171 resultados para weighted linear regression


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Uromodulin is expressed exclusively in the thick ascending limb and is the most abundant protein excreted in normal urine. Variants in UMOD, which encodes uromodulin, are associated with renal function, and urinary uromodulin levels may be a biomarker for kidney disease. However, the genetic factors regulating uromodulin excretion are unknown. We conducted a meta-analysis of urinary uromodulin levels to identify associated common genetic variants in the general population. We included 10,884 individuals of European descent from three genetic isolates and three urban cohorts. Each study measured uromodulin indexed to creatinine and conducted linear regression analysis of approximately 2.5 million single nucleotide polymorphisms using an additive model. We also tested whether variants in genes expressed in the thick ascending limb associate with uromodulin levels. rs12917707, located near UMOD and previously associated with renal function and CKD, had the strongest association with urinary uromodulin levels (P<0.001). In all cohorts, carriers of a G allele of this variant had higher uromodulin levels than noncarriers did (geometric means 10.24, 14.05, and 17.67 μg/g creatinine for zero, one, or two copies of the G allele). rs12446492 in the adjacent gene PDILT (protein disulfide isomerase-like, testis expressed) also reached genome-wide significance (P<0.001). Regarding genes expressed in the thick ascending limb, variants in KCNJ1, SORL1, and CAB39 associated with urinary uromodulin levels. These data indicate that common variants in the UMOD promoter region may influence urinary uromodulin levels. They also provide insights into uromodulin biology and the association of UMOD variants with renal function.


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Adiponectin serum concentrations are an important biomarker in cardiovascular epidemiology with heritability etimates of 30-70%. However, known genetic variants in the adiponectin gene locus (ADIPOQ) account for only 2%-8% of its variance. As transcription factors are thought to play an under-acknowledged role in carrying functional variants, we hypothesized that genetic polymorphisms in genes coding for the main transcription factors for the ADIPOQ promoter influence adiponectin levels. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at these genes were selected based on the haplotype block structure and previously published evidence to be associated with adiponectin levels. We performed association analyses of the 24 selected SNPs at forkhead box O1 (FOXO1), sterol-regulatory-element-binding transcription factor 1 (SREBF1), sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG) and transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2 beta (TFAP2B) gene loci with adiponectin levels in three different European cohorts: SAPHIR (n = 1742), KORA F3 (n = 1636) and CoLaus (n = 5355). In each study population, the association of SNPs with adiponectin levels on log-scale was tested using linear regression adjusted for age, sex and body mass index, applying both an additive and a recessive genetic model. A pooled effect size was obtained by meta-analysis assuming a fixed effects model. We applied a significance threshold of 0.0033 accounting for the multiple testing situation. A significant association was only found for variants within SREBF1 applying an additive genetic model (smallest p-value for rs1889018 on log(adiponectin) = 0.002, β on original scale = -0.217 µg/ml), explaining ∼0.4% of variation of adiponectin levels. Recessive genetic models or haplotype analyses of the FOXO1, SREBF1, SIRT1, TFAPB2B genes or sex-stratified analyses did not reveal additional information on the regulation of adiponectin levels. The role of genetic variations at the SREBF1 gene in regulating adiponectin needs further investigation by functional studies.


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It has been repeatedly debated which strategies people rely on in inference. These debates have been difficult to resolve, partially because hypotheses about the decision processes assumed by these strategies have typically been formulated qualitatively, making it hard to test precise quantitative predictions about response times and other behavioral data. One way to increase the precision of strategies is to implement them in cognitive architectures such as ACT-R. Often, however, a given strategy can be implemented in several ways, with each implementation yielding different behavioral predictions. We present and report a study with an experimental paradigm that can help to identify the correct implementations of classic compensatory and non-compensatory strategies such as the take-the-best and tallying heuristics, and the weighted-linear model.


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Hypertension is an important determinant of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and has a substantial heritability, which is likely of polygenic origin. The aim of this study was to assess to what extent multiple common genetic variants contribute to blood pressure regulation in both adults and children and to assess overlap in variants between different age groups, using genome-wide profiling. Single nucleotide polymorphism sets were defined based on a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies on systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure performed by the Cohort for Heart and Aging Research in Genome Epidemiology (n=29 136), using different P value thresholds for selecting single nucleotide polymorphisms. Subsequently, genetic risk scores for systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were calculated in an independent adult population (n=2072) and a child population (n=1034). The explained variance of the genetic risk scores was evaluated using linear regression models, including sex, age, and body mass index. Genetic risk scores, including also many nongenome-wide significant single nucleotide polymorphisms, explained more of the variance than scores based only on very significant single nucleotide polymorphisms in adults and children. Genetic risk scores significantly explained ≤1.2% (P=9.6*10(-8)) of the variance in adult systolic blood pressure and 0.8% (P=0.004) in children. For diastolic blood pressure, the variance explained was similar in adults and children (1.7% [P=8.9*10(-10)] and 1.4% [P=3.3*10(-5)], respectively). These findings suggest the presence of many genetic loci with small effects on blood pressure regulation both in adults and children, indicating also a (partly) common polygenic regulation of blood pressure throughout different periods of life.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of sustained release of vancomycin and teicoplanin from a resorbable gelatin glycerol sponge, in order to establish a new delivery system for local anti-infective therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 60 plasticized glycerol gelatin sponges containing either 10 or 20% gelatin (w/v) were incubated in vancomycin or teicoplanin solution at 20 degrees C for either 1 or 24 h. In vitro release properties of the sponges were investigated over a period of 1 week by determining the levels of vancomycin and teicoplanin eluted in plasma using fluorescent polarization immunoassay. The rate constant and the half-life for the antibiotic release of each group were calculated by linear regression assuming first order kinetics. RESULTS: Presoaking for 24 h was associated with a significant increase in the total antibiotic release in all groups opposed to 1 h of incubation, except for the 10% sponges presoaked in teicoplanin. Doubling the gelatin content of the sponges from 10 to 20% significantly increased the total release of antibiotic load only in teicoplanin-containing sponges after 24 h incubation. In all corresponding groups investigated, release of vancomycin was more prolonged compared to teicoplanin, which allowed a gradual release beyond 5 days. The half-life (h +/- SEM) of both types of vancomycin-containing sponges was significantly prolonged by 24 h incubation in comparison to 1 h incubation (29.1 +/- 5.9 vs 5.9 +/- 1.0; p < 0.001, 30.0 +/- 2.1 vs 11.1 +/- 1.9; p < 0.001). However, neither doubling the gelatin content of the sponges nor a prolonged incubation was associated with a significantly prolonged delivery of teicoplanin. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated a better diffusion-controlled release of vancomycin-impregnated glycerol gelatin sponges compared to those pretreated with teicoplanin. The plasticized glycerol gelatin sponge may be a promising carrier for the application of vancomycin to infected wounds for local anti-infective therapy.


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Purpose: Aqueous flow through trabeculectomy blebs has been suggested to influence filtration bleb survival. We investigated the relationship between the requirement to increase aqueous flow via adjustable suture removal and surgical outcomes following "safe trabeculectomy" with mitomycin C (MMC). Methods: 62 consecutive eyes of 53 patients underwent fornix based trabeculectomy with adjustable sutures, intraoperative MMC and intensive postoperative steroids. Subconjunctival antimetabolite injections and bleb needlings were administered according to bleb vascularity and IOP trends. Main outcome measures were: success rates (definition: IOP≤21mmHg and 20% IOP reduction); number of antimetabolite injections; bleb needlings; number of of eyes recommencing glaucoma medications and complications. Results: Mean age was 70.4±16.0 years (mean± SD); mean preoperative IOP was 24.5±9.1 mmHg and decreased to 12.3±8.9mmHg postoperatively. Mean number of sutures was 2.6 ± 0.7. Eyes were divided into 2 groups in relation to the number of sutures removed. The number of subconjunctival MMC injections required for those requiring 2 suture removals was significantly greater than those requiring 1 suture removal (p<0.05) The number of needlings and 5FU injections also increased but did not reach significance (p=0.09 and p=0.34 respectively). Least-squared linear regression analysis showed the number of needlings required had a statistically significant (p=0.05) trend with respect to time elapsed between surgery and first suture removal. No other interventions had significant trends. Mean time between surgery and suture removal was: 4.2±9.2 weeks (suture #1) and 5.7±9.7 weeks (suture#2). Antiglaucoma medication was restarted in only 5 eyes. Postoperative complications were infrequent: Seidel (3.2%), peripheral choroidal effusions at any time (3.2%), and shallow anterior chamber (1.6%). Conclusion: Eyes requiring a greater number of suture removals required a significantly greater number of antifibrosis interventions. The time elapsed before suture removal was inversely related to the number of postoperative needlings, suggesting these eyes may have decreased aqueous production and therefore require aggressive post-operative management to prevent bleb failure.


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1. The relationships between female body mass (WWal)i, tter size (m), juvenile growth rate (G) and mass at weaning (W20) were examined by monitoring natural litters in 29 greater white-toothed shrews, Crocidura russula (Hermann 1780). The trade-offs between m and G or W20 were further investigated by manipulating litter sizes: each of seven females reared four litters of 2, 4, 6 and 8 offspring. 2. Offspring mass at weaning (W20) exhibited a large variance, most of which could be attributed (ANCOVA on manipulated litters) to two effects: a litter-size effect, and a female individual effect, referred to as 'female quality'. 3. Litter size explained 68% of the variance in W20 among manipulated litters (linear regression). The limited milk supply was probably responsible for this effect, because litter size depressed growth rate during the first half of the lactation period (G1), but not during the weaning stage (G2). 4. Among non-manipulated litters, litter size correlated positively with maternal body mass (Wa), so that large females tended to produce small juveniles. This correlation between m and Wa is seen as the result of a body-mass dependence in the cost of raising a litter of a given size, during either pregnancy or lactation. 5. Differences in 'female quality' explained 16% of the variance in W20 among manipulated litters. This factor did not affect GI and may thus relate to differences among offspring of different females in their rates of processing milk and/or external food during late lactation. 6. 'Female quality' was independent of both body mass and litter size: larger females did not produce larger offspring when controlled for litter size, while higher-quality females did not produce larger litters. 7. Our results support the hypothesis that most variance in adult and juvenile body masses is non-genetic, and stems from the trade-off between litter size and offspring size.


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Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of the enantiomers of citalopram (CIT), its N-demethylated metabolite demethylcitalopram (DCIT) and its deaminated metabolite citalopram propionic acid derivative (CIT-PROP) were measured in plasma and CSF in 22 depressed patients after a 4-week treatment with 40 mg/d citalopram, which was preceded by a 1-week washout period. CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were measured at baseline and after the 4-week CIT medication period. Patients were assessed clinically, using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (21-item HAM-D): at baseline and then at weekly intervals. CSF concentrations of S-CIT and R-CIT were 10.6 +/- 4.3 and 20.9 +/- 6 ng/mL, respectively, and their CSF/plasma ratios were 52% +/- 9% and 48% +/- 6%, respectively. The CIT treatment resulted in a significant decrease (28%) of 5-HIAA (P < 0.0001) and a significant increase (41%) of HVA in the CSF. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to identify the impact of plasma and CSF CIT enantiomers and its metabolites on CSF monoamine metabolites and clinical response. There were 10 responders as defined by a > or =50% decrease of the HAM-D score (DeltaHAM-D) after the 4-week treatment. DeltaHAM-D correlated (Spearman) significantly with CSF S-CIT (r = - 0.483, P < 0.05), CSF S-CIT-PROP (r = -0.543, P = 0.01) (a metabolite formed from CIT by monoamine oxidase [MAO]) and 5-HIAA decrease (Delta5-HIAA) (r = 0.572, P = 0.01). The demonstrated correlations between pharmacokinetic parameters and the clinical outcome as well as 5-HIAA changes indicate that monitoring of plasma S-CIT, CSF S-CIT and CSF S-CIT-PROP may be of clinical relevance.


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Background: Copeptin (CP), a derivate from the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) precursor pre-pro-vasopressin, stochiometrically mirrors ADH secretion. CP is increasingly evaluated as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in different diseases. It is therefore important to recognize possible confounding factors when interpreting CP levels. In healthy regularly menstruating women, there is a small but measurable physiological variability of hormones involved in fluid regulation. ADH plasma levels have been found to be lowest at menstruation, increasing during the follicular phase with a peak at ovulation and a drop in the luteal phase. We investigated the variability of CP during the menstrual cycle (MC) and its correlation to MC hormones. Methods: In total, 15 healthy women with regular MC (from 26 to 33 days) were included in this study. Ovulation was confirmed by progesterone (prog) levels on day 21 of the MC before entering the study and during the study. Blood collection was performed on days 3, 5, 8-16, 18, 21, 24 and 27 of their MC. Serums were assayed for prog, estradiol (E2), LH, and CP. Mixed linear regression analysis for repeated measures was performed to study the changes of CP, prog, E2 and LH during the MC, and to test the correlation of CP with sex hormones during the MC. Results: Mean MC length in all subjects was 28.5±2.2 d. E2, prog, and LH exhibited characteristic changes during the MC (all P< 0.05). All cycles were ovulatory (peak prog 54±15 nmol/l). CP levels did not change significantly throughout the MC, and were not associated with changes in prog, E2 or LH-levels (all P=ns). Conclusion: CP levels remain stable during the MC and are not influenced by changes in sex hormones. This implicates that it is not necessary to consider MC phases when using CP as a biomarker in premenopausal women.


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To estimate the possible direct effect of birth weight on blood pressure, it is conventional to condition on the mediator, current weight. Such conditioning can induce bias. Our aim was to assess the potential biasing effect of U, an unmeasured common cause of current weight and blood pressure, on the estimate of the controlled direct effect of birth weight on blood pressure, with the help of sensitivity analyses. We used data from a school-based study conducted in Switzerland in 2005-2006 (n = 3,762; mean age = 12.3 years). A small negative association was observed between birth weight and systolic blood pressure (linear regression coefficient βbw = -0.3 mmHg/kg, 95% confidence interval: -0.9, 0.3). The association was strengthened upon adjustment for current weight (βbw|C = -1.5 mmHg/kg, 95% confidence interval: -2.1, -0.9). Sensitivity analyses revealed that the negative conditional association was explained by U only if U was relatively strongly associated with blood pressure and if there was a large difference in the prevalence of U between low-birth weight and normal-birth weight children. This weakens the hypothesis that the negative relationship between birth weight and blood pressure arises only from collider-stratification bias induced by conditioning on current weight.


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Increased renal resistive index (RRI) has been recently associated with target organ damage and cardiovascular or renal outcomes in patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus. However, reference values in the general population and information on familial aggregation are largely lacking. We determined the distribution of RRI, associated factors, and heritability in a population-based study. Families of European ancestry were randomly selected in 3 Swiss cities. Anthropometric parameters and cardiovascular risk factors were assessed. A renal Doppler ultrasound was performed, and RRI was measured in 3 segmental arteries of both kidneys. We used multilevel linear regression analysis to explore the factors associated with RRI, adjusting for center and family relationships. Sex-specific reference values for RRI were generated according to age. Heritability was estimated by variance components using the ASSOC program (SAGE software). Four hundred women (mean age±SD, 44.9±16.7 years) and 326 men (42.1±16.8 years) with normal renal ultrasound had mean RRI of 0.64±0.05 and 0.62±0.05, respectively (P<0.001). In multivariable analyses, RRI was positively associated with female sex, age, systolic blood pressure, and body mass index. We observed an inverse correlation with diastolic blood pressure and heart rate. Age had a nonlinear association with RRI. We found no independent association of RRI with diabetes mellitus, hypertension treatment, smoking, cholesterol levels, or estimated glomerular filtration rate. The adjusted heritability estimate was 42±8% (P<0.001). In a population-based sample with normal renal ultrasound, RRI normal values depend on sex, age, blood pressure, heart rate, and body mass index. The significant heritability of RRI suggests that genes influence this phenotype.


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OBJECTIVES: This study aimed at measuring the lipophilicity and ionization constants of diastereoisomeric dipeptides, interpreting them in terms of conformational behavior, and developing statistical models to predict them. METHODS: A series of 20 dipeptides of general structure NH(2) -L-X-(L or D)-His-OMe was designed and synthetized. Their experimental ionization constants (pK(1) , pK(2) and pK(3) ) and lipophilicity parameters (log P(N) and log D(7.4) ) were measured by potentiometry. Molecular modeling in three media (vacuum, water, and chloroform) was used to explore and sample their conformational space, and for each stored conformer to calculate their radius of gyration, virtual log P (preferably written as log P(MLP) , meaning obtained by the molecular lipophilicity potential (MLP) method) and polar surface area (PSA). Means and ranges were calculated for these properties, as was their sensitivity (i.e., the ratio between property range and number of rotatable bonds). RESULTS: Marked differences between diastereoisomers were seen in their experimental ionization constants and lipophilicity parameters. These differences are explained by molecular flexibility, configuration-dependent differences in intramolecular interactions, and accessibility of functional groups. Multiple linear equations correlated experimental lipophilicity parameters and ionization constants with PSA range and other calculated parameters. CONCLUSION: This study documents the differences in lipophilicity and ionization constants between diastereoisomeric dipeptides. Such configuration-dependent differences are shown to depend markedly on differences in conformational behavior and to be amenable to multiple linear regression. Chirality 24:566-576, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The relationship between body mass index (BMI) and socioeconomic status (SES) tends to change over time and across populations. In this study, we examined, separately in men and women, whether the association between BMI and SES changed over successive birth cohorts in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean, African region). METHODS: We used data from all participants in three surveys conducted in 1989, 1994 and 2004 in independent random samples of the population aged 25-64 years in the Seychelles (N= 3'403). We used linear regression to model mean BMI according to age, cohort, SES and smoking status, allowing for a quadratic term for age to account for a curvilinear relation between BMI and age and interactions between SES and age and between SES and cohorts to test whether the relation between SES and BMI changed across subsequent cohorts. All analyses were performed separately in men and women. RESULTS: BMI increased with age in all birth cohorts. BMI was lower in men of low SES than high SES but was higher in women of low SES than high SES. In all SES categories, BMI increased over successive cohorts (1.24 kg/m2 in men and 1.51 kg/m2 for a 10-year increase in birth cohorts, p <0.001). The difference in BMI between men or women of high vs. low SES did not change significantly across successive cohorts (the interaction between SES and year of birth of cohort was statistically not significant). Smoking was associated with lower BMI in men and women (respectively -1.55 kg/m2 and 2.46 kg/m2, p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Although large differences exist between men and women, social patterning of BMI did not change significantly over successive cohorts in this population of a middle-income country in the African region.


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BACKGROUND: Lower ambulatory performance with aging may be related to a reduced oxidative capacity within skeletal muscle. This study examined the associations between skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity and efficiency with walking performance in a group of older adults. METHODS: Thirty-seven older adults (mean age 78 years; 21 men and 16 women) completed an aerobic capacity (VO peak) test and measurement of preferred walking speed over 400 m. Maximal coupled (State 3; St3) mitochondrial respiration was determined by high-resolution respirometry in saponin-permeabilized myofibers obtained from percutanous biopsies of vastus lateralis (n = 22). Maximal phosphorylation capacity (ATP) of vastus lateralis was determined in vivo by P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (n = 30). Quadriceps contractile volume was determined by magnetic resonance imaging. Mitochondrial efficiency (max ATP production/max O consumption) was characterized using ATP per St3 respiration (ATP/St3). RESULTS: In vitro St3 respiration was significantly correlated with in vivo ATP (r = .47, p = .004). Total oxidative capacity of the quadriceps (St3*quadriceps contractile volume) was a determinant of VO peak (r = .33, p = .006). ATP (r = .158, p = .03) and VO peak (r = .475, p < .0001) were correlated with preferred walking speed. Inclusion of both ATP/St3 and VO peak in a multiple linear regression model improved the prediction of preferred walking speed (r = .647, p < .0001), suggesting that mitochondrial efficiency is an important determinant for preferred walking speed. CONCLUSIONS: Lower mitochondrial capacity and efficiency were both associated with slower walking speed within a group of older participants with a wide range of function. In addition to aerobic capacity, lower mitochondrial capacity and efficiency likely play roles in slowing gait speed with age.


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PURPOSE: Acute pyelonephritis is a common condition in children, and can lead to renal scarring. The aim of this study was to analyze the progression of renal scarring with time and its impact on renal growth. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 50 children who had renal scarring on dimercapto-succinic acid scan 6 months after acute pyelonephritis underwent a repeat scan 3 years later. Lesion changes were evaluated by 3 blinded observers, and were classified as no change, partial resolution or complete disappearance. Renal size at time of acute pyelonephritis and after 3 years was obtained by ultrasound, and renal growth was assessed comparing z-score for age between the 2 measures. Robust linear regression was used to identify determinants of renal growth. RESULTS: At 6 months after acute pyelonephritis 88 scars were observed in 100 renal units. No change was observed in 27%, partial resolution in 63% and complete disappearance in 9% of lesions. Overall, 72% of lesions improved. Increased number of scars was associated with high grade vesicoureteral reflux (p = 0.02). Multivariate analysis showed that the number of scars was the most important parameter leading to decreased renal growth (CI -1.05 to -0.35, p <0.001), and with 3 or more scars this finding was highly significant on univariate analysis (-1.59, CI -2.10 to -1.09, p <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Even 6 months after acute pyelonephritis 72% of dimercapto-succinic acid defects improved, demonstrating that some of the lesions may be not definitive. The number of scars was significantly associated with loss of renal growth at 3 years.