135 resultados para 194-1198B


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A l'instar de ses voisins européens, la Suisse abrite une population de confession musulmane d'une importance démographique croissante. Souvent présentée comme une communauté monolithique, communautariste et rigoriste, cette thèse de doctorat s'est proposée d'apporter une contribution à une appréhension plus nuancée et contrastée de l'identité musulmane. Partant du postulat constructiviste que l'identité n'est pas un état, mais un processus dynamique et complexe s'échelonnant sur les différentes étapes de la vie d'un individu, cette enquête a insisté sur les différentes stratégies identitaires que peuvent mettre en place les individus selon les contextes dans lesquels il vivent et les situations qu'ils rencontrent. Sur la base d'une analyse d'entretiens effectués auprès d'un échantillon de 15 musulmans en Suisse romande, cette recherche a par exemple montré que l'identité musulmane en Suisse était la combinaison subjective et dynamique de quatre types d'identification, à savoir une identification religieuse, une identification psychologique, une identification sociétale et une identification culturelle. L'identification religieuse témoigne des rapports différenciés à Dieu, à l'altérité religieuse, à la société et à soi que peuvent entretenir les musulmans interrogés. En ceci, elle s'exprime tour à tour ou simultanément par une religiosité institutionnelle, sociale, intellectualisée ou spirituelle. Il est aussi à relever que l'identification religieuse semble avoir un poids considérable dans l'identité des musulmans interrogés, ceci quel que soit leur degré de pratique religieuse ou l'intensité de leurs convictions. L'identification psychologique participe à la construction du soi personnel par le triple processus de similarisation, de différenciation et de singularisation. En ceci, le développement de la personnalité individuelle y joue un rôle d'avant-poste. L'identification sociétale consiste essentiellement en la construction du soi comme acteur social. Elle désigne la capacité et la volonté de l'individu de se considérer non seulement comme membre, mais véritablement comme sujet actif de la société dans laquelle il vit. En ceci, l'identification sociétale s'est intéressée aux tendances et aux valeurs de la société helvétique qu'ont intégrées dans leur identité les musulmans de l'enquête. L'identification culturelle a principalement illustré le rôle des origines nationales ou culturelles et des allégeances familiales dans la construction de son identité individuelle de musulman. C'est principalement par la métaphore du « chapiteau islamique » et la relation existant entre l'appartenance confessionnelle et l'appartenance nationale qu'a été développée cette quatrième forme d'identification. Finalement relevons que le religieux islamique en Suisse ne constitue pas un cas particulier mais qu'il s'inscrit dans la dynamique général du champ religieux helvétique et du religieux en modernité tardive.


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Venous cannula orifice obstruction is an underestimated problem during augmented cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), which can potentially be reduced with redesigned, virtually wall-less cannula designs versus traditional percutaneous control venous cannulas. A bench model, allowing for simulation of the vena cava with various affluent orifices, venous collapse and a worst case scenario with regard to cannula position, was developed. Flow (Q) was measured sequentially for right atrial + hepatic + renal + iliac drainage scenarios, using a centrifugal pump and an experimental bench set-up (afterload 60 mmHg). At 1500, 2000 and 2500 RPM and atrial position, the Q values were 3.4, 6.03 and 8.01 versus 0.77*, 0.43* and 0.58* l/min: p<0.05* for wall-less and the Biomedicus(®) cannula, respectively. The corresponding pressure values were -15.18, -31.62 and -74.53 versus -46.0*, -119.94* and -228.13* mmHg. At the hepatic position, the Q values were 3.34, 6.67 and 9.26 versus 2.3*, 0.42* and 0.18* l/min; and the pressure values were -10.32, -20.25 and -42.83 versus -23.35*, -119.09* and -239.38* mmHg. At the renal position, the Q values were 3.43, 6.56 and 8.64 versus 2.48*, 0.41* and 0.22* l/min and the pressure values were -9.64, -20.98 and -63.41 versus -20.87 -127.68* and -239* mmHg, respectively. At the iliac position, the Q values were 3.43, 6.01 and 9.25 versus 1.62*, 0.55* and 0.58* l/min; the pressure values were -9.36, -33.57 and -44.18 versus -30.6*, -120.27* and -228* mmHg, respectivly. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that the redesigned, virtually wall-less cannulas, allowing for direct venous drainage at practically all intra-venous orifices, outperform the commercially available control cannula, with superior flow at reduced suction levels for all scenarios tested.


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BACKGROUND: Frequent emergency department users represent a small number of patients but account for a large number of emergency department visits. They should be a focus because they are often vulnerable patients with many risk factors affecting their quality of life (QoL). Case management interventions have resulted in a significant decrease in emergency department visits, but association with QoL has not been assessed. One aim of our study was to examine to what extent an interdisciplinary case management intervention, compared to standard emergency care, improved frequent emergency department users' QoL. METHODS: Data are part of a randomized, controlled trial designed to improve frequent emergency department users' QoL and use of health-care resources at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. In total, 250 frequent emergency department users (≥5 attendances during the previous 12 months; ≥ 18 years of age) were interviewed between May 2012 and July 2013. Following an assessment focused on social characteristics; social, mental, and somatic determinants of health; risk behaviors; health care use; and QoL, participants were randomly assigned to the control or the intervention group (n=125 in each group). The final sample included 194 participants (20 deaths, 36 dropouts, n=96 in the intervention group, n=99 in the control group). Participants in the intervention group received a case management intervention by an interdisciplinary, mobile team in addition to standard emergency care. The case management intervention involved four nurses and a physician who provided counseling and assistance concerning social determinants of health, substance-use disorders, and access to the health-care system. The participants' QoL was evaluated by a study nurse using the WHOQOL-BREF five times during the study (at baseline, and at 2, 5.5, 9, and 12 months). Four of the six WHOQOL dimensions of QoL were retained here: physical health, psychological health, social relationship, and environment, with scores ranging from 0 (low QoL) to 100 (high QoL). A linear, mixed-effects model with participants as a random effect was run to analyze the change in QoL over time. The effects of time, participants' group, and the interaction between time and group were tested. These effects were controlled for sociodemographic characteristics and health-related variables (i.e., age, gender, education, citizenship, marital status, type of financial resources, proficiency in French, somatic and mental health problems, and behaviors at risk).


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BACKGROUND: Frequent emergency department users represent a small number of patients but account for a large number of emergency department visits. They should be a focus because they are often vulnerable patients with many risk factors affecting their quality of life (QoL). Case management interventions have resulted in a significant decrease in emergency department visits, but association with QoL has not been assessed. One aim of our study was to examine to what extent an interdisciplinary case management intervention, compared to standard emergency care, improved frequent emergency department users' QoL. METHODS: Data are part of a randomized, controlled trial designed to improve frequent emergency department users' QoL and use of health-care resources at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. In total, 250 frequent emergency department users (≥5 attendances during the previous 12 months; ≥ 18 years of age) were interviewed between May 2012 and July 2013. Following an assessment focused on social characteristics; social, mental, and somatic determinants of health; risk behaviors; health care use; and QoL, participants were randomly assigned to the control or the intervention group (n=125 in each group). The final sample included 194 participants (20 deaths, 36 dropouts, n=96 in the intervention group, n=99 in the control group). Participants in the intervention group received a case management intervention by an interdisciplinary, mobile team in addition to standard emergency care. The case management intervention involved four nurses and a physician who provided counseling and assistance concerning social determinants of health, substance-use disorders, and access to the health-care system.


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BACKGROUND: According to Swiss legislation, do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) order can be made at any time by patients only, unless the resuscitation is considered as futile, based on the doctors' evaluation. Little is known about how this decision is made, and which are the factors influencing this decision. METHODS: Observational, cross-sectional study was conducted between March and May 2013 on 194 patients hospitalized in the general internal medicine ward of a Swiss hospital. The associations between patients' DNACPR orders and gender, age, marital status, nationality, religion, number and type of comorbidities were assessed. RESULTS: 102 patients (53%) had a DNACPR order: 27% issued by the patient him/herself, 12% by his/her relatives and 61% by the medical team. Patients with a DNACPR order were significantly older: 80.7±10.8 vs. 67.5±15.1years in the "with" and "without" DNACPR order group, respectively, p<0.001. Oncologic disease was associated with a DNACPR order issued by the medical team (37.5% vs. 16.9% in the "with" and "without" DNACPR order group, respectively, p<0.05). Being protestant was associated with a DNACPR order issued by the patient (57.9% vs. 25.9% in the "with" and "without" DNACPR order group, respectively p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Over half of the patients admitted to a general internal medicine ward had a DNACPR order issued within the first 72h of hospitalization. Older age and oncologic disease were associated with a DNACPR decision by the medical team, while protestant religion was associated with a DNACPR decision by the patient.


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Hintergrund : Ein akuter Gichtanfall entsteht durchdas Ausfällen von Mononatriumkristallenaus der Synovialflüssigkeit unddie dadurch bedingte Entzündung einesoder mehrerer Gelenke.Mitunter kommt es auch zur Bildung der Kristalle direkt im Gewebe. Das Erscheinungsbild der Gichterkrankung umfasst neben akuten Gichtanfällen die asymptomatische Hyperurikämie und chronische Gicht-Arthritis; extraartikulär kann sich eine Uratnephropathie bzw. Urolithiasis ausbilden. Bei akuten Gichtanfällen kommen die klassischen NSAR (z.B. Diclofenac) sowie die selektiven Cyclooxygenase-2-Hemmer (COX-2-Hemmer oder Coxibe) zum Einsatz. Beide Substanzgruppen scheinen das gleiche Risikoprofil und klinische Effektivität zu besitzen. Der Einsatz sollte kurzzeitig in maximal möglicher Dosierung erfolgen. Bei komorbiden Patienten z.B. mit kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen, Niereninsuffizienz, Status nach gastrointestinalem Ulkus oder Blutung ist der Einsatz von NSAR eingeschränkt. Bisher wurde der Nutzen und die Sicherheit von klassischen NSAR und COX-2-Hemmer in der Behandlung von akuten Gichtanfällen nicht systematisch untersucht.


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Introduction: Frequent emergency department (ED) users are often vulnerable patients with many risk factors affecting their quality of life (QoL). The aim of this study was to examine to what extent a case management intervention improved frequent ED users' QoL. Methods: Data were part of a randomized, controlled trial designed to improve frequent ED users' QoL at the Lausanne University Hospital. A total of 194 frequent ED users (≥ 5 attendances during the previous 12 months; ≥ 18 years of age) were randomly assigned to the control or the intervention group. Participants in the intervention group received a case management intervention (i.e. counseling and assistance concerning social determinants of health, substance-use disorders, and access to the health-care system). QoL was evaluated using the WHOQOL-BREF at baseline and twelve months later. Four dimensions of QoL were retained: physical health, psychological health, social relationship, and environment, with scores ranging from 0 (low QoL) to 100 (high QoL).


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Présentation En accord avec la loi suisse, seul le patient peut décider de la notification, dans son dossier, d'un ordre de «non réanimation » (DNACPR) en cas d'arrêt cardio-respiratoire. L'équipe médicale peut exceptionnellement prendre une telle décision, si elle juge qu'une réanimation n'a aucune chance d'aboutir. Les mécanismes menant à ce processus de décision n'ont pas encore été complètement investigués, en particulier en Suisse. Enjeu Notre étude vise à déterminer la prévalence de l'ordre de «non réanimation» après l'admission, l'auteur de cette décision, ainsi que son association avec certaines caractéristiques propres aux patients : le sexe, l'âge, la situation familiale, la nationalité, la religion, le nombre et le type de comorbidités. Nous cherchons ainsi à mieux définir quels sont les facteurs importants dans ce processus décisionnel complexe où le jugement médical, ainsi que l'information apportée aux patients sont primordiaux. Contexte de recherche Nous avons effectué une étude observationnelle sur une durée de 6 semaines, en analysant les formulaires d'admission de 194 patients hospitalisés dans le service de médecine interne du CHUV, dans les 72 heures après leur admission. Résultats L'étude montre que plus de la moitié des 194 dossiers de patients analysés ont un ordre de « non réanimation » (DNACPR) (53%). 27% de ces décisions ont été prises par les patients eux-mêmes, 12% par leur représentant thérapeutique/famille et 61% par les équipes médicales. Nous trouvons une association statistiquement significative entre l'ordre DNACPR et l'âge, avec un âge moyen de 80.7 +-10.8 ans dans le groupe « non réanimation » versus 67.5 +- 15.1 ans dans le groupe « réanimation », entre l'ordre DNACPR et une pathologie oncologique, quel que soit le stade de cette dernière, ainsi qu'entre l'ordre DNACPR et la religion protestante. Une analyse de sous-groupe montre que l'âge, ainsi que la pathologie oncologique sont statistiquement significatifs lors de l'analyse des décisions prises par les équipes médicales. La religion protestante est, quant à elle, significative lors de l'analyse des décisions prises par le patient ou son représentant. Perspectives Contrairement aux publications passées, cette étude montre une prédominance de l'ordre de «non réanimation » (DNACPR) à l'admission dans un service de médecine interne, principalement sur décision médicale. La plupart des patients ont été jugés incapables de discernement sur la question ou n'ont tout simplement pas été impliqués dans le processus décisionnel. Une réflexion doit avoir lieu afin de prendre des mesures de sensibilisation auprès des équipes médicales et d'approfondir la formation médicale et éthique sur le sujet de la détermination de l'attitude de réanimation. D'autres études qualitatives permettraient de mieux comprendre les motivations ayant mené à ces nombreuses décisions médicales, ainsi que les critères importants pour les patients.


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In cancer patients treated for venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), analyzing mortality associated with recurrent VTE or major bleeding is needed to determine the optimal duration of anticoagulation.This was a cohort study using the Registro Informatizado de Enfermedad TromboEmbólica (RIETE) Registry database to compare rates of fatal recurrent PE and fatal bleeding in cancer patients receiving anticoagulation for VTE.As of January 2013, 44,794 patients were enrolled in RIETE, of whom 7911 (18%) had active cancer. During the course of anticoagulant therapy (mean, 181 ± 210 days), 178 cancer patients (4.3%) developed recurrent PE (5.5 per 100 patient-years; 95% CI: 4.8-6.4), 194 (4.7%) had recurrent DVT (6.2 per 100 patient-years; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 5.3-7.1), and 367 (8.9%) bled (11.3 per 100 patient-years; 95% CI: 10.2-12.5). Of 4125 patients initially presenting with PE, 43 (1.0%) died of recurrent PE and 45 (1.1%) of bleeding; of 3786 patients with DVT, 19 (0.5%) died of PE, and 55 (1.3%) of bleeding. During the first 3 months of anticoagulation, there were 59 (1.4%) fatal PE recurrences and 77 (1.9%) fatal bleeds. Beyond the third month, there were 3 fatal PE recurrences and 23 fatal bleeds.In RIETE cancer patients, the rate of fatal recurrent PE or fatal bleeding was much higher within the first 3 months of anticoagulation therapy.


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BACKGROUND: The primary analysis of the FLAMINGO study at 48 weeks showed that patients taking dolutegravir once daily had a significantly higher virological response rate than did those taking ritonavir-boosted darunavir once daily, with similar tolerability. We present secondary efficacy and safety results analysed at 96 weeks. METHODS: FLAMINGO was a multicentre, open-label, phase 3b, non-inferiority study of HIV-1-infected treatment-naive adults. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to dolutegravir 50 mg or darunavir 800 mg plus ritonavir 100 mg, with investigator-selected combination tenofovir and emtricitabine or combination abacavir and lamivudine background treatment. The main endpoints were plasma HIV-1 RNA less than 50 copies per mL and safety. The non-inferiority margin was -12%. If the lower end of the 95% CI was greater than 0%, then we concluded that dolutegravir was superior to ritonavir-boosted darunavir. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01449929. FINDINGS: Of 595 patients screened, 488 were randomly assigned and 484 included in the analysis (242 assigned to receive dolutegravir and 242 assigned to receive ritonavir-boosted darunavir). At 96 weeks, 194 (80%) of 242 patients in the dolutegravir group and 164 (68%) of 242 in the ritonavir-boosted darunavir group had HIV-1 RNA less than 50 copies per mL (adjusted difference 12·4, 95% CI 4·7-20·2; p=0·002), with the greatest difference in patients with high viral load at baseline (50/61 [82%] vs 32/61 [52%], homogeneity test p=0·014). Six participants (three since 48 weeks) in the dolutegravir group and 13 (four) in the darunavir plus ritonavir group discontinued because of adverse events. The most common drug-related adverse events were diarrhoea (23/242 [10%] in the dolutegravir group vs 57/242 [24%] in the darunavir plus ritonavir group), nausea (31/242 [13%] vs 34/242 [14%]), and headache (17/242 [7%] vs 12/242 [5%]). INTERPRETATION: Once-daily dolutegravir is associated with a higher virological response rate than is once-daily ritonavir-boosted darunavir. Dolutegravir compares favourably in efficacy and safety to a boosted darunavir regimen with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor background treatment for HIV-1-infected treatment-naive patients. FUNDING: ViiV Healthcare and Shionogi & Co.