370 resultados para Albani, Francesco, 1578-1660.


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Le 5 octobre 1994, 48 membres de la secte de l'Ordre du Temple Solaire ont été trouvés morts à Cheiry (FR) et à Salvan (VS). L'Institut Universitaire de Médecine Légale de Lausanne a été chargé de s'occuper des problèmes médico-légaux de cette tragédie, notemment l'estimation de l'heure du décès, la détermination de la cause et des circonstances du décès et l'identification des victimes. Pour cette intervention, nous avons dû faire face à une série de facteurs inhabituels comme l'absence d'une "liste de passagers" (c'est à dire de personnes touchées par la catastrophe), des victimes de différentes nationalités (dont certaines uniquement de passage en Suisse), un groupe de configurations familiales complexes, des corps souvent carbonisés et, de plus, une couverture médiatique exceptionnelle.


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Les résultats préliminaires de trois essais cliniques de thérapie génique d'une forme agressive de rétinite pigmentaire (l'amaurose congénitale de Leber) ont prouvé que le traitement des maladies dégénératives de la rétine par transfert de gène peut être sûr et efficace pour rétablir une fonction visuelle. Il faudra encore attendre les résultats à long terme de ces études pour que soit définitivement validée cette approche thérapeutique. Dans l'intervalle, il importe de se préparer à son introduction en ophtalmologie de façon à la rendre accessible à nos malades. Pratiquement cela revient à promouvoir: 1) le recrutement; 2) la caractérisation du phénotype et du génotype des sujets atteints et 3) la constitution d'un registre des rétinopathies héréditaires. Recently, preliminary results of three clinical gene therapy trials for early onset retinitis pigmentosa--Leber congenital amaurosis--suggested that treating this degenerative retinal disease by gene transfection can be safe and efficient to restore a visual function. The definitive validation of this therapeutic approach depends on the long-term results. The forthcoming availability of gene therapy in ophthalmology prompts the implementation: of 1) recruitment, 2) phenotyping and genotyping of affected patients, 3) and creation of a hereditary retinopathy registry.


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The human estrogen receptor (hER) is a trans-acting regulatory protein composed of a series of discrete functional domains. We have microinjected an hER expression vector (HEO) into Xenopus oocyte nuclei and demonstrate, using Western blot assay, that the hER is synthesized. When nuclear extracts from oocytes were prepared and incubated in the presence of a 2.7 kb DNA fragment comprising the 5' end of the vitellogenin gene B2, formation of estrogen-dependent complexes could be visualized by electron microscopy over the estrogen responsive element (ERE). Of crucial importance is the observation that the complex formation is inhibited by the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen, is restored by the addition of the hormone and does not take place with extracts from control oocytes injected with the expression vector lacking the sequences encoding the receptor. The presence of the biologically active hER is confirmed in co-injection experiments, in which HEO is co-introduced with a CAT reporter gene under the control of a vitellogenin promoter containing or lacking the ERE. CAT assays and primer extensions analyses reveal that both the receptor and the ERE are essential for estrogen induced stimulation of transcription. The same approach was used to analyze selective hER mutants. We find that the DNA binding domain (region C) is essential for protein--DNA complex formation at the ERE but is not sufficient by itself to activate transcription from the reporter gene. In addition to region C, both the hormone binding (region E) and amino terminal (region A/B) domains are needed for an efficient transcription activation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Fecal calprotectin is a small protein released mainly by neutrophils. It is recognized as a reliable, easy and non-invasive biomarker of gastro-intestinal inflammation. Normal values vary with age, with higher cut-off values during the first year of life (<350 microg/g) than in children (<275 microg/g) or adults (<50 microg/g). Fecal calprotectin can be a useful tool in initial evaluation of recurrent abdominal pain, helping to distinguish between functional gastro-intestinal disorders, where it is normal, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is not a specific marker of IBD but is increased in other situations of gastro-intestinal inflammation. In patients with IBD, fecal calprotectin is used to monitor treatment response.


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Still nowadays amputations are frequently performed in our country. In diabetic patients the incidence of an amputation is 25 times higher than in the normal population. All possibilities of revascularisation or limb salvage must be excluded by a multidisciplinary approach before choosing an amputation. Once the decision is taken the good level of amputation and the correct technique have to determined. The goal of this article is to describe which clinical and paraclinical parameters will help the surgeon to choose the best level of amputation, which techniques are to be used for the amputation and to finally give some information about re-education and the fitting of an orthesis or prosthesis.


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L'office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) a lancé le Monitorage suisse des addictions en 2011 (en anglais : Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland- AMIS). A intervalles réguliers, des données représentatives de la population suisse sont recensées, notamment en ce qui concerne la consommation d'alcool, de tabac, de drogues illégales et de médicaments ainsi que les risques qui lui sont liés. A cet effet, 11'000 personnes âgées de 15 ans et plus sont contactées annuellement pour répondre à un questionnaire. A ce jour, les données de 2011 et 2012 sont disponibles. Dans le cadre du Programme national migration et santé (2008-2013), l'OFSP désire compléter les données disponibles sur la santé des migrants. Ce rapport présente une analyse secondaire des données portant sur les migrants dans le cadre de l'enquête téléphonique continue mentionnée ci-dessus qui a été effectuée auprès de plus de 22'000 personnes de 15 ans et plus, résidant en Suisse en 2011 et 2012.


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Despite advertising for NOTES in 2009, single trocart laparoscopic surgery is about to become a new standard in selected indications. As other important topics, the limits of oncological surgery are extended due to a systematic multidisciplinary approach. To discuss every publication would be difficult and our review will focus on a selected number of papers of importance for daily practice. As examples, the management of acute calculous cholecystitis, gastro-esophageal reflux, inguinal and incisional hernia repair as well as colorectal surgery are presented.


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We investigated correlates for suicidal expression among adolescents in the Seychelles. Data on 1,432 students (52% females) were derived from the Global School-based Health Survey. Participants were divided into three groups: those with no suicidal behavior (N = 1,199); those with suicide ideation/SI (N = 89); and those reporting SI with a plan to carry out a suicide attempt/SISP (N = 139), each within a 12-month recall period. Using multinomial logistic regression, we examined the strength of associations with social, behavioral and economic indicators while adjusting for covariates. Sixteen percent of school-attending adolescents reported a suicidal expression (10% with a plan/6.2% without). Those reporting SI were younger (relative risk ratio RRR = 0.81; CI = 0.68-0.96), indicated signs of depression (RRR = 1.69; CI = 1.05-2.72) and loneliness (RRR=3.36; CI =1.93-5.84). Tobacco use (RRR = 2.34; CI = 1.32-4.12) and not having close friends (RRR = 3.32; CI = 1.54-7.15) were significantly associated with SI. Those with SISP were more likely to be female (RRR = 0.47; 0.30-0.74), anxious (RRR = 3.04; CI = 1.89-4.88) and lonely (RRR = 1.74; CI = 1.07-2.84). Having no close friends (RRR = 2.98; 1.56-5.69) and using tobacco (RRR = 2.41; 1.48-3.91) were also strongly associated. Having parents who were understanding was protective (RRR = 0.50; CI = 0.31-0.82). Our results suggest that school health promotion programs may benefit from targeting multiple factors associated with suicidal expression. More research, particularly multilevel designs are needed to identify peer and family influences which may modify associations with suicidality.


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Cette année, six études utiles pour la pratique ont été retenues. L'indication à la mammographie entre 40 et 49 ans devrait être évaluée individuellement et en tenant compte des risques/bénéfices de cet examen. Au-delà de 65 ans, un dépistage systématique de la fibrillation auriculaire avec prise de pouls puis ECG (si pouls irrégulier) pourrait être réalisé de manière systématique. Les risques de complications postcolonoscopie existent, particulièrement suite à des biopsies/polypectomies, et ce risque devrait être discuté. Les inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons au long court sont un facteur de risque de fracture de hanche. S'il est important de prendre en charge des pressions artérielles élevées au-delà de 80 ans, il faut être prudent (orthostatisme). Une corticothérapie précoce suite à une paralysie faciale périphérique est efficace. This year we have selected six studies useful for the day to day practice. A mammography in women 40 to 49 years of age should be evaluated taking into account the patient's profile and the possible risks and benefits of this exam. In patients over 65 years of age, a systematic atrial fibrillation screening, with pulse rate measuring then ECG (if irregular beat) should be realised on a regular basis. The risks for complications following colonoscopies do exist, especially after biopsies/polypectomies and this risk should be discussed. Long term proton pump inhibitor treatment is a risk factor for hip fracture. It is important to treat high blood pressure problems in the elderly, but the orthostatic risks should be adressed. A corticoid treatment started quickly for Bell's palsy is efficient


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5 to 10% of all fractures present with a delayed union, whereas 1 to 5% progress to a nonunion, which can be defined as a fracture older than 6 months and lacks any potential to heal without any further intervention. Different fracture and patient related risk factors exist, and the management of a nonunion needs a thorough clinical, radiological and biological workup to classify them in one of the two main categories, the viable nonunions that need essentially more stability, usually by a more rigid fixation, and the non-viable nonunions that need essentially a biological stimulation by decortication and bone grafting. This treatment still remains the first choice with bony healing obtained in 85 to 95% of cases, but it also comes along with certain risks, and some valuable alternatives exist if chosen on the basis of rigid criteria.