335 resultados para Allosteric Regulation
It is well established that Notch signaling plays a critical role at multiple stages of T cell development and activation. However, detailed analysis of the cellular and molecular events associated with Notch signaling in T cells is hampered by the lack of reagents that can unambiguously measure cell surface Notch receptor expression. Using novel rat mAbs directed against the extracellular domains of Notch1 and Notch2, we find that Notch1 is already highly expressed on common lymphoid precursors in the bone marrow and remains at high levels during intrathymic maturation of CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocytes. Notch1 is progressively down-regulated at the CD4(+)CD8(+) and mature CD4(+) or CD8(+) thymic stages and is expressed at low levels on peripheral T cells. Immunofluorescence staining of thymus cryosections further revealed a localization of Notch1(+)CD25(-) cells adjacent to the thymus capsule. Notch1 was up-regulated on peripheral T cells following activation in vitro with anti-CD3 mAbs or infection in vivo with lymphocytic chorio-meningitis virus or Leishmania major. In contrast to Notch1, Notch2 was expressed at intermediate levels on common lymphoid precursors and CD117(+) early intrathymic subsets, but disappeared completely at subsequent stages of T cell development. However, transient up-regulation of Notch2 was also observed on peripheral T cells following anti-CD3 stimulation. Collectively our novel mAbs reveal a dynamic regulation of Notch1 and Notch2 surface expression during T cell development and activation. Furthermore they provide an important resource for future analysis of Notch receptors in various tissues including the hematopoietic system.
Previous studies have found that mothers of very preterm infants often report symptoms of posttraumatic stress, which has been related to cortisol dysregulation. However, the exact nature of this association is not clear and can be different regarding the predominance of some specific symptoms of posttraumatic stress, as suggested by a recent model. The objective of the present study is to assess the association between diurnal salivary cortisol and posttraumatic stress symptoms in mothers of very preterm infants. Seventy-four mothers of very preterm infants were included in the study. Mothers' cortisol regulation and posttraumatic stress symptoms were evaluated 12 months after child theoretical term (40 weeks of gestation). Results showed an association between higher re-experiencing symptoms and flatter cortisol slopes. These results may help to understand differences found in studies assessing the relation between severity of posttraumatic stress and cortisol levels, by supporting the symptoms' theory. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) plays a major role in fat tissue development and physiology. Mutations in the gene encoding this receptor have been associated to disorders in lipid metabolism. A thorough investigation of mice in which one PPARgamma allele has been mutated reveals that male PPARgamma heterozygous (PPARgamma +/-) mice exhibit a reduced body size associated with decreased body weight, reflecting lean mass reduction. This phenotype is reproduced when treating the mice with a PPARgamma- specific antagonist. Monosodium glutamate treatment, which induces weight gain and alters body growth in wild-type mice, further aggravates the growth defect of PPARgamma +/- mice. The levels of circulating GH and that of its downstream effector, IGF-I, are not altered in mutant mice. However, the IGF-I mRNA level is decreased in white adipose tissue (WAT) of PPARgamma +/- mice and is not changed by acute administration of recombinant human GH, suggesting an altered GH action in the mutant animals. Importantly, expression of the gene encoding the suppressor of cytokine signaling-2, which is an essential negative regulator of GH signaling, is strongly increased in the WAT of PPARgamma +/- mice. Although the relationship between the altered GH signaling in WAT and reduced body size remains unclear, our results suggest a novel role of PPARgamma in GH signaling, which might contribute to the metabolic disorder affecting insulin signaling in PPARgamma mutant mice.
Size and copy number of organelles are influenced by an equilibrium of membrane fusion and fission. We studied this equilibrium on vacuoles-the lysosomes of yeast. Vacuole fusion can readily be reconstituted and quantified in vitro, but it had not been possible to study fission of the organelle in a similar way. Here we present a cell-free system that reconstitutes fragmentation of purified yeast vacuoles (lysosomes) into smaller vesicles. Fragmentation in vitro reproduces physiological aspects. It requires the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p, V-ATPase pump activity, cytosolic proteins, and ATP and GTP hydrolysis. We used the in vitro system to show that the vacuole-associated TOR complex 1 (TORC1) stimulates vacuole fragmentation but not the opposing reaction of vacuole fusion. Under nutrient restriction, TORC1 is inactivated, and the continuing fusion activity then dominates the fusion/fission equilibrium, decreasing the copy number and increasing the volume of the vacuolar compartment. This result can explain why nutrient restriction not only induces autophagy and a massive buildup of vacuolar/lysosomal hydrolases, but also leads to a concomitant increase in volume of the vacuolar compartment by coalescence of the organelles into a single large compartment.
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+) channels that belong to the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family. ASICs are transiently activated by a rapid drop in extracellular pH. Conditions of low extracellular pH, such as ischemia and inflammation in which ASICs are thought to be active, are accompanied by increased protease activity. We show here that serine proteases modulate the function of ASIC1a and ASIC1b but not of ASIC2a and ASIC3. We show that protease exposure shifts the pH dependence of ASIC1a activation and steady-state inactivation to more acidic pH. As a consequence, protease exposure leads to a decrease in current response if ASIC1a is activated by a pH drop from pH 7.4. If, however, acidification occurs from a basal pH of approximately 7, protease-exposed ASIC1a shows higher activity than untreated ASIC1a. We provide evidence that this bi-directional regulation of ASIC1a function also occurs in neurons. Thus, we have identified a mechanism that modulates ASIC function and may allow ASIC1a to adapt its gating to situations of persistent extracellular acidification.
Abstract Sexual selection theory posits that ornaments can signal the genetic quality of an individual. Eumelanin-based coloration is such an ornament and can signal the ability to cope with a physiological stress response because the melanocortin system regulates eumelanogenesis as well as physiological stress responses. In the present article, we experimentally investigated whether the stronger stress sensitivity of light than dark eumelanic individuals stems from differential regulation of stress hormones. Our study shows that darker eumelanic barn owl nestlings have a lower corticosterone release after a stressful event, an association, which was also inherited from the mother (but not the father) to the offspring. Additionally, nestlings sired by darker eumelanic mothers more quickly reduced experimentally elevated corticosterone levels. This provides a solution as to how ornamented individuals can be more resistant to various sources of stress than drab conspecifics. Our study suggests that eumelanin-based coloration can be a sexually selected signal of resistance to stressful events.
ABSTRACT Upregulation of the Major Facilitator transporter gene MDR1 (Multi_drug Resistance 1) is one of the mechanisms observed in Candida albicans clinical isolates developing resistance to azole antifungal agents. To better understand this phenomenon, the cis-acting regulatory elements present in a modulatable reporter system under the control of the MDR1 promoter were characterized. In an azole-susceptible strain, transcription of this reporter is transiently upregulated in response to either benomyl or H2O2, whereas its expression is constitutively high in an azole-resistant strain (FR2). Two cis-acting regulatory elements, that are necessary and sufficient to convey the same transcriptional responses to a heterologous promoter (CDR2), were identified within the MDR1promoter. The first element, called BRE (for Benomyl Response Element, -296 to -260 with respect to the ATG start codon), is required for benomyl-dependent MDR1 upregulation and for constitutive high expression of MDR1 in FR2. The second element, termed HRE (for H2O2 Response Element, -561 to -520), is required for H2O2-dependent MDR1 upregulation, but is dispensable for constitutive high expression. Two potential binding sites (TTAG/CTAA) for the blip transcription factor Cap1p lie within the HRE. Moreover, inactivation of CAP1 abolished the transient response to H2O2 and diminished significantly the transient response to benomyl. Cap1p, which has been previously implicated in cellular responses to oxidative stress, may thus play a transacting and positive regulatory role in benomyl- and H2O2-dependent transcription of MDR1. However, it is not the only transcription factor involved in the response of MDR1 to benomyl. A minimal BRE element (-290 to -273) that is sufficient to detect in vitro sequence-specific binding of protein complexes in crude extracts prepared from C. albicans was also delimited. Genome-wide transcript profiling analyses undertaken with a matched pair of clinical isolates, one of which being azole-resistant and upregulating MDR1, and with an azole-susceptible strain exposed to benomyl, revealed that genes specifically upregulated by benomyl harbour in their promoters Cap1p binding site(s). This strengthened the idea that Cap1p plays a role in benomyl-dependent upregulation of MDR1. BRE-like sequences were also identified in several genes co-regulated with MDR1 in both conditions, which was consistent with the involvement of the BRE in both processes. A set of 147 mutants lacking a single transcription factor gene was next screened for loss of MDR1response to benomyl. Unfortunately, none of the tested mutants showed a loss of benomyl-dependent MDR1 upregulation. Nevertheless, a significant diminution of the response was observed in the mutants in which the MADS-box transcription factor Mcm1p and the C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor orf19.13374p were inactivated, suggesting that Mcm1p and orf19.13374p are involved in MDR1response to benomyl. Interestingly, the BRE contains a perfect match to the binding consensus of Mcm1p, raising the possibility that MDR1may be a direct target of this transcriptional activator. In conclusion, while the identity of the trans-acting factors that bind to the BRE and HRE remains to be confirmed, the tools we have developed during characterization of the cis-acting elements of the MDR1promoter should now serve to elucidate the nature of the components that modulate its activity. RESUME La surexpression du gène MDR1 (pour Résistance Multidrogue 1), qui code pour un transporteur de la famille des Major Facilitators, est l'un des mécanismes observés dans les isolats cliniques de la levure Candida albicans développant une résistance aux agents antifongiques appelés azoles. Pour mieux comprendre ce phénomène, les éléments de régulation agissant en cis dans un système rapporteur modulable sous le contrôle du promoteur MDR1 ont été caractérisés. Dans une souche sensible aux azoles, la transcription de ce rapporteur est transitoirement surélevée en réponse soit au bénomyl soit à l'agent oxydant H2O2, alors que son expression est constitutivement élevée dans une souche résistante aux azoles (souche FR2). Deux éléments de régulation agissant en cis, nécessaires et suffisants pour transmettre les mêmes réponses transcriptionnelles à un promoteur hétérologue (CDR2), ont été identifiés dans le promoteur MDR1. Le premier élément, appelé BRE (pour Elément de Réponse au Bénomyl, de -296 à -260 par rapport au codon d'initiation ATG) est requis pour la surexpression de MDR1dépendante du bénomyl et pour l'expression constitutive de MDR1 dans FR2. Le deuxième élément, appelé HRE (pour Elément de Réponse à l'H2O2, de -561 à -520), est requis pour la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante de l'H2O2, mais n'est pas impliqué dans l'expression constitutive du gène MDR1. Deux sites de fixation potentiels (TTAG/CTAA) pour le facteur de transcription Cap1p ont été identifiés dans l'élément HRE. De plus, l'inactivation de CAP1 abolit la réponse transitoire à l'H2O2 et diminua significativement la réponse transitoire au bénomyl. Cap1p, qui est impliqué dans les réponses de la cellule au stress oxydatif, doit donc jouer un rôle positif en trans dans la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante du bénomyl et de l'H2O2. Cependant, ce n'est pas le seul facteur de transcription impliqué dans la réponse au bénomyl. Un élément BRE d'une longueur minimale (de -290 à -273) a également été défini et est suffisant pour détecter une interaction spécifique in vitro avec des protéines provenant d'extraits bruts de C. albicans. L'analyse du profil de transcription d'une paire d'isolats cliniques comprenant une souche résistante aux azoles surexprimant MDR1, et d'une souche sensible aux azoles exposée au bénomyl, a révélé que les gènes spécifiquement surexprimés par le bénomyl contiennent dans leurs promoteurs un ou plusieurs sites de fixation pour Cap1p. Ceci renforce l'idée que Cap1p joue un rôle dans la surexpression de MDR1dépendante du bénomyl. Une ou deux séquences ressemblant à l'élément BRE ont également été identifiées dans la plupart des gènes corégulés avec MDR1 dans ces deux conditions, ce qui était attendu compte-tenu du rôle joué par cet élément dans les deux processus. Une collection de 147 mutants dans lesquels un seul facteur de transcription est inactivé a été testée pour la perte de réponse au bénomyl de MDR1. Malheureusement, la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante du bénomyl n'a été perdue dans aucun des mutants testés. Néanmoins, une diminution significative de la réponse a été observée chez des mutants dans lesquels le facteur de transcription à MADS-box Mcm1p et le facteur de transcription à doigts de zinc de type C2H2 orf19.13374p ont été inactivés, suggérant que Mcm1p et orf19.13374p sont impliqués dans la réponse de MDR1au bénomyl. Il est intéressant de noter que la BRE contient une séquence qui s'aligne parfaitement avec la séquence consensus du site de fixation de Mcm1p, ce qui soulève la possibilité que MDR1 pourrait être une cible directe de cet activateur transcriptionnel. En conclusion, alors que l'identité des facteurs agissant en trans en se fixant à la BRE et à la HRE reste à être confirmée, les outils que nous avons développés au cours de la caractérisation des éléments agissant en cis sur le promoteur MDR1 peut maintenant servir à élucider la nature des composants modulant son activité.
A vaccinia virus promoter was evaluated for regulation of a foreign gene in fowlpox virus by a transient expression assay. Fowlpox virus-infected quail cells, transfected with plasmid DNA containing chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene ligated to a vaccinia virus promoter, expressed CAT activity. No CAT activity was detected either in uninfected cells or fowlpox virus-infected cells. These results indicated that a heterologous vaccinia virus promoter can regulate expression of a foreign gene in fowlpox virus.
SummaryRegulation of renal Na+ transport is essential for controlling blood pressure, as well as Na+ and K+ homeostasis. Aldosterone stimulates Na+ reabsorption in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), via the Na+-CI" cotransporter (NCC) in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT), and the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) in the late DCT, connecting tubule and collecting duct. Importantly, aldosterone increases NCC protein expression by an unknown post-translational mechanism. The ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 is expressed along the ASDN and regulates ENaC: under aldosterone induction, the serum/glucocorticoid-regulated kinase SGK1 phosphorylates Nedd4-2 on S328, thus preventing the Nedd4-2/ENaC interaction, ubiquitylation and degradation of the channel. Here, we present evidence that Nedd4-2 regulates NCC. In transfected HEK293 cells, Nedd4-2 co-immunoprecipitates with NCC and stimulates NCC ubiquitylation at the cell surface. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, co- expression of NCC with wild-type Nedd4-2, but not its catalytically inactive mutant, strongly decreases NCC activity and surface expression. This inhibition is prevented by SGK1 in a kinase-dependent manner. Moreover, we show that NCC expression is up-regulated in inducible renal tubule-specific Nedd4-2 knockout mice and in mDCT15 cells silenced for Nedd4-2. On the other hand, in inducible renal tubule-specific SGK1 knockout mice, NCC expression is down-regulated.Interestingly, in contrast to ENaC, Nedd4-2-mediated NCC inhibition is independent of a PY motif in NCC. Moreover, whereas single mutations of Nedd4-2 S328 or S222 to alanine do not interfere with SGK1 action, the double mutation enhances Nedd4-2 activity and abolishes SGK1-dependent inhibition. These results indicate that NCC expression and activity is controlled by a regulatory pathway involving SGK1 and Nedd4-2, and provides an explanation for the well-known aldosterone-induced increase in NCC protein expression.RésuméLa régulation du transport de sodium est cruciale dans le maintien de la pression artérielle. L'aldostérone stimule la réabsorption de Na+ dans la partie du néphron sensible à l'aldostérone (ASDN), via le co-transporteur Na+-CI" (NCC) au niveau du tubule contourné distale et via le canal à sodium (Epithelial Na+ Channel ; ENaC) dans la deuxième partie du tubule contourné distale, dans le tube connecteur et le tube collecteur. L'aldostérone augmente l'expression de NCC au niveau protéique par un mécanisme non élucidé. La protéine ubiquitine ligase Nedd4-2 est exprimée tout le long du néphron sensible à l'aldostérone. ENaC est connu pour être régulé par Nedd4-2. Suite à une stimulation par l'aldostérone, la kinase Ser/Thr SGK1 phosphoryle Nedd4-2, ce qui empêche l'interaction entre Nedd4-2 et ENaC. Dans des cellules HEK293 transfectées, nous avons montré que Nedd4-2 interagit avec le co-transporteur NCC et stimule l'ubiquitylation de NCC à la surface. Nous avons montré dans les oocytes de Xenopus laevis que l'expression de NCC avec Nedd4-2 diminue l'activité du co-transporteur. Cette diminution n'est pas observée lorsqu'on exprime NCC avec le mutant inactif de Nedd4-2. Cette inhibition de NCC est contrée par SGK1. L'effet de SGK1 sur NCC dépend de son activité kinase. Nous avons montré dans des souris knock-out pour Nedd4-2, dans le néphron et de manière inductible, que l'expression de NCC est augmentée. Nous avons également montré que la suppression de la protéine Nedd4-2 dans les cellules mDCT15 provoque l'augmentation de NCC. Au contraire dans les souris knock-out pour la kinase SGK1, dans le néphron et de manière inductible, nous observons une diminution de la protéine NCC. Contrairement à ce qui a été montré pour le canal ENaC l'inhibition de NCC par Nedd4-2 est indépendante des motifs PY. De plus, La mutation des sérines 328 ou 222 sur Nedd4-2 en alanine n'interfère pas avec l'action de SGK1 pour prévenir l'inhibition. Par contre, la double mutation, les sérines 222 et 328 mutées en alanine, augmente l'action de Nedd4-2 sur l'activité de NCC et prévient l'effet de SGK1. Ces résultats montrent que l'expression et l'activité de NCC sont contrôlées par une voie de régulation impliquant Nedd4-2-SGK1 et nous fournissent une explication pour l'augmentation de NCC observé après une induction avec l'aldostérone.Résumé large publicOn estime que des millions de personnes seraient hypertendues. L'hypertension artérielle est responsable d'environ 8 millions de décès par ans dans le monde. L'hypertension est responsable de la moitié environs des accidents cardiaques, mais aussi des accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Il est très important de comprendre les mécanismes qui se trouvent derrière cette pathologie.Le co-transporteur NCC joue un grand rôle dans le maintien de la balance sodique. Il a été montré que des perturbations dans l'expression de NCC pouvaient engendrer de l'hypertension.Le co-transporteur NCC est exprimé dans la partie distale du néphron, l'unité fonctionnelle du rein. Plusieurs études ont montrées que NCC était sous le contrôle de l'hormone aldostérone.Le travail de cette thèse consiste à étudier les mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de NCC. On a ainsi pu montrer que NCC interagit avec la protéine ubiquitine ligase Nedd4-2. La protéine Nedd4-2 diminue l'expression de NCC à la surface cellulaire et aussi son activité Nous avons également montré que la kinase SGK1 pouvait prévenir l'interaction entre Nedd4-2 et NCC par phosphorylation de Nedd4-2. Nous avons montré dans des souris deletée pour Nedd4-2, dans le néphron, que l'expression de NCC est augmentée. Nous avons également montré que la suppression de la protéine Nedd4-2 dans les cellules mDCT15 provoque l'augmentation de NCC. Au contraire, dans les souris deletée pour la kinase SGK1, dans le néphron, nous observons une diminution de la protéine NCC. La connaissance des processus impliqués dans la régulation du co-transporteur NCC pourrait amener au développement de nouveau médicaments pour soigner l'hypertension.
The growth of any solid tumor depends on angiogenesis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a prominent role in vesical tumor angiogenesis regulation. Previous studies have shown that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) was involved in the angiogenesis process. Here, we report for the first time that in two different human bladder cancer cell lines, RT4 (derived from grade I tumor) and T24 (derived from grade III tumor), VEGF (mRNA and protein) is differentially up-regulated by the three PPAR isotypes. Its expression is increased by PPARalpha, beta, and gamma in RT4 cells and only by PPARbeta in T24 cells via a transcriptional activation of the VEGF promoter through an indirect mechanism. This effect is potentiated by an RXR (retinoid-X-receptor), selective retinoid LG10068 providing support for a PPAR agonist-specific action on VEGF expression. While investigating the downstream signaling pathways involved in PPAR agonist-mediated up-regulation of VEGF, we found that only the MEK inhibitor PD98059 reduced PPAR ligand-induced expression of VEGF. These data contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms by which PPARs regulate VEGF expression. They may lead to a new therapeutic approach to human bladder cancer in which excessive angiogenesis is a negative prognostic factor.
The adrenergic receptors (ARs) belong to the superfamily of membrane-bound G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Our investigation has focused on the structure-function relationship of the alpha 1b-AR subtype used as the model system for other GPCRs. Site-directed mutagenesis studies have elucidated the structural domains of the alpha 1b-AR involved in ligand binding, G protein coupling or desensitization. In addition, a combined approach using site-directed mutagenesis and molecular dynamics analysis of the alpha 1b-AR has provided information about the potential mechanisms underlying the activation process of the receptor, i.e. its transition from the 'inactive' to the 'active' conformation.
Obesity prevalence is generally higher in women than in men, and there is also a sex difference in body fat distribution. Sex differences in obesity can be explained in part by the influence of gonadal steroids on body composition and appetite; however, behavioural, socio-cultural and chromosomal factors may also play a role. This review, which evolved from the 2008 Stock Conference on sex differences in obesity, summarizes current research and recommendations related to hormonal and neuroendocrine influences on energy balance and fat distribution. A number of important gaps in the research are identified, including a need for more studies on chromosomal sex effects on energy balance, the role of socio-cultural (i.e. gender) factors in obesity and the potential deleterious effects of high-fat diets during pregnancy on the foetus. Furthermore, there is a paucity of clinical trials examining sex-specific approaches and outcomes of obesity treatment (lifestyle-based or pharmacological), and research is urgently needed to determine whether current weight loss programmes, largely developed and tested on women, are appropriate for men. Last, it is important that both animal and clinical research on obesity be designed and analysed in such a way that data can be separately examined in both men and women.
Background To replicate, retroviruses must insert DNA copies of their RNA genomes into the host genome. This integration process is catalyzed by the viral integrase protein. The site of viral integration has been shown to be non-random and retrovirus-specific. LEDGF/p75, a splice variant encoded by PSIP1 gene and described as a general transcription coactivator, was identified as a tethering factor binding both to chromatin and to lentiviral integrases, thereby affecting integration efficiency as well as integration site selection. LEDGF/p75 is still a poorly characterized protein, and its cellular endogenous function has yet to be fully determined. In order to start unveiling the roles of LEDGF/p75 in the cell, we started to investigate the mechanisms involved in the regulation of LEDGF/p75. Materials and methods To identify PSIP1 minimal promoter and associated regulatory elements, we cloned a region starting 5 kb upstream the transcription start site (TSS, +1 reference position) to the ATG start codon (+816), as well as systematic truncations, in a plasmid containing the firefly luciferase reporter gene. These constructs were co-transfected into HEK293 cells with a plasmid encoding the Renilla luciferase under the pTK promoter as an internal control for transfection efficiency. Both luciferase activities were assessed by luminescence as an indicator of promoter activity. Results Luciferase assays identified regions -76 to +1 and +1 to +94 as two independent minimal promoters showing respectively a 3.7x and 2.3x increase in luciferase activity. These two independent minimal promoters worked synergistically increasing luciferase activity up to 16.3x as compared to background. Moreover, we identified five regulatory blocks which modulated luciferase activity depending on the DNA region tested, three enhancers (- 2007 to -1159, -284 to -171 and +94 to +644) and two silencers (-171 to -76 and +796 to +816). However, the silencing effect of the region -171 to -76 is dependent on the presence of the +94 to +644 region, ruling out the enhancer activity of the latter. Computational analysis of PSIP1 promoter revealed the absence of TATA box and initiator (INR) sequences, classifying this promoter as nonconventional. TATA-less and INR-less promoters are characterized by multiple Sp1 binding sites, involved in the recruitment of the RNA pol II complex. Consistent with this, PSIP1 promoter contains multiple putative Sp1 binding sequences in regions -76 to +1 and +1 to +94.
VEGF is considered as an important factor in the pathogenesis of macular edema. VEGF induces the rupture of the blood retinal barrier and may also influence the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) outer retinal barrier. The aim of this work was to analyze the influence of the VEGF receptor pathways in the modulation of the RPE barrier breakdown in vitro and in vivo. The ARPE19 human junctions in culture are modulated by VEGF through VEGFR-1 but not through VEGFR-2. PlGF-1, that is a pure agonist of VEGFR-1, is produced in ARPE-19 cells under hypoxic conditions and mimics VEGF effects on the external retinal barrier as measured by TER and inulin flux. In vivo, the intravitreous injection of PlGF-1 induces a rupture of the external retinal barrier together with a retinal edema. This effect is reversible within 4 days. VEGF-E, that is a pure agonist of VEGFR-2, does not induce any acute effect on the RPE barrier. These results demonstrate that PlGF-1 can reproduce alterations of the RPE barrier occurring during diabetic retinopathy.
Adequate supply of oxygen to the brain is critical for maintaining normal brain function. Severe hypoxia, such as that experienced during high altitude ascent, presents a unique challenge to brain oxygen (O2) supply. During high-intensity exercise, hyperventilation-induced hypocapnia leads to cerebral vasoconstriction, followed by reductions in cerebral blood flow (CBF), oxygen delivery (DO2), and tissue oxygenation. This reduced O2 supply to the brain could potentially account for the reduced performance typically observed during exercise in severe hypoxic conditions. The aims of this thesis were to document the effect of acute and chronic exposure to hypoxia on CBF control, and to determine the role of cerebral DO2 and tissue oxygenation in limiting performance during exercise in severe hypoxia. We assessed CBF, arterial O2 content (CaO2), haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]), partial pressure of arterial O2 (PaO2), cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity, ventilatory response to CO2, cerebral autoregulation (CA), and estimated cerebral DO2 (CBF ⨉ CaO2) at sea level (SL), upon ascent to 5,260 m (ALT1), and following 16 days of acclimatisation to 5,260 m (ALT16). We found an increase in CBF despite an elevated cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity at ALT1, which coincided with a reduced CA. Meanwhile, PaO2 was greatly decreased despite increased ventilatory drive at ALT1, resulting in a concomitant decrease in CaO2. At ALT16, CBF decreased towards SL values, while cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity and ventilatory drive were further elevated. Acclimatisation increased PaO2, [Hb], and therefore CaO2 at ALT16, but these changes did not improve CA compared to ALT1. No differences were observed in cerebral DO2 across SL, ALT1, and ALT16. Our findings demonstrate that cerebral DO2 is maintained during both acute and chronic exposure to 5,260 m, due to the reciprocal changes in CBF and CaO2. We measured middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAv: index of CBF), cerebral DO2, ventilation (VE), and performance during incremental cycling to exhaustion and 15km time trial cycling in both normoxia and severe hypoxia (11% O2, normobaric), with and without added CO2 to the inspirate (CO2 breathing). We found MCAv was higher during exercise in severe hypoxia compared in normoxia, while cerebral tissue oxygenation and DO2 were reduced. CO2 breathing was effective in preventing the development of hyperventilation-induced hypocapnia during intense exercise in both normoxia and hypoxia. As a result, we were able to increase both MCAv and cerebral DO2 during exercise in hypoxia with our CO2 breathing setup. However, we concomitantly increased VE and PaO2 (and presumably respiratory work) due to the increased hypercapnic stimuli with CO2 breathing, which subsequently contributed to the cerebral DO2 increase during hypoxic exercise. While we effectively restored cerebral DO2 during exercise in hypoxia to normoxic values with CO2 breathing, we did not observe any improvement in cerebral tissue oxygenation or exercise performance. Accordingly, our findings do not support the role of reduced cerebral DO2 in limiting exercise performance in severe hypoxia. -- Un apport adéquat en oxygène au niveau du cerveau est primordial pour le maintien des fonctions cérébrales normales. L'hypoxie sévère, telle qu'expérimentée au cours d'ascensions en haute altitude, présente un défi unique pour l'apport cérébral en oxygène (O2). Lors d'exercices à haute intensité, l'hypocapnie induite par l'hyperventilation entraîne une vasoconstriction cérébrale suivie par une réduction du flux sanguin cérébral (CBF), de l'apport en oxygène (DO2), ainsi que de l'oxygénation tissulaire. Cette réduction de l'apport en O2 au cerveau pourrait potentiellement être responsable de la diminution de performance observée au cours d'exercices en condition d'hypoxie sévère. Les buts de cette thèse étaient de documenter l'effet de l'exposition aiguë et chronique à l'hypoxie sur le contrôle du CBF, ainsi que de déterminer le rôle du DO2 cérébral et de l'oxygénation tissulaire comme facteurs limitant la performance lors d'exercices en hypoxie sévère. Nous avons mesuré CBF, le contenu artériel en oxygène (CaO2), la concentration en hémoglobine ([Hb]), la pression partielle artérielle en O2 (PaO2), la réactivité cérébrovasculaire au CO2, la réponse ventilatoire au CO2, et l'autorégulation cérébrale sanguine (CA), et estimé DO2 cérébral (CBF x CaO2), au niveau de la mer (SL), au premier jour à 5.260 m (ALT1) et après seize jours d'acclimatation à 5.260 m (ALT16). Nous avons trouvé des augmentations du CBF et de la réactivité cérébrovasculaire au CO2 après une ascension à 5.260 m. Ces augmentations coïncidaient avec une réduction de l'autorégulation cérébrale. Simultanément, la PaO2 était grandement réduite, malgré l'augmentation de la ventilation (VE), résultant en une diminution de la CaO2. Après seize jours d'acclimatation à 5.260 m, le CBF revenait autour des valeurs observées au niveau de la mer, alors que la réactivité cérébrovasculaire au CO2 et la VE augmentaient par rapport à ALT1. L'acclimatation augmentait la PaO2, la concentration en hémoglobine, et donc la CaO2, mais n'améliorait pas l'autorégulation cérébrale, comparé à ALT1. Aucune différence n'était observée au niveau du DO2 cérébral entre SL, ALT1 et ALT16. Nos résultats montrent que le DO2 cérébral est maintenu constant lors d'expositions aiguë et chronique à 5.260m, ce qui s'explique par la réciprocité des variations du CBF et de la CaO2. Nous avons mesuré la vitesse d'écoulement du sang dans l'artère cérébrale moyenne (MCAv : un indice du CBF), le DO2 cérébral, la VE et la performance lors d'exercice incrémentaux jusqu'à épuisement sur cycloergomètre, ainsi que des contre-la-montres de 15 km en normoxie et en hypoxie sévère (11% O2, normobarique) ; avec ajout ou non de CO2 dans le mélange gazeux inspiré. Nous avons trouvé que MCAv était plus haute pendant l'exercice hypoxique, comparé à la normoxie alors que le DO2 cérébral était réduit. L'ajout de CO2 dans le gaz inspiré était efficace pour prévenir l'hypocapnie induite par l'hyperventilation, qui se développe à l'exercice intense, à la fois en normoxie et en hypoxie. Nous avons pu augmenter MCAv et le DO2 cérébral pendant l'exercice hypoxique, grâce à l'ajout de CO2. Cependant, nous avons augmenté la VE et la PaO2 (et probablement le travail respiratoire) à cause de l'augmentation du stimulus hypercapnique. Alors que nous avons, grâce à l'ajout de CO2, efficacement restauré le DO2 cérébral au cours de l'exercice en hypoxie à des valeurs obtenues en normoxie, nous n'avons observé aucune amélioration dans l'oxygénation du tissu cérébral ou de la performance. En conséquence, nos résultats ne soutiennent pas le rôle d'un DO2 cérébral réduit comme facteur limitant de la performance en hypoxie sévère.