aldosterone ont un effet additif sur le transport de sodium en agissant toutes les deux sur Sgk1, qui intègre leurs effets dans le contrôle du transport de sodium dans le rein.
The collecting duct of normal kidney exhibits significant activity of the MEK1/2-ERK1/2 pathway as shown in vivo by immunostaining of phosphorylated active ERK1/2 (pERK1/2). The MEK1/2-ERK1/2 pathway controls many different ion transports both in proximal and distal nephron, raising the question of whether this pathway is involved in the basal and/or hormone-dependent transepithelial sodium reabsorption in the principal cell of the cortical collecting duct (CCD), a process mediated by the apical epithelial sodium channel and the basolateral sodium pump (Na,K-ATPase). To answer this question we used ex vivo microdissected CCDs from normal mouse kidney or in vitro cultured mpkCCDcl4 principal cells. Significant basal levels of pERK1/2 were observed ex vivo and in vitro. Aldosterone and vasopressin, known to up-regulate sodium reabsorption in CCDs, did not change ERK1/2 activity either ex vivo or in vitro. Basal and aldosterone- or vasopressin-stimulated sodium transport was down-regulated by the MEK1/2 inhibitor PD98059, in parallel with a decrease in pERK1/2 in vitro. The activity of Na,K-ATPase but not that of epithelial sodium channel was inhibited by MEK1/2 inhibitors in both unstimulated and aldosterone- or vasopressin-stimulated CCDs in vitro. Cell surface biotinylation showed that intrinsic activity rather than cell surface expression of Na,K-ATPase was controlled by pERK1/2. PD98059 also significantly inhibited the activity of Na,K-ATPase ex vivo. Our data demonstrate that the ERK1/2 pathway controls Na,K-ATPase activity and transepithelial sodium transport in the principal cell and indicate that basal constitutive activity of the ERK1/2 pathway is a critical component of this control.
Between the cities of Domodossola and Locarno, the complex ``Centovalli Line'' tectonic zone of the Central Alps outlines deformation phases over a long period of time (probably starting similar to 30 Ma ago) and under variable P-T conditions. The last deformation phases developed gouge-bearing faults with a general E-W trend that crosscuts the roots of the Alpine Canavese zone and the Finero ultramafic body. Kinematic indicators show that the general motion was mainly dextral associated with back thrusting towards the S. The <2 mu m clay fractions of fault gouges from Centovalli Line consist mainly of illite, smectite and chlorite with varied illite-smectite, chlorite-smectite and chlorite-serpentine mixed-layers. Constrained with the illite crystallinity index, the thermal conditions induced by the tectonic activity show a gradual trend from anchizonal to diagenetic conditions. The <2 and <0.2 mu M clay fractions, and hydrothermal K-feldspar separates all provide K-Ar ages between 14.2 +/- 2.9 Ma and roughly 0 Ma, with major episodes at about 12,8, 6 and close to 0 Ma These ages set the recurrent tectonic activity and the associated fluid circulations between Upper Miocene and Recent. On the basis of the K-Ar ages and with a thermal gradient of 25-30 degrees C/km, the studied fault zones were located at a depth of 4-7 km. If they were active until now as observed in field, the exhumation was approximately 2.5-3.0 km for the last 12 Ma with a mean velocity of 0.4 mm/y. Comparison with available models on the recent Alpine evolution shows that the tectonic activity in the area relates to a continuum of the back-thrusting movements of the Canavese Line, and/or to several late-extensional phases of the Rhone-Simplon line. The Centovalli-Val Vigezzo zone therefore represents a major tectonic zone of the Central-Western Alps resulting from different interacting tectonic events. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) are prescribed worldwide and remain the oral anticoagulant of choice. These drugs are characterized by a narrow therapeutic index and a large inter- and intra-individual variability. P-glycoprotein could contribute to this variability. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of P-gp in the transport of acenocoumarol, phenprocoumon and warfarin using an in vitro Caco-2 cell monolayer model. These results were compared with those obtained with rivaroxaban, a new oral anticoagulant known to be a P-gp substrate. The transport of these four drugs was assessed at pH conditions 6.8/7.4 in the presence or absence of the P-gp inhibitor cyclosporine A (10 μM) and the more potent and specific P-gp inhibitor valspodar (5 μM). Analytical quantification was performed by LC/MS. With an efflux ratio of 1.7 and a significant decrease in the efflux (Papp B-A), in the presence of P-gp inhibitors at a concentration of 50 μM, acenocoumarol can be considered as a weak P-gp substrate. Concerning phenprocoumon, the results suggest that this molecule is a poor P-gp substrate. The P-gp inhibitors did not affect significantly the transport of warfarin. The efflux of rivaroxaban was strongly inhibited by the two P-gp inhibitors. In conclusion, none of the three VKAs tested are strong P-gp substrates. However, acenocoumarol can be considered as a weak P-gp substrate and phenprocoumon as a poor P-gp substrate.
Although experimental studies have suggested that insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and its binding protein IGFBP-3 might have a role in the aetiology of coronary artery disease (CAD), the relevance of circulating IGFs and their binding proteins in the development of CAD in human populations is unclear. We conducted a nested case-control study, with a mean follow-up of six years, within the EPIC-Norfolk cohort to assess the association between circulating levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 and risk of CAD in up to 1,013 cases and 2,055 controls matched for age, sex and study enrolment date. After adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors, we found no association between circulating levels of IGF-I or IGFBP-3 and risk of CAD (odds ratio: 0.98 (95% Cl 0.90-1.06) per 1 SD increase in circulating IGF-I; odds ratio: 1.02 (95% Cl 0.94-1.12) for IGFBP-3). We examined associations between tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (tSNPs) at the IGF1 and IGFBP3 loci and circulating IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels in up to 1,133 cases and 2,223 controls and identified three tSNPs (rs1520220, rs3730204, rs2132571) that showed independent association with either circulating IGF-I or IGFBP-3 levels. In an assessment of 31 SNPs spanning the IGF1 or IGFBP3 loci, none were associated with risk of CAD in a meta-analysis that included EPIC-Norfolk and eight additional studies comprising up to 9,319 cases and 19,964 controls. Our results indicate that IGF-I and IGFBP-3 are unlikely to be importantly involved in the aetiology of CAD in human populations.
Breathing-induced bulk motion of the myocardium during data acquisition may cause severe image artifacts in coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Current motion compensation strategies include breath-holding or free-breathing MR navigator gating and tracking techniques. Navigator-based techniques have been further refined by the applications of sophisticated 2D k-space reordering techniques. A further improvement in image quality and a reduction of relative scanning duration may be expected from a 3D k-space reordering scheme. Therefore, a 3D k-space reordered acquisition scheme including a 3D navigator gated and corrected segmented k-space gradient echo imaging sequence for coronary MRA was implemented. This new zonal motion-adapted acquisition and reordering technique (ZMART) was developed on the basis of a numerical simulation of the Bloch equations. The technique was implemented on a commercial 1.5T MR system, and first phantom and in vivo experiments were performed. Consistent with the results of the theoretical findings, the results obtained in the phantom studies demonstrate a significant reduction of motion artifacts when compared to conventional (non-k-space reordered) gating techniques. Preliminary in vivo findings also compare favorably with the phantom experiments and theoretical considerations. Magn Reson Med 45:645-652, 2001.
Aldosterone stimulates transepithelial Na+ transport in the toad bladder, and thyroid hormone antagonizes this mineralocorticoid action. In the present study, we assessed the influence of these two hormones on the biosynthesis of (Na+,K+)ATPase, the major driving force of Na+ transport. Rates of enzyme synthesis were estimated by immunoprecipitation with monospecific alpha (96,000 daltons) and beta (60,000 daltons) subunit antibodies. After a 30-min pulse of intact tissue with [35S]methionine, the anti-alpha-serum recognized the 96,000-dalton alpha subunit and the anti-beta-serum, a 42,000-dalton protein, in total cell extracts. The biosynthesis rates of both these proteins were increased 2.8- and 2.4-fold respectively, over controls by 80 nM aldosterone after 18 h of hormone treatment. The hormonal effect was not apparent up to 3 h of incubation and was dose dependent between 0.2 and 20 nM aldosterone. The hormonal induction was antagonized by spironolactone (500-fold excess) but not by amiloride. The action of aldosterone thus seems to be a receptor-mediated process and a primary event independent of the Na+ permeability of the apical membrane. Thyroid hormone, on the other hand, had no effect on either basal or aldosterone-stimulated synthesis rates of both enzyme proteins. The results demonstrate a direct effect of aldosterone on gene expression of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase. Ultimately, this phenomenon could be linked to the late mineralocorticoid action of this hormone. On the other hand, thyroid hormone, in contrast to the situation in mammals, does not stimulate de novo enzyme synthesis in amphibia. Neither can the antimineralocorticoid action of thyroid hormone in the toad bladder be explained by an inhibition of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase synthesis.