168 resultados para Axis patterning
ABSTRACT (FRENCH)Ce travail de thèse basé sur le système visuel chez les sujets sains et chez les patients schizophrènes, s'articule autour de trois articles scientifiques publiés ou en cours de publication. Ces articles traitent des sujets suivants : le premier article présente une nouvelle méthode de traitement des composantes physiques des stimuli (luminance et fréquence spatiale). Le second article montre, à l'aide d'analyses de données EEG, un déficit de la voie magnocellulaire dans le traitement visuel des illusions chez les patients schizophrènes. Ceci est démontré par l'absence de modulation de la composante PI chez les patients schizophrènes contrairement aux sujets sains. Cette absence est induite par des stimuli de type illusion Kanizsa de différentes excentricités. Finalement, le troisième article, également à l'aide de méthodes de neuroimagerie électrique (EEG), montre que le traitement des contours illusoires se trouve dans le complexe latéro-occipital (LOC), à l'aide d'illusion « misaligned gratings ». De plus il révèle que les activités démontrées précédemment dans les aires visuelles primaires sont dues à des inférences « top- down ».Afin de permettre la compréhension de ces trois articles, l'introduction de ce manuscrit présente les concepts essentiels. De plus des méthodes d'analyses de temps-fréquence sont présentées. L'introduction est divisée en quatre parties : la première présente le système visuel depuis les cellules retino-corticales aux deux voix du traitement de l'information en passant par les régions composant le système visuel. La deuxième partie présente la schizophrénie par son diagnostic, ces déficits de bas niveau de traitement des stimuli visuel et ces déficits cognitifs. La troisième partie présente le traitement des contours illusoires et les trois modèles utilisés dans le dernier article. Finalement, les méthodes de traitement des données EEG seront explicitées, y compris les méthodes de temps-fréquences.Les résultats des trois articles sont présentés dans le chapitre éponyme (du même nom). De plus ce chapitre comprendra les résultats obtenus à l'aide des méthodes de temps-fréquenceFinalement, la discussion sera orientée selon trois axes : les méthodes de temps-fréquence ainsi qu'une proposition de traitement de ces données par une méthode statistique indépendante de la référence. La discussion du premier article en montrera la qualité du traitement de ces stimuli. La discussion des deux articles neurophysiologiques, proposera de nouvelles d'expériences afin d'affiner les résultats actuels sur les déficits des schizophrènes. Ceci pourrait permettre d'établir un marqueur biologique fiable de la schizophrénie.ABSTRACT (ENGLISH)This thesis focuses on the visual system in healthy subjects and schizophrenic patients. To address this research, advanced methods of analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) data were used and developed. This manuscript is comprised of three scientific articles. The first article showed a novel method to control the physical features of visual stimuli (luminance and spatial frequencies). The second article showed, using electrical neuroimaging of EEG, a deficit in spatial processing associated with the dorsal pathway in chronic schizophrenic patients. This deficit was elicited by an absent modulation of the PI component in terms of response strength and topography as well as source estimations. This deficit was orthogonal to the preserved ability to process Kanizsa-type illusory contours. Finally, the third article resolved ongoing debates concerning the neural mechanism mediating illusory contour sensitivity by using electrical neuroimaging to show that the first differentiation of illusory contour presence vs. absence is localized within the lateral occipital complex. This effect was subsequent to modulations due to the orientation of misaligned grating stimuli. Collectively, these results support a model where effects in V1/V2 are mediated by "top-down" modulation from the LOC.To understand these three articles, the Introduction of this thesis presents the major concepts used in these articles. Additionally, a section is devoted to time-frequency analysis methods not presented in the articles themselves. The introduction is divided in four parts. The first part presents three aspects of the visual system: cellular, regional, and its functional interactions. The second part presents an overview of schizophrenia and its sensoiy-cognitive deficits. The third part presents an overview of illusory contour processing and the three models examined in the third article. Finally, advanced analysis methods for EEG are presented, including time- frequency methodology.The Introduction is followed by a synopsis of the main results in the articles as well as those obtained from the time-frequency analyses.Finally, the Discussion chapter is divided along three axes. The first axis discusses the time frequency analysis and proposes a novel statistical approach that is independent of the reference. The second axis contextualizes the first article and discusses the quality of the stimulus control and direction for further improvements. Finally, both neurophysiologic articles are contextualized by proposing future experiments and hypotheses that may serve to improve our understanding of schizophrenia on the one hand and visual functions more generally.
BACKGROUND: We assessed end-diastolic right ventricular (RV) dimensions and left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction by use of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography before and after surgical correction of pectus excavatum in adults. METHODS: A prospective study was conducted including 17 patients undergoing surgical correction of pectus excavatum according to the technique of Ravitch-Shamberger between 1999 and 2004. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography was performed under general anesthesia before and after surgery to assess end-diastolic RV dimensions and LV ejection fraction. The end-diastolic RV diameter and area were measured in four-chamber and RV inflow-outflow view, and the RV volume was calculated from these data. The LV was assessed by transgastric short-axis view, and its ejection fraction was calculated by use of the Teichholz formula. RESULTS: The end-diastolic RV diameter, area, and volume all significantly increased after surgery (mean values +/- SD, respectively: 2.4 +/- 0.8 cm versus 3.0 +/- 0.9 cm, p < 0.001; 12.5 +/- 5.2 cm(2) versus 18.4 +/- 7.5 cm(2), p < 0.001; and 21.7 +/- 11.7 mL versus 40.8 +/- 23 mL, p < 0.001). The LV ejection fraction also significantly increased after surgery (58.4% +/- 15% versus 66.2% +/- 6%, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Surgical correction of pectus excavatum according to Ravitch-Shamberger technique results in a significant increase in end-diastolic RV dimensions and a significantly increased LV ejection fraction.
OBJECTIVES: During open heart surgery, so-called atrial chatter, a phenomenon due to right atria and/or caval collapse, is frequently observed. Collapse of the cava axis during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) limits venous drainage and may result downstream in reduced pump flow on (lack of volume) and upstream in increased after-load (stagnation), which in turn may both result in reduced or even inadequate end-organ perfusion. The goal of this study was to reproduce venous collapse in the flow bench. METHODS: In accordance with literature for venous anatomy, a caval tree system is designed (polyethylene, thickness 0.061 mm), which receives venous inflow from nine afferent veins. With water as medium and a preload of 4.4 mmHg, the system has an outflow of 4500 ml/min (Scenario A). After the insertion of a percutaneous venous cannula (23-Fr), the venous model is continuously served by the afferent branches in a venous test bench and venous drainage is augmented with a centrifugal pump (Scenario B). RESULTS: With gravity drainage (siphon: A), spontaneously reversible atrial chatter can be generated in reproducible fashion. Slight reduction in the outflow diameter allows for generation of continuous flow. With augmentation (B), irreversible collapse of the artificial vena cava occurs in reproducible fashion at a given pump speed of 2300 ± 50 RPM and a pump inlet pressure of -112 mmHg. Furthermore, bubbles form at the cannula tip despite the fact that the entire system is immersed in water and air from the environment cannot enter the system. This phenomenon is also known as cavitation and should be avoided because of local damage of both formed blood elements and endothelium, as well embolization. CONCLUSIONS: This caval model provides a realistic picture for the limitations of flow due to spontaneously reversible atrial chatter vs irreversible venous collapse for a given negative pressure during CPB. Temporary interruption of negative pressure in the venous line can allow for recovery of venous drainage. This know-how can be used not only for testing different cannula designs, but also for further optimizing perfusion strategies.
Dietary obesity is a major factor in the development of type 2 diabetes and is associated with intra-adipose tissue hypoxia and activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1α). Here we report that, in mice, Hif1α activation in visceral white adipocytes is critical to maintain dietary obesity and associated pathologies, including glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, and cardiomyopathy. This function of Hif1α is linked to its capacity to suppress β-oxidation, in part, through transcriptional repression of sirtuin 2 (Sirt2) NAD(+)-dependent deacetylase. Reduced Sirt2 function directly translates into diminished deacetylation of PPARγ coactivator 1α (Pgc1α) and expression of β-oxidation and mitochondrial genes. Importantly, visceral adipose tissue from human obese subjects is characterized by high levels of HIF1α and low levels of SIRT2. Thus, by negatively regulating the Sirt2-Pgc1α regulatory axis, Hif1α negates adipocyte-intrinsic pathways of fatty acid catabolism, thereby creating a metabolic state supporting the development of obesity.
Chez les animaux, les jeunes dépendant des parents durant leur développement sont en compétition pour obtenir la nourriture, qu'ils quémandent par des cris et postures ostentatoires et se disputent physiquement. Les frères et soeurs n'ont pas la même compétitivité, en particulier s'ils diffèrent en âge, et leur niveau de faim fluctue dans le temps. Comme dans tout type de compétition, chacun doit ajuster son investissement aux rivaux, c'est à dire aux besoins et comportements de ses frères et soeurs. Dans le contexte de la famille, selon la théorie de sélection de parentèle, les jeunes bénéficient de leur survie mutuelle et donc de la propagation de la part de gènes qu'ils ont en commun. L'hypothèse de la « négociation frères-soeurs » prédit que, sous certaines conditions, les jeunes négocient entre eux la nourriture, ce qui réduit les coûts de compétition et permet de favoriser les frères et soeurs les plus affamés. La littérature actuelle se focalise sur les signaux de quémande entre enfants et parents et les interactions compétitives frères-soeurs sont étudiées principalement au sein de paires, alors que les nichées ou portées en comprennent souvent de nombreux. Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre comment et jusqu'à quel point plusieurs jeunes ajustent mutuellement leurs signaux de besoin. C'est une question importante, étant donné que cela influence la répartition de nourriture entre eux, donc la résolution du conflit qui les oppose et à terme leur valeur évolutive. Le modèle d'étude est la chouette effraie (Tyto alba), chez laquelle jusqu'à neufs poussins émettent des milliers de cris chacun par nuit. Ils négocieraient entre eux la prochaine proie indivisible rapportée au nid avant que les parents ne reviennent : un poussin affamé crie plus qu'un autre moins affamé, ce qui dissuade ce dernier de crier en retour et par la suite de quémander la nourriture aux parents. L'investissement optimal correspondrait donc à écarter son frère en permanence vu que l'arrivée des parents est imprévisible, mais à moindre coût. Dans un premier axe, nous avons exploré au sein de dyades les mécanismes acoustiques permettant aux poussins de doser leur effort vocal durant les heures de compétition où ils sont laissés seuls au nid. Nous avons trouvé que les poussins évitent de crier simultanément, ce qui optimiserait la discrimination du nombre et de la durée de leurs cris, lesquels reflètent de façon honnête leur niveau de faim et donc leur motivation. L'alternance des cris paraît particulièrement adaptée au fait que les poussins se fient à des variations temporelles subtiles dans le rythme et la durée de leurs vocalisations pour prendre la parole. En particulier, allonger ses cris tout en criant moins dissuade efficacement le rival de répondre, ce qui permet de monopoliser la parole dans de longs « monologues ». Ces règles seraient universelles puisqu'elles ne dépendent pas de la séniorité, de la faim, ni de la parenté et les poussins répondent à un playback de façon similaire à un vrai frère. Tous ces résultats apportent la première preuve expérimentale que les juvéniles communiquent de façon honnête sur leurs besoins, ajustent activement le rythme de leurs cris et utilisent des composantes multiples de leurs vocalisations d'une façon qui réduit le coût de la compétition. De plus, il s'agit de la première démonstration que des règles de conversation régissent de longs échanges vocaux chez les animaux de façon comparable aux règles basiques observées chez l'Homme. Dans un second axe, nous avons exploré les stratégies comportementales que les poussins adoptent pour rivaliser avec plusieurs frères et soeurs, par le biais d'expériences de playback. Nous avons trouvé que les poussins mémorisent des asymétries de compétitivité entre deux individus qui dialoguent et répondent plus agressivement au moins compétitif une fois qu'ils sont confrontés à chacun isolément. Dans la même ligne, quand ils entendent un nombre variable d'individus criant à un taux variable, les poussins investissent le plus contre des rivaux moins nombreux et moins motivés. En accord avec les prédictions des modèles théoriques, les poussins de chouette effraie escaladent donc les conflits pour lesquels leur chance de gagner contrebalance le plus l'énergie dépensée. Nous révélons ainsi que 1) les jeunes frères et soeurs 'espionnent' les interactions de leurs rivaux pour évaluer leur compétitivité relative, ce qui est sans doute moins coûteux qu'une confrontation directe avec chacun, et 2) dosent leur investissement vocal en fonction du nombre de rivaux actuellement en compétition et de leur motivation de façon concomitante. Ces résultats montrent que les interactions entre frères et soeurs au nid reposent sur des mécanismes similaires à ceux observés, mais encore de façon anecdotique, chez les adultes non apparentés qui se disputent les territoires et partenaires sexuels. Cette thèse souligne donc combien il est crucial de considérer dorénavant la famille comme un réseau de communication à part entière pour mieux comprendre comment les jeunes résolvent les conflits autour du partage des ressources parentales. Plus généralement, elle révèle l'importance de la dynamique temporelle des vocalisations dans les conflits et la communication des animaux. A la lumière de nos résultats, la chouette effraie apparaît comme un modèle clé pour de futures recherches sur la résolution des conflits et la communication acoustique. - In species with parental care, offspring contest priority access to food by begging through conspicuous postures and vocalisations and by physically jockeying. Siblings differ in their competitiveness, especially in the case of age and size hierarchies, and their hunger level fluctuates in time. As in competition in general, each individual should adjust its investment to opponents that is to say to its siblings' needs and behaviours. In the particular context of family, according to kin selection theory, siblings derive extra fitness benefits from their mutual survival and hence the spreading of the genes they share. The "sibling negotiation" predicts that, under certain conditions, young would negotiate among them priority access to food, which reduces competition costs and enables promoting the most hungry siblings. To date, the literature focuses on signals of need between parents and offspring and competitive interactions (in particular among siblings) are mostly studied within pairwise interactions, yet they commonly involve more numerous rivals. This PhD aims at better understanding how and the extent to which several young siblings compete through signalling. This is important since this influences how food is allocated among them, thus the outcome of sibling rivalry and ultimately their fitness. I use the barn owl (Tyto alba) as a model, in which the one to nine nestlings emit a simple noisy call thousands of times per night. Thereby, they would negotiate among them priority access to the indivisible food next delivered prior to parents' feeding visits. A hungry nestling emits more calls than a less hungry sibling, which deters it to call in return and ultimately beg food at parents. The optimal investment thus corresponds to constantly deterring the rival to compete, given that parents' arrival is unpredictable, but at the lowest costs. In the first axis of my thesis, we explored within dyads the acoustic mechanisms by which owlets dose vocal effort when competing during the hours they are left alone. We found that owlets avoid overlapping each other's calls. This would enhance the discrimination of both call number and duration, which honestly reflect individuals' hunger level and hence motivation to compete. Such antiphony seems best adapted to the fact that siblings actually use subtle temporal variations in the rhythm and duration of their calls to take or give their turn. Owlets alternate monologs, in which lengthening calls efficiently deters the rival to respond while reducing call number. Such rules depend neither on seniority, hunger level nor kinship since nestlings responded similarly to a live sibling and an unrelated playback individual. Taken together, these findings provide the first experimental proof that dependent young honestly communicate about their need, actively adjust the timing of their calls and use multicomponent signals in a way that reduces vocal costs. Moreover, this is the first demonstration of conversational rules underlying animal long-lasting vocal exchanges comparable to the basic turn-taking signals observed in humans. In the second axis, we focused on the behavioural strategies owlets adopt to compete with more than one sibling, using playback experiments. We found that singleton bystanders memorised competitive asymmetries between two playback individuals dialoguing and responded more aggressively to the submissive one once they later faced each of both alone. Moreover, when hearing a varying number of nestlings calling at varying rates, owlets vocally invested the most towards fewer and less motivated rivals. In line with predictions from models on conflict settlement, barn owls thus escalate contests in which their chance of winning best counterbalances the energy spent. These results reveal that young socially eavesdrop on their siblings' interactions to assess their relative competitiveness at likely lower costs than direct confrontation, and dose vocal effort relative to both their number and motivation. This shows that young siblings' interactions imply mechanisms similar to those observed, yet still anecdotally, in unrelated adults that contest mates and territories. This PhD therefore highlights how crucial it is to further consider family as a communication network to better understand how siblings resolve conflicts over the share of parental resources. More generally, it provides important insights into the role of the temporal dynamics of signalling during animal contests and communication. In the light of our findings, the barn owl emerges as a key model for future research on conflict resolution and acoustic communication in animals.
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the validity and reliability of volumetric quantitative computed tomography (vQCT) with multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for hip bone mineral density (BMD) measurements, and to compare the differences between the two techniques in discriminating postmenopausal women with osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures from those without. METHODS: Ninety subjects were enrolled and divided into three groups based on the BMD values of the lumbar spine and/or the femoral neck by DXA. Groups 1 and 2 consisted of postmenopausal women with BMD changes <-2SD, with and without radiographically confirmed vertebral fracture (n=11 and 33, respectively). Group 3 comprised normal controls with BMD changes > or =-1SD (n=46). Post-MSCT (GE, LightSpeed16) scan reconstructed images of the abdominal-pelvic region, 1.25 mm thick per slice, were processed by OsteoCAD software to calculate the following parameters: volumetric BMD values of trabecular bone (TRAB), cortical bone (CORT), and integral bone (INTGL) of the left femoral neck, femoral neck axis length (NAL), and minimum cross-section area (mCSA). DXA BMD measurements of the lumbar spine (AP-SPINE) and the left femoral neck (NECK) also were performed for each subject. RESULTS: The values of all seven parameters were significantly lower in subjects of Groups 1 and 2 than in normal postmenopausal women (P<0.05, respectively). Comparing Groups 1 and 2, 3D-TRAB and 3D-INTGL were significantly lower in postmenopausal women with vertebral fracture(s) [(109.8+/-9.61) and (243.3+/-33.0) mg/cm3, respectively] than in those without [(148.9+/-7.47) and (285.4+/-17.8) mg/cm(3), respectively] (P<0.05, respectively), but no significant differences were evident in AP-SPINE or NECK BMD. CONCLUSION: the femoral neck-derived volumetric BMD parameters using vQCT appeared better than the DXA-derived ones in discriminating osteoporotic postmenopausal women with vertebral fractures from those without. vQCT might be useful to evaluate the effect of osteoporotic vertebral fracture status on changes in bone mass in the femoral neck.
Barrels are discrete cytoarchitectonic neurons cluster located in the layer IV of the somatosensory¦cortex in mice brain. Each barrel is related to a specific whisker located on the mouse snout. The¦whisker-to-barrel pathway is a part of the somatosensory system that is intensively used to explore¦sensory activation induced plasticity in the cerebral cortex.¦Different recording methods exist to explore the cortical response induced by whisker deflection in¦the cortex of anesthetized mice. In this work, we used a method called the Single-Unit Analysis by¦which we recorded the extracellular electric signals of a single barrel neuron using a microelectrode.¦After recording the signal was processed by discriminators to isolate specific neuronal shape (action¦potentials).¦The objective of this thesis was to familiarize with the barrel cortex recording during whisker¦deflection and its theoretical background and to compare two different ways of discriminating and¦sorting cortical signal, the Waveform Window Discriminator (WWD) or the Spike Shape Discriminator (SSD).¦WWD is an electric module allowing the selection of specific electric signal shape. A trigger and a¦window potential level are set manually. During measurements, every time the electric signal passes¦through the two levels a dot is generated on time line. It was the method used in previous¦extracellular recording study in the Département de Biologie Cellulaire et de Morphologie (DBCM) in¦Lausanne.¦SSD is a function provided by the signal analysis software Spike2 (Cambridge Electronic Design). The¦neuronal signal is discriminated by a complex algorithm allowing the creation of specific templates.¦Each of these templates is supposed to correspond to a cell response profile. The templates are saved¦as a number of points (62 in this study) and are set for each new cortical location. During¦measurements, every time the cortical recorded signal corresponds to a defined number of templates¦points (60% in this study) a dot is generated on time line. The advantage of the SSD is that multiple¦templates can be used during a single stimulation, allowing a simultaneous recording of multiple¦signals.¦It exists different ways to represent data after discrimination and sorting. The most commonly used¦in the Single-Unit Analysis of the barrel cortex are the representation of the time between stimulation¦and the first cell response (the latency), the representation of the Response Magnitude (RM) after¦whisker deflection corrected for spontaneous activity and the representation of the time distribution¦of neuronal spikes on time axis after whisker stimulation (Peri-Stimulus Time Histogram, PSTH).¦The results show that the RMs and the latencies in layer IV were significantly different between the¦WWD and the SSD discriminated signal. The temporal distribution of the latencies shows that the¦different values were included between 6 and 60ms with no peak value for SSD while the WWD¦data were all gathered around a peak of 11ms (corresponding to previous studies). The scattered¦distribution of the latencies recorded with the SSD did not correspond to a cell response.¦The SSD appears to be a powerful tool for signal sorting but we do not succeed to use it for the¦Single-Unit Analysis extracellular recordings. Further recordings with different SSD templates settings¦and larger sample size may help to show the utility of this tool in Single-Unit Analysis studies.
Functional specialization is tightly linked to the ability of eukaryotic cells to acquire a particular shape. Cell morphogenesis, in turn, relies on the capacity to establish and maintain cell "polarity", which is achieved by orienting the trafficking of signaling molecules and organelles towards specific cellular locations and/or membrane domains. The "oriented" transport is based upon cytoskeletal polymers, microtubules and actin filaments, which serve as tracks for molecular motors. These latter generate motion that is translated either into pulling forces or directed transport. Fission yeast, a rod-like unicellular eukaryote, shapes itself by restricting growth at cell tips through the concerted activity of microtubules and actin cables. Microtubules, which assemble into 2-6 bundles and run parallel to the long axis of the cell, serve to orient growth to the tips. Growth is supported by the actin cytoskeleton, which provides tracks, the cables, for motor-based transport of secretory vesicles. The molecular motors, which bind cargos and deliver them to the tips along cables, are also known as type V myosins (hereafter indicated as myosin V). How the bundles of parallel actin filaments, i.e. the cables, extend from the tips through the cell and whether they serve any other purpose, besides providing tracks, is poorly understood. It is also unclear how the crosstalk between the two cytoskeletal systems is achieved. These are the basic questions I addressed during my PhD. The first part of the thesis work (Chapter two) suggests that the sole function of actin cables in polarized growth is to serve as tracks for motors. The data indicate that cells may have evolved two cytoskeletal systems to provide robustness to the polarization process but in principle a unique cytoskeleton might have been able to direct and support polarized growth. How actin cables are organized within the cell to optimize cargo transport is addressed later on (Chapter three). The major finding, based on the actin cable defect of cells lacking myosin Vs, is that actin filaments self-organize through the activity of the transport motors. In fact, by delivering cargos to cell tips and exerting physical pulling forces on actin filaments, Myosin Vs contribute not only to polarize cargo transport but also actin tracks. Among the cargos transported by Myosin V, which may be relevant to its function in organizing cables, there is likely the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Actin cables, which run parallel to cortical ER, may serve as tracks for Myosin V. Myosin V-driven displacement, in turn, may account for the dynamic expansion and organization of ER during polarized growth as suggested in Chapter four. The last part of the work (Chapter five) highlights the existence of a crosstalk between actin and microtubules. In absence of myosin V, indeed, microtubules contribute to actin cable organization, likely playing a scaffolding/tethering function. Whether or not the kinesin 1, Klp3, plays any role in such process has to be demonstrated. In conclusion the work proposes a novel role for myosin Vs in actin organization, besides its transport function, and provides molecular tools to further dissect the role of this type of myosin in fission yeast. - La spécialisation fonctionnelle est étroitement connectée à la capacité des cellules eucaryotes d'acquérir une forme particulière. La morphogenèse cellulaire à son tour, est basée sur la capacité d'établir et de maintenir la polarité cellulaire, polarité réalisée en orientant le trafic des molécules signales et des organelles vers des zones cellulaires spécifiques. Ce transport directionnel dépend des polymères du cytosquelette, microtubules et microfilaments, qui servent comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Ces derniers engendrent du mouvement, traduit soit en force de traction soit en transport directionnel. La levure fissipare, un eucaryote unicellulaire en forme de bâtonnet, acquière sa forme en limitant sa croissance aux extrémités par l'action concertée des microtubules et de l'actine. Les microtubules, qui s'assemblent de façon antiparallèle et parcourent la cellule parallèlement à l'axe longitudinal, servent à orienter la croissance aux extrémités. Cette croissance est permise par le cytosquelette d'actine, fournissant des voies, les câbles, pour le transport actif des vésicules de sécrétion. Les moteurs moléculaires, responsables de ce transport actif sont aussi appelés myosines de type V (par la suite appelés myosines V). La manière dont ces câbles s'étendent depuis l'extrémité jusqu'à l'intérieur de la cellule est peu connue. De plus, on ignore également si ces câbles présentent une fonction autre que le transport. L'interaction entre les deux cytosquelettes est également obscure. Ce sont ces questions de base auxquelles j'ai tenté de répondre lors de ma thèse. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitre II) suggère que les câbles d'actine, pendant la croissance polarisée, fonctionnent uniquement comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Les données indiqueraient que les cellules ont fait évoluer deux systèmes de cytosquelette pour assurer plus de robustesse au processus de polarisation, bien que, comme nous le verrons, un système unique est suffisant. Au chapitre III, nous verrons comment les câbles d'actine sont organisés à l'intérieur de la cellule afin d'optimiser le transport des cargo. La découverte majeure, réalisée en observant des cellules dont la myosine V fait défaut, est que ces filaments d'actine s'auto organisent grâce au passage des moteurs moléculaires le long de ces voies. En réalité, en délivrant les cargos aux extrémités de la cellule et en exerçant des forces de traction sur les câbles, les myosines V contribuent non seulement à polariser le transport mais également à polariser les voies elles mêmes. Nous verrons également au chapitre IV, que parmi les cargos importants pour l'organisation des câbles, il y aurait le réticulum endoplasmique (RE). En effet, les câbles d'actine, qui s'étalent parallèlement au RE cortical, pourraient servir comme voie pour la myosine V. Cette dernière en retour pourrait être responsable de l'expansion dynamique et de l'organisation du RE pendant la croissance polarisée.
While the lesions produced by transmyocardial laser revascularisation (TMLR) induce scar formation, it is important to determine whether this procedure can be deleterious for the left-ventricular function, which is already impaired by the underlying ischaemic process in some patients. Ten channels were drilled in the left lateral wall of the hearts of ten pigs (mean weight, 61 +/- 8.2kg) with a Holmium:YAG laser. Haemodynamic measurements and echocardiographic assessment of left-ventricular function were performed before the TMLR procedure, 5 and 30 min after, and lastly after 5 min of pacing at a rate increased by 30% of the baseline value. Echocardiographic assessment was in the short axis at the level of the laser channels, and included left-ventricular ejection fraction and segmental wall motility of the lasered area (scale 0-3:0 = normal 1 = hypokinesia, 2 = akinesia, 3 = dyskinesia). Values at 5 and 30 min were compared with baseline values; the difference was considered significant if p < 0.05. Haemodynamical values were stable throughout all the procedures. The ejection fraction showed a slight but significant decrease 5 min after the creation of the channels (60.4 +/- 6.8% vs 54 +/- 7.6%, p=0.02) and recovered at 30min. The segmental motility score of the involved areas increased to 1 after 5 min in five animals, and came back to 0 at 30 min except in one animal. Even with pacing no segmental dysfunction occurred. The reversibility of the segmental hypokinesia induced by TMLR, as well as the absence of pace-induced dysfunction 30 min after the procedure strongly suggest the inocuity of TMLR in this experimental set-up.
Background. We assessed end-diastolic right ventricular (RV) dimensions and left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction by use of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography before and after surgical correction of pectus excavatum in adults. Methods. A prospective study was conducted including 17 patients undergoing surgical correction of pectus excavatum according to the technique of Ravitch-Shamberger between 1999 and 2004. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography was performed under general anesthesia before and after surgery to assess end-diastolic RV dimensions and LV ejection fraction. The end-diastolic RV diameter and area were measured in four-chamber and RV inflow-outflow view, and the RV volume was calculated from these data. The LV was assessed by transgastric short-axis view, and its ejection fraction was calculated by use of the Teichholz formula. Results. The end-diastolic RV diameter, area, and volume all significantly increased after surgery (mean values +/- SD, respectively: 2.4 +/- 0.8 cm versus 3.0 +/- 0.9 cm, p < 0.001; 12.5 +/- 5.2 cm(2) versus 18.4 +/- 7.5 cm(2), p < 0.001; and 21.7 +/- 11.7 mL versus 40.8 +/- 23 mL, p < 0.001). The LV ejection fraction also significantly increased after surgery (58.4% +/- 15% versus 66.2% +/- 6%, p < 0.001). Conclusions. Surgical correction of pectus excavatum according to Ravitch-Shamberger technique results in a significant increase in end-diastolic RV dimensions and a significantly increased LV ejection fraction. (Ann Thorac Surg 2010; 89: 240-4) (C) 2010 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Ophthalmologists typically acquire different image modalities to diagnose eye pathologies. They comprise, e.g., Fundus photography, optical coherence tomography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Yet, these images are often complementary and do express the same pathologies in a different way. Some pathologies are only visible in a particular modality. Thus, it is beneficial for the ophthalmologist to have these modalities fused into a single patient-specific model. The goal of this paper is a fusion of Fundus photography with segmented MRI volumes. This adds information to MRI that was not visible before like vessels and the macula. This paper contributions include automatic detection of the optic disc, the fovea, the optic axis, and an automatic segmentation of the vitreous humor of the eye.
Objective. To study the impact of the neutral endopeptidase (NEP)/neuropeptides (NPs) axis and nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB) as predictors of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) recurrence after radical prostatectomy (RP). Patients and Methods. 70 patients with early-stage PC were treated with RP and their tumor samples were evaluated for expression of NEP, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and NFκB (p65). Time to PSA recurrence was correlated with the examined parameters and combined with preoperative PSA level, Gleason score, pathological TNM (pT) stage, and surgical margin (SM) assessment. Results and Limitations. Membranous expression of NEP (P < 0.001), cytoplasmic ET-1 (P = 0.002), and cytoplasmic NFκB (P < 0.001) were correlated with time to PSA relapse. NEP was associated with ET-1 (P < 0.001) and NFκB (P < 0.001). ET-1 was also correlated with NFκB (P < 0.001). NEP expression (P = 0.017), pT stage (P = 0.013), and SMs (P = 0.036) were independent predictors of time to PSA recurrence. Conclusions. There seems to be a clinical model of NEP/NPs and NFκB pathways interconnection, with their constituents following inverse patterns of expression in accordance with their biological roles and molecular interrelations.
Cell polarization relies on small GTPases, such as Cdc42, which can break symmetry through self-organizing principles, and landmarks that define the axis of polarity. In fission yeast, microtubules deliver the Tea1-Tea4 complex to mark cell poles for growth, but how this complex activates Cdc42 is unknown. Here, we show that ectopic targeting of Tea4 to cell sides promotes the local activation of Cdc42 and cell growth. This activity requires that Tea4 binds the type I phosphatase (PP1) catalytic subunit Dis2 or Sds21, and ectopic targeting of either catalytic subunit is similarly instructive for growth. The Cdc42 guanine-nucleotide-exchange factor Gef1 and the GTPase-activating protein Rga4 are required for Tea4-PP1-dependent ectopic growth. Gef1 is recruited to ectopic Tea4 and Dis2 locations to promote Cdc42 activation. By contrast, Rga4 is locally excluded by Tea4, and its forced colocalization with Tea4 blocks ectopic growth, indicating that Rga4 must be present, but at sites distinct from Tea4. Thus, a Tea4-PP1 landmark promotes local Cdc42 activation and growth both through Cdc42 GEF recruitment and by creating a local trough in a Cdc42 GAP.
Interaction between CD40, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily, and its ligand CD40L, a 39-kDa glycoprotein, is essential for the development of humoral and cellular immune responses. Selective blockade or activation of this pathway provides the ground for the development of new treatments against immunologically based diseases and malignancies. Like other members of the TNF superfamily, CD40L monomers self-assemble around a threefold symmetry axis to form noncovalent homotrimers that can each bind three receptor molecules. Here, we report on the structure-based design of small synthetic molecules with C3 symmetry that can mimic CD40L homotrimers. These molecules interact with CD40, compete with the binding of CD40L to CD40, and reproduce, to a certain extent, the functional properties of the much larger homotrimeric soluble CD40L. Architectures based on rigid C3-symmetric cores may thus represent a general approach to mimicking homotrimers of the TNF superfamily.
Neuroblastoma (NB) is a heterogeneous, and particularly malignant childhood neoplasm in its higher stages, with a propensity to form metastasis in selected organs, in particular liver and bone marrow, and for which there is still no efficient treatment available beyond surgery. Recent evidence indicates that the CXCR4/CXCL12 chemokine/receptor axis may be involved in promoting NB invasion and metastasis. In this study, we explored the potential role of CXCR4 in the malignant behaviour of NB, using a combination of in vitro functional analyses and in vivo growth and metastasis assessment in an orthotopic NB mouse model. We show here that CXCR4 overexpression in non-metastatic CXCR4-negative NB cells IGR-NB8 and in moderately metastatic, CXCR4 expressing NB cells IGR-N91, strongly increased tumour growth of primary tumours and liver metastases, without altering the frequency or the pattern of metastasis. Moreover shRNA-mediated knock-down experiments confirmed our observations by showing that silencing CXCR4 in NB cells impairs in vitro and almost abrogates in vivo growth. High levels of CXCL12 were detected in the mouse adrenal gland (the primary tumour site), and in the liver suggesting a paracrine effect of host-derived CXCL12 on NB growth. In conclusion, this study reveals a yet unreported NB-specific predominant growth and survival-promoting role of CXCR4, which warrants a critical reconsideration of the role of CXCR4 in the malignant behaviour of NB and other cancers.