265 resultados para Comprehension in children
BACKGROUND: Our objective was to evaluate procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) as predictors of a pneumococcal etiology in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in hospitalized children. METHODS: Children requiring hospitalization for CAP were prospectively enrolled. The following indices were determined: antibodies against pneumococcal surface proteins (anti-PLY, pneumococcal histidine triad D, pneumococcal histidine triad E, LytB and pneumococcal choline-binding protein A), viral serology, nasopharyngeal cultures and polymerase chain reaction for 13 respiratory viruses, blood pneumococcal polymerase chain reaction, pneumococcal urinary antigen, PCT and CRP. Presumed pneumococcal CAP (P-CAP) was defined as a positive blood culture or polymerase chain reaction for Streptococcus pneumoniae or as a pneumococcal surface protein seroresponse (≥2-fold increase). RESULTS: Seventy-five patients were included from which 37 (49%) met the criteria of P-CAP. Elevated PCT and CRP values were strongly associated with P-CAP with odds ratios of 23 (95% confidence interval: 5-117) for PCT and 19 (95% confidence interval: 5-75) for CRP in multivariate analysis. The sensitivity was 94.4% for PCT (cutoff: 1.5 ng/mL) and 91.9% for CRP (cutoff: 100 mg/L). A value≤0.5 ng/mL of PCT ruled out P-CAP in >90% of cases (negative likelihood ratio: 0.08). Conversely, a PCT value≥1.5 ng/mL associated with a positive pneumococcal urinary antigen had a diagnostic probability for P-CAP of almost 80% (positive likelihood ratio: 4.59). CONCLUSIONS: PCT and CRP are reliable predictors of P-CAP. Low cutoff values of PCT allow identification of children at low risk of P-CAP. The association of elevated PCT or CRP with a positive pneumococcal urinary antigen is a strong predictor of P-CAP.
Children with elevated blood pressure are at risk of being hypertensive in adulthood and of developing complications such as ventricular hypertrophy. Obesity is a cause of hypertension. Because the prevalence of obesity is increasing, some authors argue that the systematic screening for hypertension in children and adolescents is justified for early prevention and treatment. Sex, age and height all influence children's blood pressure. When elevated blood pressure is identified, complementary investigations and treatment might be necessary. However, due to the difficulties of obtaining a valid estimate of blood pressure, to the moderate tracking of blood pressure from childhood to adulthood, and the rarity of hypertension cases in childhood, the usefulness of systematic screening of hypertension during childhood is still controversial. Un enfant dont la pression artérielle est élevée a un risque accru d'être hypertendu à l'âge adulte et de présenter des complications telles que l'hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche. L'augmentation de la prévalence de l'obésité justifierait selon certains auteurs le dépistage systématique de l'hypertension dès le plus jeune âge afin d'instaurer des mesures préventives ou curatives précoces. Les normes de pression dépendent du sexe, de l'âge et de la taille de l'enfant. En cas de pression élevée, des investigations complémentaires, voire un traitement, peuvent être indiqués. Au vu des difficultés pour obtenir une mesure fiable, des incertitudes entachant la valeur pronostique d'une pression artérielle élevée et de la rareté des cas d'hypertension, il n'y a pas de consensus sur l'utilité du dépistage systématique de l'hypertension durant l'enfance.
OBJECTIVE: Although a history of previous acute mountain sickness (AMS) is commonly used for providing advice and recommending its prophylaxis during subsequent exposure, the intraindividual reproducibility of AMS during repeated high-altitude exposure has never been examined in a prospective controlled study.METHODS: In 27 nonacclimatized children and 29 adults, AMS was assessed during the first 48 hours after rapid ascent to 3450 m on 2 consecutive occasions 9 to 12 months apart.RESULTS: During the first exposure, 18 adults (62%) and 6 children (22%) suffered from AMS; during the second exposure, 14 adults (48%) and 4 children (15%) suffered from this problem (adults versus children, P <= .01). Most importantly, the intraindividual reproducibility of AMS was very different (P < .001) between children and adults. None of the 6 children having suffered from AMS during the first exposure suffered from AMS during the second exposure, but 4 children with no AMS during the first exposure did experience this problem during the second exposure. In contrast, 14 of the 18 adults who suffered from AMS on the first occasion also presented with this problem during the second exposure, and no new case developed in those who had not experienced AMS on the first occasion.CONCLUSIONS: In adults, a history of AMS is highly predictable of the disease on subsequent exposure, whereas in children it has no predictive value. A history of AMS should not prompt practitioners to advise against reexposure to high altitude or to prescribe drugs for its prophylaxis in children. Pediatrics 2011;127:e1445-e1448
The most widely used formula for estimating glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in children is the Schwartz formula. It was revised in 2009 using iohexol clearances with measured GFR (mGFR) ranging between 15 and 75 ml/min × 1.73 m(2). Here we assessed the accuracy of the Schwartz formula using the inulin clearance (iGFR) method to evaluate its accuracy for children with less renal impairment comparing 551 iGFRs of 392 children with their Schwartz eGFRs. Serum creatinine was measured using the compensated Jaffe method. In order to find the best relationship between iGFR and eGFR, a linear quadratic regression model was fitted and a more accurate formula was derived. This quadratic formula was: 0.68 × (Height (cm)/serum creatinine (mg/dl))-0.0008 × (height (cm)/serum creatinine (mg/dl))(2)+0.48 × age (years)-(21.53 in males or 25.68 in females). This formula was validated using a split-half cross-validation technique and also externally validated with a new cohort of 127 children. Results show that the Schwartz formula is accurate until a height (Ht)/serum creatinine value of 251, corresponding to an iGFR of 103 ml/min × 1.73 m(2), but significantly unreliable for higher values. For an accuracy of 20 percent, the quadratic formula was significantly better than the Schwartz formula for all patients and for patients with a Ht/serum creatinine of 251 or greater. Thus, the new quadratic formula could replace the revised Schwartz formula, which is accurate for children with moderate renal failure but not for those with less renal impairment or hyperfiltration.
INTRODUCTION: Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most frequent primitive orbital malignant tumor in children. If the treatment is started as soon as possible after discovery of the disease, the vital prognosis is considerably better than otherwise. The goal of this paper is to present the new therapeutic protocol and to report our experience in this field. MATERIAL AND METHOD: During the past 35 years, 102 cases of orbital tumors were collected in children under 15 years of age: 5 cases of rhabdomyosarcoma were cared for in our department. At the time of tumor diagnosis, the age of our patients ranged from 3 weeks to 13 years. After a biopsy or excision biopsy, all our cases were treated by chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy. Medication was mostly vincristine, ifosfamide and actinomycine D. When the result of the treatment was not satisfactory, carboplatine and epirubicine, vincristine as well as ifosfamide were given. Radiotherapy was performed only in particular cases or in recurrences. CONCLUSION: Rhabdomyosarcoma is a highly malignant tumor. Although rare, it is the most frequent of malignant tumors in children. It is important to keep it in mind in order to perform a biopsy enabling quick diagnosis and treatment following the modern protocol giving the highest chances of survival to these patients: about 98% in 3 years.
Epidemiological studies indicate that children born small for gestational age (SGA) have an increased risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders as adults. This suggests that foetal undernutrition leads to permanent metabolic alterations, which predispose to metabolic abnormalities upon exposure to environmental factors such as low physical activity and/or high-energy intake in later life (thrifty phenotype hypothesis). However, this relationship is not restricted to foetal undernutrition or intrauterine growth retardation, but is also found for children born premature, or for high birth weight children. Furthermore, early post-natal nutrition, and more specifically catch-up growth, appear to modulate cardiovascular risk as well. Intrauterine growth retardation can be induced in animal models by energy/protein restriction, or ligation of uterine arteries. In such models, altered glucose homeostasis, including low beta-cell mass, low insulin secretion and insulin resistance is observed after a few weeks of age. In humans, several studies have confirmed that children born SGA have insulin resistance as adolescents and young adults. Alterations of glucose homeostasis and increased lipid oxidation can indeed be observed already in non-diabetic children born SGA at early pubertal stages. These children also have alterations of stature and changes in body composition (increased fat mass), which may contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Permanent metabolic changes induced by foetal/early neonatal nutrition (metabolic inprinting) may involve modulation of gene expression through DNA methylation, or alterations of organ structure. It is also possible that events occurring during foetal/neonatal development lead to long-lasting alterations of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis or the hypothalamo-pituitary-insulin-like growth factor-1 axis.
OBJECTIVE: Meningococcal disease causes septic shock with associated disseminated intravascular coagulation and hemorrhagic skin necrosis. In severe cases, widespread vascular thrombosis leads to gangrene of limbs and digits and contributes to morbidity and mortality. Uncontrolled case reports have suggested that thrombolytic therapy may prevent some complications, and the use of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) has been widespread. Our aim was to summarize the clinical outcome and adverse effects where systemic t-PA has been used to treat children with fulminant meningococcemia. DESIGN: International, multiple-center, retrospective, observational case note study between January 1992 and June 2000. SETTING: Twenty-four different hospitals in seven European countries and Australia. PATIENTS: A total of 62 consecutive infants and children with severe meningococcal sepsis in whom t-PA was used for the treatment of predicted amputations and/or refractory shock (40 to treat severe ischemia, 12 to treat shock, and ten to treat both). INTERVENTIONS: t-PA was administered with a median dose of 0.3 mg.kg(-1).hr(-1) (range, 0.008-1.13) and a median duration of 9 hrs (range, 1.2-83). MAIN RESULTS: Twenty-nine of 62 patients died (47%; 95% confidence interval, 28-65). Seventeen of 33 survivors had amputations (11 below knee/elbow or greater loss; six less severe). In 12 of 50 patients to whom t-PA was given for imminent amputation, no amputations were observed. Five developed intracerebral hemorrhages (five of 62, 8%; 95% confidence interval, 0.5-16). Of these five, three died, one developed a persistent hemiparesis, and one recovered completely. CONCLUSIONS: The high incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage in our study raises concerns about the safety of t-PA in children with fulminant meningococcemia. However, due to the absence of a control group in such a severe subset of patients, whether t-PA is beneficial or harmful cannot be answered from the unrestricted use of the drug that is described in this report. Our experience highlights the need to avoid strategies that use experimental drugs in an uncontrolled fashion and to participate in multiple-center trials, which are inevitably required to study rare diseases.
Les fractures du condyle externe de l'enfant sont un traumatisme relativement fréquent qui survient le plus souvent chez l'enfant entre 5 et 15 ans. Elles sont classées en 3 grades : le grade 1 sans déplacement qui peuvent être traitées conservativement et les grades 2 (déplacées) et 3 (disloquées) qui nécessitent une prise en charge chirurgicale par réduction ouverte et embrochage. Le traitement traditionnel de ces fractures consistent en la mise en place de broches/vis métalliques qui doivent être retirées quelques semaines plus tard lors d'une seconde intervention. Depuis les années 90, des matériaux bio-résorbables à base d'acide polyglycoliques sont apparus en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique. En raison de la survenue de complications telles que réactions inflammatoires, formation de séromes ou ostéolyse, l'utilisation du matériel conventionnel a été préférée. Cependant, depuis quelques années, de nouveaux matériaux en acide polylactique sont apparus sur le marché. La période de résorption étant beaucoup plus lente, ces matériaux induisent des réactions beaucoup plus faibles, sans conséquences cliniques relevées jusqu'à présent. Chez l'adulte, de récentes études ont prouvés l'efficacité et l'absence d'effets secondaires liés à ces matériaux. Par contre, chez l'enfant, peu d'études à moyen terme ont été réalisées et l'impact sur l'os en croissance est peu connu, même si pour l'heure aucune conséquence clinique n'a été relevée. Dans le cadre de notre étude, nous avons comparé 2 groupes d'enfants traités pour des fractures du condyle externe du coude. Le premier groupe traité par du matériel conventionnel et le second par matériel résorbable. Les enfants ont tous étés suivis de manière très étroite durant la première année et la récupération clinique est similaire pour les 2 groupes. A 4 ans du traumatisme, les résultats fonctionnels sont identiques pour les 2 groupes et aucune complication liée au matériel résorbable n'a été mise en évidence. Par ailleurs, à 1 et 4 ans, les clichés radiologiques montrent l'absence de lésions liées au matériel résorbable. En conclusion, dans le cadre de notre travail nous avons pu montrer l'efficacité des matériaux résorbables dans la prise en charge des fractures du condyle externe du coude chez l'enfant. Ces matériaux permettent d'optimiser la prise en charge de ce type de fracture en prévenant un risque opératoire et anesthésique liés à une seconde intervention nécessaire au retrait du matériel d'ostéosynthèse conventionnel. Par ailleurs le coût lié à la prise en charge globale de ce type de fracture est moindre lors de l'utilisation de matériel résorbable.
OBJECTIVE: To correlate the postoperative voice outcome to preoperative glottic involvement, following partial cricotracheal resection (PCTR) in children. The glottic involvement was analysed based on the extent of subglottic stenosis (SGS) in the endoscopic image and functional dynamic assessment using flexible endoscopy. METHODS: We conducted an interobserver study in which two ENT surgeons, blinded to one another's interpretation, independently rated the extent of SGS based on the endoscopic image along with the dynamic functional airway assessment, of 108 children who underwent PCTR for grade III or IV stenosis. Based on the observation, the glottic involvement was rated into 4 categories: Evaluation of the voice was based on a parent/patient proxy questionnaire sent in 2008 to assess the current functional status of the patient's voice. RESULTS: Among the 77 patients available for long-term outcome with a minimum 1-year follow-up, 31 patients had isolated SGS free from vocal cords (group A) and 30 had SGS reaching the under surface of vocal cords with partial or no impairment of abduction of vocal cords (group B). Twelve patients belonged to group C with posterior glottic stenosis and/or vocal cord fusion (without cricoarytenoid ankylosis) and 4 patients had transglottic stenosis and or/bilateral cricoarytenoid ankylosis (group D). The long-term voice outcome following PCTR as perceived by the parent or patient was normal in 18% (14 of 77 patients) and the remaining 63 patients demonstrated mild to severe dysphonia. Patients belonging to group A and B exhibited either normal voice or mild dysphonia. Patients in group C demonstrated dysphonia, which was moderate in severity in the majority (83%). All patients in group D with transglottic stenosis and/or CAA showed severe dysphonia. CONCLUSION: Children with associated glottic involvement are at high risk for poor voice outcome following PCTR. The severity of dysphonia was found to be proportional to the preoperative glottic involvement. Preoperative rating of the extent of glottic involvement based on endoscopic image and dynamic assessment was found to be useful in prognosticating the voice outcome.
BACKGROUND: The prognostic impact of segmental chromosome alterations (SCAs) in children older than 1 year, diagnosed with localised unresectable neuroblastoma (NB) without MYCN amplification enrolled in the European Unresectable Neuroblastoma (EUNB) protocol is still to be clarified, while, for other group of patients, the presence of SCAs is associated with poor prognosis. METHODS: To understand the role of SCAs we performed multilocus/pangenomic analysis of 98 tumour samples from patients enrolled in the EUNB protocol. RESULTS: Age at diagnosis was categorised into two groups using 18 months as the age cutoff. Significant difference in the presence of SCAs was seen in tumours of patients between 12 and 18 months and over 18 months of age at diagnosis, respectively (P=0.04). A significant correlation (P=0.03) was observed between number of SCAs per tumour and age. Event-free (EFS) and overall survival (OS) were calculated in both age groups, according to both the presence and number of SCAs. In older patients, a poorer survival was associated with the presence of SCAs (EFS=46% vs 75%, P=0.023; OS=66.8% vs 100%, P=0.003). Moreover, OS of older patients inversely correlated with number of SCAs (P=0.002). Finally, SCAs provided additional prognostic information beyond histoprognosis, as their presence was associated with poorer OS in patients over 18 months with unfavourable International Neuroblastoma Pathology Classification (INPC) histopathology (P=0.018). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of SCAs is a negative prognostic marker that impairs outcome of patients over the age of 18 months with localised unresectable NB without MYCN amplification, especially when more than one SCA is present. Moreover, in older patients with unfavourable INPC tumour histoprognosis, the presence of SCAs significantly affects OS.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The estimated GFR (eGFR) is important in clinical practice. To find the best formula for eGFR, this study assessed the best model of correlation between sinistrin clearance (iGFR) and the solely or combined cystatin C (CysC)- and serum creatinine (SCreat)-derived models. It also evaluated the accuracy of the combined Schwartz formula across all GFR levels. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: Two hundred thirty-eight iGFRs performed between January 2012 and April 2013 for 238 children were analyzed. Regression techniques were used to fit the different equations used for eGFR (i.e., logarithmic, inverse, linear, and quadratic). The performance of each model was evaluated using the Cohen κ correlation coefficient and the percentage reaching 30% accuracy was calculated. RESULTS: The best model of correlation between iGFRs and CysC is linear; however, it presents a low κ coefficient (0.24) and is far below the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative targets to be validated, with only 84% of eGFRs reaching accuracy of 30%. SCreat and iGFRs showed the best correlation in a fitted quadratic model with a κ coefficient of 0.53 and 93% accuracy. Adding CysC significantly (P<0.001) increased the κ coefficient to 0.56 and the quadratic model accuracy to 97%. Therefore, a combined SCreat and CysC quadratic formula was derived and internally validated using the cross-validation technique. This quadratic formula significantly outperformed the combined Schwartz formula, which was biased for an iGFR≥91 ml/min per 1.73 m(2). CONCLUSIONS: This study allowed deriving a new combined SCreat and CysC quadratic formula that could replace the combined Schwartz formula, which is accurate only for children with moderate chronic kidney disease.