151 resultados para Differential Inclusions


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Basaltic glass inclusions trapped in plagioclase phenocrysts (An84) are remnant of their parent magmatic liquid. They can be used as natural reactors for the experimental investigation of olivine growth rate as a function of temperature. The growth of one olivine nucleus can be observed at constant temperature. Supercooling from 15-degrees to 150-degrees-C have been investigated. Growth habits vary from equant to feather in qualitative agreement with previous studies. Growth rates vary from < 10(-10) m s-1 to 6.10(-7) m s-1; they vary with the direction, the growth process (planar or dendritic) and the degree of supercooling. Chemical analysis of crystal overgrowth and the remaining liquid composition enables a mass-balance calculation which confirms the rates determined optically. The small number of results obtained so far does not permit to draw inferences on the growth mechanisms.


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The role of GABA(B) receptors in sleep is still poorly understood. GHB (γ-hydroxybutyric acid) targets these receptors and is the only drug approved to treat the sleep disorder narcolepsy. GABA(B) receptors are obligate dimers comprised of the GABA(B2) subunit and either one of the two GABA(B1) subunit isoforms, GABA(B1a) and GABA(B1b). To better understand the role of GABA(B) receptors in sleep regulation, we performed electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings in mice devoid of functional GABA(B) receptors (1(-/-) and 2(-/-)) or lacking one of the subunit 1 isoforms (1a(-/-) and 1b(-/-)). The distribution of sleep over the day was profoundly altered in 1(-/-) and 2(-/-) mice, suggesting a role for GABA(B) receptors in the circadian organization of sleep. Several other sleep and EEG phenotypes pointed to a more prominent role for GABA(B1a) compared with the GABA(B1b) isoform. Moreover, we found that GABA(B1a) protects against the spontaneous seizure activity observed in 1(-/-) and 2(-/-) mice. We also evaluated the effects of the GHB-prodrug GBL (γ-butyrolactone) and of baclofen (BAC), a high-affinity GABA(B) receptor agonist. Both drugs induced a state distinct from physiological sleep that was not observed in 1(-/-) and 2(-/-) mice. Subsequent sleep was not affected by GBL whereas BAC was followed by a delayed hypersomnia even in 1(-/-) and 2(-/-) mice. The differential effects of GBL and BAC might be attributed to differences in GABA(B)-receptor affinity. These results also indicate that all GBL effects are mediated through GABA(B) receptors, although these receptors do not seem to be involved in mediating the BAC-induced hypersomnia.


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We investigated how synaptic plasticity is related to the neurodegeneration process in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Pre- and postsynaptic proteins of Brodmann's area 9 from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and age-matched controls were quantified by immunohistochemical methods and Western blots. The main finding was a significant increase in the expression of postsynaptic density protein PSD-95 in AD brains, revealed on both sections and immunoblots, while the expression of spinophilin, associated to spines, remained quantitatively unchanged despite qualitative changes with age and disease. Presynaptic protein alpha-synuclein indicated an increased immunohistochemical level, while synaptophysin remained unchanged. MAP2, a somatodendritic microtubule protein, as well as AD markers such as amyloid-beta protein and phosphorylated protein tau showed an increased expression on immunosections in AD. Altogether these changes suggest neuritic and synaptic reorganization in the process of AD. In particular, the significant increase in PSD-95 expression suggests a change in NMDA receptors trafficking and may represent a novel marker of functional significance for the disease.


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We have previously reported that the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) induce profound modifications of the metabolic profile of astrocytes. The present study was undertaken to further characterize the effects of cytokines in astrocytes and to determine whether similar effects could also be observed in neurons. To do so, selected pro-inflammatory (IL-6 and interferon-γ, in addition to the above-mentioned TNFα and IL-1β) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10, transforming growth factor-β1 and interferon-β) were applied to primary neuronal and astrocytic cultures, and key metabolic parameters were assessed. As a general pattern, we observed that pro-inflammatory cytokines increased glucose utilization in astrocytes while the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 decreased astrocytic glucose utilization. In contrast, no significant change could be observed in neurons. When pairs of pro-inflammatory cytokines were co-applied in astrocytes, several additive or synergistic modifications could be observed. In contrast, IL-10 partially attenuated the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Finally, the modifications of the astrocytic metabolism induced by TNFα + IL-1β and interferon-γ modulated neuronal susceptibility to an excitotoxic insult in neuron-astrocyte co-cultures. Together, these results suggest that pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines differentially affect the metabolic profile of astrocytes, and that these changes have functional consequences for surrounding neurons.


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Males of plants with separate sexes are often more prone to attack by herbivores than females. A common explanation for this pattern is that individuals with a greater male function suffer more from herbivory because they grow more quickly, drawing more heavily on resources for growth that might otherwise be allocated to defence. Here, we test this 'faster-sex' hypothesis in a species in which males in fact grow more slowly than hermaphrodites, the wind-pollinated annual herb Mercurialis annua. We expected greater herbivory in the faster-growing hermaphrodites. In contrast, we found that males, the slower sex, were significantly more heavily eaten by snails than hermaphrodites. Our results thus reject the faster-sex hypothesis and point to the importance of a trade-off between defence and reproduction rather than growth.


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Purpose: To characterize the clinical, morphological and immunohistological features of epithelial ingrowth cells after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) or Automated Lamellar Therapeutic Keratoplasty (ALTK) with specific reference to current markers of corneal stem cells.Methods: Four patients were included in this interventional non-comparative case series. Full ophthalmologic examination was performed. Epithelial ingrowth specimens from 4 patients were removed surgically and immunostained for cytokeratin 3 (CK3), cytokeratin 15 (CK15), cytokeratin 19 (CK19), Muc5AC, p63α, C/EBPδ, Bmi-1, BCRP/ABCG2 and Ki-67.Results: The time interval between LASIK/ALTK and ingrowth surgical removal was, 3, 11, 15 and 36 months. On slit lamp examination, early epithelial ingrowth appeared as whitish pearls and late epithelial ingrowth as confluent whitish opacities. Microscopically, the epithelial ingrowths showed features of a squamous non keratinizing epithelium. No mitotic figure was seen. Ki-67 labelling of 3 cases showed a proliferation index of 3-4%. Superficial squamous cells strongly expressed CK3. Expression of C/EBPδ, BCRP/ABCG2 and p63α was seen in more than 70% of cells and Bmi-1 was positive in up to 30% of cells in the specimens tested. There was no expression of CK19 or CK15.Conclusions: Epithelial ingrowths can persist for up to 3 years following LASIK surgery. They show a capacity for self-renewal and corneal differentiation. Besides, they express p63α, C/EBPδ, Bmi-1, BCRP/ABCG2 which have been proposed as markers of stem cell phenotype. These observations suggest that post-LASIK/ALTK epithelial inclusions could derive from stem-like cells located in the peripheral corneal epithelium.


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Impressive developments in X-ray imaging are associated with X-ray phase contrast computed tomography based on grating interferometry, a technique that provides increased contrast compared with conventional absorption-based imaging. A new "single-step" method capable of separating phase information from other contributions has been recently proposed. This approach not only simplifies data-acquisition procedures, but, compared with the existing phase step approach, significantly reduces the dose delivered to a sample. However, the image reconstruction procedure is more demanding than for traditional methods and new algorithms have to be developed to take advantage of the "single-step" method. In the work discussed in this paper, a fast iterative image reconstruction method named OSEM (ordered subsets expectation maximization) was applied to experimental data to evaluate its performance and range of applicability. The OSEM algorithm with different subsets was also characterized by comparison of reconstruction image quality and convergence speed. Computer simulations and experimental results confirm the reliability of this new algorithm for phase-contrast computed tomography applications. Compared with the traditional filtered back projection algorithm, in particular in the presence of a noisy acquisition, it furnishes better images at a higher spatial resolution and with lower noise. We emphasize that the method is highly compatible with future X-ray phase contrast imaging clinical applications.


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Access to new biological sources is a key element of natural product research. A particularly large number of biologically active molecules have been found to originate from microorganisms. Very recently, the use of fungal co-culture to activate the silent genes involved in metabolite biosynthesis was found to be a successful method for the induction of new compounds. However, the detection and identification of the induced metabolites in the confrontation zone where fungi interact remain very challenging. To tackle this issue, a high-throughput UHPLC-TOF-MS-based metabolomic approach has been developed for the screening of fungal co-cultures in solid media at the petri dish level. The metabolites that were overexpressed because of fungal interactions were highlighted by comparing the LC-MS data obtained from the co-cultures and their corresponding mono-cultures. This comparison was achieved by subjecting automatically generated peak lists to statistical treatments. This strategy has been applied to more than 600 co-culture experiments that mainly involved fungal strains from the Fusarium genera, although experiments were also completed with a selection of several other filamentous fungi. This strategy was found to provide satisfactory repeatability and was used to detect the biomarkers of fungal induction in a large panel of filamentous fungi. This study demonstrates that co-culture results in consistent induction of potentially new metabolites.


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Therapeutic engineered nanoparticles (NPs), including ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) NPs, may accumulate in the lower digestive tract following ingestion or injection. In order to evaluate the reaction of human colon cells to USPIO NPs, the effects of non-stabilized USPIO NPs (NS-USPIO NPs), oleic-acid-stabilized USPIO NPs (OA-USPIO NPs), and free oleic acid (OA) were compared in human HT29 and CaCo2 colon epithelial cancer cells. First the biophysical characteristics of NS-USPIO NPs and OA-USPIO NPs in water, in cell culture medium supplemented with fetal calf serum, and in cell culture medium preconditioned by HT29 and CaCo₂ cells were determined. Then, stress responses of the cells were evaluated following exposure to NS-USPIO NPs, OA-USPIO NPs, and free OA. No modification of the cytoskeletal actin network was observed. Cell response to stress, including markers of apoptosis and DNA repair, oxidative stress and degradative/autophagic stress, induction of heat shock protein, or lipid metabolism was determined in cells exposed to the two NPs. Induction of an autophagic response was observed in the two cell lines for both NPs but not free OA, while the other stress responses were cell- and NP-specific. The formation of lipid vacuoles/droplets was demonstrated in HT29 and CaCo₂ cells exposed to OA-USPIO NPs but not to NS-USPIO NPs, and to a much lower level in cells exposed to equimolar concentrations of free OA. Therefore, the induction of lipid vacuoles in colon cells exposed to OA utilized as a stabilizer for USPIO NPs is higly amplified compared to free OA, and is not observed in the absence of this lipid in NS-USPIO NPs.


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Purpose: Current experimental data suggest that CD4+CD25+Foxp3+regulatory T cells (Tregs) based immunotherapy would be of greatinterest to promote donor-specific immune tolerance in transplantation(Tx). Whether and how adoptive transfer of Tregs could be bestcombined with current immunosuppressive regimens in clinicalsettings remains to be defined. Using an experimental Tx model,we had previously shown that the transfer of antigen-specific Tregspromoted long-term skin allograft acceptance in lymphopenic mice,in the absence of any immunosuppressive drug. However, allograftsurvival was only slightly prolonged when Tregs were transferredalone into non-lymphopenic mice, suggesting that in more stringentconditions such as in clinical settings adjuvant therapies may beneeded to effectively control alloreactive T cells (Teff).Methods and Materials: Here we have investigated the effects ofvarious immunosuppressive drugs on the survival, proliferation andeffector function of Teff and Tregs in response to alloantigens in in vitroassays and in our in vivo Tx model.Results: Teff proliferation was inhibited in a dose-dependant mannerby rapamycin and cyclosporine A, while anti-CD154 only marginallyaffected Teff proliferation and survival in vitro. Rapamycin promotedapoptosis of Teff as compared to Tregs that were more resistant underthe same culture conditions. In vivo, the transfer of donor-specificTregs could be advantageously combined with rapamycin andanti-CD154 to significantly prolong MHC-mismatched skin allograftsurvival in non-lymphopenic recipients.Conclusion: Taken together, our data indicate thatimmunosuppressive drugs differentially target T-cell subsets and couldpromote Tregs expansion and/or function while controlling the Teff pool.


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Leukocoria in infants is always a danger signal as retinoblastoma, a malignant retinal tumor, is responsible for half of the cases in this age group. More common signs should also be considered suspicious until proved otherwise, such as strabismus, the second most frequent sign of retinoblastoma. Less frequent manifestations are inflammatory conditions resistant to treatment, hypopyon, orbital cellulitis, hyphema or heterochromia. Other causal pathologies, including persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV), Coats' disease, ocular toxocariasis or retinopathy of prematurity, may also manifest the same warning signs and require specialized differential diagnosis. Members of the immediate family circle are most likely to notice the first signs, the general practitioner, pediatrician or general ophthalmologist the first to be consulted. On their attitude will depend the final outcome of this vision and life-threatening disease. Early diagnosis is vital.


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Although dermatophytes are the most common agents of superficial mycoses in humans and animals, the molecular basis of the pathogenicity of these fungi is largely unknown. In vitro digestion of keratin by dermatophytes is associated with the secretion of multiple proteases, which are assumed to be responsible for their particular specialization to colonize and degrade keratinized host structures during infection. To investigate the role of individual secreted proteases in dermatophytosis, a guinea pig infection model was established for the zoophilic dermatophyte Arthroderma benhamiae, which causes highly inflammatory cutaneous infections in humans and rodents. By use of a cDNA microarray covering approximately 20-25 % of the A. benhamiae genome and containing sequences of at least 23 protease genes, we revealed a distinct in vivo protease gene expression profile in the fungal cells, which was surprisingly different from the pattern elicited during in vitro growth on keratin. Instead of the major in vitro -expressed proteases, others were activated specifically during infection. These enzymes are therefore suggested to fulfil important functions that are not exclusively associated with the degradation of keratin. Most notably, the gene encoding the serine protease subtilisin 6, which is a known major allergen in the related dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum and putatively linked to host inflammation, was found to be the most strongly upregulated gene during infection. In addition, our approach identified other candidate pathogenicity-related factors in A. benhamiae, such as genes encoding key enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle and an opsin-related protein. Our work provides what we believe to be the first broad-scale gene expression profile in human pathogenic dermatophytes during infection, and points to putative virulence-associated mechanisms that make these micro-organisms the most successful aetiological agents of superficial mycoses.


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Embryonic stem (ES) cells-derived cardiomyocytes represent an attractive source of cells in cell replacement therapies for heart disease. However, controlled cardiogenic differentiation of ES cells requires a complete understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms regulating the differentiation process. We have previously shown that differentiation of ES cells into cardiomyocytes is favored by inactivation of the Notch 1 receptor pathway. In the present study, we therefore compared two ES cell lines, one with normal Notchl expression and one carrying deleted Notchl receptor alleles (Notchl-deleted ES cells) in order to identify genes responsible for the increased propensity of Notchl-deleted ES cells to produce cardiomyocytes. Using RNA-sequencing, we found approximately 300 coding and noncoding transcripts, which are differently expressed in undifferentiated Notchl-deleted ES cells. Since accumulating evidences indicate that long noncoding RNAs (IncRNAs) play important roles in ES cell pluripotency and differentiation, we focused our analysis on modulated IncRNAs. In particular, two IncRNAs, named here lnc 1230 and lnc 1335, are highly induced in the absence of Notchl receptor expression. These represent therefore prime candidates that could favor cardiogenic commitment in undifferentiated ES cells. Indeed, we demonstrate that forced expression of these two IncRNAs in wild-type ES cells result in a significant increase of the number of cardiac progenitor cells and cardiomyocytes in the differentiated progeny of these ES cells. Furthermore, we also identify several microRNAs that are differentially modulated in absence of Notchl expression. Among these are miR-142-5p and miR- 381-3p. Interestingly, both lncl230 and lncl335 are targets of these two microRNAs. Altogether, these data suggest that Notchl-dependent noncoding gene networks, implicating microRNAs and IncRNAs, control embryonic stem cell commitment into the mesodermal and cardiac lineages already at the undifferentiated state. - Les cardiomyocytes issus cellules souches embryonnaires sont une source très prometteuse pour les thérapies cellulaire de remplacement dans le cadre des maladies cardiaques. Cependant, l'utilisation de telles cellules requiert une compréhension poussée des mécanismes moléculaire régulant la différenciation. Nous avons par le passé démontré que la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires en cardiomyocytes est favorisée par l'inactivation de la voie d'activation intracellulaire dépendante du récepteur Notch 1. Nous avons donc comparé deux lignées de cellules souches embryonnaires, une présentant une voie d'activation Notchl normale et une chez laquelle les allèles codant pour le récepteur Notchl avaient été invalidés, de façon à identifier les gènes impliqués dans la capacité augmentée des cellules déficientes à produire des cardiomyocytes. En utilisant du séquençage d'ARN à haut débit, nous avons trouvé environ 300 gènes différemment exprimés dans les cellules déficientes pour Notchl. Par ailleurs, des évidences de plus en plus nombreuses suggèrent qu'une nouvelle classe de molécules appelée « long noncoding RNAs » joue un rôle prépondérant dans la maintenance de l'état non différencié et de la capacité de différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires. Nous avons trouvé que plusieurs « long noncoding RNAs » étaient modulés en l'absence de Notchl, et en particulier deux molécules que nous avons appelées lncl230 et lncl335. Ces derniers représentent des candidats potentiels devant permettre de favoriser la production de cardiomyocytes. Nous avons en effet démontré que la surexpression de ces deux candidats dans des cellules souches embryonnaires résultait en une surproduction de cardiomyocytes. De plus, nous avons également identifié plusieurs microRNAs dont l'expression était modulée dans les cellules souches embryonnaires déficientes dans la voie Notchl. De façon intéressante, parmi ces microRNAs, le miR-142-5p et le miR-381-3p sont capables de cibler lncl230 and lncl335. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats indiquent donc que des réseaux d'interaction dépendant de la voie d'activation Notch 1 et impliquant des ARNs non codant existent dans les cellules souches embryonnaires pour réguler leur différenciation en différent types cellulaires spécifiques.