142 resultados para 191-1179B


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PURPOSE: To study VP22 light controlled delivery of antisense oligonucleotide (ODN) to ocular cells in vitro and in vivo. METHODS: The C-terminal half of VP22 was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and mixed with 20 mer phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (ODNs) to form light sensitive complex particles (vectosomes). Uptake of vectosomes and light induced redistribution of ODNs in human choroid melanoma cells (OCM-1) and in human retinal pigment epithelial cells (ARPE-19) were studied by confocal and electron microscopy. The effect of vectosomes formed with an antisense ODN corresponding to the 3'-untranslated region of the human c-raf kinase gene on the viability and the proliferation of OCM-1 cells was assessed before and after illumination. Cells incubated with vectosomes formed with a mismatched ODN, a free antisense ODN or a free mismatched ODN served as controls. White light transscleral illumination was carried out 24 h after the intravitreal injection of vectosomes in rat eyes. The distribution of fluorescent vectosomes and free fluorescent ODN was evaluated on cryosections by fluorescence microscopy before, and 1 h after illumination. RESULTS: Overnight incubation of human OCM-1 and ARPE-19 cells with vectosomes lead to intracellular internalization of the vectosomes. When not illuminated, internalized vectosomes remained stable within the cell cytoplasm. Disruption of vectosomes and release of the complexed ODN was induced by illumination of the cultures with a cold white light or a laser beam. In vitro, up to 60% inhibition of OCM-1 cell proliferation was observed in illuminated cultures incubated with vectosomes formed with antisense c-raf ODN. No inhibitory effect on the OCM-1 cell proliferation was observed in the absence of illumination or when the cells are incubated with a free antisense c-raf ODN and illuminated. In vivo, 24 h after intravitreal injection, vectosomes were observed within the various retinal layers accumulating in the cytoplasm of RPE cells. Transscleral illumination of the injected eyes with a cold white light induced disruption of the vectosomes and a preferential localization of the "released" ODNs within the cell nuclei of the ganglion cell layer, the inner nuclear layer and the RPE cells. CONCLUSIONS: In vitro, VP22 light controlled delivery of ODNs to ocular cells nuclei was feasible using white light or laser illumination. In vivo, a single intravitreal injection of vectosomes, followed by transscleral illumination allowed for the delivery of free ODNs to retinal and RPE cells.


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BACKGROUND: Urine catecholamines, vanillylmandelic, and homovanillic acid are recognized biomarkers for the diagnosis and follow-up of neuroblastoma. Plasma free (f) and total (t) normetanephrine (NMN), metanephrine (MN) and methoxytyramine (MT) could represent a convenient alternative to those urine markers. The primary objective of this study was to establish pediatric centile charts for plasma metanephrines. Secondarily, we explored their diagnostic performance in 10 patients with neuroblastoma. PROCEDURE: We recruited 191 children (69 females) free of neuroendocrine disease to establish reference intervals for plasma metanephrines, reported as centile curves for a given age and sex based on a parametric method using fractional polynomials models. Urine markers and plasma metanephrines were measured in 10 children with neuroblastoma at diagnosis. Plasma total metanephrines were measured by HPLC with coulometric detection and plasma free metanephrines by tandem LC-MS. RESULTS: We observed a significant age-dependence for tNMN, fNMN, and fMN, and a gender and age-dependence for tMN, fNMN, and fMN. Free MT was below the lower limit of quantification in 94% of the children. All patients with neuroblastoma at diagnosis were above the 97.5th percentile for tMT, tNMN, fNMN, and fMT, whereas their fMN and tMN were mostly within the normal range. As expected, urine assays were inconstantly predictive of the disease. CONCLUSIONS: A continuous model incorporating all data for a given analyte represents an appealing alternative to arbitrary partitioning of reference intervals across age categories. Plasma metanephrines are promising biomarkers for neuroblastoma, and their performances need to be confirmed in a prospective study on a large cohort of patients. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2015;62:587-593. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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AIM: The resting metabolic rate (RMR) varies among pregnant women. The factors responsible for this variability are unknown. This study aimed to assess the influence of the prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) on the RMR during late pregnancy. METHODS: RMR, height, weight, and total (TEE) and activity (AEE) energy expenditures were measured in 46 healthy women aged 31 ± 5 years (mean ± SD) with low (<19.8), normal (19.8-26.0), and high (>26.0) prepregnancy BMI at 38.2 ± 1.5 weeks of gestation (t(gest)) and 40 ± 7 weeks postpartum (t(post)) (n = 27). RESULTS: The mean t(gest) RMR for the low-, normal-, and high-BMI groups was 1,373, 1,807, and 2,191 kcal/day, respectively (p = 0.001). The overall mean t(gest) RMR was 316 ± 183 kcal/day (21%), higher than the overall mean t(post) value and this difference was correlated with gestational weight gain (r = 0.78, p < 0.001). The scaled metabolic rate by allometry (RMR/kilograms⁰·⁷³) was similar in the low-, normal-, and high-BMI groups, respectively (p = 0.45). Changes in t(gest) TEE closely paralleled changes in t(gest) RMR (r = 0.84, p < 0.001). AEE was similar among the BMI groups. CONCLUSION: The RMR is significantly increased in the third trimester of pregnancy. The absolute gestational RMR is higher in women with high prepregnancy BMI due to increased body weight. The scaled metabolic rate (RMR/kilograms⁰·⁷³) is similar among the BMI groups of pregnant women.


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Contexte : L'insuffisance cardiaque touche environ 150 personnes sur 100'000 habitants en Suisse, avec une¦prévalence évaluée à 1.45 %, et cause 42.3 décès par 100'000 habitants. Globalement, la prévalence de¦l'insuffisance cardiaque augmente, d'une part à cause du vieillissement de la population, d'autre part par¦l'amélioration de la prise en charge de pathologies cardiaques. La transplantation reste actuellement le gold¦standard pour l'insuffisance cardiaque réfractaire au traitement pharmacologique, mais les organes sont¦rares. Une alternative a donc été développée, celle des systèmes d'assistance ventriculaire (ventricular assist¦device, VAD). Les appareils existants actuellement sur le marché fonctionnent en déviant le sang du¦ventricule vers un système de projection à flux pulsatile ou continu placé dans la cage thoracique, avant de le¦renvoyer vers l'artère. Ils comportent certains défauts, en particulier la nécessité de léser le coeur pour les¦implanter et les risques hémorragique et thrombo-embolique importants. Pour remédier à ces défauts, des¦VAD externes sont en cours de développement. Fixés autour du coeur, ils permettent de l'assister dans la¦contraction, sans contact direct avec le sang ni lésion du coeur. Dans cette étude, nous avons créé deux¦prototypes de VAD externes basés sur la technique du muscle artificiel. Ils sont faits de fils de Nitinol, un¦alliage à mémoire de forme qui raccourcit lorsqu'il est chauffé. Placés autour du coeur, ils lui impriment un¦mouvement de contraction, tel un muscle artificiel.¦Méthode : deux VAD externes ont été créés en utilisant du Nitinol. Les fibres de Nitinol du VAD N°1¦passent à travers des charnières qui augmentent son pouvoir de contraction. Celles du VAD N°2 sont¦orientées dans un maillage de fibres de Kevlar de manière à reproduire la direction des fibres musculaires du¦ventricule humain. Ils ont été testés sur un banc d'essai avec un coeur en silicone. Nous avons mesuré la¦fraction d'éjection, le débit et la pression générée, à différentes valeurs de précharge et post-charge. Les¦VAD étaient alimentés par une génératrice ou par une unité de contrôle, qui permettait de fournir l'énergie¦précisément dans chaque fil de Nitinol et d'imposer une certaine fréquence cardiaque.¦Résultats : Tant avec la génératrice que l'unité de contrôle, le ventricule gauche du VAD N°1 fournit une¦fraction d'éjection maximale de 16.09 %. Le débit maximal est de 191.42 ml/min. La génératrice permet au¦VAD N°2 de fournir une fraction d'éjection de 6.18 %, contre 2.48 % avec l'unité de contrôle. Le débit¦maximal est de 27.37 ml/min. La pression générée atteint 75 mmHg pour le VAD N°1 et 6 mmHg pour le¦VAD N°2.¦Discussion/conclusion : Le VAD N°1 est le plus performant, il permet une augmentation significative de la¦fraction d'éjection et pourrait avoir un impact sur la qualité de vie des patients. L'unité de contrôle apporte¦un avantage sur la génératrice pour le VAD N°1, en dirigeant plus précisément l'énergie dans les fils de¦Nitinol et en limitant les pertes. Le VAD N°2, lui, est peu performant et l'unité de contrôle n'améliore pas¦ses performances. Cela est probablement dû à sa configuration initiale, la taille du VAD n'étant pas adaptée¦au coeur en silicone. Cette étude prouve qu'il est possible d'assister un coeur depuis l'extérieur, sans l'altérer,¦et que la position des fibres de Nitinol a plus d'importance que leur nombre.


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The aim was to examine the capacity of commonly used type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) risk scores to predict overall mortality. The US-based NHANES III (n = 3138; 982 deaths) and the Swiss-based CoLaus study (n = 3946; 191 deaths) were used. The predictive value of eight T2DM risk scores regarding overall mortality was tested. The Griffin score, based on few self-reported parameters, presented the best (NHANES III) and second best (CoLaus) predictive capacity. Generally, the predictive capacity of scores based on clinical (anthropometrics, lifestyle, history) and biological (blood parameters) data was not better than of scores based solely on clinical self-reported data. T2DM scores can be validly used to predict mortality risk in general populations without diabetes. Comparison with other scores could further show whether such scores also suit as a screening tool for quick overall health risk assessment.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Statins display anti-inflammatory and anti-epileptogenic properties in animal models, and may reduce the epilepsy risk in elderly humans; however, a possible modulating role on outcome in patients with status epilepticus (SE) has not been assessed. METHODS: This cohort study was based on a prospective registry including all consecutive adults with incident SE treated in our center between April 2006 and September 2012. SE outcome was categorized at hospital discharge into 'return to baseline', 'new disability' and 'mortality'. The role of potential predictors, including statins treatment on admission, was evaluated using a multinomial logistic regression model. RESULTS: Amongst 427 patients identified, information on statins was available in 413 (97%). Mean age was 60.9 (±17.8) years; 201 (49%) were women; 211 (51%) had a potentially fatal SE etiology; and 191 (46%) experienced generalized-convulsive or non-convulsive SE in coma. Statins (simvastatin, atorvastatin or pravastatin) were prescribed prior to admission in 76 (18%) subjects, mostly elderly. Whilst 208 (50.4%) patients returned to baseline, 58 (14%) died. After adjustment for established SE outcome predictors (age, etiology, SE severity score), statins correlated significantly with lower mortality (relative risk ratio 0.38, P = 0.046). CONCLUSION: This study suggests for the first time that exposure to statins before an SE episode is related to its outcome, involving a possible anti-epileptogenic role. Other studies are needed to confirm this intriguing finding.


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Meckel-Gruber Syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive lethal ciliopathy characterized by the triad of cystic renal dysplasia, occipital encephalocele and postaxial polydactyly. We present the largest population-based epidemiological study to date using data provided by the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) network. The study population consisted of 191 cases of MKS identified between January 1990 and December 2011 in 34 European registries. The mean prevalence was 2.6 per 100 000 births in a subset of registries with good ascertainment. The prevalence was stable over time, but regional differences were observed. There were 145 (75.9%) terminations of pregnancy after prenatal diagnosis, 13 (6.8%) fetal deaths, 33 (17.3%) live births. In addition to cystic kidneys (97.7%), encephalocele (83.8%) and polydactyly (87.3%), frequent features include other central nervous system anomalies (51.4%), fibrotic/cystic changes of the liver (65.5% of cases with post mortem examination) and orofacial clefts (31.8%). Various other anomalies were present in 64 (37%) patients. As nowadays most patients are detected very early in pregnancy when liver or kidney changes may not yet be developed or may be difficult to assess, none of the anomalies should be considered obligatory for the diagnosis. Most cases (90.2%) are diagnosed prenatally at 14.3±2.6 (range 11-36) gestational weeks and pregnancies are mainly terminated, reducing the number of LB to one-fifth of the total prevalence rate. Early diagnosis is important for timely counseling of affected couples regarding the option of pregnancy termination and prenatal genetic testing in future pregnancies.


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Contexte & Objectifs: La vancomycine (VCM) est un antibiotique utilisé pour le traitement de certaines infections sévères. C'est un candidat idéal pour le suivi thérapeutique (TDM) car il possède une forte variabilité inter-individuelle, une marge thérapeutique étroite et une relation concentration-efficacité et -toxicité établie. L'objectif de ce travail est de quantifier la variabilité inter-individuelle des concentrations et les facteurs qui l'influencent, et d'évaluer l'adéquation des posologies pour viser les cibles thérapeutiques. Méthodes: Les données ont été récoltées dans le cadre du TDM réalisé en routine au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois. Les données pharmacocinétiques ont été analysées par régression linéaire à effet mixte (NONMEM®). Les variables d'intérêt étaient: le sexe, l'âge, le poids, la clairance à la créatinine (CLCRT) et les co-médications. Des simulations ont été réalisées à partir du modèle final afin de déterminer le pourcentage de patients en-dehors des intervalles de concentrations cibles (10-20 mg/L), et toxiques (>30 mg/L) avant et après adaptation posologique de VCM selon la fonction rénale. Résultats: 705 concentrations de VCM ont été mesurées chez 191 patients. Un modèle monocompartimental incluant une variabilité inter-individuelle sur la clairance (CL) et le volume de distribution (Vd) décrit au mieux les données. La CLCRT et la co-administration de diurétiques influencent significativement la CL, et le Vd augmente proportionnellement avec le poids. Ces covariables expliquent 50% et 27% de la variabilité, respectivement. Les simulations ont montré que pour les stades de maladie rénale 3 et 4 le pourcentage de patients en-dehors des cibles est de 51% et 45% et diminue respectivement à 40% et 37% après adaptation posologique. De plus, 15% et 8% des patients avec insuffisance rénale de stade 3 et 4 présentent des concentrations >30 mg/L, seuil qui s'abaisse environs à 5% après adaptation posologique. Discussion: L'importante variabilité des concentrations de VCM est en grande partie expliquée par la CLCRT, la co-administration de diurétiques et le poids. L'administration des posologies recommandées pour les patients avec une maladie rénale de stades 3 et 4 pourrait exposer un nombre significatif de patients à des concentrations en dehors des cibles thérapeutiques, mais paraît corrigées par une adaptation posologique basée sur le TDM.


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The variability observed in drug exposure has a direct impact on the overall response to drug. The largest part of variability between dose and drug response resides in the pharmacokinetic phase, i.e. in the dose-concentration relationship. Among possibilities offered to clinicians, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM; Monitoring of drug concentration measurements) is one of the useful tool to guide pharmacotherapy. TDM aims at optimizing treatments by individualizing dosage regimens based on blood drug concentration measurement. Bayesian calculations, relying on population pharmacokinetic approach, currently represent the gold standard TDM strategy. However, it requires expertise and computational assistance, thus limiting its large implementation in routine patient care. The overall objective of this thesis was to implement robust tools to provide Bayesian TDM to clinician in modern routine patient care. To that endeavour, aims were (i) to elaborate an efficient and ergonomic computer tool for Bayesian TDM: EzeCHieL (ii) to provide algorithms for drug concentration Bayesian forecasting and software validation, relying on population pharmacokinetics (iii) to address some relevant issues encountered in clinical practice with a focus on neonates and drug adherence. First, the current stage of the existing software was reviewed and allows establishing specifications for the development of EzeCHieL. Then, in close collaboration with software engineers a fully integrated software, EzeCHieL, has been elaborated. EzeCHieL provides population-based predictions and Bayesian forecasting and an easy-to-use interface. It enables to assess the expectedness of an observed concentration in a patient compared to the whole population (via percentiles), to assess the suitability of the predicted concentration relative to the targeted concentration and to provide dosing adjustment. It allows thus a priori and a posteriori Bayesian drug dosing individualization. Implementation of Bayesian methods requires drug disposition characterisation and variability quantification trough population approach. Population pharmacokinetic analyses have been performed and Bayesian estimators have been provided for candidate drugs in population of interest: anti-infectious drugs administered to neonates (gentamicin and imipenem). Developed models were implemented in EzeCHieL and also served as validation tool in comparing EzeCHieL concentration predictions against predictions from the reference software (NONMEM®). Models used need to be adequate and reliable. For instance, extrapolation is not possible from adults or children to neonates. Therefore, this work proposes models for neonates based on the developmental pharmacokinetics concept. Patients' adherence is also an important concern for drug models development and for a successful outcome of the pharmacotherapy. A last study attempts to assess impact of routine patient adherence measurement on models definition and TDM interpretation. In conclusion, our results offer solutions to assist clinicians in interpreting blood drug concentrations and to improve the appropriateness of drug dosing in routine clinical practice.