152 resultados para Form-of-Life


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BACKGROUND: Despite advances in treatment, survival of patients with GBM over 60 years is still often less than 1 year. In the perspective of a short expected survival, the quality of the remaining life and the effects of therapy on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) should be given special emphasis when recommending treatment for the individual patients. Several studies have focused on survival of the elderly, but few data are available on HRQoL for different treatments. In a randomized trial, we compared survival and HRQoL for 3 treatment options, 6 weeks of RT, vs hypofractionated RT, or chemotherapy with TMZ. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Newly diagnosed GBM patients, age ≥60 years with PS 0-2, were randomized to either standard RT (60 Gy in 2-Gy fractions over 6 weeks), hypofractionated RT (34 Gy in 3.4-Gy fractions over 2 weeks), or 6 cycles of chemotherapy with TMZ (200 mg/m2 day 1-5 every 28 days). QoL was determined by the EORTC QLQ 30 questionnaire and the Brain Cancer Module at inclusion, before start of therapy, at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after start of treatment. Patients were followed until death. The primary study endpoint was overall survival (OS) and secondary objectives were HRQoL, neurologic symptom control, and safety. RESULTS: A total of 342 patients were included and 292 patients were randomized between the 3 treatment options and 50 patients between hypofractionated RT and TMZ. Median age was 70 years (range 60-92) with 58% being male. Performance status was 0-1 for 75% of patients and 73% had undergone surgical resection. CONCLUSION: The results from the HRQoL analysis of this trial will be presented together with survival data at the upcoming EANO meeting.


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Following the seminal work on personal identity of Erikson, Marcia's identity status model has been one of the most enduring paradigms. The Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ; Balistreri, Busch-Rossnagel, & Geissinger, 1995) is a widely used measure of identity status. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factor structure and the reliability of a French version of the EIPQ. The hypothesized structures were not confirmed. In light of the failed attempts to validate the original version, an alternative short-form version of the EIPQ (EIPQ-SF), maintaining the integrity of the original model, was developed in one sample and cross-validated in another sample. Additionally, theoretically consistent associations between the EIPQ-SF dimensions and self-esteem confirmed convergent validity. Globally, the results indicated that the French short-version of the EIPQ might be a useful instrument for the assessment of the identity statuses in adolescence and emerging adulthood.


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Background: Food allergy in children, an increasingly prevalent disease, significantly affects the quality of life. Its impact can be analyzed by the recently validated French version of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (FAQLQ). Objectives: The aim of our study was to evaluate the quality of life in a small sample of Swiss children with IgE-mediated food allergy. Methods: Information were collected with the questionnaire among 0-12 years old children and their parents during a scheduled allergy visit, and analysed in term of emotional impact, food anxiety and social and food limitations. Patients were divided according to the questionnaire in three age groups: group 1 from 0 to 3 years, group 2 from 4 to 6 years and group 3 from 7 up to 12 years. Results: 30 food allergic patients were included, with a girl/boy ratio of 1:1.14. Median age was 6 years. 56% suffered from or had a history of eczema, 23% of rhino-conjunctivitis, 30% of asthma, and 13% reported a drug allergy. None had insect venom allergy. 57% were known to be allergic to one food, 20% to two foods, 20% to 3 foods and 3% had 3 or more food allergies. Tree nuts (51% of all allergies) as well as eggs (28 %) were the major allergies. Emotional impact had a total score of 1.54 but showed differences between age groups. In group 1 it was lower with 0.23, in group 2 the score was 2.03 and 1.77 in group 3. Food anxiety total score was 1.9; 0.76 in group 1, 2.31 in group 2 and 2.23 in group 3. Social and food limitations showed similar results with a total score of 1.73 and 1.23 in group 1, 2.05 in group 2 and 1.68 for group 3. Conclusion: Food allergy affects the quality of life of Swiss children. Our preliminary results on a small sample are comparable to previously published data. We show that the impact of food allergy on daily life increases when the child starts school and social activities.


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RATIONALE:We investigated the impact of canakinumab, a fully human anti-interleukin-1b monoclonal antibody on inflammation and HRQoL in gouty arthritis patients.METHODS: In this 8-week, single-blind, dose-ranging study, patients with acute gouty arthritis flares, unresponsive/intolerant or contraindicated to NSAIDs and/or colchicine were randomized to single subcutaneous canakinumab (10, 25, 50, 90, or 150mg, N5143) or single intramuscular triamcinolone acetonide (TA, 40mg, N557). Patients assessed pain (Likert scale), physicians assessed clinical signs of joint inflammation, and HRQoL was recorded using SF-36.RESULTS: At baseline, 98% patients had moderate-to-extreme pain, 85% had moderate/severe joint swelling, 64-79% had elevated inflammatory markers and HRQoL scores indicated impaired physical function. Percentage of patients with no/mild pain was numerically greater in most canakinumab groups vs. TA, 24-72h post-dose; difference significant for 150mg group at these time-points (P<0.05). Canakinumab 150mg was associated with significantly lower Likert scores for tenderness [OR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.27-7.89; P50.014] and swelling (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.09-6.50, P50.032) at 72h vs. TA; erythema was not different. Median CRP and SAA levels normalized by 7 days post-dose in most canakinumab groups, but remained elevated in TA. Physical function improved at 7 days postdose in all groups, highest improvement for canakinumab 150mg. SF-36 scores for physical functioning and bodily pain with canakinumab 150mg approached US general population scores by 7 days post-dose and exceeded normal values by 8 weeks post-dose.CONCLUSION: Canakinumab 150mg produced significantly greater and rapid pain-relief and improvements in HRQoL vs. TAin acute gouty arthritis patients.


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Aims: The psychometric properties of the EORTC QLQ-BN20, a brain cancer-specific HRQOL questionnaire, have been previously determined in an English-speaking sample of patients. This study examined the validity and reliability of the questionnaire in a multi-national, multi-lingual study. Methods: QLQ-BN20 data were selected from two completed phase III EORTC/NCIC clinical trials in brain cancer (N=891), including 12 languages. Experimental treatments were surgery followed by radiotherapy (RT) and adjuvant PCV chemotherapy or surgery followed by concomitant RT plus temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy and adjuvant TMZ chemotherapy. Standard treatment consisted of surgery and postoperative RT alone. The psychometrics of the QLQ-BN20 were examined by means of multi-trait scaling analyses, reliability estimation, known groups validity testing, and responsiveness analysis. Results: All QLQ-BN20 items correlated more strongly with their own scale (r>0.70) than with other QLQ-BN20 scales. Internal consistency reliability coefficients were high (all alpha0.70). Known-groups comparisons yielded positive results, with the QLQ-BN20 distinguishing between patients with differing levels of performance status and mental functioning. Responsiveness of the questionnaire to changes over time was acceptable. Conclusion: The QLQ-BN20 demonstrates adequate psychometric properties and can be recommended for use in conjunction with the QLQ-C30 in assessing the HRQOL of brain cancer patients in international studies.


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Personal results are presented to illustrate the development of immunoscintigraphy for the detection of cancer over the last 12 years, from the early experimental results in nude mice grafted with human colon carcinoma to the most modern form of immunoscintigraphy applied to patients, using I123 labeled Fab fragments from monoclonal anti-CEA antibodies detected by single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT). The first generation of immunoscintigraphy used I131 labeled, immunoadsorbent purified, polyclonal anti-CEA antibodies and planar scintigraphy, as the detection system. The second generation used I131 labeled monoclonal anti-CEA antibodies and SPECT, while the third generation employed I123 labeled fragments of monoclonal antibodies and SPECT. The improvement in the precision of tumor images with the most recent forms of immunoscintigraphy is obvious. However, we think the usefulness of immunoscintigraphy for routine cancer management has not yet been entirely demonstrated. Further prospective trials are still necessary to determine the precise clinical role of immunoscintigraphy. A case report is presented on a patient with two liver metastases from a sigmoid carcinoma, who received through the hepatic artery a therapeutic dose (100 mCi) of I131 coupled to 40 mg of a mixture of two high affinity anti-CEA monoclonal antibodies. Excellent localisation in the metastases of the I131 labeled antibodies was demonstrated by SPECT and the treatment was well tolerated. The irradiation dose to the tumor, however, was too low at 4300 rads (with 1075 rads to the normal liver and 88 rads to the bone marrow), and no evidence of tumor regression was obtained. Different approaches for increasing the irradiation dose delivered to the tumor by the antibodies are considered.


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The case of a 41-year-old alcoholic patient who presented with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding is reported. The diagnosis was established rapidly by endoscopy which revealed bleeding through the papilla of Vater. Selective angiography of the superior mesenteric artery opacified the pancreatic duct as well as the duodenum. CT scan showed signs of chronic pancreatitis. Because of the recurrence of bleeding and shock, an urgent operation was necessary and a Whipple procedure was performed. Recovery was complete. The clinical presentation, the etiology, the diagnostic modalities and the treatment of this particular condition are discussed. Usually, hemorrhage through the pancreatic duct presents as repeated episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding with no source found at endoscopy. The presence of chronic pancreatitis or of epigastric pain during bleeding should suggest the diagnosis. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and angiography are the principal diagnostic tools. Definitive treatment requires surgery, and resection in most of the cases.


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BACKGROUND: Frequent emergency department users represent a small number of patients but account for a large number of emergency department visits. They should be a focus because they are often vulnerable patients with many risk factors affecting their quality of life (QoL). Case management interventions have resulted in a significant decrease in emergency department visits, but association with QoL has not been assessed. One aim of our study was to examine to what extent an interdisciplinary case management intervention, compared to standard emergency care, improved frequent emergency department users' QoL. METHODS: Data are part of a randomized, controlled trial designed to improve frequent emergency department users' QoL and use of health-care resources at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. In total, 250 frequent emergency department users (≥5 attendances during the previous 12 months; ≥ 18 years of age) were interviewed between May 2012 and July 2013. Following an assessment focused on social characteristics; social, mental, and somatic determinants of health; risk behaviors; health care use; and QoL, participants were randomly assigned to the control or the intervention group (n=125 in each group). The final sample included 194 participants (20 deaths, 36 dropouts, n=96 in the intervention group, n=99 in the control group). Participants in the intervention group received a case management intervention by an interdisciplinary, mobile team in addition to standard emergency care. The case management intervention involved four nurses and a physician who provided counseling and assistance concerning social determinants of health, substance-use disorders, and access to the health-care system.


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BACKGROUND: The Pulmonary Embolism Quality of Life questionnaire (PEmb-QoL) is a 40-item questionnaire to measure health-related quality of life in patients with pulmonary embolism. It covers six 6 dimensions: frequency of complaints, limitations in activities of daily living, work-related problems, social limitations, intensity of complaints, and emotional complaints. Originally developed in Dutch and English, we prospectively validated a German version of the PEmb-QoL. METHODS: A forward-backward translation of the English version of the PEmb-QoL into German was performed. German-speaking consecutive adult patients aged ≥18 years with an acute, objectively confirmed pulmonary embolism discharged from a Swiss university hospital (01/2011-06/2013) were recruited telephonically. Established psychometric tests and criteria were used to evaluate the acceptability, reliability, and validity of the German PEmb-QoL questionnaire. To assess the underlying dimensions, an exploratory factor analysis was performed. RESULTS: Overall, 102 patients were enrolled in the study. The German version of the PEmb-QoL showed a good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha ranging from 0.72 to 0.96), item-total (0.53-0.95) and inter-item correlations (>0.4), and test-retest reliability (intra-class correlation coefficients 0.59-0.89) for the dimension scores. A moderate correlation of the PEmb-QoL with SF-36 dimension and summary scores (0.21-0.83) indicated convergent validity, while low correlations of PEmb-QoL dimensions with clinical characteristics (-0.16-0.37) supported discriminant validity. The exploratory factor analysis suggested four underlying dimensions: limitations in daily activities, symptoms, work-related problems, and emotional complaints. CONCLUSION: The German version of the PEmb-QoL questionnaire is a valid and reliable disease-specific measure for quality of life in patients with pulmonary embolism.


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BACKGROUND: Switzerland had the highest life expectancy at 82.8 years among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in 2011. Geographical variation of life expectancy and its relation to the socioeconomic position of neighbourhoods are, however, not well understood. METHODS: We analysed the Swiss National Cohort, which linked the 2000 census with mortality records 2000-2008 to estimate life expectancy across neighbourhoods. A neighbourhood index of socioeconomic position (SEP) based on the median rent, education and occupation of household heads and crowding was calculated for 1.3 million overlapping neighbourhoods of 50 households. We used skew-normal regression models, including the index and additionally marital status, education, nationality, religion and occupation to calculate crude and adjusted estimates of life expectancy at age 30 years. RESULTS: Based on over 4.5 million individuals and over 400,000 deaths, estimates of life expectancy at age 30 in neighbourhoods ranged from 46.9 to 54.2 years in men and from 53.5 to 57.2 years in women. The correlation between life expectancy and neighbourhood SEP was strong (r=0.95 in men and r=0.94 women, both p values <0.0001). In a comparison of the lowest with the highest percentile of neighbourhood SEP, the crude difference in life expectancy from skew-normal regression was 4.5 years in men and 2.5 years in women. The corresponding adjusted differences were 2.8 and 1.9 years, respectively (all p values <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Although life expectancy is high in Switzerland, there is substantial geographical variation and life expectancy is strongly associated with the social standing of neighbourhoods.


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BACKGROUND: Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) levels and their determinants in those living in nursing homes are unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate different HRQOL domains as a function of the degree of cognitive impairment and to explore associations between them and possible determinants of HRQOL. METHOD: Five HRQOL domains using the Minimum Data Set - Health Status Index (MDS-HSI) were investigated in a large sample of nursing home residents depending on cognitive performance levels derived from the Cognitive Performance Scale. Large effect size associations between clinical variables and the different HRQOL domains were looked for. RESULTS: HRQOL domains are impaired to variable degrees but with similar profiles depending on the cognitive performance level. Basic activities of daily living are a major factor associated with some but not all HRQOL domains and vary little with the degree of cognitive impairment. LIMITATIONS: This study is limited by the general difficulties related to measuring HRQOL in patients with cognitive impairment and the reduced number of variables considered among those potentially influencing HRQOL. CONCLUSION: HRQOL dimensions are not all linearly associated with increasing cognitive impairment in NH patients. Longitudinal studies are required to determine how the different HRQOL domains evolve over time in NH residents.


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Introduction: Frequent emergency department (ED) users are often vulnerable patients with many risk factors affecting their quality of life (QoL). The aim of this study was to examine to what extent a case management intervention improved frequent ED users' QoL. Methods: Data were part of a randomized, controlled trial designed to improve frequent ED users' QoL at the Lausanne University Hospital. A total of 194 frequent ED users (≥ 5 attendances during the previous 12 months; ≥ 18 years of age) were randomly assigned to the control or the intervention group. Participants in the intervention group received a case management intervention (i.e. counseling and assistance concerning social determinants of health, substance-use disorders, and access to the health-care system). QoL was evaluated using the WHOQOL-BREF at baseline and twelve months later. Four dimensions of QoL were retained: physical health, psychological health, social relationship, and environment, with scores ranging from 0 (low QoL) to 100 (high QoL).