293 resultados para Assisted cases
AbstractText BACKGROUND: Profiling sperm DNA present on vaginal swabs taken from rape victims often contributes to identifying and incarcerating rapists. Large amounts of the victim's epithelial cells contaminate the sperm present on swabs, however, and complicate this process. The standard method for obtaining relatively pure sperm DNA from a vaginal swab is to digest the epithelial cells with Proteinase K in order to solubilize the victim's DNA, and to then physically separate the soluble DNA from the intact sperm by pelleting the sperm, removing the victim's fraction, and repeatedly washing the sperm pellet. An alternative approach that does not require washing steps is to digest with Proteinase K, pellet the sperm, remove the victim's fraction, and then digest the residual victim's DNA with a nuclease. METHODS: The nuclease approach has been commercialized in a product, the Erase Sperm Isolation Kit (PTC Labs, Columbia, MO, USA), and five crime laboratories have tested it on semen-spiked female buccal swabs in a direct comparison with their standard methods. Comparisons have also been performed on timed post-coital vaginal swabs and evidence collected from sexual assault cases. RESULTS: For the semen-spiked buccal swabs, Erase outperformed the standard methods in all five laboratories and in most cases was able to provide a clean male profile from buccal swabs spiked with only 1,500 sperm. The vaginal swabs taken after consensual sex and the evidence collected from rape victims showed a similar pattern of Erase providing superior profiles. CONCLUSIONS: In all samples tested, STR profiles of the male DNA fractions obtained with Erase were as good as or better than those obtained using the standard methods.
To be diagnostically useful, structural MRI must reliably distinguish Alzheimer's disease (AD) from normal aging in individual scans. Recent advances in statistical learning theory have led to the application of support vector machines to MRI for detection of a variety of disease states. The aims of this study were to assess how successfully support vector machines assigned individual diagnoses and to determine whether data-sets combined from multiple scanners and different centres could be used to obtain effective classification of scans. We used linear support vector machines to classify the grey matter segment of T1-weighted MR scans from pathologically proven AD patients and cognitively normal elderly individuals obtained from two centres with different scanning equipment. Because the clinical diagnosis of mild AD is difficult we also tested the ability of support vector machines to differentiate control scans from patients without post-mortem confirmation. Finally we sought to use these methods to differentiate scans between patients suffering from AD from those with frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Up to 96% of pathologically verified AD patients were correctly classified using whole brain images. Data from different centres were successfully combined achieving comparable results from the separate analyses. Importantly, data from one centre could be used to train a support vector machine to accurately differentiate AD and normal ageing scans obtained from another centre with different subjects and different scanner equipment. Patients with mild, clinically probable AD and age/sex matched controls were correctly separated in 89% of cases which is compatible with published diagnosis rates in the best clinical centres. This method correctly assigned 89% of patients with post-mortem confirmed diagnosis of either AD or frontotemporal lobar degeneration to their respective group. Our study leads to three conclusions: Firstly, support vector machines successfully separate patients with AD from healthy aging subjects. Secondly, they perform well in the differential diagnosis of two different forms of dementia. Thirdly, the method is robust and can be generalized across different centres. This suggests an important role for computer based diagnostic image analysis for clinical practice.
PRINCIPLES: Interstitial pregnancy represents 2% of ectopic pregnancies, but it is a highly morbid condition with a 2.5% of maternal mortality. Its diagnostic and therapeutic management remains controversial. The aim of this review is to describe the management of interstitial pregnancy in our institution between 2001 and 2011 and to define some general rules for the clinical practice. METHODS: Single institution retrospective study. RESULTS: Eleven women were treated for interstitial pregnancy. The median age was 33 years and the median gestity was 4. Seven patients had a history of gynaecological surgery and four interstitial pregnancies followed in vitro fertilisation. The diagnosis was made at a median gestational age of seven weeks with a median beta-HCG level of 5,838 U/l. Six of the eleven patients received an initial treatment with intracornual methotrexate, three with intramuscular methotrexate and two with surgery. The median time to beta-HCG resolution was 58 days. Three of the eleven patients needed a second line treatment: two after intramuscular methotrexate and one after intracornual methotrexate. Six patients had further pregnancies and delivered by caesarean section. CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of previous ectopic pregnancies, gynaecological surgery and of pregnancies resulting from in vitro fertilisation was observed. The earliness of the diagnosis was the factor that allowed a conservative treatment in most cases. Beta-HCG level follow up was fundamental in allowing a second line therapy but beta-HCG can persist over a long period of time and this must be taken into account due to its possible psychological impact. Intracornual methotrexate seems to be more efficacious than intramuscular methotrexate in our series.
BACKGROUND: Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) has become the preferred modality to treat many complex wounds but could be further improved by methods that minimize bleeding and facilitate wound epithelialization. Short fiber poly-N-acetyl glucosamine nanofibers (sNAG) are effective hemostatic agents that activate platelets and facilitate wound epithelialization. We hypothesized that sNAG used in combination with the VAC device could be synergistic in promoting wound healing while minimizing the risk of bleeding. METHODS: Membranes consisting entirely of sNAG nanofibers were applied immediately to dorsal excisional wounds of db/db mice followed by application of the VAC device. Wound healing kinetics, angiogenesis, and wound-related growth factor expression were measured. RESULTS: The application of sNAG membranes to wounds 24 hours before application of the VAC device was associated with a significant activation of wounds (expression of PDGF, TGFβ, EGF), superior granulation tissue formation rich in Collagen I as well as superior wound epithelialization (8.6% ± 0.3% vs. 1.8% ± 1.1% of initial wound size) and wound contraction. CONCLUSIONS: The application of sNAG fiber-containing membranes before the application of the polyurethane foam interface of VAC devices leads to superior healing in db/db mice and represents a promising wound healing adjunct that can also reduce the risk of bleeding complications.
Haemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome (HSES) is a devastating disorder affecting infants. So far no cases have been reported in Switzerland. It is characterised by the abrupt onset of hyperpyrexia, shock, encephalopathy, diarrhoea, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and renal and hepatic failure in previously healthy infants. Severe hypoglycaemia has been repeatedly reported in association with HSES. However, the pathophysiology of the hypoglycaemia is not clear. We report on two infants (2 and 7 months old) with typical HSES, both of whom were presented with nonketotic hypoglycaemia. In the first case, plasma insulin was 23 pmol/l at the time of hypoglycaemia (0.1 mmol/l). In the second case, increased values for interleukin-6 (IL-6) (319 pg/ml) and IL-8 (1382 pg/ml) were found 24 hours after admission, whereas IL-1 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were not measurable. Alpha-1-antitrypsin was decreased (0.6 g/l). In hyperpyrexic, unconscious and shocked infants, HSES should be considered and hypoglycaemia should be specifically looked for. Hypoglycaemia is not caused by hyperinsulinism but may be secondary to the release of cytokines.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the public health consequences of the rise in multiple births with respect to congenital anomalies. DESIGN: Descriptive epidemiological analysis of data from population-based congenital anomaly registries. SETTING: Fourteen European countries. POPULATION: A total of 5.4 million births 1984-2007, of which 3% were multiple births. METHODS: Cases of congenital anomaly included live births, fetal deaths from 20 weeks of gestation and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence rates per 10,000 births and relative risk of congenital anomaly in multiple versus singleton births (1984-2007); proportion prenatally diagnosed, proportion by pregnancy outcome (2000-07). Proportion of pairs where both co-twins were cases. RESULTS: Prevalence of congenital anomalies from multiple births increased from 5.9 (1984-87) to 10.7 per 10,000 births (2004-07). Relative risk of nonchromosomal anomaly in multiple births was 1.35 (95% CI 1.31-1.39), increasing over time, and of chromosomal anomalies was 0.72 (95% CI 0.65-0.80), decreasing over time. In 11.4% of affected twin pairs both babies had congenital anomalies (2000-07). The prenatal diagnosis rate was similar for multiple and singleton pregnancies. Cases from multiple pregnancies were less likely to be terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly, odds ratio 0.41 (95% CI 0.35-0.48) and more likely to be stillbirths and neonatal deaths. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in babies who are both from a multiple pregnancy and affected by a congenital anomaly has implications for prenatal and postnatal service provision. The contribution of assisted reproductive technologies to the increase in risk needs further research. The deficit of chromosomal anomalies among multiple births has relevance for prenatal risk counselling.
Introduction : Un chylothorax est une pathologie comprenant des manifestations respiratoires, nutritionnelles et immunologiques. La récidive du chylothorax ou l'échec du traitement conservateur imposent un traitement chirurgical. Ce travail rapporte notre expérience de ligature supra-diaphragmatique, vidéo-assistée du canal thoracique, pour chylothorax récurrent non traumatique. Patients et méthodes : Entre 1999 et 2004, nous avons recensé six observations (quatre du côté droit, un du côté gauche et un bilateral) Le chylothorax s'est développé chez trois patients traités par radio et chimiothérapie pour tumeur (deux lymphomes et une tumeur du sein) un dans le contexte d'une lymphangioléiomatose et un après greffe cardiaque. Résultats : Les patients ont bénéficié sous anesthésie générale, d'une ligature du canal thoracique supra-diaphragmatique, vidéo-assistée. Le temps opératoire moyen a été de 102 minutes. Le chylothorax a régressé chez cinq des six patients en sept jours. Un patient a été repris par thoracotomie droite au huitième jour pour chylothorax persistant. Dans la phase post-opératoire, un patient a développé une détresse respiratoire nécessitant une ventilation mécanique. Un autre patient a présenté un chylopéritoine important traité par un stent de Le Veen®. Le séjour moyen a été de quatorze jours sans mortalité péri-opératoire. Conclusion : Le traitement du chylothorax non traumatique récurrent est, en première intention, un traitement médical. En cas de récidive ou d'échec du traitement conservateur, le traitement chirurgical par ligature du canal thoracique supra- diaphragmatique, vidéo-assistée, permet de traiter avec succès le chylothorax récurrent non traumatique. -- Background: Chylothorax is an uncommon disorder with respiratory, nutritional and immunological manifestations. Surgical management is indicated in case of recurrence or failure after conservative treatment. We report our experience with video-assisted right-sided supradiaphrag¬matic thoracic duct ligation for non-traumatic, non-postoperative persistent or recurrent chylothorax. Patients and methods: The medical records of six patients operated at our institution between 1999 and 2004 were retrospectively reviewed. A right-sided chylothorax was found in four patients, a left-sided in one, and a bilateral in one. Three patients developed chylothorax after chemotherapy and chest irradiation for malignant diseases (lymphoma in two patients and breast cancer in one), one in the context of lymphangioleiomyomatosis, one due to a non-diagnosed lymphoma, and one after heart transplantation. Results: The mean operative time was 102 min, with an average length of hospital stay of 14 days. Persistent cessation of chylous effusion within 7 days after surgery was observed in 5/6 patients without recurrence during a mean follow-up time of 41 months. One patient with undiagnosed mediastinal lymphoma required re-operation and thoracic duct ligation on day 8 by right-sided thoracotomy due to persistent chylothorax. No 30-day mortality was recorded. Two patients presented postoperative complications including respiratory insufficiency requiring mechanical ventilation in one, and chylous ascites development requiring peritoneo-venous LeVeen shunting in one patient. Conclusions: Recurrent or persistent non-traumatic chylothorax may be successfully treated by video-assisted right supradiaphragmatic thoracic duct ligation.
Electrotransfer and iontophoresis are being developed as innovative non-viral gene delivery systems for the treatment of eye diseases. These two techniques rely on the use of electric current to allow for higher transfection yield of various ocular cell types in vivo. Short pulses of relatively high-intensity electric fields are used for electrotransfer delivery, whereas the iontophoresis technique is based on the application of low voltage electric current. The basic principles of these techniques and their potential therapeutic application for diseases of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye are reviewed. Iontophoresis has been found most efficient for the delivery of small nucleic acid fragments such as antisense oligonucleotides, siRNA, or ribozymes. Electrotransfer, on the other hand, is being developed for the delivery of oligonucleotides or custom designed plasmids. The wide range of strategies already validated and the potential for targeting specific types of cells confirm the promising early observations made using electrotransfer and iontophoresis. These two nonviral delivery systems are safe and can be used efficiently for targeted gene delivery to ocular tissues in vivo. At the present, their application for the treatment of ocular human diseases is nearing its final stages of adaptation and practical implementation at the bedside.
Tolperisone (Mydocalm) is a centrally acting muscle relaxant with few sedative side effects that is used for the treatment of chronic pain conditions. We describe three cases of suicidal tolperisone poisoning in three healthy young subjects in the years 2006, 2008 and 2009. In all cases, macroscopic and microscopic autopsy findings did not reveal the cause of death. Systematic toxicological analysis (STA) including immunological tests, screening for volatile substances and blood, urine and gastric content screening by GC-MS and HPLC-DAD demonstrated the presence of tolperisone in all cases. In addition to tolperisone, only the analgesics paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen and naproxen could be detected. The blood ethanol concentrations were all lower than 0.10 g/kg. Tolperisone was extracted by liquid-liquid extraction using n-chlorobutane as the extraction solvent. The quantification was performed by GC-NPD analysis of blood, urine and gastric content. Tolperisone concentrations of 7.0 mg/l, 14 mg/l and 19 mg/l were found in the blood of the deceased. In the absence of other autopsy findings, the deaths in these three cases were finally explained as a result of lethal tolperisone ingestion. To the best of our knowledge, these three cases are the first reported cases of suicidal tolperisone poisonings.
Until recently, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) techniques for the identification of microorganisms remained confined to research laboratories. In the last 2 years, the availability of relatively simple to use MALDI-TOF MS devices, which can be utilized in clinical microbiology laboratories, has changed the laboratory workflows for the identification of pathogens. Recently, the first prospective studies regarding the performance in routine bacterial identification showed that MALDI-TOF MS is a fast, reliable and cost-effective technique that has the potential to replace and/or complement conventional phenotypic identification for most bacterial strains isolated in clinical microbiology laboratories. For routine bacterial isolates, correct identification by MALDI-TOF MS at the species level was obtained in 84.1-93.6% of instances. In one of these studies, a protein extraction step clearly improved the overall valid identification yield, from 70.3% to 93.2%. This review focuses on the current state of use of MALDI-TOF MS for the identification of routine bacterial isolates and on the main difficulties that may lead to erroneous or doubtful identifications.
Stent implantation was performed on two patients to treat chronic dissecting aneurysms of the upper cervical internal carotid artery. Treatment was decided because of the youth of the patients, their medical history of subarachnoid hemorrhage, and the angiographic findings associated with the dissection. Normal arteriographic morphology was obtained after deployment of a single self-expandable stent.