112 resultados para virgins queens
Queens in social insect colonies advertise their presence in the colony to: a) attract workers' attention and care; b) gain acceptance by workers as replacement or supplemental reproductives; c) prevent reproductive development in nestmates. We analyzed the chemical content of whole body surface extracts of adult queens of different developmental and reproductive stages, and of adult workers from monogyne (single colony queen) and polygyne (multiple colony queens) forms of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. We found that the composition of the most abundant components, venom alkaloids, differed between queens and workers, as well as between reproductive and non-reproductive queens. Additionally, workers of the two forms could be distinguished by alkaloid composition. Finally, sexually mature, non-reproductive queens from polygyne colonies differed in their proportions of cis-piperidine alkaloids, depending on their Gp-9 genotype, although the difference disappeared once they became functional reproductives. Among the unsaturated cuticular hydrocarbons characteristic of queens, there were differences in amounts of alkenes/alkadienes between non-reproductive polygyne queens of different Gp-9 genotypes, between non-reproductive and reproductive queens, and between polygyne and monogyne reproductive queens, with the amounts increasing at a relatively higher rate through reproductive ontogeny in queens bearing the Gp-9 b allele. Given that the genotype-specific piperidine differences reflect differences in rates of reproductive maturation between queens, we speculate that these abundant and unique compounds have been co-opted to serve in fertility signaling, while the cuticular hydrocarbons now play a complementary role in regulation of social organization by signaling queen Gp-9 genotype.
RÉSUMÉ DE THÈSE Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressée aux causes physiologiques du vieillissement en utilisant les fourmis comme modèle. Les trois castes de fourmis - les mâles, les ouvrières et les reines - présentent des longévités très différentes, tout en étant génétiquement identiques. Ceci implique que les différences de longévité sont dues à des variations entre castes dans le pattern d'expression de gènes. Mon travail chez la fourmi a consisté d'une part à mettre en place les outils pour identifier de tels gènes à grande échelle, de l'autre à étudier le rôle de gènes et de mécanismes qui affectent la longévité chez d'autres espèces. Pour identifier de nouveaux gènes potentiellement impliqués dans le vieillissement, nous avons développé des puces à ADN. Cette technique permet la comparaison du niveau d'expression de milliers de gènes entre deux échantillons. L'application de cette méthode aux reines et ouvrières adultes nous a jusqu'à présent permis d'identifier neuf gènes surexprimés chez les reines. Trois d'entre eux sont potentiellement impliqués dans le maintien et la réparation du soma, deux processus qui sont supposés avoir un impact crucial sur la longévité. Parmi les mécanismes impliqués dans le vieillissement chez d'autres espèces, nous nous sommes principalement intéressés aux télomères, qui sont les extrémités des chromosomes. Chez les vertébrés, les télomères se raccourcissent à chaque division cellulaire, entre autres parce que l'ADN polymérase ne peut répliquer cette partie des chromosomes en entier. Or des télomères courts entravent la prolifération des cellules et peuvent même induire l'apoptose, ce qui pourrait se répercuter sur la capacité des organismes à régénérer des tissus. J'ai pu montrer que chez les fourmis mâles (la caste qui vit le moins longtemps) les télomères se raccourcissent beaucoup plus vite que chez les reines et les ouvrières. L'explication la plus plausible pour cette différence est que les mâles, étant adapté à une vie très éphémère, n'investissent qu'un minimum d'énergie dans la machinerie de maintenance qui assure le bon fonctionnement des cellules. Ces résultats sont intéressants car ils permettent pour la première fois de faire le lien entre les théories évolutives du vieillissement et la biologie des télomères. THESIS ABSTRACT During my thesis I used ants as a model to study the proximate (i.e., molecular) causes of ageing and lifespan determination. Ant queens, workers and males differ tremendously in lifespan, although all three castes are genetically identical. Importantly, this implies that genes and molecular pathways responsible for modulating lifespan are regulated in a caste-specific manner. To find new genes potentially involved in ageing, we first constructed 371-gene-cDNA microarrays for the ant L. niger. This molecular tool can be used to survey the relative gene expression levels of two samples for thousands of genes simultaneously. By applying this method to adult queens and workers we identified nine genes that are overexpressed in queens. Three of them are putatively involved in somatic maintenance and repair, two processes that have been previously suggested as important for ageing and lifespan determination. We expect to identify many more candidate genes in the near future by using the 9000-gene fire ant microarrays we have recently developed. We also investigated whether factors linked to ageing in other organisms could affect lifespan determination in ants. One project was on telomeres, the ends of linear chromosomes. For various reasons telomeres shorten with every cell division. Since short telomeres can lead to cellular defects such as impaired cell division, telomeres have been hypothesized as playing a role in ageing. We tested whether telomere length in ant somatic tissues correlates with caste-specific lifespan in young adults. The short-lived L. niger mates did indeed have significantly shorter telomeres than the longer-lived queens and workers, probably because telomere attrition is faster in males than in queens and workers. Queens did not, however, have longer telomeres than the shorter-lived workers. These findings are consistent with the idea that telomere length may play a role in ageing under some circumstances, but they also clearly demonstrate that other factors must be involved. We argue that sex-specific telomere length patterns in ants ultimately reflect adaptive differences in the level of somatic maintenance between males and females, and thus create a link between telomere biology and the evolutionary theory of ageing.
Reproductive division of labor and the coexistence of distinct castes are hallmarks of insect societies. In social insect species with multiple queens per colony, the fitness of nestmate queens directly depends on the process of caste allocation (i.e., the relative investment in queen, sterile worker and male production). The aim of this study is to investigate the genetic components to the process of caste allocation in a multiple-queen ant species. We conducted controlled crosses in the Argentine ant Linepithema humile and established single-queen colonies to identify maternal and paternal family effects on the relative production of new queens, workers, and males. There were significant effects of parental genetic backgrounds on various aspects of caste allocation: the paternal lineage affected the proportion of queens and workers produced whereas the proportions of queens and males, and females and males were influenced by the interaction between parental lineages. In addition to revealing nonadditive genetic effects on female caste determination in a multiple-queen ant species, this study reveals strong genetic compatibility effects between parental genomes on caste allocation components.
In ants, there are two main processes of colony founding, the independent and the dependent modes. In the first case young queens start colony founding without the help of workers, whereas in the second case they are accompanied by workers. To determine the relation between the mode of colony founding and the physiology of queens, we collected mature gynes of 24 ant species. Mature gynes of species utilizing independent colony founding had a far higher relative fat content than gynes of species employing dependent colony founding. These fat reserves are stored during the period of maturation, i.e. between the time of emergence and mating, and serve as fuel during the time of colony founding to nurture the queen and the brood. Gynes of species founding independently but non claustrally were found to have a relative fat content intermediate between the values found for gynes founding independently and those founding dependently. This suggests that such gynes rely partially on their fat reserves and partially on the energy provided by prey they collect to nurture themselves and the first brood during the time of colony founding. Study of the fat content of mature gynes of all species has shown that it gives a good indication of the mode of colony founding.
The shift from solitary to social organisms constitutes one of the major transitions in evolution. The highest level of sociality is found in social insects (ants, termites and some species of bees and wasps). Division of labor is central to the organization of insect societies and is thought to be at the root of their ecological success. There are two main levels of division of labor in social insect colonies. The first relates to reproduction and involves the coexistence of queen and worker castes: while reproduction is usually monopolized by one or several queens, functionally sterile workers perform all the tasks to maintain the colony, such as nest building, foraging or brood care. The second level of division of labor, relating to such non-reproductive duties, is characterized by the performance of different tasks or roles by different groups of workers. This PhD aims to better understand the mechanisms underlying division of labor in insect societies, by investigating how genes and physiology influence caste determination and worker behavior in ants. In the first axis of this PhD, we studied the nature of genetic effects on division of labor. We used the Argentine ant Linepithema humile to conduct controlled crosses in the laboratory, which revealed the existence of non-additive genetic effects, such as parent-of-origin and genetic compatibility effects, on caste determination and worker behavior. In the second axis, we focused on the physiological regulation of division of labor. Using Pogonomyrmex seed- harvester ants, we performed experimental manipulation of hibernation, hormonal treatments, gene expression analyses and protein quantification to identify the physiological pathways regulating maternal effects on caste determination. Finally, comparing gene expression between nurses and foragers allowed us to reveal the association between vitellogenin and worker behavior in Pogonomyrmex ants. This PhD provides important insights into the role of genes and physiology in the regulation of division of labor in social insect colonies, helping to better understand the organization, evolution and ecological success of insect societies. - L'une des principales transitions évolutives est le passage de la vie solitaire à la vie sociale. La socialité atteint son paroxysme chez les insectes sociaux que sont les fourmis, les termites et certaines espèces d'abeilles et de guêpes. La division du travail est la clé de voûte de l'organisation de ces sociétés d'insectes et la raison principale de leur succès écologique. La division du travail s'effectue à deux niveaux dans les colonies d'insectes sociaux. Le premier niveau concerne la reproduction et implique la coexistence de deux castes : les reines et les ouvrières. Tandis que la reproduction est le plus souvent monopolisée par une ou plusieurs reines, les ouvrières stériles effectuent les tâches nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la colonie, telles que la construction du nid, la recherche de nourriture ou le soin au couvain. Le second niveau de division du travail, qui concerne les tâches autres que la reproduction, implique la réalisation de différents travaux par différents groupes d'ouvrières. Le but de ce doctorat est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents de la division du travail dans les sociétés d'insectes en étudiant comment les gènes et la physiologie influencent la détermination de la caste et le comportement des ouvrières chez les fourmis. Dans le premier axe de ce doctorat, nous avons étudié la nature des influences génétiques sur la division du travail. Nous avons utilisé la fourmi d'Argentine, Linepithema humile, pour effectuer des croisements contrôlés en laboratoire. Cette méthode nous a permis de révéler l'existence d'influences génétiques non additives, telles que des influences dépendantes de l'origine parentale ou des effets de compatibilité génétique, sur la détermination de la caste et le comportement des ouvrières. Dans le second axe, nous nous sommes intéressés à la régulation physiologique de la division du travail. Nous avons utilisé des fourmis moissonneuses du genre Pogonomyrmex pour effectuer des hibernations artificieHes, des traitements hormonaux, des analyses d'expression de gènes et des mesures de vitellogénine, ce qui nous a permis d'identifier les mécanismes physiologiques régulant les effets maternels sur la détermination de la caste. Enfin, la comparaison d'expression de gènes entre nourrices et fourrageuses suggère un rôle de la vitellogénine dans la régulation du comportement des ouvrières chez les fourmis moissonneuses. En détaillant les influences des gènes et de la physiologie dans la régulation de la division du travail dans les colonies d'insectes sociaux, ce doctorat fournit d'importantes informations permettant de mieux comprendre l'organisation, l'évolution et le succès écologique des sociétés d'insectes.
Aging is a fascinating, albeit controversial, chapter in biology. Few other subjects have elicited more than a century of ever-increasing scientific interest. In this review, we discuss studies on aging in social insects, a group of species that includes ants and termites, as well as certain bee and wasp species. One striking feature of social insects is the lifespan of queens (reproductive females), which can reach nearly 30 years in some ant species. This is over 100 times the average lifespan of solitary insects. Moreover, there is a tremendous variation in lifespan among castes, with queens living up to 500 times longer than males and 10 times longer than workers (non-reproductive individuals). This lifespan polymorphism has allowed researchers to test the evolutionary theory of aging and Y more recently Y to investigate the proximate causes of aging. The originality of these studies lies in their use of naturally evolved systems to address questions related to aging and lifespan determination that cannot be answered using the conventional model organisms.
In many eusocial species, queens use pheromones to influence offspring to express worker phenotypes. Although evidence suggests that queen pheromones are honest signals of the queen's reproductive health, here I show that queen's honest signalling can result from ancestral maternal manipulation. I develop a mathematical model to study the coevolution of maternal manipulation, offspring resistance to manipulation and maternal resource allocation. I assume that (i) maternal manipulation causes offspring to be workers against offspring's interests; (ii) offspring can resist at no direct cost, as is thought to be the case with pheromonal manipulation; and (iii) the mother chooses how much resource to allocate to fertility and maternal care. In the coevolution of these traits, I find that maternal care decreases, thereby increasing the benefit that offspring obtain from help, which in the long run eliminates selection for resistance. Consequently, ancestral maternal manipulation yields stable eusociality despite costless resistance. Additionally, ancestral manipulation in the long run becomes honest signalling that induces offspring to help. These results indicate that both eusociality and its commonly associated queen honest signalling can be likely to originate from ancestral manipulation.