157 resultados para Cardiac diseases
Les hépatopathies sont rares au cours de la grossesse, mais peuvent avoir des conséquences dramatiques pour la mère et l'enfant si elles ne sont pas diagnostiquées à temps. On différencie principalement les hépatopathies spécifiquement secondaires à la grossesse des intercurrentes. Parmi les premières, on peut citer les manifestations hépatiques de l'hyperemesis gravidarum, la cholestase intrahépatique gravidique, les atteintes hépatiques lors d'une (pré-)éclampsie, y compris le syndrome HELLP, et la stéatose hépatique aiguë gravidique. Le diagnostic différentiel est basé sur l'anamnèse (stade de la grossesse), la clinique, quelques examens de laboratoire et l'échographie comme imagerie de première intention. Le traitement d'une cholestase intrahépatique gravidique par acide ursodésoxycholique améliore le prurit et les tests hépatiques maternels. Une surveillance rapprochée de la grossesse reste cependant indispensable. Lors d'un syndrome HELLP ou d'une stéatose hépatique aiguë gravidique, il faut procéder à l'accouchement le plus vite possible. Toutes les hépatopathies déjà connues nécessitent un suivi strict durant la grossesse. While liver diseases are a rare occurrence in pregnancy, they may have dramatic implications for mother and child if not detected in good time. A distinction is drawn between pregnancy-specific liver diseases and intercurrent liver diseases during pregnancy. The former include hepatic manifestations of hyperemesis gravidarum, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, hepatic involvement in preeclampsia or eclampsia, including the HELLP syndrome, and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Differential diagnosis of pregnancy-associated liver disorders is based on history (stage of pregnancy), clinical findings, a few laboratory tests and ultrasound as the primary imaging technique. Treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy with ursodeoxycholic acid improves pruritus and maternal liver tests. Close monitoring of pregnancy remains however indispensable. In HELLP syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy the aim should be rapid delivery. Preexisting liver diseases require intensified monitoring during pregnancy.
BACKGROUND: Both systolic and diastolic dysfunction have been observed in patients with anterolateral myocardial infarction. Diastolic dysfunction is related to disturbances in relaxation and diastolic filling. OBJECTIVE: To analyse cardiac rotation, regional shortening and diastolic relaxation in patients with anterolateral infarction. METHODS: Cardiac rotation and relaxation in controls and patients with chronic anterolateral infarction were assessed by myocardial tagging. Myocardial tagging is based on magnetic resonance imaging and allows us to label specific myocardial regions for imaging cardiac motion (rotation, translation and radial displacement). A rectangular grid was placed on the myocardium (basal, equatorial and apical short-axis plane) of each of 18 patients with chronic anterolateral infarction and 13 controls. Cardiac rotation, change in area and shortening of circumference were determined in each case. RESULTS: The left ventricle in controls performs a systolic wringing motion with a clockwise rotation at the base and a counterclockwise rotation at the apex when viewed from the apex. During relaxation a rotational motion in the opposite direction (namely untwisting) can be observed. In patients with anterolateral infarction, there is less systolic rotation at the apex and diastolic untwisting is delayed and prolonged in comparison with controls. In the presence of a left ventricular aneurysm (n = 4) apical rotation is completely lost. There is less shortening of circumference in infarcted and remote regions. CONCLUSIONS: The wringing motion of the myocardium might be an important mechanism involved in maintaining normal cardiac function with minimal expenditure of energy. This mechanism no longer operates in patients with left ventricular aneurysms and operates significantly less than normal in those with anterolateral hypokinaesia. Diastolic untwisting is significantly delayed and prolonged in patients with anterolateral infarction, which could explain the occurrence of diastolic dysfunction in these patients.
The role of Propionibacterium acnes in acne and in a wide range of inflammatory diseases is well established. However, P. acnes is also responsible for infections involving implants. Prolonged aerobic and anaerobic agar cultures for 14 days and broth cultures increase the detection rate. In this paper, we review the pathogenic role of P. acnes in implant-associated infections such as prosthetic joints, cardiac devices, breast implants, intraocular lenses, neurosurgical devices, and spine implants. The management of severe infections caused by P. acnes involves a combination of antimicrobial and surgical treatment (often removal of the device). Intravenous penicillin G and ceftriaxone are the first choice for serious infections, with vancomycin and daptomycin as alternatives, and amoxicillin, rifampicin, clindamycin, tetracycline, and levofloxacin for oral treatment. Sonication of explanted prosthetic material improves the diagnosis of implant-associated infections. Molecular methods may further increase the sensitivity of P. acnes detection. Coating of implants with antimicrobial substances could avoid or limit colonization of the surface and thereby reduce the risk of biofilm formation during severe infections. Our understanding of the role of P. acnes in human diseases will likely continue to increase as new associations and pathogenic mechanisms are discovered.
Introduction : Population aging leads to a considerable increase in the prevalence of specific diseases. We aimed to assess if those changes were already reflected in an Internal Medicine ward. Methods : Anonymous data was obtained from the administrative database of the department of internal medicine of the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). All hospitalizations of adult (>=18 years) patients occurring between 2003 and 2011 were included. Infections, cancers and diseases according to body system (heart, lung...) were defined by the first letter of the ICD-10 code for the main cause of hospitalization. Specific diseases (myocardial infarction, heart failure...) were defined by the first three letters of the ICD-10 codes for the main cause of hospitalization. Results : Data from 32,741 hospitalizations occurring between 2003 and 2011 was analyzed. Cardiovascular (ICD-10 code I) and respiratory (ICD-10 code J) diseases ranked first and second, respectively, and their ranks did not change during the study period (figure). Digestive and endocrine diseases decreased while psychiatric diseases increased from rank 9 in 2003 to rank 6 in 2011 (figure). Among specific diseases, pneumonia (organism unspecified, code J18) ranked first in 2003 and second in 2011. Acute myocardial infarction (code I21) ranked second in 2003 and third in 2011. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection (code J44) ranked third in 2003 and decreased to rank 8 in 2011. Conversely, heart failure (code I50) increased from rank 8 in 2003 to rank 1 in 2011 and delirium (not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances, code F05) increased from below rank 20 in 2003 to rank 4 in 2011. For more details, see table. Conclusion : In less than 10 years, considerable changes occurred in the presentation of patients attending an Internal Medicine ward. The changes in diseases call for adaptations in hospital staff and logistics.
Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) has become an important public health challenge in the Western World. In Switzerland near 10,000 people suffer each year from SCD. The survival from SCD to hospital discharge is discouraging (near 5%). Large majority of events occur unexpectedly in the out-of-hospital environment and are not predicted with great accuracy by risk profiling. Because the majority of SCD occur by the mechanism of ventricular fibrillation, community-based defibrillation strategies have emerged as one approach to SCD problem. Newer strategies of defibrillation designed to respond faster to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, including public access defibrillation, as well as aggressive primary and secondary prevention of coronary artery disease appears as the best approach for successful management of SCD.
Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life of patients and their families affected by life-threatening illness. This approach applies to a large and growing proportion of neurological disorders, most prominently stroke and dementia. Challenges in the palliative care of patients with incurable neurological diseases include the broad spectrum of the rate of symptom progression, a lack of reliable prognostic markers, scarcity of evidence for efficacy of symptomatic treatments, and a high prevalence of difficulties with communication, cognitive impairment and behavioural disturbances. A genuinely multidisciplinary approach to neurological palliative care is, therefore, required. However, palliative care is not an integral part of neurological training in most countries. This Perspectives article aims to underscore the importance of integrating palliative care into daily clinical practice. The basic principles and challenges of neurological palliative care are also outlined in the light of relevant literature.
Lebererkrankungen treten in der Schwangerschaft selten auf, können jedoch für Mutter und Kind dramatische Folgen haben, wenn sie nicht rechtzeitig erkannt werden. Prinzipiell unterscheidet man schwangerschaftsspezifische Lebererkrankungen von interkurrierenden Lebererkrankungen während der Schwangerschaft. Zu ersteren gehören die hepatischen Manifestationen der Hyperemesis gravidarum, die intrahepatische Schwangerschaftscholestase, die Leberbeteiligung bei Präeklampsie bzw. Eklampsie inkl. HELLP-Syndrom und die akute Schwangerschaftsfettleber. Die Differentialdiagnose schwangerschaftsassoziierter Lebererkrankungen basiert auf der Anamnese (Stadium der Schwangerschaft), der Klinik, wenigen Laboruntersuchungen und einer Ultrasonographie als primärem bildgebendem Verfahren. Die Behandlung der intrahepatischen Schwangerschaftscholestase mit Ursodeoxycholsäure verbessert den Pruritus und die mütterlichen Leberwerte. Eine engmaschige Überwachung der Schwangerschaft bleibt jedoch unabdingbar. Beim HELLP-Syndrom und der akuten Schwangerschaftsfettleber ist die rasche Entbindung anzustreben. Vorbestehende Lebererkrankungen bedürfen in der Schwangerschaft einer intensivierten Kontrolle. While liver diseases are a rare occurrence in pregnancy, they may have dramatic implications for mother and child if not detected in good time. A distinction is drawn between pregnancy-specific liver diseases and intercurrent liver diseases during pregnancy. The former include hepatic manifestations of hyperemesis gravidarum, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, hepatic involvement in preeclampsia or eclampsia, including the HELLP syndrome, and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Differential diagnosis of pregnancy-associated liver disorders is based on history (stage of pregnancy), clinical findings, a few laboratory tests and ultrasound as the primary imaging technique. Treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy with ursodeoxycholic acid improves pruritus and maternal liver tests. Close monitoring of pregnancy remains however indispensable. In HELLP syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy the aim should be rapid delivery. Preexisting liver diseases require intensified monitoring during pregnancy.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In acute myocardial infarction (AMI), both tissue necrosis and edema are present and both might be implicated in the development of intraventricular dyssynchrony. However, their relative contribution to transient dyssynchrony is not known. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) can detect necrosis and edema with high spatial resolution and it can quantify dyssynchrony by tagging techniques. METHODS: Patients with a first AMI underwent percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) of the infarct-related artery within 24 h of onset of chest pain. Within 5-7 days after the event and at 4 months, CMR was performed. The CMR protocol included the evaluation of intraventricular dyssynchrony by applying a novel 3D-tagging sequence to the left ventricle (LV) yielding the CURE index (circumferential uniformity ratio estimate; 1 = complete synchrony). On T2-weighted images, edema was measured as high-signal (>2 SD above remote tissue) along the LV mid-myocardial circumference on 3 short-axis images (% of circumference corresponding to the area-at-risk). In analogy, on late-gadolinium enhancement (LGE) images, necrosis was quantified manually as percentage of LV mid-myocardial circumference on 3 short-axis images. Necrosis was also quantified on LGE images covering the entire LV (expressed as %LV mass). Finally, salvaged myocardium was calculated as the area-at-risk minus necrosis (expressed as % of LV circumference). RESULTS: After successful PCI (n = 22, 2 female, mean age: 57 ± 12y), peak troponin T was 20 ± 36ug/l and the LV ejection fraction on CMR was 41 ± 8%. Necrosis mass was 30 ± 10% and CURE was 0.91 ± 0.05. Edema was measured as 58 ± 14% of the LV circumference. In the acute phase, the extent of edema correlated with dyssynchrony (r2 = -0.63, p < 0.01), while extent of necrosis showed borderline correlation (r2 = -0.19, p = 0.05). PCI resulted in salvaged myocardium of 27 ± 14%. LV dyssynchrony (=CURE) decreased at 4 months from 0.91 ± 0.05 to 0.94 ± 0.03 (p < 0.004, paired t-test). At 4 months, edema was absent and scar %LV slightly shrunk to 23.7 ± 10.0% (p < 0.002 vs baseline). Regression of LV dyssynchrony during the 4 months follow-up period was predicted by both, the extent of edema and its necrosis component in the acute phase. CONCLUSIONS: In the acute phase of infarction, LV dyssynchrony is closely related to the extent of edema, while necrosis is a poor predictor of acute LV dyssynchrony. Conversely, regression of intraventricular LV dyssynchrony during infarct healing is predicted by the extent of necrosis in the acute phase.
This study describes major electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements and diagnoses in a population of African individuals; most reference data have been collected in Caucasian populations and evidence exists for interethnic differences in ECG findings. This study was conducted in the Seychelles islands (Indian Ocean) and included 709 black individuals (343 men and 366 women) aged 25 to 64 years randomly selected from the general population. Resting ECG were recorded by using a validated ECG unit equipped with a measurement and interpretation software (Cardiovit AT-6, Schiller, Switzerland). The epidemiology of 14 basic ECG measurements, 6 composite criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy and 19 specific ECG diagnoses including abnormal rhythms, conduction abnormalities, repolarization abnormalities, and myocardial infarction were examined. Substantial gender and age differences were found for several ECG parameters. Moreover, tracings recorded in African individuals of the Seychelles differed from those collected similarly in Caucasian populations in many respects. For instance, heart rate was approximately 5 beats per minute lower in the African individuals than in selected Caucasian populations, prevalence of first degree atrio-ventricular block was especially high (4.8%), and the average Sokolow-Lyon voltage was markedly higher in African individuals of the Seychelles compared with black and white Americans. The integrated interpretation software detected "old myocardial infarction" in 3.8% of men and 0% of women and "old myocardial infarction possible" in 6.1% and 3%, respectively. Cardiac infarction injury scores are also provided. In conclusion, the study provides reference values for ECG findings in a specific population of people of African descent and stresses the need to systematically consider gender, age, and ethnicity when interpreting ECG tracings in individuals.
More than seventy years after their initial characterisation, the aetiology of inflammatory bowel diseases remains elusive. A recent review evaluating the incidence trends of the last 25 years concluded that an increasing incidence has been observed almost worldwide. A north-south gradient is still found in Europe. Genetic associations are variably reproduced worldwide and indicate a strong impact of environmental factors. Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) has been shown to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). TNF-alpha blockers are biological agents that specifically target this key cytokine in the inflammatory process and have become a mainstay in the therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases. This paper reviews the necessary investigations before using such agents, the use of such agents in pregnancy and lactation, the role of co-immunosuppression, how to monitor efficacy and safety, dose-adaptation, and the decision as to when to switch to another TNF-alpha blocker. Finally it gives recommendations for special situations. Currently there are three TNF-alpha blockers available for clinical use in IBD in Switzerland: infliximab (Remicade), adalimumab (Humira) and certolizumab pegol (Cimzia). Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody composed of a human IgG1 constant region and a murine variable region and is administered intravenously. Adalimumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody, with both human IgG1 constant and variable regions. Certolizumab pegol is a pegylated, humanised monoclonal anti-TNF fragment antigen binding fragment. Both adalimumab and certolizumab pegol are administered by subcutaneous injection. The efficacy and safety of TNF-alpha blockers in Crohn's disease has been reviewed. The authors conclude that the three above-mentioned agents are effective in luminal Crohn's disease. In fistulizing Crohn's disease, TNF-alpha blockers other than infliximab require additional investigation.