177 resultados para Age-related Diseases
This study was designed to investigate personality development with children aged 8 to 12. For this purpose, Children's self-perceptions were compared to parent's ratings. 506 children and their parents completed a selection of 38 questions from the Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HiPIC). Results showed an age-related increase in the structural congruence of children's ratings compared to parents' ratings and a highly significant increase in the reliabilities of both parents' and children's assessments. The mean correlation between the children's self-descriptions and parents' ratings were higher for Conscientiousness and Imagination than for Extraversion, Benevolence and Emotional Stability and significantly increased with the children's age. Mean-levels decreased with age for Imagination in parents' ratings and for Benevolence, Conscientiousness, and Imagination, in children's ratings. This study showed that personality development from 8 to 12 years goes along with an increase in the agreement between the children's self-perceptions and the parents' perceptions of the children's personality.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A is an autosomal dominant axonal form of peripheral neuropathy caused by mutations in the mitofusin 2 gene. Mitofusin 2 encodes a mitochondrial outer membrane protein that participates in mitochondrial fusion in mammalian cells. How mutations in this protein lead to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A pathophysiology remains unclear. We have generated a transgenic mouse expressing either a mutated (R94Q) or wild-type form of human mitofusin 2 in neurons to evaluate whether the R94Q mutation was sufficient for inducing a Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A phenotype. Only mice expressing mitofusin 2(R94Q) developed locomotor impairments and gait defects thus mimicking the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A neuropathy. In these animals, the number of mitochondria per axon was significantly increased in the distal part of the sciatic nerve axons with a diameter smaller than 3.5 microm. Importantly, the analysis of R94Q transgenic animals also revealed an age-related shift in the size of myelinated axons leading to an over-representation of axons smaller than 3.5 microm. Together these data suggest a link between an increased number of mitochondria in axons and a shift in axonal size distribution in mitofusin 2(R94Q) transgenic animals that may contribute to their neurological phenotype.
RésuméL'origine de l'obésité, qui atteint des proportions épidémiques, est complexe. Elle est liée au mode de vie et au comportement des individus par rapport à l'activité physique, expression des choix individuels et de l'interaction avec l'environnement. Les mesures du comportement au niveau de l'activité physique des individus face à leur environnement, la répartition des types d'activité physique, la durée, la fréquence, l'intensité, et la dépense énergétique sont d'une grande importance. Aujourd'hui, il y a un manque de méthodes permettant une évaluation précise et objective de l'activité physique et du comportement des individus. Afin de compléter les recherches relatives à l'activité physique, à l'obésité et à certaines maladies, le premier objectif du travail de thèse était de développer un modèle pour l'identification objective des types d'activité physique dans des conditions de vie réelles et l'estimation de la dépense énergétique basée sur une combinaison de 2 accéléromètres et 1 GPS. Le modèle prend en compte qu'une activité donnée peut être accomplie de différentes façons dans la vie réelle. Les activités quotidiennes ont pu être classées en 8 catégories, de sédentaires à actives, avec une précision de 1 min. La dépense énergétique a pu peut être prédite avec précision par le modèle. Après validation du modèle, le comportement des individus de l'activité physique a été évalué dans une seconde étude. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que, dans un environnement caractérisé par les pentes, les personnes obèses sont tentées d'éviter les pentes raides et de diminuer la vitesse de marche au cours d'une activité physique spontanée, ainsi que pendant les exercices prescrits et structurés. Nous avons donc caractérisé, par moyen du modèle développé, le comportement des individus obèses dans un environnement vallonné urbain. La façon dont on aborde un environnement valloné dans les déplacements quotidiens devrait également être considérée lors de la prescription de marche supplémentaire afin d'augmenter l'activité physique.SummaryOrigin of obesity, that reached epidemic proportion, is complex and may be linked to different lifestyle and physical activity behaviour. Measurement of physical activity behaviour of individuals towards their environment, the distribution of physical activity in terms of physical activity type, volume, duration, frequency, intensity, and energy expenditure is of great importance. Nowadays, there is a lack of methods for accurate and objective assessment of physical activity and of individuals' physical activity behaviour. In order to complement the research relating physical activity to obesity and related diseases, the first aim of the thesis work was to develop a model for objective identification of physical activity types in real-life condition and energy expenditure based on a combination of 2 accelerometers and 1 GPS device. The model takes into account that a given activity can be achieved in many different ways in real life condition. Daily activities could be classified in 8 categories, as sedentary to active physical activity, within 1 min accuracy, and physical activity patterns determined. The energy expenditure could be predicted accurately with an accuracy below 10%. Furthermore, individuals' physical activity behaviour is expression of individual choices and their interaction with the neighbourhood environment. In a second study, we hypothesized that, in an environment characterized by inclines, obese individuals are tempted to avoid steep positive slopes and to decrease walking speed during spontaneous outdoor physical activity, as well as during prescribed structured bouts of exercise. Finally, we characterized, by mean of the developed model, the physical activity behaviour of obese individuals in a hilly urban environment. Quantifying how one tackles hilly environment or avoids slope in their everyday displacements should be also considered while prescribing extra walking in free-living conditions in order to increase physical activity.
The vascular effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are mediated by the inhibition of the dual action of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE): production of angiotensin II and degradation of bradykinin. The deleterious effect of converting enzyme inhibitors (CEI) on neonatal renal function have been ascribed to the elevated activity of the renin-angiotensin system. In order to clarify the role of bradykinin in the CEI-induced renal dysfunction of the newborn, the effect of perindoprilat was investigated in anesthetized newborn rabbits with intact or inhibited bradykinin B2 receptors. Inulin and PAH clearances were used as indices of GFR and renal plasma flow, respectively. Perindoprilat (20 microg/kg i.v.) caused marked systemic and renal vasodilation, reflected by a fall in blood pressure and renal vascular resistance. GFR decreased, while urine flow rate did not change. Prior inhibition of the B2 receptors by Hoe 140 (300 microg/kg s.c.) did not prevent any of the hemodynamic changes caused by perindoprilat, indicating that bradykinin accumulation does not contribute to the CEI-induced neonatal renal effects. A control group receiving only Hoe 140 revealed that BK maintains postglomerular vasodilation via B2 receptors in basal conditions. Thus, the absence of functional B2 receptors in the newborn was not responsible for the failure of Hoe 140 to prevent the perindoprilat-induced changes. Species- and/or age-related differences in the kinin-metabolism could explain these results, suggesting that in the newborn rabbit other kininases than ACE are mainly responsible for the degradation of bradykinin.
This adult cohort determined the incidence and patients' short-term outcomes of severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) in Switzerland and age-related differences. A prospective cohort study with a follow-up at 14 days was performed. Patients ≥16 years of age sustaining sTBI and admitted to 1 of 11 trauma centers were included. sTBI was defined by an Abbreviated Injury Scale of the head (HAIS) score >3. The centers participated from 6 months to 3 years. The results are presented as percentages, medians, and interquartile ranges (IQRs). Subgroup analyses were performed for patients ≤65 years (younger) and >65 (elderly). sTBI was observed in 921 patients (median age, 55 years; IQR, 33-71); 683 (74.2%) were male. Females were older (median age, 67 years; IQR, 42-80) than males (52; IQR, 31-67; p<0.00001). The estimated incidence was 10.58 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Blunt trauma was observed in 879 patients (95.4%) and multiple trauma in 283 (30.7%). Median Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) on the scene was 9 (IQR 4-14; 8 in younger, 12 in elderly) and in emergency departments 5 (IQR, 3-14; 3 in younger, 8 in elderly). Trauma mechanisms included the following: 484 patients with falls (52.6%; younger, 242 patients [50.0%]; elderly, 242 [50.0%]), 291 with road traffic accidents (31.6%; younger, 237 patients [81.4%]; elderly, 54 [18.6%]), and 146 with others (15.8%). Mortality was 30.2% (24.5% in younger, 40.9% in elderly). Median GCS at 14 days was 15 (IQR, 14-15) without differences among subgroups. Estimated incidence of sTBI in Switzerland was low, age was high, and mortality considerable. The elderly had higher initial GCS and a higher death rate, but high GCS at 14 days.
PURPOSE: Negative lifestyle factors are known to be associated with increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) in children, but research on their combined impact on a general population of children is sparse. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the combined impact of easily assessable negative lifestyle factors on the CVR scores of randomly selected children after 4 years. METHODS: Of the 540 randomly selected 6- to 13-year-old children, 502 children participated in a baseline health assessment, and 64% were assessed again after 4 years. Measures included anthropometry, fasting blood samples, and a health assessment questionnaire. Participants scored one point for each negative lifestyle factor at baseline: overweight; physical inactivity; high media consumption; little outdoor time; skipping breakfast; and having a parent who has ever smoked, is inactive, or overweight. A CVR score at follow-up was constructed by averaging sex- and age-related z-scores of waist circumference, blood pressure, glucose, inverted high-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides. RESULTS: The age-, sex-, pubertal stage-, and social class-adjusted probabilities (95% confidence interval) for being in the highest CVR score tertile at follow-up for children who had at most one (n = 48), two (n = 64), three (n = 56), four (n = 41), or five or more (n = 14) risky lifestyle factors were 15.4% (8.9-25.3), 24.3% (17.4-32.8), 36.0% (28.6-44.2), 49.8% (38.6-61.0), and 63.5% (47.2-77.2), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Even in childhood, an accumulation of negative lifestyle factors is associated with higher CVR scores after 4 years. These negative lifestyle factors are easy to assess in clinical practice and allow early detection and prevention of CVR in childhood.
This is a critical review of the medical, ethical, judicial and financial aspects of the so called "social freezing", the cryopreservation of a woman's oocytes for non-medical purposes. The possibility of storing the eggs of fertile women in order to prevent age-related fertility decline is being widely promoted by fertility centres and the lay press throughout the world. Research data has shown that social freezing should ideally be performed on women around 25 years of age in order to increase their chances of a future pregnancy. In reality, it is mostly performed after the age of 35. Unfortunately, social freezing is in general not a solution for the underlying societal problems to fit in with professionally active women and having children. It only delays the existing problems. Furthermore, it creates a lot of potential new problems. A great deal more should be undertaken to offer real solutions to the underlying societal problems which are in part: pre-school education, care in the event of childhood illness, and the many weeks of school holidays, acceptance of professionally active women having children, and more job offers with a workload <100%.). Furthermore, society should be informed about the decreasing chances of pregnancy with increasing maternal (and paternal) age as well as the increasing risks of miscarriage and obstetric/neonatal complications. Detailed information for woman considering social freezing is crucial. Every doctor, proposing social freezing to his patients, should be up to date with all these details. Follow-up studies on the outcome of these children are needed.
Age-related physiological changes and comorbidities affect older patients' tolerance to surgery. Pre-operative assessment in these patients requires, beside the usual physical evaluation, the systematic screening of common geriatric syndromes. Cognitive, gait and balance, nutritional, and functional impairments, all flag patients at higher risk for per- and postoperative complications. Preoperative assessment is an opportunity to detect these syndromes and propose preventative interventions (physical therapy, nutritional and cognitive support measures) likely to reduce the incidence of postoperative morbidity.
If childcare policy has become topical in most OECD countries over the last ten years or so, actual developments display huge cross-national variations. Countries like Sweden and Denmark spend around 2 per cent of GDP on this service, and provide affordable childcare places to most children below school age. At the other extreme, in Southern Europe, only around 10 per cent of this age group has access to formal daycare. Against this background, this article aims to account for cross-national variations in childcare services. It distinguishes two dependent variables: the coverage rate and the proportion of GDP spent subsidising childcare services. Using a mix of cross-sectional and pooled times-series methods, it tests a series of hypotheses concerning the determinants of the development of this policy. Its main conclusion for the coverage rate is that key factors are public spending and wage dispersion (both positive). For spending, key factors are the proportion of women in parliaments (positive) and spending on age-related policies (negative).
Purpose: Pathologic choroidal neovascularizations (CNV) are implicated in the wet form of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Abnormal vessel growth is also observed in disease when hypoxia and/or inflammation occur. Our goal is to establish a standard protocol of laser-induced CNV in mice that have different levels of pigmentation to identify the most reliable animal model.Methods: CNV was induced by 4 burns around the optic disk, using a green argon laser (100μm diameter spot size; 0,05 sec. duration) in C57/Bl6, DBA/1 and Balb/c to ascertain the efficacy of the method in function of retina pigmentation. Five different intensities were tested and Bruch's membrane disruption was identified by the appearance of a bubble at the site of photocoagulation. Fluorescein angiographies (FA) were undertaken 14 days post lesion and CNV area was quantified by immunohistochemistry on cryosections.Results: CNV retina area was related to spot intensity after laser injury. While 180mW and 200mW do not induce reliable CNV (respectively 27.85±0.35% and 29±1.67% of the retina surface), 260mW is required to induce 51,07±8.52% of CNV in C57/Bl6 mice. For the DBA/1 strain, less pigmented, 200mW was sufficient to induce 49.35±3.9% of CNV, indicating that lower intensity are required to induce CNV. Furthermore, an intensity of 180mW induced greater CNV (35.55±6.01%) than in C57/Bl6 mice. Nevertheless, laser did not induce reproducible 50% CNV in Balb/c albino mice for all intensities tested. Isolectin-B4 and GFAP stainings revealed neovessel formation and photoreceptor (PR) degeneration at the impact site. The presence of glia was observed throughout all the retinal layers and angiograms showed fluorescein leakage in pigmented mice.Conclusions: The establishment of a standard protocol to induce CNV and subsequent PR degeneration is of prime importance for the use of the laser-induced CNV model and will allow to evaluate the therapeutic potency of agents to prevent CNV and retinal degeneration.
During adolescence, cognitive abilities increase robustly. To search for possible related structural alterations of the cerebral cortex, we measured neuronal soma dimension (NSD = width times height), cortical thickness and neuronal densities in different types of neocortex in post-mortem brains of five 12-16 and five 17-24 year-olds (each 2F, 3M). Using a generalized mixed model analysis, mean normalized NSD comparing the age groups shows layer-specific change for layer 2 (p < .0001) and age-related differences between categorized type of cortex: primary/primary association cortex (BA 1, 3, 4, and 44) shows a generalized increase; higher-order regions (BA 9, 21, 39, and 45) also show increase in layers 2 and 5 but decrease in layers 3, 4, and 6 while limbic/orbital cortex (BA 23, 24, and 47) undergoes minor decrease (BA 1, 3, 4, and 44 vs. BA 9, 21, 39, and 45: p = .036 and BA 1, 3, 4, and 44 vs. BA 23, 24, and 47: p = .004). These data imply the operation of cortical layer- and type-specific processes of growth and regression adding new evidence that the human brain matures during adolescence not only functionally but also structurally.
To investigate the effect of age and change in body composition on the increase in energy expenditure consecutive to the ingestion of a 75-g glucose load, respiratory exchange measurements were performed on 24 subjects, 12 elderly (mean +/- SEM, 73 +/- 1 yr) and 12 young (25 +/- 1 yr). The body weight was comparable, 62 +/- 2 kg in the elderly group vs 61 +/- 3 in the young, but the body fat content of the elderly group was significantly greater than that of the young (29 +/- 2% vs 19 +/- 2%, p less than 0.001). The elderly group presented a slight glucose intolerance according to the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, with a 120-min plasma glucose of 149 +/- 9 mg/dl (p less than 0.005 vs young). The postabsorptive resting energy expenditure (REE) was 0.83 +/- 0.03 kcal/min in the elderly group vs 0.98 +/- 0.04 in the young (p less than 0.02); this decrease of 15% was mainly related to the decrease in fat free mass (FFM) in the elderly group, which averaged 14%. The difference was not significant when REE was expressed per kg FFM. The glucose-induced thermogenesis (GIT) expressed as percent of energy content of the load was 6.2 +/- 0.6% in the elderly group and 8.9 +/- 0.9% in the young (p less than 0.05). It is concluded that the glucose-induced thermogenesis is decreased in elderly subjects. However, when expressed per kg FFM, the increment in energy expenditure (EE), in response to the glucose load, is not different in elderly subjects, suggesting that the decrease of thermogenesis may be attributed to the age-related decrease in FFM.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) act as metabolic sensors and central regulators of fat and glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, PPARγ has been implicated as major catabolic regulator of bone mass in mice and humans. However, a potential involvement of other PPAR subtypes in the regulation of bone homeostasis has remained elusive. Here we report a previously unrecognized role of PPARβ/δ as a key regulator of bone turnover and the crosstalk between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. In contrast to activation of PPARγ, activation of PPARβ/δ amplified Wnt-dependent and β-catenin-dependent signaling and gene expression in osteoblasts, resulting in increased expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG) and attenuation of osteoblast-mediated osteoclastogenesis. Accordingly, PPARβ/δ-deficient mice had lower Wnt signaling activity, lower serum concentrations of OPG, higher numbers of osteoclasts and osteopenia. Pharmacological activation of PPARβ/δ in a mouse model of postmenopausal osteoporosis led to normalization of the altered ratio of tumor necrosis factor superfamily, member 11 (RANKL, also called TNFSF11) to OPG, a rebalancing of bone turnover and the restoration of normal bone density. Our findings identify PPARβ/δ as a promising target for an alternative approach in the treatment of osteoporosis and related diseases.
Recently, age-related hippocampal (HP) volume loss could be associated with a decrease in general fluid intelligence (gF). In the present study we investigated whether and how extensive musical training modulates human HP volume and gF performance. Previously, some studies demonstrated positive effects of musical training on higher cognitive functions such as learning and memory, associated with neural adaptations beyond the auditory domain. In order to detect possible associations between musical training and gF, we bilaterally segmented the HP formation and assessed the individual gF performance of people with different levels of musical expertise. Multiple regression analyses revealed that HP volume predicts gF in musicians but not in nonmusicians; in particular, bilaterally enhanced HP volume is associated with increased gF exclusively in musically trained people (amateurs and experts). This result suggests that musical training facilitates the recruitment of cognitive resources, which are essential for gF and linked to HP functioning. Musical training, even at a moderate level of intensity, can thus be considered as a potential strategy to decelerate age-related effects of cognitive decline. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Age-related cognitive impairments were studied in rats kept in semi-enriched conditions during their whole life, and tested during ontogeny and adult life in various classical spatial tasks. In addition, the effect of intrahippocampal grafts of fetal septal-diagonal band tissue, rich in cholinergic neurons, was studied in some of these subjects. The rats received bilateral cell suspensions when aged 23-24 months. Starting 4 weeks after grafting, they were trained during 5 weeks in an 8-arm maze made of connected plexiglass tunnels. No age-related impairment was detected during the first eight trials, when the maze shape was that of a classical radial maze in which the rats had already been trained when young. The older rats were impaired when the task was made more difficult by rendering two arms parallel to each other. They developed an important neglect of one of the parallel tunnels resulting in a high amount of errors before completion of the task. In addition, the old rats developed a systematic response pattern of visits to adjacent arms in a sequence, which was not observed in the younger subjects. None of these behaviours were observed in the old rats with a septal transplant. Sixteen weeks after grafting, another experiment was conducted in a homing hole board task. Rats were allowed to escape from a large circular arena through one hole out of many, and to reach home via a flexible tube under the table. The escape hole was at a fixed position according to distant room cues, and olfactory cues were made irrelevant by rotating the table between the trials. An additional cue was placed on the escape position. No age-related difference in escape was observed during training. During a probe trial with no hole connected and no proximal cue present, the old untreated rats were less clearly focussed on the training sector than were either the younger or the grafted old subjects. Taken together, these experiments indicate that enriched housing conditions and spatial training during adult life do not protect against all age-related deterioration in spatial ability. However, it might be that the considerable improvement observed in the grafted subjects results from an interaction between the graft treatment and the housing conditions.