180 resultados para 147-894E
In this paper, we present the segmentation of the headand neck lymph node regions using a new active contourbased atlas registration model. We propose to segment thelymph node regions without directly including them in theatlas registration process; instead, they are segmentedusing the dense deformation field computed from theregistration of the atlas structures with distinctboundaries. This approach results in robust and accuratesegmentation of the lymph node regions even in thepresence of significant anatomical variations between theatlas-image and the patient's image to be segmented. Wealso present a quantitative evaluation of lymph noderegions segmentation using various statistical as well asgeometrical metrics: sensitivity, specificity, dicesimilarity coefficient and Hausdorff distance. Acomparison of the proposed method with two other state ofthe art methods is presented. The robustness of theproposed method to the atlas selection, in segmenting thelymph node regions, is also evaluated.
Imatinib mesylate, a selective inhibitor of tyrosine kinases, has excellent efficacy in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST). Inducing durable responses and achieving prolonged survival, it has become the standard of care for the treatment of these diseases. It has opened the way to the development of additional tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), including sunitinib, nilotinib, dasatinib and sorafenib, all indicated for the treatment of various haematological malignancies and solid tumours. TKIs are prescribed for prolonged periods and are often taken by patients with - notably cardiovascular - comorbidities. Hence TKIs are regularly co-administered with cardiovascular drugs, with a considerable risk of potentially harmful drug-drug interactions due to the large number of agents used in combination. However, this aspect has received limited attention so far, and a comprehensive review of the published data on this important topic has been lacking. We review here the available data and pharmacological mechanisms of interactions between commonly prescribed cardiovascular drugs and the TKIs marketed at present. Regular updating of the literature on this topic will be mandatory, as will the prospective reporting of unexpected clinical observations, given the fact that these drugs have been only recently marketed.
Introduction: Chronic insufficiency alters homeostasis, in part due to endothelial inflammation. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is increased in renal disease, contributing to vascular damage. We assessed PAI-1 activity and PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphism in hemodialysis (HD) subjects and any association between thrombotic vascular access (VA) events and PAI-1 polymorphism. Methods: Prospective, observational study in 36 HD patients: mean age: 66.6 +/- 12.5 yr, males n=26 (72%), time on HD: 28.71 +/- 22.45 months. Vascular accesses: 10 polytetrafluoroethylene grafts (PTFEG), 22 arteriovenous fistulae (AVF), four dual lumen catheters (CAT). Control group (CG): 40 subjects; mean age: 60.0 +/- 15 yrs, males n=30 (75%). Group A (GA): thrombotic events (n=12), and group B (GB): No events (n=24). Groups were no different according to age (69.2 +/- 9.12 vs. 65.3 +/- 14.5 yrs), gender (males: 7; 58.3% vs. 18; 81.8%), time on HD (26.1 +/- 14.7 vs. 30.1 +/- 38.7 months), causes of renal failure. Time to follow-up, for access thrombosis: 12 months. Results: PAI-1 levels in HD: 7.21 +/- 2.13 vs. CG: 0.42 +/- 0.27 U/ml (p < 0.000 1). PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphic variant distribution in HD: 5G/5G: 6 (17%),4G/5G: 23 (64%); 4G/4G: 7 (19%) and in CG: 5G/5G: 14 (35%); 4G/5G: 18 (45%); 4G/4G: 8 (20%). C-reactive protein (CRP) in HD: 24.5 +/- 15.2 mg/L vs. in CG 2.3 +/- 0.2 mg/L (p < 0.0001). PAI-1 4G/5G variants: GA: 5G/5G: 3; 4G/5G: 8; 4G/4G: 1; GB: 5G/5G: 3; 4G/5G: 15; 4G/4G: 6. Thrombosis occurred in 8/10 patients (80%) with PTFEG, 3/22 (9%) in AVF, and 1/4 (25%) in CAT. Among the eight PTFEG patients with thrombosis, seven were PAI 4G/5G. Conclusions: PAI-1 levels were elevated in HD patients, independent of their polymorphic variants, 4G/5G being the most prevalent variant. Our data suggest that in patients with PTFEG the 4G/5G variant might be associated with an increased thrombosis risk.
Connectivity among demes in a metapopulation depends on both the landscape's and the focal organism's properties (including its mobility and cognitive abilities). Using individual-based simulations, we contrast the consequences of three different cognitive strategies on several measures of metapopulation connectivity. Model animals search suitable habitat patches while dispersing through a model landscape made of cells varying in size, shape, attractiveness and friction. In the blind strategy, the next cell is chosen randomly among the adjacent ones. In the near-sighted strategy, the choice depends on the relative attractiveness of these adjacent cells. In the far-sighted strategy, animals may additionally target suitable patches that appear within their perceptual range. Simulations show that the blind strategy provides the best overall connectivity, and results in balanced dispersal. The near-sighted strategy traps animals into corridors that reduce the number of potential targets, thereby fragmenting metapopulations in several local clusters of demes, and inducing sink-source dynamics. This sort of local trapping is somewhat prevented in the far-sighted strategy. The colonization success of strategies depends highly on initial energy reserves: blind does best when energy is high, near-sighted wins at intermediate levels, and far-sighted outcompetes its rivals at low energy reserves. We also expect strong effects in terms of metapopulation genetics: the blind strategy generates a migrant-pool mode of dispersal that should erase local structures. By contrast, near- and far-sighted strategies generate a propagule-pool mode of dispersal and source-sink behavior that should boost structures (high genetic variance among- and low variance within local clusters of demes), particularly if metapopulation dynamics is also affected by extinction-colonization processes. Our results thus point to important effects of the cognitive ability of dispersers on the connectivity, dynamics and genetics of metapopulations.
For decades intravitreal chemotherapy (IViC) remained virtually banished from the therapeutic armamentarium against retinoblastoma, except as a heroic attempt of salvage before enucleation in only eyes with refractory vitreous seeding. Very recently, we have initiated a reappraisal of this route of administration by (1) profiling eligibility criteria, (2) describing a safety-enhanced injection procedure, (3) adjusting the tumoricidal dose of melphalan, and (4) reporting an unprecedented efficacy in terms of tumor control of vitreous seeding. Since then, intravitreal chemotherapy is being progressively implemented worldwide with great success, but still awaits formal validation by the ongoing prospective phase II clinical trial. As far as preliminary results are concerned, IViC appears to achieve complete vitreous response in 100% of the 35 newly recruited patients irrespective of the previous treatment regimen, including external beam radiotherapy and/or intra-arterial melphalan. In other words, vitreous seeding, still considered as the major cause of primary and secondary enucleation, can now be controlled by IViC. However, sterilization of vitreous seeding does not necessarily translate into eye survival, unless the retinal source of the seeds receives concomitant therapy. In conclusion, IViC, an unsophisticated and cost-effective treatment, is about to revolutionize the eye survival prognosis of vitreous disease in advanced retinoblastoma.
Background: Data on the frequency of extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is scarce, especially the one evaluating the time of occurrence of the EIM relative to IBD diagnosis. Aim: To assess the type and frequency of EIM in IBD patients and to evaluate when EIMs occur relative to IBD diagnosis. Methods: Analysis of data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort (SIBDCS) which collects data on a large sample of IBD patients from hospitals and private practices across Switzerland starting in 2005. While parametric data are shown as mean ± SD, non-parametric data are presented as median and interquartile range (IQR). Results: A total of 1143 patients were analyzed (572 (50%) female, mean age 42.1 ± 14.4 years): 629 (55%) with Crohn's disease (CD), 501 (44%) with ulcerative colitis (UC), and 13 (1%) with indeterminate colitis (IC). Of 1143 patients, 374 (32.7%) presented with EIM (65% with CD, 33% with UC, 2% with IC). Of those patients suffering from EIMs, 37.4% presented with one, 41.7% with two, 12.4% with three, 5.3% with four, and 3.2% with five EIM during their lifetime. The IBD patients initially presented with the following EIMs: peripheral arthritis (PA) 63.4%, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) 8.1%, primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) 6.0%, uveitis 5.7%, oral aphthosis 5.7%, erythema nodosum (EN) 5.0%, pyoderma gangrenosum 1.8%, psoriasis 0.7%. While 92.9% of EIM occurred once IBD diagnosis was established (median 72 months, IQR 9-147 months, p < 0.001), 7.1% of EIMs preceded IBD diagnosis (median time 28 months before IBD diagnosis, IQR 7-60 months). Over a course of a lifetime, IBD patients presented with the following EIM (total exceeds 100 due to potential presence of multiple EIM): peripheral arthritis 69.3%, oral aphthosis 23%, ankylosing spondylitis 19.4%, uveitis 15.5%, erythema nodosum 14.5%, PSC 7.8%, pyoderma gangrenosum 6%, psoriasis 2.8%. Conclusion: EIMs frequently occur in a lifetime of IBD patients. The vast majority of patients present with EIMs once IBD diagnosis has been established. IBD patients most often present with peripheral arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and PSC as their first EIM. However, peripheral arthritis, oral aphthosis, and ankylosing spondylitis are the most common EIMs in a lifetime of IBD patients.
Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was evaluated in a sample of alcohol-dependent patients with the 36-item Medical Outcome Study Short-Form Health Survey (MOS-SF-36). The instrument was administered to 147 patients (77% males), aged 26-78, with a DSM-III-R diagnosis of alcohol dependence. The Hamilton Depression Scale (HDS), the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ), and the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) were also administered to the first 100 patients included in the study. The reliability and validity of the MOS-SF-36 were evaluated. Test-retest intraclass coefficients for a 10-day interval were in the range .65 to .79, whereas the Cronbach alpha coefficient indicated good internal consistency (range .70 to .89). Compared to scores observed in the general population, MOS-SF-36 scores for alcohol-dependent patients were relatively low (indicating worse perception of HRQoL), especially in the psychological and role dimensions (range 52/100 to 55/100), but were closer to populational values in the physical and functional dimensions (range 61/100 to 75/100)). The highest correlation between MOS-SF-36 dimensions and HDS was found in the MOS-SF-36 "mental health" dimension (r=-.56, p < .001); this dimension was also correlated highly with the psychiatric dimension of the ASI (r=-.73, p < .001). The eight dimensions of the MOS-SF-36 were 21% to 127% lower in patients with HDS greater than or equal to 16 (major depression) compared to those with HDS less than or equal to 7 (absence of depression). The MOS-SF-36 dimensions were 10% to 141% lower in patients with high "ASI alcohol" scores, indicating worse HRQoL profiles with a higher severity of alcohol dependence. The MOS-SF-36 presents good criteria for reliability and validity in alcohol-dependent patients. The results suggested that alcohol-dependent patients perceived their problems more as psychological than physical. The severity of alcohol dependence and depression seemed to influence the perception of HRQoL negatively.
Introduction: L'unité d'Assistance Pharmaceutique de la Pharmacie des HUG fonctionne comme centre d'information sur les médicaments et gère des informations mises à disposition sur le web. Celles-ci sont destinées prioritairement au personnel soignant des HUG et accessibles sur le site intranet/Internet (http://www.hcuge.ch/Pharmacie), mis en service en 1998. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer la qualité de l'information du site intranet/Internet et d'y apporter les améliorations nécessaires. Méthode: Le site intranet/Internet de la pharmacie des HUG a été évalué en automne 2004 à l'aide de 2 outils : NetScoring : grille d'évaluation de la qualité de l'information de santé sur Internet (http://www.chu-rouen.fr/netscoring/). Elle comporte 49 critères répartis en 8 catégories. Chaque critère est noté sur une échelle de 5 occurrences puis pondéré selon son importance (multiplication par 3 si le critère est essentiel, par 2 s'il est important ou par 1 s'il est mineur). Analyse AMDEC : méthode permettant de séquencer un processus et d'en Analyser les Modes de Défaillance, leur Effet et leur Criticité (Qual Saf Health Care 2005 :14(2);93-98). Un score est attribué à chaque mode de défaillance identifié en terme de fréquence, de sévérité et de détectabilité. La multiplication des 3 scores fournit un résultat global de criticité (indice de criticité IC, max. 810), permettant de hiérarchiser les risques. Résultats: Etat des lieux NetScoring : La qualité globale du site intranet/Internet était bonne (202 pts/312). Les points forts concernaient la pertinence et l'utilité du site, la qualité du contenu, du moteur de recherche et du design, la rapidité de chargement du site, la sélection des liens externes proposés et le respect du secret médical. Les faiblesses résidaient dans l'absence de politique de mise à jour régulière, d'annotation systématique de l'état d'actualisation des documents, d'un comité éditorial et scientifique, de mots-clés en anglais et d'une liste permettant l'identification des auteurs. Analyse AMDEC : Quatre catégories (création du document, conversion, structure du site et publication du document) et 19 modes de défaillances ont été caractérisés. Trois modes de défaillance étaient associés à un IC important: erreurs lors de la création d'un document (IC 256), information inadéquate car pratique non validée ou recommandation non généralisable (IC 147) et absence de relecture après la conversion du document en format publiable (ex : PDF) (IC 144). Mesures correctives: Une procédure standard (SOP) a été élaborée pour la gestion du site intranet/Internet. Le format standard des informations (initiales de l'auteur, dates de création et de mise à jour, logo de la pharmacie), la validation et la politique de mise à jour des documents ainsi que la procédure d'archivage y sont clairement définis. Une fiche de suivi accompagnant chaque document a été créée pour la traçabilité de toutes les modifications effectuées et la fréquence de révision à respecter. Discussion et conclusion Cette étude a permis de déterminer et de quantifier les points critiques à améliorer sur le site intranet/Internet de la Pharmacie des HUG. Les mesures correctives entreprises doivent permettre d'améliorer les principales faiblesses et défaillances mises en évidence. La mise en place d'un comité éditorial et scientifique devra être évaluée à l'avenir. Le NetScoring et l'analyse AMDEC sont des outils utiles pour l'évaluation et l'amélioration continue de la qualité d'un site Internet, sous réserve d'une interprétation critique des résultats obtenus avant la mise en place de mesures correctives. Malgré une approche totalement différente, ces outils ont permis de mettre en évidence des lacunes similaires.