334 resultados para sex-bias dispersal
Abstract This work investigates the outcome of the interaction of the multiple causes of selection acting on dispersal in metapopulations. Dispersal, defined here as the ability of individuals to move out of their natal population to reproduce in an other one, has three main causes. First, population variability, as caused by random population extinctions, induces high incentives to disperse through the probability to recolonize an empty population and thus to escape competition for space. This adds to the second cause, kin competition avoidance where individuals in a crowded patch will benefit from the release of competition with relatives caused by dispersal. Dispersal may thus be viewed as an altruistic act. Third, dispersal might evolve as a strategy of avoiding inbred matings which are expected to bear fitness costs due to the presence of a mutation load. The interaction of inbreeding avoidance and kin competition is explored in chapter 2. Conditions conducive to the establishment of a high relatedness within population are expected to induce high dispersal through both kin competition avoidance and inbreeding avoidance. However, the dynamics of inbreeding depression is bound to depend on the level of gene flow as well as on the deleterious mutation parameters. Mutations more prone to settle a high level of inbreeding depression will select for increased dispersal. Chapter 3 investigates the effect of the mating system on the joint dynamics of dispersal and inbreeding depression. Higher inbreeding rates as those found in various mating systems lead to a more efficient purge of the deleterious mutations. However, this decrease in the costs of inbreeding are usually accompanied by a higher within deme relatedness which balances the decreased effect of inbreeding avoidance on the evolution of dispersal. Finally, population turnover, as found in most natural populations has a dual effect on dispersal. Indeed, it increases dispersal by the increased probability of winning a breeding slot in extinct demes it creates but, on the other hand, it counter-selects for dispersal through the slow establishment of unsaturated demic conditions which contribute to lower the local competition for space. Résumé Ce travail se propose d'étudier les effets conjoints des multiples causes de l'évolution de la dispersion en métapopulation. La dispersion, définie ici comme étant la capacité de quitter sa population d'origine pour se reproduire dans une antre population, possède trois principales causes. Premièrement, l'extinction aléatoire de populations sélectionne pour plus de dispersion car elle augmente la Probabilité de recoloniser un patch éteint et donc d'échapper à la compétition locale. La seconde cause, l'évitement de la compétition de parentèle, sélectionne pour plus de dispersion par les bénéfices qu'elle apporte par diminution de la compétition entre individus apparentés. Troisièmement, la dispersion évolue "comme stratégie d'évitement de la dépression de consanguinité présente dans des petites populations isolées. L'interaction entre l'évitement de la consanguinité et de la compétition de parentèle est étudiée dans le chapitre 2. Les conditions conduisant à l'établissement d'un fort apparentement à l'intérieur des populations sont celles qui génèrent le plus de sélection pour la dispersion. Cependant, la dynamique de la dépression de consanguinité est dépendante de la dispersion entre populations ainsi que des paramètres des mutations délétères. Les mutations créant le plus de dépression de consanguinité sont celles qui sélectionneront le plus pour de la dispersion. Le chapitre 3 s'intéresse aux effets du système de reproduction sur la dynamique conjointe du fardeau de mutation et de la dispersion. La purge des mutations délétère étant plus sévère dans des conditions de forte consanguinité, elle diminue les coûts de la consanguinité mais est habituellement accompagné par une augmentation de l'apparentement et donc l'effet peut être neutre sur la dispersion. Finalement, le turnover de populations a un effet dual sur la dispersion. La dispersion est sélectionnée par l'augmentation de la probabilité de gagner une place de reproduction dans des patchs éteints mais elle est également contre sélectionnée par la désaturation des patchs causée par l'extinction et la diminution de la compétition pour l'espace qui intervient dans ce cas.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Adherence to preventive measures and prescribed medications is the cornerstone of the successful management of hypertension. The role of adherence is particularly important when treatments are not providing the expected clinical results, for example, in patients with resistant hypertension. The goal of this article is to review the recent observations regarding drug adherence in resistant hypertension. RECENT FINDINGS: Today, the role of drug adherence as a potential cause of resistant hypertension is largely underestimated. Most studies suggest that a low adherence to the prescribed medications can affect up to 50% of patients with resistant hypertension.A good adherence to therapy is generally associated with an improved prognosis. Nonetheless, adherence should probably not be a target for treatment per se because data on adherence should always be interpreted in the view of clinical results. In our opinion, the availability of reliable data on drug adherence would be a major help for physicians to manage patients apparently resistant to therapy. SUMMARY: The actual development of new drugs for hypertension is slow. Thus, focusing on drug adherence to the drugs available is an important way to improve blood pressure control in the population. More emphasis should be put on measuring drug adherence in patients with resistant hypertension to avoid costly investigations and treatments.
Males in many animal species differ greatly from females in morphology, physiology and behaviour. Ants, bees and wasps have a haplodiploid mechanism of sex determination whereby unfertilized eggs become males while fertilized eggs become females. However, many species also have a low frequency of diploid males, which are thought to develop from diploid eggs when individuals are homozygous at one or more sex determination loci. Diploid males are morphologically similar to haploids, though often larger and typically sterile. To determine how ploidy level and sex-locus genotype affect gene expression during development, we compared expression patterns between diploid males, haploid males and females (queens) at three developmental timepoints in Solenopsis invicta. In pupae, gene expression profiles of diploid males were very different from those of haploid males but nearly identical to those of queens. An unexpected shift in expression patterns emerged soon after adult eclosion, with diploid male patterns diverging from those of queens to resemble those of haploid males, a pattern retained in older adults. The finding that ploidy level effects on early gene expression override sex effects (including genes implicated in sperm production and pheromone production/perception) may explain diploid male sterility and lack of worker discrimination against them during development.
Nascent sex chromosomes offer a unique opportunity to investigate the evolutionary fate of genesrecently trapped in non-recombining segments. A housekeeping gene (MED15) was recently shown to lie on the nascent sex-chromosomes of the European tree frog (Hyla arborea), with different alleles fixed on the X and the Y chromosomes. Here we document a polymorphism (glutamine deletion) in the X copy of the gene, and use population surveys and experimental crosses to test whether this polymorphism is neutral or maintained by sex-antagonistic selection. Tadpoles from parents of known genotypes revealed significant discrepancies from Mendelian inheritance, suggesting possible sex-antagonistic effects under laboratory conditions. Quantitatively, however, these effects did not meet the conditions for polymorphism maintenance. Furthermore, field estimates of female genotypic frequencies did not differ from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and allelic frequencies on the X chromosome did not differ between sexes. In conclusion, although sex antagonistic effects cannot be excluded given the laboratory conditions, the X-linked polymorphism under study appears neutral in the wild. Alternatively, sex-antagonistic selection might still account for the fixation of a male specific allele on the Y chromosome.
Contrasting with birds and mammals, most ectothermic vertebrates present homomorphic sex chromosomes, which might be due either to a high turnover rate or to occasional X-Y recombination. We tested these two hypotheses in a group of Palearctic green toads that diverged some 3.3 million years ago. Using sibship analyses of sex-linked markers, we show that all four species investigated share the same pair of sex chromosomes and a pattern of male heterogamety with drastically reduced X-Y recombination in males. Phylogenetic analyses of sex-linked sequences show that X and Y alleles cluster by species, not by gametolog. We conclude that X-Y homomorphy and fine-scale sequence similarity in these species do not stem from recent sex-chromosome turnovers, but from occasional X-Y recombination.
In the histomorphological grading of prostate carcinoma, pathologists have regularly assigned comparable scores for the architectural Gleason and the now-obsolete nuclear World Health Organization (WHO) grading systems. Although both systems demonstrate good correspondence between grade and survival, they are based on fundamentally different biological criteria. We tested the hypothesis that this apparent concurrence between the two grading systems originates from an interpretation bias in the minds of diagnostic pathologists, rather than reflecting a biological reality. Three pathologists graded 178 prostatectomy specimens, assigning Gleason and WHO scores on glass slides and on digital images of nuclei isolated out of their architectural context. The results were analysed with respect to interdependencies among the grading systems, to tumour recurrence (PSA relapse > 0.1 ng/ml at 48 months) and robust nuclear morphometry, as assessed by computer-assisted image analysis. WHO and Gleason grades were strongly correlated (r = 0.82) and demonstrated identical prognostic power. However, WHO grades correlated poorly with nuclear morphology (r = 0.19). Grading of nuclei isolated out of their architectural context significantly improved accuracy for nuclear morphology (r = 0.55), but the prognostic power was virtually lost. In conclusion, the architectural organization of a tumour, which the pathologist cannot avoid noticing during initial slide viewing at low magnification, unwittingly influences the subsequent nuclear grade assignment. In our study, the prognostic power of the WHO grading system was dependent on visual assessment of tumour growth pattern. We demonstrate for the first time the influence a cognitive bias can have in the generation of an error in diagnostic pathology and highlight a considerable problem in histopathological tumour grading.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are important symbionts that enhance plant growth. They were thought to have been asexual for hundreds of millions of years. A new study reveals that the fungi actually possess highly conserved genetic machinery for completion of meiosis.
The overwhelming predominance of sexual reproduction in nature is surprising given that sex is expected to confer profound costs in terms of production of males and the breakup of beneficial allele combinations. Recognition of these theoretical costs was the inspiration for a large body of empirical research-typically focused on comparing sexual and asexual organisms, lineages, or genomes-dedicated to identifying the advantages and maintenance of sex in natural populations. Despite these efforts, why sex is so common remains unclear. Here, we argue that we can generate general insights into the advantages of sex by taking advantage of parthenogenetic taxa that differ in such characteristics as meiotic versus mitotic offspring production, ploidy level, and single versus multiple and hybrid versus non-hybrid origin. We begin by evaluating benefits that sex can confer via its effects on genetic linkage, diversity, and heterozygosity and outline how the three classes of benefits make different predictions for which type of parthenogenetic lineage would be favored over others. Next, we describe the type of parthenogenetic model system (if any) suitable for testing whether the hypothesized benefit might contribute to the maintenance of sex in natural populations, and suggest groups of organisms that fit the specifications. We conclude by discussing how empirical estimates of characteristics such as time since derivation and number of independent origins of asexual lineages from sexual ancestors, ploidy levels, and patterns of molecular evolution from representatives of these groups can be used to better understand which mechanisms maintain sex in natural populations.
The rat adrenal gland contains ganglion cells able to synthesize nitric oxide (NO). This messenger molecule controls and modulates adrenal secretory activity and blood flow. The present study analyzed the number, size, and distribution of NO-producing adrenal neurons in adulthood and during postnatal development by means of beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry. This method reliably visualizes the enzyme responsible for NO generation. The reactive neurons per adrenal gland were 350-400 in both male and female adult rats. The positive nerve cell bodies were mostly located in the medulla, few being detected within the cortex and the subcapsular region. Dual labeling with anti-microtubule-associated protein 2 antibody, specific for neuronal elements, confirmed this distribution. Anti-microtubule-associated protein 1b antibody identified a subset of NADPH-d-positive neurons, displaying different degrees of maturation according to their position within the adrenal gland. At birth, there were about 220 NADPH-d-labeled neurons per adrenal gland in both sexes. As confirmed by dual immunocytochemical labeling, their great majority was evenly distributed between the cortex and the subcapsular region, the medulla being practically devoid of stained neurons. After birth, the number of adrenal NADPH-d-positive ganglion cells displayed a strong postnatal increase and reached the adult-like distribution after 1-2 months. During the period of increase, there was a transient difference in the numbers of these cells in the two sexes. Thus we present here evidence of plasticity in the number, size, and distribution of NADPH-d-positive adrenal neurons between birth and adulthood; in addition, we describe transient sex-related differences in their number and distribution during the 2nd postnatal week, which are possibly related to the epigenetic action of gonadal hormones during this period.
Le passage de la vie solitaire à la vie sociale représente une des principales transitions évolutives. La socialité a évolué au sein de plusieurs taxons du règne animal et notamment chez les insectes sociaux qui ont atteint son niveau le plus élevé : l'eusocialité. Les colonies d'insectes sociaux se composent d'une reine, qui monopolise la reproduction, et d'ouvrières, non-reproductrices ou parfois stériles, qui aident à élever la descendance de la reine. Selon la théorie de la sélection de parentèle, les ouvrières augmentent leur fitness (succès reproducteur) non pas à travers leur propre progéniture, mais en aidant des individus apparentés (leur reine) à produire davantage de descendants. Cette théorie prédit ainsi que les ouvrières ont un intérêt à rester fidèles à leur nid natal. Toutefois, chez la guêpe tropicale Polistes canadensis, de nombreuse ouvrières visitent d'autres nids que leur nid natal : un phénomène appelé « dérive des ouvrières ». Le but de ce doctorat est ainsi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans ce comportement particulier des ouvrières ainsi que ces implications pour la théorie de la sélection de parentèle. Nous avons examiné le comportement de dérive des ouvrières à travers une étude des dynamiques sociales chez la guêpe tropicale P. canadensis. Mes résultats montrent que les populations de P. canadensis se composent en différentes agrégations de nids. Malgré de précédentes suggestions, on n'observe qu'une faible viscosité génétique au sein des populations de P. canadensis étudiées. On retrouve toutefois un degré d'apparentement entre nids d'une même agrégation. Ceci suggère que les ouvrières dériveuses sont susceptibles de bénéficier de fitness indirect en aidant les nids proches géographiquement. De plus, ces échanges d'ouvrières ne semblent pas accidentels puisque l'on constate des variations de taux de dérive et puisque les déplacements observés entre nids persistent sur plusieurs périodes de temps. La charge de travail, qui correspond aux différences d'effort de fourragement entre nid visités et natals, est décrite dans notre étude comme potentiel facteur expliquant le comportement de dérive des ouvrières chez P. canadensis. Nos expériences de retrait d'ouvrières et de couvain ont révélées que les dériveuses ne semblent pas répondre aux changements de besoins en aide des nids visités. Les ouvrières dériveuses biaisent leur effort en aidant leur propre nid, par lequel elles bénéficient le plus en termes de fitness indirect, avant de se consacrer à tout autre nid. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats sur la dérive des ouvrières chez P. canadensis sont cohérents et suggèrent que ce comportement est une importante stratégie de reproduction alternative chez cette espèce qui contribue à la fitness indirecte de ces ouvrières non-reproductrices. De plus, ce doctorat apporte des informations sur la structure génétique des populations de guêpes Polistes et décrit le rôle des ouvrières inactives. Celles-ci semblent servir de réserve en ouvrières apportant du support à la colonie dans l'éventualité d'une perte d'individus. Plus généralement, ce travail met l'accent sur l'organisation complexe et l'adaptabilité des individus dans les sociétés d'insectes. - One major transition in evolution is the shift from solitary to social life. Sociality has evolved in a few taxa of the animal kingdom, most notably in the social insects which have achieved the highest level of sociality: eusociality. Colonies of social insects are formed by a reproductive queen, and many non-reproductive or sterile workers who help raise their mother queen's offspring. Kin selection theory explains worker behaviour in terms of the indirect fitness they gain from raising non-offspring kin. It therefore predicts that workers should stay faithful to their natal nests, to which they are the more related. However, in the tropical paper wasps Polistes canadensis, high levels of nest-drifting, whereby workers spend time on other neighbouring nests, has been reported. This PhD aimed at understanding the mechanisms involved in this peculiar behaviour as well as its implications for kin selection theory. I examined nest-drifting through the study of the social dynamics of the tropical paper wasp P. canadensis. My results showed that populations of this species of paper wasps are composed of different aggregations of nests. The studied populations showed little limited dispersal (viscosity), despite previous suggestion, but nests within these aggregations were more related to each other than nests outside of aggregations. This suggested that drifters may benefit from indirect fitness when helping on neighbouring nests. Drifting was unlikely to be accidental since we found drifting patterns at various rates and consistently over several time periods during monitoring. Workload (differences in colony-level foraging effort) was also a potential factor explaining nest-drifting in P. canadensis. Worker and brood removal experiments revealed that drifters do not respond to any changes in the need for help in the non-natal nests they visit. Drifters thus bias their help in their natal nests, from which they may benefit the most in terms of indirect fitness, before investing in others. Altogether, these results on nest-drifting in P. canadensis are consistent and suggest that nest-drifting is an important alternative reproductive strategy, contributing to the indirect fitness benefits gained by non-reproductive wasps. Additionally, this PhD provides information on the genetic structure of paper wasps' populations and demonstrates the role of inactive or lazy wasps as a "reserve worker force", which provides resilience to the colony in the event of worker mortality. More generally, this work further highlights the complex organization and adaptability of individuals in insect societies.
While adaptive adjustment of sex ratio in the function of colony kin structure and food availability commonly occurs in social Hymenoptera, long-term studies have revealed substantial unexplained between-year variation in sex ratio at the population level. In order to identify factors that contribute to increased between-year variation in population sex ratio, we conducted a comparative analysis across 47 Hymenoptera species differing in their breeding system. We found that between-year variation in population sex ratio steadily increased as one moved from solitary species, to primitively eusocial species, to single-queen eusocial species, to multiple-queen eusocial species. Specifically, between-year variation in population sex ratio was low (6.6% of total possible variation) in solitary species, which is consistent with the view that in solitary species, sex ratio can vary only in response to fluctuations in ecological factors such as food availability. In contrast, we found significantly higher (19.5%) between-year variation in population sex ratio in multiple-queen eusocial species, which supports the view that in these species, sex ratio can also fluctuate in response to temporal changes in social factors such as queen number and queen-worker control over sex ratio, as well as factors influencing caste determination. The simultaneous adjustment of sex ratio in response to temporal fluctuations in ecological and social factors seems to preclude the existence of a single sex ratio optimum. The absence of such an optimum may reflect an additional cost associated with the evolution of complex breeding systems in Hymenoptera societies.