213 resultados para Extraintestinal manifestations


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Si les particularités du haut potentiel intellectuel (HPI) et du trouble déficit d'attention avec/sans hyperactivité (TDA/H) sont largement décrites dans la littérature, les liens entre ces deux profils sont moins connus. Il est pourtant établi que HPI et TDA/H partagent des manifestations communes comme l'agitation, les difficultés scolaires ou les troubles du comportement. Cette similitude sémiologique est responsable de confusions, d'errance diagnostique, voire de choix thérapeutiques discutables. Et la mission du médecin devient même particulièrement délicate lorsqu'il s'agit d'envisager une éventuelle « co-morbidité ». La clinique nous apprend en effet que le HPI et le TDA/H peuvent cohabiter chez le même enfant. Ainsi, les identifier et les prendre en charge devient un exercice complexe mais indispensable, car l'approche et le soutien de ces enfants aux besoins particuliers est très différente selon les cas de figure.


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BACKGROUND: Annual syphilis testing was reintroduced in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) in 2004. We prospectively studied occurrence, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches and treatment of syphilis. METHODS: Over a period of 33 months, participants with positive test results for Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay were studied using the SHCS database and an additional structured case report form. RESULTS: Of 7244 cohort participants, 909 (12.5%) had positive syphilis serology. Among these, 633 had previously been treated and had no current signs or symptoms of syphilis at time of testing. Of 218 patients with newly detected untreated syphilis, 20% reported genitooral contacts as only risk behavior and 60% were asymptomatic. Newly detected syphilis was more frequent among men who have sex with men (MSM) [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 2.8, P < 0.001], in persons reporting casual sexual partners (adjusted OR 2.8, P < 0.001) and in MSM of younger age (P = 0.05). Only 35% of recommended cerebrospinal fluid (CFS) examinations were performed. Neurosyphilis was diagnosed in four neurologically asymptomatic patients; all of them had a Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) titer of 1:>or=32. Ninety-one percent of the patients responded to treatment with at least a four-fold decline in VDRL titer. CONCLUSION: Syphilis remains an important coinfection in the SHCS justifying reintroduction of routine screening. Genitooral contact is a significant way of transmission and young MSM are at high risk for syphilis. Current guidelines to rule out neurosyphilis by CSF analysis are inconsistently followed in clinical practice. Serologic treatment response is above 90% in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy.


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Viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHF) caused by arenaviruses are among the most devastating emerging human diseases. The most important pathogen among the arenaviruses is Lassa virus (LASV), the causative agent of Lassa fever that is endemic to West Africa. On the South American continent, the New World arenavirus Junin virus (JUNV), Machupo (MACV), Guanarito (GTOV), and Sabia virus (SABV) have emerged as causative agents of severe VHFs. Clinical and experimental studies on arenavirus VHF have revealed a crucial role of the endothelium in their pathogenesis. However, in contrast to other VHFs, haemorrhages are not a salient feature of Lassa fever and fatal cases do not show overt destruction of vascular tissue. The functional alteration of the vascular endothelium that precede shock and death in fatal Lassa fever may be due to more subtle direct or indirect effects of the virus on endothelial cells. Haemorrhagic disease manifestations and vascular involvement are more pronounced in the VHF caused by the South American haemorrhagic fever viruses. Recent studies on JUNV revealed perturbation of specific endothelial cell function, including expression of cell adhesion molecules, coagulation factors, and vasoactive mediators as a consequence of productive viral infection. These studies provided first possible links to some of the vascular abnormalities observed in patients, however, their relevance in vivo remains to be investigated.


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Exertional heatstroke is defined by an increase of core body temperature above 40 degrees C and neurological symptoms in association with exercise. It is related to excessive heat production, which overwhelms the endogenous mechanisms of thermoregulation. It is observed during intense physical activity in a hot and humid environment, most commonly in untrained subjects poorly adapted to such conditions. Clinical manifestations of exertional heatstroke are related to the induction of a systemic inflammatory response and a disseminated intravascular coagulation triggered by heat stress, which may lead to multiorgan dysfunction and death. Early management through rapid cooling is mandatory to prevent the devastating consequences of exertional heatstroke.


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BACKGROUND: Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is an inherited arrhythmia syndrome associated with mutations in the cardiac ryanodine receptor gene (Ryr2) in the majority of patients. Previous studies of CPVT patients mainly involved probands, so current insight into disease penetrance, expression, genotype-phenotype correlations, and arrhythmic event rates in relatives carrying the Ryr2 mutation is limited. METHODS AND RESULTS: One-hundred sixteen relatives carrying the Ryr2 mutation from 15 families who were identified by cascade screening of the Ryr2 mutation causing CPVT in the proband were clinically characterized, including 61 relatives from 1 family. Fifty-four of 108 antiarrhythmic drug-free relatives (50%) had a CPVT phenotype at the first cardiological examination, including 27 (25%) with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. Relatives carrying a Ryr2 mutation in the C-terminal channel-forming domain showed an increased odds of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (odds ratio, 4.1; 95% CI, 1.5-11.5; P=0.007, compared with N-terminal domain) compared with N-terminal domain. Sinus bradycardia was observed in 19% of relatives, whereas other supraventricular dysrhythmias were present in 16%. Ninety-eight (most actively treated) relatives (84%) were followed up for a median of 4.7 years (range, 0.3-19.0 years). During follow-up, 2 asymptomatic relatives experienced exercise-induced syncope. One relative was not being treated, whereas the other was noncompliant. None of the 116 relatives died of CPVT during a 6.7-year follow-up (range, 1.4-20.9 years). CONCLUSIONS: Relatives carrying an Ryr2 mutation show a marked phenotypic diversity. The vast majority do not have signs of supraventricular disease manifestations. Mutation location may be associated with severity of the phenotype. The arrhythmic event rate during follow-up was low.


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Polyarteritis nodosa is a vasculitis of unknown origin which can be rarely associated with hepatitis B. A exceptional clinical situation of a polyarteritis nodosa associated with hepatitis C is described. This case is also the occasion to review the clinical manifestations, the diagnostic strategy und the therapeutic options of this rare vasculitis.


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The authors report three children who suffered temporary oromotor or speech disturbances as focal epileptic manifestations within the frame of benign partial epilepsy of childhood with rolandic spikes and review similar cases described in the literature. The deficit can occur as an initial symptom of the disorder without visible epileptic seizures and interferes in a variable way with simple voluntary oromotor functions or complex movements including speech production, depending on the exact location and spread of the discharging epileptic focus around the perisylvian region. The most severe deficit produces the anterior operculum syndrome. More subtle non-linguistic deficits such as intermittent drooling, oromotor apraxia or dysfluency, as well as linguistic ones involving phonologic production, can occur. The rapidity of onset, progression and recovery of the deficit is very variable as well as its duration and presumably reflects the degree of epileptic activity. In some cases, rapid improvement with antiepileptic medication occurs and coincidence between the paroxysmal EEG activity (which is usually bilateral) and the functional deficit is seen. The clinical and EEG profile of the seizures disorder and the dynamic of the deficit in these cases bear a strong resemblance to what is seen in the acquired epilepsy-aphasia syndrome (Landau and Kleffner). The variations in clinical symptoms appear more related to the main site, local extension and bilaterality of the epileptic foci rather than a basic difference in physiopathology.


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PURPOSE: Whereas gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain are common in children suffering from the so-called post-diarrheal form (D+) of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), more serious gastrointestinal complications are rare. We tried to define factors predictive of the severity of gastrointestinal complications post D+ HUS. METHODS: We reviewed the files of all children admitted to our hospital for D+ HUS between 1988 and 2000. We retained those cases with gastrointestinal complications and analyzed the consequences of these complications on the evolution of the children's conditions. RESULTS: Sixty-five children with D+ HUS were admitted to our hospital during this period. Sixteen children developed gastrointestinal complications involving one or more digestive organs: necrosis of the colon or ileum, hemorrhagic colitis, pancreatitis, transient diabetes, hepatic cytolysis and cholestasis, peritonitis and prolapse of the rectum. One child died. CONCLUSION: Gastrointestinal complications of D+ HUS are rare, but they can be lethal, and early surgery may sometimes prove necessary. However, we were not able to demonstrate a correlation between the severity of the gastrointestinal manifestations and the clinical or biological signs accompanying D+ HUS.


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In the era of antiretroviral therapies, the outcome of patients with chronic HIV infection has considerably changed and their prolonged survival allows the development of chronic liver diseases as a major cause of mortality. Although viral hepatitis, alcoholic and non alcoholic steatohepatitis account forthe majority of chronic liver damage in these patients, there is a growing number of cases with unexplained liver disease, many of which are associated with clinical manifestations of portal hypertension. Inthissituation, nodularregenerative hyperplasia is a frequent finding, characterized at histology by the presence of a nodular architecture in the absence of significant fibrosis, resulting from progressive obliteration of small portal veins. This article describes the clinical presentation, diagnostic aspects, pathogenic mechanisms, as well as the management of this emergent non cirrhotic liver disease in HIV-infected patients.


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BACKGROUND: Desquamative interstitial pneumonia is a rare form of interstitial lung disease in children. Respiratory symptoms appear progressively, are often subtle, and diagnosis is often delayed by a mean of 6 months after onset. High resolution chest computed tomography is the most sensitive imaging technique for demonstrating and identifying interstitial pneumonia. The typical histologic pattern of desquamative interstitial pneumonia, with prominent clustered alveolar macrophages, diffuse reactive alveolar epithelial hyperplasia and globular proteinaceous material, is diagnostic. Desquamative interstitial pneumonia in children can be idiopathic, though it is mostly related to an inborn error of surfactant metabolism. CASE PRESENTATION: We present the complex clinical course and pathologic findings of a 30-months-old Mauritian and Senegalese girl with idiopathic desquamative interstitial pneumonia and multiple extrapulmonary manifestations. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of desquamative interstitial pneumonia to occur as part of a syndrome with multiple organ involvement. CONCLUSION: We believe that desquamative interstitial pneumonia is not always associated with mutations of the surfactant proteins, and can still be idiopathic, especially when occurring as part of a syndrome with multiple organ involvement, as described in other interstitial lung diseases.


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We report five cases where fluvoxamine (FLVX) was added to maintenance treatment with methadone (MTD) in addict patients with affective disorders. In view of the implication of FLVX in several metabolic drug interactions, MTD plasma levels were measured before and after treatment with FLVX. A slight increase (approximately 20% of the MTD plasma level/dose ratio) occurred in two cases. In the remaining three patients, the interaction was more pronounced (40-100% increase of the MTD plasma level/dose ratio), with clinical manifestations of opiate withdrawal after stopping FLVX therapy in one case. Caution is needed when starting or stopping treatment with FLVX in patients receiving maintenance treatment with methadone.


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Wilson disease (WD) is an inherited disorder of hepatic copper excretion leading to toxic accumulation of copper in the liver as well as the brain, cornea, and other organs. The defect is due to mutations of the copper-transporting ATPase ATP7B. Clinical manifestations are highly variable and comprise acute liver failure, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis as well as neurological or psychiatric symptoms. The Kayser-Fleischer corneal ring is pathognomonic but absent in about 50% of patients with hepatic manifestations alone. A high index of suspicion in clinically compatible situations is key, with a combination of laboratory tests allowing the diagnosis of WD. Treatment is based on the use of chelating agents, D-penicillamine or trientine. Liver transplantation should be considered for patients with acute liver failure or advanced cirrhosis.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy is is the most common form of the childhood muscular dystrophies. It follows a predictable clinical course marked by progressive skeletal muscle weakness, lost of ambulation before teen-age and death in early adulthood secondary to respiratory or cardiac failure. Becker muscular dystrophy is less common and has a milder clinical course but also results in respiratory and cardiac failure.Altough recent advances in respiratory care and new technologies have improved the outlook many patients already received only a traditional non-interventional approach. The aims of this work are: to analyse the pathophysiology and natural history of respiratory function in these diseases, to descript their clinical manifestations, to present the diagnostics tools and to provide recommendations for an adequated respiratory care in this particular population based on the updated literature referenced.


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Food allergy can result in considerable morbidity, impact negatively on quality of life, and prove costly in terms of medical care. These guidelines have been prepared by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology's (EAACI) Guidelines for Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Group, building on previous EAACI position papers on adverse reaction to foods and three recent systematic reviews on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of food allergy, and provide evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and management of food allergy. While the primary audience is allergists, this document is relevant for all other healthcare professionals, including primary care physicians, and pediatric and adult specialists, dieticians, pharmacists and paramedics. Our current understanding of the manifestations of food allergy, the role of diagnostic tests, and the effective management of patients of all ages with food allergy is presented. The acute management of non-life-threatening reactions is covered in these guidelines, but for guidance on the emergency management of anaphylaxis, readers are referred to the related EAACI Anaphylaxis Guidelines.